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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Both Sam and Lexi smirked and gave each other a well known secret look between them when they witnessed Dean just shovel the food into his mouth. It was a look they would always give each other when both of them were amused by people's actions, and Dean eating like it was going to be the only meal he'll ever eat again was one of those times. Lexi silently chuckled when she broke the glance and continued eating when Dean spoke up again to Anya.

Though both of them had admit, his question was a valid one and something that they both had wondered themselves. Just Sam would never admit that to Dean or he knew he'd get the whole 'so why didn't you ask her yourself instead of playing tonsil tennis?' questions thrown at him. So all Sam and Lexi did was listen, curious to Anya's answer.

Her answer made Lexi feel sorry for the girl. Most hunters knew what that feeling was like. In their career, it was impossible to not lose numerous people they cared about. It was a curse of the job in Lexi's eyes and she was naive to think she could find someone she loved and wanted to marry whilst still being in the job. Her job was got her fiancée killed, so she knew where Anya was coming from. The only difference was Anya wasn't a hunter and may not have built coping mechanisms like they did. but Lexi most definitely didn't see it as lucky to be the sole survivor each and every time. She didn't know what she would class it as but it wasn't lucky.

Sam also listened and he was actually surprised that Dean wasn't being standoff-ish with Anya or rude. He was actually being considerate and just pointing out the truths of what it means to become a hunter. He was so used to seeing Dean drive people away from this lifestyle, that it seemed almost out of character for him to be even remotely considering helping Anya and accepting her wish.

Sam glanced back at Anya when she glanced at him and gave her a soft smile, letting her type out her reply and even he had to chuckle at the idea of a whistle round her neck or carrying an air horn. He and Lexi couldn't help but raise a slight eyebrow when Dean stayed he would give her a deal if Anya really was set on becoming a hunter.

He and Lexi both listened to what Dean was saying, both nodding in agreement over the statement of giving Anya backup in the form of the three of them. Lexi would even be willing to do sparring sessions and teach her how to defend herself better in a fight. "We can all help you" she spoke up, finishing her meal. "And Dean may say fatten you up, I say a few good sparring sessions to find your strengths and how to utilize your small frame to your advantage. We'll make a badass outta you in no time" she smiled.

Sam also smiled at their words before nodding, "and yeah, I'll take you to get protected, I can explain after we've eaten if you want" he told Anya, feeling thankful that both Lexi and Dean were being a lot more accommodating to Anya than he initially thought they would be.


Duke's remark about the scars making him look more rugged and about his blue eyes getting her on his good side years ago did make her chuckle. She couldn't deny it, there was a reason she considered him her puppy of a brother. He just gave her those big puppy eyes and she did finally cave and got on his good side. “alright puppy” she smirked, her own way of telling him he did have a point.

When she spoke to him, getting stuff off her chest, she didn't intend for Duke to suddenly almost lecture her in the sense of calling her out on how stupid the idea of losing Dean was. She looked at him and saw the mischievous look and knew whatever she did say in this rv, it was safe with Duke. She never realised how much she needed his opinion on things until he spoke and said some pretty profound words. It got her thinking about everything that led up to now. Then he told her to shut her mouth for dumping emotions on him and she couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly as suddenly it felt the roles were reversed.

He may not fully know it, but he definitely gave her something to think about and started to get through to her. With his reply about not needing anything else, she gave a nod and picked up the first aid kit, ready to put it away when he grabbed her hand and thanked her. A soft smile appeared on her face as she gave him a nod, “You’re welcome Duke. We'll always have each other's backs, remember that” she told him, pulling her hand out of his, walked to where she took the kit out and put it back then exited the RV. The cool morning air hit her face, making her wrap her arms round herself as she went back inside. ‘Duke you really have grown up a lot over the years
 really given me something to think about’ she thought to herself. She had to make an effort to not let herself slip and Dean slip through her fingers.

They had come so far since they got back together, matured a great deal and she didn't want to be the cause of making that all go back ten steps. Hovering outside the back door, she took a couple of deep breaths before walking inside, closing the door behind her. She noticed everyone had scattered from the kitchen and only Dean, Bobby and Esme were left in the living room. Unaware of everything that went down with Esme, she stepped up to the threshold frame that linked the kitchen to the living room and leaned against the frame. “Duke is fine now, I've touched up his pulled stitches, covered them properly and he's now gonna crash for a bit in the RV.” She spoke up, more for Bobby's benefit than Dean's but figured Dean would appreciate the update as well. She saw Esme out cold on the couch, her mouth moving but from where she wasz she couldn't actually hear anything being muttered.

She then looked across to Dean, “I'm heading up to bed, coming?” She asked, not sure if he was wanting to stay with Esme or actually be with her. But either way she had to crash, and crash hard. It was then she heard the front door open again and she knew that meant Sam and Anna were coming back inside as well. Leaning back to look down the hallway, she saw Sam enter first, Anna following close behind. “Duke said there's his couch on the RV if it's any good for you guys” she called down.


