Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia honestly couldn't think of a single other person that they all knew who could pull something this big. She was thankful though that Serena managed to figure it out for herself as she really didn't want to have to do more explaining. "but if he's working to keep fate on track...why put all his bets on me and Drake doing all this work?" She asked before sighing as she tried to piece together the last of the puzzle pieces.


Kay listened to what Bane had to say, trying to take it all in. It still baffles her how she didn't know any of this about her mother, yet as more was spoken by Bane, she began to feel little flashes of memories of when she was really young come to the front if her mind. Then he said the one thing that irritated her, "you have no right deciding what or whose guilt I deal with or know about. You should have told me about my mother's passing and what happened." She told him, clearly annoyed with him, but she let him continue talking.

Hearing that this all happened or seem to start from when she was taken in Seattle hurt more than she realised. If she wasn't found and Serena wasn't calmed down, it could have ended so much worse for them all. "Those...breadcrumbs as you put it, did you put it out there specifically for the kids to find? Did you purposely set the kids up to have to fix things?" She asked him, glancing between Bane and John noticing how John wasn't saying a single thing.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake looked just as confused but Lucifer said “that’s not so mysterious. You’re the next generation, you have lived this your whole lives. Who better to find the answers than sending the two who know the players in the game the best? Kids know their parents…especially their mothers”

Bane said “you don’t get a right to know everything, Kay. It’s my bloody past…and I don’t have answers for you. I am not even sure she died back then. All I know is my partner felt their link snap then he was attacked. When I was finally strong enough to go find her, the burned landscape is all I found. She could be out there still. If I had answers I would have told you. But I don’t. I was trying to protect Serena. It’s her father. She’s not ready to hear his yet. Neither of you are.”

He sighed and rubbed his face. “Those two are the best for this job…they know you both better then anyone and Fia has the skill to find what doesn’t belong.”
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia didn't particularly like the answer she got, even though it was a rather obvious one now that Lucifer had said it. She just didn't like it because she didn't want this pressure to save everyone. It made her sigh, putting her hands on her hips as she did so. "I'm getting real tired of adults putting all this pressure on our shoulders. I get it...my bloodline is rare, I'm special or whatever... but I don't want all this pressure on my shoulders. It's just getting too much. I'm not gonna stop though because I want my mum back, just wish it wasn't solely down to me and Drake." she remarked and Chas had to admit, it was valid. She had every right to feel this way as a teenager.

"I get that Fia, but as you probably already know, being Kay's and a Constantine? Your life was never going to be normal or without constant problems or dangers." he told her sadly, a truth he didn't want to tell her but one he had to. "I know...I've had that speech from dad my entire life, don't make it any easier to swallow though" she replied. She still remembered the days when she was really tiny and John didn't even let her out of the house until she was old enough to hold a proper conversation with someone. Even then, it was hit or miss if she was allowed out without someone following her in the distance to make sure she was safe.


What Bane said back to her didn't help to calm Kay down or make her less angry. She knew deep down he was right but she was high strung, emotional and just downright stressed out. She still felt that she had a right to know about her mother however. She had grown up with the words of her father always in her mind, "The police called... they found your mother's body dead, she's gone Kay, she ain't coming home". She could never forget those words as they were the last words he ever spoke to her softly.

She had no doubt in her mind that she was dead and gone and not alive somewhere in the universe. So when Bane told her her mother could still be out there somewhere, it just made her see red. She just scoffed when he told her she wasn't to ready to hear what he did know, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Leaving all this on her isn't right...she's just a kid" she commented, before just leaving the room as she felt she needed to. She walked partly down the hallway before stopping and leaning against the wall, trying to hold it together. Her hands now shaking and her breath hitching as it began to quicken, to match her heart rate. "Kay calm...." she whispered to herself, knowing she was going into an anxiety attack and it was going to be difficult to control it.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Lucifer blinked and said “umm…who says it’s just up to you kids? I mean, come now, why do you think you were sent to where you were? Right to the younger selves of those your saving? Dear, you are good but you’re not an all powerful being.” He stood up and faced them. “You need help. So the gods of fate have sent you to the best help for this problem. The experts. The ones who if fate could, would have sent to the future to fix things but time magic can’t work like that”

Drake said “his got a point…I mean, if Bane thought we could handle it alone he would have just sent the knowledge we needed. We are not doing great here. We mess up. A lot.”

