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Current Happy birthday to me!
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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts


Mika saw him begin to let himself cry, seeing just how awful he did truly feel about everything but determined to try and make amends by being truthful and hopefully still be good with her. She didn't want to lose Dean just as much as he didn't want to lose her. But everything he explained hurt so much, and she knew what she said to him would have hurt him also but she couldn't hide how she was feeling anymore. She spent too many of their young lives lying to him and there wasn't a day that went by where she didn't regret those lies. She wouldn't forgive herself for letting her fear of him rejecting her by the way she looked back then win over everything else. Her fear was what made her lie for all that time, but she hoped she had proved to him she was doing all she could to be better and more honest with him.

She felt like she hadn't lied to him for 3 years, but she was finding out these last few weeks especially, that all he had done was lie to her. Mika understood it was a messy and complicated situation, she put him in a difficult position by pushing him away out of her own selfishness and fear. But what was his excuse? Was it the same as hers or was it solely he simply couldn't bare being on his own and would do anything to have someone replace her? The thoughts of him ever trying to replace her hurt so much. Even though she spent some time with Ethan, he never replaced Dean. Every second she was with Ethan, she just wished he was Dean, but that time she saw Dean with Esme? She had assumed he really wanted nothing to do with her....until those phone calls started.

Mika continued to let him speak, flinching ever so slightly when he carefully placed his hand on her knee once more. Her hands shaking as she toyed with the decision to place her hand on top of his. She really couldn't decide if it was something she wanted to do right now. Her happy wake up felt so shaken and ruined in this moment. "Yeah...you do owe him a lot" she replied to him about Duke being there for her. "He stopped me from just ending it all together Dean, he saved me, literally at one point when he had run off away from you and found me on a hunt, ready to just die and set things back to how they probably should be, saved my life, brought me back from the brink... he knew how my heart wasn't really with Ethan when push came to shove. I tried SO hard to be happy and move on but he wasn't you....he would never be you." she cried.

Then the real pain came crashing down on her. Dean admitting he was still jealous of Duke for being with Esme and having her heart. Part of her wanted to be really callous, just straight up cold, but deep down she knew it would do nothing but just rip them a part all over again. She tried to find words that weren't 'yeah well... welcome to my world when me and Duke see you being all close with Esme, now you know how it feels'. She kept coming up blank on what to say, all she could do was wipe away at the endless stream of tears down her face. "I can't lose you Dean, I can't...I want us to work passed this but I can't ignore how much this hurts to hear." she eventually found the words to tell him.

Slowly, she found the courage to place her hand ontop of his, not quite holding it yet, but it was a start. "I love you with all my heart, and I will fight tooth and nail to keep you by my side. I'm done running away..." she sighed. "All those late night calls that time ago broke me. I would find a hunt anywhere close by just to not feel that pain from hearing your voice on the end of the line. I'd come back so battered every night and Ethan couldn't take it anymore. He could only patch me up so many times before he was done with me and my secrets. I still remember when he hit his limit... I came home and found out you had been calling late at night. Demanded to know who you was, even asked if you were the cause of my back scars..." she began to explain, a sad smirk appearing on her lips briefly. "Of course, that was a stupid assumption and had to tell him of how they really came to be....well, minus the whole Wendigo part. Told him the old family home got broken into and some crazed druggie went on a killing spree with a machete and that's how the scars happened." she sighed.

"it eventually came out in a huge fight. Gave me the famous ultimatum you or him after vases and folders were thrown across the room and that was the night I grabbed my stuff and just left- texting Duke and Bobby demanding one of them tell me where you were" she told him, "and you know the rest" she finished, forcing the memories to stop playing in her mind as she described them briefly. It felt so cathartic to finally tell him the truth of how her and Ethan came to end. That she was never truly fully happy with him, despite what Dean may have told himself all that time ago, before she finally looked up at him, lifting a free hand up to his face to make him look at her back. "I will do my hardest to not be so hard on Esme, she doesn't deserve my wrath or pain. I get that, I really do. It'll just take me time to get the image of you and her together out of my head whenever I look at her, but I know this will hurt...but honestly? Seeing her with Duke will help me move on from that mental image. Even if it slightly hurts you" she told him softly.

"I need you Dean...I love you so much, I can't live or breathe without you" she told him.


Nat smiled when Cason couldn't wait to jump out of the car the moment Sam parked up. She thought about how she would have to help Cason get over his discomfort of cars and his negative thoughts about how they were death traps. She understood why he would think like that, but she still thought he had to try and get a better relationship with cars, especially after he admitted to her that he had grown fond of hers. She watched as he walked up to the passenger front door and opened it for Anna, letting her out whilst Sam got out of the driver's side. It always sent her a heart a flutter when she saw how old school Cason was and gentlemanly he was for a demon.

As he walked round to her side, opened the door and held his hand out to her, she smiled and took it, stepping out of the car and closing the door behind her. "Thank you" she said, taking his hand and walking up to the front door of the diner. She didn't even know that the diner's handle was iron. It had been a while since she was here and honestly forgot. So when he pulled his hand away quickly as it burned his skin, she instantly checked his hand over before nodding and opening the door on his behalf. Though his little mini tantrum about all the iron everywhere was kind of amusing to her as well as endearing.