Seeing Cason sigh with relief when she agreed to take a bath, she saw just how worried he was about her
had been about her. Natalia found herself raising an eyebrow at his question, wondering what on earth he was getting at, until she followed his gaze to the bathroom and looked back at him. His smile making it really difficult not to do the same facial expression, even though it did hurt her face to do so. She watched as he got the bath filled up and without even getting to the bathroom and she had to finally smirk when he was done. “Show off” she quipped, before letting him gently pull her off the bed to stand up, “the only thing you got wrong there is that I'd rather after the bath, you laid with me. I know you don't sleep
but I don't wanna lay alone” she told him as he guided her to the bathroom.

His words about letting her decide whether she wanted him to turn around was sweet. If only the others could see this human side of him that she saw. She knew he wasn't human, he would never be human again, but there was a sense of humanity still in him and she wished people like Dean would acknowledge that. “Cason, we have slept together, it's fine” she told him as she began to kick her boots off and carefully getting her jeans off. She had to admit to herself that the closer she got to getting into the bath and letting the warm water soothe her aching muscles, the slightly more relaxed she felt but there was still that sense of fear of sliding underwater and not coming back out. It was such a conflict in her head, but she kept telling herself with Cason by her side, she could do this. She overcame her fears once a couple of years ago, she could do it again.

When Cason lifted his shirt over his head and was just standing there in his undone pants, she finally saw the state he was in. Sadness and concern overcame her face as she lifted her hand up and gently glided her fingertips around the area. “What happened? Why didn't you say anything?” She asked him, staring at the wound iron caused. She trusted his prediction on when he'd be healed but that didn't stop her worrying about him. He saved her when he was wounded himself and she felt even more grateful to him. She just wanted to fix him even though she didn't know the first thing about healing a demon, her fingers running up his chest slowly, her eyes following suit before she looked up at him in the eyes. She couldn't even say anything, just looked him in the eyes to see if whatever he told her was indeed the truth.

It took a moment or two before she had to force herself to look away, properly strip down and slowly get in the bath, making sure there was room for him. She initially kept ahold of the sides of the bath, convinced that if she did that she wouldn't slip underwater before Cason was in behind her and being her support.

When he was in, she felt a lot more secure and safer, making herself let go of the sides and place her hands in the water and wrap her arms round her legs.


Sam felt the same way as Anna, he was done hearing intense and massive announcements from everyone. He was also done seeing a brewing fight looming between others, and hoped that a fight wouldn't break out between Dean and Duke or even Mika and Dean. So when she stated his thoughts, he couldn't help but give a sad smile and nod, “was thinking the same thing just now” he replied to her, keeping ahold of her hand as she stood up and remembered about her shoulder having the hellhound bite in it. Despite the nurses clearly having done a reasonably good good, he was still concerned about it because unlike the nurses, he knew what did it.

“Well I'm gonna look at it anyway, it has bled a bit and I'd feel better if I saw to it myself” he told her calmly, seeing her pause at the front door. Lifting his free hand forward, he opened the door and stepped inside in front of Anna as she followed him in. It was then he looked up and saw Mika leaning back to see them come back inside. “thanks, but I think we might crash downstairs. I can sort the bed out for Anna and I'll just sleep on some blankets” he replied to her. He gave Mika the look to say ‘we both decided on it to play safe’. Mika gave him a nod of understanding and stood up straight again as Sam walked towards the basement door, cranking it open and leading Anna down the steps.

“It's just for a few hours this time, that's all we need to remember” he told her, giving her hand a squeeze of reassurance, leading her into the panic room before he let go of her hand to go sort the bed out for her. He had no plans on cuffing her to it this time, just focusing on making sure she had a pillow and blankets, whilst hoping that being down here It would drown out the sound of Cason's heart just enough to make her relax a bit. It took him a few minutes to do so, but when he was done, he patted the mattress, “alright, let's check that shoulder of yours then you can sleep” he told her as he himself perched on the end of the makeshift bed waiting for her.

She didn't want to come across as a mother to him, he was a grown man after all, but she never wanted to hear him say such words to her. It was heartbreaking that he basically implied he wasn't good enough to survive and come back like Dean was. He was such an amazing person to Mika, that she never wanted him to feel he was inadequate in comparison. If she had known just how much Dean and somehow made Duke feel like this and for so long, she would have said something to Dean years ago because she wouldn't have been able to help herself. Mika let him think about her words before he also agreed to let her check him over. Sighing with relief, she let him take his shirt off, throwing it to the side. His scars never phased her, she had her own after all and he was one of few people who had also seen hers, as she was always uncomfortable with people seeing them. It was one reason she had them tattooed over when she was saying Ethan for a while years ago. It was her way of being able to pretend they didn't exist even though they showed through the art of her back.

“At this rate you'll have more battle scars than I do and that's an impressive feat” she smiled as she stood up and went to the mini cupboard that always held his first aid kit. Walking back to him, she knew his bed was the best place for him to be. “just lay back on there, may as well as get sort of comfortable if it's even possible.” she told him, helping him get comfortable and then perching on the edge, placing the kit down in front of her before unzipping it.

When he was ready, she grabbed some gauze and cotton wool to tend to his weeping stitches, making sure to be as gentle as she possibly could. “As for your other remark? I feel ya on that one. I feel like all I've done is try to keep it together for everyone else. I've gone from spending my days locked in my room drinking my waking hours away to grieve Dean, to having to keep everyone together whilst trying to accept Esme and Dean's closeness. I feel like I've not really had a moment to just enjoy having him back you know? Feels like I'm losing him all over again and I'm just expected to accept his ex being looked after by him.” She sighed as she focused on his wound. She then half scoffed, shaking her head, realising it probably wasn't fair dumping all this on Duke.

