As Anya headed out the room, he followed close behind incase she took a wrong turn but he was impressed she remembered the way to the main war room and then to the kitchen. He noticed how she looked at the now empty room differently, like it felt so much bigger than it did when Dean and Lexi were also in the room. He couldn't help but smile softly when she ran her fingers across the table and chairs as they went through the room, noting how soft and delicate her touch was over the furniture.
He walked into the kitchen behind her and listened to what the phone was saying on her behalf, something he had already gotten used to. He didn't even think twice about it. Listening to what she had he started laughing and nodding, as she got Dean down pretty accurately. "You'd be right on that assumption. He loves his pie and beer to a worrying level" he replied to her, still amused at how easy his brother was to read to people who barely knew him. "Lexi made pie the first night she stayed here as well, he was still grumpy but instantly said she could stay if she continued with the pies" he laughed.
He then walked to the fridge and opened it, seeing what ingredients they had in, "well it seems the two of them restocked the place!" He remarked, closing it again, but not before pulling out two cans of soda for them both. He stepped closer to her and swept her hair behind her ear for her, "here..." He then offered her one of the cans. "So, feel free to rummage through the cupboards and fridge and make whatever you want" he smiled, changing the subject before he let himself look her in the eyes for too long and making things awkward.
Despite how Dean was feeling about protecting anyone he was on a job with, Lexi really did trust him to have her back. She saw no reason to not trust him. She may not know the full story of what happened to Mika, but that didn't matter to her, all that mattered was this job right here and now. She listened to his reply about her plan, glad that he was agreeing to only step in if she gave him a signal. His words may have been extreme but she understood that he was dead serious and could understand why he was being that serious. Like Dean, she didn't want to lose anyone else she cared about either as she knew she wouldn't cope with the loss a second time. She highly doubted that she would ever come back from it mentally if it happened.
At his last remark about being a bossy dad, she smirked and chuckled, "you don't and I get it. Don't worry, I will stay in sight, close enough to the car if I have to retreat and need you" she reassured. she really did hope it was just a human kid they were meeting and nothing more but that wouldn't stop her going into this meeting somewhat secretly armed.
Looking at the GPS on her phone and then up at their surroundings, it did seem they were making good time to their destination. "We're making good time. I just hope this isn't going to be a wasted journey as well. Of it is a kid and they waste my time I won't be too pleased" she remarked, letting her hand just drop to her side on the seat between herself and Dean. She still so desperately just wanted to be in hold with him but she knew she needed to stay professional at this moment. She just wanted this job to be done so she didn't have to think about it, and allow her mind to wander instead.
As Anya headed out the room, he followed close behind incase she took a wrong turn but he was impressed she remembered the way to the main war room and then to the kitchen. He noticed how she looked at the now empty room differently, like it felt so much bigger than it did when Dean and Lexi were also in the room. He couldn't help but smile softly when she ran her fingers across the table and chairs as they went through the room, noting how soft and delicate her touch was over the furniture.
He walked into the kitchen behind her and listened to what the phone was saying on her behalf, something he had already gotten used to. He didn't even think twice about it. Listening to what she had he started laughing and nodding, as she got Dean down pretty accurately. "You'd be right on that assumption. He loves his pie and beer to a worrying level" he replied to her, still amused at how easy his brother was to read to people who barely knew him. "Lexi made pie the first night she stayed here as well, he was still grumpy but instantly said she could stay if she continued with the pies" he laughed.
He then walked to the fridge and opened it, seeing what ingredients they had in, "well it seems the two of them restocked the place!" He remarked, closing it again, but not before pulling out two cans of soda for them both. He stepped closer to her and swept her hair behind her ear for her, "here..." He then offered her one of the cans. "So, feel free to rummage through the cupboards and fridge and make whatever you want" he smiled, changing the subject before he let himself look her in the eyes for too long and making things awkward.
Despite how Dean was feeling about protecting anyone he was on a job with, Lexi really did trust him to have her back. She saw no reason to not trust him. She may not know the full story of what happened to Mika, but that didn't matter to her, all that mattered was this job right here and now. She listened to his reply about her plan, glad that he was agreeing to only step in if she gave him a signal. His words may have been extreme but she understood that he was dead serious and could understand why he was being that serious. Like Dean, she didn't want to lose anyone else she cared about either as she knew she wouldn't cope with the loss a second time. She highly doubted that she would ever come back from it mentally if it happened.
At his last remark about being a bossy dad, she smirked and chuckled, "you don't and I get it. Don't worry, I will stay in sight, close enough to the car if I have to retreat and need you" she reassured. she really did hope it was just a human kid they were meeting and nothing more but that wouldn't stop her going into this meeting somewhat secretly armed.
Looking at the GPS on her phone and then up at their surroundings, it did seem they were making good time to their destination. "We're making good time. I just hope this isn't going to be a wasted journey as well. Of it is a kid and they waste my time I won't be too pleased" she remarked, letting her hand just drop to her side on the seat between herself and Dean. She still so desperately just wanted to be in hold with him but she knew she needed to stay professional at this moment. She just wanted this job to be done so she didn't have to think about it, and allow her mind to wander instead.