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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Mika's words to her took her by surprise. She would have opened her eyes wide if it didn't hurt so much, but instead she remained wrapped protectively in Mika's arms. Her words repeating constantly in her head as she forced what the demons told her out and let Mika's words take their place.

Waiting outside she was getting anxious about how long Dean was taking getting Cason. She and Mika both were noticing how he was taking far too long and if they didn't leave soon, they'd have another ambush on their hands. Yet neither of them wanted to leave without either man. "come on Dean....." Mika could t help but remark, gently rubbing Natalia's good shoulder, in a way to show protection and in another way to keep her warm. The poor girl was still soaked through and it wouldn't be long before a chill set in. Then came Cason appearing in front of them but without Dean.

"Where's Dean?" Mika asked as she stepped closer to him, but her question got completely ignored as Cason ordered them to get into the car as he wrapped an arm round her and pra finally pushed her back toward Baby. She shrugged out of his grip, "not until you tell me where Dean is!" She ordered, trying to remain calm but it was getting difficult to do so. She watched as Cason told Nat to get in, opening the backseat for them to get in. Nat cautiously did as she was told, not strong enough to fight him on the subject. Mika however refused to get in, even yanking herself out of Cason's grip once again. "I am not getting in the damn car until you tell me where Dean is!!" She snapped, her arm pointing towards the building. "We're not leaving without him, do you hear me?! I've lost him once, I'm not doing it aga--" she began to say to him when there was a strong light brightening up the windows on a top floor.

She knew what that was, she went wide eyed, tears starting to appear but not yet falling. "DEAN!!!!" she screamed, wanting to run after him, get him, try and prove he wasn't what she thought he was.....dead. Yet as she began to step to make a run towards the building, her legs just crumbled beneath her, dropping her to her knees. "Please no!" She screamed, the tears now falling down her face. This isn't how it was meant to be, he was meant to be the one to survive all this. He was meant to be seeing to Nat, tending to her, being a brother he wanted to be to her. Being a brother to Sam. He can't be dead... He just can't be. Especially not going out with Esme! Her heart felt like it got ripped out of her chest and stomped on with both feet. She couldn't do this grief again.....if she loses Dean yet again she couldn't come back from that grief.

"I can't do this again....." She cried, this time somehow feeling so much worse than before. She clutched her fists on the gravel ground, praying for someone or something to give her hope and give her back Dean. "I refuse to accept him dying...I refuse!" She almost screamed up at the sky as if some higher being would hear her.

Nat found herself watching everything from the car window, in disbelief at what she just witnessed. "Dean please....walk out of that building alive...I'm begging you. I haven't even told you I love you too brother" she whispered.


He didn't even think about how much of a big deal it was for him to admit as much as he did. He just knew that he HAD to, he had to let her know exactly what he was thinking and nothing else mattered in this moment. If Sam didn't say what was on his mind now then he would probably close it all up in his mind once more and let it bubble up until he couldn't take it anymore. He knew it made him a hypocrite as he always complained when Dean bottled everything up, but he did the exact same thing to a certain degree.

If he wanted to keep Anna, and prove to her he was serious when it came to her and acknowledging her feelings? Then he had to be more open and honest with her, as she was with him. It broke his heart just thinking about how much of a strain this whole prophecy stuff was taking on Anna and he realised in this truck, that he barely ever asked her about it to share that fear and stress.

He continued to give her space, at least, as much as the truck would allow him to as she contemplated and thought about he said to her. It was a lot he acknowledged. He went on a long ramble of emotions but he knew he couldn't stop until it was all spoken out loud. He watched her every move, seeing her unfold her legs and think about it all. He was terrified she was going to run even though she always promised him she wouldn't do that again. He felt a level of anxiety he never felt before, it made his own hands begin to shake a bit until he witnessed her get closer and sweep her hands through his hair, as she always did to calm her.

He closed his eyes, taking in the soft and calming action before he slowly opened them to find her forehead upon his and her simple words spoken to him. Those three words meaning more to him than any other three worded sentence could in that moment. He kept his forehead on hers but lifted his head enough to make his nose touch hers. "thank you....." He simply replied.
Kay continued to listen to John speak, realising that even though he was in his own head, he was still listening to her. His words gave her hope that they could figure this all out and come to an answer finally. Yet that hope got dimmer when he said there was only one person in their group who would be knowing more than they're letting on. "And that would be....?" She asked him, still trying to mentally catch up to his thinking.


