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30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Fia followed John and Serena into a safe room that happened to be the study in this instance. She looked around trying to find a big enough space to do what they needed whilst John started pulling down books. Finding a spot, she just moved the nearest desk slightly further away and grabbed the chalk that she saw on it. Bending down she began to draw the sealing circle which she figured would also act as a form of protection for Serena in the process. As she got about half way round, Fia stood up to straighten her back and looked at Serena, "okay, step inside before I complete it please" she instructed to the woman.
Fia smiled as John agreed to let her help him. In her time, she loved helping him whenever she could, even if sometimes she almost begged to be allowed to help. She knew the John in her time was only keeping her safe, but it did irk her when she couldn't help. So to be able to help now made her happy and feel of use. "Got it" she replied.

Chas have a nod of acceptance in Drake wanting to help him do a scout if the perimeter. He didn't see any risk in letting him help as he honestly didn't think there was any other danger around, but if there did appear to be, then he could just make Drake go inside and get other help so he didn't get more injured. "Okay, but if I say get inside, get inside got it?" He negotiated.

Mika didn't think Dean would cave to her plan so easily but it seemed he proved her wrong as he actually gave it some thought and then agreed to it. She sighed with some relief that for once they were actually thinking with their heads and not their fists. She wasn't prepared to lose anyone and that included their very own demon.

She too winced, but not as obviously as the boys did at Anna's choice of words. She didn't think about any of that. No, this plan HAD to work. She lost Dean once, and she didn't want to lose him again or anyone else. She knew if they did she wouldn't take it at all and the thought of how far she'd fall off the wagon again honestly scared her as much as the realization of a possible impending apocalypse. "Okay, with everything agreed, let's head out" she commented after they all decided who takes what group of demon and collected what they desired for the fight.

She too let Nat go to Cason to say whatever she wanted, as well as being proud of Dean for giving his sister that amount of respect. Seeing Dean reach his arm out to her, she gave a nod and reached her hand out, grabbing his arm and headed toward their point of attack to wait for Nat.

Nat was glad that Dean gave her that bit of respect, taking the opportunity gladly as she wasted no time in walking over to Cason. "Sam won't screw you over, he knows I'll never forgive him if he does. Which brings me to my next comment, please don't do anything reckless that would take you away from me okay?" she requested of him. She knew it was probably corny and clingy but she did still have so much to remember and such and she did feel safer with him around her. She felt his presence did help her regain her foggy memory.

She opened the trunk to pull out some backup weaponry consisting of a recurve bow and a couple of iron tipped arrows. It was something she rarely got to use it but it was a favourite of hers. She still remembered having to beg Bobby to agree to help her make the arrowheads. Slinging the bow over her shoulder, she closed the trunk and looked back at Cason. "See you on the other side of this" she told him, placing one hand on his left arm. With a squeeze, she glanced over at her brothers and nodded, before letting go of Cason and reluctantly stepping toward Mika and Dean.


If Cason wasn't on the scene, then Sam's plan or opinions no doubted would have been different, however there was no way he was going to leave Anna with Cason when she was more than willing to drink his blood. Just the thought in his head made him flip the tiny vial of Ruby's blood in his jacket pocket discreetly between his fingers. He had to keep his wits about him and not cave to any looking temptations to be extra strong for Anna. He needed to be fully aware and coherent about what they were going into.

With the plan decided, he walked to the impala and grabbed what he needed, his usual gun and an extra knife. It may not have been as useful as Ruby's knife that Dean had taken, but it would give them an edge to get this done. He couldn't help but eavesdrop on Nat and Cason's conversation and he really didn't know how he felt about what his sister was telling Cason, but he also knew he couldn't be too opinionated on it when he's had a secret fling in the recent past with Ruby.

Mentally shaking his opinions out of his mind, he walked over to Anna, "ready?" he asked after Dean ordered his group to take the front. It was a solid course of action. He also figured that Dean decided on the back meant he and Mika would be able to keep Nat safer for longer. "lets get this done" he agreed with his brother, holding his arm out to signal Cason and Anna that they should get going.


