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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Seeing Dean's bright and wide grin at her agreement to coffee made Lexi smile just as widely back. His smile just feeling incredibly contagious and considering how he was when she first showed up at the bunker, it was so refreshing that he looked brighter. She let him drive to the coffee shop he had in mind and glanced at him as he spoke about the home comforts that they got for the bunker.

Something told her not to believe him when he said he was mostly fine being alone in the bunker and that it was Sam who got lonely, but she wasn't going to call him out on it...yet. As he finished parallel parking, then continued rambling. The next thing he said made her chuckle back, as it did amuse him but she also wasn't surprised that that's how Sam had been the last few months. She knew how worried he had been about Dean over these last few months and she was still slightly convinced that Sam had wanted to bring her to the bunker for a while to meet Dean, but she would never say that out loud.

"He's just been worried about you, that's all" she countered, trying to give Sam the benefit of the doubt to a certain degree, just as he got out the car and looked over the roof and into the coffee shop window. She opened the door, but didn't fully exit the car as she was curious what Dean meant by Sam was with a girl. He certainly hadn't mentioned to her about anyone being on the scene for him, so she was confused about who this girl would even be.

Stepping out of the car and closing the door, she looked in and smiled, "well well, that's a surprising turn of events" she replied before walking into the coffee shop with Dean and when they were close enough, she couldn't help but try and eavesdrop on the conversation but noticed she could only hear Sam talking.

Intrigued, she watched more then saw the signing and it clicked into place.


Sam hated that Anya was telling him she was going to learn no matter what and that worried him greatly. He didn't trust many hunters and he certainly didn't like the idea of someone like Anya learning all on her own about the ways of being a hunter. His eyes flicked toward the door when it opened, and noticed Dean and Lexi walk in and he wondered if this moment could get any more complicated.

"Anya wait" he requested of her as she signed her farewell, standing up to try and stop her from leaving so soon. "If I agree to try and help you in some areas, will you stay?" he asked of her, his eyes pleading almost as he really didn't want her to get into serious trouble with anyone, especially demons. "Look...my brother and friend have just walked in, maybe we can discuss this all together or something? I can't guarantee you much but I can at least try and help you stay safe" he reasoned with her, hoping it would be enough to begin with.

Engulfing Cason into a hug wasn't something Nat would ever have thought she'd do but right now, in her eyes and in mind, he was the ONLY one who knew what she went through in that asylum. As far as she knew, no one else in the group went through what she did or even saw the true horrors of that place. No one except for Cason. She was aware of his hesitancy at first but the moment he held her back and weaved his fingers into the back of her hair, she just wanted to remain clinging to him.

She listened to him speak, understanding his reasoning for it but she was glad he had finally told her he was the person she could sort of remember but was a blur up until now. It gave her a little bit of peace to start trying to move forward from her past. He even made her break the tiniest of smiles for the briefest of moments when he told her she didn't owe him anything. Every part of her wanted to insist she owed him her life, her freedom but those words alone made her know it would be pointless in doing.

She frowned ever so slightly when he pulled her back to make her look at him, raising her hands to place them over his on the sides of her face. She gently shook her head when he offered to leave her for a while. That was the very last thing she wanted from him right now. "No... I don't care if they wont listen to your side of the facts, or even accept them. I need you here. You're something solid and affirming for me right now. You were a comfort to me then, and you're that to me now. If my brothers can't accept that then that's a them problem, not mine or yours." she replied to him.

Then came a knock on the door which made her jump as she wasn't expecting one so soon, not only that she was focused so much on Cason and their conversation she had completely forgotten that someone would come knocking for her. Esme's voice coming through the door made her sigh with relief and relax again beside Cason, "bloody hell" she sighed slightly annoyed. "Guess this...moment of calm is over" she told him, lifting his hands off of her face and crawling out of the bed to open the door.

"What is it? Tell my dumb headed brother I'll be out soon" she complained, leaning on the door as she held it open.


Sam sighed and nodded when Dean told him not to blame himself. He listened to both him and Mika telling him that wasn't normal for Anna to do, but all he kept thinking was that this wasn't the first time she just upped and left him. It gave him bad memories of when Mika would up and leave Dean all those many years ago, then just pop back into his life again. He didn't want to go through that emotional turmoil that Dean did, he knew he wouldn't be able to handle it when there was so much already on all their plates.

