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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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All she wanted was to wake up and find none of what she feeling or seeing was real, but right now all Natalia was convinced of was that she was replaying her life in the asylum all over again. It felt so real to her, more real than the previous night terrors she had had at times when Sam had to break her from the terror's grip. in her slumber, she felt her body restrained to the bed, tied and left there, unknowing when the next round of torture would appear or if she would be given more kindness by the stranger who gave her water, showed empathy and sympathy. Even then most of the time that stranger didn't even feel real and felt like a mirage instead. It's why she never could see the stranger's face in her night terrors ever since she got out of there.

Eventually Cason's actions and words got through the barrier the night terrors had put up in her mind, making her jolt awake, slightly back instinctively thinking that she was, for a split second, with Sam and not Cason. "Dad!" she cried out, as if she was begging for him to save her. Breathing heavy, eyes full of fear as she tried to compute she was safe, darting side to side as she slowly took in who was laying beside her. It wasn't the familiar look of her brother, and it most definitely her father. Instead it was Cason, the one person no one expected her to ask to stay with her.

"C-Cason?" she questioned, forcing herself to focus on his face, looking at his eyes as she tried so hard to even out her breathing. "Cason" she said yet again to continue forcing herself back into reality. Then came the action that would even surprise her- she scrambled close to him and clung onto him. She needed that hold and grip of security, something every fibre of her being was telling her she had right there- with him. Despite her hatred of his kind, he was different and she wished she knew why. Not even the smell of him was putting things together in her mind, but she was slowly becoming aware that his smell did smell familiar. "Why do I feel safe with you?" she asked as she buried her face into him.


Neither Sam or Mika were particularly surprised by Duke's reactions to the news of what had transpired between them and Natalia. They both knew as well as Dean did that Duke liked Nat just as much as the rest of them and if she needed saving from anything and he was closest, he wouldn't hesitate to rush in and save her ass. There was just something about Natalia and being half Winchester that made them all willing to lay their lives for her, especially after everything she had already suffered. At least now, Duke was on the same level as the rest of them about what truly Nat went through. Sam was also glad that it wasn't just Dean and himself that wanted to rip Cason as far away from Nat as possible and was unnerved by the fact Nat wanted a demon of all people with her, and not one of her brothers.

Mika out of instinct placed her hand over Dean's when she felt his hand on her waist during the conversation that lead into the all too well known silent conversation between him and Duke. She let it all go on before they decided to actually talk between each other once more. The tightening of the grip round her waist told her so many things about what Dean was possibly thinking, but right now she wasn't going to ask him about it. She knew talking about Esme was a delicate subject when she was around, but she didn't want Dean to feel he couldn't mention her name in front of her either. So for once, she behaved herself an remained silent.

"Sounds like a good plan. Our room is closest to Nat's, so if either me or Anna hear anything we'll let you guys know. But Duke and Anna are both right, we all need a proper rest and sleep before deciding on what the next steps are to do with Nat." Sam chimed in. Mika nodded her agreement to Sam's addition, seeing clearly that they all had the same thought process. "See you all in the morning" Mika replied, patting Dean's hand on her waist as the signal to get to their room. She was well and truly done with this night, even if she didn't know if she would sleep after Natalia's confession.

"Come on babe" she said to Dean, sliding her fingers in between his own and guiding toward their room, with Sam saying goodnight to everyone and nodding toward his and Anna's room at Anna. "Lets get some sleep" he suggested to her, holding his own hand out to her.

Seeing Dean's reaction to her comeback made her internally glad that he took her joke well. She had been so used to Nate knowing her sense of humour and knowing exactly when she was joking and when she was being serious, that she had almost forgotten Dean may not know her tells at the moment. Even Sam was learning to tell the difference with her humour after this time, but Dean was still new to it. The fact he feigned heartache just made her chuckle and feel more relieved that he was understanding her, even at this early stage of them finding each other and learning about each other.

Then came a question that threw her off guard for a moment. She was not expecting him to bring up the 'us' topic so soon and in this particular moment in time. Though she had to admit to herself she wasn't even sure if he was fully trying to ask that. She remained silent momentarily as he then began rambling and making things sound so much more confusing than he was probably intending it to sound. Was he asking her if they wanted to be an item or a hunting duo? Or was he asking if they were gonna be friends with benefits? She wasn't entirely sure, but whatever it was he was trying to get at, he clearly thought it important enough to get this flustered over.

