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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Kay was thankful for the help, even if she wasn't used to getting it. At his suggestion, she nodded her head, "yeah, yeah I think I am" she replied, wanting to make sure that Serena was alright along with everyone else. Fia looked back when it was safe to do so after turning round to give her parents privacy as Kay got dressed. "Lemme help" she said, walking over and helping Kay on one side to get up. She knew, though never experienced it luckily, how exhausted their bodies got after resurrection and figured that two set of hands to help her was better than one.

Chas gave a smile and nod, "hopefully not. I can't say I know much about Lol this timeline stuff works but I'd like to think your bond with each other will stay just the way it is." He replied. "She really didn't want to leave you behind"
Kay sighed, she didn't even think about that until John brought it up. The thoughts of their future kid having possibly seen either of them naked just never crossed her mind in the slightest. It disappeared just as quickly as it came into her kind thanks to John's mention of it when he said something happened to Serena in the warehouse. "Is she okay?" She asked worried, before hearing Fia come back into the cell with the clothes. "Yeah, I heard him and Chas talking but didn't hear exactly what was said. Was just relieved to hear Drake back" Fia replied, handing the clothes to the both of them, seeing Kay quickly grab for John's shirt she brought down, unbutton it and pull it on.

Chas opened the first aid kit and started with his eye, grabbing some cotton wool and alcohol to disinfect round his eye and clean it so he could see if it needed stitches or not. It didn't look as if it did which was a relief. "I take it Fia is rather protective of you then? You two seem incredibly close" he remarked back.
Kay nodded but she also knew she didn't think she'd get over killing someone any time soon. She was usually such a pacifist. She then nodded again at his question, "yeah, I think so" she replied, before realising that Fia was in the doorway the whole time which made her bundle up and hide herself in John even more. Fia looked at her dad when she was addressed and gave a small smile, "yeah I know where it is, I'll be right back" she confirmed, knowing that the rooms didn't really change when she came along. She left the cell area and went upstairs seeing the others all back. Telling them about her mum though could wait, right now she needed to get clothing for her mother. Jogging off to her dad's room, getting there and going inside.

Looking in there she saw how it was different to what she knew. In her time, it had been well established that her parents shared the same room, but here and now it was still very much just John's room. It reminded her that her parents were still in the early stages of a relationship blooming. Walking over to his wardrobe, she opened it and saw as per usual, he had several of the same shirt, making her smirk to herself, "you're so predictable dad" she muttered to herself fondly, grabbing one of his shirts off the hanger, knowing full be just long enough for her mother to wear to keep her dignity. She then walked out of the room and looked in the other rooms to find any hint of one being Kay's room, eventually finding it and seeing it was what will become her room.

Walking in, she grabbed a pair of Kay's leggings and then ran downstairs, all the way down to the cell and walking in, holding out the clothes. "Here ya go" she said.

Chas helped Drake sit down then grabbed the first aid kit that was still on the coffee table from the last injury. "let's see to your wounds shall we?" He suggested, seeing out the corner of his eye Fia running around but didn't question it.
Fia clung to him as he held her, also hoping she wouldn't ever have to hear that sound again. She never wanted to witness her parents die, but here she was experiencing that loss, even if it was temporary. At his question she shook her head, "I don't. I've never understood why though, none of us have..." She replied to him, about to say more when she heard and saw through the door her mum screaming and coming back to them. She barely got a chance to pull away from jOhn when he quite literally threw himself at Kay. So she remained at the doorway, arms folded.

Kay clung to John instantly, "I'm okay...so is Fee" she told him, closing her eyes tightly so she could try and stop herself from possibly crying. "I thought I was gone too" she then added, "it was my own stupid fault I put you through that. I'm sorry" she apologised, remembering the moment she went through the glass roof because she didn't focus and felt herself going dark as she incinerated one of Midnite's men. It made her let go of John just enough to look down at her hands. She hadn't killed anyone in her entire life, injured them, sure, but never killed them.

Chas listened to him explain what happened and he didn't like it in the slightest. "come on, we better get you both inside where it's safe" he told Drake, helping him inside. "Josh is with Serena in the main room and Kay is resurrecting in the cell downstairs. By the sounds of it, something is happening" he told him.
Fia frowned when she heard her dad blaming himself all over again. "this isn't your fault dad. We didn't know they would get ambushed on the roof like that. If anything ai should have stayed up there with them both. You couldn't have done anything...if Fee couldn't even saved her by giving her flight in time then there was no way anything you could have done would have stopped it." She told him, hugging him in an attempt to give him comfort. "I know you don't want to hear this but this is the curse of being what we are, we die and resurrect and keep doing so unless it's iron that kills us" she said, trying not to cry herself.

As the flames took full grasp of Kay's body, her breathing fully stopped and she officially was considered as dead. Her clothing singed and burned as the flames continued to shroud her until all that could be seen of Kay was her silhouette in the middle of the fire. The fire could be heard crackling and popping as got hotter and hotter, merging between red and blue flames, ash began to form round her, the flames spreading the ash in a circular shape around her body, runes like no other being forged within the ash. Then came the shrieking of Fee, a shriek of a bird, not much different to an eagle or hawk. Fee soared upward, her flamed form swooping above the fire and Kay's body, flying round in a clockwise manner, then diving back down into Kay's body and relinking to her soul once more.

