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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
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That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Chas, Fia and Josh all wondered what John was about to do or get but when he came back holding a sheathed knife, Chas had a feeling he understood well enough. He took the knife from John and looked him in the eye as he gave his word. "Got it" he replied, "and John? I'll keep the kids safe" he spoke, knowing what a weak spot kids were to his best friend. It didn't matter if they barely knew the two teenagers, they still deserved to be kept safe in his eyes. "And you keep Kay safe" he added whilst Serena was speaking to Drake. He could sense the tension between Drake and Fia and he seriously began to get curious what had gone down between them both.

With everything spoken, put away and prepared, Fia saw that they were indeed ready to go. So she focused on the task at hand, made sure Serena had some kind of contact with her then opened the portal to LA. "Okay, just walk through but stay close if it's your first time, we'll see each other on the other side" she explained, letting Chas go first, then Josh. "I gotta go last or it'll close behind me" she quickly added, more for Serena's benefit than Drake's.

Kay watched on as they all one by one entered the portal. It was stunning to watch, to see what her future daughter was capable of, no...THEIR future daughter. There was no mistaking future John had clearly trained her well in the art of magic. Without even realising it, she found herself stepping closer to John and grabbing his arm. "they'll be safe Kay...I sense strong phoenix power within young Fia" Fee remarked in her head, so only Kay could hear her.


Chas was the first through, closely followed by Josh. Looking around he knew exactly where they were and that they were indeed in the right place. "we made it, now to wait for the others to make it through" he remarked to Josh who sighed and tried to gather himself after coming to terms with what he just did. "I can't believe I just walked through a portal" Josh commented, looking around at the bustling life on the streets ahead of them.

Sam didn't even fully know why he was suddenly over explaining everything. He just was. The only excuse he could come up with was that he just wanted Anya to feel safe here and not in danger. He remembered being like it to a certain extent with Lexi when he first met her, except the only difference was it wasn't the bunker, it was a motel room because he had to get her out of her house where all the traumatic sights were around her. Safety was his number one reason for a lot of things, especially over the last few years. He let her type on her phone and then listened to what it spoke for her, making him smile sheepishly, looking at the floor briefly before up at her. He let her walk in and over to his movie collection, letting her pick whatever she wanted to watch. When she seemingly found one, he looked over his shoulder as he stood from the TV set up and couldn't help but chuckle at her choice. He had forgotten he even had they one in his collection. Taking the dvd from her, he opened the case and put it into the player before standing up, grabbing the remote and about to head to the chair when she told him he didn't have to sit on the chair if he didn't want to. So he went to the bed and sat next to her before pressing play on the remote.

"If Dean walks in on us watching this I'll never hear the end of it, but I know for a fact he's sat through far more Disney movies than I have over the years" he laughed, folding his arms casually across his chest as he got comfortable. After he stated that, he decided he would have to remember to keep his knowledge of the number of times Mika used to make Dean watch Beauty and the Beast over the years and he has caught him humming the songs in the shower, so he had dirt to tell Lexi if it ever was required.


She knew that Dean wouldn't have seen her in hunter mode and unlike Sam, Dean still had to see for himself what she was capable of. Although it may have come across that she was ready to charge in all guns blazing and not wanting to suss out all capabilities this could turn, she was always thinking about it. Her mind was racing through numerous scenarios all at once, whilst her outside demeanor remained calm. She let him get up and grab what they needed, glancing over for a brief moment before looking back at her laptop screen, unaware that he was sensing he was being watched. In her eyes, there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in the bunker, she certainly never would have guessed his ex partner was still watching over him from the other side. She had heard about her and thought what a complete badass hunter she must have been. She didn't want to erase Mika from Dean's life or replace her in any way, but she would have been lying if there wasn't a tiny part of her that truly did want to experience some happiness and closeness with Dean.

When he came back, she looked over at the information he brought over before looking back at her screen, seeing he had indeed sent a digital copy of the scan to her laptop. 'good job my laptop name is Lexi's laptop' she thought to herself. "thanks" she said before chuckling at his rawr. "You know you could just text Sam if you're that worried about where he is with Anya?" She pointed out, thinking that was the sole reason he wanted radios in the place. Yet it was also clear to her that he was feeling on edge for some reason which got her wondering if it was just the case they were on or something else putting him on edge.

She sent OccultNrd333 the proof they wanted that she was telling the truth and as she waited for the reply, she grabbed her glass taking a sip of her drink. "fingers crossed he won't waste any time in replying like before" she replied to Dean. She desperately wanted to ask if he was alright. But she also didn't want to over step by getting personal when they were in work mode. So she remained silent, staring at the laptop screen for a few minutes until they got a message back.