"You'll be alright babe" she replied, taking his hand and gently pulling him inside, noticing how Sam went to Anna and walked up and in behind them both. Sam couldn't help but smile at how Nat and Cason was and he began to wonder what the hell was wrong with his mind if he was smiling at the sight of his sister being in love with a demon. "I must be losing my mind" he sniggered to himself, walking over to Anna and taking her hand as she giggled at Cason complaining about the iron handle. The covering of her mouth to hide the giggle made Sam look down at her and smile more broadly as it seemed to him that taking her away from the house was proving to be the right course of action. With her hand in his, and close to him he walked with her to the door of the diner and stepped inside, opening the door for her in the process. If Cason was going to be a gentleman to Natalia, then he felt the need to show he could be too toward Anna. He didn't intend to make it a competition but it was subconscious take his mind ended up choosing.

Inside the diner, he stood by the other two, grabbing some menus and handing one to Anna, then to Nat and finally Cason before keeping one for himself. He glanced over what was in store, realising it had been a while since he was in here and noticed how the menu had changed since he was last here with Dean and Mika. "well this is a new menu compared to last time..." he thought out loud to him, his eyes scanning everything on it and what each meal encompassed. Nat overheard him and smirked, "well it's not changed so much that it's hard to pick what Dean and Meeko would want" she pointed out, tapping her menu at the burgers. She saw Dean's favourite was still very much on there, but then, he was a simple man when it came to food. It wasn't difficult to pick him up something he'd like. She then saw a simple cheeseburger and fries meal that made her stomach growl at the thought of eating it, a flush of pink spreading across her cheeks. "Cheeseburger and fries for me" she declared, trying to hide the fact she was blushing over her stomach calling out for sustenance.

Sam smirked, hearing her stomach grumble. "You always go for the cheeseburger if it's on the menu" he teased, "hey, it's a classic okay? You don't mess with classics...unless it's putting hot sauce in it, then and only then you can mess with it" Natalia said back with conviction, pointing her finger at Sam, then at the menu. That was where she was different from Dean, she loved hot sauce in burgers when Dean couldn't take the heat 99% of the time. Sam then looked over at Anna, "seen anything you want?" he asked her, having already decided on a chicken burger and fries, the same as what Mika would want.

Feeling him tighten his arm around her when she laid back down made her feel so secure. Lexi suddenly got reminded just how much she had missed this kind of affection and intimate moment with someone. She didn't want to mess anything up that would take this moment away from her. She had to keep a hold of it with both hands, no matter what.

Hearing him chuckle at her remark about Sam doing good bringing her back here, she was glad that he agreed with her. Life felt pretty good right now, better than it had been for a while if she ever let herself think about it. She knew it wasn't love at this moment, but it was a strong enough feeling that she was content in feeling for a long time to come. Lexi didn't want to move from her spot as she stared off to nothing in particular, just letting the moment completely swallow her whole and keep her happy. "It's been a long time since I've felt so at home somewhere." she admitted openly to him, wanting to admit it to him, to show him how happy he made her. She just hoped she made him equally happy.


After a while she soon fell asleep beside him on the bed late into the night and slept peacefully. Life was good, she ached and felt safe in the arms of Dean. This truly felt like a new chapter in her life that she couldn't wait to experience.


A while later as they laid down on his bed, Sam stared up at the ceiling, a firm smile on his face as he caught his breath finally, one hand on his chest, another by his side. It had felt like eternity since he last gelled and connected with. He could feel his whole body aching and knew for sure that he had bruises down his back if the feeling was anything to go by as he laid on it. He lifted the hand that was by his side up and ran it through his hair, brushing it back and away from his face beyond content with his current situation and didn't even care if they were caught or not. It had to be late and thinking back to how Dean and Lexi were, chances were they either were in the same position as himself and Anya, or asleep.

As Anya's hands came up and lazily signed the word fire, he couldn't help but chuckle understanding that word. "One word for it" he replied to her, raising his other arm and wrapping it round her, pulling her into his side, kissing the top of her head sweetly. Never in his wildest ideas did he think that the girl he just tried to help and calm down in the tech shop would end up being laid out on his bed naked beside him after having absolutely rocked his world. She was like this piece of dynamite that came into his life and nothing he could have done would have got him far enough away from him, but he wasn't complaining.

He willingly jumped over and took the explosion, glad that for once, he let go of his inhibitions and just let himself be happy and let off steam. "Best trip to the tech shop I ever did." he chuckled, nuzzling into her hair and stroking her arm. Tomorrow morning would be quite the scene he came to assume, knowing that both he and Dean had done the exact same thing tonight with two absolutely incredible women.

Fia felt a little pang of jealousy when Drake said her dad was a bit more open about the book than he was with her, but she swallowed that feeling down, keeping it off her face and glanced across at Serena when she asked about the age of the book. "does it? In person it looked pretty damn old, but then, I'm also used to it looking even older in mine and Drake's time." She shrugged, not having out much thought into it's appearance before now.

Chas looked up when Maze walked back with the files, seeing her hand them over to Lucifer. "I'm not sure fun is the word I would use" he pointed out. He thought it was highly worrying actually, that whatever was coming was incredibly serious and he didn't want the kids to lose their parents.


Kay couldn't understand why she thought Bane was in the room or interrupted them. She could have SWORN she heard and saw him come into the room. It didn't make a heap of sense and then the pain in her head came out of nowhere, making her grip onto John's arm back, as well as her head with her free hand. "I-I'm ok--argh!" She tried to play it off but she could yet another surge of pain in her head, like nothing she had felt before.

