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11 mos ago
Current Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
1 yr ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app
2 yrs ago
Happy birthday John Constantine 🎉😅


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Seeing how flustered Dean was and that she truly wasn't the only one feeling the way she was made her feel slightly better in some ways. She couldn't explain what it was about Dean Winchester that made her so damn crazy, but he did. She was beginning to wonder if Sam would regret ever introducing them to each other or not, but even if he did, it was too late now. Her and Dean couldn't stay away from each other for too long before they both like they were going crazy.

His remark about feeling like they've adopted a kid made her laugh, but now that it was put into her head, it did kind of feel like that. "you're not wrong" she pointed out as she followed him out the laundry room and down the hall to the spare room opposite Sam's. It wasn't surprising that where he decided to put Anya. Walking into the room, she saw it didn't look really any different to her temporary room. It was all pretty much laid out the exact same way and it just brought back the reality that this was a glorified supernatural bachelor pad for snotty men way back in the day.

Lexi was ready to help Dean with the sheets but when he made it to absolute precision and quickly, she couldn't help but be impressed. Not even her ex fiancée was that efficient in making a clean bed. "Not just a handsome face" she muttered under her breath to herself as she continued to watch him. She smirked at his remarks about letting Anya doing her own blankets and such when she was ready to get in the room. As he walked over to her to get the pillows, she unconsciously shifted from one leg to the other then handed the pillows over to him, her fingertips brushing against his.

She chuckled when he was done and said it was now up to Anya and Sam if she actually stayed in the room or not. Like Dean, Lexi couldn't hear the other two, not that she would be able to hear Anya anyway. The girl was a fantastic sleuth. She noticed Dean was looking between her and the door, making her glance behind her at the door herself then back at Dean. If he was thinking the same thing as she was, they weren't about to leave this room.

She was right as she looked up at Dean as he got closer to her and just pressed his lips against her own. Closing her eyes instantly, she kissed him back, a tiny moan escaping her lips as he gripped the back of her hair tightly and her hip, she just about managing to close the door behind them in time. Her feet complying to his silent commands as he walked her backwards to the desk, soon feeling it in the back of her legs. The little shiver that went up her spine when he found his way under her shirt and onto her bare skin was evident, she knew what he was wanting and she wanted it as well.

She did a little jump up onto the desk to sit on it, pushing anything that was on it off, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms raising up and round his back, her fingers trailing down to find the bottom of his own shirt. She needed him as much as he clearly needed her. Her kiss matching his own as her hands finally found their way under his shirt and up his back.


Sam couldn't help but chuckle when she gave him a look he understood the translation all too well. He gladly took her plate before washing it up after she handed it to him, listening to what her phone was saying to him. With an amused nod and smirk, he couldn't disagree with her statement, at least the breakfast part. "I can be...if I need to be" he teased back, but truth was, he was only good at being quiet when it came hunting. "and yeah...whatever goes on, breakfast is going to be awkward and interesting" he added.

He leaned against the edge of the sink as she leaned over and behind him to wrap the left over food and put it in the fridge. The silence in the kitchen that befallen it wasn't all that unusual for Sam, he was used to be being incredibly quiet as for a while it was just him in the kitchen on his own. He never really did catch Dean coming in to get another beer or other sort of alcohol or even food. He was even barely aware of the wind rattling the fixtures above them, having now gotten used to all the sounds of the bunker.

Sam's mind just kept thinking back to how much more pleasant this evening was, having a cheerful group and conversation around the kitchen table. Having Dean just be Dean was such a huge relief and weight off his shoulders and he truly had the girls to be thankful for for it. He snapped out of his thoughts when she suggested going back to his room which made him smile and nod.

"Yeah" he replied in agreement, pushing himself off the sink and walking her back to his room, which was when he heard something in another room. 'they're not...are they?' he thought to himself, guiding Anya into his room before he stopped, slowly turned to the room opposite and cautiously stepped up to the closed door. Pressing his ear against it, he eavesdropped then quickly stood up straight. He knew what was happening and he toyed between being a decent brother and being an asshole brother....he chose the latter with a smirk.

Lifting his fist up, he rapped on the door with the back of his knuckles, "guys, everything alright in there?" He asked but smirked to himself, hearing clambering inside the room. "Y..yeah, everything is good Sam!" Lexi called out, clearly flustered and hot and bothered. Sam laughed, composed himself and called back out, "then take it to one your rooms yeah?" He teased before swiftly entering his own room and closing the door before either of them could come after him.

A look of amusement still plastered onto his face.

