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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Fia wasn't surprised that Manny didn't always do him favours in this time, as it was simply the same in her time. She had hoped in some way it was different in this time and what she witnessed in her time was simply down to something occurring and changing the relationship between her dad and this Angel. Instead of saying anything to him, she kept her focus on Drake and nodded, "that's all I can ask for right now" she told him.

"Have you tried calling to him nicely? A please wouldn't go amiss ya know sometimes" Kay retorted, knowing manners wasn't exactly his strong suit. Overhearing Kay say what she did made Fia smirk slightly. "She's got a point" Josh said in agreement whilst staying close to Serena the whole time.
Fia listened to Drake talk to the others about her, instantly getting he didn't see her re-enter the room. She wanted to just go over and hug him, hearing how guilty he felt for snapping at her but John continued the conversation about how to heal Drake's soul core first. Hearing him mention Manny made her grit her teeth tightly closed but she said nothing, deciding to keep a poker face instead. She didn't trust Manny as far as she could throw him, but she had to agree that John had a point in his theory.

With the glass of water handed to Serena, she walked over to Drake and gently hugged him. "I told you to get both of you home in one piece you doofus, but I'm just glad you're alive right now" she told him. "Just please don't do anything that reckless again, you scared the utter shit out of me" she told him.

Kay thought about what John was explaining, knowing she wasn't nearly as adversed in this subject as John was. "Then we ask for Manny's help" she said, "we can't let Drake remain hurt when the kids go back to their time" she said again, easily imagining how their older selves would react to the two teenagers coming back injured.
Fia grabbed a glass and got Serena some water, but she hovered in the kitchen for a few moments. She hates that she got Drake so badly hurt, she never should have let him come along she began to think. Then having him basically growl at her in annoyance just hurt Al the more, though she could forgive him for that. In her eyes, she deserved it for bringing him with her to this time.

"So how do we fix that before healing him?" Kay asked John after he explained why it was safest for Fia not to heal him in this moment. She also heard him apologise to Fia, despite her not being in the room. "Drake you have nothing to be sorry for okay?" She told him, as Fia finally came back into the room, walked to Serena and handed her the glass. "Here..." She simply said.
Josh looked at John as he spoke but it was like the words were way out of his comprehension. He understood the words but it was so out there that his mind just felt like it was imploding on itself. "I'm glad it's explaining a few things for you" he said back, when Drake's outburst also made him look over to the teenagers in the room.

Drake ripping her hand away from him harshly and practically growling at her made Fia step back shocked and hurt. It was so out of character for him and she just wanted to help in some way. "I..." She stammered when John spoke up telling her to listen to Drake. Yet it was him saying he's more hurt than she could heal that felt like such a criticism to her abilities, even though she knew deep down that her father didn't mean it like that.

She stepped to one side to let John check on Drake and get the full truth out of him finally. Hearing what the demon did to him, she gritted her teeth, blaming herself for leaving Drake and Bane alone at the building. She was convinced the demon had gone back to Hell, never did she think it would come back for them. "I never should have left them alone" she thought to herself, but in that moment she put her mother over someone she considered her younger brother.

"You got it" Kay replied when John gave her the request he did. She could see the helplessness and hurt in Fia's body language and eyes but didn't want to smother her with what would no doubt he considered as empty platitudes. "Fia why don't you go and get Serena some water or something?" Kay suggested instead, thinking maybe Fia needed a reason to step away from the group. Fia nodded and wasted no time in doing that exact suggestion.
Josh didn't know how to take her words about her father, just assuming it was a scenario similar to when people say they feel or see their loved ones if they're in danger, acting as a guardian angel of sorts. However it seemed John thought differently judging by his reply to what she said. He was so focused on Serena that he didn't even notice that Trish was going to Chas and tugging on his arm, or noticing Drake and how badly he was feeling.

