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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Nat did truly mean her promise of trying to stay awake while the others were gone. She also was hoping she wouldn't be throwing up anytime soon again. She just wanted to get out of here with the others and more impeotywith Cason. She found herself slumping against the seat, remembering how comfortable Dean's car actually was. Then Dean finally came over after talking and comforting Esme, signalling for her to wind the window which she did, she forced herself to look at him as he leaned in. She listened to his explanation and plea for her to stay out, making her sigh back at him. Yet the one thing that surprises her was him telling her he did actually love her. She couldn't remember Dean ever telling her that before, but maybe that was due to her head absolutely hurting like hell. "...I love you too Dean....I'll stay here, I promise" she told him, wanting him to see she truly meant her words, even if they were slightly slurred. "I don't plan on going anywhere, just trying to stay awake" she added, before letting him lead the group back to the barn.

The silence was unbearable as she rolled the window back up, so she put on one of Dean's cassettes in the hopes that the music would keep her awake. She hated being on her own, she wanted nothing more than to find Cason but she knew she was in no fit state to do so and it tore her apart. "please come back Cason...." She begged into the air, a tear falling down her face. Lifting her hand up, she wiped the tear with the back of her hand before out of habit, running that same hand over her face and through her hair, catching the bloody spot at the back which made her wince and hiss from the pain. "Ow dammit!" She cursed to herself before deciding to lean forward and check Dean's glovebox for anything she could use to put pressure on the head wound. "lease Dean have something in this car" she muttered to herself as she rifled through it.

Initially she found nothing then she found a relatively clean napkin which she grabbed, closed the glovebox and placed the napkin on the back of her head. Leaning back in the seat, her eyes felt incredibly heavy and she knew she had to fight to stay awake until the others got back. She just hoped when they did one of them would drive her car for her as she was clearly in no fit state to drive herself. "How did this go so wrong?" She asked herself but thinking just made her head swim even more.

A short while later when it was clear she was utterly on her own, two figures approached the car. Leaning down and looking into the window they could see Natalia was failing at staying awake, her eyes in a battle of opening and closing. Smirking to themselves, one reached for the handle and tried it, seeing she wasn't smart enough to lock it. "Idiot, didn't even lock the door" the second younger one commented. Cranking the door open, Nat opened her eyes and looked up, "Dean?" She questioned in a foggy manner, not catching that it wasn't her family coming back already. "not this time pet" the broader male replied, making Nat open her eyes a bit wider, "shit!" She slurred, swinging around to try and kick them back but all she accomplished was falling out the car in a daze. "oh this is going to be easy. Davos did a number on her throwing her off the roof" he laughed, squatting down and rummaging through her pockets, pickpocketing her childhood photo, chucking it on the floor beside them.

"Add the wristband and let's get going" the broader, gruffer demon instructed to his comrade as he lifted Nat over his shoulder in an undignified manner. With Nat on his shoulder, her belongings on the floor in front of the impala, they left in the dark.


Fully equipped, both Sam and Mika followed Dean and Esme back across to the barn. Mika was still mentally fighting off the intrusive jealous thoughts over how close Dean and Esme were being, reminding herself it was just because of Duke and nothing more. She had to keep her mind on the job at hand. Ontop of that, she was also worried about Nat being on her own in the car, a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach about her as well as the others. She also didn't know how she could have promised Nat she wouldn't let Dean kill Cason if he saw him and would bring him back to her. "you okay?" Sam quietly asked her, "yeah...just worried about what we'll find in the barn and worried about Nat. I don't like leaving her alone" she replied back just as quietly. Sam gave a nod, he hated leaving his little sister alone as well but they all knew it was for the best. He also was worried out of his mind about Anna and he was terrified about what the demons could have her doing if they were in the barn. If she was rabid on demon blood it would make their lives so much harder to get her to focus. He couldn't lift his hand off of his gun, too afraid of not being able to grab it quickly enough if they got ambushed.

