Nat did truly mean her promise of trying to stay awake while the others were gone. She also was hoping she wouldn't be throwing up anytime soon again. She just wanted to get out of here with the others and more impeotywith Cason. She found herself slumping against the seat, remembering how comfortable Dean's car actually was. Then Dean finally came over after talking and comforting Esme, signalling for her to wind the window which she did, she forced herself to look at him as he leaned in. She listened to his explanation and plea for her to stay out, making her sigh back at him. Yet the one thing that surprises her was him telling her he did actually love her. She couldn't remember Dean ever telling her that before, but maybe that was due to her head absolutely hurting like hell. "...I love you too Dean....I'll stay here, I promise" she told him, wanting him to see she truly meant her words, even if they were slightly slurred. "I don't plan on going anywhere, just trying to stay awake" she added, before letting him lead the group back to the barn.
The silence was unbearable as she rolled the window back up, so she put on one of Dean's cassettes in the hopes that the music would keep her awake. She hated being on her own, she wanted nothing more than to find Cason but she knew she was in no fit state to do so and it tore her apart. "please come back Cason...." She begged into the air, a tear falling down her face. Lifting her hand up, she wiped the tear with the back of her hand before out of habit, running that same hand over her face and through her hair, catching the bloody spot at the back which made her wince and hiss from the pain. "Ow dammit!" She cursed to herself before deciding to lean forward and check Dean's glovebox for anything she could use to put pressure on the head wound. "lease Dean have something in this car" she muttered to herself as she rifled through it.
Initially she found nothing then she found a relatively clean napkin which she grabbed, closed the glovebox and placed the napkin on the back of her head. Leaning back in the seat, her eyes felt incredibly heavy and she knew she had to fight to stay awake until the others got back. She just hoped when they did one of them would drive her car for her as she was clearly in no fit state to drive herself. "How did this go so wrong?" She asked herself but thinking just made her head swim even more.
A short while later when it was clear she was utterly on her own, two figures approached the car. Leaning down and looking into the window they could see Natalia was failing at staying awake, her eyes in a battle of opening and closing. Smirking to themselves, one reached for the handle and tried it, seeing she wasn't smart enough to lock it. "Idiot, didn't even lock the door" the second younger one commented. Cranking the door open, Nat opened her eyes and looked up, "Dean?" She questioned in a foggy manner, not catching that it wasn't her family coming back already. "not this time pet" the broader male replied, making Nat open her eyes a bit wider, "shit!" She slurred, swinging around to try and kick them back but all she accomplished was falling out the car in a daze. "oh this is going to be easy. Davos did a number on her throwing her off the roof" he laughed, squatting down and rummaging through her pockets, pickpocketing her childhood photo, chucking it on the floor beside them.
"Add the wristband and let's get going" the broader, gruffer demon instructed to his comrade as he lifted Nat over his shoulder in an undignified manner. With Nat on his shoulder, her belongings on the floor in front of the impala, they left in the dark.
Fully equipped, both Sam and Mika followed Dean and Esme back across to the barn. Mika was still mentally fighting off the intrusive jealous thoughts over how close Dean and Esme were being, reminding herself it was just because of Duke and nothing more. She had to keep her mind on the job at hand. Ontop of that, she was also worried about Nat being on her own in the car, a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach about her as well as the others. She also didn't know how she could have promised Nat she wouldn't let Dean kill Cason if he saw him and would bring him back to her. "you okay?" Sam quietly asked her, "yeah...just worried about what we'll find in the barn and worried about Nat. I don't like leaving her alone" she replied back just as quietly. Sam gave a nod, he hated leaving his little sister alone as well but they all knew it was for the best. He also was worried out of his mind about Anna and he was terrified about what the demons could have her doing if they were in the barn. If she was rabid on demon blood it would make their lives so much harder to get her to focus. He couldn't lift his hand off of his gun, too afraid of not being able to grab it quickly enough if they got ambushed.
Reaching the barn, he stopped as did Mika, seeing the signals they both knew all too well from Dean. Two demons. Okay this shouldn't be too difficult they thought, even if it felt a bit too easy. They let Dean lead the way before following behind Esme to see the second demon smoke out after seeing the other one get killed by Dean. He agreed with his brother that having one smoke out wasn't strictly a good sign. Walking round to the front of the barn doors, Sam was ready to help Dean open them but it seemed Dean had it covered before he could help. "Let's get this over with" he told the group, letting Dean go in first as Sam and Mika tried to judge the situation by his reaction. It wasn't looking good. The moment Sam got let in from behind Dean, he rushed in and saw the state of Anna and Cason bolted to the side wall. "Anna!" He exclaimed, running over to her and kneeling down, checking how she was chained to the wall before rapidly figuring out a way to feed her. "you okay? Stupid're not. I'm gonna get you out" he told her, glancing over at how bad Cason was looking. Nat wasn't going to be happy about this.
