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Current Happy birthday to me!
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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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As Anya headed out the room, he followed close behind incase she took a wrong turn but he was impressed she remembered the way to the main war room and then to the kitchen. He noticed how she looked at the now empty room differently, like it felt so much bigger than it did when Dean and Lexi were also in the room. He couldn't help but smile softly when she ran her fingers across the table and chairs as they went through the room, noting how soft and delicate her touch was over the furniture.

He walked into the kitchen behind her and listened to what the phone was saying on her behalf, something he had already gotten used to. He didn't even think twice about it. Listening to what she had he started laughing and nodding, as she got Dean down pretty accurately. "You'd be right on that assumption. He loves his pie and beer to a worrying level" he replied to her, still amused at how easy his brother was to read to people who barely knew him. "Lexi made pie the first night she stayed here as well, he was still grumpy but instantly said she could stay if she continued with the pies" he laughed.

He then walked to the fridge and opened it, seeing what ingredients they had in, "well it seems the two of them restocked the place!" He remarked, closing it again, but not before pulling out two cans of soda for them both. He stepped closer to her and swept her hair behind her ear for her, "here..." He then offered her one of the cans. "So, feel free to rummage through the cupboards and fridge and make whatever you want" he smiled, changing the subject before he let himself look her in the eyes for too long and making things awkward.


Despite how Dean was feeling about protecting anyone he was on a job with, Lexi really did trust him to have her back. She saw no reason to not trust him. She may not know the full story of what happened to Mika, but that didn't matter to her, all that mattered was this job right here and now. She listened to his reply about her plan, glad that he was agreeing to only step in if she gave him a signal. His words may have been extreme but she understood that he was dead serious and could understand why he was being that serious. Like Dean, she didn't want to lose anyone else she cared about either as she knew she wouldn't cope with the loss a second time. She highly doubted that she would ever come back from it mentally if it happened.

At his last remark about being a bossy dad, she smirked and chuckled, "you don't and I get it. Don't worry, I will stay in sight, close enough to the car if I have to retreat and need you" she reassured. she really did hope it was just a human kid they were meeting and nothing more but that wouldn't stop her going into this meeting somewhat secretly armed.

Looking at the GPS on her phone and then up at their surroundings, it did seem they were making good time to their destination. "We're making good time. I just hope this isn't going to be a wasted journey as well. Of it is a kid and they waste my time I won't be too pleased" she remarked, letting her hand just drop to her side on the seat between herself and Dean. She still so desperately just wanted to be in hold with him but she knew she needed to stay professional at this moment. She just wanted this job to be done so she didn't have to think about it, and allow her mind to wander instead.
Kay got up and figured his suggestion was as good as any that they had right now. "Sure" she replied, walking out the room and grabbing the laptop from the main room. She put it under her arm and went back to wheelie John was, sitting down and opening the laptop up before turning it on. She gave it a few moments for it to boot up before logging into the internet and search engine, typing in 'the myth of Hades and the goddess of Spring' then clicked search. Seconds later a lot of results popped up, almost making her wonder where she should start. So she started at the top and thought she'd work her way down the links. Clicking on the first she began to read, concentration all over her face. This was going to be a lot.


"It's not that" Chas simply said, letting the man move onto the others, introducing himself. He bit his tongue when he watched Lucifer kiss Fia's hand. He couldn't put his finger on it but he was feeling protective of Fia even though in reality they didn't know the kids all that well at all. He just put it down to his paternal instincts.

Josh shook Lucifer's hand back, not knowing why everyone was divided on their opinions of the man. That was, I til Lucifer used his power on him and he found himself admitting a truth against his will, "to have my relationship with Serena grow and protect her and my sister Trish" he said, before shaking his head. "What the...?" He questioned, wondering why he even said that. "It's his thing Josh" Chas pointed out. Then it occurred to Fia why the adults wanted herself and Drake to come along, they wanted Lucifer to do that trick on them. She kept her mouth shut but she wasn't impressed with the backhanded way her family did this.

At first, Natalia didn't move the slightest bit when Cason pulled her from the pool. She heard his voice but she just thought it was a dream or a reaper in her head trying to convince her to cross over. She never thought for a single moment that it was actually him, until she began to open her eyes. At first, oxygen managed to find it's way back into her lungs, making her come round with a cough and gasp before she winced at the pain that still ran through her whole body. Looking up at Cason, she couldn't believe her eyes, it wasn't just a dream, he really was here and saving her. "....you're really here" she managed to croak out, tears mixing in with what water was still running down her face from her hair.

Cason just held Nat loosely as she coughed, letting her get it all out of her system. As she looked up at him, a relieved and shaky sigh left his chest seeing her eyes adjust to his being alive. He pulled her closer to his chest and smirked, "Yeah. It's me...most of me." With the confirmation that she wasn't imagining Cason being here, she wrapped her arms around him and cling to him, despite it absolutely hurt her right shoulder to do so. She didn't care, she needed to cling onto him. Her face burying into his chest. "They told me you were dead" she began to sob. "I thought...I thought I was dying here alone..." She added.