The pain was excruciating, all she could do was scream through the pain as it filled her whole head and made her feel sick. She could focus on anything as she had no choice but to close her eyes. "it won't stop!" She cried out, terrified about what was happening to her. It then got so bad that she just fainted into John, her eyes opening and just a pure golden glow. No iris or pupil...just pure golden light.

in Kay's subconscious

"what's going on? Where am I?" She asked as she gla ced all around herself, finding she was staring at the stone walls of a cave. Engravings and coal drawings adorned most of them, some of depictions of beautiful mythical creatures, some of sigils. She felt scared and alone. John and Bane were nowhere to be seen. Even her own voice sounded almost like an echo. "you're home" a mysterious voice replied from seemingly nowhere before a tall winged male character stepped out into the light. "what do you mean home?" She asked, the male character just smiling as he glanced down at the floor before looking back at her. His eyes as bright as topaz stones, burgundy wings flowing behind him, tips of feathers practically touching the ground. Hair as dark as ebony.

"Though I must say, we was not expecting you so soon. So if you're here then it must mean only one thing, your mother is close to being completely lost to us. It's becoming your time to lead us" he explained. "no, no! I barely know what it means to be what I am! I'm not a leader!" She protested, making a step back as he stepped forward. He held a hand out towards a wall to her right, "look at that. It is the prophecy that must come true! Take your place here in Paradis and accept your fate" he explained.


If someone told Lexi to put a tag on what was happening between her and Dean, she couldn't. She didn't know what it was but it was something new and she was welcoming it with open arms. She was done being lonely and alone. Dean was bringing her out of herself and she wanted to stay so much as she had nowhere else to really go if she did leave. It was hard to explain, but there was just something about the bunker and Dean that made her feel at home.

As he mimicked her tracing by drawing a figure of eight on her shoulder, she smiled warmly at the action. It was so comforting and relaxing to feel, considering how small of an action it was. It also reminded her just how much she missed sweet little moments like this, they felt just as important as the big actions and the sex. As he pulled her closer, if that was even possible, she snuggled into him more as he suggested she did stay.

The moment he tried to make it sound less corny, she continued to smile as she looked up at him once more. "I'd love to stay. I wasn't sure if you two would want me to stay if I'm honest, I didn't want to overstay my welcome but I really like it here. The company is good also" she lightly chuckled before continuing, lifting her free hand up and stroking his cheek as she looked at him. "but I'm serious, even after I get my car back, I'd like to stick around for as long as you'll have me" she told him, her thumb running up and down his cheek.

She meant every single word of what she said as well. Just because she would eventually get her car back, it wouldn't be the clue that she would scarper away and leave the boys high and dry. At any rate, she had to train Anya with them for a start. She didn't have all the answers but she knew the answer to his request of her staying and it was a solid yes. Pushing herself upward, she kissed him once more before she lowered back down and being comfortable in her original position. "Ya know, I actually believe Sam bringing me here was the single best thing he ever did." She smiled.


As Anya's hips pressed against his, he could stop the little growl escaping his lips into the kiss. The way she could hold her own against him whilst also being slightly dominant was enticing. He had never met anyone like her before and he wanted more. As she broke the kiss, he slightly chased after it before letting it break so she could remove the shirt of his, she had only just put on. Smirking he watched her, studied every curve on her body as he took in the sight before him before he let her remove his own shirt.

As his hair fell in front of his face, he smiled, feeling amused as she brushed his hair out of his face and behind his ears. A moment of sweetness amidst the savage hunger for each other. He gladly kissed her back, just as hungrily as she smashed her lips onto his, letting little growls and moans as he nibbled on his bottom lip before rolling off of him and onto the bed. Without a word being said, he followed her lead and turned over on top of her, leaning down to kiss her again, his hands pressed into his mattress to steady himself above her small frame.

Pulling away just enough, he balanced himself with one hand as he used the other to expertly undo his jeans and belt, kicking them down his legs once undone and then focusing back on her once more. "sure about this?" He asked, still wanting to put her comfort into consideration, despite his need and want to sleep with her.

The moment Dean began to speak, Mika wasn't so sure she was ready to hear what he was going to say to her. She didn't want to think about how happy he was with another woman, but she fought her every instinct to get up and walk away or at the very least pace around the room. she knew this was going to be so much harder to hear than she ever thought it would be. It was hard enough when they had a brief discussion after Cupid's stupid antics, but this felt so much heavier, worse even. So much of her wanted to interrupt him, speak, call him out on something but she forced herself to remain silent the entire time. Then came the sentence that hit her like a ton of bricks
.he fell in love with Esme. Her eyes began to sting from tears bubbling up, threatening to fall down her cheeks as she felt him grab her hand to stop from running off.

Then it just got worse for her. He was in deeper with Esme than he ever let on before. He LIED to her before and that hurt more than anything, the tears then did fall. He was in so much deeper than she ever was with Ethan. She may have moved in with Ethan, but she couldn't ever pull away from the hunting life or Dean. Yet here Dean was admitting he was ready to just move on with Esme at one point and never look back. She tried to let what he just told her sink in as much as possible, but it was more difficult than she thought it would be. She felt frozen on the spot for a few moments before she pulled her hand away from his, just forcibly enough to make him let go.

“You lied to me
” she finally spoke, refusing to look at him. “you told me it wasn't serious with her
you looked me in the eye and lied to me” she said once more, as she tried her hardest not to fly off the handle and remain calm. Even the words ‘i still would find my way back to you’ didn't dull the hurt she was now feeling. “why Dean? Why lie to me? I've had tried SO hard to be a better person..for you and myself
to not lie or run away when things got tough and you've just been lying all this time? Do you realise how hypocritical that makes you? You call me out for lying, running away or keeping secrets, and you've been doing the exact same thing” her voice was low, she wasn't shouting, it was just remained eerily low and calm as tears fell down her face.