Fia knew she was intelligent and a quick study, but for Lucifer himself to call her bloody brilliant was quite the praise she never expected to experience or receive. She rose an eyebrow when he said she had all the right answers, she just didn't realise it yet. She was convinced she was still missing something, but it seemed all she was missing was Lucifer's knowledge and the context that actually linked everything she already knew.

"In the open...sort of. On the floor outside a door in Drake's home" she explained, just before Serena got up and asked for Lucifer to just explain things for them, rather than being cryptic. Hearing that by bringing this book back in time with her has put a massive hole in the demons plans and created an opening to bringing future Kay back to them all made Fia's heart race. She couldn't believe she had unknowingly given them all a chance at saving their time. She looked around the room at each person as they all spoke, glad that Drake was getting what Lucifer was trying to say to them all. Which in turn was taking the heat off of herself.

She knew in her heart Serena couldn't be the cause of her mother's corruption, she didn't want to believe it, so having Lucifer say it's a complete set up was a relief. It was in this moment that she realised her own grief was clouding her from the answer she was holding onto. It was also a lot to realise by her removing the book, she had saved her dad at the same time. Just he didn't know it and not did she. She gave Lucifer a nod, she didn't need to say anything to him to show him how grateful she was to him.

When Drake apologised to her, she looked at him, getting emotional all over again. "You don't have to apologise....you had every right to be angry at me" she told him, just managing to not cry. That was until Serena got up and hugged her tightly, as she spoke. She froze initially in the woman's arms, having not felt an adult holding her in what felt like forever and it was that, that made her break. She buried her head in Serena's shoulder and just started crying, gripping onto Serena. "I'm sorry too Serena...." She said.

The tension grew and grew between Sam and Anya, but he didn't stop her from standing up and nervously reach out to touch him. He stood there letting her do what she felt she had to before he lifted his hand up and placed it over hers that was on his neck. He didn't move it, just kept it placed ontop, looking down at her due to their height difference. He gave her a smile as so many thoughts began to run through his head, thoughts that matched hers. He lifted his other arm up and wrapped it round her waist, pulling her closer to him before raising it, clutching the back of her neck to pull her face closer. He couldn't resist what he wanted anymore so he leaned down and kissed her. Hile kept his grip on her firmly but not tightly. He didn't want to hurt her after all. Kissing her felt like the right move to do even though he couldn't figure out exactly why.

It had been such a long time since he felt anything for anyone or wanted to get close to anyone. All rationale just went straight out the window when it came to wanting to be close to Anya. Dean may have half lectured him from earlier but something in his heart told him that Mika would have encouraged him to try and be happy with someone. She always was the more rational one out those two when it came to these things, certainly the more romantic one.

After a few moments he briefly pulled away from her, opening his eyes and looking at her, searching for any kind of response from her.


She paused getting out of the car when Dean pulled her hand back for another kiss on her knuckles when she noticed he stopped himself mid sentence, but she knew exactly what he was about to tell her. The way he paused, it seemed pretty clear why he interrupted his own words. He must have said the same thing to the woman he lost. She gave him a soft understanding smile and let him change his words, "I will" she replied, leaning a road and just kissing his cheek to silently tell him she would stay safe. Getting out of the car, she walked over to the figure ahead of her, going up to him casually before quietly speaking, "occultnerd333?" She questioned his identity, to which she watched him look around as if there were people spying on him everywhere before giving a nod. "Yeah" he replied.

"Expecting company?" She asked him with a smile to show she was asking non seriously. "you can never be careful" he replied, "so what's the leads you got?" He asked her, getting straight to the point. "okay...straight to business, I can admire that I guess" she replied, purposely dragging it out so she could suss out the type of person he was.

"Stop wasting my time" he commented, "or I'm gonna just go" he added, his hands clenching together in his pockets and Lexi recognised that body language. He either had a firearm in his pocket or he was getting to punch her. "Look, I'm only trying to Sus you out before I give you information that once you know? There's no coming back from. I don't make it a ha it of mine to bring new people in that life" she explained calmly, lightly holding her hands in defence but not to be a signal to Dean. The guy looked passed her and saw Dean's car, "you didn't come alone" he pointed out, before noticing she was armed herself, not to mention the necklace round her neck seemed pretty expensive to him.