He held her steady, allowing her to wrap her arms around him. It was a small human comfort he could give her in that moment, even though every fiber of his being just wanted to sweep her out of the pool and away from this place. He brought a hand up to her wet hair, gently massaging her scalp with his fingers with a sigh, "Yeah. I kinda thought I was dead too. But there was never...listen to me..."

He pulled her head back from his chest, cradling her face with one hand as he looked into her eyes, "There was never a time that you would have died alone, here. I would have ripped this world apart to find you, understand?"

She listened to him admit that even he thought he was dead for a moment and Nat couldn't help but just be glad that he wasn't. She wouldn't have coped if he had died, she was ready to give up on fighting for survival thinking he was dead. the massaging of her scalp becoming a very soothing action to her, calming her and wiping away that fear she had felt for what seemed like forever. She strangely now had a sense of empathy for Dean and what he must have endured in Hell. When he pulled her head away from his chest and made her look at him, she listened to what he was saying. It was the most earnest and sentimental thing she had ever heard from him, slowly nodding at his question if she understood. His words hitting her heart hard, as she fell silent not knowing what else to say. "I...I'm glad you found me..." Was all that could come out of her mouth, even though every part of her wanting to say 'i love you'.

Cason sighed once again as Nat confirmed that she understood he was dead serious about doing anything he possibly could to get her back. Her next words caused him to chuckle. He didn't have the words to tell her how relieved he was. The word that Anna had stopped him from saying when he was on the verge of death definitely wasn't slipping out of his mouth, now.

He leaned in, kissing her deeply with a touch of desperation to pour all of that emotion he refused to express into the kiss.

She didn't know what she was expecting out of Cason next, she was too focused on looking at him and taking in the fact he was truly here and back with her. Then came the very thing that totally surprised her, him making the first kiss. She felt so much from him in that kiss and she couldn't help but kiss him back deeply. Completely unaware that Mika was in the door way with Dean looking flabbergasted at the sight before them. A massacre and a moment of romance. She didn't want to pull back, but she needed air, her body still trying to accept she could once more breathe. Her breath hitched from the kiss and recovery, she smiled as much as she could at him before wincing as smiling hurt. "...ow...." She grumbled. "I'm a mess ....".

Cason chased Nat's lips as she pulled from the kiss, suddenly being reminded that she was human. He smiled back at her, but frowned at the pain that etched itself onto her face.

"I never said you're a mess but...I'm sorry about the outburst." He laughed softly, brushing his fingers over her cheek gently.

She didn't want to make him frown, but she really couldn't ignore the pain her whole body was in at this moment. She was grateful he denied she was a mess, even if it wasn't true. Though it was incredibly welcoming to see him laugh softly and feel his touch on her very sore cheek. "They really didn't hold back this time..." She told him honestly. "pretty sure my shoulder is broken...." She added, just wanting to curl up in his grip.

Mika couldn't take it anymore, they didn't have time for the two of them be all romantic. So she faked a cough from behind Cason in the doorway. "We gotta move" she told them flatly. "Even if you have to carry her loverboy, we're getting outta here NOW" she instructed.


Sam wasn't even sure if Anna would give him any information about her wellbeing whatsoever, but when she did, he was thankful she spoke to him about something. He nodded, relieved that it wasn't anything worse. "Good..." He sighed before once again falling silent. He looked forward again, out the windshield and wondered what to say next. He was so lost in his own mind and his situation with Anna that he hadn't even noticed Dean and Mika sneak off in the impala. At least, until Anna spoke up mentioning Dean.

He looked back at her as she told him what Dean said which made him look around the parking lot to see that the impala had indeed gone. "They've gone without us?!" He asked, feeling a little betrayed that Dean would go after Nat without him. He wanted to protect and save his sister as well, he had just as much right to. He sighed frustrated that he got left behind, but nodded in understanding. "...can't say I'm happy being left behind but fine, we'll hold back...." He commented, seeing her looking down at her hands that were covered in Cason's dried blood. "We'll be okay in here. I'll make sure of it" he told her in response to her demon comment. he then fell silent yet again for a few moments before plucking up the courage to speak to Anna. "I am sorry Anna....I know you must hate me right now...hate all of us....I hate myself for how the night turned out. But I won't ever stop trying to prove to you I do love you and care about you and your feelings. I'm so sorry for leaving Cason behind....I regret following Dean's orders..." He told her slowly, and calmly but honestly.

"I just hope that one day you can learn to trust me again" he sighed, trying not to cry yet again but remained looking at her with puppy eyes the entire time. He had to force himself not to reach over and grab one of her hands as he figured she wouldn't want him to and probably pull her hand away if he tried.


Being circled by the demons made Mika feel like prey for the first time in a very long time. Yet she also just got angrier because all they were doing was so far successfully delaying them getting to Natalia. Nat's screams echoed through the empty building as if it was on a tannoy and it made her skin crawl. The scream had distracted her just enough for a demon to get a move in and land a strong blow to Dean's jaw whilst another kicked her in the back of her legs, making her kneel and grit her teeth from the pain. "right where a female hunter should be... Grovelling at my feet!" The male demon who attacked her sneered. "I ain't grovelling asshole" Mika practically spat at her, "I don't grovel to anyone!" She added, swinging one leg out to knock the demon onto the ground where she quickly stood up and with a crushing blow, slammed her boot right down on his neck, snapping it swiftly. Natalia's faint screams just spurred on her anger and in a weird way, gave her that extra boost of strength to keep her fighting.