With Esme and Duke still beside them in very questionable clothing choices this morning, he decided he would listen to them and like the others he did not approve of the bounty hunter option, no matter how much Duke tried to convince them of otherwise. He even did a little wince when Duke suggested just killing Cason. That would NOT go down well with Natalia in the slightest, even if he wouldn't complain about seeing Cason no more but Dean was right when he said Natalia would cut Duke's head off or similar if she heard what was just suggested.

"Dean's right, as much as I don't like him being near Nat, she's somehow finding comfort it seems in him. Cason is off limits" he agreed, just before the others continued all their conversations and coming to the conclusion that it was Esme who would have to go as no one would be suitable for the task. What did surprise him however was Dean barking the order of loaning clothing to Esme at Mika. He gave her a look of 'just don't argue...please?' which Mika knew all too well.

Mika then sighed and huffed in annoyance, but nodded when Dean said 'please' slightly nicer but still with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Fine, I'll be right back" she said flatly, trying to play nice as she was aware Duke didn't know about all the tension between her and Esme. As she turned on her heels to head to the room, she leaned into Dean's ear and whispered "you're lucky you're hot when youre bossy" then walked back to the room, where she shuffled through her clothes, purposely grabbing her oldest pair of jeans that she barely wore now and a t-shirt, then headed back where she shoved the clothes into Esme's hands. "best I could find that would fit you" she told the woman, trying her hardest to play civil.


As Esme went to Nat's room, she stood with the boys waiting to see what would come of this moment. "We'll find her Sammy, if it's the last thing I do, I will find her" she told him, to which Sam gave a small nod and hugged her briefly from the side before letting go and looking toward the door that was now open and he just about saw a tiny glimpse of Natalia from his angle, still in last night's clothes.

"Cason better help, if he still cares for Anna" he commented.

She had to agree that not hearing from Sam was equal amounts of weird and not weird. Dean continuing on from her little wifi quip made her glad that she wasn't the only one who noticed that about Sam. Him calling it 'nerd power' just made her chuckle all the more. "Oh my god right?! I've only witnessed the connection to wifi in the middle of nowhere once with him but it was so freaky. Whereas I could only get connection on my phone if I need emergency services." she told him whilst showing that she was jealous of his brother in that occasion.

With the car unlocked and Dean opening the passenger door for her once again, she smiled and got into the car, sitting back and being comfortable once again. In her mind, a car this old shouldn't be this comfortable but it was. With Dean now in the driver's side, she found herself smirking and sniggering at the gardening comment as she couldn't even picture Sam doing such an activity.

At his suggestion of grabbing a coffee before heading back to the bunker, she was about to reply to him when he planted a strong kiss on her lips. A kiss that she gladly returned just as tightly before reopening her eyes and smiling at him, "coffee sounds good" she replied finally.


Anya rolling her eyes at him made Sam see that she clearly had been told this sort of spiel a few times before and she took great offence to his words. 'good going Sam, offend a pretty woman in less two hours of meeting her' he thought to himself, rubbing his hands nervously on his thighs, wondering how he can dig himself out of this situation as she angrily wrote on the notepad and made it very clear, she was not taking his current advice for an answer.

When she was done writing and showed him what she put, he read it and visibly flinched at her words. He didn't need to hear her voice to tell that she was practically yelling these words at him to make a point. "I'm sorry I offended you, that wasn't my intention" he began to explain, holding up a hand to show her he wasn't done talking just yet.

"I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you- whatever that may be. I recognise that those moments in your life have brought you into this world to a certain extent. It's just..." he sighed, "I guess I'm just concerned for bringing someone else into this life after I've not long lost my sister in law..for good this time by her being a hunter. Which is a crazy ass long story I won't get into. What I'm trying to get at is that....I guess I wanna know just how much you've thought this through" he explained to the best of his ability.

He also knew if he just brought this girl back to the bunker and declared she's a hunter in training, Dean would absolutely have his head on a pike. So he had to play it safe...for now.

Lexi thought nothing of Dean looking around as they headed to the till points, but the moment they got there and he playfully pushed in front of her and slapped the cash on the counter to the cashier before she barely even got her fingers gripped round her wallet in her jeans pocket. "Dean!" she said in surprise, but an amused look was on her face. It was such a playful and innocent moment for her to witness that just made her feel so normal. "You damn well will let me buy you a beer next time!" she said determined to not let him back out of that statement.