Mika didn't want to confuse Dean, nor did she want to risk hurting him but she felt being tactful about how his actions in the early hours of the morning really hurt Duke. She didn't want her soul mate and practical brother fighting, especially over another person. It wasn't fair to either of them and she knew deep down it wasn't fair on Esme to have them both at each other's throats over who looked after her when she was hurt. She was still trying to come round to Esme as a person, a hunter and as an ex of Dean's, but she still wouldn't wish Esme to be brought in the middle of the boys’ fights. It was hard enough to deal with on the rare occasion that Sam and Dean fought and she had to break them up, so if letting Duke open up to her and talk him down, as well as doing the same for Dean would help the situation? Then Mika would damn well do it.

She saw how he wanted so desperately to say something about her getting close with Duke again, but it wouldn't matter if he did say anything, it wouldn't change her mind. The fact he decided against saying anything told Mika that he knew that also, and she was glad if that were to be the case. For now, she wanted to keep the more light-hearted feeling going, smiling as she felt his thumb caressing the skin on her hip. The small action always made her smile, there was just something about it that felt so calming and sweetly intimate about it between them. The smile didn't last long however when she saw the confused look on Dean's face at her next lot of words, but she knew they had to be said.

Hearing him actually say she was right about the whole talking with Duke made her internally sigh with relief he was being so open to the suggestion. All she wanted was for her boys to be on good terms again. She loved them both equally, albeit different types of love and she hated it when they fought it argued it just plain didn't see eye to eye. She wanted them united as a team and friends.

She snapped out of her thoughts when he continued to speak and mentioned about actually getting round to that long talk they so needed about the time she had run off, causing him to find Esme. Sighing, not exactly having been looking forward to it, she nodded. Mika wanted to move forward, get over that period of her life and never remember the kind of person she was back then, but she also knew Dean was right. If they didn't talk it through properly and calmly, she would never get over or accept the reminder of their old ways in the room. Esme. “okay, only if you're willing to hear my side of that time as well, if you're going to be fully honest with me, then I need to be with you too. But talk with Duke first please? Then we can have our chat” she replied, leaning into his hand with her head out of instinct.

She looked him in the eyes the whole time she spoke to show she meant it. Even if she wasn't looking forward to it. But if he was going to tell her his connection with Esme? Then she had to explain properly about Ethan. The man she tried to replace Dean with to no avail. Even if she hadn't checked to see if he was still alive ever since Dean came back to her.


Natalia really wanted Cason to know she didn't hold a grudge or anything negative towards him for getting to her almost too late. The fact that anyone, even him, came for her at all meant the world to her as the other demons had gotten into her head hurt enough to truly sow that seed of doubt that anyone cared enough to save her. If she had forgotten that brief moment and believed that, how could she hold anything against Cason for taking, what he considered, too long in reaching her? Matter of fact was, she couldn't. So she did hope that in time he would be able to forgive himself somewhat and until he could? She would do all the forgiving.

His words about looking cool saving her made her laugh, even though it made her twitch in discomfort in her cheek from the action. “not what I meant and you know it but you still make a valid point” she smirked back before she went into slightly serious mode once more. She hated having to admit that Dean was ready to cuff her to the car for how she recklessly behaved, and she knew in some ways, she could count her blessings for being sick to stop him doing it. She wasn't thinking clearly back at the barn and field, her head had been pounding like a freight train was running in it and she refused to let Cason be taken from her. Even though Dean never explicitly said to her he would cuff her, she did hear him discuss it with Sam when Sam asked if he was going to do it. Even feeling delirious and dizzy, she still could overhear them.

The teasing he gave her made Nat chuckle back but she knew there was most certainly an element of truth in what he said. That was only solidified in her mind when he continued on and said what lengths he'd go to keep her safe. As much as she didn't agree with him possibly killing entire families to keep her out of harm's way, she understood his point. “I love you too and yeah, that's not particularly healthy over a paper cut” she smiled. “but I get what you're saying and I love that you feel that determined to keep me safe” she told him.

It was then she realised she was getting kind of hungry, making her sigh. “I'm getting hungry, we should get up” she grumbled, glancing up at the ceiling before back at him again. Untangling herself from Cason, she carefully sat up and forced herself to get out of bed before walking across to her bag to pull out some clean clothes to wear. Bending down just enough to pick it up, she carried it to the end of the bed so she could unzip it and pull out a clean t-shirt and jeans before slowly and carefully pulling both on with a grunt from the soreness in her limbs.


Every time Anna buried herself into him, Sam felt like they were closer to being back on fully good terms once more. The relief he felt from her actions as it told him that she still felt safe with him was immeasurable. He kept a protective hold on her, wanting her to move when she was ready to and no sooner than that, even though he himself was ready to get out of the panic room. It wasn't exactly comfortable but that wasn't it's reason for being built.

