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Current Happy birthday to me!
12 mos ago
Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts

Josh wasted no time in rushing to Drake's side when the boy passed out. Checking him over to make sure he didn't need to put him into the recovery position and being happy that Drake was okay, he sat Drake up slightly and slowly and waited with him until he could come back round. Yet something in him was telling him he needed to check on Serena as well.

"Like what?" Kay asked, wondering what any of them could have that was just as powerful as this fraudulent sun orb. "Fia?! Kay?!" She heard a familiar call up from the ladder to the roof. "Chas! Fia is out cold, I need your help bringing her inside!" Kay called back which made Chas step into view but remain on the ladder. "Hand her over! I'll bring her down!" Chas called out, quickly needing to shield his eyes from the orb. "You and Bane can handle the lightbeam!" He added.

Kay agreed it was the best course of action, "bane help me get Fia to Chas" she asked of him.
Chas and Josh both looked upward when Drake pointed toward the roof. "Shit!" Chas cursed, wondering why the alarm didn't go off if there was danger in the vicinity. "Josh, you go to Serena, I'm heading up to the roof!" He practically comma ded, getting a nod of agreement from Josh. Chas ran off to head up into the roof, seeing the hatch open.

Kay got defensive for a split second before realising who was beside her. "Then we gotta deal with whatever that orb is that knocked Fia out and get her to safety, all whilst also helping Serena. If if it's a fake god involved then it's after her" she replied to Bane.
Josh and Chas both heard Drake's cry out from downstairs, making both men waste no time in dropping what they were doing and rushing upstairs and straight to where Drake's voice was coming from. Chas almost skidded into the doorframe as he forced his body to stop moving, his hands hitting hard on the doorframe. "Drake?! Everything alright?! What's going on?" He asked, as Josh went into the room to see what was hurting Drake, unable to visibly see anything. Chas then noticed that Fia wasn't in the room with Drake, "where's Fia?" He asked.

Checking Fia over, Kay couldn't see any harm to her and what burn she initially received on her hand from touch the orb, seemed to just heal up and vanish. "Of all the times John to be out of action..." Kay muttered under her breath, lifting Fia's unconscious body up off the floor and hoisting her into her arms bridal style. "Now...how am I going to get you back into the house?" She thought out loud, not wanting to look at the orb.
Kay nodded, "okay, I'll go up and check on her" she replied, getting the feeling Drake wanted that. She then left the room and looked for a way up to the roof. She eventually found a way and climbed up, spotting Fia's red and blonde hair ahead of her. "Fia?!" She called out but Fia didn't initially respond.

Fia found herself captivated by the golden orb in front of her that she didn't even register the fact Kay was calling after her or even on the roof behind her. She had no idea what was happening in the house with Serena or anyone else for that matter. Her curiosity was making her want to inspect the orb. Stepping closer, she reached her hand out, "what are you?" She whispered to herself and as she touched it, a blast threw her backwards.

"FIA!!" Kay shouted, running over to her future daughter.
Fia could indeed feel the heat radiating off the orb, making her feel thankful she had phoenix blood in her veins as it helped her withstand the heat in front of her. However, that didn't stop her fanning herself with her hand to try and get some kind of coolness to her, more out of habit than anything else as she tried to pretend heat affected her like. Anormal human. She cautiously stepped forward toward it, "what are you?" She asked.

As Kay stepped up to the doorway, she looked at Drake, surprised to see him on his own. "No I didn't, I came here to check on you both. I thought she was here." She replied, "where is she Drake?" She then proceeded to ask.

As he waited, Josh decided to head downstairs to see how Trish and Chas were doing if anyone needed any help with anything.
Kay honestly thought it wasn't necessary but the fact that John was showing this level of concern over Fia, she decided she'd agree to his request and go check on the teenager. "Okay, I'll be right back okay?" She replied to him, squeezing his hands before getting off the side of his bed and walking out to head to the study, thinking Fia was still there.

Just as Fia thought it was a false concern, she felt the aura growing until she felt the pulse hit right through her, making her clasp her chest with a grunt. "What the hellfire?" She said through gritted teeth, walking toward where it was coming from. "Show yourself!" She demanded.