Okay, I believe you. Find enclosed the coordinates to my location.
Meet in one hour.

click here for location

"Okay, we're on! We better get moving, which one of us is gonna tell Sam and Anya we're heading out?" She asked Dean as she closed down her laptop and stood up.
Kay gave a small nod to acknowledge what Drake told her. She made a mental note to tell John what Drake suggested once the group had gone. She watched him walk to Serena whilst avoiding looking at Fia and like John, she noticed the change in their dynamic. "Yeah, something definitely happened but I don't know what" she replied to John. "I'll get it out of one of them..use my dad voice if needs be" Chas told them both before looking at Serena, "yeah I'm good to go" he replied as he closed up his bag and sling it over his shoulder.

Josh came into the room when he heard his name be called, "I'm here" he replied walking over to her. "We heard everything outside the room, I've just been telling Trish that I'll be back before she knows it and not to worry" he explained.

Fia saw how Drake had suddenly changed his attitude towards her and was doing his best not to look at her, it made her glance down at her feet, upset that she clearly had annoyed him. But now wasn't the time to be upset, she had to keep her emotions in check. She could hear the John in her time in her head giving her a lecture about shutting off her personal emotions whilst on a job and he was right. "okay, we good to go?" She asked everyone who was coming with her and Serena.

At Anya's permission and calmness about watching the film in his room, he was relieved and even smirked and chuckled at her hands comment. He held his hands up "I will, don't worry" he replied whilst thinking to himself 'I'm not my brother'.

In his room, he turned round to see she was standing in the threshold taking in what it looked like. He never really thought about it before but it was rather basic, not as basic as Dean's 'decorating' but basic nonetheless. Still though, there was some things that said he did care about his room and environment and had tried to make a very old room his own. As her thoughts came through her phone, he sheepishly smiled and nodded, "guilty as charged I guess. I admit, I like some kind of order in my room. With the job we have, we don't really get much of that, so coming home here to a tidy and homely feel bedroom? Just feels right" he explained. "Better than the chaos that is Dean's" he smirked. He welcomed her in with an outstretched arm, "feel free to step inside. It's not much but the chair and bed is comfortable, so pick where you wanna sit or you can pick one of the films on my shelf" he explained. He wanted her to feel comfortable and relaxed whilst they waited for Dean and Lexi to get information on the colt that Anya so desperately needed. He walked to his little TV set up and turned it on ready for whatever film or series Anya decided she wanted to watch as he really did have something of everything in his collection. The collection all began from hearing the hype about various titles either online or on the street and he figured he'd get them to see what it was all about. It became a regular thing to the point that even Mika would have seen something, bought it and just left it on his bed with a note saying 'saw this, sounded up your alley'. After that, he never really stopped expanding his collection. If Anya walked to his shelf of DVD's, she'd have seen titles from Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones to Pixar films such as Cars and Wreck it Ralph.


Lexi couldn't stop the amused smile from creeping onto her lips when Dean mentioned about Sam's soft spot for women in distress as it was true. She herself was one of those women not that long ago in reality. Yet if Sam hadn't found her she would have been yet another dead hunter or a rogue hunter that became incredibly reckless and just get herself killed later down the road. She also wouldn't have met Dean if Sam hadn't found her in her house. "oh I know what Sam's weakness is, I was one to a degree don't forget" she retorted with a smirk. She could feel the paranoia oozing off of Dean but she also felt that she had known Sam long enough to trust he knew what he was doing. She presumed that's what what was different about her and Dean, she saw Sam as a friend and colleague whereas Dean just saw the baby brother he needed to protect over everything else. The ping of the message alert came at a good time as she wasn't sure where to go conversation wise that didn't take a turn into the flirting road. She was still aware of how Dean was coping with his grief, just as she was and she didn't want to overstep either.

With the message read and discussed, she had to agree with Dean that this could be one of two situations. A kid that was way over his head or a trap. She hoped it was the former and not the latter but she had also been in this job long enough that they couldn't just write the latter option off the table completely either. She listened to him suggest the scan of a journal entry about the gun, weighing it up and coming to the conclusion that it was their best option. "okay, send me the scan so I can attach it to the message. If this is just a kid in way over his head then we'll deal with it once we've got the location. If it's a trap? Well we'll deal with it as well. All we can do now is treat it as a non threat but be prepared if it turns south" she explained, whilst also mentally grounding herself from having Dean so close to her to read the message himself. It was an invasion of person space but for some reason she wasn't totally adverse to it whilst it was Dean doing it. She figured it was just a trait of his and so she didn't say anything. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him off when she had accomplished getting him focused on something other than becoming one with his mattress.