"I uhh..." she began to reply only to come to the conclusion that she really didn't have any words computed in her head to put together into a understandable sentence. "I guess... I'm trying to figure this all out and how to reply, so bare with me" she said, showing him that she wanted to reply but she didn't want to mess this up either. There was no denying that she found him incredibly attractive and if she remotely had a shot with him, she would take it. Nate would want her to have someone again, she knew that deep down. But was that really what he was trying to say? Or was she just hoping for some good for herself that wasn't even there.

She paused walking and stood in front him, looking up at his green eyes, seeing the defeated look on his face. "I don't know how to fully understand what you're getting at but I want to know. I don't want to go anywhere and I definitely like you. A lot. To be honest I think...no, I know...I like you significantly more in a different way to how I like Sam." she awkwardly rambled her reply. "Shit, this is going terribly..." she scoffed a snigger, running her hand through her hair, tucking a bit behind her ear.

"I'm so out of touch with this.But if I think what you're asking is indeed what you're asking then....I wanna see where things take us...together." she finally managed to get out of her mouth with a soft smile, one hand slowly grabbing for his.



Sam watched her get clearly taken aback by him trying to work out what words to say next to her question and didn't realise his reaction would so surprising. Clearly he was wrong, but watching her take back the notepad yet again and write her response to his eventual reply, he wondered what her take from his words was going to be. She seemed to be writing a lot more than before and he hoped he hadn't said anything that would frighten her off or make her suspicious of his own wording. She was cute and he got the feeling from her that she was a super interesting person to be around. All he could do now was wait until she was done writing and was ready to show him her response and explanation.

When he saw the notepad, he took it into his hands to read it slowly and thoroughly so he didn't accidentally take what she was getting at badly. The words 'a deal I was offered' piqued his interest greatly but it also concerned him as usually deals meant demons. The end sentence did make him smirk and chuckle at the same time. Not only that it was close to making him blush and feel a little awkward at himself. He was used to girls flirting with Dean, very rarely did he get the flirting done onto him. "You're in the right place" he began saying to her, the smile not leaving his lips fully just yet.

In fact, it only left his lips as he forced himself to go back to the question plaguing his mind. The deal. "What deal was you offered?" he asked her quietly. "Truth is... I'm a Winchester. Your contact was getting you to find me and my brother" he admitted to her. "And I'd like to try and help you" he finished his reply, handing her back the notepad.
Harper was convinced she was going to be choked to death by this spirit- Catherine that this other huntress mentioned before she got ambushed, her vision was beginning to blur, she could almost feel the oxygen leave her brain and she knew any moment now she would no doubt pass out and probably never wake up. She barely saw the moment when Arabella manifested an iron staff out of seemingly nowhere, at least from Harper's angle and position it seemed to be out of nowhere. Continuing her grasping and scrambling at trying to get free, she suddenly began to give up when all air came rushing back to her lungs and oxygen came rushing back to her brain. It was then that she noticed it was the young boy spirit who helped her out and got rid of this Catherine. Listening to the kid tell her to get moving if she was serious about helping them, she nodded and clambering up onto her feet. A wave of adrenaline hitting her all over, swiping her handgun off the floor in a clean swoop as she turned to face the stairs and rushed upstairs.

"Follow or stay down here to hold the fort, I don't care! Just be useful!" She called back toward Arabella, kicking the basement door back open with her combat boot clad foot and rushed into the main hallway. There was no time to waste and she knew if she didn't get the job done, she wouldn't just risk her own life, but she would risk the other blonde downstairs as well. She refused to see another hunter go down on a hunt gone bad, too many have been lost over the years and she was not going to be somewhat responsible for another. "display cases, display cases" she muttered to herself as she ran through and found the room that had the cases inside. Right as Arabella said, she saw the items and the plaques stating which was which, so at least this part was easy for her. The difficult part? Finding something to smash the cases open as she left her bag by the front door as the noise from the basement had earlier made her drop her bag and focus on just having her handgun.

