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Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Park

Though it wasn't backbreaking strain, lifting the injured Munchlax off the ground was no easy feat. The injuries weren't life threatening at the very least, but that didn't mean they could just loiter around in the process.

The appearance of a familiar face, however, did pull Richard's attention away from the Munchlax—at least, for a moment.

"Uh... More acquaintance than friend, I'd say?" he responded, glancing over towards his Rotom phone as it beckoned him over. "We're technically coworkers, if you want to get nitpicky. Met her about... Half an hour ago?"

It took a moment more before what Laurel had said registered in his mind, though.

"...Wait, hold on. You know what happened here? Actually, before that: can you help us bring this Munchlax over to the Pokemon Center? Doesn't really matter if this guy's a food thief or whatever right now, but if you could at least fill us in as we get moving that'd be great," Richard said before glancing down towards the injured Pokemon. "It wouldn't exactly be safe if it was their Trainer responsible for this, y'know?"

??? — Town Outskirts

"I take offense to the idea that I do not know the worth of a life—or that I couldn't simply cut you down where you stand," the woman responded simply, not bothering to see what the group of people behind her might have been planning to try with her back turned to them. "I do suppose my phrasing might have been less than ideal, but I should clarify, in case you consider my actions those of a coward: if you do not wish to hand that child over, then make sure you are ready to place your life on the line to keep her safe rather than barking like a stray dog desperate for scraps. Consider the contents of that box a gift of sorts; whether or not you plan to make use of them matters little to me."

With that, the Raven Herald left the four behind. Alvin, who by this point had been subconsciously holding his breath the entire time, let out a sigh of relief as he fell to his knees. The tension in the air had been nearly suffocating, but the woman's choice to retreat meant that they were (hopefully) in the clear.

The black box that the woman had thrown only contained a few items, though: a necklace adorned with a black-metal emblem comprised on a circle and a cross, a delicately engraved jewel of some sort with what seemed to be symbols of some sort on every facet, and a vial of some strange blue-green salve. None of them were labeled, but it was clear that there had to be some sort of purpose to everything here.

@Drifting Pollen@EchoWolff
Kochiya Sanae
??? — Burning Town

Despite her attempts to break through the mage's new barrier, Sanae found next to no success—at least, not immediately. The green-haired girl's projectiles hammered into the barrier without pause, and with there being little more than a fraction of a second between one volley and the next, that barrier surely could not last forever.

At least, that was what Sanae hoped was the case. She didn't have the speed to simply try and press the attack from a different angle, so all that she could do was attempt to push through with sheer volume. A point-blank spell card also seemed like a course of action to take here, but that would inevitably result in far more damage to the surrounding town (or what remained of it, at least).

Those thoughts were promptly thrown out the window, though, when a baseball-sized rock seemed to barrel through the skies and struck the mage in the shoulder. Sanae couldn't help but wince at the sound, despite it being her enemy that was struck and not her. She had a front-row seat to the results, of course, and the bleeding arm and cracked bones together did not a pleasant visual make.

Hopefully leaving Saria to try and block the attack that had just been fired in retaliation wouldn't lead to a less-than-ideal situation as a result.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

"Retreat? You would dare suggest that I retreat!?" the blonde man spat back, now thoroughly insulted by the toa's choice of words. It had been one thing to catch him off guard in a fight, but it seemed that insulting his pride was one thing that the glaivier would not—no, could not forgive.

His enemy's warning unheeded, the blonde man took a deep breath and readied his weapon once more. There was but a second's delay before he sprang forward, a smoky black trail left in his wake as he attempted to close the distance between himself and his enemy. Another blast of wind not unlike the one he had taken on in earnest moments prior bore down upon him again, but this time——————


Before the blonde man could attempt to crash through the winds that he had found himself victim to moments prior, the voice of a woman seemed to ring out through the battlefield. Anger had since clouded the man's judgement, though, and it seemed almost as if he would continue forward in spite of that declaration before the appearance of another between the two combatants stopped him in his tracks.

Mainly in part due to the blade gleaming in the sunlight pointed at his throat, though.

"Stand down before I take your head myself, Varst," the newcomer—a woman that the other Heralds seemed to be all to aware of—stated simply as she turned towards the tornado and swung her other sword up towards the sky through it.

In an instant, the howling gales seemed to be split down the middle, diverting away from her and her apparent subordinate. The presence of the being that 'Varst' had been fighting against seemed to matter little to the woman, who then waited in silence as she stared at the blonde man who seemed to be fuming in rage.