In a shadow across the main room, Mika's spirit watched on as the two of them worked as a team, impressed by this Lexi's work ethic and how she was with Dean. "funny how death is making me less jealous all of a sudden" she muttered to herself, she really did just want him happy again over everything else. Once more, she let herself vanish and head outside the bunker, perching on the wall that lead to the parking lot underneath as she looked out the scenery in front of her. "You ready to come with me yet? It's been months" a reaper, one that had been coming to Mika since day one of her death appeared once more. "Not yet. He's not ready to fully let me go yet and I need to know he is. But I have hope he will soon with this Lexi around. I'm actually seeing him smiling and cracking jokes again" she replied. "Mika....you can't stay much longer, even for you, you're taking a huge risk watching over him this long" the reaper explained. "I know that Lee, but until he's ready to let me go, I'm still tethered to him. We've always been tethered together, he needs to cut the cord himself. I can't do that for him" she explained.

As Natalia's eyes closed, the strange feet coming closer the only thing that came out of her lips in a whispery breath was "..Cason...". Then it was lights out. As the two sets of legs reached her, one demon knelt down and rummaged through her clothing. "there has to be something" he grumbled, as the other kept look out for the other Winchesters and their companions. "Just hurry up!" The other gruffer one complained. Seconds later, the leaner one stood back up again clutching a folded photo. Natalia's precious old photo of her and John Winchester. "bingo!" He beamed, "she really shouldn't keep this shit tucked in her pockets. It could fall out and into the wrong hands!" He laughed gleefully before rushing off with his buddy.

Mika kept looking all around, now with no sight of Dean or Natalia and she was really not liking what was happening. How could this go oh so wrong so quickly? One minute she had Dean finally in her sights, then he was gone again. "lost someone?" A coy female voice broke through the silence, stepping out to Mika's viewpoint. "what do you think?" Mika spat back viciously, not in the mood for another fight with another demon but it was clear that she wasn't going to get her way. The female demon, flashed her black eyes and charged Mika rapidly, with Mika just about dodging the attack by a hairbreadth of a gap. "Not tonight bitch" she seethed, pulling her knife out and altering her stance, ready for a fight she didn't want to do. The redheaded demon then charged again but this time, Mika wasn't quick enough to dodge and in a blink of an eye, she was flat on her back, knife across the ground. "Aww with you on your back for me like that, I'd take you if I was that way inclined!" The demon giggled, just pissing Mika off even more. Scrambling to reach her knife, she felt the demon grab her leg and yank her back, lifting her off the ground in a swift swoop by her hair making Mika yell out in pain. Flailing her arms outward to try and break free, she seemed to loose a few seconds of time as the next thing she witnessed was the demon dropping her, scrambling to get away with her arm on fire. "What the hell?" Mika gasped, watching it all unfold around her. It was only then she noticed a scratch down her own arm before hearing Dean's voice yell out her name.

Spinning round on her heels, she saw Dean rush up to her and instantly grab her face, as he always did to check she was okay. "I'm okay...just a scratch on my arm, but okay..." She tried to reassure him, not wanting to explain what she just witnessed and how she doesn't even know who or what or how it even happened. "I don't know where Nat is... We were looking for you and she ended up out of eyesight. I've been trying to look for you and her" she explained.

Yards away from where Mika, Dean and Esme were standing Natalia was on the ground in the dark still near the barn wall, stirring awake. With a grunt and hiss as she checked her head, realising she was in fact bleeding from the back of her head, she slowly stood up, grabbed her bow and tried to shake her blurry vision into focus. "Shit!" She cursed as she stumbled round to find the others, eventually finding Dean, Esme and Mika. "Guys, I'm here" she called out but it was clear she was unsteady on her feet, her vision still swirling. She hadn't felt like this since the asylum when she was drugged up and it was proving difficult to not let those traumatic memories come to the surface.


It seemed that shielding Anna just wasn't enough as the moment he got over her to protect, a demon flung him right off of her with a flick of his hand. He went flying across and landed in front of a tree with a grunt. "Get off of her!" He angrily shouted, trying to get up but the demon had managed to pin him in place. "No chance loverboy" was the response before all Sam could do was simply watch Anna get picked up and taken away just like that. "ANNA!!" he yelled as he felt the invisible grip on him drop when Anna and the demon went from his sight. He felt like he was failing her yet again and he could do nothing to help her. Yet despite this failing feeling, he also felt more determined to get her back. Getting back up onto his feet, he dusted his jeans off and ran his hands through his hair, looking around trying to find anyone from their group to come up with a back up plan on what to do. He couldn't see Cason anywhere and wondered if he either broke his agreement to stay with him and Anna to go after Natalia or he just got the hell out of dodge all together and left them in this mess. He was leaning more to the latter even though he felt like that made him an awful brother to Natalia.