As a second demon rushed her, she rapidly dodged it, spinning round to get behind him, pulling out a knife from her belt and slicing his throat. Her fight mode was so heightened she didn't even think about the fact a lot of these demons were probably possessing innocent people. All she cared about was that she wasn't the one dying tonight and she won't stop until she reaches Natalia, getting Dean to his sister. Seeing the body spark and drop, she turned her attention to another that was trying to get a jump on Dean whilst he dealt with his own attacked, throwing her knife into the skull, letting the body drop to the ground. Now she could focus on using her gun, she fired off around four rounds into the heads of demons when Cason just popped up in front of them out of nowhere.

She took looked utterly shocked, having been convinced like the rest of them that he was dead in the barn. She watched her back as she also watched the exchange between the two men, seeing Cason stealing Ruby's knife. She couldn't get any words out of her mouth, only able to look at Cason when he addressed her with the directions of where Nat was being held. She gave a nod back to Cason as he rapidly left the same way he appeared. "Let's get moving!" She told Dean, hearing one demon crawling on the floor in agony. Rolling her eyes, she aimed her gun at their head and just put them out of their misery. "shut it" she said as she shot to kill. It seemed to let up just enough for her to stand next to Dean, placed her hand on his shoulder to check he was good, "you good? Let's go" she spoke to him, remembering the directions that Cason gave her of where Nat was. As she started to run through, glass crunching under foot, she heard demons screaming and smoking out of they were able to. "Seems Cason ain't holding back" she spoke between her breaths from running. Almost sliding round the corner, she found the door in question from the clues that were bloodied dismembered bodies scattered on the ground. It was clear to her that this was the work of hellhounds. "Shit...." She gasped.

She cautiously stepped forward and covered her mouth when she saw the state of the room. It was utter carnage, extreme even by her standards and I actually she didn't see Natalia, but when she saw Cason knelt down and cradling a very soaked Natalia. She didn't seem to be moving at first and her fears bubbled up. "Please no..." She whispered watching on, but then Natalia coughed and jolted awake, making her sigh with relief. Yet Cason didn't let her go, and she could have sworn she heard him her Princess. She held her arm infront of Dean, signalling for him to keep back and stay beside her just for a moment. She watched as Natalia fought through pain and hugged Cason, clinging onto him for dear life before sobbing in relief he was alive. For the first time she saw an incredibly soft and human side to Cason. He was so gentle with her, wiping water off of her face, moving her hair out the way and generally being really tender with her. This wasn't emotional fakery going on, this was genuine and it shook Mika deeply. Then came the kiss, a kiss that surprised Mika greatly that seemed to validate her realisation of how much Cason truly cared for Natalia.

She let the two of them talk as the kiss broke away until they really couldn't stay here any longer. "We gotta move" she spoke up to break up the tender moment, "even if you have to carry her loverboy, we're getting outta here NOW" she explained firmly but politely enough.

The torture and attacks felt like they were going on forever. It wasn't the same as last time, this felt so much more brutal than before. Natalia almost couldn't take anymore and was ready to give up fighting, but she knew somewhere in the back of her mind that her family wouldn't want her to give up. She had to keep fighting to survive, even if it seemed no one was coming for her. Soon enough the growls and howls of hellhounds seemed to disappear, strangely giving Nat a deeper feeling of dread as it meant one of two things, the demons had killed the hounds and we're more powerful than she could ever imagine, or the demons were defeated and the hounds have just gone. Then came another attack making her scream loudly. "I'm begging...stop" she finally started to say, not being able to play the tough guy any longer. "I do love it when they beg!" Her torturer boasted proudly.

He gave her a moment, pretending to give her some solace but in actuality he was just thinking up what to do next. He had so much around him to use, it was a tough call to make. "Now....what should we do next? I gotta admit, didn't think we'd have all this time together. Clearly your family don't love you that nyuch if they're taking their time. Everyone in Hell knows how much Dean never wanted a sister, he resents you being in his life. You're a weak link....a liability" he rambled on, going for more psychological games. "No...he loves me! He does!" She cried, trying to focus on him saying as such at the car. "wrong! Dean doesn't care about anyone other than himself and Sam!" He snapped at her, rushing to her bed and slamming his hand on her broken shoulder, making her scream once again.

He had enough, she was being too difficult to break even more, so with his patience lost, he pushed her bed into the bath that was in built into the floor. "No..no....Plea--!" She begged before water splashed right over her and she began to get pulled under the water, the demon using his power to keep her down. She tried to get free from her restraints but every move hurt too much, she couldn't scream for fear of loosing breath. Eventually she couldn't fight anymore.....her eyes wanted to close so much, the water now stinging her eyes. She truly thought she was going to die alone with none of her family coming for her. Her whole life felt like her family was ripped from her. Her mother, her father, for 4 months she lost Dean which in turn made her feel like she lost Mika due to her grief. She was alone yet again, "no one has ever cared enough to save me...." she thought to herself, when in her blurred watery vision she caught an almost silhouette figure taking out the demon before her eyes closed and she decided to just welcome death....


