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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Harper was surprised that Arabella hadn't already booked in somewhere to stay, as for her it was always the first thing on her agenda, no matter where she went. Though hearing that she was going to see if there was a room in The Golding after the case was dealt with, made her smirk ever so slightly as it seemed they were of the same mindset without even knowing each other. "good job I'm staying there then, you can follow my car there if you want. It seems pretty quiet there to be honest, so can't see you struggling in getting a room and if ya do. you can always crash in my room" she explained to her, getting a sense that this woman was trust worthy unlike a lot of hunters.

Her impression of Arabella was only cemented when she offered to help in getting the glass shard out of her side. Giving a nod of thanks, she looked up at the other blonde and replied "that'd be great thanks." all whilst watching her grab her lighter to put in her pocket and glance around at the mess they had created. Like Arabella, Harper also looked around and figured it could have been worse all things considered. At least from what she could see, there wasn't any of their blood on the floor to bring the chaos back onto them and keep them off the local police's radar. She was about to make a comment about the mess and how she was so ready to leave when Arabella winced, making her step closer to the woman. Seeing the bit of wood protruding out of her and her jacket.

She gave her own wince at the injury, and couldn't help but think how they both weren't coming out of this completely unscathed after all. "Seems so, so why don't we get the hell outta here and get back to the motel before one of us bleeds onto the floor and incriminate ourselves to this scene and clean our wounds up?" she suggested, walking passed Arabella to grab her bag that was in the doorway on the floor, leaning down with pain and slinging her duffel over her shoulder. She really didn't want to be here any longer than necessary at this point and just wanted the glass out of her side. She didn't feel like she was going to pass out just yet, so she figured she'd make the most of the adrenaline whilst she could to drive back to the motel.

Giving Arabella time to grab her belongings and sort herself out, she lead the way out of the building, letting Arabella go to her bike whilst she herself went to her car. Unlocking the trunk, she threw her duffel bag into it, closed it and walked round to the driver's side where she opened the door and got in, being careful not to catch the glass sticking out of her side.


Pulling into the parking lot of the motel, she leaned over to the passenger seat and decided she would hide her injury just in case a by stander or another guest of the motel was out of their room and nearby. The last thing she needed tonight was someone seeing and freaking out at what they were witnessing. SO she grabbed her jacket and pulled it on, wincing as the movement made the glass shift ever so slightly. "Please don't kill me" she murmured to herself and to the glass before stepping out of her car.

Walking back to the trunk, she popped it open to grab her bag and her first aid kit bag that she disguised as a bathroom wash bag for discretion. Waiting for Arabella, she leaned against her car after closing the trunk door and sighed. The room she was about to head into wasn't the greatest but she knew after tonight it would be better than sleeping in her car once again.

Anya's phone speaking to him made him snap out of his thoughts even more than he already was doing, making him chuckle at her words. He saw her type another message straight after and let her talk before he made any kind of reply to her first words. When she asked him if he was okay, he gave a nod. "yeah, sorry...just had a memory flash through my mind that's all but I'm okay." he smiled, hoping that it would reassure her there was nothing to actually worry about. He didn't want to worry her when they were still learning about each other and he definitely didn't want her thinking his mind was compromised when it came to helping her get answers.

"But we don't need to put a pause on the tour. I can still show you around and you're more than welcome to come to this room whenever you want whilst you're here." he then said once more. He just wondered if she did come here a lot if she would find Mika's old diary or if it would remain lost in these archives. It also got him wondering if it was ever found, would he actually give it to Dean or would he keep it from his brother? But now wasn't the time to think about that. For now it could remain lost and he can continue showing Anya around and making her happier than when they had a disagreement in the cafe.

Which got him momentarily wondering how the other two were getting on in finding any information for Anya in the war room. Though he also knew what utter flirts they both were and was partly thinking they may not be actually getting any work done whatsoever.


Dean admitting he 'couldn't help it' when it came to the case just made Lexi feel all the more amused, and the fact he was genuinely making her laugh and feel warm inside from the laughter told her that she could not let this man go under any circumstance. He was bringing her out of herself, even in a manner that Sam couldn't achieve. Seeing him also stutter silently as he tried to find the words to say at her comeback just made her chuckle all the more.