"Not until I cut that oversized—"

"Jerevic will be notified of your failures today. My choice to oversee your mission today does not mean that you will be given the same treatment I provide those under my command. Understood?"

It took a little bit for the implications of what the woman was saying to register, but eventually—and with a look of pure fury on his face— Varst slowly lowered his arms as his weapon returned to "normal".


"Good," she said, finally turning to look at the opponent Varst had been fighting all this time before pointing her sword towards the skies above the town. "Regroup with what remains of the troops you so brazenly wasted the lives of and withdraw. I've already notified the mage assigned to your team to send the signal out."

As the woman continued to stare down the axe-wielding toa and the glaivier made to leave the battlefield, a beam of intertwining dark blue and yellow energy was promptly launched into the skies by one of the nearby mages. One turned into two, then more as they seemed to pop up all over from the town before simply disappearing. Once that brief light show had finished, though, the woman would begin to walk away, following after the other Heralds leaving the area.


With his body more or less left prone from falling, the red-haired teenager had no room with which to react as he was promptly thrown out of the way of the collapsing debris. Though he had resolved himself to his death when he had fired those arrows, being thrown to safety by the person who he had to kill was far from what he had expected. Seeing her escape the debris with little more than discomfort from the dust cloud brought forth by the impact was a bit disheartening to see on top of everything else, but the words that she spoke only left the archer confused and, oddly enough, angry.

"Grand words from someone who was ready to kill me moments ago," he spat back, shakily rising to his feet. "Does me being younger than the soldiers you cut down make my life worth more than theirs? I'd rather die with the other Heralds than go back to that damn orphanage they picked me up from, so if you think I'm going to—"

Before he could say any more, though, the sight of those multicolored beams of light rising into the sky caused the archer to stop his tirade and simply glare at the girl who had chosen for a few moments before continuing.

"...You'll regret this. I'll make sure of that."

And with those words of spite, the teenager pulled something out of his pocket and threw it into his mouth before biting into it. The shakiness in his body seemed to disappear as he began to run away, heedless of whatever words she might have thrown back in response, if any.

Kochiya Sanae
??? — Burning Town

Despite the response that her words seemed to have upon the mage opposing them, Sanae noted that nothing in particular actually seemed to change with regards to how the battle was panning out—at least, not at first. Her danmaku being blocked by an array of defensive spells wasn't something foreign to her, but seeing Saria's own projectile pierce straight through caused the flying shrine maiden to pause for a moment to register the impact. The injury that came about as a result of that attack seemed to be somewhat shallow, but the fact that she could make it out from this distance—and how the mage seemed somewhat rattled by the attack—meant that it could just as well be an opening to exploit.

Of course, that brought with it a renewed offensive from their opponent—and one that Sanae would choose to meet with more aggressive movement. While she had been careful until now, the new cluster of laser beams seemed to be trained onto her position. So long as she didn't stay in one place for too long or could simply outpace the speed at which they approached her, then they wouldn't be an issue.

With that thought in mind, Sanae quickly barreled into the array of lasers and began to weave through the barrage on a path towards the mage. If Saria's own attacks were more likely than her own to leave any lasting damage, then it fell to her to force her opponent's eyes on her to allow for another opportunity for those hits to land.

As the lasers seemed to crash into one another or miss outright, Sanae quickly closed the distance between herself and her opponent before attempting to barrage the mage with even more bullets. While the earlier engagement had resulted in her bullets being rendered ineffective, maybe reducing the amound of time between impacts would allow for some of them to get through at this distance.

If not, though, maybe it'd give Saria's next attack a chance at leaving more of a lasting impact.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Outclassed though the archer was, surrender seemed to be rather low on the list of things that they seemed to be considering as they continued to fire away at their target. The combination attack that they had loosed seemed to do little to actually disorient the girl in front of him as it had traditionally done—no thanks due to the muscle memory that had caused them to fire the flashbang arrow above rather than below them. The ensuing combat had left the plant he had caused to sprout little more than a mild nuisance, but there seemed to still be some amount of confidence in the archer's actions as they began to retreat from the fray. Pursuit was buit a given, but the girl's apparent recitience towards taking a life was something that they reasoned could be taken advantage of.

Dropping a small orb of something as they fled, the sniper began to run into a more claustrophobic area between the houses. The alleyway was narrow and left little room for cover to dodge behind, but that was an acceptable trade given the situation. As the knight-apparent gave chase and fired away, her opponent would leap against the walls, gaining just enough vertical distance to be able to fire another few arrows from above.