Fia squinted her eyes shut as she heard the shrieking of Fee, knowing that meant things were going the way they should but it still haunted her greatly. "it's almost done..." She whispered.

As Chas helped Josh get Serena to the couch, he looked behind him to see Trish wasn't behind them. "You stay with Serena, I'll grab your sister" he told Josh, jogging back up the staircase to the entrance door and opening it as he heard Trish tell for them. He looked over and saw the state of Drake, "what the bloody hell happened?! You weren't injured when we left you!" He said, helping him inside as the sounds of a bird shrieking echoed through the house from the cell.

With Fee reunited with Kay, the flames died down and simmered away, scorching the ash into the cell floor as Kay gasped and screamed as she sat up quickly, gasping for breath, suddenly realising she was now naked. She lifted her hand up and felt the back of her head, then to her side and felt all injuries had been healed and knitted back together. Wrapping her arms round her body, she curled her legs up, "John?!!" She called out, still slightly disoriented and confused about where she was.
Fia began to follow John inside when Trish asked what happened. "We'll explain when we get everyone inside" she told her, just wanting to focus on her parents and help in any way she could. She knew she would have to remember the stories told to her just incase and didn't want to leave either of them alone.

Chas grabbed Serena out the back of the cab as Josh came running over to help him carry her. "Seriously, what happened?" Josh asked again, "Midnite set a bomb to go off if things went south. We got Bane out and he's with Drake. But the fighting got rough... Midnite's crew threw Kay off the roof....Serena here unlocked her full power and we don't know if she just passed out or got hurt" he said as they walked into the house and down the stairs.

In the cell Kay just laid there, "thank you" Fee simply telepathically replied to John. Fia toyed with walking into the cell with her mother but decided to stay with John. "come on dad, I would be safe around phoenix flames, but you won't be, you need to get back now" she cautiously explained, grabbing his arm as flames began to ignite round Kay's body, nipping at her sides and feet as they grew to completely surround her.
Chas nodded in understanding, whilst also noticing how Fia clenched her hands into fists on her lap hearing the update. She had heard stories of the rebirth process from her mother in her time, but she didn't think she'd ever be here to witness it for herself. "Okay, we're almost back" Chas replied to him.

He felt glad that Josh and Trish were still at the mill house as it meant Serena could remain watched over whilst Kay was seen to. It took roughly another ten minutes to get back to the house and Chas pulled up right outside the front door so they had the least amount to walk with the girls. Fia wasted no time in jumping out of the cab and going to the front door, knocking on it about more roughly than she normally would have, "Josh!! Open up!" She called through in the hopes he would hear her which luckily he did. "coming!!" She heard bring called back and seconds later the front door was being opened.
As Chas drive off, Fia found herself looking back at Bane and Drake until they were out of sight. She felt so worried for them both, but had faith that they'd find their way back to the mill house. When the two of them got out of her sight, she faced forward again, "they'll be alright kiddo" Chas told her without even looking over at her, he just knew exactly what she just be thinking. "I know...I just worry about Drake....that's all" she sighed.

Chad then looked in the rearview mirror to see the three in the back, "how are you holding up John? And how are the girls fairing?" He asked as he looked back at the road, taking the correct turning he needed to get off the main roads. Kay was just about holding on, her breathing so weak it didn't even look like she was breathing.
Fia gave him a hand in standing up despite him trying to do it alone. She looked between him and Bane and after a few seconds of thinking over the option, she nodded. "okay...please don't waste time in getting back, I won't stop worrying about you otherwise" she told Drake. Making sure he was stable enough on his own two feet, she jogged to the cab and got in in the front, refusing to let her dad ride shotgun in this moment. She was also convinced she wouldn't keep her cool if she was in the back with her mother and Serena both out cold.

Chas watched as Fia took John's place in the front of the cab before John had even left Bane's side and smirked very briefly. "guess you're riding in the back this time John" he told him, "your daughter has called shotgun" he added, then got into the driver's side and put the keys in the ignition, waiting for John before starting the engine and heading back.
Chas got Serena in the cab then waited for the others. He saw Drake stirring awake and he let out a sigh of relief, glad that the kid was finally coming round and being able to acknowledge Fia, even if he did find it interesting he called Fia 'sis'. It told him that they really were close in their time. He then looked over at John and Bane briefly to check on those two before glancing back at the girls in the back. He didn't like that neither were waking still and he was worried for how much longer Kay could hold on.

"Yeah it's me Drake, it's Fia" Fia replied to him, helping him sit up. "Your mum is fine, she's in the cab. Not awake but alive. She's going to be okay though, but we have to get back to dad's urgently, mum needs a safe place to go through the phoenix rebirth process and we're running outta time" she explained, not wanting to rush him but saw no other choice.
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