It was so endearing and sweet to see him so flustered over her comeback, she never would have pegged him as someone to get so flustered if she just went by his appearance, but here he was showing her there was a lot of sides to him, and she wanted to see all of those sides as often as possible. She watched him as his eyes followed her hand gestures and how he swallowed deeply at her flirtation. She was having him hooked line and sinker and she felt pretty proud of herself for it.

Then his reply got her smiling all the more, an eyebrow raised, and a tiny flush coming to her cheeks at the same time. "I don't have much in that regard no. But that's not to say I don't have anything at all still, and what I don't have I probably still have photos somewhere" she admitted. To anyone else that statement would have come across as quite pretentious but for Lexi, it was to have a bit of Nate with her still as they were all photos he took.

Holding her hands up in a playful defensive manner after being accused of looking at him in a particular manner, she then smirked. "You're being as much of a tease as I am Dean" she said back to him, tempted to just skip all this work and leave the war room with him in tow. But she made a promise to Anya and she didn't want to come across as someone who broke those promises.

"You're also making it very difficult to get back to work ya know." she commented, looking down at her laptop seeing an article come up on her screen from the dark web about the Colt.

Sam knew his first lot of suggestions were boring, in his own little way it was a ploy to make the other things sound more interesting and judging by Anya's reaction to the word 'library' it seemed to work. He smiled more when she fumbled with her phone and asked to see the library. "Library it is" he replied, holding his hand out to her if she wished to take it, so he could guide her to the room she wanted to see the most.

With the decisions made, he lead her down the corridors and round a corner or two to the library and like he did with the communications room, he turned on the light and shelves and shelves of books appeared before her eyes. A small-ish table in the middle with some chairs, similar to what was in the war room, except the table was plain and not decked out like a map of the united states.

"Here it is, the library" he introduced the room to Anya, guiding her inside and letting her have free reign to look around, just as he did before in the previous room. "The books in here might be a bit dusty in comparison to the war room lot, but there's still some fascinating ones in here, including old diaries from the makers of this bunker" he explained, but the moment he mentioned about the dairies, he got a moment of remembrance as he remembered the days Mika would spend in this room reading said dairies, not to mention he was certain she wrote her own in this room and hid it in here, but he never found it.

Snapping out of his memories so not to bring the mood down, he watched Anya glance around.


Seeing Dean understand where she was coming from when she teased about him not having negotiation power, Lexi became more and more amused by the whole conversation they were having and was starting to think that the more they went on, the less work they were gonna end up doing.

She smirked at him as he playfully glared at her, letting him speak his opinions. She stifled a chuckle as he mentioned about the way she dressed, instantly having an idea of where this was going and she was curious to how far he was going to take rambling. She looked at him, propping her elbow up on the table, then placing her chin into the palm of her hand.

Seeing him tap the table as if he just won the deal, she chuckled a bit more but it was still a soft chuckle nonetheless. "You--" she began to speak but he continued on, and so she listened and watched him lean forward and cringe at what he was about to say to her. When he then just came out with what he did like a horny teenager, she had to cover her mouth as she stifled the laughter that was bubbling up in her throat.

"oh, I can totally tell you're not dedicated to the case" she teased back, lowering her hand again so not to obstruct her face. "You're right it is a big step but I wouldn't say it was off the table completely. I mean, I always grew up with the motto of never say never after all." she smiled coyly at him because she was most definitely interested, just as he was with her. She just didn't want to push him into anything too fast, but seeing as he was bringing it up first and quite bluntly, she didn't see the harm in playing along.

"And FYI, if you think this outfit" she said, waving a hand up and down her jeans and ribbed shirt combo, "is attractive, you've literally seen nothing of the kinds of things I once wore" she smirked, remembering all the times she'd let Nate use her as his model for his photography.

Deep down she knew asking him not to utter the word 'demon' whilst they were out together would be difficult for him, but she just needed both of them to at least try. She needed to see Cason not as what he was, but as someone she felt safe around. Just a guy who was taking her to the carnival to and try and bring a smile back to her face. They had to try...they just had to.

She glanced out the corner of her eye as he reacted to her list of favorite films, deciding that instead of defending her choices, she would just continue talking, which she did. She half smirked when he said about remembering that and keeping it as possible future blackmail. She honestly had a feeling he would, but as embarrassing as she might find it, it was nothing compared to the kinds of things he truly could use against her if she thought long and hard about it.

