Natalia didn't even notice when Cason frowned slightly when she kissed his cheek without her even thinking about it. Her mood was getting better minute by minute and she couldn't get over how much him winning her the plush meant to her. To anyone else she was certain they'd find it utterly ridiculous or stupid but it meant the world to her honestly. Her smile continued when he simply said 'you're welcome' to her thanks, another moment where she could almost forget just what he was. Was she starting to willingly see the real Cason? The Cason he was before he became a demon? She didn't know but certainly didn't want to dwell on the thoughts tonight.
She did however notice him roll his shoulders in an attempt to bring back his bravado despite the goofy smile telling a completely different story. She did truly want to wait to see what he what he wanted to do, but when her stomach rumbled lightly, she couldn't help but quickly say how hungry she was, and luckily he didn't take offence to her making his decision for him. In face, his laugh was very much a welcome noise to her ears that broke through all the surroundings noises of the other members of the public at the carnival. She instinctively leaned slightly into his side as he draped his arm over her shoulders, whilst she kept a firm grip on the plush in front of her, hugging it close to her chest.
Walking over to the cart, she looked at the makeshift menu of hand written items available on a white board to decide what she wanted, whilst he rattled off his decision of food. From what she learned and had noticed before, Cason didn't need food but the fact he was ordering food and drink for himself made her see yet another side to him she hadn't really cared to notice before. He was truly attempting to blend in as a human for her. Or at least, so she assumed. The order of 'no salt' also didn't go amiss on her and realised that that was something she wouldn't have thought of before but her 'hunter brain' briefly kicked into gear to remind herself that salt does hurt him.
Snapping out of her 'hunter brain' she looked up when he eventually said 'whatever she wants'. "Oh, right! Uhh I'll take the large hot dog with ketchup and cheese sauce, no onions and fries and Sprite. Thanks" she ordered, fully aware of how much of a junk food lover she was, but that was all due to the trauma she went through and how she went for so long without real food. So for her any time she could eat, she still felt like it'd be her last ever meal. It was a mental state she still had a long fight with, but for now she'd take any food she could get.
Giving a smile, she wanted to play fair, so she began to take her wallet out of her jacket pocket and paying for the food before Cason could. "my treat this time as a thank you for bringing me here" she explained to him, whilst giving him a look that said she wasn't going to take no for an answer. She refused to come across as someone who just expected everyone else to buy everything for her, whether they were a demon or not. Even with Bobby when he let her crash at his during the four months of Dean being in Hell, she still insisted on doing the odd shop for him and refused to let him pay for it despite her mind being on 'interrogate and kill' mode most of the time when trying to get Dean back with Sam.
Waiting for a few minutes for their order to be done, she continued to squish the plush, only just about being able to even get one arm right round it so she had an arm free to pay their food. With the few minutes up, their order called out she grabbed what she could, balancing some of it between her hand and the plush, glad that there were tables nearby. "Can you grab the rest as I grab the table?" she asked Cason, giving him time to reply before going over to it and putting the stuff down and the plush on the third spare chair so not to get it dirty on the ground.
Grabbing her drink that she had brought over with the fries, she took a sip and sighed contently as she found out just how thirsty she actually was and people watched as she waited for Cason to come over. "oh how dad would have a fit right now if he knew what I was doing tonight." she thought to herself in an amused manner. The idea of John absolutely losing his shit over tonight was highly amusing to her as she knew she'd be able to come back at him for never being there for her when she needed him. Hells, he was still alive for some of the time she was locked away and he still never came for her, so why should she care if hanging out and enjoying the company of a demon would have angered him?
If Mika truly thought about it, or more precisely, let herself think about, she'd have told herself that them leaving the saloon before they got too drunk was probably a very safe idea for them both. She just got him back and since he had been back they'd already had a fight over Esme, the last thing she wanted was to ruin another moment with him by arguing or fighting yet again. If she wanted to change and be more trusting, which she honestly did, then them not falling into that old cycle was for the best.
She always hated when he let go of her waist, but she knew as well as he did if they were going to leave then it had to be done. So him grabbing her hand made her remain content and connected to him as they walked to the bar together so he could pay for the beers they had (while she also made a point to shoot the bartender a smile) before exiting the saloon happily, passing the more promiscuous couples along the walls.