That's when he made his move, "I need to know where the Colt is" he demanded, completely changing his behaviour. "Like I told you, I only got leads but don't have it. It's also safer you don't obtain it. You don't look like the type to be able to handle it" she said, which just seemed annoy the guy as he kissed his teeth then went to swing his fist at her. She quickly dodged out the way, making him only clip the side of her face, but nothing serious or to make a bruise. "Wrong move asshole" she said, giving him her own right hook right into his jaw. Dazed that she had such a strong punch, he stumbled back enough to allow her to grab the back of his jacket and smack his head on the roof of his car.

"I really wouldn't piss me off. I've fought tougher guys than you and come out fine. So if I was you, I'd go back to what little dank squat you're living in and stay off the dark web." She leaned in and whispered in his ear. she gave e his head one more hit to make him drop to the ground before leaving him alone and headed back to the car, getting in. "well that was useless..." She said with a light huff, shaking her fist.
For a moment, Kay wondered if John even heard her as he didn't seem to acknowledge anything she was saying, but then he started murdering an idea, making her sit up and go over closer to John to see what he was mumbling about. Then she heard everything and her blood almost ran cold. It was one thing that made the most sense to her out of all of their theories. She could see though he wasn't strictly talking to her so she didn't see a point in replying to him. All she could do was think about his latest theory herself, stepping back to her chair and desk, sitting down. "so I'm gonna be a destroyer of life just so Serena can be grabbed.....well that's not very reassuring." She remarked.


Chas and Josh both sat back as they all discussed everything, but seeing the kids arguing the way they did was just downright heartbreaking. If Drake hadn't tried to go after Fia, Chas would have even if he had no way of getting onto the roof easily. The girl was hurting more than they ever realised, and not only that, she was scared and vulnerable. He forced himself to listen to Lucifer and the other talk about the book, before Lucifer went out onto the balcony to call up to Fia.

Fia didn't want to deal with any of them. She felt so done with them blaming her for something she was only trying to fix. She managed to to bring herself to wipe her tears on the back of her arm as she looked out at the LA view, wishing she could just run before realising she technically already had run. To another time at that. "why can't you just be my dad and save mum?" She asked the sky, I'm her attempt to ask her version of John without a tally doing so. She wished she wasn't some half breed and was normal, so she didn't have to deal with any of this.

Then Lucifer's voice broke through her thoughts, making her roll her eyes. She really didn't want to go back down there but she has a feeling she would be forced to go down one way or another if she didn't go willingly. So she forced herself to compose herself, let her wings out and go back down, walking back into the room from the balcony moments later, her wings then dissipating once more. "So why do I have to come back in?" She asked the room, not wanting to look at any of them in the eye. All she did do is stand to once side and crossed her arms across her chest.

Dean half heartedly scolding her about her complaining wasn't exactly surprising. He always took I juries slightly better than she did, but this felt so different to her. She almost died in this hellhole, and was practically ready to accept it if Cason hadn't shown up and pulled her out of the water at that exact moment he did. Every single tiny movement or jolt that went through to her broken shoulder felt like a train was going over it, the pain was beyond anything she had ever felt before. Then the slashes being pressed against Dean's back as she rested on his back just made those hurt also, not to mention her face hurting as the swelling came close to her eye but not quite enough to make her eye swell shut. "...right..." She finally replied, even though this was far more than a little bit of pain.

If it wasn't for the pain however, she would have just let herself close her eyes and pass out on his back right there and then. She still didn't like the idea of Cason still being in the building somewhere, she almost lost him once, she couldn't bare to loose him properly again. So she was putting her full trust in Dean telling the truth to go back for him. At the comment to her burning the building down, she couldn't help but attempt to smirk even though it made her wince. Her boyfriend. He actually used those words about Cason and she never even thought about using that word herself yet. Could Dean really be trying to make an effort when it came to whatever it was her and Cason had going on right? It seemed almost like a dream.