Darting her eyes around, she landed her eyes on an emergency hammer to break glass with and rushed over, parkouring herself over another display case to get to the wall quicker. She grabbed the mini hammer off the wall and went back to the first display case nearest to her that she needed. "Harper smash I guess!" she said to herself as she forcefully swung the hammer up and then back down, right onto the glass, smashing it easily enough. With her spare hand, she rummaged into her jacket pocket to pull out her trust zippo lighter, flicking the top open and with some quick but thorough movements, she lit it up and lowered it to the first item, a pendant, she needed to burn. It was then she realised she forgot the salt and cursed to herself. "Dammit it!" she complained, running back to where she left her duffel bag and running back to the displays. Slamming her bag down on an adjacent display case she hadn't smashed open, she unzipped it and grabbed for her salt box. Popping the resealable lid off it, she scattered the salt into the flames hoping that it would be enough. "One hopefully down and now some more to go" she sighed to herself. "Just hold out a little longer down there" she muttered, hoping the other hunter was still very much alive and fighting.

Running to the second display case she needed, she saw two old cotton dolls that were clearly homemade for the children that still haunted the place. This time she did it the correct way and smashed the case, covered the dolls in salt and then set them on fire. "rest easy now kids" she commented. She may hate children but that didn't mean she wished the kind of existence that they were having as spirits. No person deserved to be stuck in this world and to go crazy in her mind. If you died, you stayed dead and moved on. Unfinished business to remain on this earth just didn't help anyone. It just gave people like herself a job to do that no one else knew how to do. Snapping out of her thoughts, she went to the last case she needed and smashed it open, but just as she was about to salt the items, she felt a force throw her sideways. "son of a bitch!" she cursed with gritted teeth, scrambling back up onto her feet. Standing in front of her was the male Rayden. "just give it up already mate. Staying here is doing no one any good." she told him.

"I'll do what I want in a place that was mine!" he barked, making Harper roll her head side to side, bones in her shoulders cracking in the process. "you know I'm really tired of you lot refusing to move on. You think I enjoy this job!?" she said back at him, unamused and fed up with the whole night. "All you hunters do!" he snapped back at her. "Alright, thats it. I've had it" Harper grunted, pulling out her handgun with salt rounds and in a swift action, raised it, aimed and pulled the trigger to give her the opening she so desperately needed. With Rayden gone, she run back to the last case and poured her salt all over the items. An old bible, sash and glasses. She wasn't taking any chances. Lighting her zippo once more, she chucked it into the case, watching all the flames envelope the items and burn brightly.
Kay couldn't help but smile at Trish's question about he brother's future decisions in his love life. "Who knows kiddo, but maybe so. If Drake is anything to go by I'd say anything is entirely possible" she replied to her. As she finished wiping down the counters, she turned to the plates in the drainer and decided to actually put them away into a cupboard.

Fia nodded at Drake's words, knowing he was right even if it still felt incredibly strange to her to see her parents at such a premature stage in their growing relationship, and not only that but her mother still so new to her abilities and powers as a phoenix. "Yeah, you're right. It was still just unnerving to witness. Fee barely ever comes out in our timeline, and the times she has, I haven't been around nearby." she replied to him. She glanced down at the books on the desk as she spoke before one caught her attention, making her pick it up and flick through the pages.

Josh smiled and just shrugged at her comment. He knew it was true, but he also knew it was just in his nature to help people. He was used to it for Trish and generally stepping up when people needed him to. He never once did it in the expectation to gain something in return. "Eh..it's nothing, really." he told her back, testing the temperature of the water before turning the taps off and standing up. "Bath is all ready for you" he told her with a smile.

Hearing that Cason said they needed to have a talk, just her and him made Nat wonder what on earth they could possibly need to talk about that was so important. She didn't remember Cason from the asylum despite having that weird sense of familiarity around him and what he did to defend her in front of her brothers. A dangerous move in her mind, but one he took nonetheless. ".....okay" she mumbled just about audibly enough for him to hear. She was just about aware of him coming closer to the bed, but she was just too exhausted and emotionally vulnerable to really care or move or even to possibly tell him not to go anywhere near her. Her mind was fully of contradictions in this moment, one part of her wanted him nowhere near her, wanted to swap him out for Sam, like she was used to, but a bigger part of her wanted him to stay, hold her, act like a human even though he wasn't.

