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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts

Chas sighed when John refused to let Kay help with any kind of pain relief. He understood the reason why, but he wished just for once John wouldn't be stubborn and almost be back to his old ways to a certain extent of getting everything he needed out of someone, whilst he could. Yet on the other hand, he was actually proud of John for being different with Kay and continuing to keep her out of harm's way in any manner. Maybe his best mate was changing slightly after all.

When Fia came bursting in, Josh wasn't the only one who jumped. Chas went on fight or flight alert instantly, thinking the mill House was under attack or something. Serena beat him to it in saying something to Fia, however he had to admit, Serena was a lot more blunt than he would have been. "Sorry!" Fia apologised, visibly wincing in regret for bursting in the way she did. "But if it's the same as what I know from my time about this date, then he has a concussion" she told them a bit more calmly. "We'll keep an eye on it, now go back upstairs kiddo" Chas replied.
"just do what you can Serena" Chas said to her, as he kept an eye on John closely. He wished he could help him with the pain and the shakes, but he didn't know how to bad thus felt a little helpless. "she's almost done mate, just hold out a little longer yeah?" He told John, "maybe when this is done Kay can help with the pain" he added.

Fia read over Drake's shoulder as he read it out to them all, but mostly to her. "Concussion?" She said back in thought, then she got off the bed quickly. "I gotta go tell them!" She said and before anyone could stop her, she was out the room and rushing downstairs to the room where the other half of their group were. "Guys dad has a concussion! Don't ask me how I know, I just do." She told them. Her outburst and sudden appearance made Josh jump as he wasn't expecting anyone to burst into the room.
Chas sighed with relief a little bit when Serena said she thought she had the majority of the issues delt with. Josh helped the shadows to do some clean up as the others worked, deciding he would make himself useful to everyone and not just one person.

Fia had completely forgotten in this moment that Drake brought his mother's journal with them. She knew she brought an old book her father handed down to her when she was younger and her mage abilities truly started manifesting, but when it came to what Drake brought she had forgotten. She looked over Drake's shoulder as he flicked through the pages before he landed on the entry he was looking for. "What does she say about it?" She asked.
"don't worry, we'll keep you in the loop if anything changes with him" Chas said, implying he meant himself and Josh. He wished he could have thought that the bloody mess everywhere was new and unusual to see, but sadly it wasn't. It still haunted him when he saw the aftermath of when John let Pazuzu possess him a few years ago in Mexico. That was something that would never leave his memory, but one he tried to forget nonetheless. He was just glad that the others weren't down here to witness everything happening.

The thought of having taken her mother's place at the leylines was a strange relief to Fia. She hoped that that would be the one change that would set another new course for their lives. That that would keep her mother safe and on the right path. "I hope that was the case" she replied. "After the ambush we went through, I'm glad it was me out there and not mum" she added, whilst Kay just remained silent and listened to what the two teenagers were talking about.
Chas nodded to both Serena and John's words. He partly felt annoyed that he never noticed his best friend black out but he also rationalised it by realising he was focused on Fia as well and himself. With Josh's help, Chas then checked John's reaction to the light, as well as seeing if he was bloodshot in the eyes which he didn't seem to have that he could spot. "Well I can't see any blood in the eye" he commented. "That's...something?" Josh remarked in reply.

Fia listened and thought about what he said, "you're right" she replied turning to Kay, "do you have a scar on your ankle?" She asked her so she could try and make heads and tails of the timeline. Kay shook her head, showing her ankles were very much scar free. "no..I've never scarred in my life. Fee heals me so I don't scar" she explained. "...shit..." Fia muttered under her breath. "Then that's yet to come...possibly" Fia added.
Chas didn't like what Serena was possibly implying after he gave his answer about the hit to the head. Josh however agreed to do so and moved the light toward John's eyes so Chas could check for any possible signs of possible internal head injuries. "Tell me what to look for Serena" Chas said as he looked John over. "John do you remember hitting your head at all?" He asked him.

Fia let go of him, not wanting to hurt him when he groaned. Hearing him think out loud made her sigh and run a hand through her hair. "I...I don't know. We must have changed mum going dark...right?" She theorised, or more accurately, hoped. "But, what if dad getting hurt is linked to it?' she hesitated in asking, but the question was now swirling round in her mind.
Chas felt bad for John having too through the pain without any relief. He just hoped for a while that he wouldn't have to go through this all over again and it'd be a long time before it did happen. At the question asked, he had to think for a moment. "I'm not entirely sure to be honest. He hit a tree as he flew backwards so it's possible he did I guess. I was busy helping keeping Fia safe" he admitted.

Kay wondered what it was about what she said that made Drake stare at her in such a manner, until that is when he asked the questions he did. She nodded her reply as he turned to Fia to tell her the realisation he had come to. Fia listened and thought about those words carefully, before going wide eyed and a glimmer of hope found its way back into her. "You're right! He does! He's gonna be okay!" She said back before hugging Drake out of habit.
"three hounds" Chas clarified after listening to Serena speak. "Fia killed one before it could land an attack on any of us. It was...seriously impressive." He explained in more detail. "But one hound went for John whilst one was stalking Fia. From what we could hear, she got it in the forest area" he then added. As he thought back on the whole scenario, it baffled him all the more how they all got out alive, and seeing Fia use magic from both her parents all that more incredible.

Fia was glad that Drake finally opened his eyes as she got up and sat beside him. "A lot. We still don't fully understand what happened with you yesterday but this morning we stopped the tracking link through the leylines. But...." Fia began explaining, before feeling a lump in her throat as she tried to get her words out. "They got attacked by hellhounds. John's hurt badly but Serena and the others are working on helping him" Kay finished Fia's words for her.
"now isn't the time to think like that Serena. We kept you out of the loop for a reason" Chas told her, reminding her that they purposely didn't say anything to her to keep her safe. Her not knowing any sooner was down to their actions, not hers. Josh nodded at what Chas said, feeling glad that they kept Serena out of their little mission for once as it meant she could properly get rest and feel like she rested well once she awoke.

Hearing the groan, all eyes turned to Drake, Fia being the one to instantly to stand up and walk over to his bedside. "Hey sleepy head" she said softly, deciding to try and focus on him and not the million thoughts rushing through her head. She needed to try and not think about the possibility of her existence vanishing.
Chas took the bottle back once John had taken a swig of the liquor. He stayed by his best friend's side, knowing they had gone through a lot worse together, or at least, he liked to think they'd gone through worse than this. Josh stayed near Serena but enough out the way so he wasn't a nuisance to her, helping when she needed it, whether it handing her tools or anything more hands on. "Hellhounds have a surprisingly heavy hit" Chas said with a sigh, still wondering how Fia came out as well as she did after they heard the loud scream from her.

Kay nodded at the kind words by Trish, finding it sweet she said such things. "Thanks kiddo... he'll be okay" she replied, hoping she would be correct and things really would be okay. Fia remained seated where she was, riddled with anxiety in her mind and body, too focused on whether her dad would survive or not to take notice of the lingering aching pain in her ankle, despite a shadow having earlier fixed it before she could stop it. She always had the lingering aching pain for a while as her body adjusted to being supernaturally healed.
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