“So all that time ago, when you came rolling into Ethan's town, you were in a serious relationship with her? That was her you were with?” She asked, remembering the same moment in time that Dean had a short while ago. “Whilst I was fighting to not run from Ethan and convince myself all those late night calls from you were nothing but dreams, you were just happily with Esme? That's cold Dean
” she asked, forcing a hand to wipe away some of the tears off her face, before it just went back down onto her lap. This felt like a whole new form of betrayal, especially hearing how Bobby took them both in at one point. Now it all made sense why Bobby was so nice and sweet on Esme, he had known about her and Dean all this time, another stab of betrayal in her heart was felt. She wanted to get up and leave, but she felt frozen on the couch, her hands beginning to shake.

“She did the right thing walking away from you. You played us both back then” she pointed out flatly. That was the only other way she saw it. He played them both because he was too scared to be alone..just like she was afraid to be alone. “I only found Ethan after we had an argument on a hunt. We had walked away by that point, but I still remember finding you on the same hunt with your dad that I was already on and we just had this big argument. Your dad just lectured us both for not staying focused and he was right
 that was the night our distractions caused me to get thrown across the mill.” She began, “so I left, leaving you two to finish the job, I couldn't take being in the same area as you both just to be judged from both sides. So I left and found myself in a bar, bashed up, hurting and frustrated. Ethan was the only person in that whole place to come over and ask if I was alright.” She explained.

The memory of that night coming clearer into her mind. She insisted she was fine and didn't need some gorgeous tattooed hot shot inserting himself into her business, but he stayed firm on the spot in front of her. She put it down to being too exhausted to fight him, but the truth was, she did want that kindness from someone. She remembered just finally breaking down at her table and he sat down beside her and just hugged her. He didn't even know her but he showed such kindness and softness to her that she was scared to push away from him. She could hear in her head how he suggested, getting out of the bar, into his shop and patching her up. That was when she found out he owned the tattoo shop in town and a few days later, she begged him to tattoo her back so she didn't have to see her scars in the mirror in the same way.

It was only after the memory played out in her head slightly, that she finally looked Dean in the eyes. “You know how many nights I spent on the phone to Duke hurting because I thought you had fully moved on, but you still kept calling me? Duke was the only one who one hundred percent kept me safe from myself. Not Ethan, not Bobby
Duke.” She told him.


One thing Nat never thought she'd hear Cason say was that he had grown fond of her car. Even if he did call it a death trap. She never really thought about Cason possibly growing fond of her car, but the fact he had meant a lot to her. Maybe now he wouldn't be so averse to being in it with her and maybe when this whole impending doom was over and they survived it, they could just go somewhere. Just them and the car and not look back for a while.

She also never really saw much in common with Dean when it came to her bond with her car and if anyone told her she was like him over it, she probably would try and deny it even if it was true. She had A LOT in common with Dean and if she really let herself admit it, she probably would have wondered if that was why they butted heads so often. They were too alike for their own good at times, whereas with Sam, she could just be a sister and not worry about arguments. So when Sam said she was sounding like Dean before she chucked him her keys, she had to mentally scrub that notion out of her mind. She didn't want to think about how alike her and Dean were, it felt
childishly icky to her brain.

As Cason agreed with Sam that she had to take it easy, she looked over at him as he teased her about how lazy she had to be, the words causing her to scrunch up her face, her nose wrinkling. “I could never be that lazy and you both know it” she told Cason and Sam before getting into the back seat first. The familiar smell of her car and feel of the seats instantly made her feel relaxed whilst she waited for the others to pile in. She slouched in the back seat whilst she could before forcing herself to sit upright and put her seatbelt on whilst the others eventually got in.

Nat did know Cason hated cars, which was why she always appreciated him getting in one despite his dislike of them greatly. She reached out and took his hand as he told Sam not to drive like a maniac, catching Sam do a ‘blink and you'd miss it’ smirk before going serious and beginning the drive out the lot and into town. “Don't worry, he's not Dean
he actually is a safe driver. Especially when he's driving my car. He knows I'd kill him if he so much as scratched it” she told him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.


With Cason agreeing with him about Nat needing to take it easy, he wasn't sure if he should be smug about it or weirded out that a demon was actually agreeing with him. So he decided that as it was about his baby sister, he would go with feeling smug, at least in this instance. The more of them that made Natalia take it easy, the easier it would be for her to actually listen to them all and do as they wish for her. “His words might be a bit far, but see, even he agrees” he told Nat as he watched her make that stupid disgruntled face she always did when she was in a good mood but didn't want to concede to being outnumbered. He seriously never tired of seeing her personality just shine through at times like this. It made him think about her younger self and how she and their dad must have been together, making him wish he could have seen their relationship for himself.

He gave a nod of thanks to Cason not only for agreeing with him, but also for shrugging off his jacket and giving it to Anna. He too only remembered now that she must have left it in Duke's truck. They really should find some time to get their stuff out of it soon he thought, as he didn't know how long Duke would hang around. For now, he had more pressing matters to deal with, feeding the girls and himself. As Anna said she reckoned it had been a couple of days since she last ate, it got him wondering.. when was the last time they all ate? Everything had 0-100 so quickly that even he didn't know a precise moment they all ate.

Getting in the car with the others, he put the keys in the ignition, waited for everyone to be settled and turned the key. Cason asking him to not drive like a maniac brought a very brief smirk to his lips before going back to sensible mode. He started pulling out as Nat explained he was the more careful driver out of himself and Dean and he felt quite proud of that. “like she said, it's only Dean that has moments of insanity behind the wheel.” he added as he pulled out of the lot and onto the main road I to town. It wasn't a far drive, about five to ten minutes at most from Bobby's, but it took an equal amount of time to find a parking spot near the diner as it seemed a lot of people were out tonight. Yet he persevered and did find out, pulling in smoothly and perfectly on the first try.