The goal, however, was not to actually hit the girl this time, given how well that had fared the last few times. No, the goal this time was whatever had been dropped behind moments prior. The follow-up attack cracking their bow in half had left their defeat all but guaranteed, but the impact of one of the stray arrows onto the orb below had caused the latter to begin to light up and glow an unnerving mix of orange and white.

Then, after a brief delay, the reason for that glow made itself known as an explosion rang out from behind them, destroying the nearby walls and the pillars supporting them and causing the buildings to begin to collapse towards both the archer (who had begun to fall back towards the ground) and their opponent.

"I'd sooner bite off my own tongue than surrender," the sniper—whose hood had finally begun to fly off from the descent to reveal the face of a teenage young man with matted red hair—said as he threw what remained of his bow away as he fell. "Better to die a person than live as a slave."


The fact that the cloud of poison had been nullified in an instant seemed to cause the assassin to grow at least somewhat agitated. No matter how they assessed the situation right now, their chance of victory was infinitesimal; the initial sneak attack had failed miserably, their backup plan was made nonexistent with next to no effort, and at this point in time recovering their discarded blade to try another attack could only end in a humiliating death given how quickly the girl seemed to be able to switch between summons.

As the girl seemed to prepare a counterattack, the assassin's eye seemed to flash for a moment, and a magical sigil appeared for but a brief moment before the orbs rained down upon them. Rather than attempt to dodge, though, the assassin's body seemed to slacken as they stared at the oncoming attack.

The cloud of dust and dirt thrown into the air left the air humming with tension, but the sight of the assassin's body now left headless and peppered with holes made it quite clear that the only result from this last attack was a quick but brutal execution.


The fact that his slash hadn't exactly pierced through the toa's open body didn't seem to concern the blonde man as much as it did annoy him—though maybe such a result would have been expected when he was facing an enemy he knew next to nothing about. The blows he had taken were incredibly weighty, but the glaivier felt that the attacks were nowhere near as calculated as those of a fighter's should have been. Rather than fighting people...

"A golem made for fighting monsters, huh?" he guessed, readying himself for another clash of blades as the toa retreated for a brief reprieve. "I guess that if you just hit beasts hard enough, they're bound to die eventually."

Almost as if in response to his taunt, though, his opponent loosed a howling gale towards him. The Heralds who were waiting in the wings were swept back by the attack if not barely holding on, but the blonde man facing the attack head-on chose to dig in his heels and keep his eyes trained upon the golem ahead. With his cape flying in the wind, the glaivier simply braced himself and remained steadfast. All the while, of course, the glow upon his weapon began to flare up once more.

What he did not expect, though, was the toa closing in upon him in mere moments. Leaping high into the skies was no odd feat in his eyes, but a massive golem closing that distance in next to no time caused the blonde to flinch. That hesitation would prove to be his undoing, as the spiraling winds in the golem's hand swiftly met his torso and sent him flying backwards. His stance broken as he careened backwards and into a tree, the blonde man let out a cry of pain at the moment of impact before falling to one knee.

There was a brief pause before he slowly rose back to his feet, though, a look of indignant anger on his face quite evident to see as he spit out a bit of blood from his mouth.

"You're smarter than you look," he growled, stabbing his weapon into the dirt to push himself back up, "Guess I need to take your head first."

By now, the aura that was radiating off of the blade had consumed the weapon in its entirety and seemed to be slowly crawling up his arm. Even so, the blonde man seemed to not be going on to counteroffensive—at least, not quite yet, if his previous mannerisms were anything to go off of.


??? — Cave Entrance

"To be quite frank, I don't know what madness would have caused that fool to stretch his forces even thinner," the woman responded, disdain evident in her voice, "much less the rest of the things he's done since arriving here. I have dozens of complaints about him acting as he has, especially given how we could've resolved this issue in a matter of hours, but I suppose there's no merit in telling you about his failings when they're evident enough."

With a sigh, the Raven Herald shook her head and glanced at the group. Her gaze lingered for a moment upon the young boy who had begun to move behind the two older people in the group, but soon enough her attention shifted back towards the woman who had taken the role of de facto representative before she continued.

"But that's neither here nor there. I have no reason to disclose why we came to retrieve her, though, so I would advise against prying into—"

Before she could finish speaking, though, a small white magic sigil would appear next to the woman's ear, and her previously impassive gaze turned to one of mild concern. There was a pause before she nodded her head and responded with a simple 'understood' before turning back towards the four people in front of her.

