A black Jeep Renegade pulled up at the side of the road into a street parking spot. It was early evening, not an awful day but not a great day either. It was murky and gray skies all day long, nothing that could truly inspire anyone to really do much. This was no different for the driver of said vehicle. An average height woman, dark blonde hair, long in length that just about framed her face. Dark brown eyes and a slender build covered in jeans, a black vest and black biker jacket. Pulling the keys out of the ignition, she gave a little sigh. "Man that drive was a killer" she complained to herself. Taking a moment to just de-stress from the drive that took her a good 14 hours from her last case, Harper found herself stretching her arms up and behind her as best she could in the confines of her jeep. "right woman, get some food, a drink then head straight to the church" she commanded herself, knowing if she didn't eat something now, it would no doubt be another long several hours before she did eat. The last thing she wanted was to faint on the hunt or Bobby Singer would have a lot to say.
Ever since Ellen and Jo died, Bobby took it upon himself to be her liaison and give her cases, along with checking in ever now and then. It was something she was thankful for as she did miss the Harvelle's greatly and missed having the roadhouse bar to pop into and just let off steam. Snapping the out of her thoughts, she shoved her car keys in her jacket pocket, grabbed her wallet and got out of her vehicle, walking into the diner she had parked in front of. Stepping up to the bar, she looked at the menu before ordering a coffee, burger and fries as she sat on the stool. "well not seen you here before beautiful" a grubby older man greeted her and sat beside her. She rolled her eyes and slowly turned to face him, "correct, you've not seen me before and before you continue with whatever mindless spiel you think would sweep me of my feet? Don't. It won't work, I'm not interested, will never be interested. I just wanna eat my food, drink my coffee and leave." She said flatly as she smoothly turned back to face the bar and continue on with waiting for her food and drinking her coffee that a waitress had been pouring whilst she roasted the man beside her.
She pulled up round the back of the first Unitarian church, parking in a place that had no cameras in sight and got out. Walking round to the trunk, she popped it open grabbing her duffel bag that she had earlier on packed with anything she may need for a ghost hunt. Slinging it over her shoulder, she closed the trunk, made sure it had locked shut and stepped back round to head to the back door. She didn't notice anyone else around which she took as a good sign and walking up to the back door, she pulled out her pick lock kit to use to gain access to the church. She had earlier cased the joint on a tour so she knew the layout beforehand, something she didn't think enough hunters did. To her it proved vital to do such an action if the opportunity was there, and tonight was no different. With access gained, a torch on, she knew exactly the kind of places to check on. "Alright ghosts, where you hiding? I know you're causing problems here than the tour guides are letting on" she quietly spoke.
A crash was heard downstairs in the basement and Harper sighed. "Always the bloody basement" she complained, pulling her handgun from her jeans, already loaded with salt rounds. Cautiously walking through, she headed right for the basement door, opening it slowly and flashing her torch light down the stairs as she carefully stepped down. Part of her wanted to call out, but the sensible side of her brain knew not to say anything, just on the off chance that it wasn't the ghost she was hunting, but a real very much alive