She listened to his reply and opinions on what she finally said about travelling and wanting to feel complete again. The fact he openly said he would even stop her from sabotaging her healing process was reassuring to her. Like her brothers, or more to the point Dean, she was her worst enemy when it came to sabotaging any kind of self healing to be done. Her constant fighting with Dean was some proof of that. "Thank you Cason, that means more to me than you'll ever know" she replied to him honestly as they reached the queue for getting a space in the parking area.

When the elderly lady came knocking on the car window, Nat herself even flinched slightly as she also noticed Cason's flashing pure black for a split moment before going back to normal. She hated that look on people and was convinced she didn't think she'd get over the soulless dark in a demon's eyes any time soon. She let Cason pay for a parking spot, even though she would have gladly done it as it was her idea to take her car. She let Cason drive them to a parking spot and when they had found one, she opened her door, glad to have a moment to stretch her legs.

The noise and lights in the near distance drew her attention instantly, giving her that innocent excitement deep within her, something she hadn't felt in a very long time. The moment they would reach inside, she knew it would be overwhelming but she was determined to stay and just have fun. She still had a competition to follow through with, in trying to beat Cason on some kind of carnival game. She looked over her shoulder to Cason, "shall we get in then? I need major fun, try and beat you on the carnival games and terrible street food" she commented.


At the same time of Dean sitting on the bar stool, Mika also sat down as she let him him order for them both. Dean requesting a tab get started wasn't a surprise to her as he had a habit before all the Hell crap came into their lives for him to do exactly that. With the bottles opened, and put in front of them, she grabbed one for herself as she noticed how the bartender was clearly sizing her up, making her raise an eyebrow very briefly, curious to what the bartender's problem was with her.

Deciding to ignore it for now, she clanked her bottle with Dean's and gladly took a long mouthful, sighing as she lowered the bottle, happy to feel the liquid run down her throat. She chuckled when he told her not to let him get too drunk , as if he never went on some weird casual date with her before. "you're assuming I don't like you being handsy or I wouldn't you to be" she retorted in a playful tease.

She was mostly though happy to see him smiling and be happy. When he first came back it was almost like she was witnessing a shell of the man she loved. So to see him finally smiling, joking and laughing again, being in a place that he felt comfortable in and brought back humourous memories from, it was refreshing to her. Whilst he was still leaned into her slightly, kissed his cheek before going back to her drink for another wig of the bottle in her hand.


The feel of Anna's hands in his hair made him get so many memories from throughout the years of when she'd come and go into his life. He was glad to be feeling her lips upon his own, her hands on him as he felt how much she loved him. He just hoped that his reactionary movements showed her how much he loved her back. She was back in his life yet again and if he could, he would literally go to immeasurable lengths to keep her by his side.

As her hands found their way to under his shirt, he smiled into the passionate kiss, letting her place her hands wherever she felt like putting them. He held her on his lap after she had crawled onto it, holding his palms flat against her back, keeping her in place so she didn't fall. So when she broke the kiss off and scrambled off of him like her life depended on it, he looked at her confused as he tried to gather his breath. Had he made things between them move too fast? Was he scaring her off? But then it rapidly occurred to him that she was having a panic attack from the fear that Lilith had instilled into her mind.

"Hey hey hey..it's okay...it's okay" he cooed to her, remaining calm to try and reassure her. He knelt down in front of her when she fell to her knees after rambling about how they shouldn't be doing this, that they weren't safe, he wasn't safe around her. He slowly reached out to her, but was cautious not to touch her just yet in case she flinched away from him. His heart broke as he watched the love of his struggle with the struggles that Lilith had instilled on her. He wished he could just kill her himself right here and now, if it meant it would remove all of this anguish and pain on Anna.

"I'm not going anywhere, I know that's what you're scared about but I won't let you deal with this alone" he cooed more to her, placing his hands on the floor in front of her knees. "Just take some deep breaths, you're going to be okay, I swear to you. I won't let anything happen to you or anyone else- including myself" he said to her softly, but with conviction.