Following the others in after Esme ignored Dean's order to stay back and rushed in to find Duke, Mika walked in and gasped at what she saw. Looking down she saw Duke's bloody hat on the ground near herself and Dean, before spotting where Esme ran to. "Oh god..." She whispered in shock. She tried to hold her emotions together, knowing how hard Dean and Esme are taking this. A single tear fell down her face, hoping that Duke was still alive. She couldn't handle anymore grieving for people she held dear to her. Forcing herself to remain focused, she went over to Anna and Cason to help Sam free the two of them. "I can't get the chains free" Sam told Mika, his panic overriding his thoughts. "you can do this Sam" she reminded him before he nodded and took a couple of deep breaths. More focused now, he managed to break the chain and feed Anna first. "I got her, you get Cason" he told Mika, something that Mika was hoping he wouldn't have said.
"Right" she simply replied, gulping slightly as she recognised the chain around Cason's neck was made of iron. She stepped back enough to let Sam lift Anna up onto her feet and carry her out of the way before she stepped forward again to Cason. "Cason, you better not be dead or we're gonna have one very volatile Natalia on our hands. Come on man...she needs you right now" she told him, hoping her words would encourage him to respond to her. He was in such a bad way, she didn't have hope he would survive this. She saw how badly he had been wounded and not just by the neck restraint. "Don't make me slap you you son of a cannot die on Nat, do you hear me?" She told him sternly, but it was clear she was barely holding it together.
Lifting her hands up finally, she shakily checked how his restraint was bolted to the wall before reluctantly reaching out to touch the iron. She tried to fight through the burning on her hands to unlock it but it was too much, she pulled her hands back quickly, giving them a shake as if she was shaking the trembling away and not the real reason of shaking the burning sensation out. "Dean! I can't get this damn lock! You gotta help!" She called out to him. She didn't want to ask Dean for the help but he was the only one available to help.
Nat did truly mean her promise of trying to stay awake while the others were gone. She also was hoping she wouldn't be throwing up anytime soon again. She just wanted to get out of here with the others and more impeotywith Cason. She found herself slumping against the seat, remembering how comfortable Dean's car actually was. Then Dean finally came over after talking and comforting Esme, signalling for her to wind the window which she did, she forced herself to look at him as he leaned in. She listened to his explanation and plea for her to stay out, making her sigh back at him. Yet the one thing that surprises her was him telling her he did actually love her. She couldn't remember Dean ever telling her that before, but maybe that was due to her head absolutely hurting like hell. "...I love you too Dean....I'll stay here, I promise" she told him, wanting him to see she truly meant her words, even if they were slightly slurred. "I don't plan on going anywhere, just trying to stay awake" she added, before letting him lead the group back to the barn.
The silence was unbearable as she rolled the window back up, so she put on one of Dean's cassettes in the hopes that the music would keep her awake. She hated being on her own, she wanted nothing more than to find Cason but she knew she was in no fit state to do so and it tore her apart. "please come back Cason...." She begged into the air, a tear falling down her face. Lifting her hand up, she wiped the tear with the back of her hand before out of habit, running that same hand over her face and through her hair, catching the bloody spot at the back which made her wince and hiss from the pain. "Ow dammit!" She cursed to herself before deciding to lean forward and check Dean's glovebox for anything she could use to put pressure on the head wound. "lease Dean have something in this car" she muttered to herself as she rifled through it.
Initially she found nothing then she found a relatively clean napkin which she grabbed, closed the glovebox and placed the napkin on the back of her head. Leaning back in the seat, her eyes felt incredibly heavy and she knew she had to fight to stay awake until the others got back. She just hoped when they did one of them would drive her car for her as she was clearly in no fit state to drive herself. "How did this go so wrong?" She asked herself but thinking just made her head swim even more.