"...Well, that certainly changes things. Maybe leaving her in your care isn't the worst idea..." she mused out loud before throwing a small box towards the injured woman. "I suppose this works just as well, then. A different choice, then. Hand the child over, take the items in that box and fall into hell with me, or a fight. Given the current situation, my leeway for negotiations has been cut rather short, but I presume you're still not willing to hand her over. The choice is yours, and for your sake I hope you choose quickly."

@Drifting Pollen@EchoWolff
Richard Evans
Byjerlfal Cjty — Park

Weaving through a crowd was nothing new for Richard, even if it was a bit faster than he was used to. It helped that a few people had the sense to get out of the way of the two fools barreling down the street in pursuit of a runaway Fletchling, but he was still running fast enough that bowling into people would leave both of them out for the count.

Lucky for them, though, there were no such incidents. A few close calls, maybe, but for the most part the run to the park (and through it) had only left Richard winded by the end of it all.

What they had been led to, however, left a pit in the new Trainer's stomach. While the idea of disciplining Pokemon that misbehaved was not foreign to him, whatever had happened to this Munchlax was well beyond what any sane Trainer should have allowed.

There was a silent, indignant fury rising up within Richard's chest as he rushed toward the injured Munchlax and, after a bit of straining, picked it up. Though he was a bit winded from the chase, the Pokemon's physical wellbeing was at stake here. Had he some potions, the young man would have attempted to stabilize the Munchlax on the spot...

But, well, that clearly wasn't an option.

"Rotom!" Richard called out, causing his phone to fly out of his pocket. "Guide us to the nearest Pokemon Center and notify them about the situation so they're ready to receive us when we arrive."

A thumbs-up flashed on the screen before the Rotom-Phone whirred and brought a map up on screen with the directions he had requested, and Richard simply turned towards Kennet before grimacing.

"Uh... Crap, this Munchlax is... Not easy to carry. Mind helping me carry 'em over?"

At the very least, it'd speed up the process to moving the injured Pokémon compared to if he tried to go about it alone.

Kochiya Sanae
??? — Burning Town

With the approach of the apparent head of the mages came a shift in Sanae's method of attack as well. While the frogs worked perfectly fine when it came to clearing out huge swaths of enemies, focusing one person out was a different story.

In other words, it was time for a bit more focus.

While her rapid-fire streams of ofuda continued en masse, the exploding amphibian-shaped projectiles were replaced by ones that looked like snakes. Instead of exploding on impact, though, these projectiles seems to suddenly shift direction the second that they were in line with any enemy they barreled towards. They weren't explicitly homing, per se—that was and had always been Reimu's schtick, after all—but the speed and force at which they barreled towards their targets more than made up for that lack of perfect tracking.

The appearance of a massive laser crashing into one of Saria's shields, though, caused Sanae to pull backwards by instinct. Lasers were fairly common in danmaku battles, of course, so it was less their presence that shocked her and moreso how much of a change of pace they were from the comparatively slow projectiles she had to dodge until then they were.

"I don't know about you not participating," Sanae quipped back as she shifted herself to the side to allow the lasers to barely graze past her body, "because I'm pretty sure that lasers that strong cause a lot of collateral. Speaking from experience, of course."

The less to be said of Marisa's Master Spark, the better.

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR

With their position now exposed, the sniper wasted no time in trying to create more distance between themselves and their target. Being charged at was in and of itself an issue—ideally the situation would have been resolved well before the enemy had any time to ascertain where they were or had any chance to close in to begin with—but at this point there was nothing else to be done but try to deal with it as best they could.

In this case, that meant diving out of the way and back behind cover as the being in front of him began to fire away.

"Semi-instantaneous movement, shield, projectiles... Annoying, but probably less so than that green one," the figure muttered under their breath as they peeked out from behind cover every few seconds or so in an attempt to wait for the initial suppressive fire to time out. Once the barrage seemed to relax (if even momentarily), though, they sprang out and fired a few more arrows from a shortbow before breaking into a sprint. A few more arrows were let loose as the archer tried to force their opponent to maintain focus upon their frontal assault, but the last among them seemed a bit... Different. With their opponent's vision obscured by the shield in front of them, the sniper took the chance to aim this arrow, head glowing a faint white-green, towards the sky. Another, glowing a deeper shade of green, was aimed below beneath their target.

The first arrow seemed to explode at the apex of it's arc, letting loose an incredibly loud explosion of light; the latter instead seemed to sprout into a quickly growing, writhing mass of vines surrounding a flower that looked eerily reminiscent of an eye with black sclera.

