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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Fia quickly felt stupid when Lucifer corrected her, not stupid...she felt like he really put her in her place. So she just looked down and gave a small nod before looking up at Drake as he agreed with what Lucifer was saying. She gave him her old sarcastic smile as he pointed out how they have messed up before. "alright..no need to rub it in" she said, sounding all of a sudden so much like John that it was even clearer she was definitely his kid. She of course didn't mean her words to him maliciously, it was just her personality showing through, and it was her way of trying to not think about what Drake admitted earlier about her.

That was a whole different matter to deal with at another time when their parents weren't in impending danger. Not only that it brought up the realisation that Fia had been so focused on everything else in her life that she had been completely oblivious to the fact that Drake COULD feel romantic feelings toward her. Romance just hadn't been on her mind before now and she refused to let it distract her from what was important.

"Okay, so we come to the conclusion that Bane is heavily involved in this whole situation, now what?" Chas spoke up, breaking up the playful bickering the teenagers were sort of having.


From where Kay was stood, she could hear the mutterings of Bane and John actually talking but she couldn't work out exactly what was being said. It was probably a good thing as well as if Kay had heard Bane say what he did about her mother being possibly alive, she would have absolutely lost it at him. She had grown up with the knowledge that her mother- Fira was dead. That her father went to the morgue and confirmed it was his wife on the slab cold and dead. She was at home dealing with her father blaming her for her mother's death, becoming abusive before he just walked out on her, leaving her, a very young child at the tender age of 9 alone in a big house, with nothing but the echoes of what was her family life.

She couldn't let herself get hope that her mother may be alive after all and not once did she come find her. She had good parents and they were her adoptive ones, her best friend's parents. They were the ones who raised her when it was important and mattered, even if it meant out of worry for her mental health, they sent her to a shrink who was questionable at best. "You must focus on your breathing my child" Fee said inside her mind, but Kay didn't want to hear the obvious. "Leave me alone Fee" she wheezed out, thumping her head in an attempt to shut the entity up.

Her breathing continued to get more rapid and her eyes began to fog over in retaliation. Shaking more and more, she let herself fall down the wall and squat on the ground whilst she just let her anxiety completely take over. "I can't....breathe...." she gasped.

Seeing Anya smile brightly at his compliment made him smile all the more. She really was a breath of fresh air in this bunker and he was glad that although Dean had a couple of moments of being a grumpy older brother, she still wanted to stick around and even try and show Dean she wasn't some crazed maniac who needed to be booted out of the bunker as soon as he got back. Looking at the pie she had made, he was honestly so impressed and knew if Dean wasn't impressed? Then Lexi certainly would be as it would mean she wouldn't be the only one who was a very capable cook in this place. Even if it was possibly a temporary thing.

He was even impressed by the smell and look of the casserole she mad specially for Dean, knowing that should make him one very happy man and if it didn't then there was no hope for his brother. When she typed out and let him know what she was thinking, he couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping his lips. "If he doesn't fall asleep after all this I think my brother might actually be an alien" he joked back to her.


The moment Dean had tilted her head a bit to kiss her back more, she knew like he did, it would be dangerous if neither of them pulled away soon. She didn't want to pull back, she wanted to continue feeling his lips upon hers, his hand on her chin. She wanted to reach out, lay her hands on him and not break a part until it was far too late for them to go back. So she knew in that moment she had no choice, she had to pull away and suggest they headed back even though it was a complete turn around in attitude.

She bit her bottom lip at the corner as she forced herself to sit back in her seat and let him drive back to the bunker, desperate to behave herself even though this pull he had on her was difficult to ignore. She also couldn't help but keep thinking there were most definitely worse cars to hook up in the back of.


When they got back to the bunker, Lexi was glad to be back. It also never failed to impress her the way they came in and all the old classic cars that were there but clearly not the Winchester Boys'. She looked at him when Dean turned to her and said how he feels like he'd be a total hypocrite now if he says anything to Sam and Anya. She couldn't help but smirk, feeling like her initial plan in kissing him worked a treat, even if after their lips touched it became a much more selfish reason.

"That's all I can ask for. Play nice, be civil and not weird around her. Sam is a nerd, it wouldn't ever surprise me if I saw him suddenly playing chess, but it also wouldn't surprise me if he dived straight into a book to find another lead" she said back to him, cranking the passenger door open and placing one booted foot out of it.

She got out of the car and closed the door behind her, not really bothered if she left her duffel in his trunk or not as she just headed straight to the door to staircase that took them into the bunker. Opening it, she leaned in and saw no sign below of Sam at the war room or at a bookcase so she decided to call out instead. "Sam!? We're back!"

Sam heard the faint sound of Lexi's voice and pushed himself off the table edge, stepping out of the kitchen, "in the kitchen!" he called back. With that heard, Lexi stood back up straight and looked back at Dean, "they're in the kitchen and there's one hell of an amazing smell in the air. So one or both of them has cooked since we've been out" she told him with her signature smile.

Hearing Esme's voice be the next to speak made Nat go silent. She stared at her bottle on the table, her hands at the base of the bottle, one finger simply tracing over the dark glass bottle. Flashes of what she went through kept repeating through her mind now she had said everything out loud, whilst also half listening to what Esme experienced. She only managed to mentally press pause on her memories when Esme mentioned how she too was tortured in that same place. It all now made sense to her why Esme said she knew what Nat was going through and had gone through. No wonder Esme felt genuine empathy for her situation and never got surprised by her outbursts defending Cason so strongly. She knew at some point when they weren't all beat up and tired she could talk with Esme now that there was someone who can truly get her.