“Sorry, shouldn't be bringing you into this
” she apologized, drying up the surrounding area and redoing the pulled stitches before she covered it for him to keep it clean. With a sigh, she looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “You're all good. Want me to bring you in anything? Another drink? More blankets?” She asked.


Seeing Cason wince at her words confirmed her suspicions that it wasn't an easy thing to hear. She didn't like hearing those words out of her own mouth, but what was the point in lying to herself? The physical scars and trauma was one thing to endure, but it was the mental ones that she really struggled with. Just as she thought she was making progress with the original altrauma, now she had a whole load of new trauma dumped on top of it. What she wasn't letting on was that that torture brought up new memories she thought she forgot and now part of her head was trying to filter through what was past and what was present trauma in her head.

All she wanted was to go to sleep and try and not dream about what she endured again. Yet it seemed just her actions of trying to lay down wasn't acceptable enough for Cason, as he pulled her back upright and told her she was to go shower. She did trust him, and she probably did look a state, but she just couldn't care. The very idea of water rushing over her face terrified her, and judging by Cason’s change of idea, it seemed her face showed how much she didn't want it. The suggestion they shared a bath instead so she wasn't alone did make her smile lightly as it felt like such a ‘cason’ way of suggesting such a thing. She thought about what he was saying, promising to never leave her side and as he held her, placed a gentle kiss on her and promised he'd be there the whole time she eventually nodded.

okay I'll take a bath” she finally agreed, caving to his pleas and negotiating. She hated being such a grump around him as it was becoming clear to her that she was worrying him to an extent and she didn't want to do that. “Guess that bath better get filled up then” she said to him with a small smile.


Sam had to admit, he didn't know where they were going to sleep either. The place was a full house right now and the thought of possibly going into a house still filled with tension wasn't the most inviting thing to think about. The moment she closed her eyes as she sighed, he had to wonder what was that uncomfortable thought that she was now thinking, before he suddenly got his answer. Of all things he could have imagined her saying, saying she’d go in the basement was not one of those things. Especially when she had such an adverse reaction to the door that led to the basement when they arrived.

“i'm surprised to hear you say that but I'm proud of you for even thinking it. I wouldn't leave you alone down there. If you go there, then so do I.” He told her honestly. “So how about we go back inside and find out where everyone else is crashing and we'll go from there?” He suggested, knowing that the only one he could think of confidently was Mika's choice of sleeping place. Though, with how protective she was being over Duke, it also wouldn't surprise him if she changed up her plans.

He stood up from the step and held out his hand to her to help her up. “I do wanna check that injury of yours though. Get that tidied up and recovered.” he added. Now that they were even discussing sleeping arrangements, it was all he could honestly think about other than recovering her stitches to keep them clean. He never acknowledged just how tired he actually was until now.

Sam couldn't help but feel quite amused by the way it seemed even Lexi was siding with him and Anya, if the wink to Anya had anything to go by. Seeing the way Anya smiled and giggled at Lexi told him that the two girls would get along fine and if anyone could convince Dean Anya was a good person, it would be Lexi. She always did have a good sense about people from the odd job he worked with her after pulling her out of her house.

Once sat at the table, he gave his brother a side glance as he witnessed Dean move his chair to sit next to Lexi. The action he hadn't seen in a long time and it honestly amused him to the point he couldn't hide the smirk from quickly appearing on his lips then forcing it go away. The smirk only reappeared though when he noticed Lexi nudging Dean in the ribs to say thank you to Anya. It seemed that the longer the two of them were around each other, the more Lexi was able to whip Dean back into place again.

He began to eat himself, listening to the chit chat go around the table and he almost choked on his mouthful when Anya managed to be quick with her whip back at Dean about his question. He looked at his brother and caught the smirk, giving him a discreet nod. He may not have known that Dean was thinking how quickly Sam would take it upon himself to learn ASL, but that was something that went through Sam's mind. He knew a couple of real basic signs thanks to various media or what he had picked up from people watching, but if Anya was to be around for a while, he didn't think it would hurt to seriously learn more.


Her nudge making Dean actually be civil and polite made Lexi feel rather proud of herself. she didn't doubt that he would eventually say thank you to Anya, but the sooner he said it, the more light the air would be around them all at the dinner table. She didn't want to come across as bossing him about, but she did want him to lighten up a bit and make some effort like he promised her he would.

Seeing his face as he ate the food made her smile. Good food really was the key to his trust and heart it seemed. She smiled as they began to chat, even if Dean's question was rather forward. She was ready to give him 'seriously?' look when Anya was completely on top of it and ahead of them all. Her comeback made Lexi laugh, having to cover her mouth as she did so. The quick wit of the girl was so amazing to witness.

Finally, another woman who wasn't afraid to speak her mind and be herself around new people. She really was going to like Anya if this was her authentic self. "She got you there Dean" she chuckled between mouthfuls of food. It was so nice to be having this interaction with people again, barely remembering the last time she could just have a laugh with people around a table with a good hearty meal. She could have almost fooled herself into thinking they weren't three hunters trying to help this woman out if she let herself believe it long enough.