Reaching the barn, he stopped as did Mika, seeing the signals they both knew all too well from Dean. Two demons. Okay this shouldn't be too difficult they thought, even if it felt a bit too easy. They let Dean lead the way before following behind Esme to see the second demon smoke out after seeing the other one get killed by Dean. He agreed with his brother that having one smoke out wasn't strictly a good sign. Walking round to the front of the barn doors, Sam was ready to help Dean open them but it seemed Dean had it covered before he could help. "Let's get this over with" he told the group, letting Dean go in first as Sam and Mika tried to judge the situation by his reaction. It wasn't looking good. The moment Sam got let in from behind Dean, he rushed in and saw the state of Anna and Cason bolted to the side wall. "Anna!" He exclaimed, running over to her and kneeling down, checking how she was chained to the wall before rapidly figuring out a way to feed her. "you okay? Stupid question...you're not. I'm gonna get you out" he told her, glancing over at how bad Cason was looking. Nat wasn't going to be happy about this.

Following the others in after Esme ignored Dean's order to stay back and rushed in to find Duke, Mika walked in and gasped at what she saw. Looking down she saw Duke's bloody hat on the ground near herself and Dean, before spotting where Esme ran to. "Oh god..." She whispered in shock. She tried to hold her emotions together, knowing how hard Dean and Esme are taking this. A single tear fell down her face, hoping that Duke was still alive. She couldn't handle anymore grieving for people she held dear to her. Forcing herself to remain focused, she went over to Anna and Cason to help Sam free the two of them. "I can't get the chains free" Sam told Mika, his panic overriding his thoughts. "you can do this Sam" she reminded him before he nodded and took a couple of deep breaths. More focused now, he managed to break the chain and feed Anna first. "I got her, you get Cason" he told Mika, something that Mika was hoping he wouldn't have said.

"Right" she simply replied, gulping slightly as she recognised the chain around Cason's neck was made of iron. She stepped back enough to let Sam lift Anna up onto her feet and carry her out of the way before she stepped forward again to Cason. "Cason, you better not be dead or we're gonna have one very volatile Natalia on our hands. Come on man...she needs you right now" she told him, hoping her words would encourage him to respond to her. He was in such a bad way, she didn't have hope he would survive this. She saw how badly he had been wounded and not just by the neck restraint. "Don't make me slap you you son of a bitch...you cannot die on Nat, do you hear me?" She told him sternly, but it was clear she was barely holding it together.

Lifting her hands up finally, she shakily checked how his restraint was bolted to the wall before reluctantly reaching out to touch the iron. She tried to fight through the burning on her hands to unlock it but it was too much, she pulled her hands back quickly, giving them a shake as if she was shaking the trembling away and not the real reason of shaking the burning sensation out. "Dean! I can't get this damn lock! You gotta help!" She called out to him. She didn't want to ask Dean for the help but he was the only one available to help.
Kay listened to what John was telling her. She couldn't help but get the sense that when he said emotional hold over John, there was more to it and the two men certainly had some kind history that wasn't strictly business. Though it didn't bother her in the slightest if that was the case. She forced the thoughts out of her head when he brought up about working on what Drake thought was the case. "it's possible I guess? I wouldn't even know where to begin figuring out that theory." She replied to him, stepping over and sitting opposite him. "Could Bane really be linked to whatever is coming for me?" She asked.


The group noticed how Serena seemed to know what to do when they all got inside, which didn't help Fia's suspicions that Serena was involved somehow in her mother's corruption. If she kept just how well she knew Lucifer and Maze from them, then what else was she keeping them? She didn't want to think ill of Serena, she was like a aunt to her, but she also couldn't let her emotions get in the way of how important it was to her to save her mother.

As they all looked around at the empty bar, they all tried to see anyone who would greet them in any manner. Fia and Chas prepared for an ambush deep down even though they were outwardly seeming relaxed. "I'm here!" Maze called out as she appeared out a side door up the top of the stairs above them. "Lucifer is on his way down. What brings you guys here?" She asked, walking down the stairs, acknowledging Chas with a simple nod but had raised eyebrows at the sight of Drake, Josh and Fia.

"And who are these people?" She asked. "Doesn't matter who we are" Fia said before she couldn't stop herself. "ooh..she's a firey one" Maze smirked. "you have no idea" Fia retorted. "Fia cut the sass" Chas whispered to her.