"Get to the others..." He ordered himself, forcing himself to take one step at a time as he glanced around to find the others. Still no sight of Cason, Natalia or even Esme and Duke. "This is bad..." He grumbled before he eventually found some of the group together except for Duke and Cason. Jogging over, tucking hair behind his ear he atopped in front of them. "where are the others? A demon just took Anna....I don't like this. Cason is nowhere to be seen" he said, not wanting to look Natalia in the eye when he said those words. "what?" He heard Nat replied firmly, despite her current state. "we got outnumbered and overpowered...." He said matter of factly.
Kay nodded at Drake's words, if others were also saying Lucifer was their only option right now, then she would trust that. "just stay safe and keep Fia safe okay?" She requested of him, before walking back into the room everyone else was in, just overheating the end of their conversation. She saw Serena moving to grab her stuff, then saw Fia doing the same as John was reassuring Chas. She put it down to his paternal instincts making him worry.

Chas sighed, "I know that but we all know how much he loves getting in people's personal space. He's handsy..." He replied to John. Looking I er John's shoulder, he saw Drake and Kay return to the room. "everything alright?" He asked, "yeah" Kay replied, seeing Fia preparing herself to open up a portal. "Serena, I'm gonna need to touch you, like arm or shoulder or something so I can use your knowledge on the location. I don't wanna end up in a different place to you" she explained.
Kay looked down at her arm then up at Drake when he grabbed her. She wanted to flinch out of his grip as she was still learning not to activate her fight or flight senses whenever someone grabbed her from behind, but she managed to compose herself. "yes...your mom and John think seeing him is our only option at this moment to get some answers or ideas. That's all I know." She told him honestly, seeing no point in lying to the kid.

When Fia walked in ahead of Kay, Chas couldn't help but wonder what made Kay lag behind, but it wasn't any of his business, so he focused on the moment in hand. Fia shook her head at Serena's question. "No, at least, it hasn't done all this time but then again, I've only opened a portal to cover two people max to walk through." She said honestly. "But if I can open one to come all the way back in time here, then I'm sure just going to LA on this same time wouldn't be too much of a problem" she added.

As Anya looked up at the ceiling in a manner that he recognised all too well as the universal sign someone was thinking about their next words or ideas, he gave her time to come up with her answer to his question before he watched her look back down and rapidly type on her phone. When she was done, he listened to the phone speak what she typed out and he couldn't help but get a little smile on his face at her words. Her likes on films were much more broad than Dean's which was a nice change of pace for him. He took, liked many different films, he had the people he had known over the years to thank for his broad taste in films, songs and anything else pop culture. "Oh I seem soppy enough do I?" He teased before chuckling, "well you'd be sorting of right there I guess, my likes are pretty wide. Fantasy, sci fi, superhero stuff, thriller, room coms when done right...I'm a lot more open to anything" he added before continuing, "I've got a good stash of stuff we can watch in my room if you're okay with that? We don't really have a separate room to watch stuff in" he explained. He didn't want to put her on edge but also didn't want to assume she'd just be okay with watching something alone in his room with him. If she was unsure about that, he'd gladly think of something else and find a more neutral room they can watch something on his laptop. "We keep meaning to invest in a large TV and make a room for relaxing but the two of us keep going back to our rooms and not do anything about the idea" he told her, even though the full truth wasn't just that they keep going back into old habits, it was an idea they had come up with when Mika was still around and when she passed, the plan just kind of fell through. Though now Lexi was living with them, even if it ended up being temporarily, he might make more of an effort to sort something out.

"If you're not comfortable with that, we can just grab my laptop from my room to go watch something in another room?" He then suggested, to show her that he didn't want to push her into a situation she wasn't happy with. He hated the idea of someone thinking of him as some kind of predator but he could also understand it with the job he and Dean had. It's not like their lives were completely open and innocent in a lot of ways. They did do a lot of shady things to keep people safe on the streets at night over the years. But he was still very aware of how he came across to people and he liked Anya, thought she was a cool person who deserved a lot of respect. So he began to guide her to his room so they could pick something to watch whilst she decided on whether she was happy to remain in his room to watch something or go in another room that's more open to watch something.