She felt his weight make the mattress dip as his knee was the first to go onto the bed, then felt the weight shift as he crawled up and sat upright on the bed beside her. Whilst she still remained un-moving from her position, she listened to him spiel words that she never thought would come out of his mouth. They sounded like something Sam would say to her, not Cason. She was trying so hard to compute that he was, infact, in his own way actually being caring. It surprised her so much that she didn't even flinch when he brushed strands of her hair away from her tear stained face with the back of his hand. It yet again felt familiar to her and she wished she could figure out it felt so familiar.

Then when he was finished, she actually grimaced at how corny it was before actually breaking out the tiniest of smiles as he told her not to tell a soul he actually said what he said. "That was disgustingly corny Cas---" she sleepily began to tell him but she couldn't finish her sentence as exhaustion hit her and she fell asleep before his name finished falling from her lips. It didn't take her long to fall into a deep sleep, enough so that her hands had dropped from their tight grip from her cardigan and round her body, and fell lightly beside Cason.

"the girl put up a fight today" was heard in a foggy state of Natalia's well being as she got wheeled back to her room, hands tied to her wheelchair. "I'm surprised she has any fight left in her at this stage. I truly thought we had finally broken her" another foggy echo was heard in reply. She tried to make her mind more focused on what was happening, but her head hurt like a bitch. She felt like she could still feel the electrodes on the sides of her head, throbbing each and every vein and muscle and nerve in her head. It wasn't long before she found herself back strapped to her bed in her solo room. "water...." she gasped sluggish from the torture of the day. "You ain't getting a damn thing until you say where the damn Winchesters are" a voice spat back.

Then she could have sworn someone else stepped in but it honestly felt like a dream until she felt water being gently poured into her mouth, fingers brushing her hair out of her face, off her temples as what she could only imagine, was an inspection of the severe dark bruising that was now evident on them. Seconds later she had passed out.

It wasn't the worst memory she had when sleeping, but then it went from sad to downright terrifying. Her body starting to shake and her voice beginning to whimper. "No...p-p-p-please...I...I don't know a...an...anything" she whimpered out in her sleep as the night terror took full control.

A slap across her face was felt, her skin stinging as it instantly turned red from the sharp contact. "You think we don't know how you hunters and Winchesters will lie through your teeth to save your own skin!?" a black eyed demon practically barked at her. Eyes as dark as the blackest night, dirty blonde hair being the only light she could see in the man standing before her. Blood splattered all over his scrubs from another victim of his. The victim that laid dead on the floor in a puddle of their own blood as it ran down the nearby drain. "I'm not a hunter! I...I don't know what you mean by hunter!" she cried, her only knowledge of a hunter being someone who hunted and killed animals. "liar!" the blonde demon yelled again, waving his hand to another demon in the now not so sterile room, causing them to walk over and with a sharp knife, carve into her stomach, making her yell in pain, tears streaming down her face.

"You can make this stop by just telling us where John is!" the blonde told her, but Natalia couldn't speak anymore, the pain over taking her very being. "carve again!" he ordered to the other demon, to which they took great delight in doing so as the knife carved into her skin, following the natural curve of her hipbone and waist. The pain was so excruciating that Nat passed out, only to be woken moments later, healed up and for the torture to start all over again.


Mika knew Dean wouldn't like the plan, hells, deep down she didn't like the idea. She was used to Natalia going to Sam for comfort and her refusing to let Cason leave was a change that surprised her, but she still was standing by what she said. She too was going to say something but when she saw Dean silence Anna so he could continue talking, she decided it wasn't even worth trying to speak up in this very moment.

When the discussions were done between Anna and Dean, Mika simply nodded, understanding where he was coming from. "oh believe me, I don't trust him, but I trust in Nat and if he tried anything, even in this PTSD dip she's having, she will kick his ass out the room if he tried anything. I trust her to come to us when she's ready to and like we've all seen, he does seem strangely gentle around her. I can't help but feel like he knows something we all don't." she admitted, her eyes glancing back toward Nat's room, wondering if she was onto something or if it was her mind just playing tricks on her.