“Okay, let's hope it won't be a long wait to get the food and bring it back to the house” he said, grabbing the keys and putting them in his jeans pockets so Natalia couldn't try and steal them back. Though there was a niggling part of him that felt if they did have a long wait, it wouldn't be a bad thing. Mika and Dean back at the house, clearly needing to have a private chat entered his mind again and he hoped they would be alright, even if he didn't want to walk back in and fest they were fighting again.

Mika had barely gotten out of her memory when Sam asked her about food. She was just about with enough to answer him before her mind just faded back into that memory of hers. She hated how things got with Ethan, she never wanted to hurt him and when she did, she really started to believe that maybe she was the problem to everyone and everything. She was just thankful that she had managed to grow a bit since that time. But the guilt of hurting him never really went away. She just couldn't have lied to herself and him back then and let him continue to believe she was all in with Ethan when it would always be Dean. That night three years was just the start of the end with Ethan, especially when the next day she saw Dean in the shop opposite and with some other woman, who she now knows was Esme. Back then, seeing him kiss another woman felt like he did it on purpose to hurt her as they briefly caught each other's eyes. She remembered how it hurt so much she had to walk away, luckily a customer coming into the tattoo shop was her excuse to walk away and back inside.

Here and now, she snapped out of her mind’s thoughts when she felt Dean's lips on hers. It took her completely off guard but she still kissed him back. It was a natural reflex to her, as she barely registered that some of the others were still in the room. Slowly pulling away, she looked him in the eyes, lifting her hand and placing it on his arm. “everything okay?” She asked him, not completely unaware that she herself seemed to not be wholly the same as when he went over to Duke. Forcing herself to put on that happy persona again, she noticed the others in the kitchen talking before heading out to get that food that Sam mentioned a little while ago, but didn't really notice Duke and Esme leaving out the front door. The only thing she noticed was how quiet the house was suddenly getting and she didn't know if that was a comforting thing or not.

Once Anna, Sam, Cason and Natalia all headed out via the back door, she sighed as silence welcomed her and Dean. “guess it's just us for a little while. So how about that chat you wanted?” She spoke, deciding if any time was perfect, it would be this one that completely fell into their laps. There was absolutely no avoiding it any longer, that much was clear to her and she didn't know how to properly mentally prepare for what was possibly going to come out of Dean's mouth. Yet she also knew he was no doubt in the same boat about whatever she was going to tell him about Ethan. The thoughts about what could be said made her feel sick to her stomach from nerves, but she had to do it.

After waiting for him to respond, she walked into the living room and sat on the couch, her hands on her knees as she nervously twiddled her fingers, staring at her lap before forcing herself to look at Dean. “So
.the history of you and Esme
.” She quietly spoke, making herself look up at him.


When she was back with the others and happily pulled into Cason's side, she looked over both their shoulders to say goodbye to Mika when she saw the woman was locked with Dean who had reappeared seemingly out of nowhere. Turning her head back round, she wasn't going to break whatever was up, up. So she walked out the back door with Cason, where she saw her beautiful car just sitting there not scratched up or damaged in any way. It wasn't there this morning so there was only one explanation as to how it got there
Cason somehow got it back. A broad smile that reached her eyes appeared on her lips, turning to Cason then back at her car and back to Cason again. “you got my baby back” she pointed out, feeling ecstatic about it. “you're the best” she beamed, kissing his cheek. Her car meant so much to her for so many deep reasons other than it was her first car. It was the one gifted to her by her brothers and Bobby after they found out she was saving up so hard to get a little run around for herself. It was a symbol of her becoming her own person and gaining independence. It was a symbol of freedom to her.

Then on top of all that, she saw it as her home. Her little haven when things got too much around the boys or a hunt was going on longer than planned and she just crashed in the backseat. It was more than just a car and she had to go over to it, rummaging in her pockets for her keys, which she found easily enough. Letting go of Cason, she reached out and ran her hand over the roof of the car, smiling. “hey girl
I missed you” she spoke softly. “you're sounding like Dean again” she heard Sam tease from behind her. “give me the keys, I'll drive, you need to take it easy
.I'm sure Cason would agree with me on that one” Sam smirked which made Natalia roll her eyes, but threw him the keys anyway.


Cason's reply to his remark actually satisfied him more than he thought it would. He was still suspicious but unlike Dean, he had to keep trying to be open minded. He didn't sense any lie in what Cason said back to him and his actions had proven so far that he was telling the truth. He glanced down at Anna when she spoke up, saying they knew Cason just wanted Nat safe. He was about to ask more questions when Nat appeared back into the kitchen, in her oversized jacket he wished she would replace with a new one and still seeming as happy as ever. like Natalia, he was fully ready to tell Mika and Dean that they would be back shortly, but the way Dean went over to Mika, he decided it was best not to interrupt them.

He could somehow tell that their chat was imminent and it made him glad he agreed to go out to order food with Nat and Cason, and not staying in. He did not want to be around during all those sore memories and wounds being brought up. Taking Anna's hand, he followed the other two out the back door and stepped into the cool air. “gonna be a cold night I think” he said to Anna, keeping her close so she didn't get cold. His attention got pulled from Anna soon after though when Nat practically squealed out of joy of having her car back. ‘so he got it back for her, he really is meaning his words’ he thought to himself. It had been a long time since he saw his sister so genuinely happy and herself. It was almost a bit of a whiplash to the brain as he was expecting her to still be a little shadow of herself considering what she went through.