Fia looked over when she heard Trish talking with Chas, telling him something is was wrong with Drake, which made her turn her attention to Drake and saw for herself how peaky and pale he was looking and hurt. "Drake!" She said in worry, going over to him and making him let her see her injury. "Damn it Drake, why didn't you tell us you had this injury too?" She asked him. "I'm healing you and I don't care what you say in protest" she told him, deciding that although she could use some of her phoenix healing ability, she was a lot less capable of using that on someone else, but using normal healing magic was something she was capable of using.

She moved his hands out of the way and placed her own over the wound, focusing her eyes on where the wound was, she muttered an incantation that pulled the power of her own healing rune tattoo and carried its power over to Drake, without making him with the rune permanently.
When Serena woke up still thinking Kay was in the building, Kay instantly walked over, albeit carefully whilst her body still was regaining it's full strength. "I'm okay Serena, they got me out" she said, deciding maybe making herself seen by Serena was the best course of action. Josh let Kay and John both reassure Serena that she was okay before looking back at her and smiling softly, "you're back alive...that's the main thing" he replied to her.

Fia then stepped up after they all had their moments, "we made it out thanks to you Serena, dad got mum back just in time and it seems you unlocked your full powers or something which also affected Drake's I think" she explained.
Fia, Josh and Kay all listened to Bane speak. It felt like a valid theory to them all, as well as making Fia feel a bit more justified in suggesting that her and Drake go back to this time and try and set the course on a different path. When Serena started mumbling as she was coming round, they all looked toward her, hearing what she was saying. This made Josh kneel down and take Serena's hand, "Kay is safe, you're both safe" he kept saying, hoping that taking her hand and speaking to her will help Serena come round more and fully wake.

Kay just kept watching over everything hoping that Serena will wake soon, as she wanted to put her mind at ease that she was safe and alive. She could have only imagined how it must have been for Serena seeing her falling through the roof.
Fia sighed but respected Drake's decision. She looked across and followed Bane over to Serena and watched, seeing Serena was starting to come round which was a relief. "It's because we interfered in this moment of time. We aren't meant to be here, not yet but our desperation to save you guys is changing things" Fia theorised, feeling like her and Drake doing the right thing was changing the course a bit too much, too early.

"Don't blame yourselves yet Fia, we'd all be dead or worse if it wasn't for you two" Kay said, not wanting to think about her being Hell's weapon. She then looked back over at Serena and hoped she'd wake soon and could give them answers to what exactly happened inside the building. "there's no point in speculating anything until Serena wakes up and can tell us what happened herself" Chas agreed.
"he'll be alright. He's beat up, but I've tender to his wounds so he'll survive. At least, he'll survive his injuries, Fia's lectures? Not so sure" Chas replied, ending his comment with a light joke and smirk. He turned to look at Bane as he appeared and nodded, "Drake said as much that's what happened" he confirmed. Fia deep down couldn't stay mad at Drake for long, she never could. She just adored him so much that she couldn't bare the thought of losing him. She checked his side for herself, and placed her hand on it to check it over properly, seeing that Chas did a pretty good job. "Want me to heal it up more to relieve the pain?" She asked Drake.

Kay then looked over at Serena and Josh, "what about Serena? You guys know how she's doing?" She asked everyone in the room, remaining close to John for the time being as she still let her body gain its strength again. "I think she's slowly coming round again" Josh replied.
Kay stood up with the help of both Fia and John, now really noting how John's shirt sleeves fell over her hands in length, something she found incredibly comfortable. "Agreed" they both said in unison, before looking at each other and each smirking lightly in amusement. Their faces both turned serious again as Fia walked on ahead to lead the way back upstairs to where Drake and the others were. Seeing Drake awake but injured made her frown and walk over to him, "I'm not with you for what, five minutes and you get more injured? You're such an idiot!" She playfully scolded him, lightly snacking his arm with the back of her hand.

Chas nodded, also wanting to know why it was so urgent for the demonkin to get Bane, as it was seeming more and more obvious that they wanted Bane just as urgently as they wanted Kay. He looked behind him when he heard Fia, Kay and John make it back upstairs, sighing with relief to seeing Kay very much alive again. He followed Fia with his eyes and smirked at her scolding Drake like a younger sibling. He then looked at Kay and John, "everything alright with you two?" He asked.
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