Just as Dean didn't want to hear about Ethan, she didn't particularly want to hear about his time with Esme, but she knew it had to be said. Dean was right, they had to clear the air after both of them pretending for so long that neither had a history with someone that wasn't each other. She had kept her story with Ethan secret for far too long and if she had to accept and move on from knowing Dean was with Esme, then he had to know about Ethan. It wasn't out of spite or selfishness, but ever since Esme came onto the scene, all she kept thinking about was how her past was so buried deep and here was Dean's walking around with them in the open.
Seeing him sigh and relax when she agreed to finally listen to him and clear the air, she knew it was another step to them being even better a couple than they ever have been. She saw the way he tensed up when she requested he hear her side as well, it was clear he didn't want to hear it, but she couldn't help but think he surely must have questions to a certain degree. They both knew how many times he secretly called her in the night, barely saying a word on the phone, probably too scared to but there were those calls nonetheless. Those nights never left her memory, all those nights she crept out of Ethan's bed and sat on a stool in his kitchen just hoping that Dean would actually say something to her down the phone, beg her to come home...anything. They were the most heartbreaking nights she ever dealt with, to the point she had to call Duke and just vent to him about it...or more to the point, sob to him.
His agreement to talk with Duke and at least apologise to him for upsetting him knocked her out of her thoughts, making her smile softly and nod her thanks, even if his next lot of words about Duke being with Esme was a sore spot for him. She was so tempted to say to him 'well now you know how I feel', but she didn't because she truly did want to change and not be that spiteful petty girlfriend. She meant it when she previously told him she was going to work on herself and she wasn't going to go back on that promise now. "hmm" was all she could reply with as he darted his eyes downward before looking back at her and then toward the basement door.
Looking back at him when he spoke once more, she nodded in agreement, "yeah we'll have the chat and we'll be okay. No matter what we'll be okay" she replied, though she didn't know who she was trying to convince more- him or herself. His kiss on her forehead made her close her eyes tightly, desperate to keep her emotions in check and not let them spill out just yet from the anxiety of what Dean had to say. She only opened them again when Anna came in and Dean attempted to greet her, only to be met with the hostility Anna showed the night before. It was so clear the girl needed a lot of time to get over her anger toward Dean.
Looking up and reluctantly pulling away from his grip, she gave his hand a gently squeeze. "Go chat with your boy, I'll be here" she said softly, slowly letting go of his hand.
As she got herself dressed, carefully and slowly she found it very difficult to not just give up and dive back onto the bed and cuddle Cason once more. He looked so inviting on the bed stretched out the way he was, especially as her very first love. She forced herself though to keep focused as he spoke up about what the possible plans were for this evening. The word hunt brought a visible shudder to her shoulders as she really didn't want to even think about hunting right now, let alone actually going on another one just yet. It was horrible enough just thinking about how Castiel would be showing his face in a couple of days with no doubt this lead he hinted at.
"Definitely no hunting tonight, especially for me. I need a break. I just want to eat too much food and relax. I don't blame you wanting to see what Bobby was doing, that man is always working I swear" she replied to him, wishing that Bobby would take some time out for himself one day. Just as she was done getting dressed, she barely blinked when he was suddenly swiping his jacket off the top of her bag and had disappeared. It amused her how quickly he could move and she knew it would take some getting used to. Yet at the same time it was something she loved about him.
In what felt like another blink of an eye, he reappeared and was by the door waiting for her. Smiling, she walked over to him and opened the door but didn't walk through just yet. She looked up at him with a soft smile, "Lets go mingle with the others" she commented, not really ready to see what they were going to be walking into. With that, she headed out into the main room first so Cason wouldn't have to touch the door handles and risk getting hurt. She saw Esme and Duke seemingly in a sweet lovers moment, chatting softly and it brought relief to her to see Duke actually smiling again. As she headed through, she saw Bobby grumbling about the couples and exiting the house to the back garage, then came across Anna, Sam, Mika and Dean all in the kitchen area.