Waiting in the truck, using all of his strength to not go after Anna, Sam kept his head on the backs of his hands that were resting on the steering wheel. He felt like every single time he tried to get Anna back and safe, something or someone came along and ripped her away from him. He knew deep down she was very warranted in hating him for leaving Cason but he was too concerned about getting as many people out as he physically could whilst not disobeying Dean. Yet again his need to keep on Dean's goodside won out over his instincts in at least trying to help Cason reach the door of the barn. His thoughts raced through all the possibilities that could be happening to the man and it just made him feel even more guilty. He couldn't deny that Cason hadn't exactly betrayed them yet, even if Cupid did make him sleep with Mika to get back at Dean's old feelings towards Esme and how it seemed Cason had become incredibly close to Natalia. Oh god...Nat. his mind raced a million miles an minute at what Nat could be going through in that blasted place. Another promise broken. He promised Anna to never let her get hurt again and that's exactly what happened- she got hurt to the point the nurse thought he hurt her, and now the promise of never letting anyone take Nat back to the asylum was also broken.

Tears finally got the better of him and he began crying into his hands, knocking his forehead against the backs of his hands a couple of times out of frustration. "Why do I keep messing up?!" He scolded himself, not even realising that Anna was coming back out and had been stopped by Dean. He was so tempted to just take Duke's truck and go after Nat but he couldn't bring himself to actually make the motions of doing so.

When Anna eventually did make it back to the truck, he quickly lifted his head up and wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. Sighing to try and gather himself so he didn't start bawling once more, glancing towards the passenger side door waiting for her to get back inside. "You okay? Medically I mean...I know emotionally you're not" he quietly spoke to her.


The moment Dean clung onto her for dead life, she knew he needed this more than she did and he was so close to breaking point. She knew him too well. His words only confirmed what she assumed, "we're not gonna lose anyone else and we're definitely not losing Nat. We're not out of luck yet" she told him just as his phone buzzed with the update about Duke. She sighed with relief that he was seemingly still kicking and fighting to survive, it meant that although he may not be out of the woods just yet, his survival rate was getting higher than Nat's. "Okay...that's good...he's still got fight in him and okay, we'll go together and get our girl. We can't let her think she's been abandoned again" she told him, looking towards the impala before back at Dean again and subsequently Anna as she came back out.

She let Dean grab Anna to ask her to keep Sam here. Mika knew that if Sam came along he'd be a liability. He could barely keep his head together from tonight's situation and he needed to talk things through with Anna. She couldn't blame Anna for being hostile towards Dean, it was his word that made them all leave Cason behind after all. She kept quiet as she let Dean beg Anna to just do this one thing for them both. "Thank you Anna" she spoke, in the hopes the girl heard her as she walked off back to the truck and to Sam. Turning her head back to Dean, she gave a firm nod in agreement, taking his hand and walking to his car with him, getting in the passenger side with no other words spoken.

Closing the door once in, she kept her head forward, me tally going through all the scenarios they could be getting into but she had quickly shake them off her mind because every one was trying to prepare her for finding Natalia dead somewhere in that damn place. She couldn't think like that, she had to believe Nat was still kicking and screaming and making it as difficult as she could for the demons that had her. She also had to force herself not to put some blame on Esme for Nat being taken as the message was for Esme on the pamphlet. They took Nat to get her to go back and that didn't sit well with Mika in the slightest. She was trying so hard to like Esme and get passed her past with Dean, but this current situation wasn't helping. She just couldn't express that thought to Dean.

"No matter what....we get her out and alive. She has to know we didn't abandon her" she remarked as she waited for Dean to start the engine and drive off.


It took a good while to reach that dreaded sight before them that was the asylum. The hour it nearly took to get there felt like an eternity to Mika. The longer they were on the road, the more anxious she got. She felt like every minute that went by it was a minute closer to loosing Natalia. But then the decrepit building came into view. A view she thought she had erased from her mind, but the moment she saw it again, she remembered that night like it was yesterday. Her waiting by the impala as lookout whilst Sam and Dean went inside, fought demon after demon before she saw them running out with Sam carrying Natalia out in his arms. Nat looked like a skeleton in comparison to what she looked like now. The building looked even more worn down than before if that was even possible. More vines and weeds had grown up the walls and through broken windows that were badly boarded up. The staircase to the entrance was even more broken up and didn't look safe to step in the slightest. Even a lot of the roof seemed to have caved in so ce they were last here. "I don't like this Dean...." She said, worried about what they were about run into.

After a few deep breaths, she opened the door and got out of the car, walking round to the trunk and cranking it open to grab whatever she could carry to arm herself. If the last time they were here was anything to go by, the demons in there were not going to make life easy for them. She waited for Dean to get out and kitted up, before she then headed to the building, gripping her gun tightly in her hand, flashlight above it. As they reached the door she quickly went on guard and stopped in her tracks as demons came out from all angles, surrounding them both. "You think we didn't plan for you to come for her when we specifically told the blonde to come alone?" A brunette female demon spoke, all arrogance in tone and body language. "Get 'em!" She ordered before demons started charging them all all around.