She took the receipt from the cashier with a smile and thanks before jogging to catch up to Dean once again, so they could exit the store to get back to the impala and put the shopping in the car. When Dean pointed out that Sam hadn't text him once since they've been out, she even laughed when he described just how clingy Sam was normally. It even made her check her own phone in case she missed anything from Sam herself. "Likewise, I haven't had anything either" she replied.

"It's gotta be a library or compute somewhere no doubt. I swear that guy has some kind comic book super power when it comes to finding wifi" she chuckled, taking out the shopping from the cart and placing them into the trunk of the impala, once they got there and unlocked the car. "He's gotta be alright though, he knows to check in if he's in any kind of problem" she reassured him.


Sam wished he had better information for her, but even then he was certain that she wouldn't like what he'd say even if they did have the Colt still. That gun couldn't get in the hands of demons, no matter what and it's one reason he was glad it was well and truly gone for good. He watched her body language and all the facial expressions she was possibly giving to try and read her but he couldn't, so he just let her take the notepad back and write once more.

He waited for it to be passed back to him and when it was, he read it carefully once more. He saw the scribbled out word and just knew what it was she was now asking. He sighed, he didn't exactly ever approved of getting into the hunting world as there was quite literally no getting out of it. He knew that more than anyone after getting out for a short period throughout the years and it always brought him back.

"I'm not sure you really wanna get into this job lifestyle Anya. There's backing out once you're in and it's a lot more dangerous than you probably think it is. Even the most seasoned hunters d--" he sighed as he stopped himself from completing that sentence due to instantly thinking of Mika as an example.

"You'd be safer not in this world and not getting tied with demons. Myself and Dean... that's my brother and other colleague, we can try and help you in some way to get this deal broken to no danger to yourself, but at the moment, that's all I wanna offer you" he told her truthfully. He just didn't wanna see another decent innocent person die in the lifestyle he and others lived.
The moment Trish started crying, Kay instantly felt out of her comfort zone. She walked over to the child and knelt down to her level before slowly enveloping the girl in her arms for a hug. "Hey..SHH...it's not your fault at all. It's what older siblings do okay? My sister Sam is only a few older than myself and we're not even biologically related but what I'm trying to get at is that even she stepped up the moment I was going through tough times and I lost my folks. If it wasn't for her, her folks would have never adopted me and I'd be without a home. Without a family. Josh did the same thing for you. His love for you is so much more important than anything else in the world and he's doing it all for you because he loves you, not to sacrifice anything else in his life." she explained, hoping she would understand.

Fia couldn't help but smirk at his comment about her dad. He wasn't wrong, even in their time John hoarded anything and everything, even information if it meant he could use it against his foes and have the upper hand. "you're not wrong there" she replied. "I've just never seen this book before that's all." she commented.

Josh paused still when she asked the question she did. It was a question he was in all honesty half expecting to be asked at some point. "If you want to be a thing with me. I'd love nothing more than to be your boyfriend." he told her with a soft smile.

Of all the people in their group, Cason being the one to tell her 'don't be too hard on Dean' was not the one she was expecting to hear those words from. Sam, Mika, Anna... even Esme she could picture any of them saying those words to her, but Cason? That was a new experience for her to say the least but feeling him shake from the withheld laughter felt comforting to her.

Nat also found it calming that he still stood by his words from last night and that he was determined to keep her safe and be there for her even though she hadn't done too much before last night to make him exactly like her. Or at least in her mind she hadn't. Not only that, he reassured her that she wasn't that much of a bitch to Dean and he would forgive her for what she said to him, and that her outburst was justified and valid, even if she thought it was uncalled for. She sighed in her hands until she felt him pull her hands away from her face and held him.

Cason's offer for her to get her apology to Dean out the way first was appreciated, but she didn't think she was ready to see Dean just yet. She needed to muster up that courage to look her eldest brother in the eye and truly apologise, not to mention, do so in fresh clothes and not the ones she fell asleep in. "I'd rather have our talk first. And judging by the faint talking I can hear, they're deep in conversation anyway out there" she replied honestly, after letting him remove her hands from her face and hold one hand. "Also if I put off our talk, I'm afraid I'll never have the courage to have it." She admitted.