With it all decided and the group ready, Nat and Mika crept round to the back and when they got close enough but still in range, Nat quietly slipped her bow off her shoulder and nooked an arrow. Raising the bow, she pulled back on the string, closing one eye she got the closest demon to them in her sight. Breathing out slowly, she loosed the arrow effortlessly, letting the bow relax and 'swing' in her grip as she watched the arrow hit her target, the demon going down with a grunt and a thud. "bullseye" she whispered. Mika couldn't help but smirk in pride at the girl's aim, even if she did think she was showing off slightly.

"Show off" Mika whispered, as she watched the other demons notice their comrade was down. "Showtime" she remarked.
Kay, Chas, Fia and Josh all listened to what John was saying and how Serena was reacting to the information. The thought of whatever that thing was, that there could be more of them and possibly in Serena's ear was rather unnerving. "I'll help you, in my time you taught me a lot things, I can be of use" Fia replied to John.

"Sounds like a good plan. I'll do a walk round the parameter to make sure all is clear for certain." Chas spoke up, getting nods from Kay and Josh.

Whilst everyone continued talking, Natalia found herself listening in and gritting her teeth in disapproval of using Cason as a scapegoat for their plan. She didn't like that one bit and she certainly didn't like using Anna either. She hated the whole using someone as bait, even their own even though it wasn't exactly a rare option for them. Then came the disagreements between Dean and Cason yet again, making her wonder if they would ever come to a realization they don't have to argue about absolutely everything that gets spoken about. She felt so in the middle of the two of them, wanting to keep Dean happy but also wanting to side with Cason. It felt like the two of them without even knowing it were tugging her in two directions and she was about to quite literally be torn in two.

"I don't like the idea of using Anna going in there. I'm down for Cason going in but for all we know, they could easily overpower him. Whoever goes in alone is risking too much or gonna make someone else unhappy." Sam began to speak up more after Dean was very clearly trying to get him on his side. "I'm with Mika too, just like everyone else here. You gotta admit Dean, it's a damn smart plan. Split into three groups and take them all out in one go. Not that long ago it's the kind of plan you or I would have come up with" he tried to get his brother round to their side of thinking.

Mika nodded as one by one, they all were coming round to her side of thinking, it was seeming that it was just Dean and Cason who needed their minds convincing. "Seems you guys are outnumbered in the plan decision making. So how about this...myself, Nat and Dean in one group, Anna and Cason in another group and Esme, Duke and Sam in the third group? Or Sam, Anna and Cason, then Esme and Duke stay together as a duo. Thoughts?" she suggested, deciding that if none of the others were going to take charge of this situation, then she may as well do so.

"I like the idea, it's the most solid one we have. We just need to decide who gets the front group of demons, who gets the back groups?" Natalia replied, she didn't particularly like being thrown into a group without Cason but she understood why Mika suggested the pairings she did. The demon and Lilith's protege/demon killer/whatever Anna was together made sense, they could back each other well, whereas the rest of them were hunters. It was self explanatory why those pairings worked. Sam nodded at the plan as well, "I'm down for that, I'd rather go with Anna and Cason personally though, they need a hunter on their team so all skills are covered for them." he added, looking between Cason and Anna to see if they were okay with that opinion.

"Fine by me" Mika replied, looking at the others one by one as she pulled out of her duffel some weaponry she figured she might need. There may be demons down there, but they didn't know if anything else was and something deep in the pit of her stomach was telling her, there was something else.

Seeing Mika prepare, Natalia and Sam did the same thing as they waited for the others to chime in with their opinions on what was decided for them all. He had to admit, since having Dean back in their lives, it was nice seeing Mika becoming back to her normal self again. Seeing her be the capable hunter she always was was a breath of fresh air after seeing her so miserable and shut off from the rest of them. It honestly not long ago felt like he lost two people during those four months and not just one.
Walking Drake out of the room they were all in, Fia with Josh's help, helped Drake down the hallway when they stopped outside Serena's room and saw everyone was in there. "Right" she replied to Drake, walking with him into the room to join everyone else. It was then it became clear to her that it seemed they missed something pretty major as they all gathered round John and he was seemingly holding a jar.