Outside she winced and hissed as he let her down by the impala, making sure the car was the very thing propping her up. Her one good arm lifting up and to try and hold her bad one, before deciding itd be better to use it to hold onto the impala. She didn't know in her half dazed manner if the hellhounds were even still around the three of them or not, she didn't bother to care either way. She just wanted to have Cason back and to leave and never see this place again. She lightly nodded at his words as he told her he was going back for Cason, "okay...thank you Dean...." She told him honestly. She remembered how callously she spoke to him near the barn, especially as Dean had pressed all the wrong buttons by instantly accusing Cason of betraying them. It seemed he was genuinely trying to make up for that and she respected him for it.

She looked down, not wanting to look at the building as Dean then kissed Mika's forehead. All she heard was Mika speaking back before Dean was running back into the building.


Nat's complaining and Dean's response really showed what complete siblings they were. They may still only be half siblings but they were so alike, she figured Natalia may as well have been Mary's kid as well as John's. it was these kind of moments that made her see just how similar the two of them were and why they probably butted heads so often. Yet she wouldn't change Natalia for the world, no matter how fiery her temper could get at times or her questionable choice in men. Then again, there was a time when her own family thought she had a questionable choice in men when it came to Dean. So was she to truly judge? Even if Cason was quite a bit further up that meter than Dean.

She watched for their surroundings and the two of them as Natalia got let down, her stepping forward ever so slightly but enough to give Dean space to make sure Nat was stable enough on her own two feet. It was when she was actually standing that Mika saw just the full extent of her injuries and that wasn't even taking into account her earlier head injury. Looking up at Dean when he turned to her, she closed her eyes at the kiss to her forehead before opening them to look at him as he spoke. She gripped his jacket as they changed words and looks, "I got her, no one is getting to her whilst I'm still breathing. Go get Cason. And stay safe, I love you" she told him, just wanting him to come back to her as much as Nat wanted Cason to come back to her.

She sighed as she watched Dean run back into the building, whilst she stood beside Natalia, being close enough that if Nat needed to, she could use her body as another pillar to lean against. "They'll both come back....right?" Nat asked her, glancing over to Mika and making Mika look at her. "Of course they will. They're both too stubborn to not come back. If Dean says he's getting Cason out of there, then that's exactly he'll accomplish to do. Just like he did with you." She explained, lifting her hand up and carefully brushing Natalia's wet hair back off her shoulder. "Really?" Nat queried, still finding it surprising that Dean would drop everything to find her when Duke was missing. The demons really had gotten into her head when they said Dean didn't care about her. "Really. We all got Duke into the hospital and seen to but the moment he came out he was terrified he had lost you, he didn't even tell Sam we were coming after you because he just wanted to get you back as soon as. He does love you sweetheart. He truly does, even if his way of expressing love is unconventional. But he adores you and he's terrified of letting you down like your dad did. He feels so much pressure on wanting to right John's wrongs even if he doesn't say it- I can tell." Mika explained to her, not wanting to hide anything from Natalia, except for the fact Dean did leave Cason to die initially.

Nat tried to not cry, but salty tears still stung her face as they escaped her eyes and ran down her face, letting herself lean into Mika's side. Mika I stably wrapped her arm round her, kissing the top aide of her head. "We all love you sweetheart. So whatever those demons said or did to you, it's not true. You're always going to be a solid part of this family and we'll never leave you behind" she reiterated once more.


Sam never wanted her to see him cry the way he was as he didn't want her thinking he was emotionally playing her, but he couldn't stop the tears from coming. He loved her so so much and he couldn't shake the guilt of hurting her off. He just wanted to keep her safe and it felt like everything he ended up doing to ensure that, he made the wrong decision to make it happen. He continued to look at her as she didn't look at him, just listened to him say he wouldn't ever leave her like he reluctantly left Cason.

When she finally spoke up and said she believes him, he only then realised he was holding a breath as he exhaled with relief. He knew that wasn't going to be the end of this and that he still had a lot to prove to her, but it was a start and that's all he could ask for right now. He let her speak, get everything she was thinking out in the air, he owed her that much.

He was also relieved when she said she did still in fact love him, but everything that was happening was getting too much for her to handle. "I am so sorry so much has been dumped onto your shoulders. I wish with every fibre of my being that I could rip all of this crap off your shoulders and let you have a normal life. But I am so determined to not have you lose me too. I'm sticking by your side until the very end and if that means I take hits aimed at you to keep you safe then so be it, but I'm not going to go getting myself killed either because I don't wanna lose you just as much. You're my world Anna....now I've got you back in my life I don't want you to exit it.