"I also agree with Anna, this isn't the end of it but all we can do now is rest up and hope Nat becomes more open in the morning" she agreed, noticing how out all of them, Sam had been the most silent on the subject. She could only imagine that it was because he was purely worried for Natalia and he didn't know what to do with himself now he wasn't the one she was turning to. "Sam? any opinions on this?" she asked, snapping out of his thoughts. "uh, no. I agree with you all as I see all the points valid. I just don't like she's not coming to me like she usually does" he admitted.

It was at that point, Duke had made his presence known and asked where Natalia was. Like Dean, he looked over Duke's appearance, wondering what on earth was going on for Duke to be in a towel, boots and his stetson. Also like Dean, he wasn't going to ask about the appearance and instead focus on giving the answers to Duke's questions. "There is tension. We were...kinda blew the lid off of Nat's PTSD mental wall due to Dean lecturing her about drinking on the job tonight." he started saying, running his hand through his hair with a sigh, letting his words sink before he began talking again before Duke could interrupt him.

"Long story short, it turns out when we saved Nat from that asylum? The demons there had been torturing her for months...if not more. Electroshock therapy, out and out torture until she was close to death, starvation, ice bath shock therapy, if you can think of anything illegal and disgusting, it was done to her. All to get information on dad. I guess she had been struggling more than we all thought deep down and now she's in her room alone with Cason because she refuses to have anyone but him in there. We don't know why" he explained as best he could without choking up as he listed just some of the things that she went through. It made him sick to his stomach to say those words out loud about his baby sister.

"So we've been discussing if it's a good idea to leave well and alone for the night and convince Dean not to go in there and just kill Cason out of principle" Mika added. "Which we have done, but none of this is sitting well with any of us" Sam said, getting the final word in. He knew Duke had a soft spot for Natalia in a brotherly manner and that usually meant, he was unpredictable as Dean could be when it came to keeping her safe. Sam knew even he could be reckless when it came to keeping her safe, but now they knew all of this and a demon was involved in keeping her safe and feeling safe over night? He couldn't say which way this news would go with Duke.
Kay didn't even really know why she said what she said because quite frankly, she didn't fully understand it either. She gave a shrug and a sigh as she thought about what she should reply with. "To be honest, I don't fully understand it myself. Which makes me wonder if it's some...phoenix thing unlocking within me or something" she started to say before giving an amused scoff at her own words. "I'm probably not making things any clearer to be honest. But since they've been getting closer and Drake has shown up? I just feel this warmth grow between them" she finished explaining as she cleaned the kitchen up with her.

Fia could understand why Drake would think he was more over something than he was. He had grown up around people like herself who could heal up at an unnatural speed after all. She remembered all of a sudden a time when they were kids and he'd complain how she healed from grazes or cuts faster than him. "You're not me Drake, of course you don't recover as quickly" she joked with a small smile creeping onto her face, which disappeared just as quick as it appeared when he mentioned her dad. "I'm guessing okay. Chas put him on bed rest and if he's anything like he is in our time? We all know how that will go, but maybe for once he'll listen and actually rest up. He's definitely through the worst of it." she explained to him. "It was so crazy down there though Drake. Fee actually fully took control of mum right in front of me and it was the most bizarre thing I've witnessed" she sighed.

Josh smiled at Serena thanking him for helping her out. It felt like such a small thing to thank him for, but he accepted it graciously anyway. He leaned over the bath to turn the taps on after closing the plug hole and then perched on the bath edge. "You don't need to thank me, but I accept it anyway" he smiled at her.
Lexi had barely noticed that Dean grabbed a spray can of deodorant off the shelf near her until he had actually spoken up, snapping her out of her thoughts and memory. She really had thought that these kinds of moments were passed her, but it seemed she was incredibly wrong. Hearing what he said made her smirk and chuckle, truly bringing her back out of her mind and back into the present again. "do I truly strike you as a powder and floral kinda girl?" She asked him with her smirk never leaving her lips. She forced herself not to raise an eyebrow at the same time, something inside telling her not to do it, despite any other time with anyone else she probably would have.

