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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Mika knew Dean wouldn't like hearing the true but shortened rundown she gave Duke, but she still slightly flinched when he shouted his protest of almost suffocating Anna. The poor girl was struggling to breathe and talk, scrambling to get out of his grip, so in her eyes he almost suffocated her. She knew in her heart he would realize he was wrong and he would have apologise to Anna eventually, even if Anna wouldn't want to hear any words out of his mouth. In this moment she was also glad that Duke stepped in because she didn't know how well she could get through to him on her own this time. She listened to the two of talk, watching both their actions intently and seeing how Dean kept fighting with his urge to then attack Duke for being called out.

She really hoped he wouldn't go for Duke as she knew deep down she would have stepped in between them and taken the punch for Duke to really shake Dean out of his anger. Dean never intentionally hurt her, he knew better than to lay a finger on her so if she had to step in and take a punch, it would shake things up and showed she was determined to make a very strong point. That Dean can't use violence and his fists to get out of tough situations. Hearing Duke's words, he was echoing her own thoughts and what she would have told Dean if Duke hadn't stepped inside. Anna was hurting, she was struggling to accept what Dean did...what they all did. It was only a matter of time until she spilled everything out to Natalia.

Mika glanced at Duke as he pointed his hand at her and asked if she was alright. The moment he gave her a look she knew far too well, she knew he was deliberately stirring the pot and annoying Dean all the more for the sake of it. When they were done talking she stepped between the two of them. "Okay, both of you cool off a bit okay?" she began, then turned her head to Duke, "I'm fine, he didn't hurt me in any way so please don't challenge him, not tonight" she asked of him softly and calmly. She understood why he was doing it but she was really not in the mood. It broke her heart when the two of them fought so if she could put a stop to it by simple calm words, she would. She then looked to Dean, "but, and don't be mad when I say this, but he has made some very valid points. Everyone needs to cool off, even you. Especially you. Yes it sucks that this secret has come out the way it has. Believe me, I would have loved to have told Nat in any way that wasn't this. But we can't pretend we could hide it from her forever." she started calmly telling him.

"You know as well as we all do how persistent Nat is when she wants information. If Anna didn't let it slip then eventually Nat would have been asking questions until one of us just caved into her. Yes I'm angry at her for punching you and for what she did to the impala, but think about it. She came out of that horrendous place-" she couldn't even bring herself to say the word 'asylum' anymore. "straight into recovery and hunting whilst also trying to accept she has two older brothers. Just like you and Sam had accept you have a little sister that was kept from you both. That girl has been lied to all her life. That's why she can't cope with the lies and lashes out. She doesn't know how to control any of these strong emotions because she spent so long drugged to high heaven that kept her docile." she finished explaining.

She hoped it would bring some kind of rational thinking to Dean's mind. Mika didn't even know how much of Nat's history Duke knew, but everyone had to know or at least, be reminded of it. Even herself. Mika was so ready to lecture Natalia for punching Dean and act like a mother. Hells, she probably would have slapped the girl but then a heavy hit of reality came to her head. That girl was hurting in ways they couldn't ever begin to understand. Sure, Dean was struggling with his time in Hell, they all went through bouts of intense grief in one way or another, but Nat never had a chance to know the real John Winchester, had a lot of her memories wiped, never got the chance to say goodbye to her mother or learn how to be a normal teenager before she even hit her twenties.

"So yeah, Duke is right. We need you to just take a breather and calm down. Please darlin'" she half begged of him, looking at him with sad but pleading eyes.


The way Cason didn't rush her into talking gave her memories of when he'd do the same in the asylum way back when. The nights of him sneaking into her room, pulling up a chair and just sitting there after giving her slightly better food than what she was being fed until she could feel strong enough to try and talk. The few memories that only ever got stronger in her mind the more he came to her side. It was the one reason why it didn't take her too long to start talking to him now on the hood of her car. She didn't expect him to scoff at her words about Mika, but she knew he was right when he explained why the woman stayed with him and sided with him seemingly blindly. What she didn't know was that in the kitchen, Mika was actually defending her whilst sticking by Dean's side.