As Esme continued to talk, Nat went back to spacing out once again not wanting to look at any of them, especially after she did moments ago, see how Dean and Mika reacted to what she said out loud. Everything Esme said about what she did on the top floor of the asylum sounded like a strange echo, almost like she was listening to their conversation from under that watery pool all over again. Which just triggered her memories in her mind to play all over again. She could hear her own screams in her head as she felt the blade cutting through her flesh or when her shoulder got hammered down upon. The lingering pain coming back as if someone had just whacked her with the hammer all over again. Nat didn't want to hear anymore of what happened after that, but she knew she couldn't move from her spot as her body just refused to move.

She only snapped out of her memories when Esme's legs finally gave out from under her and made her drop to the ground before cursing about the action. Like the others, she looked up quickly to see both Duke and Dean rush to Esme's side and aid, only for Dean to push Duke back and make it his duty to pick Esme off the ground and carry her to the couch in the main room. Seeing Duke get angry, jealous and hurt at Dean having to be the girl's saviour didn't go unnoticed by her, just as it didn't to anybody in the kitchen.

Bobby's questions were completely valid in her eyes, they were questions she also wanted to know answers to. There had to be more of a reason as to why the demons felt the need to take her and convince Esme back to the asylum. She didn't want to be left thinking they only took her because they could and they considered her an easy target out of her family. She didn't want to be an easy target or someone who just became a liability like the demons tried making her believe. "I wanna know too" she mumbled, pulling her bottle closer to her and up to her lips to take another swig of the drink. When Cason finally spoke up and said he might have a theory about that, she finally looked up from the table top and looked at him to listen.

Hearing the ultimate goal was to get Anna for Lilith, she didn't know how to process that. She didn't blame Anna for anything that happened, far from it. Cason was right, they all did just get swept along to create chaos amongst their group. This wasn't anyone's fault- not directly at any rate. She felt so sorry for Anna having to find out more and more was stacked against her, which she figured wasn't going to help Dean's conflicted opinion about the girl.

Then came the moment all of them were dreading- the moment that meant they had to come clean about Esme not even being human. Yet the way Cason bluntly told Bobby after he hinted that she and Dean still looked rough made her scrunch up her face in dislike. The words still didn't sit well on her mind, so she could only imagine how uncomfortable they were making Esme. She couldn't even begin to think how she would react if she was told she wasn't human after thinking her entire life she was.


Being in the kitchen finally, he let Anna wrap a corner of his flannel shirt between her fingers so she had that connection to him to feel safe. Sam knew that she still didn't know how she felt about him leaving Cason and they still had a lot of work to do to get the level of trust they once had with each other back again. So if just grabbing onto his shirt was what she needed right now, he would let her do so. He looked up when Dean came over with a glass of bourbon for Anna, he knew his brother was attempting to make small gestures of apology to her to show her he wasn't going to just give up even though she told him she was done with him.

He gave Dean a nod before looking round at the others in the kitchen, seeing Duke in his own world next to Cason, Mika against the back worktop where she usually was seen, Natalia sitting opposite Cason and Esme adjacent to to Mika. He sighed as he forced his mind and body to try and relax but the tension in the air was just too thick and it felt like he could cut it with a knife. So he had to admit, he was glad that Bobby entered the room and demanded information, making him feel like he had to be the one who started talking first.

After Nat had spoken her part and he tried to make himself move on from her haunting words in his mind, he listened partially to what Esme had to say and what happened with her. He looked wide eyed when she explained how she somehow made the whole building come down ontop of herself and Dean which got him wondering how either of them were still alive. He was also surprised that yet again Dean just willingly almost sacrificed himself for someone who wasn't Mika and he couldn't imagine that sitting well with the woman. It was messy and getting more and more complicated as each of them spoke up. He really needed to sleep this whole crap off at this stage. His mind couldn't take anymore information going into it, yet it seemed more information was coming.

He watched everything quickly unfold when Esme collapsed to the ground but stayed awake. He watched as Dean and Duke silently confronted each other over who would pick up Esme and take her to the couch until Dean won out, but it was clear Duke was angry and he couldn't say he ever knew a time when Duke was like this personally. He watched Mika instantly go to Duke's comfort whilst Dean was in the living room putting Esme down.


With Dean's hand on her lower back, Mika began to relax a bit more as all she wanted to be close to be Dean without no one else really around. She promised Bobby she would go rest but at the moment that was the last thing she was able to do. At least, fully anyway. She hated hearing everyone discuss what happened, giving Bobby the lowdown in as much detail as they were able to do until Esme collapsed and she watched Dean get to her before Duke could. She understood why he did, it was second nature for him to rush to anyone who just drops to the ground when they're injured, but the fact it was Esme somehow still hurt her heart.

She saw Duke show jealousy and anger toward Dean and that hurt her just as much as she hated seeing her chosen brother get pushed out and away from the woman he loved and always had loved. She had always known how much Duke had cared for Esme, even if for a long time in the past, she didn't know who Esme actually was. There was always a part of her that knew Duke was in love with someone and he was always the one that people looked passed when he was an incredible guy.