John looked at Band and said “you wanted her pissed didn’t you?” He nodded and sighed. “Better at me than Serena…if I told her the truth.” John looked at him and then he cursed loudly more words than he had without being wasted. “This wasn’t bloody you alone! Serena! That’s why she’s missing in the future! She can’t fix this! She’s the one calling the shots. That’s why you could tell us any of this. She gave permission”

Bane nodded and said “the truth is Serena knows how to fix this but can’t tell anyone with the state she is in. So she asked me to send word to my past self. Spirits like us can do that. She knew the kids coming back to the past would be the only way to trigger fates turn of events, and younger Kay and Serena would be able to fix the future with the kids help. That’s it. She came up with the plan as soon as Kay was taken in the future. She knew something was wrong. So she acted. She told me not to tell Kay…” he sighed and leaned back on the couch. “Her mother was a lovely lady…I wish I knew what happened. The body they found in the fire wasn’t hers…her body wouldn’t have burned. No…I think she had to trigger her rebirth before she was taken. That’s my best guess. So her soul could be out there…just not her mother how she knew her…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia quickly felt stupid when Lucifer corrected her, not stupid...she felt like he really put her in her place. So she just looked down and gave a small nod before looking up at Drake as he agreed with what Lucifer was saying. She gave him her old sarcastic smile as he pointed out how they have messed up before. "alright..no need to rub it in" she said, sounding all of a sudden so much like John that it was even clearer she was definitely his kid. She of course didn't mean her words to him maliciously, it was just her personality showing through, and it was her way of trying to not think about what Drake admitted earlier about her.

That was a whole different matter to deal with at another time when their parents weren't in impending danger. Not only that it brought up the realisation that Fia had been so focused on everything else in her life that she had been completely oblivious to the fact that Drake COULD feel romantic feelings toward her. Romance just hadn't been on her mind before now and she refused to let it distract her from what was important.

"Okay, so we come to the conclusion that Bane is heavily involved in this whole situation, now what?" Chas spoke up, breaking up the playful bickering the teenagers were sort of having.


From where Kay was stood, she could hear the mutterings of Bane and John actually talking but she couldn't work out exactly what was being said. It was probably a good thing as well as if Kay had heard Bane say what he did about her mother being possibly alive, she would have absolutely lost it at him. She had grown up with the knowledge that her mother- Fira was dead. That her father went to the morgue and confirmed it was his wife on the slab cold and dead. She was at home dealing with her father blaming her for her mother's death, becoming abusive before he just walked out on her, leaving her, a very young child at the tender age of 9 alone in a big house, with nothing but the echoes of what was her family life.

She couldn't let herself get hope that her mother may be alive after all and not once did she come find her. She had good parents and they were her adoptive ones, her best friend's parents. They were the ones who raised her when it was important and mattered, even if it meant out of worry for her mental health, they sent her to a shrink who was questionable at best. "You must focus on your breathing my child" Fee said inside her mind, but Kay didn't want to hear the obvious. "Leave me alone Fee" she wheezed out, thumping her head in an attempt to shut the entity up.

Her breathing continued to get more rapid and her eyes began to fog over in retaliation. Shaking more and more, she let herself fall down the wall and squat on the ground whilst she just let her anxiety completely take over. "I can't....breathe...." she gasped.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lucifer looked to Chas and smiled “that’s the kicker isn’t Chas? We have the man of the hour but it’s not like he could do this on his own? I mean his a power noise but his not a god himself…” drake sat back down and said “wait…you think mom has something to do with it?”

Lucifer nodded and said “which if we go off of that, it means there’s a reason you two were sent here exactly. There’s a reason this time point is key…but what could it be?”