The moment Anya smiled softly after he said he would like to get to know her better, he felt relieved that she didn't feel like running off and he wasn't coming across as a bad guy. He wanted to see the good in Anya, as he did with most people. He trusted his gut with Lexi and that proved to be right, considering she was now out on the road with Dean, and he was trusting his gut instincts with Anya. He knew out of both he and Dean, he was the more optimistic one and more trusting one, and it didn't always go in his favour but he wasn't going to stop because of a few bad people.

Hearing her express that she would also like to see where this friendship could go made him smile a bit more. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest now that it seemed the awkwardness was lifting from the room. "Okay, we can finish the film first" he replied initially to her wish of wanting to continue watching Dirty Dancing. He went to go press play again on the movie, not fully remembering when he could have even pressed pause, when Anya expressed how she wanted to express her own thanks by cooking.

He chuckled, feeling a sense of deja vu. Lexi made the same offer when she first got brought to the bunker and it made him see that maybe there was similarities between the two women, even if it seemed Anya was probably younger than Lexi. "I would say I can't have a guest cooking but I've learned my lesson from that." He laughed, causing a strand of his hair to fall in front of his face which he quickly tucked behind his ear.

"Lexi made the same offer and it definitely won't Dean over. So if you really want to get him on your side? I say after the film, I'll take you to the kitchen so you can see what we got and let you go wild in there" he smiled.


Brushing off his advanced wasn't her objective, but it seemed that Lexi was still learning how to properly flirt all over again. She didn't know why she was being like this after they had already shared a kissing moment in this very car much earlier on in the day. She did really like Dean, he brought her out of herself more than anyone had since her own fiancé got murdered. She just didn't want to mess up whatever it was they had growing between them.

Seeing him grin and smirk excitedly was infectious. Yet again, she couldn't help but smile back, even her eyes seemed to smile and light up as she did so when she saw him smile. After hearing how much he had moped around in the bunker for a few months from Sam, seeing him be like this was a joy to see. Frowning and moping didn't seem to suit him in her opinion. She listened to him express his feelings about what it felt like being in the bunker for so long and it felt like such a change to the Dean she first met who wanted nothing more than to hide in his room, eat junk food and drink copious amounts of alcohol.

When he mentioned about feeling like something was still lingering around in the bunker, she rose an eyebrow and stopped smiling. It was curious to say the least. She remembered Sam explaining how extra proofed the bunker was so how could anything be lingering around? The only thing she could possibly think of was maybe the energy that his ex left behind and coupled with his grief, it did leave that tense vibe. Then he smiled again and co to ued talking, making her smile again.

"I can agree with that. I've been out on the road or in motel rooms on my own. Having you is a breath of fresh air" she replied honestly. She tried so hard not to let her intrusive thoughts win out and put her hand on his leg as he drove, placing a hand partially under her chin and in front of her mouth before glancing back out the passenger side window for a moment.

She definitely could get used to being on the road, kicking asses and taking names with Dean Winchester. He made her feel alive once again.

Sam couldn't help but watch Anya type quickly on her phone, only to delete whatever it was she was going to say because of his ramblings. He saw her look up at him and gave her a reassuring smile, hoping that he was somewhat making her feel less embarrassed but her lack of a smile told him he wasn't succeeding in that department. He just wanted to be able to help her, make her feel welcome in the bunker and most importantly, not feel alone. He let her type out whatever it was she wanted to say, waiting patiently until the phone spoke out what she said. Her words made him smile softly, nodding and looking at her in the eye. "I do and you really seem like a cool person Anya, someone I'd love to get to know, build a friendship with" he replied back to her.

If things advanced in the future and they became more than friends, then he would welcome it but for now friendship had to be the first step. A part from Lexi, he didn't have friends anymore, sure he had acquaintances, people he got along with just fine but no one he would consider truly a friend. That ended when Mika died and worse for him, when she died he lost a sister, not just a friend. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about the past, now was the time to focus on the present, focus on making Anya comfortable and not feel on edge all whilst they waited the other two to get information and figure out their next move to help Anya out. That was what he wanted more than anything right now, to feel like he's helped someone in need and give Anya some answers to the questions she no doubt had in her head.

"So....did you want to continue watching the film? I can grab us some food or make us stuff in the kitchen if you ever get hungry" he offered, really trying his best to lessen the embarrassment she was feeling and in a lot of ways, he was feeling also. He just hoped that what he said about Dean feeling better once he got out of the bunker was in fact true and Lexi would manage calm Dean down.