Chas looked at Serena when she asked about what to do with Cedric who was still out cold on the floor. "Hmm...I'm gonna say John would rather police didn't know about this place. It's mostly off grid for a reason. I'll drop him off at a hospital with some excuse and drive back here." he suggested, not noticing Fia and the others having come into the room at this moment. It was in fact, Kay who noticed the others first and gave them a silent nod of acknowledgement before turning back to the rest of the group. "So what's the plan with that....thing?" she asked John.

Nat, Mika and Sam all saw how Dean was hating what they were all saying as a counter point to his ideas. The glare he shot Mika however in particular was what really showed them just how angry he was. It was clear to them all that he thought they were siding with Cason but that was far from the truth. It just so happened that Cason was thinking logically and for once, Dean was not. The glare didn't bother Mika despite this, in fact, she was used to getting this attitude from him to the point it rarely got to her or upset her. All she did do was just look at him with her flat expression back to show no glare was going to change her opinion. She knew he knew she was right and she wasn't going to back down.

Mika also knew that Dean would come to accept the truth soon enough as well. It just took him a bit longer sometimes when he got like this. He was more emotional than he would ever admit and she knew it. What did surprise her however, was Natalia agreeing with her and speaking her mind, echoing her opinion. It caused Mika to very briefly, blink and you miss it, rise an eyebrow in curiosity. "Is she becoming more like me and taking influence from me or is Cason ironically being a good influence on her?" she thought to herself, now slightly aware of how she should conduct herself around Natalia. If Natalia was taking on board her attitude and mindset then she needed to be careful.

With them seeming to get through to Dean, their shoulders started to relax as Dean conceded to the option of going in smart and not stupid. Sam particularly sighed a breath of relief as the last thing he wanted to lose more people in his lifetime if they could help it. It was hard enough knowing that even though he didn't want to lose more people, it was going to happen at some point, he just didn't want it to be anyone in this group. Especially Anna. He didn't just spend all his time travelling around to bring her back just to lose her again.

His thoughts were broken when he heard Anna say she was willing to go on her own and just hand herself over. His eyes went wide and he was about to say something to her outlandish idea when Cason beat him to it. "I'm in agreement with him. Anna you can't just hand yourself over. You're not some monster or piece of meat we hand to the demons on a plate. You're a person, a kind person at that and I for one am not prepared to just lose you like that." he explained, practically in a begging tone, even though he tried hard to not let his begging come across as begging. Looking around, he saw Natalia and Mika nodding in agreement at his statement.

He had to let his opinion know on the idea, even if it was only briefly before Anna and Cason seemed to take a glance at each other which got him worried about why they were making glances at each other. He recognised it all too well. It was the same glances he would shoot at Ruby and vice versa if he needed a hit of demon blood or needed to secretly meet up to get said blood, especially when Dean was in Hell and she swore to him that it was the only way to bring his brother back to Earth. It made him anxious as hoped the others in the room wouldn't be wondering if she was feeding off Cason.

He wanted to try and get back on track with the ideas on how to go about tonight's hunt or scouting mission, but Esme also spoke up about how they weren't going to let Anna go alone. Mika and Natalia found themselves nodding at Esme's words just as they did with Sam's. Mika even surprised herself that she agreed with Esme again, making her want to internally shudder at the very thought. "Okay, so we're agreed. We all go and we go in smart. Scout from a safe distance initially and then work out the gameplan together. No one goes rambo and alone." Mika concluded with the group once and for all. Tonight was the night they began the end of this damn doom ridden hunt.