He felt and heard her mumble against his chest that she did want to go upstairs before lifting his head back as he felt her move back enough to be able to look him in the eye. “okay baby girl” he replied, giving her a reassuring loving smile, moving one hand up to stroke her cheek sweetly. As she readjusted herself and leaned up to him to kiss him, he kissed her back. Something that he realised he always took for granted before now. Since they're disagreement the night before, he didn't think she would ever kiss him the way she was right here and in this moment. As she pulled herself even closer to him, he held her securely, deepening the kiss back, trying with all his might to show her just how much she means to him and how much he loved her. He never wanted to let her go, but he knew at some point he would have to or they'd never get out of the panic room.

As the kiss ended, he felt her rest her forehead against his, just enjoying and appreciating the intimate moment between them both. “I love you too” he replied to her, opening his own eyes and looking at her back, giving her a soft smile and stroked her cheek with his thumb one more time.

He eventually moved them both so they could stand up, dusting himself off once more, purely out of habit as he held his hand out for her to help her into her own feet. “time to see the back of this room and see if any of the others have resisted killing each other” he smirked. He also was curious to know how Nat was now that she had slept for a bit, or so he hoped.

When Dean grabbed her hand, Lexi couldn't help but softly chuckled as he pulled her along and down the hallway. She felt like a kid with him who was sneaking off away from their parents and she loved every second of it. It made her feel alive in a way she hadn't felt in a long time. She just had to keep reminding herself that Dean was still learning it's okay to be happy again.

When he pushed her against the wall near the boiler room, she bit her bottom lip, smiling, wondering where this was coming from but she wasn't going to complain. She let him place her hands on his chest, keeping her hands in his, as she watched him lean forward and kiss her desperately, forcing her to close her eyes and kiss him back. The desperation in his kiss, yet force behind it and his actions made her feel she had to be submissive to him, gripping his shirt as he let go of her hands.

His hand lifting to the back of her neck, thumb on her chin made her desperately try to not let out a little soft moan into the kiss, which she failed at. This kiss felt like none of the previous ones she had shared with Dean. It was raw, deep and dare Lexi say, passionate. If they weren't in the hallway, she didn't think she'd be able to just keep it at a kiss.

Dean pulling away from her, made her slightly chase his lips before she just accepted his forehead onto her own. Trying to calm down her own flustered state. "right...bedding" she replied softly, trying to catch her breath. Lexi kissed him back quickly as he stole another from her, pushing herself off the wall, stepping behind Dean and into the laundry room. She could see he was just as flustered as she was as she tucked hair behind her ear, still desperate to try and calm herself down. "Okay so....bedding, bedding...." She whispered to herself, before locking eyes on what they needed.

Walking over to it, she pulled some sheets down off the shelf, placing them into Dean's arms. "here, you carry them" she instructed as she looked for clean pillows, soon finding them and pulling them down, keeping ahold on them. "Okay, think we got everything" she smiled.


Sam didn't see the point in being coy and sweet after they shared quite the flustered and heated moment in the kitchen before Dean called him on the phone.in his eyes, they were a little beyond being shy and sweet now, so what harm could a little flirting do? He watched her glance down at his lips before looking back to her phone to type a message on it after Dean and Lexi had left the room. He listened to it when she hit play and he couldn't help but laugh at how quick and flirtatious she was with her wit.

"Oh? Are you implying I'm loud?" He asked teasingly, nudging her shoulder with his own gently. He knew that was exactly what she was implying but he could t help but tease her anyway. If she was going to be quick witted with him, then he was going to give as good as he got. "I guess we should clean up and find you something to sleep in" he then changed the subject, deciding that he had to change the subject or he would have just kissed her all over again right there and then.

Forcing himself to get up off his chair, he grabbed his plate and walked to the sink. 'Sam, keep it together man' he thought to himself as she cleaned up. 'just think about anything other than wanting to make out with Anya...she's here for our help' he kept thinking over and over, but he just couldn't listen to his own thoughts. He didn't want keep being the good brother out of himself and Dean.

If the recent events in their lives showed him anything, it was that he couldn't keep holding back the little luxuries or normal human things. He knew if Mika was still around she would have been his cheerleader and convincing him to go for it with Anya. So that's what he was going to do. Whilst also keeping somewhat professional when it needed it.

When Dean was done washing his plate up, she did the same as she nodded, "yeah, really" she replied, to prove that she did mean it. She didn't expect him to be as open to anything Anya said to him as he was, not after how stressed out and suspicious he was of the girl earlier. Then again, until she cooked for him herself the day before, she was probably considered suspicious to Dean as well. She kept smiling at him, seeing a dopey look on his face that she was getting used to seeing before he snapped out of his mind and agreed they should get Anya settled in.