Serena thought back and said “well…when the kids showed up it was right after we got back from Seattle…”

A shadow suddenly wrapped around Kay, forcing her to open her legs and arms so she could breath. Eyes appeared in the shadow and Kay heard a voice she knew all too well. “Kay dear you have to calm down. It’s going to be alright…You don’t need to think of the past right now. It’s the future that’s important now.” It was Serena’s voice, but not the current one. This one sounded older. Wiser. Mother like, even more then she was now. A shadow hand moved to her cheek and said “I don’t have much time. I had to get you alone…Kay, I’m sorry about all of this. I never wanted this but fate is in chaos…and I need my partner back. In three days, after the Helios vessel appears, I am going to be taken. Bane will be hurt in a way he can’t help me. You must stop that from happening. The events afterwards must be stopped. When it comes time, you will know it, do not let me show mercy. Do not allow those who hurt us to get away…and when it’s over, do not let me be alone in the manor. This is important my dear sweet Kay…do not leave me alone in the manor this all ends at. The manor must be burned to the ground, no one can escape. We must repeat the past. The same thing our parents did to protect the future…promise me you can do this? Promise me that you can be the strong Kay I know you can be…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Chas rubbed his temples as he tried to think of what else was in play that they didn't know. He also couldn't help but wonder if Kay or John figured anything out back at John's. As the others continued to talk, he kept trying to think of theories, but it was when Serena spoke that he mentally came back into the room. "that's right. It did happen the moment we got back from there. Kay had been kidnapped there and we had to all go to get her back. By the time we got back to John's, we were all knackered and Kay was just a mess. You didn't look so hot yourself either come to think of it" he replied, aiming the last bit to Serena.

"That was when you guys found me in the kitchen hooded and trying to avoid you lot as I didn't want to have to reveal myself or Drake so soon, but that didn't exactly go to plan" Fia added.


When a shadow wrapped itself round Kay, it made her initially flinch before she got a sense of calm from it, making her relax a little bit. She made herself try harder to relax and make her breathing slow and steady once again. She listened to the words that came from the mysterious voice that sounded like an older Serena, but it couldn't be....could it? The moment the shadow hand reached up and touched her cheek, she closed her eyes and leaned into it instinctively, trying so hard to not let a tear fall that was now threatening to bubble up and over her eyelid. Everything that was being told to her seemed a lot.

It was difficult to try and remember absolutely everything as she listened but gave a nod. "I promise" she replied, even though she didn't want to promise what she was being made to. It didn't feel right to promise to not let Serena show mercy to whoever takes her and to let whatever manor they would be at burn. Let no one escape? Recreate what their parents did in the past? That was a lot to handle. "What manor? I don't know how to be that strong...but I'll do what I can" she told her.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena said “no…the night John was attacked. That’s when you were first seen. Why were you there? Why that moment?”

Drake tried to think to remember. Lucifer leaned forward and asked “wait…who on earth is dumb enough to attack John in the open?”

The voice said “you can do this. The manor is not one you have seen yet but you’ll know it. And the ones in the manor aren’t people. Don’t worry, no humans will be killed. Do I make sense?”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago


When Serena corrected her on when she was first seen, she thought back and realised she was right. With everything that happened, she had completely forgotten she was spotted before the time she mentioned. "You're right, can't believe I forgot that" she said, shaking her head at herself. She then looked up at Lucifer as he asked a question that felt like a stupid one to her, "who wouldn't if they had the opportunity to?" She shrugged before continuing before anyone could interrupt her, "my only guess is that it's happening now because he's linked to Kay. I know in my time so many wanted him out the picture before mum got corrupted. They are bonded not just in emotions, but literally. It's a bond that when I came into the world, it changed to include me." She started explaining, lifting her sleeve up to show the bond on her wrist, looking like a tattoo brand.

"Every downworlder wants to harness mum's power for their own gain but they can't if John is in the game so to speak. Get John off the playing field and it's one stronghold down. It's how it happened in my time anyway. So I'm guessing it's the same in this year." She finished explaining.