With Dean out the kitchen with Esme briefly, she instantly went over to Duke and leaned over him from behind, wrapping her arms round his shoulders to hug him. She didn't even say anything at first, just let him know she had his back in her simple action, knowing exactly how to comfort him when he needed it but didn't ask. Then came the news of Esme not being human and she felt Bobby's eyes fell onto her, making her look back at him with sadness, not letting go of Duke. "We only found out after Cas healed Dean and for the most part Nat. He said he couldn't heal Esme because she was not human, but we don't really know what she is or how it's possible. She knows more than we do" she explained, nodding her head toward Esme in the other room.

Right now, Duke was her priority even though she didn't know how much longer she could be strong for everyone else before she eventually broke. "I know how you feel Duke....I got you little brother...I got you" she said softly and quietly to him, feeling so lucky and privileged to even be holding him right now. She wanted to protect him at all costs and show him that she was never going to hurt him or leave him. She just hoped he didn't hold it against them all for leaving him at the hospital to go get Natalia.

Mika hated it when Bobby frowned because of something she either did or said, this time was no different. It was a reason for her needing to get it all off her chest and explain all their states the moment she let go of him. Not only that, she was convinced that if she held onto him any longer she would just utterly break down once more and never let him go. He wasn’t just her uncle in her eyes, he was her father. Even when her parents were around, Bobby treated her with more respect than her own dad ever did. So even now as an adult, she felt like such a small young girl when he held her and was glad she had come home alive.

His reaction to her updates about Duke wasn’t surprising to her in the slightest and she was almost thankful that it was her who broke the news to him about Duke, and not anyone else. Then came the words that she was partly expecting from him about Cason and Nat. “I know…none of us were expecting it. You’ll have to chat with Nat about it all privately. But yes, I do mean that kind of something and I agree it’s out of character for her, it’s making me worried and I know if I hadn’t seen the clues myself then I wouldn’t believe it” she replied to him before she yawned and he let go of her shoulders.

She listened to his words intently, needing his wisdom more than ever right now. “Okay” she said one last time with a nod before she had whispered to Bobby reminding him to be civil with Cason, especially in front of Natalia. She walked into the kitchen, waiting for others to eventually all gather in there whilst grabbing a beer, cracking it open and taking a long hard swig with a sigh afterwards. She had no idea how much longer she could possibly stay awake for and hoped that the beer would help to just knock her out when the time came round. Leaning against the worktop as she usually did, crossing one foot over the other she tried to still block out everything that had gone down as she wanted to forget some of the sights she witnessed. Disembodied demons being one of the big ones.

She was convinced that when she did eventually fall asleep, that would be one thing that would no doubt haunt her dreams and she really didn’t want to wake up in a cold sweat because of it. She heard Bobby greet Natalia, feeling relieved that they were all eventually filing into the house but it was Dean she was most concerned about. He was just as confused and haunted by Duke coming back from the dead as she and Esme were and she had no idea how harshly everything was going to hit him now they were in a place they could relax and shred the stress off their shoulders.


Nat saw how cautious Cason still was when it came to entering the house and she really couldn’t blame him. It wouldn’t have surprised her if Bobby did do extra precautions after the last demon ambush in the house and like Cason, she didn’t want anything to harm him after everything that he had possibly gone through. So when he trusted her words, she was glad he followed her inside before she greeted Bobby. Bobby’s words felt so on brand for him and she knew he would never disappoint when it came putting out drinks for them all.

She headed straight for the kitchen with Cason following behind, noting how he did the respectful thing to Bobby by letting go of her hand. She didn’t like the fact they were hiding their closeness from the man, but she understood it. Seeing all the options on the table that Bobby had put out for them all, Nat tried to decide what she was in the mood for as she also watched Cason just pour himself a large bourbon. She eventually chose a beer like Mika had clearly done and gave Cason a smile back as she sat in a chair opposite him, even though every part of her wanted to sit next to him.

His comment about being the least damaged person in their group did make her smirk a little bit as he wasn’t exactly wrong in that statement, but the idea of a ‘family show’ about to happen brought dread to her mind. It made her realise that Bobby probably wouldn’t let any of them leave his sight until information was fully divulged to him on what actually happened. She weighed up her options on what would be better when it came ‘getting her looked at’ as Cason put it before she finally came to a decision. “You. You’ve already seen the worse before Cass healed a lot of me, only difference now is much better lighting. You know where I was hurt” she said to him. If anyone tried to stop him from looking her over, they’d get an earful from her.

After talking, she took a swig of her beer and sighed as it went down her throat. She didn’t realise just how dry her mouth was until she took that first sip and had to tell herself not to just chug the entire bottle down. Looking up, she saw Mika was watching the two of them, but also seemed partly spaced out so instead of questioning her, she just looked down again and more to Cason as she heard all the others filing in finally.


Seeing Anna close to shivering got Sam all the more worried about her. He was glad to be able to get her inside after a few of the others had already got in, hearing small bits of chatter between Cason and Nat in the kitchen. The fact that Mika was being so quiet was one of two things; something to be really concerned about or something to just put down to one of her moments where she needed to not talk for a while. He gave Bobby a nod to say hello as he saw him give Anna a smile of sympathy whilst Duke looked like death walking. He too followed Anna’s gaze to the staircase that led to the basement and the demon proof panic room, his heart breaking just that bit more as he saw she was worried about going down there again.