With a signal, the water stopped pouring on her head and the cloth got removed. Natalia started coughing as she felt air reach her lungs once more. "now let's start again shall we? Why is Cason obsessed with you?!" Davos asked once more, "he isn't!" She said back, still determined to protect Cason and herself, even if it meant this torture continued. Davos again didn't approve of her answer, "lies. We all know that's pure lies. You think we don't know he betrayed us by keeping you alive here last time? Oh we knew he was taking pity on you!" Davos retorted, deciding to play dirty with his words sooner than he originally planned. Natalia's eyes went wide when he told her they knew the whole time. She was certain all that time ago Cason got away with not being found out. Her memory was foggy at best, but being reunited with Cason did open up memories enough for her to know what was real and what was false. Seeing her reaction brought glee to Davos, he knew in that instance he was getting somewhere, despite Natalia's insistence on lying. "if I died you'd have never gotten any information about my brother's or dad. You'd have never found a link to get close to them!" Nat quickly started to concoct an idea in her head to try and spin a theory of Cason not actually betraying them, but playing her instead. It seemed to be enough as she saw Davos' eyes twitch as he thought about her words.

"Think about it. Playing good cop with me means he'd get close. If he's betrayed anyone it's me!" She continued, of course she didn't believe any single word she was spinning but she was desperate and now thinking 'what would Dean do?' in this situation. Mind games. She had to try and mind games. This however didn't seem to go down well as Davos quickly punched her in the side of her face. "You may have a point but you know why I'm not believing it fully? Of course you don't, you're a mere human and a cocky Winchester at that. The reason why is because he's still hanging around your little group! Word has it he's gone soft for you. But here's the thing....we got word he's dead. Alastair didn't like his games and got bored, so we just killed Cason. No more demon lap dog for you!" Davos spoke, smirking finally feeling smug once again as his words clearly had the desired effect. Nat thrashed her arm against her restraints, desperately trying to break free to attack him before beginning to cry at the thought of Cason dead. He can't be dead, he just can't be. He was her solace to recovery, her reason to keep fighting and living. She loved him even if he couldn't ever feel the same toward her back, even if he was never able to tap into his old human feelings, she still loved him.

Davos and his lackie started laughing, finally. They were wetting somewhere with the most stubborn hunter they've had to deal with in a short while. "I knew it! You do have feelings for him!" He chuckled. "It's not like that!" Nat cried, trying to convince them of something she couldn't lie about. "as if we'd ever believe anything you'd say! You do realise even if he WAS alive, he's a demon! He'd never love you!" Davos said with malice and conviction, really twisting the verbal knife into her heart. She shook her head, being in denial that Cason didn't feel ANYTHING for her, tears streaming down her now rapidly swollen cheeks. Davos then looked to his lackie and have the signal to have his fun with the Winchester. "have at her. After tonight's ambush, the boys won't be able to stand much more, so if this one dies, she dies and it all goes in our favour" he explained, turning on his heel to leave. But before he exited the room, he paused by the door frame and looked over his shoulder, "try not to die too quickly for him pet. Keep that false hope that your demon bodyguard will come save you. If youre lucky, maybe you'll see each other again back in Hell" he smirked, then left the room.

Natalia's screams echoed through the building, she couldn't take much more, the seering pain coursing through her a hammer came down on her shoulder, breaking it. A knife carving through the skin on her abdomen. She didn't know how much more she could take, the pain from the broken shoulder just overtaking everything else. Tears streaming down her face as she tried to ignore the pain and come to terms with the news that Cason was gone. He wasn't coming to save her like last time, no one was coming for her. For all she knew they were all dead or if any were alive then they were too focused on themselves. She wouldn't blame them if they chose to ignore her and leave her for dead. She was the ticking time bomb emotion wise, she was the one Dean considered a liability in her eyes. Maybe it would be better if she did just die here in the place that started it all.

In the distance, she heard screams and growls of hellhounds. 'whats one more new torture to add to the list?' she thought to herself, thinking the hounds were here for her.


Anna's cries and begging was tearing Sam apart. He did want to go back for Cason, he really did but he knew if he did it would just get them all killed. He saw how the barn lights began to flicker, a sign he knew all too well when it came to demons. "Anna we can't....I'm so sorry...to you and him...." He told her, trying to his hardest to not let his voice crack.

When she stopped screaming as they got half way up the hill he felt equally relieved and terrified of her silence. He just somehow knew she was beginning to resent him and not have faith in his decision making. He didn't like he was following Dean's decision so blindly but he didn't know what else he could have done. He couldn't have carried Anna and Cason and he knew as strong Mika was, she couldn't have carried Cason by herself. He continued to walk up to the cars, deciding that as Dean and Esme were choosing the impala to take Duke to the hospital, he would take Duke's truck. He saw Mika picking up something off the floor after plucking something out of the impala's window. It was weird and highly suspicious to him, he knew they had all doors closed when they left Natalia in there, but why wasn't Natalia in the car? "What's going on?" He asked but wasn't expecting anyone to answer him as Mika soon answered his burning question by talking to Dean.

