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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Chas just shook his head at John's explanation, it was one he was all too used to hearing from his mate and was convinced he'd never grow out of. "well you should catch some shut eye when ya can mate" he pointed out before turning his attention to Kay and Bane who were standing over the map together. He walked over to them both and looked at what Bane was talking about, low and behold the man wolf was correct.

"That can't be a coincidence, right?" Kay pointed out, looking at John mostly to seek his opinion. "I mean, this isn't the first time the key lines have cropped up into all of this" she added, tapping the map with her fingertips.
Kay nodded with a slight smirk at John refusing to go for a nap and just dealing with it. As he went to the railing, she went to the map and research papers John had laid out from over the night. Chas noted where John said they were and he headed up to them both, taking one look at Kay then at John and knew instantly only one of them had actually slept. "You didn't take your own advice from last night" he pointed out to John, "seriously John, mate, you're gonna burn yourself out if you don't actually sleep every night" he lectured him.

In Kay's room, Fia eventually started to wake up with a groan of disapproval of being awake, yanking the covers right over her head in protest. "Five more minutes dad" she sleepily grumbled, forgetting what timeline she was in and she wasn't actually being moaned at for being asleep.
Kay was glad that she was understanding things correctly, yet it didn't stop it being any less mind blowing that Serena was the daughter of an actual god. But then again, she figured it was just as plausible as it was for her to be a phoenix in human form and mystically bonded to John whilst their daughter from the future is sleeping upstairs. She glanced upward toward the main door at the top of the spiral staircase when she heard it, then back at John, "go get some sleep, I can tell Chas you're sleeping in, I got you" she said, prepared to cover for him so he could get at least a nap in.

As John suspected, it was indeed Chas arriving after having spent breakfast with his own daughter. "anyone up?!" He called through the house as he closed the front door behind him.
Kay looked toward the map he gestured toward, wondering exactly what it was she was meant to be looking at before looking back toward him as he explained his theory, yawn and all. "After everything, it doesn't sound all that crazy to me. If you had told me when we first met that theory I'd have said you're mental, but not anymore. To be honest, in a strange way it actually makes some kind of sense in my head of that would be the case." She replied, then continued speaking, "I mean...look at me and Fee. She says she's me and I'm her but we're completely two different beings, albeit sharing one soul, but she feels greatly different to me."

"I see it more as she's more of the literal bird form of me, so maybe it's similar with Serena. Except she's on a much more powerful level?" She theorised, hoping she was understanding John's theory correctly.
Kay shook her head, "don't worry about breakfast. Serena said she was going to make it when she got up, as for Chas I'm sure he'll just give you some judge look of disapproval later and get over it" she told him, glad that Bane had come with her to check on John. "What did you find to keep you up all night?" She then asked, unable to not to be curious if he found anything that would help her and Serena, even though she did wish he would have gotten some sleep instead.
Kay was glad that Bane was healing. When he apologised to her for dying and having to resurrect due to saving him, she gave a small genuine smile and squatted down slightly to hug him. "Don't apologise Bane. You have nothing to apologise for. It was my own actions that lead to it. I was losing control of myself and I paid the price for it" she told him, hoping it'll be of some assurance. She also truly believed her words to be truth, and didn't want him thinking he had to try and repay her for it. She then stood up again, letting go of him, "I should go check on John" she then told him, then walked downstairs and eventually found John pacing around and muttering to himself.

"You didn't go to sleep did you?" She greeted him, walking up to him in the hopes it'd stop him from pacing. She could just tell he didn't go to sleep from the look of him and how he was being right now, wishing that one night he'd actually follow his own advice to the rest of them.
Kay nodded at Bane's information about who was awake. She also wondered what the news was that he had about Serena but respected him when he said it could wait. "I'm pretty good. Actually for the first time in a long time feel well rested" she told him. "What about you? How you holding up?" She asked, knowing he was in worse condition than herself to some degree.

Chas was only just getting up himself at his house, feeling better for having slept in his own bed for a change and not one of the couches in John's millhouse. He also had promised Geraldine he would have breakfast at home with her this morning and knew whatever was going on at John's it could wait for a little longer. He wasn't expecting anyone to be awake just yet anyway.
Kay sat up in bed and sighed as she accepted that she was well and truly awake. Getting out of the bed, she grabbed her leggings and put them back on before running her hands through her hair to tidy it up a bit. Relatively satisfied that she somewhat presentable, aware she still had John's shirt on and during her sleep, had crumpled it, she gave a shrug and exited the room finding Bane in the hallway. "Bane? Everything alright this morning?" She greeted him, a yawn slightly distorting the last half of her greeting, but not enough that he wouldn't be able to decifer what it was she actually said. "Is anyone else awake?" She then asked.

Fia was like Serena and Josh, fast asleep still. She was never an early riser unless it was absolutely necessary to be so. She was teased by her dad a lot in her time over it and she had done many bets with him on if she could get up early, aka before 8am, for her training days. Some mornings she won, some she lost. Today was one of those usual late wakings for her as she slept soundly in Kay's room, one leg hanging over the edge of the bed and the duvet a crumpled mess, only her hair really showing above it.
Whilst John worked, Fia and Kay both slept soundly. Kay didn't have any nightmares or bad memories flood her mind for once as she slept in John's bed. Fia dreamt of her timeline, seeing her versions of her parents in her dream with her and actually completely happy. There was no sign in the dream of upset or hidden anxieties and turmoil in anyone.

Josh kissed the top of her head out of habit when he would do it for Trish. "I'm glad you feel something positive. Get some sleep" he said softly, closing his eyes himself to help him relax into slumber.


By the morning, Kay woke up to find John never made it to the room and figured he either did what he told the rest of them not to do or fell asleep downstairs somewhere. She yawned and stretched to wake herself up more as she then sat upright with a sigh, feeling well rested. She then remembered everything from the day before and wondered how the teenagers were, yet more importantly, how Drake was feeling today.
Fia could see some logic in his assumption about Kay. It hadn't been long since her mother died and came back to life again, something that in a way she could have almost forgotten with everything else that had happened. "Thanks, see ya in the morning" she said one last time and continued up the stairs to the upper level and walked down the hall, finding Kay's room which she did so eventually. It was only when she went inside she remembered she came in earlier to get Kay some leggings, realising that if she forgot that, she must be more tired after everything than she thought she was. Kicking her boots off as she walked to the bed, she pulled her jeans and jacket off and got into the bed. Staring up at the ceiling she sighed, 'man it's been one hell of a day...I just hope Drake feels better in the morning. I wonder how our folks are in our timeline' she thought to herself as she felt her eyelids close and soon fell asleep for the night.

Josh kissed the top of Serena's head as she spoke of something awaking inside of her. It was something Bane and himself were wondering. "Me and Bane wondered something along those lines" he admitted. "But for now, get some sleep okay?" He suggested to her soothingly. "Sleep will do you some good and I can guarantee you'll feel a lot more refreshed in the morning" he added.
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