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30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Seeing John back with the cab was of a relief to both Fia and Chas, and no doubt the others as well. Chas continued to be a crutch for Bane to finish getting to his feet whilst Fia concentrated on keeping an eye on Drake. Chas looked at John as he got and nodded, "got it" he replied to John before making sure Bane could stand on his own two feet then ran to the cab's trunk, opening it and pulling out a small first aid kit bag, bringing it over to Fia and Drake. Unzipping it he pulled out a tube like item, cracking it open with a twist and bending it slightly then looked at Fia. "This'll help, I've used this on your dad more than once when he's been knocked out from pub fights" he explained, then hovered and waved it under Drake's nose. "Sometimes medical versions of smelling salts is all you need" he said, still waving it under Drake's nose until the boy woke up.

Fia watched on as Chas helped her bring Drake back into the waking world, somehow not surprised that once upon a time her dad would behave been the type of bloke to get into pub brawls. "I got this Chas, help Bane get Serena into the cab" she told him, holding her hand out to take over, something Chas agreed to, handing it over and then going to Serena and Bane where he picked Serena up and carried her to the cab. He carefully put her in the back beside Kay's body, seeing the other woman in the state she was a haunting aight that he hoped he would be able to forget in time.
Chas nodded, "I did, and she's breathing luckily but it is weak" he told him, not wanting to lie to Bane. "I'm just glad she's breathing at all or I'd have to do CPR on her" he added, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "I guess all we can do is wait for these two to wake up" he guessed, seeing that Drake was still out but starting the process of gaining consciousness again, judging by the groaning he was doing. It was then he and Fia noticed the markings on both Drake's and Serena's arms began to stop glowing and turn into dark tattoo markings. "What the...?" Fia and Chas both questioned in unison.

"Where's John and Kay?" He then asked the awake group, "he went to grab the cab, but refused to leave mum here. Think he thinks if he lets her go she'll disappear or something." Fia explained, Chas giving her a nod in response rather than words. He kept an eye on everyone until John could return with his cab, every few seconds going for checking Serena's breathing and heart rate to checking Drake to see if he was any closer to coming round. "If John hurries up, I should have something in the car to make them wake up if they don't beforehand." He then told Bane and Fia.

He had to admit, seeing Fia managing to keep it together to see to Drake under all these pressures was impressive to him. He could see that Kay and John in the future clearly did a good job in raising her, even if they did possibly get help from others around them. He could only imagine how much Fia must be crumbling mentally but she wasn't showing it on the outside. It was commendable in his eyes.
"just stay put okay? Stay with the others, we'll figure this out" Chas replied to Bane, finding it concerning that Bane couldn't move at all but took a wild guess it was because of something linked to Serena. He then looked at the others bad saw Drake out cold, but breathing and Fia taking the lead in trying to bring Drake round. "Yeah he's breathing" Fia replied to John, whilst Chas observed the scene in front of him and trying to figure out what to do. He then looked up at John when he got told to go after her, so with a firm nod, he got up to his feet and made a dash for the building.

Reaching the door, he cautiously opened it and went inside, following the easiest route back into the main room to the best of ability from the debris that was already laying down due to the fire. "SERENA!!" he called out then coughed from the smoke still floating in the air. "SERENA!" He called again, not seeing her initially, but then her body on the ground came into view, so he ran over and hoisted her up onto his back, swinging her arms over his shoulders and grabbing a firm secure hold of her under her knees round his waist. "I got you" he said, finding this whole situation so much like the time he absorbed the 47 souls from the club that went into fire he was in.

He carefully but hurriedly made his way out of the building, hoping the bomb wouldn't go off until after he got out, which luckily was the case. He carried her over to the gang and laid her down on the ground, checking her breathing to see if she needed CPR or not.
Fee trusted that John's idea of place for resurrection was suitable for the process, she also trusted that it would be fireproof or made fire proof easily enough. The last thing she would want was for John to lose his house to get Kay back. "I trust your judgement" she telepathically told him as Bane and Chas spoke with the teenagers. Kay's body was getting more and more of a dead weight, the longer they stayed where they were. Her heartbeat was faint already but it was just getting fainter. She was etching closer and closer to death.