The fact that Dean didn't try and correct her about what she said about Sam, told Lexi that she had made him think about the situation in a different way. That much she was glad for if it was the case. Outside, she followed his gesture as he pointed toward the impala and smiled as Dean called the car his sweet girl. It wasn't in the least bit surprising to her that that's how Dean felt about his car. He seemed the type to love the thing above everything else for the most part. "Okay okay" she chuckled, following him to the car and putting her bag in the trunk after he put his in. She walked round to the passenger side, opened the door and got in, sitting down a lot less heavily than Dean did. Closing the door behind her, she laughed at what he said realising that what she said moment before clearly made some kind of impact on his mind.

"Well none of those women have been me" she teased back with a broad smile, glancing at him as she spoke. With the impala's engine roaring to life, she relaxed in her seat, ready to be going on another job again. "I should hope so, can't have half your attention being on what your hands are doing" she joked back with a soft and endearing chuckle as she looked out the front windscreen at the road ahead of them. It felt so refreshing to be able to be this comfortable around someone again and be herself once more, her grief had stolen too much of herself for too long and here Dean was, bringing a part of herself back to her. Whether he knew it she didn't know, but she was thankful to him nonetheless. "Gotta say though, feels good to be back on a job again, I swear I get antsy if I go too long without a job nowadays" she said a bit more seriously this time.

As the impala went out of view, Mika watched the direction they went in and smiled. "Go do what you do best Dean, save the world" she remarked before she let herself just vanish once more.

Mika's intent wasn't to side with Natalia in the slightest but she was thinking maternally that if Nat did run off on her own, someone had to follow her to make sure that head didn't worsen and she came back to them all alive. However, in the heighten emotional state Dean was, it seemed he didn't see it that way and all she got was a glare back at even suggesting she would make sure Natalia didn't get herself killed by looking for someone she didn't approve of. She was thankful that Sam was playing devil's advocate and being the calming presence right now and she nodded in agreement with his suggestion of staying grouped together and checking the barn. It baffled her mind to think none of them even thought of it until Sam said something, probably because if the others were in there, surely they would have heard them? Or was this a case of demons playing dirty tricks and somehow soundproofing the barn without any outward signs of that being the case? Either way, she hoped Sam's idea proved to be the case and they could get everyone out of here and saved.

Nat just huffed at Dean's rant, deciding to keep her mouth shut after her little outburst at Dean. Even she could see now wasn't the time to argue with him yet again about what kind of person Cason was. Her head was also absolutely pounding and her vision remained blurry. She was convinced she was going to be sick if she didn't focus on something else as she really didn't want to vomit in front of everyone. She looked down at the ground to try and focus her vision as best she could, staring at her feet the whole time until Dean turned to her and gave an order, making her begrudgingly nod slowly. "....fine" she replied, tightly closing her eyes and reopening them again to stop the world from spinning. Mika looked down at her and knew Nat was not coping with the head injury in the slightest, "It's for the best Nat, you're in no state to go anywhere. We're just worried about you as well as the others" Mika said a bit softer than Dean was talking to her, but there was enough authority in her tone to show Nat she wasn't going to be a push over either. "I said okay....but....I think you're right" Nat said back, swaying ever so slightly on her feet, making Mika grab a hold of her once more.

With everything decided, she began to walk Nat back to the cars across the grounds, taking it a bit slower than the others were for fear of Nat passing out on her. Behind everyone, she saw how Dean looked at Esme and how he spoke to her which made her internally remind herself it was just over Duke and there was nothing there between the two of them. Now wasn't the time to get jealous and insecure yet again when there were far more important things to be dealing with. Of course she was worried for Duke, they all were, but she was also worried about Anna. It also only took one glance at Sam's posture from behind to see he was worried out of his mind.

At the cars, Mika opened the door to the impala, deciding that Nat being in her own car would be too risky. "Sit in here and for Dean's sanity please stay put" she practically begged Nat, as the youngest Winchester got in the passenger side at the front. "I won't go anywhere...just please don't let Dean kill Cason, please Meeko..." Nat replied, looking up at her with puppy eyes, before she couldn't take it anymore and leaned out of the car and was sick, making Mika dart back slightly. "I promise" she said, stepping forward again and tying Natalia's hair back into a ponytail with a hair tie she had on her wrist.


