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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
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That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Chas was ready to punch the guy when John appeared and did it for him, the thug stumbling away from both John and Chas. "Got it!" He said back to John, jogging over to where the kids were, fighting his way through as he went. Midnite grunted as he got tackled, getting more and more annoyed by John's interference. "We are not mates. You have never been worried about lying before. As long as it benefits yourself" he sneared back, deciding that if John was going to try and piss him off, then he'd play the same game back.

Fia fought against the thug that grabbed her and yanked her backwards, and was thankful for Drake's aid but saw Bane was struggling more than she was. "Just focus on him! I got this!" She told him, spinning round and getting into a fighting stance. "Alright big boy, let's go" she smirked, spinning her blade in her hand. The thug came rushing her and she blocked the assault, countering it with a swing of her blade and a kick into the thug's back. "That all you got?" She smirked. "You little bitch!" He spat back, regaining his balance and went rushing for her again with a knife. She ran at him back and smashes her blade against his hand, knocking the knife out of his hand, but not without getting a punch to her cheek.

Chas made it to Drake and Bane, going to Bane and helping him up. "Come on mate, let's get you to the shadows so you can get to Serena. She's up top with Kay" he explained, glancing his eyes up top to the roof very briefly, then back at Bane. Up on the roof a couple of thugs were creeping up on the girls from behind.
Midnite found himself grinding his teeth in annoyance when the lights went out and it went pitch black. When the magic blast came towards him, he quickly dodged out of the way and with a couple of whispered words, he blew purple dust toward John, in the hopes to keep him back and still. "So it's true what they say, you are in cahoots with them!" He spat back. He saw Chas quickly run out of the way due to the glow of the magic blast from John's magic. Yet one of Midnite's men ran after Chas and blocked his path for a full exit.

Fia ran across to Bane with Drake, using his aura to guide her through the darkness and when the stones glowed, she knew they were working, not that she ever doubted her father's abilities. "Of course we came Bane. We weren't gonna fail you" she told him, before hitting one stone to create a chain reaction which short circuited the magical cage around Bane. "Drake it's safe, let's get him out!" She told him when she felt herself get yanked backwards by one of Midnite's men.
"you're asking a lot of questions" Midnite warned John, not liking what John was trying to get at. "And WE aren't dealing with any God, me on the other hand..." He told him, letting his words trail off on purpose. "I'm fully expecting the vessel to come after him, but I'm not expecting her to just walk in recklessly. I be thinking she will be planning this methodically and I'm prepared for that. I have this place surrounded" he told John, "I can be just as devious and methodical, you know that as well as anyone" he added smugness in his tone now.

"As for controlling them? I have very powerful contacts on my side to give me that extra power I need to control them. I've powered up a lot since we last crossed paths Constantine" he said in both a threat and warning. It was then he paid full attention to the fact he saw John putting his fingers down like a countdown and Chas knocked out the power supply from the box. "What is the meaning of this?!" He bellowed angrily.

Fia also prepared for possibly a fight and as the lights went out in the room, and she gave Serena just long enough to shroud the whole area in darkness darker than dark, she grabbed Drake with one hand and incited a incantation to make a hole in the glass roof where she wasted no time in throwing the both of them through it, making sure her wings gave them air resistance to go down to the ground level safely but swiftly. She got them both down on the ground soundlessly, making her wings disappear quickly for concerns of the colours showing through the darkness as a beacon.

When their future kids rushed down with no thought for what if's, Kay found herself holding her breath, scared that they'd do themselves injury, especially as it meant the closer to the ground they went, they disappeared from view. "I hope they'll be okay" she spoke softly.
Midnite let John speak but he couldn't help his eyebrow from rising at what he got told. He was half expecting John to lie, but from what he was told by the demon who was pulling the strings on this whole operation, John was actually telling the truth. The mention of liking wild fires made him smirk briefly before he was narrowing his eyes at John again due to John turning his back on him. He himself signalled for his men to on guard and ready for anything, not trusting John in the slightest.

Kay didn't know how to react to what John was saying, on one hand she appreciated he told the truth about wanting her to feel like a caged person or animal, but the wording choices also made her feel like an object and not a person at the same time. "Hmm" was all Kay could reply with. "he's just playing the arrogant mage role Kay, do not fret about his wording" Fee reassured her in her head.

With Drake exposing his arm, Fia quickly pulled out a marker pen and began drawing the rune needed, making sure to be precise and not mess it up, but also being as quick as she could be. Capping the marker pen when she done, she placed her hand over the drawn rune and said a few words in an old dead dialect. The rune glowed just enough to show it was activated, then dulled again but remained warm to the skin. She then activated her own rune that she had tattooed on her arms for quickness. "Okay, we're ready when he is" she told Serena and Kay. With their runes activated, every time they stepped their steps would be utterly silent.

Chas gave John a look of understanding and acknowledgement to show he was ready whenever John was, as well as keeping an eye on Midnite's men. Midnite found John's questions tiring to answer by this point, "I know who his vessel is, and I'm in the stages of retrieving said vessel" he simply said, not letting on whether he was bluffing or telling the truth.
Midnite listened to what John was saying to him, not believing him for a second. With a raised eyebrow for a second, he went over the consequences of telling him the truth or a lie, eventually deciding that if he was to get John off his back, he would continue spinning tiny bits of truth within the lies he was telling. "It's partly 'dumb luck' as you so eloquently put it. Caught him snooping in the shadows and eavesdropping on a meeting of mine" he explained. "Turns out that meeting involved someone telling me said being was on this plane and would be very beneficial for my...activities" he said, giving a casual wave his hand as he finished his sentence.