I have never loved anyone like I've loved you. You are my world and if you're not around then that world is gone. I can't take any of this prophecy crap either, I wanna defy every single ounce of it. But you go down, then I'm going down with you. Not in spite of you, not instead of you, but with you and ONLY with you" he told her.
Kay nodded at John's explanation about why the demons were hunting her and have been for years. "I hope it doesn't. From what we know about Serena, she would never forgive herself if did" she replied, sighing and leaning back in the chair slightly. "The more we look into this, the more concerned I get about it. I am terrified about all of this John." She told him.


Fia wanted to flinch when he touch her hand but she didn't. She just nodded at his words as she lifted her spare hand up and wiped at her face with the back of it. "Because in our time when I found it, it looked like her journal or work book...I don't really know what she writes in it. I know it's darker looking but I put it down to age or use." She replied, but then Drake made her flinch as he yelled at her. She hated it when Drake got angry at her, or when anyone did for that matter, but there was something even more painful to bear when it was Drake.

"I'm sorry alright?! I'm trying to make sense of everything as it's happening or being found! I don't wanna believe something turned your mum against mine! I don't! She's practically an aunt to me! You don't think this hurts me just as much as it does you?! At least you still HAVE your mum!! I don't, hells, I may as well say I don't have a dad right now as well considering he's couch bound, drunk and not speaking!" She then yelled back at him, unable to hold her tongue any longer. Her firey temper flashing through her eyes, despite the hurt showing in them. Like she was known for, she got up, pushed passed everyone and just left out the balcony, summoning her wings to go up onto the roof to be alone where she just let herself sob. She felt so alone.

"I just want my mum back....." She cried to herself.
Kay listened to John as he read out what he found in the old books. As much as it was all interesting to her, it was also overwhelming to read blue to being so much information to try and compute in her mind. She gave serious thought to his question, and via what she had read on the laptop. "I guess it's possible..? But that doesn't explain why so many of the down world and demons want me? Or do they think I'd be more powerful if I'm forced to be linked to Isis or whatever?" She theorised.


Maze did what Lucifer asked of her, whilst he group all walked over to his couch and sat down around him. Fia has to put in full restraint to not sit on the coffee table like she would have done at home in her time. She was also surprised that Lucifer already knew what she was just by holding her hand. It seemed her dad's spell work to dull down and disguise her phoenix bloodline to strangers, via a sigil tattooed on her didn't work on Lucifer. She listened to what he said about how stories about him have been dramatically blown out of proportion and twisted.

She really wanted to believe Lucifer, but she still felt slightly violated on being forced to tell her truths. "Depends on which year version of her. My actual mother in my time is kinda corrupted, being a demon weapon and oractically burning cities down, so not sure you'd ever get to meet her....this year's version who is my mother but isn't? Can't say if she would or not. She's barely learned what she is" she said honestly, not seeing a point in being secretive anymore.

She then let Serena ask Lucifer if she truly was a threat to humanity and it made Fia look down at her lap. She really didn't want to believe Serena was a heavy player in her mother's corruption but when she only went by leads she found, she couldn't help but be swayed by it all. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Lucifer look back at her once more, making her look up to reply to him when Drake spoke for her, clearly still very angry at what she found. "I don't wanna believe these leads, but it's all I've got so far." She said, clearly still upset that Drake is angry at her.

"We didn't know where else to turn and Serena suggested coming to you for help. So we all came here whilst dad....I mean, John and Kay stayed behind for research. But it all started when about three months ago, in my time that is, demons managed to get one over on dad in a distraction motivated fight and somehow during that mum went missing from our home. Next thing we saw, she was corrupted after not being found for days and was quite literally a living weapon on a metaphorical leash. The demon known as the The First leading her through the destruction. Dad has blamed himself all this time, won't leave the house or the couch. I had to do something so I kinda dragged Drake along to try and change things." She explained.

