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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Josh nodded when he spoken to, quickly dashing off to fetch some towels, "towels should be in the storeroom next to the kitchen!" He heard Fia call out, making him skid to a stop and turn to where she directed him. He opened the door and grabbed a couple of clean towels, feeling thankful that things weren't different in Fia's time to now. He then dashed to the kitchen and opened the freezer, grabbing the ice and tipping some into one of the towels, before putting the rest back and bringing everything over to Serena. "Here" he said, handing it over.

Kay didn't like the idea of a demon in the house and causing chaos, whilst the house's magical alarms all went off. "Then we better hurry" she told him, "they sound panicked down there." She added.
Fia waved her words off with her hands, "don't apologise, it needed to be done" she replied to her as she rotated her shoulders to relieve the ache that was running through her shoulder blades and wing. She had felt worse but she wasn't going to say anything as it wasn't about her in this moment. She glanced over and saw Drake's state and quickly walked over, kneeling down. "Hey Drake, hey, come on mate, keep fighting yeah?" She said, trying to keep him mentally in the room, but she was getting more scared by the second.

Kay carefully picked up the vial and turned to John as he was just rushing into the study. "Found it glowing between some artefacts on the bookshelf." She explained, handing it over. "Fee could tell it was what we needed" she added. "We got everything Drake needs now?" She asked.
Fia let Serena find a feather of her choosing, she felt every tiny touch through the nerves in her feathers but remained calm. When Serena chose the feather and found it at its root, she mentally braced herself for it to be pulled out. As Serena pulled it out on two and not three, she grunted through gritted teeth as she felt the resistance from the feather before it came free, sending waves of pain through her wings and causing them to ruffle and shiver ever so slightly to compensate from the light trauma she willingly put them through. "Well that's one ingredient acquired" she commented.

Kay was checking the study where she seemed to recall where he kept a lot of stuff. She looked through a lot, making sure to be careful not to touch anything that she didn't know what it was. Eventually, she caught something glimmering out of the corner of her eye, making her walk over. "that's it" Fee said to her inside her head. With a nod, Kay carefully picked up the small vial of glowing liquid that didn't quite resemble liquid, nor did it resemble smoke, but something in between. "I found it!" She called out to everyone.
Chas and Kay both nodded when John suggested places of where they should be checking. Neither wanted to have Drake in pain or discomfort for longer than was necessary. "Got it" they both said in unison before rushing off to their designated places and started looking all round for the angel essence.

Josh stepped up, "sure" he replied, instantly helping in moving Drake carefully from the single chair to the couch where they could lay him down with caution. Fia grabbed the blanket laying off the back of the couch and draped it over his legs. "Yes I'm sure. He's the closest thing I'll ever have to a brother, I'm not losing him. If just giving up one single feather from my wings will be a key in fixing him? Then I'll do it, the feather will grow back" she told Serena with conviction, even though she wasn't sure if it would grow back for certain. Serena didn't need to know that though.

She out stretched one wing, stretching the feathers out as much as possible for Serena, "just...pluck one from higher up so it doesn't affect my ability for flight?" She suggested.
Fia knew they'd have to be careful, but she also just wanted Drake to be better again. That was all she cared about in this moment, Drake was getting worse and it was breaking her heart. She looked at Serena, "just pluck it, don't worry about me Aunt" she told her back, "I can talk you through it" she then added. She then looked over at Drake as he spoke and hated how he was declining so fast. She also knew that despite how much she didn't trust the Angel, Drake was right. The Angel was strange like that, says he can't interfere but he does indeed help when it was desperate times, but she also knew a side if Manny that no one else did, a side she couldn't disclose in this time.

"Dad, go look for the essence and the other ingredients with mum, me and Aunt S can keep watch over Drake and get the feather from myself" she told John, then summoned her wings out, being careful not to knock anything over in the process.
Hearing that Manny seemed to have given them the cure for Drake made both Kay and Fia want to sigh with relief and at first, want to celebrate but as they let John continue speaking they knew it would be pre emptive to celebrate. Fia took the note and list of ingredients, scanning her eyes over them and then saw why John cursed softly. "Then take one of my feathers. If it saves Drake I'll give up any amount of feathers" she told him with conviction. She didn't care her wings would be slightly bruised from the plucking, she would go through any pain for her family.

"What about the Angel essence though?" Kay asked, "don't suppose Manny just gave up some and planted it somewhere?" She added, whilst also being impressed with the way Fia was just standing up and offering to help in the way she was. She couldn't help but think her and John's future selves clearly brought her up right if Fia was being this selfless. "I bloody hope so, or we gotta find a Angel to either be willing to give it up or kill to gain it. The latter I'm guessing won't go down well with the big man upstairs so to speak" Chas commented.
Chas always hated it when Manny froze them or took over one of their bodies to be able to talk to John without the rest of them sticking their noses into the conversation. Sure, he got it but that didn't mean he had to like it. He nodded at John's request and went to where John kept his book of notes and addresses, finding it on the table and grabbing it, bringing it over to John. "Here, but ya better be quick, Drake don't look good" he said, seeing how bad the boy was getting, which was just making Fia more and more anxious.

As he handed the book over, a note dropped out of it and onto John's foot. On the note would be the ingredients from around his house to create a disgusting but powerful concoction with an incantation to help heal Drake's soul core. Two of the ingredients however included Angel essence, which in compared to the second was fine. The second? A phoenix feather straight from the wing.
(sooooo sorry it's taken me so lon to reply! I've been working at a convention all weekend and not had a moment to stop and look at my rps at all!)