Drying her hands on the nearby cloth and not her jeans, she lightly laughed at his words about Anya borrowing one of Sam's shirts, taking his nudge and doing as he was requesting if her. She headed out the kitchen to leave Sam and Anya with Dean. She was completely oblivious to how obvious it was to the other two that she and Dean clearly liked each other as the way she spoke to and with Dean just felt natural.

Out of the kitchen, she headed towards the hallway, turning on her heels to look at Dean once more, "lead the way to the clean linens" she spoke, knowing he'd have to lead the way as she didn't exactly know where any of it was just yet. It wasn't like she had planned or assumed she would be living here permanently so why would she learn where those kinds of things were stored? She still was under the impression that once her car got fixed, she would be back on the road motel surfing. Not thinking for a second that either brother would want her to stay.


Like Anya, Sam was firmly enjoying watching his brother actually smile and be happy as he flirted with Lexi. Bringing her to the bunker was the best idea he ever had in his eyes as it felt like the whole vibe of the bunker had gone back to what it once was and Dean was himself again. This was all he wanted, for his brother to find some kind of joy in the world again, whether it be from their job or with someone new. He just wanted to see his brother actually smiling again and not grieving as a hermit in his room. There were only so many times he could stand listening to videos of Mika and him being played in Dean's room or repeats of his comfort shows.

Snapping out of his thoughts as Anya nudged him, he looked at her then down at the phone to see what she wrote, instantly getting why she didn't press play. The smirk that appeared on his lips was great and he really had to refrain from laughing loud enough to attract Lexi and Dean's attentions.

He saw the twinkle in Anya's blue eyes, making him smile more. Her eyes held so much innocence but her smirk held so much mischievousness. He looked back down at her phone when she typed another message and he couldn't stop himself from nodding at the first bit before he smirked at her last bit. He gave a cheeky shrug before leaning in to whisper so the other two wouldn't hear him, "who knows, depends on how well behaved I feel like being. Can you control yourself?" he smirked, before seeing the other two leaving the room.

Mika matched Dean's smirk as she slipped her coffee, knowing exactly what he was thinking and he was right. After a long hard sleep, coffee was always her number one or she just couldn't fully function. If she could have drunk an entire jug of the drink without getting heart palpitations she probably would. She let him twirl a piece of her hair between his fingers absentmindedly before scrunching his nose as he went into thinking mode. She listened as he explained he really had only seen Duke be up and back in the house and that brought some relief to her heart. If Duke was already up and made it to the house from the RV, then it meant he felt strong enough after a good rest to do so.

The news about Anna and Sam made her frown slightly, her eyes flicking over to the basement door briefly before back to Dean. She wondered if she needed to get back into mom mode again to go check on them before her thoughts got interrupted by Dean saying he hadn't seen or heard anything from Natalia and Cason. She hoped it was because Nat was still asleep, which she wouldn't have blamed the girl for. She was in a pretty rough shape earlier.

She took in his actions of scratching an itch on his chest and flattening his hair and placing a hand on her hip before asking her if she was alright. “I'm alright, especially once more coffee gets in me” she chuckled before going serious again, “but in all seriousness, we're good. I know we didn't exactly talk much, we uhh..had other things on our minds” she briefly smirked, “but we're good. Duke kinda had a moment of wisdom in his pain. Think we both helped each other just a little” she admitted to him. She was done hiding things from Dean, and if that meant letting him know that she and Duke had a sibling heart to heart then it meant it. She didn't know whether to tell Dean what Duke said to her last night about feeling Dean would prefer him to be dead or not, those words of Duke's still haunted her mind even though she hoped her scolding changed his mind..even a little bit.

She kept her free hand on Dean, enjoying the closeness as it helped her to believe her words to him even more. Eventually she decided on something else, “if you get the chance, check in on Duke properly yeah? He took it pretty hard when he couldn't help Esme himself. Think he needs reminding you're glad he's still us” she said simply, hoping Dean would get the hint and clue of what she was meaning by her words. “He really needs his brother right now” she added, pecking his lips.


Feeling his thumb stroking her cheek made Natalia feel so at home with Cason. It always did and she couldn't imagine it ever being different. She chuckled softly when he said about possibly having his soul saved and yet she wished he could. Nat didn't know if it was even possible or known to happen, but if it was, she wanted that for him. “I hope it can be” she told him honestly. In her eyes, he had proven there was more to him than just being a soulless demon. The fact he could even feel love was proof enough for her to know he wasn't like any other demon or tortured soul in Hell.