When Serena corrected her on when she was first seen, she thought back and realised she was right. With everything that happened, she had completely forgotten she was spotted before the time she mentioned. "You're right, can't believe I forgot that" she said, shaking her head at herself. She then looked up at Lucifer as he asked a question that felt like a stupid one to her, "who wouldn't if they had the opportunity to?" She shrugged before continuing before anyone could interrupt her, "my only guess is that it's happening now because he's linked to Kay. I know in my time so many wanted him out the picture before mum got corrupted. They are bonded not just in emotions, but literally. It's a bond that when I came into the world, it changed to include me." She started explaining, lifting her sleeve up to show the bond on her wrist, looking like a tattoo brand.

"Every downworlder wants to harness mum's power for their own gain but they can't if John is in the game so to speak. Get John off the playing field and it's one stronghold down. It's how it happened in my time anyway. So I'm guessing it's the same in this year." She finished explaining.

Chas nodded, "she has a point. John has become fiercely protective of Kay, something I've not seen in him for a long time. And everyone knows if John has his mind set on something or someone, you gotta get rid of him to get to what he's protecting" he agreed.


Kay listened to extra brief information and nodded, "okay..okay. can I tell anyone this information?" She asked the voice, needing to know if she has to keep this to herself or not. It was such a daunting thought that she had to be prepared to let Serena of this time to just kill beings and that she herself had to burn a building down. It was so far from the kind of person she was, but this whole situation was proving she had to start questioning how much longer could she stay neutral in her actions and thoughts.

For Mika, it was incredibly hard to talk about what she experienced when out cold for days way back when. Even into adulthood, she didn't know how she survived something that she never should have. Just like how Duke felt, she took felt she should be dead and have stayed dead. It took her years to accept she was alive but by being alive, something in her changed. She never wanted Duke to go through that closed off, fearful stage now he took, had experienced being dead temporarily. She wouldn't wish that on her worst enemy truth be told. It was the worst feeling to be alive and feel like you didn't deserve the second chance, or that what you experienced inside your head was either not real or it was and you were taken from that moment of bliss and tranquility. She hated that because of it, she spent so long hiding from the one person she loved, doing all she could to make him never find her, only to find she constantly kept running to him. She hated that eventually, her antics and running away from being happy with Dean drove him into the arms of another for a good year. It was still so soul destroying and she refused to let Duke go through any of that.

He was too good a soul deep down for any of that to become his life and she would do all she could to make sure he got through this moment without going down that rabbit hole. Seeing him sniffle at hearing more of her story, brought some kind of different sadness to her. She couldn't explain what the exact emotion was, but she didn't want him feeling sorry for her. She just wanted him to know he was not alone. Mika found herself briefly widening her eyes when she suddenly felt him hug her of his own free will before she held him all the more securely. She felt like he was just that kid hugging her all over again, needing the kind of comfort that only she could give. Mika knew instantly that him barrelling back into their lives was the best thing that could have happened, and she only truly realized it now. She really had missed him a great deal.

After she pulled away for a moment, she ran her fingers through his hair, letting him speak some more but what next came out of his mouth absolutely destroyed her. For all of Dean's faults, he would have never wished Duke stayed dead. She saw for herself how distraught Dean was when they thought they lost him for good, Dean wouldn't have come back from Duke's death for a long time. “now you listen to me mister” she began scolding, making him look at her, “don't you EVER say that again. Ya hear me? Dean may say some hurtful shit to you or me or anyone, but he would NEVER be disappointed you survived. When he thought you were gone for good, he was absolutely broken up. I don't think even I could have brought him back to reality. He could barely get the words out to me.

He doesn't want to ever lose you Duke. Dean loves you, he's just really crap at showing it. And if he did express otherwise you can bet your ass I would kill him myself for thinking such a thing. Or I'd kick his butt to Timbuktu and tell him to re-evaluate his life” she told Duke sternly but lovingly, meaning every word she said even if the last bit was an amusing thought. She removed a hand from Duke to wipe her eyes as she felt tears wanting to fall down her cheek, then pulled him into her once more. “no one wishes you stayed dead..not him, not me, no one. We are beyond glad you're back with us. I know he doesn't always make you or anyone feel like it, but he is. So as difficult as it is right now, I need you to not think he wishes you were dead, trust me I know that's really hard right now. I thought the same years ago for a while but it's not true. In no way or universe is it true” She explained.

She let her words sink into his mind for a moment before stroking his cheeks with her thumbs, “so
how about I see to these ripped stitches and check the rest of you over before Bobby comes in and fusses you like a child?” She gave him her reassuring smile in the hopes it'll help him, “but remember I'm here if you ever need to chat or need advice. Right now, we got even more in common than you know and if telling you secrets of how I dealt with this will help? I'll tell you everything”.


Cason's voice broke through to her, making her look up at him. “Sorry
old habits die hard I guess” she replied, knowing that the biggest reason for getting ahead of herself was purely out of habit. She was used to having to deal with these moments on her own more times than not and she just started undressing slightly as if she was on autopilot. So she took the scolding from Cason without any snarky comeback.

She let him come over and sit in front of her before she felt his hand brush some of her hair out of her face and down onto her chin to move her head side to side. She remained pretty silent as he looked her over thoroughly, the only time she winced slightly was when he hit a bruise and not dried blood on her cheek. She let him run his fingertips over her shoulder that had been badly broken, watching his face as he focused so intently on her. His sigh of relief bringing a tiny brief smile to her lips before he continued down her body and eventually to the back of her head.