Sam continued to smile as she confirmed that she was just thinking how much they would find that's new even to him. He gave a nod, glad that he could confirm her thought process just by what he had said to her. He watched her as she seemed to go shy for some reason, sweeping her hair behind her ear which got him wondering why she would suddenly become shy all of a sudden.

He was going to ask her if everything was okay, when he saw her typing on the phone she had and so he decided it was better to wait and see what she wanted to say first. Listening to the voice that came from the speaker, he gave a soft smile as she thanked him for letting her stay in the bunker before giving a light chuckle at her calling him the most relatable and young hunter she's ever met. "well gotta say, that's one of the biggest compliments I've been given in a long time" he replied to her honestly. Honestly, he had been this job for so long now, he didn't even think of himself as young anymore, even though he was still young compared to a lot of seasoned hunters. He just felt mentally older than he actually was.

"I'm glad though that you feel you can be yourself here and that I'm relatable among other points you've made" he added, before gesturing that they should continue the tour. He was quite frankly still amused by the fact she stated she had high hopes for him. It was such an original comment to make that he took it as a compliment.

"So, for the rest of the tour, I can show you where the boring rooms are like the bathrooms, the kitchen and stuff or I could show you the library, records room that has some pretty cool old files from like the thirties or something." he suggested to her.


Lexi never wanted him to feel like she was going fuss over him and feel like she was gonna mother him. She knew exactly what he was going through and knew that would be the last thing he'd need or want currently. She may not have fully computed his guilt for touching her or being round sometimes, but she knew he must feel some kind of guilt for it. There were times when she herself felt like just being around another male in the most casual of situations was a betrayal to Nate, but she knew it wouldn't last.

When he said about giving her the 'Sam Winchester interrogation' and how it was cheaper than therapy and he was better in the sack, she couldn't help but laugh at the remark. She understood the reference of Sam's interrogation style as she had been on the end of it when they first met and when he was trying to pull her out of her home and out of her own head.

Hearing him groan when she blackmailed him with homemade pie, she couldn't help but smirk, feeling rather proud of herself for getting that reaction out of him. She just got more amused when he complained and said it's just who she was. She may not know much about Dean...yet but she did know all about his obsession with pie thanks to Sam and the fact her first night here, she made one as a thanks for letting her stay. She let him pull his book closer to them after downing his whiskey and sniggered when he gave his negotiation for working.

"Oh, that's rather bold of you to try and negotiate on this" she quipped back, as she raised her laptop screen again so she could start searching once more. "But I guess I can work with your counter demand. Depends on how much help you are with this research! You gotta earn those kinds of privileges" she smirked slightly in a cocky but playful manner.

Seeing him roll his eyes at her reaction just made it all the more amusing to her. She even found it strangely adorable that he was trying to justify his taste of music to her, even if she decided in that second that she would have to make a rule for the rest of this trip.

She listened to him explain exactly what he knew about her and she had to admit, she couldn't even deny any of what he was saying. She watched him do the universal sign for 'tell me anything you want to about yourself'. SO she gave it a small thought and made a little nod, "Okay, well...first off: I'm banning the word 'demon' from now on. I'm wanting to forget about everything not dwell on it." she said to him, before continuing on. "As for about me? I love alternative and rock music. Considering how complicated my relationship is with Dean, I'm more like him than I am Sam. When I was a kid before ending up..well you know where, dad taught me acoustic guitar and I sometimes enjoy singing. Or at least...I used to from what I even remember of my past." she began explaining, it suddenly dawning on her she was still working on even remembering some of her past before the asylum years thanks to the lobotomy she endured.

"Movies I'm a sucker for the action genre. Mission Impossible movies are classics, I don't care what anyone says. I may or may not have a guilty pleasure for the film for Wall-E, that little damn robot is adorable but if you utter a word of that to anyone I will kill you" she said to him, pointing her finger at him. Yet truth was, Mika introduced her to the film as a way to bring her out of herself with something that didn't relate to their world or jobs in the slightest. It was one of the first ever times Mika had seen her smile and even chuckle, so she considered it a guilty pleasure, despite being considered a kids film.

"Travel wishes? Anywhere that isn't the States! If this job wasn't my entire life I would leave America in a heartbeat and just soak up different cultures, see a white sandy beach, drink cocktails on said beach or visit a seafront somewhere via a cliffside. Soak up different music scenes...it's why I couldn't answer you earlier, there's literally so many places I couldn't just say one" she admitted to him.