Cason nodded, turning his head straight forward as he pondered the talk that they needed to have and how to even start the conversation. He knew it was likely better to rip off the bandaid. It wasn’t like he could make her situation much worse.

With a deep breath, he nodded, “Alright. So, where to begin…”

Cracking his neck, he glanced down at his own hands, and just bit the bullet, “I’ve known you…well…of you for a while. Like, a good while. One of my first assignments after my last little trip to Hell was to work undercover, I guess you could say, to drag information out of people.”

He took another deep breath, not even wanting to say the words, but with a wince, he blurted the words out, “As a nurse.”

The moment Cason turned his head to Infront of them both, she knew this talk had to be bigger than she ever realised last night. But there was no backing out of it now. So she did all she could do in this moment and listened to him. She listened as he said he knew of her for a long while and wondered how that was even possible. Wasn't he with Anna for years before this? She looked at him, even if he didn't look at her as he spoke, confused and curious as to where his words were going. Undercover? Dragging information out of people? It wasn't making an ounce of sense to her, that was until he said the last three words.

She froze in her spot on the bed, but unable to remove her hand from his grip, despite her blood running cold. "Y-you were at my...asylum?" She asked wearily. Her mind began racing a million miles a second as she tried to compute the true depth this talk was taking.
Cason cringed again as Nat’s brain finally computed what he was saying. He himself wanted to run away, which would be as simple as disappearing and leaving her on edge, but he honestly couldn’t do that. It was worth it to just get the information out, even if she hated him for it after.

“Y-yeah. I was there.”, he admitted, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Clenching his jaw, he continued, “But I never hurt you, like the others. I swear that to you. I came out of Hell, fully ready to just leave. Disappear. But I couldn’t leave without knowing that I did something to bring my own torturers down. That’s how it started.”

He shrugged his shoulders, letting her know that at first, his motives for helping her weren’t for her benefit. He squeezed her hand, “But then I guess I grew attached to you being…alive. I decided that if I was going to take them down, I was taking you with me. I made sure you had food, water, and that your wounds were somewhat clean. I changed your clothes, and left the doors open for your brothers to find you. Once you were gone, I killed them all…well, all the ones that were left.”
She continued to listen, even whilst seeing him visibly cringe as her memories started to piece things together as he spoke. Yet at the same time it made so many more questions. Why her? Out of every victim in that dreadful place, why her? Why was she so special to get solace in such a place? She glanced down at their hands as he squeezed her hand, then glanced right back up at him as he continued speaking. His words coursing through her mind like a cannon ball as it tore through those walls in her mind, unblocking those memories she couldn't remember or at least, were fogged over.

It was then she began to see everything play out in her head clear as day. His face leaning down over her to help her sip water when she could barely hold her own head up. Or loosening her restraints as they cut into her wrists, causing bleeding and bruising. The door...opening and staying open on that night of freedom. The words spoken.... "It's freedom night. Shout for them Natalia" before he was gone from view and minutes later Sam showed up as she crawled to the door begging for help. Every time it was Cason's face. "you helped save my life...you guided Sam to me..." She realised, tears pricking at her eyes, her hands shaking.

Cason debated running everything that he said back as the silence overtook them for a moment, until Nat spoke again, her voice soft and he could hear the tears behind her words. He nodded in admission to her, and shrugged his shoulders lightly, barely moving them.

“I wanted to send a message and I wanted you to survive.”, he stated plainly, letting out a deep sigh, before slowly glancing over at her face, “And now you’re here.”

Nat's memories wouldn't stop replaying through her mind but it was like her present and past were weaving between each other in her head. She didn't know at first what to do, or how to react but she looked at him , truly looked at him this time. A hand reached up to his face as she let those few foggy memories clear up completely and now it made sense to her. Why him sweeping hair from her face and holding her felt so familiar. Why his scent smelled familiar and comforting to her. "You're the one who gave me hope that whole time. The only reassuring memories I have of that place." she spoke softly and slowly before just engulfing him in a hug. It was the only thing she could think of doing. "You gave me hope, saved my life and gave me family. I'm sorry I didn't remember until now" she told him.