“Come on…let’s get a drink before the others drink it all dry” he remarked, in an attempt to try and distract her from what could be, as well as distracting himself. He didn’t want to have to put her down there, knowing how much she hated the process last time but he also knew if the bed was made up down there it would have been a reasonable suggestion by someone. He walked with her to the kitchen to see everyone except for Dean had so far got inside, which wasn’t a shock as they had passed Dean on their way in. He grabbed a beer off the table and went to stand in a corner that was closest toward Nat as he still hadn’t seen for himself just how badly she was hurt in the asylum. He was worried about her, as he was about everyone, but he couldn’t bring himself to stray too far from Anna either.

He listened to the chit chat between them, catching the end of Nat’s reply to Cason. He wanted to check her over himself, but it was clear Nat had made her decision and only Cason seemed to matter to her nowadays. He looked up from his bottle in his hand when Dean finally came inside with Bobby following him in and asking for the story of what exactly happened. “Everything went wrong Bobby” he began to speak when it was clear no one else was going to speak up.

“It started off as a simple recon job and we just got ambushed from all sides. That’s when it started going wrong. Anna and Cason got taken into this barn, Duke got stabbed, Nat got knocked off a roof gaining a serious head injury. Due to her injury we all left her in the impala whilst going back for the other three but then Nat got kidnapped by the time we got back to the cars. Demons took her back to the asylum…” he began to explain but when he got to the word ‘asylum’ he couldn’t bring himself to continue, so he looked around the group to see who could continue on for him as he really didn’t want to.

Nat certainly didn’t want to talk about it but she knew she would have explain some of that stuff herself as she was the only one who knew exactly what happened to her. “They took me because they wanted Esme back there and to mess with the others…as well as myself. Said they weren’t done with me when Sam got me out last time.” she began to explain, trying not to let her voice break or look at anyone as she spoke as she didn’t want to see their faces when she said what she was about to. “They only kept me conscious by breaking my shoulder with a h-hammer along with slashing at my neck with a knife, arm and hip…got punched in the face a few times when I wouldn’t give in to their mind games” she described. “I tried to get away but I was strapped to a gurney. A gurney that they then threw in a water torture pool and tried drowning me and I blacked out by that point, I don’t know what else happened until Cason yanked me out and got me to wake up” she finally said.

Sam listened to her add to the story, every word she spoke made him feel worse about not going with Dean and Mika to get her. “Oh Nat…” he said quietly, but gave Cason a thankful look for getting to her in time. He saw how Nat couldn’t look at any of them as she spoke and he didn’t blame her in the slightest. That girl was scarred and not just physically.

Hearing Bobby call out that he was in the kitchen made Mika smirk. ‘Of course you are’ she thought to herself as she began to walk through the corridor, meeting him half way and just hugging him back gladly. She didn’t realise how much she needed it until she felt his arms around her. “Oh I could be worse looking that’s for sure.” she told him before sighing, pulling away just enough to look at him so she could give him the run down on everyone’s states. “They’re not great in all honesty Bobby. The job went south real bad….they kidnapped Nat, but we got her back thanks to Cason but it was bad Bobby…she came so close to dying” she began to explain, trying to hold it together as saying those words out loud was too much.

“Duke did die, but he’s somehow alive again and with us still but he’s in bad shape, needs so much rest. Esme isn’t in great shape either from trying to help save Nat but I don’t know what happened exactly. Cason is shit scared of her right now. Dean is barely holding it all together from everything and I’m about mentally in the same state.” she continued before sighing. “As for Sam and Anna I’m not a hundred percent sure, but she’s pretty beat up and not talking with Dean. Honestly? It’s just too much right now. But I will warn you now, Nat is stuck to Cason like glue….they seem to uhh….have something between them. So please just be civil?” she requested after finishing her run down on how everyone was.

A yawn escaped her lips, making her raise her hand to cover her mouth as she did so, showing that the four hour drive and everything prior to it was taking it’s toll on her finally. It was clear she hadn’t slept a single moment in the car even though she probably should have. “I really thought we were screwed Bobby, I really did. We nearly lost everyone but Dean hasn’t coped nearly loosing Duke and Nat.” she remarked as she waited for everyone else to make their way inside. A tear was threatening to escape yet again, making her wipe it before it did. “When I saw Nat being pulled out of a pool? I can’t begin to tell you what I thought… I never wanna see her looking lifeless and soaking wet again” she told him.


Feeling Cason’s hand wrap around her own was comforting. It became clear to her that he wasn’t willing to let her be out of touching distance from him as much as she was. His answer to her question made her nod in understanding. She knew what Bobby was like, just like the rest of them and she was determined in her tired state to make sure Bobby didn't do anything to make Cason leave, or trap him in one spot for the whole visit. “I will, I promise” she replied to him, just in time before she saw Anna arriving, jumping out the truck, over to Cason and throwing herself on him in a hug. The reaction seemed a little over the top to her, but she wasn't going to question it, at least not for a good long while.

She let Cason hug Anna back, even though he still refused to let go of her own hand in the process. Nat didn't need to be a genius to work out that Anna was about to or trying to say ‘how did you get out’, which made her raise an eyebrow. ‘just what the hell happened in that barn?’ she thought to herself, watching as Cason managed to calm Anna down before she walked back to Sam who was walking round the truck to meet everyone else. Her attention drew to Dean for a moment though when he called Anna asking to talk, only for Anna to say a pretty scathing remark back. ‘ok, I really gotta know what the hell happened back there when I was gone’ she thought again, not wanting to say it out loud just yet as she had a feeling she was not going to like the answer she wanted to know.