Closing her eyes, she kissed him back, the rush of the love she felt for him feeling like fireworks in her mind and heart every single time. It was such a new feeling to her that she didn't think she would ever tire of the excitement and joy she felt when each kiss or touch showed her that she was capable of loving another. When he pulled away, she opened her eyes again and looked at him as he spoke. His words amusing her, “now I'm the one sounding like the pet, a kitten that needs feeding every few hours” she teased. “But you're right, I will need to eat eventually even though laying here with you is far more enticing to me” she added with a smile. Nat also figured Bobby would want his room back at some point, which just reminded her how she really didn't have her own room at Bobby's. She always usually crashed on the couch or on Mika's floor before Cason came along, and that brought a thought to herself, maybe she attempt to find a place of her own nearby or do like Duke did and get her own RV to live in.

At least that way, her and Cason would sort of have their own place to have privacy and somewhere to just relax away from her chaotic family. Her thoughts broke away from her mind when he asked her if he could tell her something, to which she nodded, “you can tell me anything” she told him, a little worried when his smile faded before he spoke up. She listened to him admit how he felt when he found out where she had been taken to, hearing he could do nothing but sit in dirt and wait to get remotely strong enough before coming for her brought a sadness to her eyes, but not for her. For him.

She lifted her hand and cupped his cheek into her palm, “hey
you have nothing to apologize for. You came for me the moment you could and you still got me outta there. You got to me before my own brother did and I don't think Dean would have been able to break me out of that gurney in time
but you did. So please Cason, please don't feel guilty for not getting there sooner” she told him, meaning every single word she told him. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that if it had been Dean who pulled her out of the pool, she would have been unconscious for a lot longer and even closer to death than she was with Cason. “Also, out of your face and Dean's? I know I prefer your face being the first one I see when coming round” she smiled, trying to lighten the mood and remove the guilt he was feeling.

“I love you and don't feel any animosity towards your timing okay? I was so scared of losing you before I was taken. Dean almost cuffed me to his steering wheel to stop me going after you with the head injury I had” she told him, to show she was just as worried about him as he was about her.


Sam could hear Anna mumbling behind him before he made it back to her and it broke his heart hearing her go through yet another hallucination. He just wanted to rid her of all of them and he couldn't. He didn't know how other than either giving her Cason's blood or riding it out with her in the panic room.

He saw how shaky she was getting from the detox, he listened as she explained how conflicted she clearly was by not wanting to drink it, but also couldn't cope with the hallucinations she was experiencing. It broke his heart hearing that one of those was Dean being cruel with his words and he felt glad that it wasn't really happening or he would have punched Dean himself for speaking so cruelly to Anna. He also didn't like hearing Alastair's name come out her mouth or the vagueness of an unknown woman coming to her. But it was the comment about a cold and cruel version of himself tormenting her in her mind that was the hardest to swallow. He never wanted her to see him in such a way, hell, he didn't even think that was even possible for him to be that cold.

As Anna reached out to take the vial from his hands, he handed it to her. This was her choice and her choice alone. Whatever decision she made he would respect it and help through either situation. With her decision made, he gave a nod, “okay, I won't look” he agreed to her, looking down at his lap so he didn't look at her as she turned away from him and downed the blood in one go. He didn't look up until he heard her whisper about one of the fake versions of the people she saw vanishing. Looking up and back at her, he pulled her into a hug, glad to see the colour coming back into her face and her shaking beginning to subside.

When you're ready, we can head up or we can stay down here. I'm not going to force your hand on anything right now. I just wish I could help you more” he told her, kissing the top of her head, not wanting to let her go.

It didn't feel too shocking that the book was part of a set to Fia or Chas. If anything it made perfect sense it would be. "well, John inherited a lot of the books in the house when he won it in a game of poker. So it was either already in the house or it was something he picked up one day without realising it. Not exactly uncommon for him" Chas shrugged. He truly thought there could be a number of reasons why John had the phoenix book.

"I wish I could give a solid answer but he never told me in my time exactly how he got it. Neither did mum actually" Fia spoke up now that she really thought about it. "to be honest they kept me from looking through it for the longest time" she added. "Apparently math books were more important when I was 13" she said rolling her eyes.


Kay just relayed what she was told, saying the words out loud just made her uncomfortable but she was glad to have told someone else so she didn't have to hide it. She flinched slightly when Bane appeared and just buffed into the conversation, taken aback by the fact he inserted himself on a private conversation. She looked at Bane though and listened, giving a nod, before getting out of his grip. "This was meant to be a private discussion Bane. But I appreciate the information. I was told we can't tell Serena any of this" she added.

When she stopped talking, she got a shot of pain in her head, making her grab the side of her head and hiss, just trying to let it go and pass.

