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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Fia followed Drake out, deciding she would help him as it would also mean she could make sure he didn't overdo it at the same time. She also didn't want to fully be with the younger version of her mother and she couldn't pinpoint just why. She didn't know if it was to do with the fact it was a younger version and weird to see her mother like that or if it was because she just wasn't that close to her mother in her own timeline, or if it was simply something else entirely. Kay watched the two teenagers leave the room without a single word being said and then turned to Trish. "okay kiddo, let's go tidy up downstairs yeah?" She suggested.

Josh nodded in some kind of understanding. He couldn't say he knew what it was like to have an adverse feeling toward water, but he understood the not wanting to be alone part of her statement. "Understandable" he simply said, acknowledging that Chas had entered the room and was off to do something or another. "Okay, let's get you into full blown relax mode" he smiled to Serena.

(Sorry it's taking me a while to reply, my mom was in hospital this last week so I've been a bit pre occupied)
Hearing the crashing from below made Harper not think twice about going downstairs to check out the commotion, as she crept down the stairs she heard the yelling going on and knew instantly from the back and forth it was another hunter on the case. "dammit Bobby, why you put me on a car with someone else?" she thought to herself as she then reached the bottom of the stairs. It was at that moment she saw the spirits in question fighting with another woman. She had to admit for a split second she was surprised it was another female hunter as she usually found herself clashing with a male hunter who always would under estimate what she was capable of. Raising her gun slightly higher than the angle she currently had it at, she was ready to shoot from behind but saw the other woman had it under control to that extent. "You good?" She asked her flatly, as she turned round and shot the child spirit as they rushed her next. "I don't think so kiddo. I hate kids" she commented.

She cautiously headed toward Arabella to give her extra backup. "Got any idea who they are?" She asked, not entirely happy she's alone on the car but a tiny part of her was thankful for it at the same time as it meant she wasn't the only one getting thrown around like Arabella had clearly been, judging by the state of the environment around her. She was also asking to see just how prepared this fellow hunter was as she somewhat wasn't entirely sure if she recalled seeing this woman on the tour earlier or not. She wanted to say that she was sure the items these spirits were attached to were in one of the displays in the upstairs rooms, as she seemed to remember hearing on the tours all the graves behind this church were empty and just there as markers for who died there once, but not actually occupied. However, she wasn't going to say anything just yet to almost rest this woman.

The female ghost from earlier resurfaced herself and rushed Harper so quickly, Harper didn't have time to fire off a round into her before being thrown toward the stairs, her back landing hard on the steps edges. "Ow son of a bitch!" She complained, feeling lucky she didn't crack her head on the wooden steps. "Leave us alone!!" The female ghost yelled at her. "Sorry love, but no can do. You need to move on!" She coughed, pushing herself back onto her feet. "Never!" Came the harsh reply as Harper started to feel her oxygen get cut off, dropping her gun and scrambling her hands at her throat as if to try and stop the invisible strangling that was happening.

"shit shit shit! This is it! My last hunt!" she thought to herself as she hoped this other woman would help her. If she could just get herself free from this ghost's grip, she could find the item she needed to salt and burn upstairs.
Chas paused at the top of the stairs when he heard Drake ask him what they should do. Stepping back toward the room they were in, he leaned on the door frame, "find anything to do. But mostly you take it easy. I don't want anyone overworking themselves and doing themselves more injury. There's gotta be a room in here somewhere that needs books stacking back into shelves or something" he explained. Tapping the doorframe as he pushed himself off, he headed to the stairs yet again and walked down them. He saw Josh talking with Serena but didn't interrupt them, instead he headed to the kitchen to clean up there.

Josh have a small genuine smile when Serena agreed to take some time out to rest and relax. "if that's what you want" he replied to her, not wanting to overstep his mark with her in the slightest.
NAME: Harper Olsen

AGE: 31

Face claim: Arielle Kebbel

Personality: loves the hunt, brash, sarcastic but witty.
Background/how they became a hunter: Harper just kind of fell into the hunting life. She was in a bar one night drinking and winning games of pool to take men’s money in the process. She was a regular at her local bar when one night a big fight broke out in the bar. One bloke started hitting on a woman and it went south quick when she dismissed his advances. Harper being Harper couldn’t stand by and broke a pool cue on her thigh and stormed into the fight. She ma ages to drag the bloke out the back into an alley during the fight, pool cue still at hand just about and that was when she found out the bloke was a vampire. Shocked and in fight or flight mode, with only knowledge from movies and books, she slammed the cue into the vampires chest and made a run for it when she bumped into a hunter who killed the vampire and then took her under their wing and trained them. That Hunter’s name was Ellen Harvelle. The rest is history.
Now she’s finding herself on a hunt and she’d about to come into contact with more than her target......

Weapon of choice: any kind of firearm and knives. But will use anything at hand if in a tight spot. Even her wit if it comes to it.

Aquaintances: The Harvelle’s (RIP), Bobby Singer.

Vehicle of choice: Jeep Renegade 2018 in black

Tattoos/scars: has three sigils on her right forearm for Hope, Balance and Light. Scar wise she has one scar on her natural waist where a bullet grazed her skin.