"And as Drake has just said, I found that book that I THOUGHT was future Serena's as it looks exactly like it and just kinda put the clues together. Drake says it's not though...so I don't know what to believe anymore. I just want my mum back..." She said, forcing herself not to get emotional in front of everyone. Her parents brought her up better than that.
Kay took John's suggestion and decided to go along with it as she began clicking links and reading all kinds of different myths and stories about the ties. At first she wasn't seeing much that seemed similar to her and Serena, I til she came across one paragraph on one website. "hey, listen to this: "The connection between rebirth, resurrection and spring can be tracked as far back as ancient Egypt and the god Osiris. Osiris was murdered by his rival Seth, who tore his body to pieces and scattered the parts across Egypt. The goddess Isis retrieved the pieces and buried them – an act that brought Osiris back to life to sit as judge in the underworld. His demise and rebirth speak to his dual role as the fertility god who gave life to plants and vegetation while controlling natural phenomena such as the annual flooding of the Nile."" She read out loud to him, particularly finding the whole rival part interesting and possibly an option that could link her and Serena together. She didn't want to think that Serena would betray her and kill her or corrupt her in the future, but she couldn't exactly ignore that possibility either.

She continued to read more about Nyx as she was finding more about Persephone being the goddess of spring, rather than Nyx's history with Hades. What was clear however to her, was how it seemed to be widely believed Nyx was feared but respected by every other god and goddess due to her power over the night and darkness. "All I'm getting about Nyx is how feared she was...or is depending on how you look at it." She added, resting her head in one hand as she continued to read. It was honestly fascinating to read upon and after a while, it sent her down a rabbit hole of trying to link it to her phoenix kind.


Chas and Fia both couldn't help but watch on as Lucifer doubled back to Drake first and asked him the very same question about what he desires. The first part of his answer Fia was expecting, but the second part? About he liked her more than just friends shocked her greatly. She never knew he felt like that about her, so no wonder he was I credibly hurt about the clues she found, implementing his mother as the key to corrupting her mother. She looked briefly away from Drake, not sure how to take his honest answer that Lucifer got out of him.

She was now worried about Lucifer getting out her deepest secrets, something Chas noticed and went to stop but it was too late. Lucifer already asked her and she had no other choice but to reply. "I wanna save my mum and bring her back to dad because I can't stand seeing him just drink himself to oblivion anymore, even though my leads are causing tension between me and Drake. I also wanna be taken seriously as half phoenix and a Constantine" she added, quickly looking away to break the spell before looking at the floor. She cursed herself being made to tell someone what she was as she was always told very strictly to NOT tell anyone, no matter who they were what her bloodline is.

"Okay enough Lucifer. You're little trick is just upsetting the kids" Chas told him, wanting to protecting them but also aware that they all got what John wanted from the teenagers by being here. He still felt guilty about it though, even though this was their primary objective. He saw Fia trying to hold it together after saying what she did out loud in front of everyone.

Seeing Anya laugh at the mental image he just gave her about Dean, brought a smile to Sam's face. There was something so pure and almost innocent to it that he found incredibly endearing and made her seem like a completely different person to the frustrated girl in the electronic store he first saw. Opening his can, he sat on the edge of the table in his best attempt to stay out of her way but also be close enough if she needed his help with anything or to grab something for her. Part of him, like when Lexi insisted on cooking, felt a little guilty that his guest was cooking food for them, but he also had a feeling that if he tried to convince her he'd just buy takeout and she shouldn't have to cook when she's a guest, he'd get a mouthful about being old fashioned. He learned his lesson with Lexi on that subject. He also kept thinking about how almost shy she went when he tucked her hair out the way just moments ago. She really was a stunning looking woman he thought to him which made him go to the table and sit on it and try and be normal for once. He did t want to be like Dean when it came to girls, he never was and certainly didn't want to start now, especially when it seemed Anya had that kind of personality trait down pat already.

Watching her prepare food and making an appropriate amount of mess in the process, he couldn't help but smile at the whole situation in front of him. When she put everything in the oven, he snapped out of his thoughts and saw her typing out what she wanted to say, so he listened when it played out loud. He smirked when she said about winning his brother's heart with her cooking. "oh I see, so it IS Dean you're more interested in!" He teased back, faking disappointment before just laughing and shaking his head at his terrible reaction. He noticed she was looking at him a d all his features as they fell into an awkward silence, as both them seemed to possibly be trying to think of a topic to talk about.