As she spoke, an old glimmer of passion began to shine in her eyes, a need to remember what it was like to live a life and not feel like she was just existing and still finding out who she was as a person. "I feel half complete as a person thanks to you know where, I just wanna feel complete again" she sighed, glancing from him as he drove to her lap, where her hands gripped her thighs. "I'm sorry...that probably sounds completely ridiculous" she scoffed, trying to shake everything she said off.


Dean's remark on her placement of her hand made her smirk back and chuckle. "Of course you'd think that" she teased back, "Just deal with the fact I can enjoy doing this again" she told him as he then pointed to Impala and she gave a nod of understanding back. She walked off the sidewalk and to the car when he pointed down the road and she looked where he was pointing. Her eyes instantly landed on the neon sign and she smirked once more. "Glad to know your tastes haven't changed" she quipped.


Reaching the bar, she let him get out first and run round to the passenger side. It was so refreshing and heartwarming that she could see him do this action all over again. She took his hand and got out of the car, closing the door behind her. Seeing him so excited about checking out such a bar brought a smile to her own face. This was what she wanted to see after all the family drama that had occurred just lately.

Walking into the bar, she took in their surroundings and the scene as well as noting the strong cigar smell and smell of alcohol in the air, not to mention the loud music being played. Oh this brought back memories for her of their younger days. Especially thanks to the couples in the darkened corners of the bar. With Dean dragging her along she refrained from giving a small yelp and chuckle as she just gladly followed him to the bar.

"It really is! Sure is bringing back some good memories!" she beamed back at him as they got to the bar and waited to be served.


Sam knew if he had paused on anything he had to say to her, he was sure he wouldn't be able to continue because he'd get himself into such an emotional state. He was also glad that she let him just spill his thoughts and feelings out on the whole situation, even if he could see she was getting highly choked up by everything he was saying to her. When he was done talking, he glanced at her as she tried to get some kind of response out.

Instead all she could say was the three words he always wanted to hear from her. That she loved him just as much as he loved her, even if he was awful at showing it at times or even saying. It was in these moments that he realised he was like Dean, only slightly being better at voicing his feelings but not by much. He let her grip his hand tighter, glad to still be feeling her hand in his and still relieved that she was even giving him the time of day after travelling so far for her.

He watched her lean in closer and as he closed his eyes slowly, he let her lips glide over his before he pressed his lips onto hers and kissed her deeply. He only just about broke apart, but only ever so slightly to brush his hands through her hair and smile. "I love you too" he said once more, before leaning in again and continuing to kiss her.

Anya's initial reaction to the room was one he was hoping for. Seeing her face light up as she saw all the vintage technology was one he felt like he had to mentally snapshot in his memory bank. It was so refreshing to have someone else in the bunker who got and understood his interests. He smiled and nodded as she used her phone to start speaking her initial thoughts on the room. "It really is amazing, and you know it's amazing when even Dean was impressed by it when we first found the room" he replied to her.

He let her go over to it all and take a closer look and feel of it all, as he leaned back against the wall near the doorway just watching her happily. He couldn't drop the smile from his face when she commented on it again, "I've been working on getting some of this stuff working in full working order on and off when we've not had jobs to do. But it's a lot of work when most of the components don't even exist anymore, but some of it seems to work solely with the use of magic I've also noticed" he explained, pushing himself off the wall and going over to show her one part that seemed to have a glowing rune under a latch.

"I always seem to find new things in this room every time I come in here" he chuckled as he let her continue her look around. Whilst she looked around, he thought about the other rooms and tried to think if there were any other rooms that she'd particularly would be interested in. Then he wondered if she'd be interested in the library room that wasn't attached to the main war room.


Dean's look of pride didn't go amiss on Lexi, and it warmed her heart that he was proud of her just by one little comment she made. She had hardened her heart a lot over the last year, but she also had learned to open it up a little bit and be herself again thanks to Sam and his help on the odd hunt. She had a lot to be thankful for when it came to the Winchesters and she wasn't planning on letting that go. Between Dean and Sam, she was feeling more like herself again and not solely a cold hearted revenge driven hunter.

