Nat did wonder what had gotten Cason so wrapped into his own thoughts, but she didn't want to pry, so instead she chose to ask the question she did. Yet he still found himself unable to give her a full answer, choosing to remain silent for the most part and just exit her car, something she couldn't help but rise her eyebrow at briefly, until she realised he was walking round to the front of the car. Cracking open the door, she stepped out of her side, put her keys in her jacket pocket and stepped round to the front to stand beside him. She wanted to ask him what had gotten him so quiet all of a sudden as she noted him shoving his hands in his pockets, but he began talking before she could do so.
As he confirmed he would stay so she wasn't alone, she unknowingly let out a sigh of relief softly, her smile reaching her eyes as she lightly chuckled at his remarks about Dean. The smile never left her lips or her eyes as she let him brush a strand of hair behind her ear, a strand she hadn't really paid any mind to having fallen in front of her face until he had brushed it out of the way. Despite that very smile not leaving her face there was clearly the question of 'and what's that stupid thing?' in her eyes yet she didn't outwardly ask it, curious to what his next move could be.
Then it dawned on her as his face got closer to hers and she felt his lips cover her own in a deep kiss. She was surprised he so willingly kissed her after she had previously taken him by surprise by pecking his cheek or lips earlier at the carnival. The whole night was such a fantastical blur to her she couldn't remember where she kissed him, but she knew she had and she did not regret it once. Closing her eyes, she returned the kiss finally letting herself drop her walls and accept that despite everything of this man's ego, she was so incredibly drawn to him that nothing would tear her away from him from now on.
She always thought Mika was crazy for believing in romance or relationships, but maybe from now on she could actually understand it. Or at least attempt to. Though it did still amuse her heart that most people would have a guardian angel or a light to help them in the darkness and here she was having a guardian demon and a darkness in the dark guiding her through.
Eventually she forced herself to slowly pull away and reopen her eyes to look up at him once more. "I wouldn't say that's stupid" she clarified to him with a soft chuckle, her fingers walking up his jacket's front before she intertwined the collar in her fingers. "I'm really glad you're choosing to stay with me" she told him once more before she leaned back up and kissed him once more.
It was later in the night when Mika and Dean had arrived back that Natalia was still very much making the most of Cason's company in her room as her room's light was noticed by Mika from the outside......
As morning came through, light desperately trying to break through the cheap curtains in the motel room, Natalia slowly stirred awake calmly. Whether it was down to the fact Cason was in the room all night or their activities, but she only had one mild nightmare in her sleep instead of the common influx of sweat inducing, panic filled ones. Her breathing slow and steady, she fluttered her eyes open as her vision began to focus she saw she was curled up into Cason's side but it was evident that he really didn't sleep all night, just as he always said- demons don't need to sleep and eat.
"Morning, you really did stay" she greeted sleepily, gazing up to his face as she readjusted her head to do so and became more aware she had her arm lazily draped over him.
Mika was happily sleeping, for once finding she had in fact had the best sleep she had had in a short while, despite everything that had been going down around them. Yet it seemed Dean had other ideas his gentle nudging broke her from her sleep, waking her up. She grumbled in dislike at having to be awake once more and hearing Dean speak of 'the kids', knowing exactly who he was alluding to. "....fine" she sighed as she opened her eyes, turned round to look at him and sweep her hair off of him and into some kind of reasonable state until she could get a brush through it.
"You know most people say 'good morning, how'd you sleep?' in the morning" she teased sleepily, pushing herself into an upright position. "But you're probably right. When we got back last night I saw her light still on which I thought unusual for her, but she's not exactly been her usual self as of late so who knows" she explained, ending her sentence with a mere lazy shrug of her shoulders.
She didn't know how Dean would take that news, but now they had had a good sleep and a night just for themselves, she didn't see a reason to keep it from him any longer. She just really hoped Cason didn't use Nat last night. Like Dean, she didn't think for a minute that Cason would hurt Natalia, not after he supposedly kept her alive and going in that horrific place for years but she still couldn't help but worry about the girl. Natalia may not be a child anymore, but she was still the youngest in their group and that made Mika protective.
"So whose gonna go check on her? You or me?" she asked, looking at him, seeing a stray and rogue piece of his hair which she had to smooth back into place instantly. She also couldn't help but wonder out of the blue how Sam was getting on with bringing Annabeth back to them all. She mostly hoped that he was being a bit more successful than they were with Natalia.
With the morning's arrival Sam woke up, lifting his arm up and gently lowering it over his face, wishing there was just a bit more of the night to sleep through. He didn't want to be awake just yet but he also knew they couldn't exactly stay where they were for much longer. He glanced over and saw Annabeth was seemingly still asleep. Removing his arm from over his eyes once more, he couldn't help but dart his gaze over to his bag where the new vials of demon blood was hiding. The reality was setting in that it wasn't a dream but Ruby really had come and found him and brought him more of what he needed to stop Lilith before she could take Annabeth from him.