She still had absolutely no idea why she even kissed him and made the first move, when she reacted so badly to him kissing her on the case much earlier on, the night before. Yet here she was enjoying his presence, learning new sides to him and not wanting his company to leave her. Then there was the fact she was somehow making him laugh and smile as well, she didn't realise she was capable of making anyone other than Sam or Bobby do that honestly. Of course she did make others smile and laugh but after her meltdowns and truths coming to light in her mind, she had almost forgotten she could make others feel happy.
"Well, it's for his safety too naturally" she quipped back with a smile before she had rustled in his pockets for her car keys. "I know you hate driving and figured you'd be more helpful as a guide than the driver. I won't kill anyone I am actually a capable driver believe it or not. Unlike Mika when she is on one of her major rages" she chuckled. She opened the driver's side door and got inside,closing the door behind her, putting the keys in and starting the drive out of the carnival to get back onto the main road to head back to the motel. The one place she didn't particularly want to go back to.
Driving back she put the radio on just for some background noise as she always preferred driving to noise in the background. She was still thinking about the fact she also gladly leaned into him and kissed him, finding she was smiling to herself as she drove. Part of her wanted to grab Cason's hand with one hand, but she resisted doing so and kept both hands on the steering wheel as she just about remembered the way back and only needed Cason's guidance once or twice to make sure she didn't miss a couple of turns.
Back at the motel she saw Dean's car wasn't in the car park like it was when they left she figured they beat them to it and she was incredibly grateful for getting back with no sign of Dean around. It was bad enough for her that just by being back at the motel, reality was setting itself back into her mind but she fought the negativity to keep a hold of the happy mood she was in as much as possible. Pulling up into a free spot which luckily was in front of her room, she turned the engine off and gave a sigh leaning back into her seat. "At least the big lug ain't around by the looks of it" she commented to Cason.
"So you sticking around tonight or gonna go into hiding from Dean?" she asked Cason, turning to face him giving him a smirk. She couldn't imagine him ever doing a runner from her brother but she also knew how much Dean probably wanted his head on a pike if Dean could have his own way. Not that she would ever let that happen, and she certainly couldn't imagine Annabeth letting it happen even if she was pissed off at Cason as well. "Because I personally would appreciate it if you stuck around" she smiled at him, opening the car door with one hand to get ready to exit the car.
Mika gave a smug nod when he confirmed he wasn't judging her for the pile of food she had brought over. She was also thankful for the fact he agreed that getting some of Natalia's favourite snacks wasn't a bad idea and might be the start of reconciliation between Dean and her. She hated it when they were at lugger heads with each other because she hated that she always felt she had to choose a side to try and calm things down between them even though she didn't like taking sides in the slightest. "Exactly and even she insists on eating I'd rather have some kind of emotional bribe to bring her back round to our side. As much as I hate doing that to her, we gotta try anything" she explained her way of thinking, seeing how the negative thoughts were trying to bubble up in his mind again.
Seeing him light up however about her not forgetting the pie for him made it all worth it. She always was the better one out of herself and Sam to remember Dean's love of pie. She even softly chuckled when he moved everything else out the way to bring the tubs of pie closer to him as if someone or something would snatch it away from him any moment.
She looked up when she heard the clerk coming back with their pizza box. The woman had an infectious smile in Mika's mind as she smiled back, which only got wider when the woman complemented her on her hair, making Mika briefly looked down to stop herself blushing, then looking back at the woman. "Aww that's very sweet of you to say, thank you. I guess it's a bit of a trademark for me at this stage. Means this one never loses me in a crowd" she chuckled, gently nudging Dean's arm as she spoke. It wasn't far from the truth either as it seemed whether her hair was her natural dark burgundy red from when they were teenagers, the stark snow white hair when she dyed it to try and pretend to be someone else to protect Dean or being her current black and pink....Dean always found a way of spotting her in a crowd and pulling her back to him.
She let Dean pay for all the snacks, beers and pizza. "What can I say? I like snacking! I'm not some chick whose frightened of food" she said with pride and a chuckle, helping the woman pack everything into bags to be polite and helpful, especially as the woman had been so absolutely sweet to them both. With the bags packed up, she took a hold of them so Dean could take the pizza and beers. She was so ready to head back and start their movie night, to just ignore the drama for just that bit longer, at least until the morning but she would be lying is she said she wasn't concerned about where Nat went with Cason and if she would even return to them.
The idea of Natalia just disappearing with a demon and not returning to her family was a big concern and worry for Mika, even if she didn't say it out loud for the sake of not adding more worries onto Dean.
Back at the motel, she got out the car and saw Natalia's car was back in the parking lot but the people in question were nowhere to be seen. There was just a dim light emanating from Natalia's room so she figured that either the girl was still awake and with Cason still or she was hopefully asleep, alone and just simply forgot to turn the lights off. However she did think the latter option was probably the least likely. Snapping her thoughts of Natalia out of her mind, she headed to hers and Dean's room with him.
Drama could wait until the morning.........