A short while later when it was clear she was utterly on her own, two figures approached the car. Leaning down and looking into the window they could see Natalia was failing at staying awake, her eyes in a battle of opening and closing. Smirking to themselves, one reached for the handle and tried it, seeing she wasn't smart enough to lock it. "Idiot, didn't even lock the door" the second younger one commented. Cranking the door open, Nat opened her eyes and looked up, "Dean?" She questioned in a foggy manner, not catching that it wasn't her family coming back already. "not this time pet" the broader male replied, making Nat open her eyes a bit wider, "shit!" She slurred, swinging around to try and kick them back but all she accomplished was falling out the car in a daze. "oh this is going to be easy. Davos did a number on her throwing her off the roof" he laughed, squatting down and rummaging through her pockets, pickpocketing her childhood photo, chucking it on the floor beside them.
"Add the wristband and let's get going" the broader, gruffer demon instructed to his comrade as he lifted Nat over his shoulder in an undignified manner. With Nat on his shoulder, her belongings on the floor in front of the impala, they left in the dark.
Fully equipped, both Sam and Mika followed Dean and Esme back across to the barn. Mika was still mentally fighting off the intrusive jealous thoughts over how close Dean and Esme were being, reminding herself it was just because of Duke and nothing more. She had to keep her mind on the job at hand. Ontop of that, she was also worried about Nat being on her own in the car, a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach about her as well as the others. She also didn't know how she could have promised Nat she wouldn't let Dean kill Cason if he saw him and would bring him back to her. "you okay?" Sam quietly asked her, "yeah...just worried about what we'll find in the barn and worried about Nat. I don't like leaving her alone" she replied back just as quietly. Sam gave a nod, he hated leaving his little sister alone as well but they all knew it was for the best. He also was worried out of his mind about Anna and he was terrified about what the demons could have her doing if they were in the barn. If she was rabid on demon blood it would make their lives so much harder to get her to focus. He couldn't lift his hand off of his gun, too afraid of not being able to grab it quickly enough if they got ambushed.
Reaching the barn, he stopped as did Mika, seeing the signals they both knew all too well from Dean. Two demons. Okay this shouldn't be too difficult they thought, even if it felt a bit too easy. They let Dean lead the way before following behind Esme to see the second demon smoke out after seeing the other one get killed by Dean. He agreed with his brother that having one smoke out wasn't strictly a good sign. Walking round to the front of the barn doors, Sam was ready to help Dean open them but it seemed Dean had it covered before he could help. "Let's get this over with" he told the group, letting Dean go in first as Sam and Mika tried to judge the situation by his reaction. It wasn't looking good. The moment Sam got let in from behind Dean, he rushed in and saw the state of Anna and Cason bolted to the side wall. "Anna!" He exclaimed, running over to her and kneeling down, checking how she was chained to the wall before rapidly figuring out a way to feed her. "you okay? Stupid're not. I'm gonna get you out" he told her, glancing over at how bad Cason was looking. Nat wasn't going to be happy about this.
Following the others in after Esme ignored Dean's order to stay back and rushed in to find Duke, Mika walked in and gasped at what she saw. Looking down she saw Duke's bloody hat on the ground near herself and Dean, before spotting where Esme ran to. "Oh god..." She whispered in shock. She tried to hold her emotions together, knowing how hard Dean and Esme are taking this. A single tear fell down her face, hoping that Duke was still alive. She couldn't handle anymore grieving for people she held dear to her. Forcing herself to remain focused, she went over to Anna and Cason to help Sam free the two of them. "I can't get the chains free" Sam told Mika, his panic overriding his thoughts. "you can do this Sam" she reminded him before he nodded and took a couple of deep breaths. More focused now, he managed to break the chain and feed Anna first. "I got her, you get Cason" he told Mika, something that Mika was hoping he wouldn't have said.
"Right" she simply replied, gulping slightly as she recognised the chain around Cason's neck was made of iron. She stepped back enough to let Sam lift Anna up onto her feet and carry her out of the way before she stepped forward again to Cason. "Cason, you better not be dead or we're gonna have one very volatile Natalia on our hands. Come on man...she needs you right now" she told him, hoping her words would encourage him to respond to her. He was in such a bad way, she didn't have hope he would survive this. She saw how badly he had been wounded and not just by the neck restraint. "Don't make me slap you you son of a cannot die on Nat, do you hear me?" She told him sternly, but it was clear she was barely holding it together.
Lifting her hands up finally, she shakily checked how his restraint was bolted to the wall before reluctantly reaching out to touch the iron. She tried to fight through the burning on her hands to unlock it but it was too much, she pulled her hands back quickly, giving them a shake as if she was shaking the trembling away and not the real reason of shaking the burning sensation out. "Dean! I can't get this damn lock! You gotta help!" She called out to him. She didn't want to ask Dean for the help but he was the only one available to help.