He knew it wasn't the best suggestion, but suggesting the barn was the only thing Sam could come up with. He didn't have hope in the others being there, but until they checked absolutely everywhere nearby, they couldn't say they've eliminated all possibilities. He hated that the tension was brewing more arguments between his siblings and all he could truly worry about was whether Anna was okay and unharmed. He knew that was probably a big ask- to have her unharmed, but he hoped for it anyway. He sighed with relief when Dean finally conceded and agreed to regroup together, be prepared and check the barn. The looks he and Esme gave each other didn't go unnoticed either but he knew his brother wouldn't be too stupid and it was solely because of Duke.

Walking over to the cars, he was aware how Mika and Nat were lagging behind, more because of Nat's state and he was glad that Dean ordered her to stay in the car and not come with them. He was worried sick about Nat's injury, she didn't look good in the slightest and every fibre of his being wanted to rush her to a hospital now and just protect her but he also didn't want to leave the missing three either. So he remained silent on the way to the cars, deciding to just observe his group instead of speaking much. In his mind however he kept thinking 'I'm coming Anna just hold on for a bit longer, I will get you back'.

At the cars, he watched Mika guide Nat into the impala whilst Dean and Esme spoke more about being prepared to find Duke possibly dead from his own wounds. He didn't want to imagine that scenario himself, the only thing thing keeping him sane was the fact he knew the demons and Lilith needed Anna alive. He couldn't believe that had become a reassurance to him on this night, but here he was being reassured by it. He went to grab some more weapons when he suddenly heard Natalia vomiting out of the car but when he looked over, he saw Mika had it handled just about. Stocking up on knives and reloading his handgun, he waited for the others to be done. When Mika was content that Nat wasn't going to run away the moment she stepped back, Sam walked up to her and knelt down. "We'll be right back, just try and stay awake for me yeah?" he spoke, taking her chin in his hand to make her look at him. "I'll try Sam" Nat said to him honestly, pulling her legs in so Sam could stand up and close the door after her. He then looked at Dean, "You still gonna lock her in?" he asked, "It's clear she cant go anywhere" he pointed out.

Sam wished he could fully explain without Dean continuing to fly off the handle but he knew it was pointless in this moment in time. So instead he decided it was best just to let Dean have his little rant, give whatever message he was giving and let him leave. "...fine" he began to reply but as Dean just left without another word, he couldn't even finish his own reply. Sighing in frustration at how Dean was being, he looked at Anya sheepishly, seeing how she took was highly embarrassed at what just occured. "ignore him, he's highly strung sometimes and this just so happens to be one of them. He's probably internally fighting with himself between letting Lexi in and keeping a distance due to grieving his ex" he explained, not being able to think of any other reason. At least, no other reason he could rationally tell Anya. There was times he himself felt like something was off in the bunker, like they were being watched over but nothing ever matched up to a haunting and it certainly didn't make any sense as the bunker was spooks and monster proof. But he didn't want to freak Anya out by saying anything about that.

"He'll chill out once he's been out of the bunker" he reassured. "and..don't feel embarrassed by the kiss" he smiled. Sure, it was very unexpected and he didn't realise she could have such a crush on him so quickly, but he also found it kind of sweet at the same time.

At the staircase, Lexi looked up when she saw Dean reappear and ready to go, but clearly was irritated by something. When he ranted about what he saw in Sam's room she couldn't help but softly chuckled, quickly covering her mouth as she did so to try and stop herself. "I'm sorry ..didn't mean to laugh, but he's a grown boy Dean. I'm sure he knows what he's doing. He's got his head screwed on right for the most part." She replied, patting him on the back. "Come on, let's get this little trip done. I'm curious to see the great Dean Winchester in action" she teased with a smirk, as she headed up the staircase in front of him.