When he turned her head to face him, making her look at him once more, she gave a nod. “It weirds me out too
” she admitted, deciding that was better than saying ‘told you so’. It took her a few seconds to clock he called her sweetheart again, and when she did she just wanted to wrap her arms around him, but she refrained from doing so. She tried to remain well behaved even though she felt like being clingy on him. “I know I've said it before, but I'm so grateful you came for me. I really didn't think I'd ever see you again, or any of those chaotic lot out there. I was ready to just give up fighting until you pulled me out” she finally admitted. She knew it wouldn't be easy to hear, but she couldn't pretend she was only almost ready to give up when she had gone so far passed that point in the pool.

Sighing, she looked down, ready to just lay down on the bed, even if she was covered in dried blood and dirt and fall asleep. “I know you don't sleep
but I really need to
” she commented, shifting her body to start laying down as she just wanted to sleep and not see any more water.


Sam let her cry on his shoulder, knowing she needed to just let it out. If he wasn't out of tests, he would have cried with her as he hated seeing her go through all this and no doubt feeling like she was being pulled from every direction. He knew he could tell her she wasn't a monster until he was blue in the face but that wouldn't just magically wipe away how she felt inside. All he could do was keep telling her and hope that even if it made her less monstrous for a little while, then it could be enough. He wanted to make her feel as much joy or hope as he could, even if it felt like it was harder to do with each passing day.

He glanced down without moving his head as she let go of his arm with one arm and wiped her face before clinging onto him again. He let the tiniest smile appear as he just saw the Anna he had always known in that one little action. For the briefest of moments, he saw the Anna he met when they were kids and when she was upset, she'd do the exact same action to try and pretend she wasn't crying. She was still in there deep down and he wasn't going to give up on trying to make her feel her old self between the hard times.

When she said she didn't know why he was all in but was glad he was, he looked her right in the eyes back and smiled softly at her. “I'm all in with you because I know what you're going through and I've lost you once
I'm not losing you again. I should have never let you go all those years ago, so I wanna make up for that” he told her honestly, returning the kiss when she placed her lips on his. He reached one hand up to under her chin and held it between his index finger and thumb. He didn't want to pull away but when she did, he did too, opening his eyes as she placed her hand on his cheek to feel his heartbeat and center herself. “I love you too, always will” he replied.

Chas rubbed his temples as he tried to think of what else was in play that they didn't know. He also couldn't help but wonder if Kay or John figured anything out back at John's. As the others continued to talk, he kept trying to think of theories, but it was when Serena spoke that he mentally came back into the room. "that's right. It did happen the moment we got back from there. Kay had been kidnapped there and we had to all go to get her back. By the time we got back to John's, we were all knackered and Kay was just a mess. You didn't look so hot yourself either come to think of it" he replied, aiming the last bit to Serena.

"That was when you guys found me in the kitchen hooded and trying to avoid you lot as I didn't want to have to reveal myself or Drake so soon, but that didn't exactly go to plan" Fia added.


When a shadow wrapped itself round Kay, it made her initially flinch before she got a sense of calm from it, making her relax a little bit. She made herself try harder to relax and make her breathing slow and steady once again. She listened to the words that came from the mysterious voice that sounded like an older Serena, but it couldn't be....could it? The moment the shadow hand reached up and touched her cheek, she closed her eyes and leaned into it instinctively, trying so hard to not let a tear fall that was now threatening to bubble up and over her eyelid. Everything that was being told to her seemed a lot.

It was difficult to try and remember absolutely everything as she listened but gave a nod. "I promise" she replied, even though she didn't want to promise what she was being made to. It didn't feel right to promise to not let Serena show mercy to whoever takes her and to let whatever manor they would be at burn. Let no one escape? Recreate what their parents did in the past? That was a lot to handle. "What manor? I don't know how to be that strong...but I'll do what I can" she told her.

The moment Duke finally looked at her and started crying, just letting out absolutely everything he was feeling she knew he was in a worse state than people in their group had realized. Not one moment did she judge him for it though, she wanted him to let out his feelings and emotions so he didn’t bottle it all up. She wanted him to let her in and feel like he could be open. As much as she wanted him to talk, she wasn’t going to rush him into talking, this was something he had to take his own time doing and she’d wait for however long he needed her to.

When he managed to say he loved her, she knew it was a start. It was agony seeing him sob like he was, feeling like she hadn’t witnessed this from him since he was a kid and he just came into her room, climbed onto her bed whilst she was watching tv and hugged her- the motion that told her she had to turn the tv off and hug him. Now she felt this was very similar to those nights with the way he shook his head in her hands. He needed her more than ever and she wasn’t going to leave him high and dry. Then he spoke again, asking her about her beliefs in Heaven and she didn’t honestly know how to answer it at first, so when he continued to talk, she let him.

She let every word just get drilled into her mind, listening and taking it all in so when it came to her actually replying back, she could with wisdom and care. She gave a delicate nod to his description of a dream someone wouldn’t want to wake up from- she knew those well. She still remembers the one she had as a young girl when she passed out on Bobby’s doorstep, barely still pieced together it felt like. She was just a teenager but in that dream she had in the days she was out cold in Bobby’s, it felt like she never got attacked- her parents didn’t die. She could still picture every single moment of when she saw her mother first, making her run over into the arms of her beloved mother. The mother who always had her back, defended and loved Dean like a son when her father couldn’t.