Josh smiled when she called him the best and blushed ever so slightly when she kissed his cheek. It was an action he wasn't fully expecting for some unknown reason to him. He looked down and saw Bane lay down in front of them and knew he had clearly had enough and needed as much rest as possible. "I try" he then said back to Serena before he with the others, all froze in time whilst Manny appeared.

Manny couldn't help but smirk and look surprised that John was actually being nice and seeing someone else's perspective. "I'm impressed John, never thought I'd see the day you'd use your manners on me. Seems these people are being a good influence on you" he said with an amused edge to his tone of voice. Then with that he disappeared again and letting the room move once again. When the room came back, Kay found herself blinking a few times before realising why it felt like she lost a few minutes of time. "So Manny came then? He gonna help?" She asked.
Josh nodded at Serena's request and helped her up and over to Drake. He could understand why she would want to go next to him after he saved Bane's life. "Just keep ahold of me okay" he told her softly, making sure he had a proper grip on her so she wouldn't fall, but not hard enough that he'd hurt her.

Manny didn't want to appear and interfere but he had to acknowledge that John's point of the kid risking his life to save their future was valid. He paused the room except for John, as he always did. "You're calling on me a bit too often lately John" he commented. "But you're right, I may know someone who could give you a lead on how to save his soul core" he told him. "But I can't interfere by helping you, but if I was? I'd find what you need in your book of contacts if I was you" he said, hoping the hint of his help was enough, without risking being reprimanded for his actions. He used that moment as he spoke to make the address of who could help him and Drake in his book.

Despite having earlier saying that she wasn’t going to get blind drunk and be professional, it seemed what she was drinking was making her do the complete opposite. She didn’t give it a second thought that if Dean caught her getting drunk right now he would be unbelievably annoyed with her and would no doubt scold her like she was a child for it, but right now she didn’t care. She needed to do her job and forget about everything that was circling in her mind this evening. When Cason said it wasn’t like demons would just be out in the open, she rolled her eyes, ignoring the fact that he tried to stop her drinking, when back in the motel he was encouraging her to go against Dean’s wishes and make her drink. It actually baffled her in some ways, but she wasn’t going to bring focus to it, instead just focus on what he had to say. “I just want this job over with already, if this witch, demon or whatever is gonna make a move, then they should just so it already” she commented, when a drunk student slammed into her back, shoving her right into Cason and laughing about it, as she quickly grabbed onto his jacket to try and steady herself.

She felt glad that Cason actually grabbed her to keep her on her feet, and by doing so he inadvertently stopped her from starting a punch up with the student. She did however use the moment to quickly shoot intense daggers at the student behind her before looking back up at Cason, seeing him intensely looking at her wondering what he was thinking as he stared at her. She was completely oblivious that Annabeth was watching them from afar and that Mika had at some point left the brothers and came to watch over them like the mother figure she was capable of being when it suited her. Every part of Natalia wanted to scream and shout and protest at Cason touching her, to shrug him off and tell him to fuck off, but the cheap beer in her system was preventing her from doing so. “bloody teenagers...” she grumbled in annoyance to herself, “you can let go of me now” she then told Cason quickly after, but making no effort to remove herself from his grip either, instead just constantly looking up into his dark eyes fully aware that she was still holding onto him also. Her mind was a mess, filled with traumatic memories and alcohol making her not think straight in the slightest. The traumatic memories telling her to run from Cason, the beer telling her to stay in his grip.

In her slightly drunken state she could see why Mika slept with him, even if it was under Cupid’s spell, the guy was attractive, she couldn’t say otherwise but she also couldn’t get passed what he was. He wouldn’t be the first demon to pretend he actually cared about her welfare before backstabbing her.


Mika did start with the brothers but the idea of Natalia and Anna alone with Cason just concerned her far too much. She couldn’t get Natalia’s behaviour at the motel out of her head and was convinced if someone wasn’t there with them, something would happen that not even Annabeth could stop alone. So she told the brothers she was heading to where the party was and if they needed her to call straight away and she’ll run back to them. Sam agreed it was a good idea as he too was highly concerned about his sister’s rapidly declining behaviour. Sure, they had seen her have bad days with her PTSD before, but nothing like on this hunt.

Mika had been at the party long enough to see that Natalia was trying to drink far too much to be fully coherent as a hunter. It was concerning her greatly and she knew deep down she would have to send the boys a warning text sooner or later. For now, she just stayed near Annabeth and observed the whole situation with her when she saw how Natalia was getting terribly close to Cason. It made her grit her teeth and cross her arms in front of her chest, not out of jealousy but out of annoyance that it didn’t seem like Cason was doing much to push her away. From where Mika was standing, it looked like Cason was just taking advantage of Natalia’s state.

Then came the shove. The shove that pushed Nat right into Cason’s arms and the two of them looking at each other deeply. “I bloody hope not, but with how Nat is behaving it’s entirely possible. Just get ready for anything, when she’s remotely like this she can lash out really badly.” She warned Annabeth. Yet no attack was occurring, just a lot of staring and that unnerved Mika all the more, she knew of Natalia’s habit of getting drunk and having one night stands, and she prayed that Cason wasn’t going to be another one of those situations. “please don’t do anything stupid Nat...please for everyone’s sake and Dean’s blood pressure, don’t do anything stupid” she commented and prayed. “AB we better prepare for calling the boys for backup. Those two are putting me more on edge than this hunt is” she told the other sober and sane woman in the crypt.

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