She also then noticed the way his demeanor changed after she mentioned 'tragic backstory' and internally she hit herself for being so stupid with her words. He had lost his ex more recently than her, of course he wouldn't be as far along the grief as she was. She wanted to take the words back and was about to apologise when he spoke up.

She gave a sad but understanding nod at his first words, before letting him continue talking about how he was dealing with things currently. "Dean it's okay, you don't have to feel obligated to talk about what you've gone through, your ex or anything like that to me just because I've been open with you. I've had to live with this longer, it's not surprising to me you're not ready yet." she explained to him softly. "Believe me, I was right where you are now not that long ago. You have your brother to thank for the version of me you've met. He got the Lexi who was constantly drunk, picking bar fights or curled up somewhere eating her body weight in ice cream" she softly smiled.

"But as I said, until you're ready to talk and when you feel you can ask me anything, just know you can" she told him truthfully. She took a deep inhale before exhaling and tapped the table with the palms of her hands. "Come on, we got a girl to help and possibly a Colt to find. Help me with that and I'll bake another pie" she gave him a cheeky but loving smile, fully aware she was using playful blackmail to snap him out of his upsetting mental state.

Seeing Anya smile brightly at his offer to give her a tour of the place, he couldn't help but smile brightly back. There was just something about her smile that was completely and utterly contagious. He watched her face as she reacted to what he was telling her, seeing that she understood his polite warnings and so forth, yet it was the Tardis comment she gave next that made him laugh and nod.

'Cute, smart and a nerd. Could she be any more perfect for me?' he thought to himself, "Good to know you're as much of a nerd as I am. Dean makes fun of my likes like that, so it's refreshing to see someone gets it" he smiled and chuckled as she interlocked their fingers after offering her hand out as a sign of blooming friendship.

He took her hand gladly, leading her back out of her new room and started walking further down the hallway, deciding that he would take her to the communications computer room first, figuring she would appreciate the vintage technology in there as much as he did when he and Dean first found it. "Okay, I'm hoping this first room you'll like. You seem the type that would, considering we met in a computer and tech store" he smiled, leading her down another flight of stairs and into the room in question, flicking the light switch and seeing everything roar to life.

"It's an old men of letters communications room. It's how they'd get the information of a new hunt or monster coming into play." he explained to her, out stretching his arm to let her know she can walk around and look as much as she wanted.


Being in this life, she knew it was risky getting involved with a non hunter, but as the saying goes you can't help who you fall in love with. It just so happened Nate was seen to be the one at the time. Her lifestyle and job cost him his life and she knew she would forever feel that guilt for that.

As she looked up at Dean, she watched him tighten his lips shut as he pondered on how to react to her story. She didn't want his pity, she had gone through a year of receiving that from people, but she also didn't see the point in not telling him exactly how her ex died. She let him top his drink, as well as her own, pulling her own glass back toward her again as he finally spoke up. His initial apology only making her just nod in response.

Then came the words she had once heard from Sam when he first kept coming round to make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid in those first few weeks. "Oh I know that all too well" she agreed with his first sentiment of the harsh truth of being a hunter and finding people you care about. She looked back at him again as she lifted her glass one more time up to her lip, taking a good gulp of the strong liquid. She saw him narrow his eyes and wondered what he was going to say next, and as she suspected, got surprised but thankful for his next words.

She could have that kill shot on Crowley. "Oh I'm planning on it. He may not have been the actual killer, but Nate would still be alive if it wasn't for him and his meddling. If I can get the bastard for Nate, then I ain't wasting the opportunity." she told him back, her tone showing just serious she also was and making it clear, she had been planning on killing Crowley from the moment that night happened.

"Nate didn't deserve to go out that way. If I can bring him some kind justice, I'll be good with that" she added, leaning back in her chair slightly before slowly exhaling to gather herself once more. "So...now you know my tragic back story" she smirked.

"and for what it's worth, there isn't much I won't keep from you, you wanna know something about me? Don't hesitate to ask" she enlightened.

At his reply about not daring to crash her baby, she rolled her eyes but deep down it did amuse her that even he knew not to mess with her car. She was just as protective over it as Dean was with the Impala, and it was solely because it's her first car and the first thing that truly felt like it belonged solely to her after her brothers and Bobby managed to help her come out of her skin a bit after the rescue. "Good to know" she replied.