Chas nodded, "she has a point. John has become fiercely protective of Kay, something I've not seen in him for a long time. And everyone knows if John has his mind set on something or someone, you gotta get rid of him to get to what he's protecting" he agreed.


Kay listened to extra brief information and nodded, "okay..okay. can I tell anyone this information?" She asked the voice, needing to know if she has to keep this to herself or not. It was such a daunting thought that she had to be prepared to let Serena of this time to just kill beings and that she herself had to burn a building down. It was so far from the kind of person she was, but this whole situation was proving she had to start questioning how much longer could she stay neutral in her actions and thoughts.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lucifer leaned back, thinking it over. But then Serena saw what he was getting out. “No…his asking why was that the moment Bane maybe the spell anchor too. How long had you guys been around? In this time line?”

The voice said “you can’t tell me but you can tell John…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago


Fia glanced at Serena as she spoke up and asked about how long she and Drake had been in this time point. It made her glance to Drake briefly before looking back at Serena, "It was a day before I was first spotted in a distance. We had been watching from hiding spots and following to get try and get information or clues. We didn't exactly plan to be spotted at all by you guys. We initially thought it'd be a recon job, get what I wanted from the house and then we'd be going back." She admitted.

"And what was it you wanted to get from the house Fia?" Chas asked her, now curious and making Fia pull out her phone and bring up a photo that she took of pages from the book of Phoenix kind. "This...this book is pretty destroyed in our time. Pages ripped out and burned. I need to take photos of those missing pages" she explained as Chas took her phone and looked through the pages she photographed.


Kay sighed and nodded, "okay..." She replied, forcing herself to stand up once more. "Thank you....for calming me" she finally said quietly. "I... I need to go apologise to Bane" she remarked, mentally gathering herself.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake nodded and said “we think it’s the key to save Kay…but we aren’t sure. We were goin by the seat of our pants at this point”

Serena sat by Chas and looked at the book. “Is that at the house? I don’t recognize it…”

Lucifer was deep in thought and said “maybe we need to get more involved Maze…might need to bring Chloe in on this. Didn’t you say something about people being kidnapped?”

The shadow sighed and said “his not to blame for how he is telling you…I sent orders to the past and I think he might be taking my words too seriously…I forgot how by the book he was back then…but you should know he couldn’t speak of your mother until now. He didn’t know until the future link hit. That was when he was taken and your Serena saw her father in the flames…”

Bane was rubbing his eyes as John was pacing out of stress now. He was worried Kay was about to lose it.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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When Drake backed her up on what she said and what she did, she nodded. They were clasping at so many straws, they just found themselves looking for anything that might help. She glanced over as Serena sat down next to Chas, as they looked through the photos of the pages that Fia took on her phone, wondering if Chas knew of the book at all.

"I'm not sure, it sort of rings a bell" Chas replied as he flipped through the photos then recognised the last page. "I've seen this before" he tapped the screen. The photo showed an illustration of what looked like ancient drawings on a wall. The drawings were crude and there was paragraphs above and below it, making him zoom in to see it better. "I know of the book this came from. Took me a moment but it does familiar. John hasn't looked at this book in years, pretty sure it got lost in the old archives" he explained.

"That's where I found it- in the archives. Except it was locked up behind a book shelf in a drawer" Fia told him, which made Chas look up with a raised eyebrow at her. "yeah...I know all of dad's secret storage drawers, don't tell him though." She admitted in such a typical teenager tone that Chas couldn't even be disappointed in her. He just smirked and shook his head, "you're definitely John's kid. I won't tell him" he reassured her.

Their conversation got cut short when Lucifer spoke up to Maze about missing people. "Kidnapped?" Chas asked, looking between Maze and Lucifer. Maze nodded, "yeah...the detective commented the other day how kidnappings have risen in the city lately and the station is overworked in trying to solve them" Maze explained.

"We can help. I know tracking spells and stuff" Fia chimed up, looking around at her group to see if they agreed with her offer to help.