She dreamt of being reunited with them both, being happy she was with them. Spending time enjoying their company, laughing and joking. She dreamt of times when her mother would walk into her room and Dean was hiding under her bed, thinking he was well hid until her mother greeted him as she exited the room, causing both herself and Dean to start laughing out of embarrassment. She dreamt of the night Dean took her out on a date for her birthday and gave her her treasured necklace of protection, that she still wears today. She knew what Duke had gone through all too well and she wanted to believe it was Heaven, or a form of Heaven so badly, to know that when they die they didn’t just end up dust on the ground. But could she say for absolute certainty that she believed Heaven existed? No.
His words didn’t once scare her, but they did make her sad as she would always worry about him. He may have grown taller than her, but she still saw him at times as the little dorky brother. She didn’t take her eyes off of him as he kept talking, describing what he went through, how he scared the hell out of the nurse, even when he said he was convinced he was in Heaven. Taking it all in, she thought over her words carefully before finally speaking. “I don’t know if I believe in Heaven but I want to believe it’s real. I had a similar experience when I was just a teenager and I passed out on Bobby’s doorstep after the wendigo tried to kill me. I was there for what felt like months, but was actually days. I didn’t want to wake up and accept that my folks were truly gone. I didn’t want to say goodbye to them all over again. So if you had the same experience? And I believe you one hundred percent, then maybe there is a Heaven.” she replied softly.

“I haven’t told a single soul until right now that. You’re the only one who now knows.” she added, pulling him into her and hugging him. “So you can always know that I will understand what you’re feeling okay?” she said, kissing the side of his head protectively and if either Esme or Dean didn’t or gave him shit for what he experienced, she would call them both out and defend Duke until she had run out of breath to do so.

“As for those two in there? You can bet your ass I will have words with at least Dean. I’m not going to let him push you away from Esme. As much as I did understand why Dean took charge, you’re in no fit state to lift someone, but he went about that situation in there all wrong and I will tell him.” she told Duke and she wasn’t going to change her mind on the matter. She knew as well as anyone that if the roles were reversed, she would have been called out for it as well. “I can see as well as anyone how much you love that girl and need her. I will make Dean back off, I promise because I’m not having him hurt you anymore than he already has.” she told him, pulling him away just enough to make him look at her again, “ya hear me?” she asked.


When Natalia mumbled, she didn’t intend to make Cason frown. She was just so done with everything in this moment she couldn’t make sure her filter was fully switched on. She glanced over at Bobby when Cason asked him where everyone was sleeping to rest up and recuperate for a few hours. Hearing that Mika would probably take her old room was exactly shocking, that woman was very attached to her old room and bed. She just hoped it would be Dean that goes up with her and that Dean wouldn’t stay with Esme- if for no one else’s sake but Duke’s. It was clear Duke wouldn’t handle Dean being with Esme any longer than was strictly necessary and she didn’t think Mika would accept Dean choosing Esme over her either.
Nat nodded when Bobby told her to take his room whilst he was going to be up anyway. “Thanks Bobby” she replied, whilst Cason looked and sounded surprised Bobby was trusting him to be stay with Nat. The fact Bobby was being so civil made Nat have a sneaky suspicion that someone in their group asked him to be nice, and that suspicion was fully on Mika as she did catch Mika whispering to Bobby when they all made it into the house.

She then turned her attention back to Cason when he clearly aimed his next words to her. “Okay
” she said, slowly getting up, leaving her empty bottle on the table. Giving a nod of agreement to him leaving to grab her stuff, she gave Bobby a brief hug as thanks for being nice to Cason before walking into Bobby’s study via the living room, not even giving Dean or Esme a single glance even though she knew at the back of her mind that Dean wanted to talk with her at some point still. She couldn’t even gain the energy to make a sassy quip, opening the door and walking inside, closing it behind her and heading straight to the bed.

Sitting on the edge she sighed, feeling the soft mattress underneath her. She peeled herself out of Cason’s coat, realising now she was still in it. A small hiss escaped her but she continued to try and remove her shirt, hissing and wincing as she struggled to get her arms out of it, biting her bottom lip to stop herself from crying from the pain. It was then Cason reappeared in the room, just as she finally got it off, sporting now only her jeans, boots and sports bra.


Sam wasn’t expecting to hear anything from Anna, let alone any action toward him so when she did say she wanted him around, he exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was withholding. He let her grab his arm to scoot closer to him and rest her head on his shoulder. He remained close to her, reaching his free hand across and placed it comfortingly over her own hands. Letting her take the lead in how close they sat was proving to be the right course of action it seemed and he would continue with this idea of his.

He gently rested his own head upon hers whilst she pressed her ear firmly against his shoulder whilst she explained what she wanted to drown out and not hear anymore. He wished he could say he was shocked to hear she wanted to rip out Cason’s throat and no doubt drain him dry, but he sadly couldn’t. Before she came back to his life, he felt the same way about Ruby’s blood once. The come down was proving excruciating for Anna, but at least it wasn’t so bad that she had to be locked up in the basement
.for the time being. “You’re not a monster baby girl
 the world may be making you do monstrous things right now but you yourself are not a monster. The fact you’re terrified of being around the others, trying your hardest not to harm Cason shows that.” he replied to her.