-----AN HOUR LATER-----

The was night had fully engulfed the skies above the group of hunters, darkness enveloping them in the middle of seemingly nowhere, except for small lights shining in front of them showing them their destination: the barn. Seeing it in person, in front of them, Mika, Natalia and Sam all felt the overwhelming gut feeling of dread even more. The whole vibe of the area screamed 'it's surrounded by demons' and it just unnerved them all to their core.

Nat hated it the most, the last time she was surrounded by this many was at the asylum but she swallowed her worries to try and stay focused. Now wasn't the time to have a PTSD breakdown. "I can do this" she thought to herself, hyping herself up so she wouldn't just bail on the group...on her family. She felt she still had to prove herself to Dean, that she was capable even though she had plenty of times before he got taken from them all. Glancing to her left, she saw Mika pull a pair of binoculars from her duffel and place them infront of her eyes where she scouted the area. "Oh it's surrounded alright, I can see 4 round the front pacing, 4 in the back and...1,2,3,4,5....6 walking around inside just in the open doorway" she explained, lowering her binoculars once more and putting them back in her bag.

"Something feels off about this and not just the demons" Sam spoke quietly, he couldn't put his finger on it but something really felt wrong and more powerful than the demons in the area. Almost like something else was also scouting the area waiting to pounce on them all. He just couldn't figure out what that exactly was. Yet the feeling almost felt familiar in some ways.

"Okay, I agree there's definitely another ominous feeling here but I can't see or think why but we gotta stay on track. With how many there are I say one team goes round to the front and one team focuses on the back. We attempt to take out as many as quietly as possible before entering. What does everyone think?" Mika suggested whilst also agreeing with Sam.

Something was very...VERY wrong about this situation.

Mika was thankful that after a bit of persuading, Dean seemed to start to calm down a little bit and as always, her stupid little nickname for him when he got protective angry over his siblings, made him smirk and chuckle even a little bit. She was glad that he actually apologized to Duke and in turn Esme for snapping at them when it was completely unnecessary. She may not like Esme particularly a lot of the time but she knew she didn't deserve Dean snapping at her when he was so confused angry over Natalia not being hurt or in danger.

She was also glad that Duke accepted Dean's apology and with that, they all one by one seemed to accept Nat's offer to all come into the room and get this chat done. She would have been lying if she said she wasn't nervous about tonight's scouting mission. She hated them, but this one felt so different. It felt...more important than anything else they've done. It felt more doom filled than any other hunt. That sense of dread filled her heart and she wished she knew why.

Then came the start of the explanation of what Esme and Duke knew and the context backstory with it. She leaned against the wall near the front door, arms folding across her chest, left leg over the right, head down as she just listened. She didn't dare look at anyone as Esme spoke about everything she knew, she knew if she did she would want to interrupt Esme and ask a million and one questions which would no doubt be answered if she just listened. Yet something did make her look up and that was when Esme said she saw the future when she touched the piece of paper with the address of the barn on it.

Like Natalia and Sam and everyone else in the room, she rose an eyebrow in confusion and curiosity at the blonde woman. "what else is this girl able to do? First I'm questioning how human Anna is and now I'm questioning how human Esme is...what next? Nat is actually an Angel?" she thought to herself. Shaking the thoughts out of her mind, she tried to stay on the topic. One of the other most surprising things however was how Dean reacted to the revelation. He was being way too casual about it for her own comfort. She didn't know whether to ask him if he was actually okay with this or not, she even looked at Natalia and Sam, all three of them exchanging the exact same look of confusion.

Just as they were all wrapping their heads around Dean's assuming calm response and letting Duke question his reaction instead, Dean then made all of three of them flinch as he slammed his hand on the table and yelled at Cason. Nat looked at Cason as he asked her to talk some sense into him like it was her job to do so or she was even able to. Did he forget the latest almost three day argument they had before getting sense to get into Dean's head? She held her hands up in defense and shaking her head. She didn't want to get involved with this, especially as Dean used this moment to remind Cason she was the only reason he was even still alive and with their group.

