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Current Happy birthday to me!
12 mos ago
Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts

"she's about the only one I'd trust to help him kiddo" Kay replied to Drake honestly. She then turned to Trish looking a little more serious, "I hope so. At least for a while. The world knows we all need and deserve a little break. I'll also hazard a guess John will be on bed rest for a few days to recover" she explained. "Bingo. I'll imagine when he wakes up he'll moan and moan until he drives us all up the wall or something shuts him up" Chas smirked, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"He does seem like a complainer to me" Kay smiled slightly, easily imagining him being an awful patient, at least, if his time in the hospital was anything to go by.

Josh made it to where Serena was and walked over to her, rubbing her back. "How you holding up? You did amazingly" he told her truthfully.
With the help of Josh, Chas carried John to the bedroom, glad that he had help as he knew he couldn't have done this on his own. Laying John in bed, he sighed and exited the room to leave him be. He was honestly glad that it was finally over as he felt like they were down there forever. "I'm gonna go check on Serena if your good?" Josh spoke to Chas, to which he nodded. "yeah, go. I'll let the others know about John" he replied, letting Josh head back downstairs to Serena, then headed to the spare room where the others were.

Kay instantly stood up when Chas walked in, her question clearly written on her face without saying a word. "He's alright. He's on bed rest in his room" Chas explained, making Kay nod. "Good" Fia sighed with relief.
"very well" Fee replied with a humble nod. She then turned to Chas "I shall I aid you in clearing the path" she added after seeing Chas agree to the request of Serena's. With that, they both walked on ahead and cleared the path, picking up anything that could be in the way and putting to one side. It didn't take either of them long, then Chas thanked Fee and went to Serena to say that the path was clear to move him to his room. Fee headed back upstairs and before entering the room where Fia, Drake and Trish were, she let Kay have control once more.

With a gasp and a couple of deep breaths Kay was back, her vision was filled with darkness or a golden glare, depending on which direction she looked in within her head. She let herself comprehend where she was and what had happened, piecing everything together mentally before going back into the room. "He's going to be fine" she told the young'uns.

(Apologies for the late response, I had work past week then came back from work with a horrendous cold that made me sleep most of the week)
"even the tiniest slither of a bone of Hell holds great power. Disgusting things..hellhounds" Fee replied to Serena, the clear disgust for the creatures evident in her tone. She gave a nod when Serena said she had it handled now, trusting her to finish fixing John up. At the next question, Chas checked John's pulse, counting in his head to make sure it was strong enough. "It's good. A little rapid for him, but it's not anything to worry about." He explained.

"do you still require my aid?" Fee asked, making sure not to get Serena's way at the same time. Glancing to her left, she saw a towel and instantly grabbed it to wipe the bit of John's blood off of her hand so not to freak out Kay when the time came.
"as you wish" Fee replied after Serena explained what the issue was. Hearing it, she was glad it was herself coming in to help and not Kay. She made a mental note to make sure Kay didn't know what happened when she let her have control once more. She then briefly turned to John and sighed, "you're highly troublesome sometimes" she huffed, but she did let the tiniest hint of fondness seep into her tone before glancing back at the wound in question and where the tissue damage was.

It took her a moment to see what the problem was before she found it, snapped her fingers to ignite the tiniest flame for light and began to tend to the problem. "ah I see the issue. It won't close because there's this ...." she began talking as she moved her free hand and carefully removed the tiniest slither of hellhound bone from the tissue, dropping it into a nearby jar "tiny slither of hellhound bone" she finished speaking, then using her flame to seal the damage once and for all. The tissue finally closing and remaining sealed.

"now... If you would not mind Serena, hold the incision closed properly and I will heal him to have no scar" she spoke once more.
Fia wished she could help without needing Fee but she couldn't see what she knew that Fee didn't or couldn't do better. "I'll go get her" she replied, turning on her heel and rushing out the room before heading upstairs. She dreaded having to tell Kay that Fee was needed as she remembered the stories of how it wore Kay out, or at least made Kay sometimes lose time and wonder when and where she was. Fia could only hope that this wouldn't be one of those times.

"Well that's not hopeful" Kay replied to Drake before hearing Fia's footsteps and soon after saw her re-enter the room. "What's going on down there?" She asked Fia, seeing the look on her face and dreading the worst. "Serena needs Fee's help" Fia finally said, looking her mother in the eye. Kay let that sink in for a mere few milliseconds before nodding. Closing her eyes, she delved deep into her subconscious to get to Fee, "Serena and John need you, please help." "I will do what I can, for you Kay Fee replied before taking over, pushing Kay's consciousness into the subconscious and when Kay's body reopened her eyes, it was Fee's golden hue that showed.

Without another word, Fee stood up, using Kay's body, gave Fia a nod and simple pat on the shoulder then headed downstairs, seemingly barely making a sound with each footstep. She got to the room, "Fia said you require my aid" she spoke as she entered, careful not to make Serena jump in the process.
Fia frowned when Serena was visibly starting to struggle with helping her dad. "tell me what to do, let me try" she told Serena, using a tone that clearly said 'and I won't take no for an answer'. She knew Serena could only go for so much longer and if Fia didn't step up now then it could be too late. This wasn't John's time, there was far too much more for him and the rest of this group of misfits to do in life.

Kay nodded, suddenly realising that was such a simple and obvious answer, she should have figured that out herself. The fact she didn't made her put it down to her worry about possibly losing John.
Fia frowned, she knew of her dad having lots of scars but this was a whole lot of knowledge about him for her. She stepped over to Serena and looked for herself to see if there was a way for her to help. "How can I help?" She asked her.

Kay also found Drake's words curious, just as Trish did. "I second Trish's question. How would we know?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow as she asked.
Fia took his hand back and gave him a small smile back, "you're gonna be fine" she told him, feeling a bit more hopeful now she had sorted one problem herself. As Serena spoke to her, she turned her head to her and nodded, "it's fine. Anything else I can help with?" She asked.

Upstairs, Kay was still with Trish and Drake, hoping that whatever Fia intended on doing down there was successful. "I wonder how things are doing down there" she remarked as she ran a hand through her hair.
Fia winced when she got scolded and ordered by Serena, but she understood why. With a nod she went over to her dad, looking at his head and face, seeing the blood starting to drip from his nose. She grabbed a cloth nearby and held it against his nose, whilst with her other hand, placing it on his forehead. Closing her eyes very briefly she muttered under her breath, reopened her eyes and for her, it was like she was looking at her father's head through an x-ray. Where she moved her hand, she saw under the skin. Something wouldn't be seen by anyone else in the room, only her. "I found the swelling..." She spoke out, mostly to Chas and Josh as she could feel their anxiety radiating off of them. Chas more so. With magic taught by her father and not her phoenix power, she began to reduce the swelling in John's head, slowly and carefully so she didn't hurt him anymore than necessary. "Almost...there" she stated, wincing ever so slightly as she felt John's head pains and injury transfer away from him.

"Fia,you alright kiddo?" Chas asked, a bit concerned. "I'll be fine. I've done this before" she told him as she tried to keep her concentration. Eventually she managed to free John of his head trauma and in turn, make his nose stop bleeding. "It's done.." she panted, taking her hands off of him.
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