“None of this is going to get easier but I won’t stop being by your side fighting for and with you.” he added, readjusting his head to place a firm but loving kiss on the top of her head, then placed his head back where it was. He wasn’t going to ever leave her side and he was most definitely going to strive in not making the past mistakes he had already made. She had made him proud despite everything that had gone down, he just needed to make her proud of him now.

Duke's initial flinching didn't take her by surprise as she figured he might still be a tiny bit jumpy after everything that unfolded, but the moment Mika felt him behind to relax in her arms and against her shoulder she knew he knew he was safe with her. She was also glad that what she said was agreed by Cason as he seemed to nod at her words. But then Esme absolutely lost her temper in her tired state at Cason and herself. She tried to rationalize it by putting it down to the woman being exhausted and in pain and not take offense. Yet, her outburst told Mika that there was no way she was leaving Duke with Esme if she's going to be like this.

She sighed, and forced herself not to say anything back when it was clear that even Dean was trying to defend their words and calm Esme down. As much as she appreciated for once, Dean attempting to have her back around Esme, she still couldn't help but see how he was with her and it felt like Dean truly wasn't fully over Esme and that hurt. Not just because he spent a while being in love with someone else when she wasn't around, but also because moments like this act like a sledgehammer of reality hitting her with the fact she was partly to blame back in the day for driving him into Esme's arms. If she just had been a better person back in the day and not caused so many arguments, he never would have felt the need to find someone else. Bobby's angry scolding made her shake those thoughts out of her head, he was right. Now wasn't the time for arguing and shouting matches.

As Cason and Bobby began to discuss what very little they did know, she wasn't sure how much Duke would be able to hear, but she didn't want to get him out of the room just yet as she herself was curious to what the two men had to theorise. Tilting her head down, she kissed the top of Duke's head, not wanting to let go of him in the slightest but her head lifted up when Anna declared she needed air and just walked out towards the front door. Sam looked worried and so she gave him the nod and tilted her head towards the direction Anna went in, “go after her” she mouthed to him, which seemed to work as she watched Sam put his drink down and follow Anna out.

As the conversation started to fizzle out, theories she found interesting to say the least, she knew Duke would have heard enough. She gave him a light tap on his shoulder, “come on
let's get you in the RV” she told him softly, but in a way that told him she wasn't going to take no as an answer. She looked up at Bobby, “gonna get him in the RV so he can rest up in quiet and have the space” she told him, so he knew where to find Duke if he decided to check on him himself. She gently pulled Duke up onto his feet, keeping a protective hold on him the whole time as she guided him to the back door to reach the RV. She barely even looked at Dean in the main room as she focused on Duke, not even sure how to tackle the Dean and Esme moment right now. It was the least of their worries and she had to stay focused even though she was probably one of the only people who did still want him around. She just had to keep her focus on Duke, he needed her more than the rest of them right now.

Letting go of him with one hand, she opened the back door and guided him outside to the RV, seeing that Bobby had left the door to it I locked for them, she got Duke inside and sat him down on the makeshift bed of his. “Okay, this is much better” she sighed, squatting down in front of him so she could look him in the eyes. “I'm not gonna ask you how you're holding up or any other stupid question. It's clear you aren't, none of us are. There's been far too much to compute in the last few hours, but I will tell you this” she began to say to him, lifting her hand and making him look at her, keeping his head in her hand. “I got you okay? I'm not gonna leave you to deal with everything on your own, you're my baby brother and I'm never deserting you. Dean is an asshole sometimes with control issues- we both know it. And if you need to get anything off your chest, you can off load to me, just as you always have been able to. I can empathise with more than you probably realise” she told him softly, a tone that she has only ever used with him.

She stroked his cheek with her thumb, just wishing she could take away all of his pain, physical and mental. It broke her heart seeing him as this shell of the person she grew up with. “I love you Duke. Always will” she told him, “so talk to me?” She requested. She felt if she didn't get him talking first, she'd never get round to checking the ripped stitches on his stomach.


Nat was well and truly lost in her own head I til she felt Cason's foot nudging hers under the table, making her snap out of it and look up at Cason to see him giving her a reassuring smile. She gave one small smile back, before looking back down at her beer bottle on the table. she tried to focus on what was being spoken about all around her but it felt like there was a million and one things all being discussed at the same time and her brain just couldn't comprehend anything being said. She just wanted to find some kind of bed or bed like item of furniture and crash for a few hours, preferably hugging Cason.

Esme's outburst knocked her out of her mind yet again and she was beginning to feel so frustrated at all the bickering. She got it, they were all exhausted but she was so fed up of hearing raised voices and drama. Which she realised was quite something considering even she knew she was usually the one who started the arguments or kept them going. “can we all just stop?” She mumbled, her voice drowned out by Bobby's scolding. She was aware of Anna leaving the room and eventually Sam but she didn't react to any of it. She was done.