Exiting the saloon, she listened to his suggestion about grabbing the food from the gas station, thinking it was a perfect idea, even if his agreement to cheesy love movies was a part of his suggestion. He would usually always complain if she put on a rom-com on, even when they were teenagers he would complain, so to hear him willing include it in the list of options was quite the step for him in her eyes. She watched him as he walked backwards, whilst keeping a hold of her hand. "You know what? That actually sounds perfect" she replied smiling just as brightly back to him. "But you might just regret giving me full choice of movies depending what's on the TV" she smirked at him, squeezing his hand.
She walked across with him and into the gas station, heading straight to the snacks aisle first as she always did. Letting go of his hand she grabbed her favourite potato chips off the shelf in the biggest size the station stocked along with other snacks and chocolate. "You wanna grab the beer and pizza?" she asked him.
Sam walked to the bed with her, letting her kick her footwear off before climbing onto the bed, scooting himself up so he was sat up beside her. He looked down at her as she explained about just texting Max in the morning. He honestly could see where she was coming from but he also found it so telling of her personality and beautiful mind how she was thinking of him and how Max would see him if they went to tell him in person. "Alright, we'll leave mid morning to get to the airport in the afternoon and head back." he agreed.
Her reaction to the news of Nat and Cason did put a smirk on his face as he nodded, before sliding down the bed slightly and sweeping some of her hair behind her ear so he could see her face more clearly. "Oh that she could. Honestly it's worrying how eager she is to be around him. She went crazy at Dean for second guessing her decision making and ya know what? She says he was there at the asylum watching over her. He kept her alive until we could save her. You seriously missed a lot of drama" he chuckled, but it was a slightly sad chuckle. He still didn't kow if he actually believed Nat and Cason or if Cason was manipulating her, just like Dean didn't know but he was also acutely aware that Nat favoured him over Dean and thus, that put him in almost a more difficult position on whose side to go on. "I think you running off to here was the lightest thing to happen to our group" he joked with a smile.
"But anyway, let's not think about any more drama and get some rest before travelling tomorrow. You deserve a proper night's sleep without interruption and I'll be right here the whole time with you" he said to her, as he finally unbuckled his jeans and wriggled out of them, kicking them onto the floor, along with his boots and then his plaid shirt. Laying there next to her, he felt like he didn't want to fall asleep yet as he wanted to make sure she truly was there in front of him. His mind constantly telling him that he was incredibly lucky to have her back in his life.
In the early hours he stirred awake feeling like he needed to be awake. He saw Annabeth still asleep beside him, so he figured him waking wasn't down to his paranoia of waking to find her gone again. Confused for a moment, he blinked a few times to adjust his sight to the darkness when he finally caught a glimpse of a familiar person outside through the gap in the window curtains.
Glancing at Anna's sleeping body beside him, he carefully and slowly peeled himself out of the bed, pulled his jeans back on and quietly stepped outside. "Ruby what are you doing here?" he asked in a hushed tone, so not to possibly Anna up inside the room. "well good to see you too Sam" Ruby smirked, folding her arms. "Must say, wouldn't have taken you for a California guy, already sick of your brother being back in your life?" she teased, making Sam scrunch up his face in response.
"Ruby cut the crap and just answer my question" Sam retorted back, "Fine, I was looking for you and wondering why your bailing on our little deal" she replied, making a step toward him which made him make a step backward. "I'm here to bring Anna home, I haven't abandoned on our deal. I'm still wanting to kill Lilith" he told her flatly, but hearing Anna's name made Ruby pause in her spot and look at him surprised. "Anna? As in Lilith's vessel? Sam are you insane?! You get with her vessel you're practically yours and everyone you love head's on a platter for her." Ruby said in a slight raised voice.
"Keep your voice down!" he scolded her in a hushed tone, he didn't want to get into an argument with Ruby and he certainly didn't want Anna finding out he had been on a rather confusing and complicated deal with this demon. He never meant for things to get so much but after everything that happened, he didn't see any other way round their predicament and he did believe that with Ruby's help they could kill Lilith and end this impending doom of an apocalypse that was nearing.
