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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Fia gave Kay and Bane a nod to say 'we'll be back soon' and hurried off behind John and Chas before she got left behind. She wouldn't have put it passed either of them to do such a thing as she was used to that in her time by their older selves. She got to them just as John finished speaking to Chas whilst she shoved her hands in her pockets. Chas looked at them both and pulled out his car keys, "no time like the present then" he sighed, walking over to the can and unlocking it for them all to pile in, noting how Fia got in in the back to leave the front passenger seat for John.

Kay watched them all leave and then turned to Bane when he expressed his concern. "I hope it is as well Bane. "It worries me that they're just rushing into this head first without any thought into it." She replied. "If I didn't promise to watch this place for him, I'd follow them" she admitted.
Fia quickly pulled her boots on as she carried them downstairs with her. Whilst John was explaining that Kay was in charge of the place when they were gone, she headed down the stairs of the library to grab her hooded jacket off the back of the sofa from the night before. Slipping it on, she saw Trish was waking, making her smile. Instead of greeting her though and getting distracted, she hurriedly met back up with Chas and John.

Kay nodded, "we'll look after everything here, don't worry. Just come home safe" she replied to John, accepting the kiss on her cheek. Chas headed out first and waited for Fia and John, hoping that nothing would come for them whilst John did this, and as much as he hated doing it behind the other's backs, he knew it was the right decision.
Chas and Fia nodded in agreement, glad that John was accepting them to come along as backup. They also agreed it was better to go before Serena woke up and possibly Drake as Fia had a feeling he may try and stop her from going. When John looked over and asked where the crossover on the key lines were, Kay looked down again at the map and then placed her finger on the point where they all meet. "Here" she said, looking at where their location was and where the meeting point was, "it doesn't seem that far, if Chas drives it hopefully shouldn't be much longer than a 40 minute drive maybe?' she told them all.
Kay felt better knowing he was agreeing to keep her pendant on him, despite swearing she would never take it off. She trusted Fee's opinion on giving it to him. What she didn't like was him blaming himself for this, "John this isn't your fault, please don't blame yourself" she told him. "She's right ya know, it's not your fault, you've kept them safe here and I'm pretty sure with how stubborn they both are, they'd have escaped somehow if they didn't like it here" Chas spoke up with a smirk, that was returned with a soft glare from Kay but also a nod in agreement.

"Thats a good idea Bane, with three of us as backups to watch his surroundings, he'll be safe" Fia said, acknowledging Bane's suggestion of sending a shadow also.
Chas and Fia sighed in unison at John's response, neither surprised that he was refusing to rest up. They didn't even realise until after that they both shook their heads, touching the bridge of their noses exactly at the same time at him. An action Fia had picked up from Chas from a very young age. "Then we're both going with you to watch your back. And I'm not taking no for an answer" Chas spoke up sternly, showing he really meant what he was telling him.

"I'm not happy about this decision John, you need rest" Kay then spoke up, not wanting him to risk his own life for hers. It didn't sit well with her in the slightest. "Me and Chas will be with him, I promise we'll pull him out if it gets too much for him or dangerous" Fia tried to reassure her mother. "your pendant Kay, give him your pendant. It'll act as an extra bit of protection for him and give him the extra boost of strength" Fee said in her head, knowing that if she couldn't leave Kay's soul and body, she could at least give a tidbit of information to help in another way.

Kay looked down at her silver necklace round her neck then lifted it over her head and walked over to John, putting it on him. "Take this then. Fee says it'll give you extra protection and a boost of strength, it'll also make me feel better about you going out there in your state" she told him.
"but..!" Fia started protesting, pausing for a mere second expecting this John to stop her from protesting like her John would, but quickly remembered they were at this stage very different people. "But you're looking like crap, you need rest and the rest of us have got that." She continued on, Chas then stepped forward beside Fia, "the kid is right. You look like shit mate, like you could vomit any minute type of shit" he agreed with Fia. "So no one is going anywhere just yet until you've had at least an hour's nap and eaten. Last thing we need is for you to pass out on the street" he added.
It didn't surprise Kay that John said he didn't want her getting involved in in his plan, especially after the night before and how that situation turned out. Truth was, she actually didn't want to protest him on the matter and felt more than okay in not going. She didn't however like the fact John was planning on going alone, and was thankful that Bane said something about it.

Fia also didn't like the plan, folding her arms over her chest, she stared right at John. "I'm going with you. Bane is right, no way are you going alone. You're going to need someone to watch your back whilst you do this and right now I'm the next most powerful one awake and with it enough to be of any help" she pointed out. She also partly and selfishly wanted to be with her dad of her past on her own without anyone else around.
Kay looked over her shoulder when she heard Fia speak up as she entered the area, still sounding slightly sleepy. She thought Fia had a valid point but she didn't see any other option in this moment, before looking at John as he then spoke up again. "That's possible?" She asked curiously.
Kay listened to John's explanation finding it was making sense in her head finally. "I see...so I guess we shouldn't use our abilities outside of this place for the time being?" She suggested after Bane also spoke about how they would have found him and taken him. "It's our only option really, isn't it? The lay lines are absolutely everywhere and we can't just easily avoid being near one." She added, feeling it was their only option and not seeing another way.

Fia had overheard some of the conversation being had as she got nearer, hearing who was awake and who wasn't. "You can't just...not use your powers Kay. It's who you are. Shutting it out would be like shutting a part of you off" she said, walking into the room.
"explain it as if there's people in the room that have no idea how it all works please?" Kay said, as she didn't fully understand it but she didn't want to admit she didn't understand. "How can the ley lines be used to track me and Serena exactly?" She asked straight after. She also couldn't help but feel like she'd never be safe if that was the case, to her it wasn't like she could just avoid areas with ley lines as they were quite everywhere.

Fia eventually did properly wake up and yawned before stretching so much she almost fell out of the bed. "Woah!" She reacted, managing to save herself just in time. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she sat up and got herself presentable before heading down to where the others were, wondering who else was awake.
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