When she didn't seem to stop looking, he realised she had completely zoned out making him about to snap her out of it when she seemed to do that herself. He let her type out whatever it was she wanted to say, not expecting the very next words to be spoken at all. So he wasn't just imagining the whole thing about them, and it wasnt just a fluke that she had kissed him earlier. He shook his head, "it's not just you.. I do feel it too" he confirmed to her before she pointed out the obvious about it being just the two of them in the bunker. "it is" he clarified, pushing himself off the table and stepping over to her, glancing down at her softly.


She truly understood why Dean was being aggressively protective about this job. She probably understood it more than most people would ever realise. She took was always scared about people getting too close to her and then dying on her. She didn't want to be the cause for Dean getting hurt yet again when she already knew how much hurt there still was in his heart, just as there was in her own. It may have been a year but there were nights after hunts that she'd still see her ex in her sleep ripped to shreds on their living room floor. The sight making her toss and turn in her sleep only to wake up in a sweat. That guilt of not being home that night will forever torment and haunt her, no matter how much she moved forward in her life. It was guilt like no other and she NEVER wanted to add to it by getting another person hurt or killed.

She gave a nod at his promise to let her have first swing if this guy gave them the run about and it brought a smirk to her lips. "Damn straight you will" she half teased, half said in seriousness. She took doubted that whoever they were meeting hadn't dealt with hunters before which meant they had the advantage of surprise when it came to skills.

She didn't even think about her hand when it dropped to the seat between them, it when he caved into his desires and grabbed it, she looked down and followed his hand as he brought hers to his lips and kissed it protectively. "Right" she agreed, even though he didn't strictly speak to her. He wasn't the only one imagining ways things could go wrong, but she tried to focus on the situation going right instead. It was the only way she could stay sane, so she gave his hand a squeeze with her own, linking her fingers between his.

There was definitely way they could keep themselves from getting close, no matter how much they tried to deny it.


At the meeting point, she looked around and eventually spotted someone standing in the distance nearby an old beat up car. "Chances of that being our guy?" She asked Dean, seeing that the guy looked to be in his late teens/early twenties at most, jacket and hoodie on with hood up.

"Guess it's showtime" she sighed, placing her other hand on the door handle to open it up.

The pool water was beginning to make Natalia cold, but not enough to start shivering just yet. She figured that would happen no doubt once she was out. She looked at Dean when he turned to her, talking to her her attention. She figured he or one of the others would want to check her over when they got out of this place, hells, she WANTED someone to check her over. She couldn't bare to do it herself, she was too scared of just breaking down at the sight of her injuries. It was difficult enough to not burst into tears again right now when Dean was being so protective. She shook her head slowly to answer his question about Cason hurting her to co firm that what Cason said was indeed true. He saved her life by pulling her out of the pool, there was no way he'd hurt her. "Okay...." She simply said in response to the order he was going to check her over himself when they were out of here. She held onto Cason as he shifted into a position and lifted her out, carrying her close to him. Water dropped off her clothes, hair and boots onto the ground, mixing with the blood pools already on the floor from the carnage Cason unleashed and from the previous torture she got put through.

The movement made every part of her body hurt, making her hiss as she tried to stop herself from screaming in agony. She gripped Cason's coat tightly as he and Dean still had a moment of a verbal fight, not wanting to know what Cason was implying about the leaving him behind. She let him just carry her passes Dean and Mika and put of the room she never wanted to see again for the rest of her life. Her head resting against his chest and shoulder as he walked, with her family behind them both. Then he stopped which made her lift her head ever so slightly to look at him confused, she didn't know Esme was also here, she thought it was just the three of them that came for her. When he looked at her with his black eyes, she didn't flinch or turn away from him, she looked him in the eyes, not feeling any danger from his eyes unlike the other demons. She looked scared about being put down and him leaving for a moment, she had shake her head in slight protest before he repeated that hee was coming back and she felt a hellhound using it's back to prop her up when she was on her two feet. She never felt safe in this building without Cason being there, but she reluctantly let him go, just watching him disappear after Esme. She felt the strange invisible warmth coming off the hound as half her body was propped up by it.

