Seeing John back with the cab was of a relief to both Fia and Chas, and no doubt the others as well. Chas continued to be a crutch for Bane to finish getting to his feet whilst Fia concentrated on keeping an eye on Drake. Chas looked at John as he got and nodded, "got it" he replied to John before making sure Bane could stand on his own two feet then ran to the cab's trunk, opening it and pulling out a small first aid kit bag, bringing it over to Fia and Drake. Unzipping it he pulled out a tube like item, cracking it open with a twist and bending it slightly then looked at Fia. "This'll help, I've used this on your dad more than once when he's been knocked out from pub fights" he explained, then hovered and waved it under Drake's nose. "Sometimes medical versions of smelling salts is all you need" he said, still waving it under Drake's nose until the boy woke up.
Fia watched on as Chas helped her bring Drake back into the waking world, somehow not surprised that once upon a time her dad would behave been the type of bloke to get into pub brawls. "I got this Chas, help Bane get Serena into the cab" she told him, holding her hand out to take over, something Chas agreed to, handing it over and then going to Serena and Bane where he picked Serena up and carried her to the cab. He carefully put her in the back beside Kay's body, seeing the other woman in the state she was a haunting aight that he hoped he would be able to forget in time.
Fia watched on as Chas helped her bring Drake back into the waking world, somehow not surprised that once upon a time her dad would behave been the type of bloke to get into pub brawls. "I got this Chas, help Bane get Serena into the cab" she told him, holding her hand out to take over, something Chas agreed to, handing it over and then going to Serena and Bane where he picked Serena up and carried her to the cab. He carefully put her in the back beside Kay's body, seeing the other woman in the state she was a haunting aight that he hoped he would be able to forget in time.