Whilst Natalia and Cason were having their heart to heart discussion in their room, both were still very much involved in their conversation outside with the others. Sam let Dean read the note just after Mika had walked over to the two of them, before seeing his brother give it to Mika to read, which she did. He honestly didn't know what to say initially but once they read the note Anna had left him, he finally found his voice. "I don't know where she could have gone. I mean, over the years she's been all over the place like we have. The list could be longer than we even realise it is" he replied to Dean, seeing the power of Anna signing the note with her full name hit Dean as hard as it hit himself.

"I can't believe I messed up this badly to have pushed her away. I thought she knew how much I love her" he replied, seeing the look of utter sympathy on Mika's face as Esme and Duke made their way across to the three of them. "Sam you didn't mess up. I can't believe these are her real thoughts on the matter. She was all about staying close to you last night, this feels so out of character for her" Mika told him, rubbing his arm comfortingly.

Mika shot Duke a look of disapproval when he offered the idea of a bounty hunter to find Anna, after Dean explained what they were all talking about. She didn't need to say how much she disapproved of that idea so quickly to make her opinion known on that matter. She then looked at Dean as he glanced at her, followed his gaze to Nat's room and back at the group and it seemed that Esme was cottoning on to what he was hinting at just as well as she herself was.

"I hate to say it, but Cason is our only hope right now to finding out where she's got to." Mika spoke up, "If that's what Sam wants that is" she added, giving her pseudo baby brother another soft glance.

Sam gave everyone's comments and thoughts a real thought over before sighing and nodding. "Cason is the key but I don't feel comfortable going to ask him for help. Not after everything. It's hard enough knowing he's in there with Nat and he was wanted more than me as well as this situation" he admitted to the group, feeling like he could be open with them all. "So can someone else do it?" he asked of them, looking them all in the eye one by one.

"I don't think it's a good idea myself or Dean go. I'd prefer staying with you Sam right now. So that leaves you two" she said, looking from Sam to Duke and Esme, even though she wasn't exactly impressed with the choice of 'attire' Esme was currently in.

When Dean reassured her that she wasn't as terrible at this whole expressing her thoughts and feelings as she was thinking she was, she felt a sense of validation. Feeling him link their fingers quickly made her glance down at their hands and then back up at him and smile.

She couldn't help but chuckle all over again when he called himself a mess, then changing it to they were both a mess. It made her laugh because she knew deep down that he wasn't wrong in the slightest. "you're not wrong there" she agreed with an amused smile on her lips as she continued to feel his thumb rubbing against her hand, before he lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Yeah you're probably right" she nodded, reluctantly letting go of his hands and going back to pushing the trolley down the aisle they were in and toward the till points.

The whole admitting she did really like him, despite them barely knowing each other gave her butterflies in her stomach. It made her feel like she did when she first saw Nate, which she could only imagine was a sign that she should follow what this feeling was and go with the flow. Maybe letting herself after a year, be involved with someone else wouldn't be too bad after all, she thought to herself.

As the two of them walked Mika's spirit stood off at a distance watching the two of them bring each other out their shells and smiled. He was finally learning to open up to someone and be the man she always loved. "I'm proud of you Dean" she spoke, confident that no one would see her, not even him, but she had to witness this for herself and still be there for him.


He was glad that Anya stopped grabbing for the notepad so he could have given more of a reason to why he wanted to know about her demon deal. He could see in her face that him admitting who he truly was was making her elated for whatever reason and if she was holding back her happiness at finding a Winchester then it must be pretty big of a deal for her to seek his help.

He let her take back the notepad to write down exactly what the deal was, sipping his coffee as he waited patiently for her to finish writing it all down. As she finished and pushed the pad back to him, he read it carefully, glanced very briefly to her then read what she put again. The demon was playing a little mermaid game card with this girl? That did not sit right with him in the slightest, and he was also glad that Dean wasn't around right now because if he knew what he was thinking, Dean wouldn't let him hear the end of it.

When he was done reading, he rose an eyebrow as if to question her what it was that her dad supposedly had a long time ago. It seemed that she understood his query from his look, as she pulled out another piece of paper and unfolded it before passing it over to her. What he saw on that paper shocked him as he didn't think he would see the Colt ever again, in any form.

"I hate to tell you Anya, but this gun hasn't been seen in a long time. We used it once but then got rid of it soon after." he told her truthfully. The memories of using that gun on that male phoenix just brought back horrific memories of how Mika died and he was now glad that it was him Anya found, and not Dean. He could easily imagine just how badly Dean would take this news.