With a tired sigh, she led Cason to the house and inside, but not before pausing in front of him, kneeling down with a wince and checking the devil's traps. She found one next to the door which made her pull out a pocket knife and scratch a piece out to break the markings, making it completely void. Standing up again with a groan of pain, she looked back at Cason, “you're good” she told him. She didn't even pay attention to the fact that Mika was talking to Bobby just up ahead in the hallway opening that led to the kitchen. She just wanted to get them both inside so she could have a drink and collapse onto a seat.

She waited for Cason to walk in, as she then noticed Mika chatting with Bobby and overheating the very end of their conversation about how scared Mika was seeing her looking lifeless. It made her feel sad all over again, hearing how Mika felt in that moment broke her heart. It was becoming more clear to her just how much no one wanted to lose her and she did have a place in this family. “hey Bobby” she finally spoke up once she felt she could and Cason was back beside her. Seeing even Mika turn round and lean into him whispering something before heading straight to the kitchen for those beers.


Sam sat back when she woke up abruptly, not wanting to accidentally get headbutted in the process of her whipping her head up and looking around. He barely got to say another word before Anna was out like a shot and sprinting towards Cason. He understood why though, having mostly guessed that's what she would do the moment she saw him. They had a long history after all and he couldn't deny her seeing him after thinking he was dead in the barn. He also saw how Dean got completely ignored and he just knew she was still incredibly pissed at him.

Getting out the truck himself, slower than Anna did, he walked round to see the others, but leaned against the truck so he could stretch his stiff limbs after driving for so long. He didn't mind long drives, but more as a passenger, he didn't enjoy them as much being the driver. He didn't know how Dean could handle it without feeling like his hands and ankles would just seize up and get stuck in that same driving position. He ran his hand through his hair as he let the cold air wake him up a little bit, seeing Anna hug Cason and chest before deciding to come back to him.

When Dean asked to talk to Anna, he glanced over at his brother, not sure how Anna was going to take the request but knew it wouldn't be a polite reaction either way and he was right. Anna spoke to his brother with such callousness that it made him wince from second hand emotional pain of hearing those last words. It put him in the most awkward position as Anna's other half and Dean's brother, not knowing how to handle that situation whatsoever. Sure he had his moments where he said some scathing things to Dean, but this was different this time. He was on the outside of this conflict and he didn't know how to deal with it. “I'm gonna have to ask Mika for advice ..” he mumbled under his breath now getting an understanding of how she must have felt when he argued with Dean and she was the one in the middle.

With Anna back to him, he looked up and took her hand, “wanna head in? Get out of the cold?” He asked her, even though he had no initial plans to stay outside any longer than he wanted to. Looking round at the group, he saw Mika had already gone in and Nat was now leading Cason inside before he could even go to his sister himself. He also saw the full state and situation with Esme and Duke, seeing how bad they were. “I think we all need to get inside and relax” he commented to her, knowing he was ready to just get a drink and go to sleep, holding Anna so he knew she wouldn't disappear on him like she did at the barn thanks to the demons.

Sam noticed Anya smirk as he called his brother out, and he knew in that moment that if she did stick around she would see how much they call each other out or wind each other up for each other's amusement. He also had a feeling that she would eventually gel with the other two and fit in quite well, but of course he didn't plan on forcing her to stick around if she ever chose to leave.

When he saw her face drop into disappointment at the news of what Dean and Lexi found out, he felt so sorry for her. He really had hoped they would find something out for her, to give her anything that would even hint at an answer she so desperately wanted. He listened to her phone after she typed out her reply, almost not even thinking of it as a separate thing to her, and just seeing it as her talking like anyone else. Her determination to keep trying until they did find something was admirable. It was a trait he hadn't seen in someone for a while, as he didn't count Lexi's need to keep hunting to hide from her grief that he had witnessed. This felt different and it was almost contagious as he felt if she was determined to keep going, then so was he.

The ding from the oven, brought his attention back to the reason they were initially in the kitchen for. He gladly stepped back as she motioned for him to do so, letting her walk to the oven and watched as she took the food out and onto the cutting board on the counter. "It smells amazing Anya!" he told her honestly, it really did smell great and he figured if this didn't go towards getting into Dean's good books when he and Lexi returned, then he wasn't sure what she could do to get him on her side.

"Hopefully they won't be long and I have a feeling he will be. He usually is" he replied to her.


It was no surprise to her that he didn't like the fact she also called him out after Sam clearly did. But she couldn't side with him if that wasn't what she truly believed. She never liked lying unless it was for work purposes as she felt it put her in a bad light amongst hunters and most importantly, those she cared about. Dean was becoming rapidly someone she cared about so she didn't ever want to lie to him about anything. Yet, she would never invalidate his feelings either.

When he took in what she was telling him, she was so tempted to say 'sorry what was that?' just to make him repeat that she was right but she could read his body language and decided against it. She knew how to read a room and now wasn't the exact moment to make such a quip at his expense. She wanted to try and cheer him up and make him feel better, not upset him more or make him close up more. Letting him mull over her suggestion, she sat back after kissing his cheek, but she had to look at him when she felt his eyes on her.

