Harper was surprised that Arabella hadn't already booked in somewhere to stay, as for her it was always the first thing on her agenda, no matter where she went. Though hearing that she was going to see if there was a room in The Golding after the case was dealt with, made her smirk ever so slightly as it seemed they were of the same mindset without even knowing each other. "good job I'm staying there then, you can follow my car there if you want. It seems pretty quiet there to be honest, so can't see you struggling in getting a room and if ya do. you can always crash in my room" she explained to her, getting a sense that this woman was trust worthy unlike a lot of hunters.
Her impression of Arabella was only cemented when she offered to help in getting the glass shard out of her side. Giving a nod of thanks, she looked up at the other blonde and replied "that'd be great thanks." all whilst watching her grab her lighter to put in her pocket and glance around at the mess they had created. Like Arabella, Harper also looked around and figured it could have been worse all things considered. At least from what she could see, there wasn't any of their blood on the floor to bring the chaos back onto them and keep them off the local police's radar. She was about to make a comment about the mess and how she was so ready to leave when Arabella winced, making her step closer to the woman. Seeing the bit of wood protruding out of her and her jacket.
She gave her own wince at the injury, and couldn't help but think how they both weren't coming out of this completely unscathed after all. "Seems so, so why don't we get the hell outta here and get back to the motel before one of us bleeds onto the floor and incriminate ourselves to this scene and clean our wounds up?" she suggested, walking passed Arabella to grab her bag that was in the doorway on the floor, leaning down with pain and slinging her duffel over her shoulder. She really didn't want to be here any longer than necessary at this point and just wanted the glass out of her side. She didn't feel like she was going to pass out just yet, so she figured she'd make the most of the adrenaline whilst she could to drive back to the motel.
Giving Arabella time to grab her belongings and sort herself out, she lead the way out of the building, letting Arabella go to her bike whilst she herself went to her car. Unlocking the trunk, she threw her duffel bag into it, closed it and walked round to the driver's side where she opened the door and got in, being careful not to catch the glass sticking out of her side.
Pulling into the parking lot of the motel, she leaned over to the passenger seat and decided she would hide her injury just in case a by stander or another guest of the motel was out of their room and nearby. The last thing she needed tonight was someone seeing and freaking out at what they were witnessing. SO she grabbed her jacket and pulled it on, wincing as the movement made the glass shift ever so slightly. "Please don't kill me" she murmured to herself and to the glass before stepping out of her car.
Walking back to the trunk, she popped it open to grab her bag and her first aid kit bag that she disguised as a bathroom wash bag for discretion. Waiting for Arabella, she leaned against her car after closing the trunk door and sighed. The room she was about to head into wasn't the greatest but she knew after tonight it would be better than sleeping in her car once again.
Her impression of Arabella was only cemented when she offered to help in getting the glass shard out of her side. Giving a nod of thanks, she looked up at the other blonde and replied "that'd be great thanks." all whilst watching her grab her lighter to put in her pocket and glance around at the mess they had created. Like Arabella, Harper also looked around and figured it could have been worse all things considered. At least from what she could see, there wasn't any of their blood on the floor to bring the chaos back onto them and keep them off the local police's radar. She was about to make a comment about the mess and how she was so ready to leave when Arabella winced, making her step closer to the woman. Seeing the bit of wood protruding out of her and her jacket.
She gave her own wince at the injury, and couldn't help but think how they both weren't coming out of this completely unscathed after all. "Seems so, so why don't we get the hell outta here and get back to the motel before one of us bleeds onto the floor and incriminate ourselves to this scene and clean our wounds up?" she suggested, walking passed Arabella to grab her bag that was in the doorway on the floor, leaning down with pain and slinging her duffel over her shoulder. She really didn't want to be here any longer than necessary at this point and just wanted the glass out of her side. She didn't feel like she was going to pass out just yet, so she figured she'd make the most of the adrenaline whilst she could to drive back to the motel.
Giving Arabella time to grab her belongings and sort herself out, she lead the way out of the building, letting Arabella go to her bike whilst she herself went to her car. Unlocking the trunk, she threw her duffel bag into it, closed it and walked round to the driver's side where she opened the door and got in, being careful not to catch the glass sticking out of her side.
Pulling into the parking lot of the motel, she leaned over to the passenger seat and decided she would hide her injury just in case a by stander or another guest of the motel was out of their room and nearby. The last thing she needed tonight was someone seeing and freaking out at what they were witnessing. SO she grabbed her jacket and pulled it on, wincing as the movement made the glass shift ever so slightly. "Please don't kill me" she murmured to herself and to the glass before stepping out of her car.
Walking back to the trunk, she popped it open to grab her bag and her first aid kit bag that she disguised as a bathroom wash bag for discretion. Waiting for Arabella, she leaned against her car after closing the trunk door and sighed. The room she was about to head into wasn't the greatest but she knew after tonight it would be better than sleeping in her car once again.