Josh couldn't rid his mouth of the smile that had come onto it when she called him 'kind sir'. He was still very much embarrassed but the fact Serena played along with it, eased his embarrassment just a little bit. He let her go to her room to get dressed as he took this moment to gather himself again.
When John said he sensed something off, Kay out of pure instinct turned her head toward the door then to the roof as he me too ed the roof. "she's with Drake looking after him" she replied as she then turned her head back to face John. "so she's perfectly safe" she added, figuring that their future daughter would have sense to stay with her friend/cousin if she even did sense something off about the area. Though, she also didn't know their daughter exactly very well....none of them did really.

Fia nodded and leaned forward, giving him a hug briefly before exiting the study, glad it was nowhere near her parents' room(or currently in this time, John's room). She felt glad she knew all the exit points to get to the roof without alerting people as she would frequently sneak out onto the roof at night in her time, just to feel the cool night air in her hair or to let her wings spread free without being caught. Sometimes she even would stay up there just to read or song write. Climbing up into the attic and then through the roof window, she made her way onto the roof, quietly closing the window. She looked around but initially didn't see anything. "Huh...weird..." She muttered to herself.

Josh gave a sheepish smile and nod to her thanks. "You're welcome" he replied casually and opened the bathroom door to let her out of the room first. "After you m'lady" he said, realising he wasn't saying this to Trish and then instantly blushed and ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry ..I usually say that to Trish when she insists on me helping her out the bath or to make her laugh" he explained himself.
Kay understood where he was coming from. She felt the same way but she was also slowly starting to feel like she could accept her life would never be normal or safe. Now knowing more of what she was, she didn't think normality was ever going to be a reality for her. "I get that..I do" she replied to him.

Fia let Drake focus on where he felt the possible threat was coming from before giving him a nod of acknowledgement. "Okay, I'll go get some backup and go check it out from a safe distance" she told him, standing up by jumping off the desk with a push of herself forward. "I won't be long, you continue to rest up" she added with a smile.

At the request for a towel, Josh quickly got up Nd grabbed a towel off the towel rack and handed it over to her. "Here you go" he said, glancing away to give her privacy as she went to get out of the bath. He was still a gentleman after all.
Kay had to agree with him about Manny. She may not have seen Manny herself, but from what she could understand of what John has described, she easily could imagine Manny scolding John at any given opportunity. "you're not completely useless. Your mouth still works if we need advice, info, make out sessions...." She smirked, saying the last bit under her breath. "But seriously, there isn't much happening right now so you taking some recovery time isn't the end of the world" she reassured him the best she could.

Fia figured that Drake's idea was as good as anything they had right now, "okay. You got any gut instincts of where exactly I should focus my attentions to?" she asked him. She planned on checking everywhere but if there was somewhere Drake thought she should check more intently, then she would.

Josh nodded, "quite possibly, maybe later I'll ask him but I guess for now the idea of letting everyone, including him to just rest and relax sounds a bit more important right now" he commented.
Kay could only hope that what he said about Fia was true. She also felt like she had a lot of work to do to get a bond with Fia....whenever she came into their lives and not in a time travel sense. "I hope it's changed things for the better too. I'd hate for them to go home and nothing has changed for them" she replied.

Fia nodded, the last thing the group needed was to be overwhelmed even more at this moment. "I wonder...but even if he hasn't yet, we know it will happen. That's the one advantage we have over all of them right now." She replied, before she tried to help give some relief to his head pain. "I really don't like how this is hurting you so much...part of me wants to do a scout around for any dangers, but I don't want to leave you either" she told him honestly.

Josh thought about how to answer her question. He wasn't particularly aware of ever being around magic before Trish, sure he had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach before their parents died, but he put that down to just a gut feeling and nothing particularly magical. Now he was starting to question that. "Not that I'm aware.. I was convinced it all started with Trish, but I can't say for sure anymore. This group of yours really does make me question everything" he smiled sheepishly as he replied, scratching the back of his neck.
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