"Dean...you don't need him or us of that fact" she grumbled, making Sam step forward and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Now isn't the time to argue with each other and bring up unrelated things. As much as I don't mind you shouting at Cason Dean, now isn't the time. Everyone is right in their valid plans of attack. We gotta just go and scout this barn out but we HAVE to play it smart, not rush in guns blazing and with absolutely no plan whatsoever. That is what will get us killed. So can we PLEASE just think this through logically first?" he spoke up finally, deciding to try and be the reason for everyone.

"Sam's right, we need to be logical over this. I for one am not prepared to have anyone hurt or killed because we rushed in with no plan or thought. Shit is getting real and dare I say it, worse by the minute. There seems to be more and more that crops up to throw a spanner in the works to try and throw us off the tracks. If we're not smart? We're dead." Mika spoke up finally, but not moving from her position against the wall.

"So what's it gonna be? Smart and fast or dumb and dead?" Nat then quipped seriously, looking at them all. "I vote smart and fast" she added, placing a hand on Dean's arm to try and gently coax him into stepping away from Cason.

Having Dean practically yell that if anyone was going to kill Cason, it would be him made Mika's eyes roll. This was not the area to go yelling something like that. "Dean, just take a breath, lower your voice!" she exclaimed to him in a hushed tone, not wanting to make things worse by having more raised voices. She understood the worry on Dean's side, she truly did. She was concerned for Natalia's safety just as much as he was because she did not want anything to risk Natalia having another PTSD trigger melt down. Especially over the last couple of days when it became extremely clear to them all just how much unresolved trauma was actually in her head.

Then the door swung open and Natalia was standing there, staring at them all like they were all absolutely insane for being so heightened in emotions. As Dean looked around, Natalia even stepped back to once again, let all of them inside if they so wished to enter. "See, everything is fine. Yes we see she's high but she's fine. We helped her be in a controlled state of mind by talking and being distracted. She's got this Dean! She's stronger than you're giving her credit for currently" Natalia explained, deciding that if she was going to successfully lie to him, she needed to wrap the lie up in a lot of truth.

Sighing with relief as Dean accepted she was fine and no one was hurt, but it was clear that Dean was angry he was wrong about his assumptions, so she just looked at Mika in a silent plea of 'please calm him down'.

Mika understood that look all too well which made her turn to the others briefly, before looking at Dean and placing a calming hand on his left shoulder. "Dean, it's okay....just look at me and breathe with me. In....and out....in...and out...there we go." she instructed slowly and calmly, just like she always used to. She knew what worked with him and what didn't. "Right now let's thank our blessings Nat is perfectly safe and things are under control. Your girl just proved herself really well and has things handled. Instead of being angry, disappointed or whatever, let's be proud of her yeah?" she continued to look him in the eyes, massaging his shoulder as she spoke to stop him leaving her sight.

"You can calm this inner brozilla now. She's okay. That's what is important so let's not have you verbally attack Esme and Duke" she repeated.

All the while Sam looking between all of them, sighing and nodding that for once when he said things would be alright, he was proven correct. "Esme, Duke you guys look like you know something, what do you know?" he asked before turning to Anna, Cason and Natalia, "How much was explained in here?" he asked, worried Anna dubbed him in it. "Just what happened as you guys left the motel and on the bus. How Anna was force fed and killed all the demons" Nat replied, before turning to Duke, "Does anything you know coincide with what we know??" she asked them.

Mika noticed how Dean seemed to clam up ever so slightly at the mention of this Alastair. Like Sam, she had no idea who this person was but judging by the reaction from Dean, this Alastair was not someone they were prepared for. Yet instead of asking Dean who this guy was, she continued to listen to Sam until she had to give him a lecture which broke Dean out of his thoughts. "She'll be fine! I wouldn't put Nat in danger purposely you know that" Sam replied to Mika, shrugging his shoulders which seemed to not go down well with either Mika or Dean.