Natalia didn't even notice when Cason frowned slightly when she kissed his cheek without her even thinking about it. Her mood was getting better minute by minute and she couldn't get over how much him winning her the plush meant to her. To anyone else she was certain they'd find it utterly ridiculous or stupid but it meant the world to her honestly. Her smile continued when he simply said 'you're welcome' to her thanks, another moment where she could almost forget just what he was. Was she starting to willingly see the real Cason? The Cason he was before he became a demon? She didn't know but certainly didn't want to dwell on the thoughts tonight.
She did however notice him roll his shoulders in an attempt to bring back his bravado despite the goofy smile telling a completely different story. She did truly want to wait to see what he what he wanted to do, but when her stomach rumbled lightly, she couldn't help but quickly say how hungry she was, and luckily he didn't take offence to her making his decision for him. In face, his laugh was very much a welcome noise to her ears that broke through all the surroundings noises of the other members of the public at the carnival. She instinctively leaned slightly into his side as he draped his arm over her shoulders, whilst she kept a firm grip on the plush in front of her, hugging it close to her chest.
Walking over to the cart, she looked at the makeshift menu of hand written items available on a white board to decide what she wanted, whilst he rattled off his decision of food. From what she learned and had noticed before, Cason didn't need food but the fact he was ordering food and drink for himself made her see yet another side to him she hadn't really cared to notice before. He was truly attempting to blend in as a human for her. Or at least, so she assumed. The order of 'no salt' also didn't go amiss on her and realised that that was something she wouldn't have thought of before but her 'hunter brain' briefly kicked into gear to remind herself that salt does hurt him.
Snapping out of her 'hunter brain' she looked up when he eventually said 'whatever she wants'. "Oh, right! Uhh I'll take the large hot dog with ketchup and cheese sauce, no onions and fries and Sprite. Thanks" she ordered, fully aware of how much of a junk food lover she was, but that was all due to the trauma she went through and how she went for so long without real food. So for her any time she could eat, she still felt like it'd be her last ever meal. It was a mental state she still had a long fight with, but for now she'd take any food she could get.
Giving a smile, she wanted to play fair, so she began to take her wallet out of her jacket pocket and paying for the food before Cason could. "my treat this time as a thank you for bringing me here" she explained to him, whilst giving him a look that said she wasn't going to take no for an answer. She refused to come across as someone who just expected everyone else to buy everything for her, whether they were a demon or not. Even with Bobby when he let her crash at his during the four months of Dean being in Hell, she still insisted on doing the odd shop for him and refused to let him pay for it despite her mind being on 'interrogate and kill' mode most of the time when trying to get Dean back with Sam.
Waiting for a few minutes for their order to be done, she continued to squish the plush, only just about being able to even get one arm right round it so she had an arm free to pay their food. With the few minutes up, their order called out she grabbed what she could, balancing some of it between her hand and the plush, glad that there were tables nearby. "Can you grab the rest as I grab the table?" she asked Cason, giving him time to reply before going over to it and putting the stuff down and the plush on the third spare chair so not to get it dirty on the ground.
Grabbing her drink that she had brought over with the fries, she took a sip and sighed contently as she found out just how thirsty she actually was and people watched as she waited for Cason to come over. "oh how dad would have a fit right now if he knew what I was doing tonight." she thought to herself in an amused manner. The idea of John absolutely losing his shit over tonight was highly amusing to her as she knew she'd be able to come back at him for never being there for her when she needed him. Hells, he was still alive for some of the time she was locked away and he still never came for her, so why should she care if hanging out and enjoying the company of a demon would have angered him?
If Mika truly thought about it, or more precisely, let herself think about, she'd have told herself that them leaving the saloon before they got too drunk was probably a very safe idea for them both. She just got him back and since he had been back they'd already had a fight over Esme, the last thing she wanted was to ruin another moment with him by arguing or fighting yet again. If she wanted to change and be more trusting, which she honestly did, then them not falling into that old cycle was for the best.
She always hated when he let go of her waist, but she knew as well as he did if they were going to leave then it had to be done. So him grabbing her hand made her remain content and connected to him as they walked to the bar together so he could pay for the beers they had (while she also made a point to shoot the bartender a smile) before exiting the saloon happily, passing the more promiscuous couples along the walls.