When Dean jogged right up to her and knealed down in front of her, she knew exactly what he was implying even though she didn't want it, but Mika gave her the nod to say 'just do it, he's been scared crapless' so she let Dean back her into the wall, hoist her onto his back, wrapping her legs around him which made her drape her one good arm over his shoulders. She hissed again from the pain, "ow...Dean this hurts..." She complained like a child, even though from all his fighting, his body heat was welcome as she was feeling colder and colder, shivering beginning to take hold as she laid her head against him as he told her he would come back for Cason. She watched him look at Mika and Mika back at him, the glances she knew well enough: he was telling the truth.

She let him carry her even though it hurt with every step Dean made. Nat couldn't even stop some of her whimpers and complaints from escaping her mouth. "Someone should burn this place to ash..." She finally said, not wanting to risk being brought back here for a third time. No one deserved the experience she endured in the building they were leaving behind.


Anna's scoff at his initial words tugged at Sam's heart. Sure he probably deserved the silent stand off-ish response from her but that didn't mean it hurt any less. He felt like everything he tried to win her over and prove he was trustworthy, he failed on a greater scale each and every time. He hated himself for it, he wanted to be a better person than Dean, than their dad. Yet he was feeling like he was anything but better.

When she finally looked at his guilt ridden and scared face, he hoped she could tell he was genuinely feeling those emotions in that moment. He was terrified he was losing family left, right and centre, terrified of losing her and terrified they were going to lose this massive fight for what's to come.

Then came a sentence that he never wanted to admit to himself. He didn't want to believe that a sole reason for leaving Cason for dead in the barn. He watched her as she had looked away then looked back at him tearful and angry. He looked down at his hands still on the steering wheel of the truck and slowly nodded. "I didn't want to believe that was the reason....but...since I've been sitting here it's something I keep thinking about. That Dean let his emotions get the better of his judgement." He admitted to her, hoping that some admittance to what happened might help in some way. He didn't know how it would help but he hoped it would anyway. He let her continue talking, taking her time to get her words out when suddenly the last thing she said absolutely ripped his heart out and stomped on it. He quickly looked up at her, tears spilling over and down his cheeks, "I could never leave you behind" he told her truthfully, "I know that's going to be hard to believe right now....that I've done nothing tonight to deserve your belief in what I say, but I wouldn't ever blindly follow Dean if it meant leaving you behind....." He told her. "I love you so much and every fibre of my being wouldn't let me leave you" he continued saying.


One reason for Mika tactfully interrupting the two of them was down Dean. She knew he wouldn't like Cason kissing his sister, much less his sister kissing him back. She aware of him smirking at her words , knowing he would have been happy with her choice of interruption.

She watched, ready to jump into action if Cason struggled to get Nat out of the pool but he seemed to be able to lift without too much trouble. She saw properly for herself when Cason turned to face the door again just how beat up Nat was. Cuts on arms and legs, swollen face on one side, soaking wet and bruised. It made her feel guilty for taking as long as they did to find her, even though there was no way of getting to her any quicker. She tried to not look too worried but she had a feeling she wasn't succeeding too well in that regard. "boys stop with the bickering...Nat is our priority" she told them both firmly as they trash talked with each other before finally Cason pushed passed Dean and exited the room with the hellhounds. The feeling of the hellhounds so close always made her so feel uneasy, she didn't trust them in the slightest after witnessing Lilith's tear Dean apart. Gathering her thoughts Mika walked towards the exit of the room when she saw Cason stop in the main front area of the building, looking up to the right.

Raising an eyebrow, she wondered what he was picking up on when he told Nat he was leaving her with herself. This made Mika instantly step towards Nat to help keep her upright as Cason let her down, but she was uneasy herself at a hellhound propping Natalia up opposite her. Yet it unnerved her more that Natalia didn't seem in the least bit phased by it. 'pht it down to her pain making her not care Meeko' she thought to herself to try and rationalise the whole situation. She glanced back at Dean who also seemed to have a better idea as he jogged up to Nat, backed her into a wall and picked her up onto his back. She helped him balance her onto his back and stepped to the side when Dean had a firm grip on Nat. She agreed in just getting out of there but when he said about going back for Cason, even she raised an eyebrow.

Did he really tell Natalia the truth? She wasn't sure until he glanced at her with a look that reassured her mind. Giving him a nod, she helped him exit the building, keeping an eye out for any remaining threat as they headed for the front door. She couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly when Nat started complaining about how much the piggy back hurt, sounding like such a child.
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