Lexi hoped that her message back to this person on the dark web would be enough to grab their attention. She was usually pretty good at drawing people in and convincing them to give her information she needed, but there was always that tiny part of her that always became concerned that she wouldn't convince the next person she was trying to reel in. Leaning back in her chair, she made herself to try and relax a little, but here was Dean Winchester next to her, stretching and inadvertently looking more appealing to her than he did just moments ago. She tried to keep her mind focused but then he had to go and say about strip poker before mentioning the very valid point that they were working and could end up on the road any moment. "Easy cowboy.... It's probably not the best of ideas you could have right now" she smirked, looking at him out the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but chuckle when he tried to change the subject by wondering what Sam was up to and joking about driving himself into having a stroke. "I'm sure Sam is fine showing Anya around, he's a big boy he can look after himself" she replied to him.

Going quiet once more, she tried to think of something to do that would be wholly innocent and normal but her mind had inexplicably gone utterly blank. Her mind had gone into work mode so rapidly that she now didn't know what to do to shut her mind off for a few moments. As she tried to think of something to do, her laptop pinged with an incoming message, making her sit up and open it up. "Well hello OccultNrd333" she said in an almost cooing tone. "Seems we're right about them being desperate because that was barely any time at all for them to reply" she remarked before actually reading the message.


I have received your message and I'm choosing to trust you. I do need proof though to guarantee putting my trust in you is the right thing to do.
If proof is good enough I shall send coordinates on where to meet.


"Seems they want proof but I'm reeling them in pretty easily here. Almost too easily" she told Dean. This wasn't her first rodeo on the dark web and usually it took a few more messages back and forth before she got what she needed out of the mysterious user, but this was straight up choosing to trust as long as she sent proof they had leads on where the Colt was. "How do you wanna play it?" She asked Dean honestly.
Fia didn't like what she was being told by Drake before Kay came calling for them. She knew Drake wouldn't let this drop now this book had come into the situation. It unnerved her greatly that she found a book that should have never been found ever again. Now Kay was telling her that she had to go to LA with Serena and Chas?! She gave a sigh and wanted to protest but the look on Kay's face told her not to bother arguing. "why LA?" she decided to ask instead. "Serena has a contact out there and we've decided you, Drake, Serena, Chas and Josh should all go whilst John and I stay behind with Trish and work from here to get answers" Kay replied, deciding to keep Lucifer's name out of her mouth for the time being. "uhh...okay" Fia simply replied with a shrug, sending she was being kept in the dark but she wasn't going to say anything as she herself had been keeping so many of them in the dark herself.

Chas was thankful that for once John was being secretive about his history with Lucifer. It was for the best that Serena didn't know every detail about that acquaintance, though he did wonder if that was even the right word to use anymore. Before all of this and Kay came into their lives, he knew how much John used his less than normal ways to gain information or get his own way....sleeping with Lucifer was just another case of those ways. "okay, so we've got our plans decided, I'll look at flights out to LA now" he commented, beginning to head out the room when he saw Kay walking back with Fia in tow. "Hey Chas? To save on flights, I can open up a portal to get us to LA in a flash" Fia spoke up.
Fia watched Drake hold the book, flipping through it whilst his hands shook. She went slightly wide eyed when he asked her how she got ahold of the book and that it was not, in fact, Serena's book. "But it looks just like her book. I found it in your house" she admitted finally. "I see now I should have told you but I wanted all the information first and I didn't know how to initially tell you." She told him. She didn't know what to think anymore, if this book was in fact a copy of Serena's and not actually hers, then it left a hollow dark feeling in the pit of her stomach as it meant, this was either planted for her to find or whoever it does belong to, the owner made Serena use it without her consent. "this is getting more and more complicated" she sighed, running a hand through her hair as she began to slowly pace to get her thoughts and information all in line in her mind.

Kay and Chas listened to Serena's story of how she knows Lucifer and Kay mentally noted how John brushed off Serena's question to him. She was now curious to exactly what those messes John and Lucifer got into. "I really don't like this idea John but I'll go to keep the kids safe and only to keep the kids safe." He replied, reluctantly agreeing to the plan. At least John agreed Kay wouldn't be totally safe around Lux and who Lucifer associated with. "I guess we're heading to LA then" he sighed. "I'll go tell the kids' Kay said, giving Chas a reassuring pat on his shoulder to signal that she was appreciative of his concern for her well being. He really was becoming a good friend. Leaving the room, she went looking around for Fia and Drake, calling out their names. "Drake?! Fia?! Where are you both? We gotta talk". Fia in the secured room with Drake heard Kay's voice and sighed, "I guess our chat is over" she spoke, walking to the door and unlocking it from the sound proofing spell and the normal lock. Opening the door, she poked her head out, "what?" She asked, causing Kay to stop and turn on her heels to see Fia's face in a doorway. "you two are to go to LA with Chas, Serena and Josh" she instructed.
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