Exiting the saloon, she listened to his suggestion about grabbing the food from the gas station, thinking it was a perfect idea, even if his agreement to cheesy love movies was a part of his suggestion. He would usually always complain if she put on a rom-com on, even when they were teenagers he would complain, so to hear him willing include it in the list of options was quite the step for him in her eyes. She watched him as he walked backwards, whilst keeping a hold of her hand. "You know what? That actually sounds perfect" she replied smiling just as brightly back to him. "But you might just regret giving me full choice of movies depending what's on the TV" she smirked at him, squeezing his hand.
She walked across with him and into the gas station, heading straight to the snacks aisle first as she always did. Letting go of his hand she grabbed her favourite potato chips off the shelf in the biggest size the station stocked along with other snacks and chocolate. "You wanna grab the beer and pizza?" she asked him.
Sam walked to the bed with her, letting her kick her footwear off before climbing onto the bed, scooting himself up so he was sat up beside her. He looked down at her as she explained about just texting Max in the morning. He honestly could see where she was coming from but he also found it so telling of her personality and beautiful mind how she was thinking of him and how Max would see him if they went to tell him in person. "Alright, we'll leave mid morning to get to the airport in the afternoon and head back." he agreed.
Her reaction to the news of Nat and Cason did put a smirk on his face as he nodded, before sliding down the bed slightly and sweeping some of her hair behind her ear so he could see her face more clearly. "Oh that she could. Honestly it's worrying how eager she is to be around him. She went crazy at Dean for second guessing her decision making and ya know what? She says he was there at the asylum watching over her. He kept her alive until we could save her. You seriously missed a lot of drama" he chuckled, but it was a slightly sad chuckle. He still didn't kow if he actually believed Nat and Cason or if Cason was manipulating her, just like Dean didn't know but he was also acutely aware that Nat favoured him over Dean and thus, that put him in almost a more difficult position on whose side to go on. "I think you running off to here was the lightest thing to happen to our group" he joked with a smile.
"But anyway, let's not think about any more drama and get some rest before travelling tomorrow. You deserve a proper night's sleep without interruption and I'll be right here the whole time with you" he said to her, as he finally unbuckled his jeans and wriggled out of them, kicking them onto the floor, along with his boots and then his plaid shirt. Laying there next to her, he felt like he didn't want to fall asleep yet as he wanted to make sure she truly was there in front of him. His mind constantly telling him that he was incredibly lucky to have her back in his life.
In the early hours he stirred awake feeling like he needed to be awake. He saw Annabeth still asleep beside him, so he figured him waking wasn't down to his paranoia of waking to find her gone again. Confused for a moment, he blinked a few times to adjust his sight to the darkness when he finally caught a glimpse of a familiar person outside through the gap in the window curtains.
Glancing at Anna's sleeping body beside him, he carefully and slowly peeled himself out of the bed, pulled his jeans back on and quietly stepped outside. "Ruby what are you doing here?" he asked in a hushed tone, so not to possibly Anna up inside the room. "well good to see you too Sam" Ruby smirked, folding her arms. "Must say, wouldn't have taken you for a California guy, already sick of your brother being back in your life?" she teased, making Sam scrunch up his face in response.
"Ruby cut the crap and just answer my question" Sam retorted back, "Fine, I was looking for you and wondering why your bailing on our little deal" she replied, making a step toward him which made him make a step backward. "I'm here to bring Anna home, I haven't abandoned on our deal. I'm still wanting to kill Lilith" he told her flatly, but hearing Anna's name made Ruby pause in her spot and look at him surprised. "Anna? As in Lilith's vessel? Sam are you insane?! You get with her vessel you're practically yours and everyone you love head's on a platter for her." Ruby said in a slight raised voice.
"Keep your voice down!" he scolded her in a hushed tone, he didn't want to get into an argument with Ruby and he certainly didn't want Anna finding out he had been on a rather confusing and complicated deal with this demon. He never meant for things to get so much but after everything that happened, he didn't see any other way round their predicament and he did believe that with Ruby's help they could kill Lilith and end this impending doom of an apocalypse that was nearing.