Before long, the plant would attempt to lash out at the nearest being—namely, in other words, the one situated above it—and attempt to bind it in place. All the while, the sniper began to move around in an attempt to land a follow-up shot—hopefully one that would lead to a more decisive result.


If the assassin was shaken by the sudden appearance of the girl's savior, no sign of it would be seen on their face.

Not that much could be seen to begin with, given the apparent mask covering the lower half of their face.

Regardless of what they thought, though, it was quite apparent that despite everything going "right" that the attempt on the girl's life had failed—and rather spectacularly at that. But while the option to simply flee was on the table, another attempt would have an even lower chance of success now that she was on guard.

It was rather unfortunate, but that meant that the only choice they had left was to die trying. Failures like these could only be rectified as such.

After making clear distance from the girl and her summon, the assassin pulled down their mask and seemed to slip something into their mouth before attempting to close the distance once more. Once they drew close enough, though, they would quickly attempt to feint an attack forward before releasing what it was they had prepared moments prior—a poisonous mist that promptly billowed out of their mouth in an attempt to cover the area.

The goal was never to stay in the fight for too long, of course; ducking in and out of the fray of combat and wearing the enemy down until they could try and land a lucky hit in seemed like the only course of action against an opponent like this.


"I guess that's what they call golems overseas, huh? But no memory of a maker... That's a damn shame," the blonde man sighed, shaking his head as he watched to see how his opponent would react to the wave of energy he had just loosed. "Oh well. Guess dragging your remains to the magicians to study will have to do."

Of course, when the "toa" blocked his attack, the glaivier couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised. That surprise was only compounded as the hulking humanoid leaped far beyond what would have been possible of something of that size.

That only seemed to excite him more, though.

"Haha! All right, if that's the sort of game you're going to play, then I'll take you head on!" he shouted back, weapon ready to clash with his opponent's own. The blast of air that preceded the strike pushed him momentarily off balance, however, and the strike that followed forced the blonde man to block the attack somewhat awkwardly. Using the ground as leverage was doing him no favors, but at the very least it wouldn't mean that he would fall to a simple trick like that.

"Not bad, not bad!" he called out, using both arms to brace himself against his weapon as he attempted to push Lewa back or the weapon to the side to create an opportunity for a counterattack. "But I'm not going to fall over that easily!"


??? — Town Outskirts

Though shaken by Anne's shift in demeanor, Alvin paused for a moment before swallowing and nodding. Leading everyone to the location wouldn't be difficult, but doing so while treading carefully and while on edge was doing him no favors. Every time the shadows changed or he heard something shift, the boy would pause for a moment before continuing.

And by some stroke of luck, the group would make it to the cave without issue. Glimpses past the underbrush en route would make it clear that their suspicions were warranted; soldiers wearing the same sort of garb of those that had been present during the attack on the church seemed to be combing through the area in search of... Well, them.

"This is the place..." the boy trailed off before the sound of metal meeting stone caught his attention.

Slowly, from within the cavern came a young woman, her armor that same shade of purple as those that the Raven Heralds donned. At her sides were a pair of swords, and though neither was drawn it would be foolish to assume that she wouldn't try to strike back.

But rather than immediately call out for backup or attack, the woman simply came to a stop and stared at the newcomers. Her gaze passed over the group—the woman ready for combat, the boy mustering all of his strength to stay standing, and the young man holding an unconscious girl—before she spoke her piece.

"...I suppose I've the fortune—or possibly misfortune—of finding you," she said, glancing for a moment towards the cave behind her before placing one hand onto the hilt of one of those sheathed blades. "I'm only here for that girl, though; the other Heralds under Varst might be bloodthirsty brutes, but I'm not keen on needless bloodshed. If you hand her over, we can simply move on with our lives. Given your injuries, that seems like an enticing offer, no?"

At this, Alvin seemed to realize what it was that was happening and turned to the others before shaking his head from side to side in a panic. Though words seemed to be failing him, gestures alone seemed to convey what it was that he was feeling.

"Well, regardless of if you want to accept or not, the sound of fighting will inevitably draw others here. I'm in no rush, but I would recommend you weigh your options here before someone less open to negotiations arrives."

@Drifting Pollen@EchoWolff
Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Commercial District

With the bird Pokemon finally having decided to cede to him for the moment, Richard shifted his focus away from it towards the young man who had called for his aid to begin with.