"So tell me Constantine, where this phoenix of yours?" He asked, changing the subject ever so slightly and not noticing Chas getting the signal to slowly and discreetly head to the power panel just to the man's left. Chas slowly and cautiously headed to the panel, getting what John was coming up with on the spot. He just hoped that the plan John was coming up with would actually work.

Fia was starting to roll up her sleeves to reveal at least three runes up each arm, all for different reasons and purposes when Drake told her to hold on. "shouldn't be a problem, I've got a silence rune on my right arm here. But for it to work for both of us I'll have to temporarily draw it and activate it on you as well, just like when I had to communication rune on you that one time." she told him, knowing she had done this sort of thing on him before. We can glide down without a sound and land soundlessly." She explained.
Midnite squinted his eyes as he scrutinized every move John was making, suspicious of his actions all the more. "Why are you so interested?" He asked, "if you think you can hijack my find Constantine you'd be sadly mistaken" he warned him. He discreetly waved his hand behind him to signal for his men to be prepared for any move John may come up with. Midnite may not get his hands dirty too often with firearms, but his men had no qualms using such devices. "I have my ways of achieving such things, that's all you need to know" he then said.

Fia leaned a bit more forward to truly see what her father was doing and when she realised, she smirked. "Of course I learned it from dad. He taught me everything I know like that." She replied to Drake. "As the old saying goes- I wasn't raised by no fool" she chucked slightly. She then went back to being serious as Serena agreed to let them take the helm on this whole rescue mission, "we got this, we'll have him back with you, I promise" she told Serena, then standing up again. "Drake, you ready for this? I think going in from above but under a cloaking spell is the way to go, we can drop down right next to Bane that way" she theorised.
Chas wanted to gasp and cover his mouth when he saw Bane in the state he was, but he refused to show Midnite his shock, so he remained as poker faced as he physically could manage. He looked at Bane more when he heard Bane's voice in his head, and the words did not give him any relief or reassurance in the slightest. It was just as he feared it would be. "John it's definitely a trap, they want Serena down here" he whispered to him after stepping close to John, to make sure that no one would hear him speak other than John himself.

Kay did however gasp when she saw what was happening below ten. This wasn't right in the slightest, it was cruel and inhumane in her eyes. "Let the boys figure this out" she told Serena, placing a supportive hand on the woman's shoulder. Fia glanced at Drake whilst their mothers also spoke between themselves. "I feel that's our only option. We can't let our mums go down there, it'll be handing them on a plate practically" she replied in agreement. "Serena myself and Drake can get down there. We know a spell that can break the chains around Bane, but trust us when we say you and mum can NOT go down there yourselves" she then turned and said to Serena.

Midnite watched intensely at Chas' and John's reactions to seeing Bane in the way he was. "Well you seen it now, now leave my domain John" he warned them both. "this does not concern you" he added.
Midnite kept his stoic demeanor up front but inside in secret, he was getting irritated by the fact he couldn't rattle John just yet. At least now he knew the truth and that the demon that came to him with the information was indeed telling the truth. John did have a phoenix on his side. "It's true" he simply and calmly stated, taking a few steps further to the centre of the room and scraped his foot in the dirt, breaking a voodoo seal that was drawn in it. By doing so, he revealed Bane in the middle of the room.

Kay and Fia both nodded at Serena confirming it was definitely Bane she could sense, before looking back down at the events unfolding below ten. It was then they saw Midnite reveal Bane just as Serena had sensed him to be. "Him being in the middle there is gonna be tricky to get you in" Fia commented.
Midnite found himself standing in front of them both, but at a distance as he watched wig scrutiny at John's actions whilst listening to what he was saying. Hearing that rumours were going round of his capture made look at his people with suspicion, all of which shrugged or shook their heads to remove the blame from themselves. They knew better than to go against Midnite and his ability to lose his temper quickly. "And what if it is true? What do you hope to accomplish by knowing the answer?" He replied, standing tall and unwavering. "Besides, we've heard our own rumours about you Constantine. Word in the downworld and He'll is that you 'ave a phoenix in your care" he then said back, with a calm that could be unnerving to anyone not in this world.

Chas tried to remain silent as he promised but he couldn't stop the somersaults his stomach was doing out of nervousness when Midnite mentioned Kay, by race rather than by name. "I don't like this John" he muttered for only his mate to hear.

Fia sighed and smirked when Drake used the old age saying they were always having to live by. "You'll never make me forget those words will you?" She said to him. "But thank you, I needed to hear it." She added instantly after before turning to face Serena when she said she could sense Bane. She walked over and squatted down beside Kay, looking down. "You sure it's him?" She asked.
Chas followed on in behind John, shaking his head as he did so. He should have known better than to think that John would have entered Midnite's area with anything but arrogance. "Constantine! What are you doing here?" An accented voice came from the shadows, a voice that could only belong to Papa Midnite. Moments later the tall broad man stepped out and faced the man he called his for for years. "You got some nerve coming here uninvited" he told John, not even giving Chas a moment of his time.

Fia nodded at Drake's words. She didn't like suddenly becoming the one with all the worries about this plan, but seeing both their mothers looking down on everything in front of them, just brought forward the urgency of this task and not letting it go wrong. "Yeah, you're right.." she replied to him. Kay could understand where Serena was coming from as she knew she wouldn't feel right if Fee got ripped from her. It was bad enough feeling Fee come close to a death when she was being tortured and having her very essence ripped from her in Seattle, so she could easily imagine how Serena must be feeling.
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