Fia didn't like leaving Serena inside, knowing how much it was going to scaring Drake but she was trusting Bane when he said Serena wasn't going on some suicide mission. When the explosion happened she instantly cowered but let let John grab her and yank her into him, to which she gladly did the same to Drake. She held onto Drake tightly, out of comfort and fear for what was happening. She also clung to her dad and her mum's body, trying to remain calm but she could feel the stillness in Kay and it unnerved greatly. "she's going to be okay Drake..." She told him.

As the shadows eventually moved from off the group, Fia stood upright and looked over her shoulder seeing how the flames went silver and then began dying out. "This is when she unlocks her full power" she gasped, mesmerized by the flames of silver but Drake dropping like a dead weight onto the ground made her quickly snap back round to him and kneel down. "Drake!!" She exclaimed out of worry, placing a hand on him. "Come on Drake...wake up mate" she said, remaining with him the entire time.

Chas found himself cowering the whole time and when it all died down, he looked at Bane looking like he was going to be sick and at the burned building. "she's not coming out, should I go get her? You don't look too good Bane and Drake has passed out" he said to him, not sure how to go about this situation in the slightest. It had escalated so rapidly and he was still trying to wrap his head around everything.
Fee felt John's guilt through the bond that tied him to Kay and she felt it wasn't necessary. "Do not feel guilty for this John. It was Kay's actions and her actions alone that lead to this. She couldn't control the power and strength I was sharing with her to keep those thugs at bay. She was losing control, and killed a man. This you must know because if she remembers it it will emotionally destroy her." She first warned him before continuing, "she needs to be a secure area preferably so I allow for us both to be reborn so to speak. Just as the myths describe, we will go up in flame and create ash around us so she can die and through that fire she will heal and come back to you.butbwhstever you do, do not interfer with the process, as much as you may want to, trust me that she will be safe" she explained.

Fia looked down at his arms again to try and remember if she had seen the runes before and what they meant, then it dawned on her. Serena was going to do a self sacrifice to save them. Her fear of her assumption was made true when Bane appeared outside and told them all to get to Chas' cab. "Bane you can't keep her in there! If she stays in there she dies and Drake sizes to exit! That will catastrophic to the timeline!" Fia told him urgently. "Let me in there! I can get in and her out in time by getting her out via the roof!" She pleaded. She didn't want to lose anyone this day, especially Drake. He was the closest thing to a brother she had and she didn't want to live in a timeline without him.

Chas wanted to stop Fia from the suggestion, but it seemed she was used to him doing such a thing in her time as he instantly got a glare of determination and stubbornness he recognised all too well. "get in there quick kid, I'll get everyone to the cab, but ya better get back as well" he told her, pointing his finger at her. "Whaddya say Bane?" He asked him.
Chas let John pick Kay up but it pained him to see his mate in this state. Yet he also knew when he got this way it was best not to smother him in platitudes or being too close to him. He just had to do what he always did, let John go through these stages on his own and if John needed someone around him, he'd come to them at his own pace. Fee could hear John as she tried her hardest to keep Kay alive long enough to heal her but the injuries were severe and it hadn't been that long ago since she herself was weakened and only shortly ago managed to heal up her strength to a satisfactory level.

"I hear you, I'm trying to heal her body but it is difficult" Fee's voice said, making a telepathic connection to John. "your protection wrap is helping. But I fear Chas might be right in his assumption." she continued to telepathically tell him. She knew he wouldn't want to hear it but she had a habit of telling people things they didn't want to hear. She saw no point in hiding from the difficult issues.