Seeing him at least attempt a smile back to her made her feel less bad about calling him out moments ago. She let him speak and was glad that he was willing to at least give Anya a chance even if it meant keeping an eye on the girl. "Okay, keep an eye on her but first..." she began to speak before leaning in and just kissing him. She couldn't hold it back anymore, she tried with the kiss on his cheek earlier, but it was no good. She NEEDED to kiss him again. Letting it linger for a moment before pulling away, she stroked his cheek, "lets go back" she suggested softly.

Fia didn't particularly like the answer she got, even though it was a rather obvious one now that Lucifer had said it. She just didn't like it because she didn't want this pressure to save everyone. It made her sigh, putting her hands on her hips as she did so. "I'm getting real tired of adults putting all this pressure on our shoulders. I get it...my bloodline is rare, I'm special or whatever... but I don't want all this pressure on my shoulders. It's just getting too much. I'm not gonna stop though because I want my mum back, just wish it wasn't solely down to me and Drake." she remarked and Chas had to admit, it was valid. She had every right to feel this way as a teenager.

"I get that Fia, but as you probably already know, being Kay's and a Constantine? Your life was never going to be normal or without constant problems or dangers." he told her sadly, a truth he didn't want to tell her but one he had to. "I know...I've had that speech from dad my entire life, don't make it any easier to swallow though" she replied. She still remembered the days when she was really tiny and John didn't even let her out of the house until she was old enough to hold a proper conversation with someone. Even then, it was hit or miss if she was allowed out without someone following her in the distance to make sure she was safe.


What Bane said back to her didn't help to calm Kay down or make her less angry. She knew deep down he was right but she was high strung, emotional and just downright stressed out. She still felt that she had a right to know about her mother however. She had grown up with the words of her father always in her mind, "The police called... they found your mother's body dead, she's gone Kay, she ain't coming home". She could never forget those words as they were the last words he ever spoke to her softly.

She had no doubt in her mind that she was dead and gone and not alive somewhere in the universe. So when Bane told her her mother could still be out there somewhere, it just made her see red. She just scoffed when he told her she wasn't to ready to hear what he did know, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Leaving all this on her isn't right...she's just a kid" she commented, before just leaving the room as she felt she needed to. She walked partly down the hallway before stopping and leaning against the wall, trying to hold it together. Her hands now shaking and her breath hitching as it began to quicken, to match her heart rate. "Kay calm...." she whispered to herself, knowing she was going into an anxiety attack and it was going to be difficult to control it.

Both the girls were pretty quiet for the most part during the four hour drive. Mika remained awake the entire time, keeping Dean awake in the process whilst he did the driving as well as making sure that everyone in the back was okay, even if she didn't ask them all the time. She just felt the maternal need to constantly look behind her one way or another to check the four of them were in fact still alive and fine. Natalia tried to sleep on Cason's lap whilst he kept a firm hold of her, but she could only cat nap here and there, but never really fell into a proper sleep once. The cat naps just made her all the more tired and she mentally cursed herself for not getting any rest, putting some of it down to fear of not waking up again as the last time she truly closed her eyes, she was almost ready to welcome death in her watery grave.

Having Duke beside her back from the dead didn't help all the thoughts running through her mind about her own mortality and what her family, as well as Cason, would have done if she had died. Would they have gone full blown destructive on anyone and everyone? Would they have just slipped into themselves and fallen apart or would they have gone on a total killing spree out of a need to relieve themselves of the anger and hurt? All options didn't sit well with her and it made her want to just curl up in a ball on Cason's lap, but that was impossible to do in the back of the car. So when they all eventually arrived at Bobby's, she couldn't wait to get out of the car, opening the door and stretching her legs and arms even though it did hurt to do so. "Urgh....such a long ride..." she complained, glad that her and Cason had discussed quietly about finding a way to get her car back as soon as.

Mika was glad to be home even though the last time they were all at Bobby's Cupid decided to mess with them and almost break her relationship with Dean completely. Getting out of the car, she saw Sam pull in behind them in Duke's truck, glad they managed to keep up with them once they caught sight of each other on the way back. "I need my bed so badly...and a drink...preferably drink first." she remarked, making Nat give the tiniest of a smirk briefly. "Drink sounds good right now" she agreed, waiting for Cason to get out of the car before grabbing for his hand as she still felt like she needed to keep a hold of him to truly appreciate she was even still able to do so. As she did, her mind reminded her that Dean still wanted to look her over himself, despite Castiel having done a lot of the healing and as much as she was too tired for it, she knew it was her only time to tell him she loved him and glad he came after her even though she always gave him a hard time over Cason.

Mika saw how Nat did not want to leave Cason's side which lead her to realising that she would have to warn Bobby about those two and to not do or say anything that will make Nat go on defence. "I'm gonna go on ahead and open the door and see where Bobby is, everyone alright to get each other inside?" she asked everyone, waiting for their replies before walking to the back door and unlocking it with her key. "Bobby, we're back! You awake?" she called through, not sure if he would have waited up or not as it was rather late.

Nat glanced at Cason, a yawn escaping her before she got to speak. "Shall we head in?" she asked him, still wrapped up in his coat like it's a blanket and thankful that four hours later, she was finally dry.