It was true after all, she was curious to see him in action. She had witnessed Sam's skills but she was yet to see Dean's and although it was to be a simple meeting of sorts, she still wanted to witness him work for herself. She cranked open the door once at the top of the stairs and stepped through, waiting for him on the other side of the threshold. "I would say your car or mine, buuuut we both know mine is still in the garage" she remarked, trying to bring some light hearted vibes to Dean. The comment also reminded her that she really ought to check in with the garage to see how much longer her car will be, she just wished now she found a way to bring it to the bunker to get the boys to look at it.

Stepping over to his car, she waited for Dean to unlock it so she could shove her bag in with his. She really didn't know which way this meeting was going to go and she knew she had to start mentally preparing for anything that would come their way. At least this time she had backup.
Kay listened to him talk, he clearly had to get it off his chest and she understood it. She spent so much of her life being in the dark about what was happening to her and wanting to fix it or be free or just plain be safe from those hunting her. "I get it...it feels like I'm partially back in the dark about what's happening. But I know one thing... I'm safer with you here than I am out there" she replied to him.


The group listened to what Serena was saying as they walked out of the alleyway and across the road to the bar. They let Serena take front as she knew Lucifer better than the rest of them, other than Chas. They all waited whilst Serena pressed the buzzer and after a few moments Maze's voice came through the speaker. "We're closed" she stated bluntly, before looking at the security cameras, "shit! Serena?! Get in here!" Her voice then said, letting them all in.
Kay watched them all walk through the portal that Fia had opened before she watched it close behind them and all that was left was herself and John with Trish. She felt John shake slightly in her grip, making her lift one hand up and massage his shoulder gently. "They're a good team John, they'll be okay" she reassured, though she was more than aware that she was also reassuring herself as well as John. "We just need to do what we can on our end to distract our minds from worrying" she added, suggesting the only thing she could possibly think of. She didn't know why but seeing John so uncertain and worried was concerning to Kay, he always seemed like such an confident and borderline arrogant man, so for him to not be anywhere near those traits did make Kay see just how important this situation was.


With all of the group through the portal, and it closing behind them, Fia did a quick head count to see they were indeed there and okay. She didn't like this idea in the slightest but she also trusted this Serena and if she thinks Lucifer could help them, then she would take the chance to meet him. "If he's not then Mezikeen will be around and can tell us where Lucifer is" Chas replied to Drake. "So what do we think we can get out of this guy again?" Fia asked the group, but mostly Serena as she guessed it was her idea to even be here in the first place.


With the information received that they needed, Lexi picked up her cell phone and quickly input the co-ordinates into it so they knew where they were going. "It will only be right to tell him" she pointed out to Dean about telling Sam they were headed out. The last thing she wanted was to just scarper out of the bunker and Sam comes out to find the two of them missing. Though when Dean said he would kill Sam if he found his brother doing anything stupid, she couldn't help but smirk and shake her head. "You wouldn't kill him and you know it" she pointed out as he walked away. She may not have known Dean for as long as she knew Sam, but it was clear as day how close the two of them were and they would rather do anything reckless than see each other hurt or hurt each other.

As Dean left the war room, Lexi finished gathering their belongings so they were completely prepared in case anything went south. She didn't want to think about it being possibly a trap but she also knew it was far better to be prepared for one nonetheless. It was only when she was on her own that she paused what she was doing and looked up and around. "What spooked him?" she whispered to herself, not getting any weird feelings around the room. Shaking the curiosity out of her mind, she slung her bag over her shoulder and picked up Dean's for him, heading to the spiral staircase to wait for him. She found herself going through various scenarios in her head and trying to imagine what kind of person they would be meeting up with, wondering if they really could be as prepared as they think they are.


Sam couldn't remember the last time he watched Dirty Dancing or if he even had actually watched it, so a lot of his laughter and sassy commentary with Anya was completely genuine and off the cuff. She proved great company and she was proving that she had quite the sense of humour that complimented his own really well, which was a breath of fresh air for him. He hadn't had a chance to really laugh with someone much since Dean had his grieving den and if he was ever with Lexi, they were constantly in work mode. So to just be able to chill out and laugh with someone was so welcoming and cherished.

