Avatar of FuriePhoenix


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Current Happy birthday to me!
12 mos ago
Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts

Fia didn't particularly like what John told her back, finding it still disorienting to some degree that her parents were still only in the beginnings of even getting into a relationship, let alone sharing a room yet. "....fine. but Chas or anyone has a go at you, I wasn't in agreement of you staying up. You know I'm more than willing to sleep down here near Trish" she replied to him. "It's just weird for me right now...I'm so used to you two...well...ya know. Sharing the same room and stuff..." She added, stepping up to him and hugging him like she was used to doing in her timeline. "Night" she finally said, letting go of him and going upstairs, pausing half way up, "what room is mum's in this moment in time?" She asked.

Josh listened to Serena talk, albeit in a sleepy tone a d he found himself smiling a little at what she said and her curling up into him. "Maybe he was darling, maybe he was" he replied to her.
"and you promised mu-Kay and Chas that no one would be staying up figuring this out and would get some rest" Fia countered back at him, stopping herself from saying 'mum' so much when in this timeline she technically didn't exist yet. "I know you're worried about Serena and Kay but you're gonna be of no use to anyone if you're working yourself too much" she added slight more softly than her previous remark, walking up to him and looking him straight in the eyes. "So please, just do what you've been nagging Serena to do, and go to bed yourself?" She asked in an almost pleading manner to him.

Josh smiled softly when Serena asked him to stay beside her, but that smile faded slightly when she mentioned how she saw her father in the warehouse. He pulled off his shirt and kicked off his sneakers, but left his jeans on before he got onto the bed and pulled her into his side. "What happened when you saw him?" He asked her, "if you wanna talk about it that is" he then quickly added after his question, not wanting to pressure her into talking.
"a message?" Josh questioned, but knew only Serena would be able to answer that question deep down. When she snapped out of it and stumbled into him, he quickly grabbed her to stop her from falling onto the floor and picked her up. When John told her to go bed and she didn't argue him on the matter, Josh had to admit to himself deep down that he was thankful she finally admitted that yes, she did need to go to bed. "I'll take her. See you guys in the morning" he said him and Fia who was still in the room.

Taking her upstairs, he took her to his room as he remembered that Drake was in her bed. "You can have my bed tonight" he told her softly, carrying her into his room and laying her on his bed. "I can crash in the chair again if you don't want to share the bed" he suggested.

Back downstairs, Fia looked at her dad, "you should go to bed as well. I can grab the spare blankets and stuff myself" she told him, not wanting to give him an excuse to stay up if he didn't need to, which in her eyes he didn't.
Josh stepped up to take Serena upstairs when she stopped dead in her tracks. He saw how white she went bad he really didn't like how pale she went. "Serena? Everything alright?" He asked cautiously, placing his hand on her arm as he got more concerned about her. "Bane, do you know what's going on with her?" He asked him, glancing over at him.

Not even Fia knew what was going on with Serena but whatever it was, she didn't like it. "whatever is going on, she definitely needs rest and she really doesn't have a single valid counter now to argue it." She commented, also curious what was going on. If Serena hadn't just halted as she went to step, she would have told her dad to also go to bed. She didn't like the idea of anyone staying up and researching.
Aww! I know how it feels about the cough, covid left me with a phlegmy throat that makes me still cough every now and then.
Chas nodded, went though he believed that Serena should rest and not do a single thing for the rest of the night. He then smirked when John said what he did, "will do mate, I'll say you say hi to Geraldine too" he smiled, patting his mate on the shoulder then headed out, getting into his cab and driving home, knowing he couldn't possibly let his daughter down by not being home for the evening.

Josh nodded in agreement, he really didn't want Serena staying up any later than she already had been. He didn't care what she would have to say about being being fine, her body was telling them all a very different story. "Agreed" he replied, then walked back over to the others, "I think Kay, Trish and Chas have had the right idea, we should all get some sleep for a bit and just start fresh in the morning" he suggested, having seen that Trish was already fast asleep on the couch, curled up in the corner.

Fia nodded at Josh, "I agree. I'll gladly crash down here for the night. I know what will be my room won't be in existence yet" she said to everyone.
It really sucks don't it? Hope you feel better soon!
Fia smiled even though the kiss on her forehead did surprise her slightly. It really did seem like she was learning something new about her family from this time each moment she stayed here. She was close to Serena but she never could recall her 'aunt' ever kissing her forehead before in her time. She knew her mother did, but that was her mother and was sort of expected by Fia, but not Serena. In her time it was all about the hugs and possible forehead touches. The kisses were usually saved for Drake and Drake alone, which was completely valid to Fia. Drake was her son after all. She gladly went downstairs with Serena and the shadows and like them, bumped into Kay on the way down.

"Night you two, make sure you both get some sleep soon as well." Kay replied to Serena before giving a thumbs up at her offer to make breakfast in the morning. "Sounds good, see you in the morning" she then said, continuing up the stairs and to the hallway where the bedrooms were before she found herself pausing and wondering if she should go to her room or to John's. Thinking over the pros and cons of both options, she headed to John's, not wanting to risk any nightmares to be had by herself. Waking into his room, she properly took note of it and what was chucked around and really, how little he seemed to have. Shrugging off her thoughts, she walked over to the bed, pulled off her leggings and got into his bed where it took her only about three minutes before she fell asleep on her side to leave room for him.

Josh couldn't help but smile sympathetically when Bane said how tired he truly was. "It's not surprising, it seems you all are absolutely shattered and in need of a good rest" he told him back, "but there was no way these guys and girls were gonna leave you to get anymore hurt." He then added, feeling like he couldn't take credit for the save as he stayed behind to look after Trish.

Chas stretched his arms up with a yawn and then stood up, "I'm gonna head back before I'm too tired to drive. I'll pop round tomorrow to check on you guys" he said eventually, deciding that heading home to his own bed was the best decision he could make right now, as as much as he appreciated the bed in one of John's spare rooms, nothing beat his own bed. "If ya need me John just text" he said, seeing Serena and Fia make it back to the main room. "You heading off Chas?" Fia asked, to which Chas nodded. "Sure am kiddo." He replied before he found himself getting hugged tightly by Fia.
Same here 😅 I hate getting behind on my rps and having people waiting on me
Finally got round to posting after working all weekend and catching up on the sleep from said weekend. Doing a three day convention the weekend after getting over covid was possibly not my best move 😅
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