Mika missed most of the yelling from Anna as she came down the stairs, and it was probably a good thing as she would instantly want to go into mother mode and go down to the basement even though she couldn't go near enough the panic room without hurting for some reason, still unknown to her. She told herself for years she was allergic to the iron like how some people were allergic to silver or gold plating on costume jewelry. It was the only thing that made sense to her without her going insane trying to find any other non natural reasons for it.

As her bare feet touched the hard floor on the main floor, she walked through the hallway, smiling as Dean called out to her even before she made it into his full eyesight. Proof he really has learned every little thing about her, even down to what her footsteps sounded like on the old floorboards. As she met him at the doorway, she gladly took the mug of coffee, the smell of the dark liquid being a welcome fragrance to her after a good sleep. “Hey” she just managed to get out before he leaned in and kissed her, making her return said kiss just as deeply before pulling away just enough to take that first sip of much needed coffee. “So who's up? Other than Bobby” she asked him, having heard Bobby's voice on the phone as she came down the stairs. The temptation to just loop her fingers through one of his belt loops on his jeans, but she decided against it, at least for the time being.

She never tired of seeing him shirtless, it always reminded her how lucky she was to have him, but it also made it very difficult to keep her hands off of him.


Nat couldn't get the smile off her lips and out of her eyes when she saw him smile back at her. Him saying ‘good morning’ to her did make her lightly chuckle slightly, “think it's way past morning” she pointed out as he scooter closer to her, letting him tangle his legs up in hers so they could be closer together. Feeling his nose brush against hers, she closed her eyes and smiled at the sweet touch. The actions confirmed to her that she didn't dream of him admitting he loved her and that it really happened. He was here, being loving on her and making her feel loved. It felt like a moment of bliss in their chaotic and dark lives.

She kept her eyes on him when he spoke up, explaining that she did in fact sleep well, confirming how she felt. “Sore and achy, but mentally refreshed. Well, as refreshed as one can be in this life.” she smiled, telling him the full truth as she never wanted to lie to him. As she spoke, her eyes glanced down to check on his wounds that she saw hours earlier and saw they were healed, only a thin scar visible. Running her fingers over where the wounds once were, she felt relieved he had finally managed to heal up before looking back up at his face as he spoke once more. “I was stirring anyway, but I appreciate the calm wake up compared to how I could have been woken.” She smiled, lifting her hand and placing it on his cheek. “it's a much better wake up call than those idiots waking me.” She softly chuckled, now hearing Dean and Duke's voices from the other room, as well as Bobby's voice seemingly on a phone. “at least they sound much calmer and happier” she remarked.

Then he said he had to do something, but would be right back and she gave a nod. “okay” she replied, letting him go. She figured it would be to check on Anna so she wasn't worried in the slightest, just sighed happily and brushed her hand through her hair, resting it above her head. She never knew she could feel this way and if she was the corny type, she'd have sworn she was on Cloud 9 as all the chick flicks would say, as shw looked up at the ceiling. As soon as she was left alone, she felt him land on the bed again, turning her head back to look at him as he tangled himself back into her again. She chuckled at his remarks and calling himself a pet demon. “figured as much” she replied, wrapping her arm over him to pull herself closer to him.

She really didn't want to leave the room, enjoying their moment together alone and without spying eyes on them both. “But you're more than a pet demon. Even if it's just me that thinks so.” She smiled.


Seeing the fear and tears in Anna's eyes, he had that silent confirmation that she did indeed have a horrible hallucination and it no doubt involved him in some way. He let her climb onto his lap, holding her securely to him, as she took in whatever she could to ground herself into reality. He just wanted her to get through this first round of detox. “I'm here
” he repeated softly, keeping her safe in his arms and against him.

When the bang on the door happened, he looked up towards it, feeling Anna flinch at the sound. He looked down at Anna and gave a nod to say that yes, he heard Cason's voice as well and it was still reality. He listened to the words aimed at him, instantly being able to guess what Cason was implying he had forgotten Anna. Glancing down at Anna, he carefully moved her off of his lap, “I'm just going to the door, I won't leave your sight” he told her, standing up straight, dusting himself off and walking to the door. He had no idea if Cason was still outside the door or not, but he opened it up. If he was there, he would have asked how Nat was holding up, but with the door now open he saw Cason had already scarpered. Sighing, he looked down and saw the bottle on the floor. Bending down he picked it up and pulled the door shut once more, more for their privacy than for anything else and then walked back over to Anna.

He showed her the bottle, deciding that he would leave it to Anna's choice on what she wanted to do with it. “he left you another vial of his blood
.” He simply told her as he got closer and sat down next to her. “I don't wanna force you to drink it, but I also don't want to beg you not to. This is your decision to make and yours only.” He explained calmly, he just wanted her to have some control in what she did with her own self and body.