Fia helped Drake over to the wall whilst she looked at his arms, it all now slowly kicking in that he even spoke to her and there was something wrong with him. "Shit Drake, is this timeline related? Crap crap crap....mum isn't meant to die in any format...if she dies then it could explain why you're feeling the effects...but what if it's not that" she began rambling her thoughts, wondering why she wasn't being as effected in the same way as Drake was. "We gotta figure this out" she said.

Midnite didn't want to cave into a woman's demands but Bane's growling made it perfectly clear that he had no choice in the matter. "Warning accepted" he simply said back before the bomb was brought up. He gave a look of disgust to Serena when she said she wanted him to owe her a debt for letting him leave before the bomb went off. "Fine..." He scrambled up onto his feet clumsily, adjusting his suit and swiftly exiting the building out of another exit he knew about and away from the others in Serena's group.
Fia wanted to help Drake but she knew she wasn't fully focused anymore. So she sighed and nodded, "okay...please get out" she told him, giving him a quick but firm hug before pulling away and going to her mum again and Chas. It killed her to see her mother looking so limp and lifeless in Chas' body, and she hoped to whatever deity would listen to her pleas to not let her mother die, even if she could ressurect. She helped Chas get out of the building, heading to the nearest exit, making sure not to let any doors shut on Chas or hit Kay as she went.

The echos of John's rage ringing her ears as they went, tears fighting to flow from her eyes. She didn't even notice that the demon had escaped back to Hell after Serena threatened him. Outside she breathed in the air, letting it get into her lungs before looking back toward the building and seeing it go up into flames, flames she didn't know how were being made. "Uncle Chas...is she alright?" She asked looking back to Chas and Kay as she saw Chas lay Kay down on a small wall so he could check her pulse. "She's alive...just" he confirmed, though he wasn't sure what relief that could possibly give to Fia.

It wasn't much of relief to Fia, but it was something. She then looked back toward the doors waiting for Drake and John to get out, her hands shaking in anxiety as she didn't want to lose either of her parents today. As the boy's got outside and ran over, she quickly shoved her hands in her jacket pockets so they couldn't see just how much they were shaking. "she is, but it's incredibly weak John...I can feel at least four broken ribs and the impact on her head has shattered a part of her skull. I don't wanna say it John but..,I think we have to let her die to come back healed" he told his best mate tentatively.

Midnite looked at Serena, not wanting to take her seriously at all but hearing she was the vessel of Bane, made him take her seriously. He listened her to warning and ultimatum, seeing in her eyes just how serious she truly was. Bane being behind her made him unnerved, knowing he didn't need to say anything to get his point across. "I don't know how to get out of a demon contract, it's near damn impossible!" He told her, "but...BUT-" he started to say before she pipe in with more threats, his hands raising in a defensive manner. "If there's a way I will find it." He said. "I will find a way and do as you wish" he repeated.
Fia didn't know how to react, she felt like things were going worse than any other scenario that her and Drake had seen. She froze in her spot for a few seconds, but it felt like her whole world had just crumbled around her. She heard John lose his control but she couldn't react to it. She was aware of the shadows coming to everyone's aid but like everything else, she couldn't react to it, to anything. Eventually she did manage to snap out of her trance just as she saw John's protective spell activated and wrapped Kay, whilst Serena made it down to them and have extra support in keeping her mother alive.

"You imbeciles! You weren't meant to kill the phoenix!" The demon yelled at the one remaining thug on the roof that was hanging on to his life. "I'm sorry! It wasn't meant to go down like that!" They begged but the demon just walked over, broke the thug's neck and sent his human soul down to Hell with him.

Chas ran over to Drake and shook him awake, "Drake wake up kiddo! I need you to be awake so I can carry Kay" he spoke to him, hoping his voice would stir Drake awake. "Serena be careful! We can't lose you too!" He called out as he saw Bane's new terrifying looking form make Midnite's crew escape quickly, stumbling over their own feet as they ran. "Fia come on!" He shouted at her a bit more abruptly than he wanted, but time was of the essence right now and they didn't have time to just stick around. He didn't want to leave Serena and John in here I case the bomb was activated and would go off.