She still had absolutely no idea why she even kissed him and made the first move, when she reacted so badly to him kissing her on the case much earlier on, the night before. Yet here she was enjoying his presence, learning new sides to him and not wanting his company to leave her. Then there was the fact she was somehow making him laugh and smile as well, she didn't realise she was capable of making anyone other than Sam or Bobby do that honestly. Of course she did make others smile and laugh but after her meltdowns and truths coming to light in her mind, she had almost forgotten she could make others feel happy.
"Well, it's for his safety too naturally" she quipped back with a smile before she had rustled in his pockets for her car keys. "I know you hate driving and figured you'd be more helpful as a guide than the driver. I won't kill anyone I am actually a capable driver believe it or not. Unlike Mika when she is on one of her major rages" she chuckled. She opened the driver's side door and got inside,closing the door behind her, putting the keys in and starting the drive out of the carnival to get back onto the main road to head back to the motel. The one place she didn't particularly want to go back to.
Driving back she put the radio on just for some background noise as she always preferred driving to noise in the background. She was still thinking about the fact she also gladly leaned into him and kissed him, finding she was smiling to herself as she drove. Part of her wanted to grab Cason's hand with one hand, but she resisted doing so and kept both hands on the steering wheel as she just about remembered the way back and only needed Cason's guidance once or twice to make sure she didn't miss a couple of turns.
Back at the motel she saw Dean's car wasn't in the car park like it was when they left she figured they beat them to it and she was incredibly grateful for getting back with no sign of Dean around. It was bad enough for her that just by being back at the motel, reality was setting itself back into her mind but she fought the negativity to keep a hold of the happy mood she was in as much as possible. Pulling up into a free spot which luckily was in front of her room, she turned the engine off and gave a sigh leaning back into her seat. "At least the big lug ain't around by the looks of it" she commented to Cason.
"So you sticking around tonight or gonna go into hiding from Dean?" she asked Cason, turning to face him giving him a smirk. She couldn't imagine him ever doing a runner from her brother but she also knew how much Dean probably wanted his head on a pike if Dean could have his own way. Not that she would ever let that happen, and she certainly couldn't imagine Annabeth letting it happen even if she was pissed off at Cason as well. "Because I personally would appreciate it if you stuck around" she smiled at him, opening the car door with one hand to get ready to exit the car.
Mika gave a smug nod when he confirmed he wasn't judging her for the pile of food she had brought over. She was also thankful for the fact he agreed that getting some of Natalia's favourite snacks wasn't a bad idea and might be the start of reconciliation between Dean and her. She hated it when they were at lugger heads with each other because she hated that she always felt she had to choose a side to try and calm things down between them even though she didn't like taking sides in the slightest. "Exactly and even she insists on eating I'd rather have some kind of emotional bribe to bring her back round to our side. As much as I hate doing that to her, we gotta try anything" she explained her way of thinking, seeing how the negative thoughts were trying to bubble up in his mind again.
Seeing him light up however about her not forgetting the pie for him made it all worth it. She always was the better one out of herself and Sam to remember Dean's love of pie. She even softly chuckled when he moved everything else out the way to bring the tubs of pie closer to him as if someone or something would snatch it away from him any moment.
She looked up when she heard the clerk coming back with their pizza box. The woman had an infectious smile in Mika's mind as she smiled back, which only got wider when the woman complemented her on her hair, making Mika briefly looked down to stop herself blushing, then looking back at the woman. "Aww that's very sweet of you to say, thank you. I guess it's a bit of a trademark for me at this stage. Means this one never loses me in a crowd" she chuckled, gently nudging Dean's arm as she spoke. It wasn't far from the truth either as it seemed whether her hair was her natural dark burgundy red from when they were teenagers, the stark snow white hair when she dyed it to try and pretend to be someone else to protect Dean or being her current black and pink....Dean always found a way of spotting her in a crowd and pulling her back to him.
She let Dean pay for all the snacks, beers and pizza. "What can I say? I like snacking! I'm not some chick whose frightened of food" she said with pride and a chuckle, helping the woman pack everything into bags to be polite and helpful, especially as the woman had been so absolutely sweet to them both. With the bags packed up, she took a hold of them so Dean could take the pizza and beers. She was so ready to head back and start their movie night, to just ignore the drama for just that bit longer, at least until the morning but she would be lying is she said she wasn't concerned about where Nat went with Cason and if she would even return to them.
The idea of Natalia just disappearing with a demon and not returning to her family was a big concern and worry for Mika, even if she didn't say it out loud for the sake of not adding more worries onto Dean.
Back at the motel, she got out the car and saw Natalia's car was back in the parking lot but the people in question were nowhere to be seen. There was just a dim light emanating from Natalia's room so she figured that either the girl was still awake and with Cason still or she was hopefully asleep, alone and just simply forgot to turn the lights off. However she did think the latter option was probably the least likely. Snapping her thoughts of Natalia out of her mind, she headed to hers and Dean's room with him.
Drama could wait until the morning.........