Before she fell asleep again, she wondered what Cason meant by that statement but she was just too tired to ask him. Instead she decided to do what he suggested and try and get some rest. "Don't be gone by the morning" she sleepily asked of him, her way of asking for him to stay in case another night terror hit her. Something she was incredibly scared of happening. She was always terrified of the night terror coming back when she fell back asleep from waking up due to one, but truth was she never did. The second attempt to sleep was always successful but that fear of having another night terror never went away. There was also a part of her right now that was scared of waking up alone in the morning and finding her solace and freedom to be the real dream.


When morning arrived, she was still initially in a deep sleep and if she had her own way, she would have gladly stayed asleep for a few more hours, yet it seemed Cason had other ideas and his ideas were incredibly valid. The feel of him gently tugging at her ear made her grumble and sleepily scrunch up her face. "that's because he's an ass..." she complained in reply as she slowly fluttered her eyes open, still partly wanting to protest at being awake. Looking across at him, she was honestly glad that he did indeed stay with her, even if her mind was seemingly to her, being her rational self again. Or at least, so it seemed for those few sleepy moments.

"Thank you...for not leaving me alone" she finally said, finding it unbelievable she was actually thanking him. With a yawn and stretch, she slowly forced herself to sit up a bit in the bed and that was when everything she said to Dean in spite finally hit her like a ton of bricks. "Oh man....I was a real bitch to Dean last night....wasn't I?" She said, then groaned and covered her face with her hands. Even if what she said was valid on any level, she always felt bad for talking to him like that. He took her in when he didn't want to all that time ago and that was how she repaid him last night? Spouting shit about his time in Hell? That was a low blow even for her. She was half expecting him to truly hate her and give her the silent treatment this morning when they came face to face with each other.


Dean's thought process on why Nat told them all what truly happened was, dare she think, impressive. He had actually come to some pretty solid theories in her opinion and Mika most definitely agreed that Nat was more broken than they had ever thought before. His little quip about Sam did make her chuckle as he wasn't exactly wrong. She had seen many sides of the brothers growing up with them, and she knew it didn't matter what Nat said to Dean, they weren't going to abandon her. Abandoning her is what John did, and she was defiant in deciding that Nat could do anything to try and push them away but they would not do what John did. Nat was family and they did not leave family behind.

His thought process on what to do about the Cason situation made her nod in agreement. She could understand why he would want to tie Nat up and protect her from Cason, no matter what but she also was proud of him for acknowledging that he couldn't stop her from being around him either. She was an adult and no matter how much they hated it, they had to let Nat decide for herself if Cason was safe to be around. It made her all the more glad that she had gestured for him to come to bed and change that sad look on his face to a smirk.


When Dean's alarm blared through the room loudly, she woke up instantly but she refused to open her eyes just yet. So instead, she let him shake her a bit before smirking ever so slightly as she couldn't pretend to be fast asleep any more. Opening her eyes, she sighed and sat up in bed as he rolled over and got up. "alright, oh and grab extra has browns for Nat, a peace offering of sorts" she suggested, forcing herself to get out of bed so she didn't fall back asleep when he left.

With Dean exiting the room, she used this moment to grab a quick shower as her hair felt like straw from all the dirt that was flying into the air of the crypt they were all stuck in the night before. Stepping her bare feet across the floor and into the bathroom. The moment her feet touched the cold floor she winced, making her speed up as she skipped and hopped into the shower and got the hot water running quickly. Getting into the shower was like a sharp awakening as the steam and heat of the water hit her skin, making her sigh with relief as it cleaned her and woke her up more. as she scrubbed her hair with the water, she used one hand to stretch over to grab some shampoo she left the day before on the shelf nearby and got to work washing her hair, dirt and grime running out of it and down the sink hole.

"Oh yeah...I definitely needed that" she sighed happily once she was done and stepping out, grabbing a towel and drying herself off a bit before wrapping it round her body and going into the main room to her duffel where she could grab some clean clothes. Pulling out a black top that was her usual go to and some wet look jeggings, she got dressed after drying off more.

She hoped Dean wouldn't be too long getting the breakfast for everyone as she got herself ready and made herself feel a bit more human. Then her thoughts went back to Natalia and whether or not she should go check on her. "Girl you should give Nat space" she warned herself, but whether or not she listened was proving a case of it going either way.