When the conversation did eventually come to some sort of end, she looked up as she saw Mika take Duke outside to the RV, thinking Duke was so lucky to have someone just get him out of the tense atmosphere. “so
can we just get everything done so I can go crash somewhere please? I’m desperate to get some sleep” she asked nobody in particular in the room. It was solely a plea to be checked over already so she could leave the tension. “So if one of you is gonna check me over, please do so soon” she then said more to Cason and Bobby this time. It was getting clear that she was close to just falling asleep here at the kitchen table if she didn't move soon and she would rather not add back pain to everything else by falling asleep slumped over the table.


Hearing everything for the first time from everyone felt like so much to take in when they were all so tired, but somehow Sam managed to keep up with every single bit of information. When Cason told them all that a lot was to do with Anna and her unwilling connection to Lilith, he just wanted to wrap Anna up in bubble wrap or an invisibility cloak so he could protect her from what was coming. They knew Lilith was a big player in all of this but every little snippet of new information just made it feel so much bigger than all of them and he didn't like what it was doing to Anna's mental state. He saw how every word spoken was making Anna even more anxious and uncomfortable from the way she was fidgeting on the worktop, wanting to grab her hand and give her a reassuring squeeze, but before he could do anything, she muttered about needing air and was gone out the front door before he could even react.

He wasn't sure at first whether he should go after her or not, but when he looked towards Mika and saw her mouth to go after Anna, he gave a nod and went after her. He hoped it was the right thing to do as he walked through the hallway, glad to be out of the tension and Esme's outbursts. Opening the door, he stepped out, closed it behind him and sat on the step beside her as he saw her hugging herself and clearly upset. “I don't know if you want me around, but I'm here if you do
I won't speak or go anywhere, I'll just be a body for comfort if needs be.” He softly spoke to her, not reaching out or making any sudden moves. He just sat next to her to let her make any moves she wanted. The most important thing to him right now was just letting her know she wasn't alone and didn't have to comprehend all of this on her own. He never wanted her to feel like she had to deal with this alone because she wasn't alone, even if she felt differently about the fact.

He noticed the pulled stitches on her and desperately wanted to take care of her but he knew right here on the steps of Bobby's front door he couldn't do that until she felt ready to go inside again where there were kits to actually tend to her. Part of Sam wanted to talk but he promised her that unless she wanted him to, he wouldn't speak. This was all to be on her terms and time, he'd wait hours if it meant it for her. Crossing his arms over his chest, mostly to stay relatively warm he stared out in front of him, seeing the sun was trying to poke out from beneath the clouds as it rose to tell the human race that it was the start of a new day. A sure sign that it really had been a long night if they were already coming into the next day and none of them had really slept or relaxed yet.

His mind going through everything that had been spoken before he and Anna left the room, wondering how they were all going to just bounce back to their usual selves from knowing what they now know. They could have come back with a minimum of two less people in their group, four if they were truly unlucky and the more he realised that, the more it terrified him. He almost lost his brother and sister all in one night and he wasn't even there when it almost happened. It was a painful truth he had to accept if he were to ever be able to move forward and get focused at whatever was coming their way.

Sam let Anya go to the fridge and when she pulled out a beer, he guessed that it was either for herself or for Dean, considering how determined she seemed to be at getting Dean on her side. He stood waiting for the two of them after Lexi had called out to him to find out where they were in the bunker, soon spotting them coming into the kitchen.

He watched as Dean came on in first and smirked at his surprise that there was home cooked food ready to be served. "yes Anya did it all...mostly for you I should add" he clarified after Anya gave him a smiley nod. He saw she didn't have her phone in reach, so he figured he would confirm it for her. He watched as Dean walked up to her and took the beer from her hand that she offered him, glad that he was at least trying to be nice.

It was a relief that he was willing to talk with her, even if it meant the food has to be the bribe. It was a start at least. He looked at his brother when he got asked about bringing girls back who could cook and sniggered at his lousy attempt to find something to complain about.

"I didn't know Anya could until she mentioned it and insisted on cooking. But I say we're pretty lucky for it" he replied with a smirk. He then walked over to the plates and grabbed some food for himself before heading to the table and sitting down.


Dean initially not liking that they couldn't see Sam and Anya from the top of the staircase and doorway made her want to roll her eyes. They were at a weird angle so it didn't surprise her they couldn't see much.

She smiled more when he reached up and pinched her chin lightly, whilst being amused at the whole thought of Sam and Anya in the kitchen. The smell of good food drawing him in. "Good" she replied simply, following him down stairs and into the kitchen where she saw the sight before her. It seemed they really did go all out and it was getting some kind of seal of approval from Dean.

She listened as the brothers and Anya spoke between themselves, whilst she hoovered behind but still very much in the kitchen. Whilst she hoovered, she grabbed a clean glass and went to the fridge so she could grab a soda instead of a beer. She had drunk enough alcohol for the time being and she felt the need to just drink something different until the next alcoholic beverage called her name.

She smirked to herself when Dean pointed out Sam's ability to bring home women who really knew how to cook. He wasn't exactly wrong even if it was a desperate attempt to complain. "Like Sam says...count yourself lucky on the food department with us or we may just make the most disgusting meal next time" she teased, giving Anya a wink to show she was just messing about and on the girl's side.

Grabbing a plate, she went to the table and sat down, impressed with what Anya managed to concoct from the groceries Dean and herself had earlier purchased. "well considering this big lug hasn't said it yet, I will. Thank you Anya, this is very kind of you to do" she said honestly, whilst giving Dean a light jab in his side.
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