"Kennet? Name's Richard; pleasure to meet you," he responded when given the chance, nodding his head as he almost held out his hand for a handshake by instinct. It was only when the apparent Pokemon breeder reached out to interact with the Fletching that he caught himself, though, and instead chose to remain where he was.

That only lasted for all of a few seconds, though, as the growing warmth in his hands began to shift towards "too hot to physically handle". Survival instinct promptly kicked in as Richard released the Pokemon from his grasp to avoid getting burned, and before long Kennet had broken off to try and catch the runaway yet again.

"You could just return it to the ball!" he shouted after Kennet before deciding to follow after and join in the chase. Sure, he could have left the breeder to his own devices, but sometimes the allure of "free" (or low-effort) stuff was hard to ignore.

With that said, though, something about the situation left a feeling in his gut that this could easily spiral into something a bit above his pay grade.

"Well, in any case..." he continued to say as he tried to catch up with Kennet, "I just started as a trainer today, but hopefully we'll be more helpful than not. "

Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Commercial District

Having a Pokemon crash straight into his face was by no means pleasant, but after taking a second to process the shock Richard brought one hand to his face and groaned.

"What the heck just...?"

It was an almost instinctive reaction, the pain from the impact leaving him shaken for a second; thankfully, though, it didn't feel much worse than having a stray ball lobbed at his face. Still hurt, though.

Recovery, then, took but a few seconds longer, and the call for help from the young man running towards him caused Richard to understand (or, well, assume that he understood) what exactly the issue was. A glance to the side allowed him to see the culprit of the collision—a small Fletchling that had been left slightly disoriented as if it had just run into a brick wall (which, given it's size and mass, may as well have been the case).

Without another moment of hesitation, Richard shook his head before running to grab the Tiny Robin Pokemon right as it was about to take off. It struggled in his grasp, but the young man made sure to keep his grasp tight enough to not let it worm its way out.

The question now, though, was why it was running away in the first place...

"I assume you're talking about this guy right here," he remarked towards the person who had called out to him as he showed the bird in his hands. "I feel like I shouldn't pry into matters like these, but given that I just ate a tackle to the face from this guy, I'd at least like some sort of explanation here."

Kochiya Sanae
??? — Burning Town

With the barrage of magical bullets came a slight smirk upon Sanae's face. Despite the fact that the barrage of magical projectiles seemed like something that would be cause for concern, the young woman seemed rather unfazed—especially considering the apparent backup measure that she had from the dragon-woman on the ground.

The only problem, though, was maintaining her spell card while dodging. While she could choose to remain stationary, the young woman had no idea how much punishment those odd shields that were appearing in front of her could take. Given that these magic bullets were also being fired with far more lethal intent, that route seemed much more dangerous.

"...Well, I think that there's probably enough water by this point," she remarked, finally choosing to end her magical assault in lieu of weaving through the wall of incoming projectiles. Another one of those uncannily powerful arrows spiraled straight towards her head as soon as the dense waves of water began to fade, but another timely shield on part of her protector gave her the leeway here to focus on trying to keep attention away from the others as they began to mount a proper counterattack.

"Rayne! Miss dragon lady! Sorry I don't know your name yet, but thanks for the support!" she shouted towards the ground as she seemed to simply through the gaps between the enemy's magic as if they were as wide as canyons. "But I'll be fine if you don't want to focus on protecting me now; I'm actually pretty used to dodging if I'm not stuck in place like that!"

Without being restrained by her attack, the young woman pointed towards the cluster of magi in the distance and began to fire streams of ofuda and, possibly more confusingly, frog-shaped bullets towards them. The bullets were no more lethal than those she had been firing before, but given the fact that the frogs seemed to be exploding upon a newly-formed barrier cast by the mage at the head of the corps, it seemed to be quite apparent that they weren't something to be ignored.

With that shift in focus came another arrow from below. This one, however, was not aimed at Sanae as the last few had been, but straight towards Rayne's throat.

@Raineh Daze@DracoLunaris

The disappearance of the projectiles flooding the skies, too, seemed to herald another shift in the enemy's tactics. While more than a few were still left unconscious, injured, or otherwise dead, the Raven Heralds continued to attempt to simply occupy the spirits that were mowing through their numbers despite their physical augmentations.

Or so it would seem. As the girl and her spirit seemed to have their attention focused towards the waves of enemies pressing down onto them, a masked figure seemed to phase into existence behind the girl, his footsteps silent as he seemed to close in towards her with a wickedly curved blade brandished to his side. The space between him and his target seemed to disappear in an instant as he attempted to plunge the weapon into the girl's back, fully assuming that if she was to die, then the beings at her command would follow suit.