Everyone, except for Anna due to her proximity to Dean seemed in a pretty good mood. She couldn't remove the smile off her face even though she was trying. She kept repeating 'act casual' in her head, but that was the last thing she felt she could do. She slept soundly for the first time in months, realized she was very much in love, she was loved and although she was sore and stiff, she felt happy. She headed to the coffee jug, grabbed a mug and poured herself one before opening the fridge and frowned at the lack of food in it.
"Okay...guess it's a food run then" she complained with a sigh.
Walking out of the basement, Sam found himself taking notes of who was up and wasn't. He saw Bobby, Duke and Esme but didn't see Nat anywhere. His protective side was screaming at him to go on a search for her but he kept telling himself that she was fine and safe and in the house somewhere. He let Anna go on ahead to the kitchen, witnessing how she didn't reply to Dean when he greeted her and as much as it saddened him, he understood it and respected she still wasn't in the mood to acknowledge Dean. He walked behind and gave his brother a pat on the back to say hi before he waited for Anna to get a coffee first, then got himself one.
He saw how Dean and Mika clearly had their moment interrupted by Anna and himself walking into the area, not really sure what to say to anyone. He just wanted the tension to go away completely but he knew it would take time. As he lifted his mug up to his lips, he saw Natalia enter the area with a smile on her face, one that he recognised. The girl was trying to hide how loved up she was feeling and he didn't know whether to be worried and against her feelings toward Cason, or be happy for her finally opening up her heart to someone. Times really were confusing lately.
"Hey" he greeted Nat, who gave him a little wave as she went straight to the coffee jug and fridge before complaining about lack of food. "A few of us could probably do with eating. How about I drive you into town and we get takeout for everyone?" he suggested to her. Nat didn't know why but it actually surprised her that he offered, she guessed she just figured he'd want to stay with Anna the whole time. "Oh! Uhh...I think Cason and me were going to, but uhh...how about you and Anna come too? Get out the house for a bit?" she counter suggested, looking between Sam, Anna and Cason to see what they all thought. Sam gave the other suggestion a thought, and it did feel pretty solid. It meant he could keep an eye on Anna and drill Nat and Cason about what was going on with the two of them.
Just as Dean didn't want to hear about Ethan, she didn't particularly want to hear about his time with Esme, but she knew it had to be said. Dean was right, they had to clear the air after both of them pretending for so long that neither had a history with someone that wasn't each other. She had kept her story with Ethan secret for far too long and if she had to accept and move on from knowing Dean was with Esme, then he had to know about Ethan. It wasn't out of spite or selfishness, but ever since Esme came onto the scene, all she kept thinking about was how her past was so buried deep and here was Dean's walking around with them in the open.
Seeing him sigh and relax when she agreed to finally listen to him and clear the air, she knew it was another step to them being even better a couple than they ever have been. She saw the way he tensed up when she requested he hear her side as well, it was clear he didn't want to hear it, but she couldn't help but think he surely must have questions to a certain degree. They both knew how many times he secretly called her in the night, barely saying a word on the phone, probably too scared to but there were those calls nonetheless. Those nights never left her memory, all those nights she crept out of Ethan's bed and sat on a stool in his kitchen just hoping that Dean would actually say something to her down the phone, beg her to come home...anything. They were the most heartbreaking nights she ever dealt with, to the point she had to call Duke and just vent to him about it...or more to the point, sob to him.
His agreement to talk with Duke and at least apologise to him for upsetting him knocked her out of her thoughts, making her smile softly and nod her thanks, even if his next lot of words about Duke being with Esme was a sore spot for him. She was so tempted to say to him 'well now you know how I feel', but she didn't because she truly did want to change and not be that spiteful petty girlfriend. She meant it when she previously told him she was going to work on herself and she wasn't going to go back on that promise now. "hmm" was all she could reply with as he darted his eyes downward before looking back at her and then toward the basement door.
Looking back at him when he spoke once more, she nodded in agreement, "yeah we'll have the chat and we'll be okay. No matter what we'll be okay" she replied, though she didn't know who she was trying to convince more- him or herself. His kiss on her forehead made her close her eyes tightly, desperate to keep her emotions in check and not let them spill out just yet from the anxiety of what Dean had to say. She only opened them again when Anna came in and Dean attempted to greet her, only to be met with the hostility Anna showed the night before. It was so clear the girl needed a lot of time to get over her anger toward Dean.