She watched him pull out of the car park, noticing that no one of their group was even looking out their windows to see her exit, and some part of her felt a twang of hurt over it even though she wouldn't actually admit to feeling that. She continued to keep a side eye watch on Cason's driving skills, feeling slightly more comfortable once she discovered he was capable of driving with very little problems.

As they drove and he started talking, she glanced over at him from having looked out the window for a bit and when he said about getting to know each other, she didn't know what she could tell him that he wouldn't already know about her. However, then came a bit of information about himself that made her want to burst out laughing. Instead, she quickly covered her mouth and sniggered, desperately trying to stop herself from laughing. Classical music!? That was something she never would have pinned onto Cason, despite the fact he was older than he looked.

She also found his rambling strangely endearing to hear. Pleasantries may not be in a demon's memo but he was trying and was constantly nice to her which was making her almost begin to forget he was even a demon at times. "I'm sorry... but, we need to backtrack there for a moment. Classical music? Like Beethoven, Chopin and all that? Wooow....You've surprised me Case" she said, trying to apologise for almost laughing in his face, but also still struggling to not come across as amused. She also didn't fully realise that she had said a partial nickname for him.

"So uhh...I guess should tell you something about me? But what don't you know about me?" she asked him.


Mika didn't even notice that she was looking down slightly at the Esme news until Dean had knelt down slightly and lifted her head up to reassure her that it was just a case of being considerate. "I know...Sorry, I am trying, I promise" she told him back, and she really was, she just knew of her stubborn ways and that it would take her time, no matter how hard she tried.

She exited the room with him, noticing that Nat's car was now gone and it honestly made her sigh slightly to herself. 'So the kid didn't waste any time leaving us huh?' she thought to herself, as Dean knocked on Esme's room door and Duke eventually showed up in the doorway, still doing up his jeans. It was quite the sight and amusing to her, not only that it gave her hope that finally the whole Esme and Dean situation could move behind them if Blondie was now hooking up with the other blonde of their group.

She loved Duke dearly, and understood why Dean saw him as a brother, so she could only imagine how this would have been taken by Dean at one point or another, but then again, she also thought 'well Dean is on the side I have been on'. She smirked when Dean and Duke spoke and as Dean started away, she shook her head, still visibly amused by the whole thing. Duke's comeback to Dean's comment just sent her over the edge and got her laughing, "you dirty SOB Duke!" she called back, giving him a flick of her wrist type of wave goodbye.

Jogging to catch up to Dean, she slipped her hand into his jeans back pocket as she always loved to do and continued their little walk to wherever they wished to go, whether it be to the car and they drove somewhere or walked into town and found somewhere locally. "So, which way?" she asked Dean.


The moment Anna suggested a motel nearby, Sam began to nod but he couldn't help but worry that she would go back into Max's apartment and not return. That was, until she reassured him she would come back. He found himself pacing up and down the corridor ever so slightly near the apartment as he waited for her to grab a bag and from what he could hear, answering a lot of Max's questions about him and if she should be leaving so soon. He wasn't even mad at the fact she was with Max, in fact it was the complete opposite. He was glad that she seemingly found someone she knew in the past and was considered safe to be around, even if he did notice how Max looked at her compared to himself.


Finally at a motel, he walked into the room after opening the door and let Anna in before closing the door behind them both. He walked over to the bed and dumped his bag down on the ground beside it, before sitting beside her as she too seemed to want to use the bed as a sofa.

He watched her and listened with every fibre of his being as she began to speak, seeing just how emotional it was making her and wondering what could have been so bad to get her this way. Then she continued and he didn't like how it was going. He kept quiet the whole time she spoke, letting her have her moment to get it all out as much as she could before he even thought about opening his mouth to speak. This was something that he didn't want to interrupt her over, and he was also focused on putting all the pieces together in his head about who she could be talking about.

The fact that she was doing this to try and keep him and the others safe just proved to her how selfless she was being, far from what she was seeing it as. He shook his head and placed one of her hands into his own. "you may think it's selfish of you to have done this, but I think its the complete opposite. I think I can get an idea of who you're talking about and they will do anything to get you on their side. I've dealt with enough demons lately to know that." he replied to her.