"Wow, you're certainly one heck of a golem, huh? Poor bastard didn't stand a chance. Stand down, you idiots. Or do something useful, like go try and find that stupid kid and his sister; this one's out of your league."

The voice of a rather arrogant-sounding young man silenced those who had begun to crowd around to prepare to simply rush the odd green machine, and the crowd soon parted to reveal a blonde man wielding a a glaive that seemed to glow an unnatural purple hue. Unlike his masked and armored cohorts, this man—who seemed to exude an aura of confidence that bordered on hubris—strode forward without any urgency in his movements.

"What was his name again...? Ferdiad? Well, whatever; you two, move his corpse out of the way," he continued, waving towards a few of his subordinates as he turned towards the one who had felled him. "I don't want to trip over it."

There was a brief pause as the Raven Heralds that hadn't been directed to move seemed to stand by before the man finally spoke again.

"...That was an order I just gave. Go! Forest! Those damn scouts told you where they were, and the number of enemies here clearly doesn't match the report! Do your damned job!"

The shout from the blonde man was enough to spur his subordinates into action this time, though, but he himself simply brandished his blade towards the enemy in front of him with a smile.

"You know, I was complaining about being sent to some wretched village in the middle of nowhere to look for some child, but if a golem like you is here, this whole trip might be worth it," he said, a slight savage glint in his eyes as he spoke. "No idea who your creator is, but I sure as hell want to meet them. I'd love to have a proper training partner—no, wait, a whole team of golems that actually follow the orders I give!" he monologued before a slight laugh left his lips.

"Right. Time for some fun," he said, the grip on his weapon tightening before the purple aura upon it seemed to flare up. With a flourish, the man brandished his weapon before swinging it through the air and launching a shockwave of energy towards his newfound opponent.


??? — Town Outskirts


There was a bit of disappointment in Alvin's voice that he couldn't really hold back as the three continued making their way through the forest. The boy was acutely aware of how powerless he was—especially compared to the 'heroes' that had been brought here—but even with a majority of them having rushed towards the town to help, the ones that remained here seemed to still give him a sense of confidence—that if one miracle had already happened, then maybe a second one wasn't too much to ask for.

"Well, if it's a place to hide, uh... I think there was a cave nearby, somewhere in that direction," he began to say, pointing towards the right of where they were currently headed. "It was really dark, and I always got too scared once it got too dark, but maybe that place might work?"

The sound of rustling underbrush and leaves crunched underfoot from all sides, though, immediately caused Alvin to freeze up and look around, unsure of who—or what—had caused it. The boy's eyes flicked to and fro, trying to find the source of his new anxieties, but unfortunately he found no such answers.

The fragments of humanoid silhouettes—and something distinctly less so—were barely visible past the trees in the distance... For better or worse.

@Drifting Pollen@EchoWolff
Kochiya Sanae
??? — Burning Town

Though the archer that had singled her out was an obvious problem, it looked to Sanae as if a majority of the enemy soldiers who hadn't chosen to take cover or weren't being pummeled by her new allies were not dealing with her danmaku particularly well. That wasn't really anyone's fault, per se; beautiful though the fighting style of Gensokyo was, anyone not used to it would probably be overwhelmed by the sheer visual overload—and that was for one person, never mind what usually happened when it was something like dealing with a horde of fairies who decided that they wanted to play along, too.

That sort of situation was more or less what seemed to be playing out here, too. The bullets raining upon the town were doing damage to the buildings, granted, but given that the water seemed to be quenching the flames, a little bit of collateral hopefully wouldn't make the cleanup any worse after everything here was handled.

Right as she was about to graze past another arrow from the sniper still hidden somewhere in the town, though, the sudden appearance of an odd barrier blocking the projectile caused her to pause in mild surprise for the briefest of moments. While thankful that one of the people down below was looking out for her wellbeing, the sudden appearance of another projectile—this one a massive spear of ice—caused the young woman to instinctively shift her entire body out of the way of the attack.

What followed, of course, was a sight she was a bit more familiar with—a torrent of magical projectiles of all shapes and sizes, barreling straight towards her. In the distance, Sanae could make out a group of soldiers, all led by a purple-haired woman who seemed to be directing their focus towards her. There was a brief moment where their eyes met, of course, but soon enough the leader of that team of mages turned her attention towards the dragonlike woman standing firm in front of where Sanae was. A few of the other mages had since broken off to try and deal with the smaller combatant who had been causing more chaos on the ground, but for the most part their attention was steadfastly placed towards the ones suppressing the rest of the enemy's movements from the skies and her apparent protector.