Looking up and reluctantly pulling away from his grip, she gave his hand a gently squeeze. "Go chat with your boy, I'll be here" she said softly, slowly letting go of his hand.
As she got herself dressed, carefully and slowly she found it very difficult to not just give up and dive back onto the bed and cuddle Cason once more. He looked so inviting on the bed stretched out the way he was, especially as her very first love. She forced herself though to keep focused as he spoke up about what the possible plans were for this evening. The word hunt brought a visible shudder to her shoulders as she really didn't want to even think about hunting right now, let alone actually going on another one just yet. It was horrible enough just thinking about how Castiel would be showing his face in a couple of days with no doubt this lead he hinted at.
"Definitely no hunting tonight, especially for me. I need a break. I just want to eat too much food and relax. I don't blame you wanting to see what Bobby was doing, that man is always working I swear" she replied to him, wishing that Bobby would take some time out for himself one day. Just as she was done getting dressed, she barely blinked when he was suddenly swiping his jacket off the top of her bag and had disappeared. It amused her how quickly he could move and she knew it would take some getting used to. Yet at the same time it was something she loved about him.
In what felt like another blink of an eye, he reappeared and was by the door waiting for her. Smiling, she walked over to him and opened the door but didn't walk through just yet. She looked up at him with a soft smile, "Lets go mingle with the others" she commented, not really ready to see what they were going to be walking into. With that, she headed out into the main room first so Cason wouldn't have to touch the door handles and risk getting hurt. She saw Esme and Duke seemingly in a sweet lovers moment, chatting softly and it brought relief to her to see Duke actually smiling again. As she headed through, she saw Bobby grumbling about the couples and exiting the house to the back garage, then came across Anna, Sam, Mika and Dean all in the kitchen area.
Everyone, except for Anna due to her proximity to Dean seemed in a pretty good mood. She couldn't remove the smile off her face even though she was trying. She kept repeating 'act casual' in her head, but that was the last thing she felt she could do. She slept soundly for the first time in months, realized she was very much in love, she was loved and although she was sore and stiff, she felt happy. She headed to the coffee jug, grabbed a mug and poured herself one before opening the fridge and frowned at the lack of food in it.
"Okay...guess it's a food run then" she complained with a sigh.
Walking out of the basement, Sam found himself taking notes of who was up and wasn't. He saw Bobby, Duke and Esme but didn't see Nat anywhere. His protective side was screaming at him to go on a search for her but he kept telling himself that she was fine and safe and in the house somewhere. He let Anna go on ahead to the kitchen, witnessing how she didn't reply to Dean when he greeted her and as much as it saddened him, he understood it and respected she still wasn't in the mood to acknowledge Dean. He walked behind and gave his brother a pat on the back to say hi before he waited for Anna to get a coffee first, then got himself one.
He saw how Dean and Mika clearly had their moment interrupted by Anna and himself walking into the area, not really sure what to say to anyone. He just wanted the tension to go away completely but he knew it would take time. As he lifted his mug up to his lips, he saw Natalia enter the area with a smile on her face, one that he recognised. The girl was trying to hide how loved up she was feeling and he didn't know whether to be worried and against her feelings toward Cason, or be happy for her finally opening up her heart to someone. Times really were confusing lately.
"Hey" he greeted Nat, who gave him a little wave as she went straight to the coffee jug and fridge before complaining about lack of food. "A few of us could probably do with eating. How about I drive you into town and we get takeout for everyone?" he suggested to her. Nat didn't know why but it actually surprised her that he offered, she guessed she just figured he'd want to stay with Anna the whole time. "Oh! Uhh...I think Cason and me were going to, but uhh...how about you and Anna come too? Get out the house for a bit?" she counter suggested, looking between Sam, Anna and Cason to see what they all thought. Sam gave the other suggestion a thought, and it did feel pretty solid. It meant he could keep an eye on Anna and drill Nat and Cason about what was going on with the two of them.