Kay listened to the shadow and gave a nod. "okay...thank you for helping me." She replied before walking away and back to the room where she saw John pacing and Bane rubbing his eyes. "I'm back..." She said, a lot calmer than she originally was when she walked out the room. "I'm sorry for snapping Bane, it's just a lot for me to comprehend. I shouldn't be taking it out on you" she apologised honestly.

She then walked over to John and touched his arm, "I need to talk to you in private" she quietly said. Not because she was keeping it from Bane, but because she was generally quiet after having an anxiety attack.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lucifer held up a finger and said “maze my dear? Would you mind bringing the files Chloe left here? Let’s see if there is a link between all of this…I might text her as well…see if she can come home for lunch and chat”

Serena was looking at the book on the phone and muttered “wait a sec…why does it look kinda familiar…but the colors are opposite?”

Drake looked at her and asked “like what you are seeing is another version?” Serena nodded. “Ya…”

Bane looked up a little surprised “oh it’s fine dear. I mean I don’t blame you for being upset…” John gave her a look and nodded, waiting till they were in the kitchen. Then said “wait what the heck just happened?”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago


Maze gave Lucifer a nod and walked off to go to where he kept the files hidden and safe. Whilst she was gone, the others stayed put. Fia found what Serena suddenly said interesting, she never thought there could have been another book similar to this one. She thought like, most books John kept, it was a one off. Seems she really was still learning as they went on with this mission. "can you describe the one you're thinking of or remembering Serena?" She asked her.


Kay appreciated that Bane accepted her apology before she walked away and into the kitchen with John. She could see how stressed he had gotten and she felt like a lot of that was because of her. "I don't fully know myself but when I was cooling off and gathering myself, this shadow appeared. They gave me information that I can only tell you about and no one else..." She began to say, not sure how to explained what she now knew. She didn't know how John was going to take the news.

"In three days something is going to happen, I don't fully know what or how, but Serena will be taken and we have to stop it and stop Bane from getting seriously hurt. It's gonna happen after something called a Helios vessel appears?" She began explaining, trying to remember absolutely everything she was told. "it's all going to lead us finding a manor somewhere and I have to let Serena show absolutely no mercy. Anyone whose in that manor with us is not to leave...we have to burn it down...with us inside. Repeat what was once before or something...." She said, but it was clear she still didn't like what she was told.

"John....I think you gotta let us go up with this manor...wherever it is" she spoke looking at him.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Serena said “it was darker…dark blue leather and instead of a bird on the front it was a wolf and moon…” Lucifer said “the books could be a set. But why does John have one? And where is the other one”

John was listening closely then said “Helios…wait, that can’t be right. We just dealt with Apollo…” then what Bane said made it all clicked. “That clever girl…she gave all the hints without breaking the rules. No dear…” he took her hands and smiled. “Kay I need you to listen to me. Helios is the name of a god of dreams…not Greek like Serena. I think…” he paused and said “that’s why she rebirthed…her partner wasn’t here to anchor her…” he looked at Kay and rested a hand on her cheek. “When the manor goes down, you have to hold Serena. You two will be alright. I think I finally understand what’s going on…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago


It didn't feel too shocking that the book was part of a set to Fia or Chas. If anything it made perfect sense it would be. "well, John inherited a lot of the books in the house when he won it in a game of poker. So it was either already in the house or it was something he picked up one day without realising it. Not exactly uncommon for him" Chas shrugged. He truly thought there could be a number of reasons why John had the phoenix book.

"I wish I could give a solid answer but he never told me in my time exactly how he got it. Neither did mum actually" Fia spoke up now that she really thought about it. "to be honest they kept me from looking through it for the longest time" she added. "Apparently math books were more important when I was 13" she said rolling her eyes.


Kay just relayed what she was told, saying the words out loud just made her uncomfortable but she was glad to have told someone else so she didn't have to hide it. She flinched slightly when Bane appeared and just buffed into the conversation, taken aback by the fact he inserted himself on a private conversation. She looked at Bane though and listened, giving a nod, before getting out of his grip. "This was meant to be a private discussion Bane. But I appreciate the information. I was told we can't tell Serena any of this" she added.