Whilst he was pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do, who to turn to for advice, he just about noticed Dean step outside. He figured Dean was taking it upon himself to do the breakfast run if Mika was nowhere to be seen and that got him pondering whether he should ask Mika for advice if she was alone in the room. As he was pondering his options, he was aware of Dean bantering with Duke, to which he only then noticed himself that Duke and Esme were in the back of Dukes truck and less than dignified in the process.

Shaking his head, he mentally was prepping himself to go see Mika for advice on what to do, so much so that he didn't even notice that Dean had spotted him and came over, that is, until Dean spoke to him. Hearing the words 'Where's Anna' felt like a punch to the gut and he could answer in one way- a shrug. "I don't know man. I woke up and she was gone, with just this note left by her. She did a runner during the night, with all her stuff and I have no idea where she's gone. Did I seriously screw up that badly with her that she felt like leaving was the only choice?" he explained and asked his brother.

"I don't know what to do Dean" he admitted, trying to not look defeated but it was proving difficult. At that point Mika stepped out of her and Dean's room and saw Dean talking with Sam. "So much for the breakfast run" she muttered under her breath to herself, as she sighed and walked over to the two. "what's going on?" she asked, looking between them before gazing down at Sam's hand and seeing a handwritten note.

"Oh....which of the girls left?" she asked. Sam turned and looked at her, "Anna" he simply replied.
Kay was ready to agree with Trish and smile at the beginning part of her reply, when the last part of her sentence made her frown and pause what she was doing. She knew what it was like to feel like you had screwed up a family member's life, but hearing that kind of talk from such a young child just broke her heart. It didn't feel right to hear from someone so young. She turned to face Trish as she put down what she was holding and sighed, "Trish stop what you're doing for a moment" she asked her. "Kiddo, listen to me, you have not screwed up his life okay? Trust me, I know what it's like to feel like that about family but you're still so young and believe me when I say I can guarantee that Josh doesn't think you've screwed up his life in the slightest." she began to explain to her softly. "Josh loves you like no other and as your big brother he would literally do anything for you. He would not change that for anything or anyone, but he also hasn't sacrificed being happy for himself and I'm sure Serena makes him happy" she tried to reassure her.

Fia glanced at him and then back down at the book she was flicking through. "Oh I don't really know to be honest but there's some interesting stuff in here" she replied as she flicked through the pages that had lore on many mythical and magical demons and beings. She wanted to initially think 'monsters' and 'beasts' but then she realised she would have been thinking of her own bloodline as either one of those words. "It's interesting either way, didn't know dad had this kind of book to be honest" she commented without even looking up from the book.

Josh smiled and nodded, whilst not wanting to intrude or come across as a complete and utter creep as she undressed for the bath. "Sure, you can ask me anything. What is it?" he asked her,

Cason freezing in his spot at her scurrying into him wasn't much of a surprise to Natalia, but she wasn't letting it really compute in her mind properly. Yet the moment he reacted positively after a few moments and wrapped an arm round her, even kissing her head she began to slowly gather herself before she asked the question she did. She wasn't expecting him to answer her question as she was barely realised that she even said it out loud, that was until he went quieter than quiet and she felt him tense up. She wished she could take back the question but it was out in the air now, so she couldn't take it back no matter how much she wished for it.

Then came a predictable answer but not the answer she wanted to hear. 'I don't know'. She nuzzled her head into him and nodded lightly against him in her own way to accept his answer of 'i don't know how to answer that', but she hoped he would find a way to answer her at some point. She just wanted answers for why of all people back in their group, it was HIM that she wanted to be around, it was HIS calmness she craved and felt she knew so well. Not Sam's, not Dean's.... Cason's. The demon of the group when all she ever wanted in life was to kill every single demon that ever crossed her path, but here she was wanting nothing but the comfort from a demon. A demon that almost tore her family apart by sleeping with her pseudo sister-in-law (or how she always saw Mika at any rate). None of this made sense to her.

Little did she realise just yet that he did know the answer, at least partially because he was the comfort and empathy she received at the asylum. He was the one that doing subtle things that kept the hope alive in her for someone to come and rescue her. She just wished that whatever the chat was that he wanted to have with her, it was to do with her queries and her questions in her mind. She hoped that he'd find the courage to tell her and put those pieces back into her mind to complete the missing parts of her memory. It was the one thing she never fully told her brothers, still didn't even when they had gotten a lot of her secrets out of her. There were still, even to this day, parts of her memory from her time in the asylum that were foggy or just outright blank.