Despite his own eyebrows raising, she just sniggered at the conversation they were even having right now. It felt so....normal. No words of hunts, monsters, ghosts, just normal life things like needing to smell nice in a car with other people. "If you make yourself smell like a bunch of flowers tied into some girl's hair I will instantly disown you" she told him before grabbing some deodorant for herself, her usual brand that didn't have a particularly special odour but was a nice fresh smell none the less. Chucking it into the trolley, she continued to stroll along the aisle with Dean, making sure not to go too far ahead incase he was still deciding on something they passed in said aisle.


Sam was honestly slightly concerned that he was about to scare off Anya by maybe explaining a little too much to why he was in this town. He had never felt nervous about someone writing something down before, but here he was feeling slightly on edge as she wrote down a sentence that seconds later when it was shown to him, would make him go from being concerned to intrigued. The choice of wording was interesting to him, especially due to his day job. To anyone else, he could imagine they'd think she meant the metaphorical kind of ghosts, but his kind instantly went to the literal sense of the word and he got wondering if she too was a hunter. He went to start to reply to her, when she quickly pulled the pad back and wrote again.

Instead of replying to her first sentence, he decided he would wait for her next comments before he spoke, and if he could, he would reply to both things in one go. Yet the next thing that she wrote down threw him off guard and made him lean back in his seat. Neither he or his brother had had anyone looking for them for a long while now, especially not since Mika passed and they got Bobby to make it crystal clear that no one was to come after either of them. Especially if people didn't want Dean beating them to death just for being near him.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times as he tried to find the words in how to respond. He knew he had two options in this situation, 1) lie and say he knew no one of that surname or 2) admit he was a Winchester and then ask her if she too was a hunter. He also found himself briefly asking 'what would Dean do?' but in the end he cautiously let himself go down the middle ground of both his options, an option 3 of sorts. "I might do. If I give it some thought that is. Why you looking for a Winchester? If you don't mind me asking. Are you a hunter?" He replied with slowly, quietly and clearly so she could read his lips.
Kay could understand where Trish was coming from. She herself only ever wanted and still does want, her sister Sam safe. Even though it meant for the most part she had to stay well clear of her, the last lot of drama at Sam's house in Seattle only proved that to Kay all the more. "I can get that. I'm sure he is happy and he's safe here with Serena. You both are and if you ask me? I'd say there's definitely something going on between them. I can somehow feel the energy and aura between them." She replied.

In the study, Fia was helping Drake tidy it up a little, not wanting Drake to work on a room on his own. She noticed how lightheaded he was getting and so she pulled out her dad's chair and made him sit down by grabbing his arms lightly and guiding him over to it. "take five minutes to sit. You shouldn't be pushing yourself Drake" she told him honestly and worriedly. She pushed herself up onto her father's desk (a bad habit she picked up from her mother without even knowing it was her who she picked it up from) and looked at Drake.
Kay smiled when Trish started humming as she began cleaning. It was rather sweet as she herself started working on the sink and deep cleaning it. Her attention went back to Trish when she spoke to her, asking a question that made her instinctively glance briefly toward Serena and Josh then back at the job at hand. "I don't know if love is there yet, only Serena could know that but they are definitely growing close and it does feel and seem like there's a lot of mutual feelings between them." She replied to Trish.

Josh and Chas both nodded at Serena's words. Both of the men could understand why Serena didn't want to take things for granted and still have John checked every hour just incase. "That's fair enough, we can take shifts if needs be" Chas replied. "now go and relax, you deserve it" he added with a smile. Josh gave him a casual salute in response and helped Serena get upstairs to the bathroom.

(I'm so sorry to hear that.)
Kay went with Trish to the kitchen, looking through the cupboards to find cleaning supplies which she assumed was down to Chas and not John. She pulled out cloths, cleaning sprays and other stuff. She handed Trish some sponges and a surface spray bottle, "use that to spray the worktops and use the sponge to wipe it clean" she explained.

Chas paused his walking and looked at Serena and Josh, "yeah, he's sleeping in his room so we're all clubbing together to do a bit of tidy up and stuff. You and Josh just relax. We got this covered" he replied with a smile. He could see how tired Serena was after saving John's life and didn't want her exerting herself anymore than she already had. He knew she would be in safe hands with Josh and that he wouldn't let her over do it.

(Yeah, she had a total knee replacement so been a bit crazy as I take over on everyday stuff and stuff whilst she recovers)
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