“Give me the keys, I'll drive..you need to take it easy” he called out, snatching her keys out of the air easily enough. With the keys firmly in his hand, he walked over, let go of Anna's hand so he unlocked the car and gave the signal it was all good to get in. Sam then got into the driver's side as he watched Nat get in the back seat. “so what place are we gonna grab food from? I really want a burger so bad!” Nat asked, as Sam sniggered, “probably the diner then. Can see if they got Dean's favorite pie” he replied.

Dean wasn't the only one who thought it just felt right laying there on the bed together. She felt like the two of them were destined to meet and click together, even if it was through something incredibly sad to join them as one. Hearing him breathlessly laugh at her remark, made her feel like she really did say something so corny and awkward. She wished she could have taken her words back, then he said something that made her smirk and laugh too. "what can I say? I'm proud of the tricks I know" she laughed, figuring if she was going to be awkward she may as well own that awkwardness as he wiped a few sweaty strands of her hair off her face.

Like him, she was really starting to feel quite a lot for Dean, it was way more than just a simple crush for her now. Yet how could she tell him that? She didn't want to rush him into anything more than a romp in the sheets every now and then if he wasn't ready for it, but how long could she honestly wait? But then he said something that made her just adjust her head, just enough to be able to look up at him without removing her head off his shoulder.

Smiling, she didn't think it was pathetic sounding at all. "It doesn't sound pathetic" she told him before chuckling warmly at his next little remark. The way he called her darling gave her butterflies, like a school girl. She knew she wouldn't ever tire of hearing him say such things or hearing his accent really shine through the gruffness of his voice. It was like a drug she never wanted to come down from.

"Yes we should" she replied with a chuckle, lifting her hand up just high enough to trace her fingertips around his anti possession tattoo. Laying like this with him made her feel a sense of feeling at home. She wouldn't ever stop loving her fiancée who she lost, but she could most certainly find a part of her heart open to falling in love with Dean, even if they had barely known each other. He was the new start she needed in her life to give her a sense of purpose, she just never knew it until now.


Sam couldn't pinpoint what it was about this moment with Anya, but somehow her being mute just made this situation all the more intoxicating. Not for any negative reason, but because it meant they really had to use touch and looks to convey everything to each other. Her tightening her grip on his hair made him bite his lip as he had his forehead pressed hers. He pulled her closer to him as she moved her hips and brushed her nose against his own. She was making it so difficult to keep some kind of control.

He found himself gulping down saliva in his throat as she moved her hand down his ear to throat and chest. Goosebumps instantly raising on his skin, just as she planned. Seeing her climb onto his lap, he lifted her up slightly to help her, pulling her legs round his waist before lifting his hands to her waist to keep her supported on his lap.

As she tilted her head and leaned down, he leaned his head upward and kissed her back deeply. He knew she was teasing him, testing how much it would take before he gave I to their urges and just let go of that control he was holding onto. It didn't take long for him before his kiss went deeper and more passionate, his hands ran up and under the shirt she was wearing, holding her firmly in place so she didn't fall.

This girl was going to be the death of him and right now he was completely okay with it.

Securely in her room, she couldn't help herself. There really was something about him that drove her crazy and she didn't take him for someone who would suddenly get cold feet now they really were in a private room. "Something you'll learn about me, I never miss a single beat" she smiled back at him, easily undoing his jeans and pulling them down his legs before coming back to his level in time for him to wrap his hand around to back of her neck. As he pulled her face closer to his, she gladly kissed him back deeply, passionately. She smirked into the kiss as he backed her against the door.

A soft groan escaped her lips as he trailed his fingers down her chest and to her jeans. She let him undo them as she then stepped out of them, kicking them across the room and out of their way before he broke the kiss just enough to verbally let her know he was totally okay with this. With a smile on her lips, she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him like they were always meant to fit together......


She didn't know when they found themselves on her bed, but she wasn't complaining about laying flat out on it beside Dean. Turning her head to face e him, she couldn't stop smiling through the attempts to slow her breathing and get it back to a regular pace. she wanted to speak but didn't know what to say exactly, so she rolled onto her side and beside him, resting her head on his shoulder, arm over his chest. "you do not disappoint Dean Winchester" she chuckled whilst internally cringing at what she said to him. 'really Lexi? That's the best best you can come up with?' she thought to herself.


Seeing Anya be surprised at how fast things moved between Dean and Lexi, he chuckled and nodded. "Oh I agree. I had a feeling they'd hit it off, but even I'm surprised how quickly. I thought it'd take her days to get him out of his room, not get in his pants" he laughed. "but I'm not gonna complain as it's a lot better than him sulking in his room" he added. He didn't even want to use the word grieving anymore as he felt like the moment the word left his lips, he got brought down mentally and he did not want to be a downer right now.

So when Anya spoke the other two being bunnies, he was really glad he had such an amusing thought in his mind so far from the sad thoughts. He watched her stand up and tap her finger on her chin in a faux thoughtful manner, making him rise an eyebrow in curiosity at what she was thinking and about to do. he watched her as she began to then walk to his drawer and pull out his gray shirt and shook it in a manner that said so much.

"Right...finding you a shirt to sleep in!" He remarked with a smirk, letting her know he got what she was practically miming. She certainly knew how to make everything dramatic and almost show like as she threw his shirt on his bed beside him and walked over before removing her own shirt. He could t stop himself from briefly biting his bottom lip whilst he couldn't take his eyes off of her, even though he truly did try. This girl was purposely driving him crazy and yet he loved every minute of it.