While no small number of the soldiers present were busy trying to deal with the onslaught of bullets from the skies, there were more than enough simply muscling through the attacks or were simply focusing their efforts elsewhere. The fact that only a few combatants were enough to match their forces didn't seem to faze them, but it did seem to give cause for the weaker ones to retreat for the moment. In their place, though, other Raven Heralds—ones equipped with armor that seemed to give off a faint luminescence even in the afternoon sun—began to push forward. Though some began to move to provide their own defensive cover for the arriving magi, others began to pursue those on the ground who had chosen to take up arms—least of all the massive mechanical golem towards whom they deigned the most threatening. Towards him rode an armored man upon a horse, a massive hammer at the ready to smash through whatever armor stood in his way.

The smaller girl commanding spirits, on the other hand, seemed to be someone that the soldiers were playing a more defensive role in attempting to deal with. Some of the nearby magicians seemed to cast a spell upon those approaching her, leaving them with what felt like an intense pressure radiating out towards from their bodies. Intimidation alone would not be enough to push her back, of course, and it seemed that all of the soldiers present were aware of that fact.

A swing that the nearest made as a flourish, however, would leave a scar in the ground nearby, making clear what it was that had transpired here.

@Raineh Daze@DracoLunaris@Lugubrious@VitaVitaAR

Though certainly rattled at Sanae's statement, the boy seemed to have enough sense about him to respond to Anne's questions as the others wasted no time in rushing headlong towards his hometown.

"...My name is Alvin, miss," he said as he followed the injured woman out of the church. "The church here... I don't know, honestly. I've been out in the woods to gather firewood in the winter before, but I've never seen this church here before. Or, well, I don't think I have?"

The young man's face seemed to scrunch up for a moment as he tried to remember before simply shaking his head.

"Can't remember a thing. I remember that the clearing was here, but I don't think I ever saw it have a church or anything. Sorry."

There was another pause before he continued on, though.

"As for the Raven Heralds... They're a part of some army from the center of the continent, I think. I remembered some merchants mentioning them before when they passed through, and I was a bit curious when I heard, too. Apparently they're famous in other countries because they're super strong, but, everyone that got brought here seemed to be able to beat them easily."

Alvin paused again for a few seconds before looking back towards Anne.

"You're super strong too, right? You're all beat up, but you're calm and carrying my sister like it's nothing..."

@Drifting Pollen@EchoWolff
Richard Evans
Byjerlfal City — Commercial District

With apparent companions for the near future, Richard raised his arm slightly to signal his leave as he left the lab proper. The walk towards the Commercial District was nothing particularly noteworthy, but once they had arrived...

Well, it would have been hard for Richard to not feel a little nostalgic for Castelia City. The ever-charged atmosphere was nowhere near as strong as it was back in his hometown, but there was a little something to be felt from this regardless. If he had more money, maybe even a bit of window shopping and wandering about would've been in order.

Maybe on the return trip, then. He'd have to come back here eventually, given how he was nowhere near suicidal enough to take on the Gym here yet.

The bird Pokemon scuffling overhead did briefly catch Richard's attention, though given what his starter was, maybe taking on a Flying-type would have to wait a little bit. It was worth considering for the future, but given the likelihood of something going haywire, that didn't seem particularly enticing as training.

Eventually, though, the young man would find exactly what it was that he was seeking: a storage company to employ the services of.

"Place looks as promising as any," he remarked, glancing the building over briefly before glancing at the other two, then to where their attention seemed to be focused towards. "If you two want to head over, I'll catch up with you after I'm done here. Hopefully it won't take too long."

With that, the young man gestured briefly towards the two girls who had chosen to tag along with him before breaking away and entering the building. The usual marketing pitch didn't really faze him—not when he had heard the same thing so many times before for other service-providing companies back in Unova—but the fee seemed reasonable enough for twelve months of access from anywhere in the region.

"Mmm... I think I'll stick with the basic plan for now," he said, filling out the last of the paperwork he had been given before handing off his luggage, "but I'll probably register for premium sometime in the future. I can transfer things over from here even if I've bought in elsewhere, right?"

There were a few other minor questions that he had, but at the very least the problem of his extra bags had been handled. Hopefully the others hadn't simply abandoned him or gone elsewhere in the brief time he had spent in here; spending the next few weeks flying solo didn't feel all too enticing, even if he'd have some Pokemon as company.

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