His blood ran cold, he felt like all colour drained from his face when he heard those dreaded words: 'They've taken Nat'. It felt like the world was crumbling away from under his feet and he was ready to brace himself for the neverending fall. He couldn't speak, the very basic skill knowledge to do so just vanishing out of his brain. He barely heard Dean ask Mika to say again what she just stated, all their voices sounding like far away echoes. He only mentally came back into the scene when Dean screamed his frustration and fear. He knew Dean wouldn't be able to take much more, that his brother on the edge of just throwing it all in and declaring he was out. His own hands balling up into fists to try and stop them from shaking. He watched as Mika's hands shook as she held onto the three things. Two of which he recognised instantly, the old photo Nat had on her from the day they saved her and her asylum wristband. The third he didn't recognise. That was until Esme came round from the other side of the impala and took it from Mika's hands.

Seeing Esme react the way she did told him that she knew more about whatever was on that pamphlet than she had ever let on in the past. But he couldn't even be suspicious of why Esme was reacting this way because he was too scared he was about to lose their only sister. He vowed from the first day they discovered Nat was a Winchester that he would protect her and would never let her get taken back to the asylum, but here Esme was suddenly saying that's exactly where Nat was. He wanted to punch something...anything but there was nothing to punch. He stepped round in a restless and hopeless circle, holding his head with his hands as he tried to not cry. He listened to Esme read the message out loud, analysing the words she had spoken, "you were there too....that's why you know where she is" he said in disbelief. Lowering his hands once more he felt more antsy and like a complete failure to Natalia.


She never thought she would be telling Dean those words, especially on an already tightly strung chaotic and emotional night, but here Mika was saying exactly those words: Natalia has been taken. She looked at everything in her hands, the pamphlet in one hand and the photo with wristband in the other. Her hands were shaking as she stared at the items, tears pricking the edges of her eyes. Over time she had begun to feel so responsible and maternal towards Natalia even though she would be more like a sister to her, she still felt like it was her job to be a mixture of a sister and morher like influence on the girl.

She let Esme come round the car and take the pamphlet from her hands, unable to stop Esme. She really didn't want to say the words a second time so when Anna said them for her as Esme took the item, she just stood there. She looked up at Dean as he grappled with thoughts in his head and the new bit of information. Hear him scream into the night sky about this situation made her wince slightly and finally let the tears fall. She didnt know whether to comfort Dean or keep her distance as he tried to compute everything going on. "Dean.... we'll get her back" she said before Esme read the note out loud, making her look to the woman. "You're not going alone...no frigging way. Nat is our family we're getting back" she said. She couldn't just sit back letting Esme do a rescue mission alone. Looking around at their group, she saw how Sam was also struggling with everything, she knew what Sam had always promised Nat and knew this must be absolutely tearing him apart thinking he had failed Nat.

After a few seconds of compressing their dire situation, she finally spoke up. "Okay...we all get Duke to the hospital and then we decide what to do to get our girl back. I'll take Nat's car, Sam you and Anna take Duke's truck and Esme you go with Dean in Baby." She instructed, not even thinking about what she was telling Esme to do. Only Nat mattered right now.


Mika stood and leaned on Nat's car as she waited outside with Sam and Anna whilst Dean and Esme helped the doctors and nurses put Duke onto a gurney and rushed him into the hospital. Her arms folded across her chest, left foot over her right, dwelling on the little information they knew about where Natalia was. It was either think about the rescue mission or continue getting worried sick about Duke and hoping he survived this injury. She loved Duke like another brother. He always had her back even when he was off hunting with Dean and Esme, and she always could talk with him via a burner phone in secret to find out how Dean was doing during their long break. He was the only one other than Bobby who actually had any kind of empathy or sympathy for her. She couldn't bare loosing him, she just took scared to admit that to either Dean or Esme incase they thought she had no right to feel this way.

"Please survive this brother" she mumbles under her breath as a silent prayer to Duke. Her thoughts got interrupted when Sam came over and hugged her, "I get it Meeko...they both need to come back to us in their own way" Sam told her, making Mika just break and clung tightly to him. "I'm scared we won't come back this if Duke dies and we don't get Nat back. I'm more terrified Dean won't come back from this....I can only be his anchor to such a limit. If we lose them, I'll lose him, I can't go through that again" she admitted to him, burying her head in his chest to try and stop her crying. "We'll get them both back, I'm determined to fight til my dying breath to make it happen. I swore to Nat I'd never let her get taken back there, I have to make this right" he told her, before sighing and pulling away, wiping her tears from her cheek and stepping back to Anna.

Seeing her still in the truck, he got back in in the driver's side and sat there in silence. "I need you to forgive me Anna" he quietly said before a nurse came out and started talking to Anna about her own injuries, then giving him a suspicious look. Even though it didn't make him look any more innocent, he looked down at the steering wheel, his hands firmly on it as his brain told him exactly what this nurse was thinking. "They're right Anna...go get checked out, I'll be here" he mumbled.