When she stopped talking, she got a shot of pain in her head, making her grab the side of her head and hiss, just trying to let it go and pass.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake said “I remember asking about it once…John said it was there when we needed it…” Serena was looking at the picture still and said “does it look…odd to you? Like it should look older then it does?”

Lucifer was smirked when Maze came back and muttered “this is going to be fun…”

John looked around and said “dear Bane isn’t in here. It’s just us.” They heard Bane in the other room “am I needed? I’m just checking something in the shadows at the moment”

When the pain hit John kept his grip on her arms and said “love what is it?” Bane was suddenly there, looking worried. “Kay what’s wrong?” John shook his head and said “she thought you were in here…” Bane frowned and said “I didn’t hear anything till John said my name…”
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 1 day ago


Fia felt a little pang of jealousy when Drake said her dad was a bit more open about the book than he was with her, but she swallowed that feeling down, keeping it off her face and glanced across at Serena when she asked about the age of the book. "does it? In person it looked pretty damn old, but then, I'm also used to it looking even older in mine and Drake's time." She shrugged, not having out much thought into it's appearance before now.

Chas looked up when Maze walked back with the files, seeing her hand them over to Lucifer. "I'm not sure fun is the word I would use" he pointed out. He thought it was highly worrying actually, that whatever was coming was incredibly serious and he didn't want the kids to lose their parents.


Kay couldn't understand why she thought Bane was in the room or interrupted them. She could have SWORN she heard and saw him come into the room. It didn't make a heap of sense and then the pain in her head came out of nowhere, making her grip onto John's arm back, as well as her head with her free hand. "I-I'm ok--argh!" She tried to play it off but she could yet another surge of pain in her head, like nothing she had felt before.

The pain was excruciating, all she could do was scream through the pain as it filled her whole head and made her feel sick. She could focus on anything as she had no choice but to close her eyes. "it won't stop!" She cried out, terrified about what was happening to her. It then got so bad that she just fainted into John, her eyes opening and just a pure golden glow. No iris or pupil...just pure golden light.

in Kay's subconscious

"what's going on? Where am I?" She asked as she gla ced all around herself, finding she was staring at the stone walls of a cave. Engravings and coal drawings adorned most of them, some of depictions of beautiful mythical creatures, some of sigils. She felt scared and alone. John and Bane were nowhere to be seen. Even her own voice sounded almost like an echo. "you're home" a mysterious voice replied from seemingly nowhere before a tall winged male character stepped out into the light. "what do you mean home?" She asked, the male character just smiling as he glanced down at the floor before looking back at her. His eyes as bright as topaz stones, burgundy wings flowing behind him, tips of feathers practically touching the ground. Hair as dark as ebony.

"Though I must say, we was not expecting you so soon. So if you're here then it must mean only one thing, your mother is close to being completely lost to us. It's becoming your time to lead us" he explained. "no, no! I barely know what it means to be what I am! I'm not a leader!" She protested, making a step back as he stepped forward. He held a hand out towards a wall to her right, "look at that. It is the prophecy that must come true! Take your place here in Paradis and accept your fate" he explained.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Drake glanced at Fia and said “Kay I asked about the books in general, and he said as an example of how some books just appeared in the house. This was a long time ago”

Lucifer smiled and said “it’s okay Chas, it’s going to be fun mostly cause I’m bored. Something exciting will make things interesting. And I do owe John a favor…and I want to help my little Shade…she’s one of my favorites” he laid the files down. “Let’s look thru these”

Serena smiled as she moved to pick one up before pain hit her like never before. She gasped and held her head, feeling like fire was in her skull. She stumbled back and hit the pillar behind her, holding her head. Lucifer jumped up and said “Serena? Darling what’s wrong?” Serena gasped and said weakly “Kay…” then she fell forward, her eyes clouding over.

John caught her and said “Kay! Darling wake up! Love what’s going on?!” He looked at Bane who grunted and held his head, feeling something thru the link. “Serena…something is wrong”
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