"But if she thinks she can break us apart to be able to use you for her own gain, she's got another coming. We can beat her, I know we can. She already ripped Dean away from me, I'm not having her rip you away from me as well. I mean it Anna. I will fight for you every damn day if it means I can keep you by my side." he honestly poured his heart out to her, trying not to cry himself. He could easily imagine how Dean would react to this scene, calling it some chick flick moment but he honestly couldn't care less.

"I am so sorry that I have had some part to play in the disconnect between us, it was never my intention to make you feel that way. I guess I got so comfortable in just having you back that it never occurred to me that I still had to make an effort. Then that big hunt came about and I never got a chance to see you...and I mean truly see you." he explained softly.

"You are my world Anna, you always have been and always will be".

Nat saw the amusement in his face when she practically challenged him at the carnival games, but she also noticed the very confused look on his face when she said about taking her car with them. She knew he could just materialize them anywhere she wanted to go, and as tempting it was to just disappear in a blink of an eye, she also had her reasons for wanting to take the car and having Cason drive it.

"I know you can, but hear me out okay? 1) I wanna take it to make a point I'm serious about getting away from Dean for a bit to clear my head. If they see for themselves I'm actually leaving with the car then it shows them all, him especially that when I say I'm leaving for a bit, I have full intention of going far enough away from them that I wont be tempted to come running back at the first hurdle, or whatever." she started explaining to him, then she continued, "and 2) You know where he carnival is, so you driving if even can makes sense and as you may guess it's a bit of a crutch so to speak for me. If I need to take a break and hide I can in there." she finished, hoping that would help him to understand her decision a bit better.

She was well aware of how much he didn't understand humans and their needs for cars, she remembered last night for the hunt how he complained about taking the car and not travelling his way, but she needed normality. Seeing him eventually shrug his shoulders and agree to taking the car made her sigh with relief. She let him take her hand and pull her close to him as he backed toward the door and exited the room. She walked with him to her car and pulled out her keys to unlock the doors, then placed them into Cason's free hand. "Don't crash her" she warned before heading to the passenger side and getting in.


Oh how Mika had missed that loud raw laugh of Dean's. She thought she'd never hear it again but here she was seeing it for herself and it made her remember just how much she had missed it when he was in Hell. It truly was the little things like his laughter, the way his eyes scrunched up when he laughed that she loved and missed the most during those months. Like Dean, those memories did feel like a lifetime ago even to her, but because they were some of her most treasured memories of her young life with him, she could never forget them. Even if Bobby wasn't impressed with their antics half the time, it was well worth it to her.

She too decided to change into fresher clothing now that she wasn't breaking up arguments or giving her clothing to other people. When he said about living life like the old days but it would no doubt make them more sore the next day compared to back then, she couldn't help but chuckle and nod. "yeah I get you on that one, but for once it'll be worth it!" she smiled, then gladly kissed him back, but her smile also disappeared when he mentioned Esme.

Sighing, she nodded. She knew deep down he was right, they couldn't just up and leave for a while without letting Duke and Esme know, though she did hope Esme was too wrapped up in Duke's company to even notice that they were going out for what could almost be considered a typical date night for them both. "Yeah, you're right..." she replied, hoping that once this little thing was done they could just forget about Esme for a night and be focused solely on each other. Sure it was selfish, but in her eyes she had a right to be.


Sam knew he was risking a lot just leaning in and kissing her, but he had to get her to see and feel that him saying he loved her was true and not just empty platitudes to get her to come home. So when she leaned up, placed her hands on him and deepened it of her own accord it gave him hope that maybe, just maybe he could convince her to come back with him. If not now, but at some point soon. He'd honestly wait for her for however long it took, apocalypse be damned.

As they parted lips, he looked at her still as she told him he shouldn't have come, but he gently shook his head whilst letting her keep her hands on his wrists. He then nodded at her next suggestion, his thumb stroking her cheek as he did so. "I will stay for as long as you need to explain. Anna I've lost you before, I can't lose you again" he told her honestly, before she leaned up to him again and kissed him first.

He kissed her back deeply, keeping her face in his hands, before he felt the need for air and slowly pulled away from their moment. He really wanted to make this work this time and prove he was worthy of her time and attention. She was the one who, since coming back into his life, made him feel like hope was worth holding onto to and that maybe, no matter what came their way. Together they could anything.
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