The realisation of Duke being the assumed murder victim and one of their group being the so called murderer did not leave his mind the entire drive back to Bobby Singer's place. It haunted him that the hospital took that stance, even if it was completely and utterly valid. If Duke technically died in their building then of course they would have been freaking out that he just woke up and walked out dazed and confused. When they reunited, Duke's state was also haunting, even by looking at him through the window of the impala whilst he and Anna stayed in his truck. He could barely make conversation to Anna during the drive but he make sure to make enough whilst they were both awake so he didn't fall asleep at the wheel.

At Bobby's, he pulled in behind the impala, pulling up beside them round the back. Once they had stopped, he leaned back in the seat for a moment to take a breath before opening the door- the cold night breeze hitting him straight in the face. "Well this is going to be interesting inside. Just hope it's less drama fuelled than last time" he remarked before realising that Anna was once again out like a light, making him smile softly. Leaning over, he gently put his hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly, "we're here baby girl" he cooed to her, not wanting to scare her awake but wanting to wake her promptly.

He waited for her to wake before he even thought about, grabbing the truck keys and getting out to meet up with the others. He could see everyone was absolutely exhausted and ready to just crash wherever they sat once inside, he just hoped Bobby was able to make enough space for everyone. The only ones he figured who were sorted without much issue were Mika and Dean as they had Mika's room to retreat to. As for everyone else, he couldn't say for certain. He took a guess that Bobby wouldn't want Duke out in the RV as no one would be able to keep an eye on him properly, so no doubt Duke would have the couch, as for them? He really couldn't say one way or the other. He saw Mika heading inside ahead of them all which wasn't much of a surprise.

Mika tried all her might to snap out of her shocked state and turn away from Duke, but it was difficult. When she did manage to break away from looking at him, she found herself looking back at him quickly again to make sure he was still there. The short moments she did try and look away, she noticed a look of awkwardness mixed in with the shock of this discovery on Dean's face. She knew his every single expression, even micro ones that his awkwardness after seeing Esme and Duke so close didn't go unnoticed on her. Although it was clearly wasn't jealousy or anywhere near that, it was awkwardness and way back in the back of her mind, she knew when her and Dean finally chatted once more about this, no information kept back, she might finally get some answers as to why he felt awkward about those two being close. For now, she couldn't think about this whole other situation as she still tried to ground herself whilst in the car which was proving difficult to do.

When Duke replied to Nat and Cason's comment, she felt her hand clench in her lap and a tiny quick, blink and you'd miss it twitch in the corner of her eye appeared. She didn't want to think about Duke being dead, even though that was all she could think about right now as it made no sense why he was alive in the back of the impala. Even Natalia found herself looking at them all to try and study their reactions and she came up with the same conclusion as Cason did. If they truly believed Duke had died, then what the hell brought him back? She felt like she could almost hear Cason's mind as it raced through the same question as hers did. She only stayed more grounded than the others because she was convinced she was dying earlier, she didn't know Duke had technically died and sheer exhaustion was creeping up on her once more.

When Dean asked Mika about where to go from here and Cason mentioned Bobby's name along with Dean calling her by her nickname that Sam gave her when he was a young kid, did she snap fully out of her trance like state. "right...right. Bobby, I'll call him now" she said, gathering herself and pulling her out, "Nat do me a favour if you can and text Sam to tell him where we're headed and just to follow on?" She asked her, "sure" Nat replied, pulling out her phone of her pocket only to find it was soaked right through to the inside and now didn't work.

"It's broken...ya know, from my drowning?" She spoke up, shaking her phone to show Mika and Dean, only for water to splash out of every nook and cranny the phone had onto her already wet body. Mika sighed, "okay, I'll tell him after I've spoken to Bobby...unless someone else wants to let Sam know?" She replied, before glancing round at the group then back at her phone, pressing the quick dial on Bobby's name and holding her phone up to her ear.

"Hey Bobby....yes I'm aware....yes I'm sorry I haven't checked in sooner, the job was more complicated than initially thought...but listen, we're four hours out of your place and we really need to do the drive to you. I'll explain better when we get there but we need to come home.....thanks......oh! And if possible, pull the old girl out of the garage? We're gonna need the space created." She spoke on the phone, knowing she was cryptic on her last remark, but didn't care. She knew Bobby still had the old rv and figured it would be the perfect thing to have as extra places to sleep. She also figured it might help Duke feel a bit more grounded and alive if he saw it. Once she was done talking, she hung up and then focused on texting Sam once more.

"Hey, we found Duke walking the highway. Think he might have been your escaped murder victim. So get on the road- we're driving straight to Bobby's to lay low." she pressed send and put her phone away. She then looked at Nat via the rearview mirror, "we'll get you a new phone once back at Souix Falls okay?" She told her, feeling like she needed to truly mother the girl even though Nat wasn't a kid. Nat nodded at Mika's words relaxing on Cason's lap, but not before giving Duke a little reassuring nudge with her leg. She really felt sorry for the guy and felt like she could partially relate to what he must be feeling. She was close to welcoming death and he actually died.


Sam felt beyond elated that Nat was found and alive. He hadn't even realised through his fear of maybe loosing Anna, and their talk that he was also harbouring so much fear of Dean finding Nat dead and he wasn't there with her. Then the reality kicked in what he said and he watched Anna's eyes go wide. He nodded at her question that was seeking confirmation of what he said before seeing her turning forward and just crying. He knew it must have been of great relief for her to know Cason wasn't dead and gone just yet.