Sam knew what a big deal it was for Dean to agree to help Anya and let her in this life. He knew the weight it held and what sacrifices it meant to become a hunter, all three of them did. It felt a bigger deal knowing that bringing in someone new was almost a bigger risk since they relatively recently lost Mika to the life. He was convinced that Dean would be adamant Anya was not to be a hunter after they lost Mika permanently, so to see him agreeing was one hell of a step forward.

He also agreed that tonight was to remain a relaxed night, and no sparring or training was to happen. He saw how elated Anya seemed to be at bringing accepted into the growing gang. He listened as Anya accepted Dean's terms, glad that she was fine about getting protected via the anti possession tattoo, which reminded him, he couldn't remember if Lexi had such protection or not. That was something he'd have to ask in the morning.

Lexi watched the three of them discuss everything over and saw how excited Anya was. She did smile at the sight but she had to hope that Anya wouldn't lose that smile when time came to really bringing her the hard times. She really hoped Anya would be strong enough to cope or this could go completely wrong. Seeing the two of them being nice to Anya made Lexi feel rather proud of Dean for keeping to his promise of being civil with the girl. "If the boys don't have anything have, I no doubt will" she chimed in about the clothes before looking towards Dean as he looked at her after his little speech.

Sam gave Dean and Lexi both a look of thanks at them being so open to all of this before gently taking Anya's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to say 'told you he'd come around'. Seeing the two of them be so sweet, Lexi couldn't help but smile once more, giving them both a friendly wink and then got up from her seat. Picking up her plate, she took it to the sink where Dean was and gently nudged him with her hip onto his. "proud of you" she whispered to him with her smile still firmly on her lips.

"So, shall we get a room set up for our young padawan?" She asked him with a light melodic chuckle, showing that she took had her little nerdy ways at times. She also just wanted to get Anya settled in so she could head to her own room to chill out. It had strangely been a long day and she was ready to kick her boots off and relax. Although she had a feeling she'd be thinking about Dean most of the time she stayed in her room alone.

Whilst she was there, Sam couldn't help but watch his friend and brother at the sink, there was definitely something there between them, even he could see it and it made him smile. "Chances of them not staying in their own rooms all night?" He whispered to Anya with an amused smirk.

Maze gave Lucifer a nod and walked off to go to where he kept the files hidden and safe. Whilst she was gone, the others stayed put. Fia found what Serena suddenly said interesting, she never thought there could have been another book similar to this one. She thought like, most books John kept, it was a one off. Seems she really was still learning as they went on with this mission. "can you describe the one you're thinking of or remembering Serena?" She asked her.


Kay appreciated that Bane accepted her apology before she walked away and into the kitchen with John. She could see how stressed he had gotten and she felt like a lot of that was because of her. "I don't fully know myself but when I was cooling off and gathering myself, this shadow appeared. They gave me information that I can only tell you about and no one else..." She began to say, not sure how to explained what she now knew. She didn't know how John was going to take the news.

"In three days something is going to happen, I don't fully know what or how, but Serena will be taken and we have to stop it and stop Bane from getting seriously hurt. It's gonna happen after something called a Helios vessel appears?" She began explaining, trying to remember absolutely everything she was told. "it's all going to lead us finding a manor somewhere and I have to let Serena show absolutely no mercy. Anyone whose in that manor with us is not to leave...we have to burn it down...with us inside. Repeat what was once before or something...." She said, but it was clear she still didn't like what she was told.

"John....I think you gotta let us go up with this manor...wherever it is" she spoke looking at him.

When it was clear that Dean had lost any kind of control just by her telling him she loved him, she knew there was no stopping them both. She couldn't help the smile from appearing when he bent down to get his boots off as swiftly as he could. They had been here before, they knew what they were doing so neither of them got clumsy. The moment they reached the bed and he sat down looking up at her, she took in his face as he took in hers. It always baffled her why he always took her back and how they had managed to actually stay together this time round. He may have wondered why she stuck around him, but she thought the exact same thing.

Feeling his arms round the back of her legs, she followed the silent command and climbed into his lap. She kept her arms round his neck, and hearing him do the rare thing which was actually telling her he loved her she felt those butterflies in her stomach, just as she did when he said it for the first time when they were kids. She gave a nod, “I do” she replied, when in her head she thought ‘I do now’. She let him shrug her jacket off her shoulders and arms before she chucked it on the floor behind them both, letting him just pull her into another desperate kiss which she gladly returned. Clothes coming off stage by stage

[u][b]Later that day/in the evening[/u][/b]

Mika didn't want to wake up, subconsciously wishing she could sleep for a hundred years and just let the world burn around her. She ached, felt heavy and did not want to walk into more drama downstairs. However her body and mind was telling her differently as it pulled her out of a deep sleep, just enough to keep her eyes closed and be considered asleep, but awake enough to be aware of her surroundings. Her breathing change being the sign that she was awake enough to hear and feel Dean speak and move. She felt his fingers through her hair, causing her to readjust her head ever so slightly on him as if to lean into his touch.

