Hidden 4 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia honestly couldn't think of a single other person that they all knew who could pull something this big. She was thankful though that Serena managed to figure it out for herself as she really didn't want to have to do more explaining. "but if he's working to keep fate on track...why put all his bets on me and Drake doing all this work?" She asked before sighing as she tried to piece together the last of the puzzle pieces.


Kay listened to what Bane had to say, trying to take it all in. It still baffles her how she didn't know any of this about her mother, yet as more was spoken by Bane, she began to feel little flashes of memories of when she was really young come to the front if her mind. Then he said the one thing that irritated her, "you have no right deciding what or whose guilt I deal with or know about. You should have told me about my mother's passing and what happened." She told him, clearly annoyed with him, but she let him continue talking.

Hearing that this all happened or seem to start from when she was taken in Seattle hurt more than she realised. If she wasn't found and Serena wasn't calmed down, it could have ended so much worse for them all. "Those...breadcrumbs as you put it, did you put it out there specifically for the kids to find? Did you purposely set the kids up to have to fix things?" She asked him, glancing between Bane and John noticing how John wasn't saying a single thing.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake looked just as confused but Lucifer said “that’s not so mysterious. You’re the next generation, you have lived this your whole lives. Who better to find the answers than sending the two who know the players in the game the best? Kids know their parents…especially their mothers”

Bane said “you don’t get a right to know everything, Kay. It’s my bloody past…and I don’t have answers for you. I am not even sure she died back then. All I know is my partner felt their link snap then he was attacked. When I was finally strong enough to go find her, the burned landscape is all I found. She could be out there still. If I had answers I would have told you. But I don’t. I was trying to protect Serena. It’s her father. She’s not ready to hear his yet. Neither of you are.”

He sighed and rubbed his face. “Those two are the best for this job…they know you both better then anyone and Fia has the skill to find what doesn’t belong.”
Hidden 1 day ago 1 day ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Fia didn't particularly like the answer she got, even though it was a rather obvious one now that Lucifer had said it. She just didn't like it because she didn't want this pressure to save everyone. It made her sigh, putting her hands on her hips as she did so. "I'm getting real tired of adults putting all this pressure on our shoulders. I get it...my bloodline is rare, I'm special or whatever... but I don't want all this pressure on my shoulders. It's just getting too much. I'm not gonna stop though because I want my mum back, just wish it wasn't solely down to me and Drake." she remarked and Chas had to admit, it was valid. She had every right to feel this way as a teenager.

"I get that Fia, but as you probably already know, being Kay's and a Constantine? Your life was never going to be normal or without constant problems or dangers." he told her sadly, a truth he didn't want to tell her but one he had to. "I know...I've had that speech from dad my entire life, don't make it any easier to swallow though" she replied. She still remembered the days when she was really tiny and John didn't even let her out of the house until she was old enough to hold a proper conversation with someone. Even then, it was hit or miss if she was allowed out without someone following her in the distance to make sure she was safe.


What Bane said back to her didn't help to calm Kay down or make her less angry. She knew deep down he was right but she was high strung, emotional and just downright stressed out. She still felt that she had a right to know about her mother however. She had grown up with the words of her father always in her mind, "The police called... they found your mother's body dead, she's gone Kay, she ain't coming home". She could never forget those words as they were the last words he ever spoke to her softly.

She had no doubt in her mind that she was dead and gone and not alive somewhere in the universe. So when Bane told her her mother could still be out there somewhere, it just made her see red. She just scoffed when he told her she wasn't to ready to hear what he did know, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Leaving all this on her isn't right...she's just a kid" she commented, before just leaving the room as she felt she needed to. She walked partly down the hallway before stopping and leaning against the wall, trying to hold it together. Her hands now shaking and her breath hitching as it began to quicken, to match her heart rate. "Kay calm...." she whispered to herself, knowing she was going into an anxiety attack and it was going to be difficult to control it.
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