"I hope we find an answer" she mumbled to him, refusing to let go but did eventually show her face to him again.


Back in their room, Mika chucked her jacket off and threw it onto the chair haphazardly before walking over to the bed, sitting on the edge and sighing deeply. "Man what.a.day" she spoke, brushing her hair back and behind her ears. She was exhausted, more so than she thought moments ago. The case had been a difficult one, a hectic one and then there was everything Natalia said to them after spilling everything thanks to Dean's over protective yelling at her. They truly were a mess of a group and family, but despite all of that she wouldn't take it any other way.

"I'm still trying to compute everything she finally told us, let alone everything else. If I get any decent sleep tonight I will be very surprised" she admitted, using her feet to kick and pull each of her boots off as she multi-tasked and removed her vest top. "I'm glad she told us at last though....no matter how hard it was to hear. No wonder she closes off at times or snaps. It suddenly makes so much sense now" she continued to say as she finished changing out of her hunting clothing and climbing under the duvet.

She just hoped that Dean would be able to relax a little, or at least enough to get some sleep himself. She was more concerned about him sleeping than she was herself. Once under the covers, she stretched her arms out toward him as a way to signal for him to follow her into bed, whilst also being her silent way of saying 'you need to come to bed and just try and let go of everything this night has thrown at us'. She knew he would know what she was implying, it wasn't the first time she had done this kind of movement toward him when things got tense. She also had a feeling that Natalia shouting at him the way she did, and what she said would still no doubt be playing on his mind.

"And Dean? She'll forgive you by the morning. She loves you dearly, no matter what she says in her heated moments" she reminded him.


Sam noticed how Anna seemed a bit distant from him and almost hesitant to take his hand which he found a bit unusual and out of character for her. Was he doing something wrong? Was he unknowingly pushing her away? He couldn't figure it out and he hoped the answer to his worries were 'no', but he just couldn't tell right now. Taking her hand, he went back to their room and got ready for bed, one part of him hoping Anna wasn't becoming distant from him again and another part of him keeping an ear close to the walls in case Nat started screaming or something in her room and he needed to run like a man on a mission.

By the time they fell asleep, he had fallen into a deep sleep. Lilith wasn't joking when she said it was harder to wake him in that moment with Anna. If it didn't feel too close to the nose, one could even say he was dead to the world, but in their lives and job that wasn't a saying that was particularly liked by him. The whole time he was completely oblivious to Lilith touching his hair, face and neck. Nothing in his brain was alerting him to a danger in the room and that he should wake up.


Moments after Anna left the hotel, hearing a door shut Sam stirred ever so slightly but he was still very much bleary eyed and more asleep than awake. He looked beside him and saw that Anna wasn't in bed but he assumed the door he heard had been the bathroom door closing and Anna just needed the bathroom for whatever reason and so he thought nothing of it and closed his eyes yet again before in seconds falling back asleep, right up until morning and his alarm went off at 7am.

Groaning awake, his eyes closed, he went to pull Anna closer to him for morning snuggles but he felt nothing beside him, making his eyes shoot open. "Anna?!" he called out just loud enough in case she was in the bathroom. But there was nothing, no reply, no sign of life anywhere in the motel room. Sitting up, he grabbed a t shirt and yanked it back on over his head whilst climbing out of the bed. He went into the bathroom first, opening the door but saw no one in there and so went back into the main part of the room again. Wondering where she went, he began to get worried before laying eyes on the note she had left for him.

Picking it up, he read everything she wrote, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "I've done it again...." he muttered to himself. "I've lost her yet again because I'm a bloody dumbass" he complained at himself, angry that he could have been so stupid all over again. He couldn't imagine any other reason for her to leave and definitely couldn't blame her for it. It had to be his fault...didn't it? That's what he was thinking.

Getting dressed again, he shoved the letter in his jeans pocket and stepped out of the room, wondering who to go to first for advice. He didn't want bombard Nat with his love life problems when she was going through so much worse, but did he really want to go to Dean? Or Mika? Or even Esme and Duke? He found himself pacing in front of his room trying to decide which was best to do.
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