By the time she had his shirt on, standing in front of him, between his legs, he gave in to the urge to place his hands on the backs of her thighs. "you are one hell of a tease, you know that right?" He told her when she was done. The shirt really did look good on her, Dean was right, it was long enough to be considered a nightdress on her tiny frame but he did not mind in the slightest. She made it work somehow and he made sure the sight was burned into his memory.

With Dean finally agreeing to go talk, Mika was relieved. She just wanted her boys to get along as she hated seeing them like they currently are. It really brought the mood down and it made her worry about their mental states. There were too many far greater things coming into play for them all that they really had to put all their focus on and not be squabbling like playground kids. She just hoped that after her chat with Duke this morning, that he would begin to slowly listen to Dean and make an effort to hear him out.

As he pushed past her, she stepped to one side to let him through to the main room and sighed into her coffee mug. ‘oh boy oh boy
.’ she thought to herself as she turned her attention to the other two couples in the kitchen, noticing how Nat was trying so hard to act casually around them all but Cason was incredibly close to her. An eyebrow quickly rise in curiosity before lowering back down again, deciding she wasn't going to get involved. She would just wait everything out until Dean came back for her to have their own long chat. A chat she was dreading more than the impending apocalypse if she was really honest with herself. She could see how Dean was still clearly in love with Esme to some degree and she didn't think she would ever get over that, but was she really any different? There were times when she still thought about Ethan and wondered if he was safe and still tattooing. She wondered if he ever hated her for just running off back to Dean.

As she mulled over it all, she couldn't help but fall down memory lane as she stared absentmindedly into her coffee.

[I][b]one Autumn, 3 years ago[/I][/b]

Mika was walking back to the tattoo shop to get into the apartment above it. The place she spent the last year living. It was a chilly evening, late and barely a soul outside other than the drunks or to be drunks out for a night out, oblivious to what was really out in the world. She had just been on a hunt, she was dirty, bloody and scuffed up. Her duffel bag over her shoulder and felt incredibly tired. Seeing the shop I'm her view, two doors up, she sighed with relief, glad to be somewhere she sort of called home but it never truly felt like home. Turning right, she pulled out her keys, unlocked the door to the stairs and headed on up after locking the door behind her.

She saw the lights on low and figured that Ethan was still up, which she hoped he wouldn't be. She wasn't in the mood to try and explain why she was bashed up when she never wanted to tell him why. It was safer he didn't know what her job was. It was safer he didn't know she did these jobs alone when she should have had someone else with her. Hunts were so much more difficult without Dean beside her being her perfect hunt partner. Dean
.he crept back into her mind once more when she hoped he would just stop entering it. She had to move on from him, even though it hurt more than any injury she could collect on a hunt. He was her soulmate and here she was trying to make it work with someone else.

“You're back” Ethan's voice rang out in the dim light, already holding a first aid kit in his hands. “yeah
I'm back” she said flatly. Dumping her bag down on the floor in the hallway, she entered the main room and saw him on the couch. Joggers on but nothing else. His tattooed body just stretched out on the couch waiting for her, worry written all over his face. “what injuries is it this time?” He asked her, sitting upright as she stepped over and sat down beside him. “Just grazes, I'm fine” she replied, “well that's a damn lie. I know you Mika, you're never just fine. You go out all times of night, sometimes don't even get back until the next morning and you're always in a state. What is going on? I'm worried about you, you're not okay, not in the slightest” he told her as he opened the kit and began to clean up what cuts he could see on her face.

“It's s-” she began to reply but Ethan just stopped her before she could even continue that sentence, “don't you dare say it's safer I don't know. Heard it all before. I love you and I hate seeing you like this. It's self-destructive. I don't know if you're doing stupid illegal fights or what but I can't keep seeing you like this. It's breaking my heart” he told her, a bit more softly than he spoke the previous sentences. It was then she just brushed his hands away from her and stood up, “I'm never going to tell you Ethan, you don't like my answer or reason why but it's the truth. So please, just drop the subject. I'm going to bed” she told him, clearly fed up with this same old rotation of words between them. “Not in that state. You won't talk to me? Coming in bashed up and dirty and think I'm just gonna roll over and remain in the dark? Not this time. You can sleep on the couch” he told her, this time he got up and went to bed, leaving her alone in the main room where she sat down and just started crying, head in hands.

A few minutes later she grabbed her phone and pulled up Dean's number, tempted to text him or call him, but her hand shook and unable to actually do it. So she did all she could
she called Duke.


Truth was, Nat and Cason hadn't planned on going out. But the moment she saw absolutely no food in the fridge that she considered edible or would hit the spot right here and now, she had decided for them. She was also hyper aware of the look Dean and Mika gave her and Cason and she really didn't want to be questioned by Dean, so if she could scarper so she could put it off for as long as possible, she was going to take that opportunity with both hands. She shot Cason a look of ‘sorry for deciding for Us' before she offered Sam and Anna to join them. She figured Anna would be grateful for the temporary run away as well as herself and if it meant she could start bonding with Anna now that she was dating Cason, and Anna back with Sam then it was a complete win win situation in Nat's eyes.

With Cason's hand on her hip, she instinctively wrapped an arm around his waist in return. ‘so much for acting casual’ she thought to herself, but she was in a pretty good mood for once and she wanted to make the most of it. She looked over at Anna when Cason asked her how she was doing and it was then she took in how Anna looked and she really felt for the girl. She had been through a lot by the looks of it and she wished Anna didn't have to. But it also looked like Sam was really looking after her and she had the best support system in her brother. That much she knew for certain. “He's right ya know. I don't see you as a time bomb. Just my big lug of a brother's girlfriend who's awesome for putting up with him” she smiled at her, which got her a fake disgruntled look from Sam that she just grinned at him back to.