"Yeah.... I figured as much as well, I'm also guessing as it was Cason that got to Nat, Dean is probably feeling he owes Cason by not killing him right now. There's no way Nat isn't involved somehow in this" he replied, agreeing that it had to be Nat twisting Dean's arm in some way that was allowing Cason to still be with them all. "I'm just happy they're all alive and coming back" he added, wanting to hug her, but wasn't sure if she wanted him to right at this moment. So he kept his arms to himself and remained sat in the driver's side.

He sat in silence for a while as they waited for the others to show, unsure of what else to say to her that they hadn't already discussed. The silence becoming deafening almost, until his phone went off again, almost making him jump. Pulling it out, he read the text, then read it again. "uhh...seems we're heading straight to Bobby's. They found Duke wandering the high way on their way back. So we gotta go..." He relayed the message onto Anna, seeing if her mind could catch up to what he read as he was still partially trying to figure that one out.

"I swear this night is getting more confusing as it goes on" he sighed, "ready to get outta here?" He asked Anna, knowing it was a stupid question but he asked it anyway.

When Esme yelled at for Dean to stop the car, it jolted Nat awake. She groaned in tired irritation as she readjusted her position as much as was possible to try and get comfortable again in Cason's side. She just wanted to sleep, was that really too much to ask for? Clearly it was she thought. "now what..?" She complained as she saw out the corner of her eye Dean also annoyed but follow Esme out of the car. She tried to ignore everyone seemingly on high alert and whatever was going to happen outside of the car. She didn't even want to acknowledge that even Cason seemed to recognise Duke before Esme did.

However she could hear Esme scream Duke's real name and for a moment didn't even put the two things together, until she overheard Dean outside saying Duke's name. This woke her up more, making her sit upright and look out the back window. It was then she did infact see Esme and Dean staring at Duke before Esme just ran at him and leapt on him. "Oh damn! That IS Duke!" She gasped, watching the whole thing unravel out on the empty road. She couldn't believe he actually got out of the hospital even if he looked utterly confused and dazed about how he was standing there. Although she didn't know he was perceived as dead, she still found it surprising that he was out of the hospital. They were just heading back towards there to get Sam and Anna and possibly see how Duke was doing. This night was really giving more surprises by the hour it felt like.

When Dean came over telling them one of them had to go up front, she was prepared to volunteer herself when Cason just found a loophole in the situation and put her on his lap so he could scoot into her spot. It wasn't in the least bit safe but she wasn't going to argue, instead just deciding to be as comfortable as she could be on his lap. She watched as Duke painfully got into the car, sitting next to Cason, making him the new piggy in the middle, her legs becoming a barrier between Cason and Duke's legs. He looked awful, but he was alive and that was the best she figured they could ask for right now. "glad to have you back Duke" she told him.

She looked forward as Esme got in the car after him and saw Mika just staring at him like he was a ghost and she couldn't help but wonder why Duke was getting such looks. "Jeez guys... You're looking creepy with the way your staring at him" she remarked, draping one arm over Cason's arms holding her and gave Duke a friendly pat on his knee before wrapping her other arm on Cason's. A part of her wanted to make a quip like 'look at us...all couples together!' but she refrained from it because she wasn't sure how anyone would take it, especially Cason as they hadn't had a moment to discuss what they even were to each other.


"Esme for crying out loud!" Mika called out as she watched the woman jump out the car even before Dean managed to come to a full stop. She really couldn't help but wonder what kind of death wish Esme had if she was doing such reckless things. she looked back at Dean as he glanced at her and gave him the nod to go after Esme, "go before she gets herself hurt" she told him with a sigh, putting her hand in her hand, running it through her hair in defeat almost. She was just so tired of the day and wanted to go to a bed and hope tomorrow brought a better day for them all. She really couldn't take anymore surprises whilst she sat in the front seat still processing the night and the news that Duke was dead. Only for all of that to get turned on it's head as she hears Esme scream Duke's real name. Her head remained forward but her eyes went wide in disbelief. "did she really say Jason?" she thought to herself. "surely I'm imagining things, Esme told Dean he had died in the hospital...Duke is gone. Wait...is Duke the one the hospital is searching for?! Is this real?!" she kept thinking, with more and more thoughts racing through her head.

Yet she couldn't bring herself to look out the window or get out of the car to look for herself. She was too scared that she was mishearing the names and just having a force sense of hope that he was back and found them all. "Meeko it's really him!" Nat said to her, still watching the reunion between Esme, Duke and Dean. Yet Mika shook her head, "nope...can't be...nope, I refuse to believe it" she replied, eventually wiping her eyes from the build up of tears that suddenly refused to fall.

She only turned her head when Dean came back, opened the back door and told Nat and Cason to pick who was going to buddy up in the front so Duke could fit in the back. If Dean was saying this then it meant it was true. Duke was back from the dead somehow and they had to find out the answers. Yet Cason made her roll her eyes once more when he lifted Nat up just enough to scoot underneath her and put her on his lap. "always gotta find a loophole..." She scoffed, looking forward again for a moment until Esme walked Duke back to the car and Duke got in first carefully.

It was then she turned her head to look at him and she just stared with bewilderment. She couldn't even talk or say anything to him, all she could do was stare even when Esme got in after Duke. She saw how Esme linked arms with Duke and held onto him as if he would just vanish at any given moment. She realised she must have looked like a strange person just looking at him, but she was convinced if she looked away, he wouldn't be there and this was all a dream.
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