For the most part, he was oblivious to what Anya was thinking, ashamedly more focused on the film that he actually realised. It was only when Anya scooted closer and tapped his arm that he looked down at her direction and gave her a smile, about to ask her what she wanted to say when she placed her lips upon his own, shocking him initially. He was about to initially break away slowly until he heard Dean's voice practically bellow in the doorway of his room, making him flinch and break away much quicker than he planned. "Dean! What the hell!?" he responded in an annoyed huff. "It's not like that alright!? We're watching a film. What do you even want?" he practically scolded his other brother, feeling like he shouldn't have to explain himself- they weren't kids anymore, but here he was doing exactly that.


The moment Dean checked her arm himself, Mika knew that he didn't believe she was fine. Truth be told, Mika almost couldn't believe she was fine and got out with as little injuries as she did. It felt unheard of to be in a fight with demons and have such few injuries. Yet the moment he looked up and around her for Natalia, she knew he was satisfied with her own well being and now gone into full blown protective big brother mode. Like Dean, Mika too sighed with relief when she heard Nat's voice call out to them through the dark, but she didn't like how slurred her voice almost sounded. She wasn't in a good way, that much was evident to Mika and it only became more evident when Esme grabbed her and helped her over to Dean and herself. "Shit Nat, you don't look good" she gasped worriedly whilst Dean just completely enveloped her into him and got even more worried when he saw the blood on his hand from the back of Nat's head. "I..." Nat began to reply with what happened to her when Sam's voice came through and interrupted them all.

Neither of the girls liked the information Sam was relaying to them about the others, meaning something even worse had happened to them than what happened to the group around them both. Mika was worried greatly for Duke, he was like another brother to her after all. Glancing around trying desperately to get a hint of a clue to where the missing three were, she saw the fear in Esme's eyes, the woman was terrified of loosing Duke and in that moment she really did feel empathy for the blonde woman. She knew how she didn't cope when Dean got dragged to Hell and as much as her acquaintance to Esme was tense to say the least, she wouldn't wish that kind of grief on anyone, not even Esme. Then came Dean's emotional outburst about Cason, making her wince as she knew that was not going to go down well with Nat, and she was proven right. "he wouldn't do that Dean!!" Nat practically yelled at him, but the loud outburst made her head pound more and her vision go slightly blurry, making her sway into Mika's side. "Ow...." she grumbled, holding her head. "Now isn't the time for arguments, as much as I want to believe you Nat, I have to say Dean has a point sweetheart. Cason is unpredictable and a demon" Mika said soothingly, but it just made Nat shrug out of her comforting arm on principle.

"No, I'm not accepting that theory. We don't know for certain he bailed on us....bailed on me. He wouldn't okay? He didn't bail on me in that hellhole all those years, he wouldn't start now. Not to mention he's been by Anna's side all that time she wasn't with us. Does that really sound like someone who would run at the first bit of trouble?" Nat countered, a lot calmer this time round but it was clear she was still terrified about the possibilities of what could have happened to the other three. Mika listened to Natalia's defence of Cason and as much as she didn't want to side with their young Winchester, she had to admit Nat did make a solid counter argument. She just hoped Dean wouldn't go off on one at her. The girls and Sam all watched Dean begin to growl out of frustration and worry. With Dean's next words, all three of them knew Dean meant Duke and not Cason, until of course Dean mentioned about killing Cason himself if he found him himself.

"Dean don't threaten or promise that around Nat yeah? We need to stick together right now, not drive our girl away when she's clearly the worse off out of us five" Sam commented, placing a hand on his arm cautiously. "So what's the plan? We look for the others all together? Because I don't know about you, I'd rather not separate again as that idea clearly has backfired on us epically." he told his brother a lot more softly than Nat had just spoken to him.

"I'm going to find Cason with or without you, I refuse to believe he ditched us" Nat commented, overhearing Sam's suggestions. "If Nat is doing that, then I'm not letting her out of my sight again, so I agree with Sam, we all go together but chances are the three of them are all together" Mika spoke up, deciding to say 'three' and not 'two' just to keep Nat calm when she has a head injury that needs seeing to as soon as possible. "Has any of us checked the inside of the barn yet?" Sam asked the group, looking around at them all, only to see Nat and Mika both shake their heads. "Only the roof....before I found myself on the floor" Nat explained, whilst also giving the answer that Dean wanted earlier about how she got her head injury. "So inside the barn it is" Sam commented, looking for agreements from everyone.
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