A black Jeep Renegade pulled up at the side of the road into a street parking spot. It was early evening, not an awful day but not a great day either. It was murky and gray skies all day long, nothing that could truly inspire anyone to really do much. This was no different for the driver of said vehicle. An average height woman, dark blonde hair, long in length that just about framed her face. Dark brown eyes and a slender build covered in jeans, a black vest and black biker jacket. Pulling the keys out of the ignition, she gave a little sigh. "Man that drive was a killer" she complained to herself. Taking a moment to just de-stress from the drive that took her a good 14 hours from her last case, Harper found herself stretching her arms up and behind her as best she could in the confines of her jeep. "right woman, get some food, a drink then head straight to the church" she commanded herself, knowing if she didn't eat something now, it would no doubt be another long several hours before she did eat. The last thing she wanted was to faint on the hunt or Bobby Singer would have a lot to say.

Ever since Ellen and Jo died, Bobby took it upon himself to be her liaison and give her cases, along with checking in ever now and then. It was something she was thankful for as she did miss the Harvelle's greatly and missed having the roadhouse bar to pop into and just let off steam. Snapping the out of her thoughts, she shoved her car keys in her jacket pocket, grabbed her wallet and got out of her vehicle, walking into the diner she had parked in front of. Stepping up to the bar, she looked at the menu before ordering a coffee, burger and fries as she sat on the stool. "well not seen you here before beautiful" a grubby older man greeted her and sat beside her. She rolled her eyes and slowly turned to face him, "correct, you've not seen me before and before you continue with whatever mindless spiel you think would sweep me of my feet? Don't. It won't work, I'm not interested, will never be interested. I just wanna eat my food, drink my coffee and leave." She said flatly as she smoothly turned back to face the bar and continue on with waiting for her food and drinking her coffee that a waitress had been pouring whilst she roasted the man beside her.



She pulled up round the back of the first Unitarian church, parking in a place that had no cameras in sight and got out. Walking round to the trunk, she popped it open grabbing her duffel bag that she had earlier on packed with anything she may need for a ghost hunt. Slinging it over her shoulder, she closed the trunk, made sure it had locked shut and stepped back round to head to the back door. She didn't notice anyone else around which she took as a good sign and walking up to the back door, she pulled out her pick lock kit to use to gain access to the church. She had earlier cased the joint on a tour so she knew the layout beforehand, something she didn't think enough hunters did. To her it proved vital to do such an action if the opportunity was there, and tonight was no different. With access gained, a torch on, she knew exactly the kind of places to check on. "Alright ghosts, where you hiding? I know you're causing problems here than the tour guides are letting on" she quietly spoke.

A crash was heard downstairs in the basement and Harper sighed. "Always the bloody basement" she complained, pulling her handgun from her jeans, already loaded with salt rounds. Cautiously walking through, she headed right for the basement door, opening it slowly and flashing her torch light down the stairs as she carefully stepped down. Part of her wanted to call out, but the sensible side of her brain knew not to say anything, just on the off chance that it wasn't the ghost she was hunting, but a real very much alive
Ooc thread for discussions or anything else
Kay nodded at Drake's suggestion about how to handle anything dangerous they may possibly come into contact with, and Trish's little addition made her actually smile. It was so pure and thoughtful. "Yeah Trish, we can take the trash out too" she replied. "Right, I'll head down to see what needs doing, you lot make your way down when you're ready to" Chas said, patting Kay on the shoulder then heading downstairs.

Josh held her firmly as he felt her shake in his grip. "Come on, let's get you to have some rest and relax. Maybe a good bath will do you some good" he suggested, knowing what she needed in this moment was somewhere to properly relax that involved no noise or other people getting in her way or getting hurt.
Kay thought about Drake's suggestion and quite frankly, she couldn't think of anything better than that, so she nodded. "may as well, it's not like we'll have much else to do in the mean time and we probably could do with doing what most would consider mundane things" she replied. "As long as we're careful not to touch anything magical to create any problems for him" she quickly added as she remembered that not all was exactly safe in the millhouse.

Josh hugged her back, rubbing her back in an attempt to be soothing. An action he never really always understood how it could bring comfort at all, but everyone did it anyway. "anytime" he replied.
Fia instantly went to Drake's side to help him up so he didn't have hurt himself more. She then turned her head to Kay and was also curious what this time's John did on a daily basis. "to be honest, he just does whatever and since myself and Serena have come into his life, we've not had much downtime. We brought him quite a bit stress if I'm honest." Kay started replying, "so I guess we just relax, do whatever, try and not destroy the place whilst he's on bed rest, make sure he eats and drinks" she finished saying.

Josh smiled and nodded, looking her in the eyes, "I am. I'm incredibly proud and impressed. You're seriously a force of strength Serena" he explained to her.
Kay and Chas nodded in agreement, whilst Fia was still just being grateful that John was alright and pulled through. "Yeah, I think the bed rest will do him good even if he'll be restless, it gives us all and mostly you guys a chance to just not plague your minds with everything bad out there." Chas replied.

Josh was sympathetic toward Serena, he couldn't say he knew what she must be going through, but he could feel sympathy for her but also pride. Waking right up to her, he enveloped his arms round her, pulling her into him. "I can only imagine how scary that must have been for you in particular. It was scary enough for those of us helping you. But you know what? I'm proud of you for doing what needed to be done. You amazed me what you did back there" he told her honestly.
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