He let Anna go into the hospital with the nurse before lowering his head onto his hands. "This is such a mess" he sighed to himself. Outside, Mika saw Dean come back outside to them all, still looking as worried as ever. Hesitantly at first, she walked over to him and just hugged him. "He's a fighter Dean...he's too stubborn to die on us" she told him, refusing to let him go. "so for now, let's get a plan together to get our girl back" she suggested, pulling away just enough to look him in the eyes, stroking his cheek with her thumb. She only pulled away more when his phone off with a text from Esme.

Seeing Anya smile brightly at his explanation on how to win Dean over. The way her whole face seems to light up when she genuinely smiled like that was so sweet and refreshing to see. She seemed like a totally different person when she smiled that brightly, like there was an air of confidence ins her just dying to come out more often. With the movie playing again, he settled back into a comfortable position and watched the rest of the film.

When the film finished, he ejected the dvd and put it back in its case before turning the TV off as Anya got up off the bed and stretched. Getting up himself, he took did a stretch before walking round to the other side of the room. He smiled at her words, glad that he could be a part of her feeling truly relaxed. "I'm glad. I know how hard it is to feel properly relaxed some days" he replied to her. "So...kitchen?" He suggested with a shrug and smile, pointing in the direction of his door. He had to admit, now they they had finished watching the film, he was feeling peckish and could do with heading to the kitchen to grab something.


Lexi had no idea that Dean was fighting the same urge as she was, but seeing his raised eyebrows at her words, turn into a proud smirk made her smile all the more. There really was something about that damn smile of his that just made her heart do skips and flips in her chest. She hadn't felt that since the very first day she met her except. She didn't even think anyone could make her feel that anymore, but here Dean was proving her completely wrong.

She smiled more at his reply of being happy to be of service. A light chuckle escaping her lips at his remark. "why are you making it so hard to not reach across to you?" she thought to herself, glancing back at him when he brought the conversation back to work. She had to admit, he had a point. Guys like who they're about to see, usually did bolt if another guy showed up but the moment a woman turned up? They instantly felt they were on an advantage. "Makes sense, if it is a kid like I think then chances are he'll feel more comfortable if it's just me that appears. But I know you got my back" she replied to him, looking right at him whilst he continued to drive. "I'll get what we need our of him and just walk back to the car. If I need you I'll give some kind of signal behind my back" she suggested. In her eyes, discreet signals always worked a charm, but she was also very much aware that there could be a time when they don't.
Kay couldn't help but watch John as he stood up. "Okay, so where do we start to research the myth? I wanna help John, I wanna know more about my birth right and ancestry as much everyone else. If not more so, if that history has answers then even better" she replied.

The Lux Bar

Chas, Josh and Fia all watched on as Lucifer stood up from the grand piano and walked over in his theatrical manner before hugging Serena then shaking Chas' hand. Chas shook it back to be civil, "this is Fia, Josh and Drake." He introduced them, keeping it brief. "John has other plans to work through, helping a friend in need, which is also partly why we're here" he explained. He really didn't want to give permission for Lucifer to use his power on the kids but he knew there was no other option.
When John looked at her, she looked at him back, taking in his words and not knowing how to react to that partial theory. "I guess it's possible...I mean, it wasn't long ago when I didn't even think any of this was real and I was descendant of an original phoenix. But here we are" she replied. "it's as good a theory as any" she added.

The Lux Bar

"We'll get it in check, we're on a job" Chas told Drake as they all followed them up and i to the lift. Maze smirked when Serena asked what she did, "well let's see....he's smitten with the detective still, and still got issues with his brothers, so best not ask about family." She advised her before the lift bell pinged to let them know they made it to the penthouse. The doors opened and Maze led them through, "luci! Guests!" She called through.

Her eyes began to scrunch tightly as she came to with just as a big headache as she did earlier. Still dazed, she thought for a moment she was in the Impala but somehow was laying down across the seat. So when she opened her eyes and got blinded by a piercing white light, she started to panic. Desperately, she went to sit up but couldn't move, looking down seeing exactly where she was. "no....no no no...not here...not again" she whimpered, trying so hard not to cry as everything she had partially shut off in the back of her mind came flooding to the front. "I can't be here....I can't...." She continued to whimper and cry. Not only was she back here but she was back here without Cason to free her. She was alone, the others no where in sight, only the grime and mold on the tiled walls to be her company.

"About time you woke up" the gruff demon from the barn area spoke up, walking over to her and leaning over her, his black eyes staring into her own hazel brown eyes. She wanted to say something snarky but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't open her mouth. "Cat got your tongue all of a sudden?" He laughed, "well that's just fine.. we can make you speak and we know you know that all too well" he toyed with her, pulling out a surgical blade from his pocket. Nat found herself shaking her head in an attempt to beg him not to do this, even though it was useless. He was right, she did know what they were capable of and making her speak or scream. Lowering the knife down, the demon pressed down on her arm, twisting the knife as if playing with her like she was a doll. Nat started whimpering and whining from the pain. That wasn't enough for her torturer however as he lifted the knife and slammed it into her shoulder hard and fast, leaving it to protrude. This did make Nat scream and sob uncontrollably, the hot seering pain her shoulder felt blinstsbtly unbearable.