"Dean just leave them be! It'll be--" Sam continued to say, but he didn't even get to finish his sentence before Dean was already storming out of the room and heading over to Nat's. "Sam he has every valid reason to be going over there!" Mika told him flatly, following Dean out of the room and across the parking lot. Sam groaned and stood up, deciding that he better follow the two of them over to try and be on the side of Anna and diffuse whatever was going to kick off. He was also confused why Dean was suddenly going into over protective big brother mode when it came to Nat. When he left to get Anna, Dean was fighting with Nat and still in that attitude of 'she's the little sister I never wanted'. Now here he was rushing over to protect her?

"What the hell happened here?" he mumbled to himself as he walked quickly over toward to Natalia's room where Dean was pounding on the door and shouting Nat's name. "Dean just calm down. Anna has it more under control than you think!" he tried to reason with his brother, but he had a feeling nothing he would say would get through to him. Then because of all the drama, Esme couldn't help but come outside and find out what was going on, Duke seemingly behind her.

"He's fretting because Anna is 'high'" Sam explained to Esme using air quotations around the word high to try and make it publicly sound less weird than saying 'high on demon blood'. He knew Esme at least would know what he meant, so he didn't worry about how vague he was being. "And Sam thought it was a good idea to leave her in there with Cason and Nat....alone" Mika added sternly, showing she still wasn't best impressed with him.

"Nat!? Open the door please!" Mika called through a lot more calmly but urgently than Dean was shouting.


The moment Anna said there was more to tell than what she already had done, Nat couldn't help but sigh in concern at what Anna could possibly be about to tell them. She hated that Lucifer was being brought up and even the most normal person in the world knew that name and the weight that it held to those who believed. It worrying, why was Lucifer wanting to be involved? Was this literally going to be the end of days looming for them all? As if things couldn't get any worse.

She listened to what Anna was saying, deciding to remain silent the majority of the time so it gave Anna the time to talk and explain in her own time. Yet the more she was hearing the more her foot was beginning to shake up and down on the spot and she began to bite her bottom lip. Demons were literally following her and Sam around and causing them more problems than normal. Then came the almost slip up, yet it was enough for Nat to pick up on. Anna was about to say Sam. Sam was micro-dosing!? This revelation made her raise an eyebrow, knowing she was never going to forget that bit of information, yet she would not bring it up....yet.

So many thoughts and questions were swirling around her mind as Anna spoke. Mostly the question of how could Sam be taking demon blood like Anna and not tell them!? She honestly felt betrayed by her favourite brother and it would take a lot to get passed. She barely noticed how Anna seemed genuinely confused how she could turn demons to dust. She only focused more on what was being said again when Anna mentioned how a woman in the airport came to her in private and gave her a vial and an ultimatum.

Of course they were willing to kill one of their group if it meant getting Anna. Hunters knew their lives were always on the line, no matter the job. This wasn't going to be any different, however it still stung hearing it be said. She couldn't spare the thought of losing one of her family or friends. She definitely didn't want to lose either of her brothers or Cason. She was about to speak when Cason spoke first, full of determination in his tone.

As Cason snatched the vial and there was a visible fizzing of his skin as it made contact with Anna's, Nat found herself sitting up a bit more, ready to go on the protect and attack if it meant it. She liked Anna but she wouldn't let the woman stand in the way of her protecting Cason. She didn't care Anna knew him probably better than she did, due to her spotty memory on things. She watched him pull out his knife and fill the vial up before giving it back to Anna and they making a promise to each other. A deal. She didn't like it one bit but if it meant Cason stayed alive and safe then she would accept it.

Her mind got shaken out of it's concentration when she heard Dean hammering on the door and shouting her name, full of worry. Groaning, she stood up. "No word about what we just talked about, I'll calm him down" she explained to the two of them, walking over to the door, unlocking all the locks and opening it. "What? We're fine in here and just chatting. What's with all the yelling?" she asked calmly, looking at Dean in the eye, seeing the worry written all over his face. 'was he really genuinely scared about my safety?' she thought to herself. It was after she spoke to her brother and Mika, that she then realised everyone was at the door.

"This ain't some party ya know" she told everyone.
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