When he spoke, she let out a sigh through her nose before slowly opening her eyes as he tilted her head up. “Okay
 I'll be down in a little while
I just need five more minutes” she mumbled as he carefully lifted her head to place on the pillow as he got out of bed in one swift motion. Without him in their bed, she grabbed ahold of what she considered his pillow and pulled it into her, not even paying attention if he was still in the room as she did so. Closing her eyes again, she refused to get up until she literally had five extra minutes longer than Dean. Hearing his footsteps walk out the room and down the stairs, she snuggled right under the duvet and clung to his pillow even more. The bed just felt so much more comfortable than usual and she put it down to having not been in it for a while, or the fact she went to bed on a really good note with Dean.

Mika did eventually get in out of bed, walking over to her chest of drawers and pulling out a pair of shorts and hoodie. She figured they weren't in any hurry to leave the house and that just some clothes to lounge in would be enough. Appropriately covered, she did make her way downstairs.


Seeing Cason actually shiver for the first time was something Natalia didn't think she'd ever witness. She didn't even know demons could shiver, she figured like with most things human felt or did, it was out of question. Yet once again, another clue that maybe, just maybe, there was something human still in him, fighting to be seen and she saw it. As he lifted his hand up, she let him wipe the dirt off her face, hoping that things didn't just get awkward between them. His words making her feel relieved that it didn't seem to.

As he trailed his hand down to her chin, she didn't once turn away from him, instead she just followed his movements with her own, letting him lift her head enough to kiss her in a way she hadn't ever been kissed by him before. Her eyes closed and she returned the kiss just as softly, she wasn't just saying she loved him, she really did and she knew none of her family would ever understand it.

Like Cason, Natalia knew what this meant. It was dangerous to get close to him, she still remembered trying to fight him off in the crypt, trying to pretend he wasn't even there as he annoyed her to her core, but he still got through her walls. He reminded her, opened up memories of the times he always came to her room in the asylum and kept her alive, snuck her extra food and water and made her not lose hope on getting out. He was ALWAYS there for her, even when she had forgotten it. Their connection in her mind ran so deep that only they could understand it. Yet it didn't stop the fact she was now his weakness, and if word got out she would be in even more danger every day than she already was due to her surname. Being a Winchester and Cason's love was not going to be easy, but it was a rough road she was willing to be on.

She smiled back at him when he smirked at her, that stupid stupid smirk which always got her smiling and brought her round to him and kissed him back once more

Later that day

For the first time in what would have felt absolute forever, Natalia actually slept soundly. No nightmares which she was expecting to have, no painful memories trying to flood her mind
nothing. Just an empty deep sleep. Part of it was due to seeing the source of her PTSD come crumbling down and part of it was having Cason beside her, making her know that she was indeed safe. It initially felt weird taking Bobby's bed, but exhaustion had won out.

Partially laying facing towards Cason, she had barely moved in her sleep, in touching distance but not actually clinging to him. She only began to stir once Cason had been lightly stroked the side of her face, her eyelids beginning to flicker before slowly opening, a smile appearing on her lips and a content sigh escaping them, knowing that touch well enough at this stage. “hi” she softly greeted him, looking up at him.


Sam had stayed awake for as long as he could until he was content that Anna had fallen asleep and wasn't going to start having any nightmares to disturb said sleep. He wanted to make sure that when he let himself sleep she was okay, and so when he was happy that she was being able to sleep relatively peacefully, he let himself drift off on the floor beside her bed, close enough so if she had to wake him, she could without worrying too much.

He was still asleep when Anna began the process of coming down off the demon blood and the hullicinating started. Oblivious to what was going on around him, he had fallen into a deeper sleep than he actually wanted to. The exhaustion far greater than he ever knew. It was only when Anna began screaming his name and shaking his face that he woke up a d looked right at her, worry in his eyes at what was happening. “what...what? You okay?” He asked, panicked for her safety until he remembered where they were and putting everything together in his head. “it's okay, it's okay, I'm here. You're safe, it's just the detox remember..I got you, I got you” he said, sitting up quickly and engulfing her in his arms to hold her protectively.

“I've always got you” he cooed, keeping a hold of her, refusing to let go. If she woke him up this stressed out then he had to summise that the hullicinating started and it was one hell of a bad one. “I'm here
I'm here” he softly kept saying in her ear, kissing the side of her head.
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