"More like it!! What other noise can we get out of you! Let's play shall we?!" He grinned sadistically, waving his arm to his comrade Davos to bring in the equipment. Nat shaking on the gurney as blood seeped out of her shoulder and down her arm. "But let's give you a chance to earn a break, I feel generous" he commented, "I'm not telling you anything" she said with anger, despite the tears falling down her cheeks. "Oh yes you will...why does Cason keep you as his?!" He demanded to know. "he doesn't!" She cried back. Wrong answer. A wet towel got pressed against her face whilst a lot of water got chucked on top of it- waterboarding her. Struggling to breath, she frantically thrashed against her restraints.


Sam used his entire arm strength to keep Anna upright, wanting to just scoop her up into his arms bridal style to carry her out, but she was hot and sweating from the demon blood consumption. It broke his heart knowing she was probably forced to do it to try and stay alive and try to escape before they got there. He felt guilty for leaving her in that position even though he didn't deliberately do such a thing. He glanced around him at everyone in an heightened emotional state. Seeing his brother clearly distressed at seeing how bad Duke was whilst Mika was desperately trying to break Cason free with her bare hands due to not seeing the crow at nearby. He kept Anna out of the way beside him, ready to just scoop her up and get her out of the barn before it was too late when Mika's call to Dean to help her free Cason made him snap his head towards her. He saw her shaking her hands and assumed she just hurt them trying to find a way to open the neck restraint. He didn't even notice the tiny bit of smoke coming off her palms as she hid it instantly, but not so quickly that Cason wouldn't have noticed it.

He watched on as Dean stormed over, seeing his anger boil over, Sam knew it was quite possibly game over for Cason. He tried to shield Anna's face from whatever Dean was about to do as he didn't want her to see it. Anna was too close to Cason and she was already distressed enough as it was. He couldn't hear what Dean was saying to the man, not could Mika but they couldn't stop themselves from watching anyway, both wincing as Dean stabbed Cason to make his point, whatever it was, perfectly clear. Mika found herself using one hand to cover her mouth as she watched Dean just be brutal to Cason before freeing him from the wall. Neither of them could see how Natalia would ever forgive Dean for this if she had witnessed what they just did. Watching Dean step away, chucking the bar on the floor and walking back to Duke.

Sam forced himself to focus solely on Anna again, whilst Mika remained close to Sam and Anna to help him if he needed it. They saw Dean get help from Esme to hoist Duke off the ground and begin to vary him out of the barn, when Mika couldn't take it anymore, she HAD to help Cason. Yet as she stepped closer to him, Dean gave her the look and head shake to say 'leave him'. Her heart shattered when she got that silent command, putting her head down and started to follow them towards the barn doors. Then came the desperate pleas from Anna, begging them not to leave Cason, making Mika and Sam both close their eyes briefly to force themselves to not cry and give in. "....I'm sorry Anna .." Sam said sadly to Anna, opening his eyes and looking at her, sadness and sympathy in his eyes as he grabbed Anna, hoisted her up off the ground and carried her out the barn behind Dean, Duke, Esme and Mika.


Making it to the cars, something was off. Mika saw the impala door open and something bellowing in the breeze in the window. "Oh no...." She sighed, thinking Nat made a run for it. So she jogged ahead of everyone and ripped the paper out of the window. It was a pamphlet for the asylum Nat was once at. Then her eyes glanced downward and saw what she never wanted to see on the ground. Slowly bending down, she picked the items up before turning the others. "they took Nat" she simply stated with fear in her voice.
As John replied to her, Kay continue to listen. But her ears picked up when John seem to have some kind of idea beginning to form in his mind. At his question about the links between Nyx and Hades, she thought back to all her teenage days of studying. "I think so yeah? Last time I read mythology anyway" she replied to him. "It's not as well known though compared Hades and Persephone as far as I'm aware. Why? What's your theory?" She said back, curious to what was going through his mind.


When Drake elbowed her, Fia scowled at him, rubbing the area where he did it. She hated it when people did that and the fact Drake has knowing it meant she really had truly hurt him with her discovery and theory. "fine...sorry" she whispered back to him, clearly annoyed still. Chas sighed when the kids seemed to still bicker between themselves, "cut it out both of you" he scolded in a hushed tone, showing he wasn't in the mood for teenage tantrums. After scolding the kids, he looked back at Serena going up to Maze and hugging her, explaining why they were all here. 'at least someone can stay professional' he thought to himself.

Maze hugged her back before pulling away when she heard Serena say she was with John Constantine now. Raising an eyebrow, she glanced passed Serena at the kids and at Chas. "Chas.." she simply greeted, "Maze" he greeted back. Maze then looked back at Serena, "to answer your question Lucy is here, he's just upstairs, let me take you all up. He's gonna be so happy to see you. Surprised, but happy" she told her, leading them up the stairs to the private elevator that took them all to Lucifer penthouse suite.
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