Kay remained out cold on the floor under the protective shielding, her head bleeding from the impact. Fia snapped out of her shock more and ran over to Drake, "go to mum Chas, I've got Drake" she told him, taking over in waking Drake and getting him to his feet whilst Chas ran over to Kay and carefully picked her up, making sure not to do her more injury than she already suffered. He could feel what bones were broken and the stickiness of the blood in her hair.
When John punched him in the face, Midnite's head snapped sideways quickly, his neck making a cracking sound as it did so, but his neck did not break. He turned back to look at John, his nose broken and bleeding. "You still think you have the upper hand" he chuckled sadistically.

"Of course we did Bane, you're part of our group in your own right...we weren't gonna waste a single minute" Chas replied to him, wanting him to know that he may be part of Serena but he was his own being as well and he was going to be treated as such. When a bomb was mentioned, Chas got concerned and knew they needed to get out of this place and the girls had to get off the roof. He let Bane get to Serena and turned to the others still inside, "guys he's set a damn bomb in this place!" He shouted out.

Fia fought beside Drake to keep the thugs from reaching her dad and Midnite, when she saw the demon in question in the far distance. "Drake it's him!" He pointed out but as soon as she did, the demon disappeared and was gone. "Shit!" She cursed, just wanting to end the bastard that was the instigator of this whole mess.

Kay kept fighting to the best of her ability, but she was getting tired and less like herself. Her anger toward these people making their lives hell and the life she's been put through making her mindset get darker. "She's tiring out" the thugs smirked, rushing her together and as Kay prepared herself to block the onslaught, something snapped in her mind as they collided with her, shoving her backwards and through the roof and letting her fall. Yet as the rush happened incredibly quickly, Kay's hands scrambled to grab the men, and set one of them into a fiery blaze, disintegrating the body into a pile of ash.

Hearing the glass shatter, Fia looked up instantly and saw her mother falling at a rapid speed, a speed that not even she could get to Kay in time. "MUUUUUMMM!!!!!" She yelled in fear loudly, forgetting she wasn't meant to say her relation to Kay and John in this time. Kay's body slammed onto the hard ground, the back of her head instantly cracking open.
Midnite grunted in discomfort as John knelt on him. "So you do know more than you let on. Should have known you were taking crap the whole time" he sneered at him as he tried to get John off of him. Things were going wrong for him fast and he even noticed how the kids that seemed to appear put of nowhere were even holding their own in the fight.

Chas was thankful that Bane could at least get into his human form for the escape, he didn't feel like hoisting a great wolf on his back and carrying him to the shadows. His mumble made Chas look up toward the roof and gritted his teeth. "Bollocks!" He cursed, wishing they didn't leave Serena and Kay alone on the roof. He hurriedly aided Bane to the nearest shadowy corner, knowing if Bane was up for it, he needed to get up there and help the girls.

Kay was oblivious to the thugs creeping up on them until Serena span round quickly and then told her it was time to burn off some steam. Turning round and standing up she saw why Serena was saying what she was. She stepped forward, staring the thugs in the eyes, "you guys never know when to quit" she told them, only getting sniggers in return. "let me take control Kay, you're not strong enough yet" Fee said in her head, "no, I'm dealing with this myself" she replied mentally, flicking her hands out to her sides, igniting them in the process. "It's her, oh the boss is gonna like this" the thugs spoke to each other, holstering their guns and pulling out their iron coated daggers. They rushed her and she rushed them back, throwing two fireballs towards them, making them dodge out of the way, but not enough as their clothes for scorched.

"I'm sick of people like you hunting us!" She cursed, rushing them again, keeping her hands ignited, but balling them into fists and throwing a punch at one of their faces as hard as possible, the guy's skin bubbling and burning under her knuckles.
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