Now deciding that they needed to get out to go pick up food for everyone (mostly herself), Nat downed her coffee and put the mug in the sink. “Guess I should put some boots on” she remarked, suddenly remembering that although she got dressed, she didn't actually put socks and shoes on. “I'll be right back” she told them, but mostly to Cason so he wouldn't freak out about her going back to Bobby's room on her own. Letting him go, she wandered back to the bedroom, perching on the edge on the bed and slowly saw to getting footwear on. It hurt, but she was determined not to call Cason for help. She didn't want to feel like a complete invalid who needed her boyfriend to put on her boots for her, even though it would have been so much easier.

She soon got them on, stood up with a groan and headed out the bedroom, swiping her very old and very oversized favored jacket as she exited and went back to the others. “Okay, I'm good to go” she stated, sliding one arm through Cason's and her other to his hand.


Sam could tell that Anna was still uncomfortable being around everyone else, but he tried his best to make her feel more comfortable. So when he and Natalia spoke about food and Cason asked Anna if she was alright, he felt quite thankful that even Nat could see Anna needed a moment of normal mundane things to do. Her words about having people looking at her like a ticking time bomb made him frown, he didn't want her thinking that the others saw her as that, when he certainly didn't and it seemed neither did Cason and Nat. The smile she started to show at Cason's words made him give the man a nod of thanks for helping cheer Anna up before Nat's words made him look at her in a disgruntled manner. “Wow
” he breathed but chuckled at her just grinning at him in response.

As Nat spoke about needing shoes on, he couldn't help but look down and see she was indeed bare footed like Mika was before she scarpered off to fix that situation. “I swear she'll never change” he remarked amused by his sister, before looking at Cason. “Guess these little quirks of hers are your problem now, if the closeness between you is anything to go by” he commented whilst Nat wasn't around to put an end to the conversation. Same knew that any given moment he could try and get something out of the two lovebirds he would. He was a big brother after all and had to do his duty of questioning any love interest Nat got, despite his cool and casual demeanor. He still didn't like that her first love was a demon, but considering everything, and how he saved Natalia from the asylum, he had to give the man the benefit of the doubt for the time being.

After a short moment, Nat seemed to come back in the jacket he constantly tried to convince her to replace, even though he could understand why she had such an attachment to it. It was the first coat he found and put her in when they got her out of the asylum the first time 2 and a half years ago, he saw over those years how it quite literally became a comfort blanket to her, but it never failed to amuse him how she never really grew into it. “okay, let's head out” he replied, before stepping up to Mika, “I'm gonna go with those three to get Nat and Anna fed. Want anything?” He asked her, seeing she was in her own little world. Snapping out of her memory, she just have a nod, “yeah..just get me anything. Maybe as well get Dean the usual stuff” she replied, to which he nodded, and went back to the other three.

Lexi couldn't believe it when Sam totally interrupted them. She was so close to unbuckling his belt and just giving in to her temptations with Dean, and then Sam completely ruined it. By the sound of his voice, he enjoyed it as well which just felt an utter knife in the heart. "dammit Sam .." she gasped before laughing at the situation they found themselves in. She felt like she was in some kind of teen romcom moment and it just made her find the amusement in a very awkward situation.

However she still was desperate to grab Dean and not stop what they were about to do. They were grown consenting adults with needs and she wasn't going to let Sam put a stop to it. Looking up at Dean, she could see he was just hot and flustered as she was whilst they looked at each other and both chuckled. She took in how his skin was flushed like her own, glad she wasn't the only one.

She watched as he then knelt down to grab their shirts and keep ahold of them. At his next question to her, she smirked, "mine..further away from annoying brothers." She grinned, hopping off the desk to stand on her own two feet, not even caring that they were both still very much topless. She was never a shy woman really and right now, it the last thing on her mind to be. So she stepped up to the door, opening it. Grabbing his free hand, she pulled him out Anya's room and down the hallway to her room where she opened the door and pulled him inside, closing the door behind them and leaning straight up to kiss him deeply.

"So, where were we?" She coyly asked, letting go of his hand and grabbing at his jeans.


Sam caught the silent laugh and amusement on Anya's face and lips which made him feel all the more smug about what he did. He knew he shouldn't have, but he just couldn't resist the temptation, especially as it was clearly going to be the room they chose for Anya to sleep in during her stay here. They could at least have some kind dignity if they were going to finally give in to their attractions with each other.

He rose an eyebrow at her signing without thinking, and although his sign was very spotty, more so than Lexi's was, he took a guess that it was something to do about the situation he just put his brother in. He stepped over and perched next to her on his bed, listening to the comments come through her phone after Dean made him look to his door at the weak comeback of a thud on his door. "oh he's definitely having a head start" he laughed. "Ever since Lexi arrived, they've fancied each other. It's been like a day and a half, just about two days" He told her, still highly entertained by the whole thing.

"So although it is kinda mean, I'm not sorry in the slightest. Guy deserves a good night" he added as she typed another message as well as turning the volume down on her phone. He saw the mischievous smirk creep onto her lips as she pressed play, making him listen to what she wanted to say before he started laughing, his head nodding as he did so.

"If you had spent years knowing us, you'd know I was the wholesome one out of us two. But imagining those two as bunnies now is highly hilarious" he giggled. He did t want to think about his brother and Lexi getting it on, but he also could t help but mentally picture their heads on rampant bunnies and it just made everything ten times funnier. "so.. if we're being the wholesome ones right now, what did you wanna do? Ya know...to prove our wholesome...Ness" he asked her, waving a hand between the two of them.
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