As he spoke yet again and called her baby whilst stroking her cheek then to her hair, she closed her eyes as she took in the soft touch. Another tear fell down her face as she made herself believe his words over everything else she had heard this night or would possibly from Dean for damaging the car. She gripped onto him tighter as if his words would cause some cruel fate to rip him from her. "I believe you" she muttered just as Esme came over, Cason explaining in a very short way what happened. At first she couldn't look at Esme, she was one of the group in that barn that prioritised Duke over Cason, even after Cason gave her a damn pet hellhound and saved her life at one point. She couldn't understand due to her anger and hurt how Esme could do something so hurtful. Yet Cason wasn't holding any of that against the woman, so maybe she shouldn't either.

Nat could hear the concern in Esme's voice as she addressed her personally, she didn't know how she could possibly answer that question. She wasn't okay, she was so far from okay. "Yeah...no...I don't really know" she replied, lifting her eyes up to Esme but not moving her head. "I'm so sick of him lying to me, of everyone lying to me. I can't take it anymore Esme." she told her a bit more truthfully than she actually planned to tell Esme, but something in her told her she could confide in her. She had been trapped in the same as her, at the same time even so maybe Esme could understand how she felt more than anyone- other than Cason. Her eyes stung as she attempted to stop the tears from falling, not wanting to cry anymore but she couldn't.

"I don't know how to process these emotions, it's like I just see red and explode" she explained, before realising her words may not have been the best to use to the blonde. "Sorry, bad wording" she added. "How did you cope being around Dean so long? He's a nightmare".


Sam felt how tightly and desperately Anna gripped onto him when she knew it was him and not anyone else who went running after her. It made him hold onto her more firmly and comfortingly, lifting one hand and placing it on the back of her head. The moment the floodgates opened and she began sobbing he refused to let go of her, just letting her cry it out. "I'm here babygirl, I'm here" he kept cooing to her, stroking the back of her head.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm on your side okay?" he added as he yet again pressed his lips to the top of her. He knew he couldn't do much in this moment other than hold her but the way she was sobbing and shaking in his arms that wasn't from the cold air, this was all she needed. That much was clear to him. So he decided to keep a hold of her and say soothing things every now and then, glad to have her out of the house and the angry vibes that were circulating in the air. He had to stay here with her, so it really drove home that for once, he did keep his promise and he chose her over his brother. He didn't lie to her like Dean lied to Natalia. That although this whole mess blew up like C4 on a wall, he didn't blame her like Dean was doing. If anything, he was glad Anna opened the dam and told Nat the truth.

It made him feel like they didn't have to keep tip toeing around Nat whenever they watched her be so happy with Cason as if he hadn't almost died because of their blind following of Dean's orders. He felt guilty for siding with Dean in that barn, he hated himself still for ignoring Anna's pleas and cries and dragging her out of there to save her over Cason and that guilt would take a long time to fully disappear. So all he could do for now was try and do everything he could to show how guilty he felt by making it up to Anna as much as possible. Even though he knew there was still one pretty major secret he was keeping from her because he didn't accept it was a reality. He wasn't ready to tell her about Ruby, it was bad enough she knew about Ruby giving him vials of blood and convincing him he was part of the endgame with Lilith, he couldn't bare the thought of Anna finding out just how close he and Ruby had gotten when Anna wasn't around.

"We don't have to go back inside. We can probably stay in Mika's car or go get a room in town at the b&b if you'd feel more comfortable with that for the night" he finally suggested to her, knowing the house would be the last place Anna would want to be in. He also knew there was absolutely no way he was leaving her alone. He was going to stay by her side the entire time. He was even picking her over Natalia this time round.

Dean didn't seem to have anything broken after Natalia's punch, even if it was an impressive right hook, which Mika was glad about. The last thing Dean needed was yet another injury even if the last lot were healed up by Castiel. She understood that Nat was angry, but this violent anger had to be dealt with at some point in her eyes. If Natalia couldn't control her outbursts and save them for when hunting, they were going to be in serious trouble trying to tread around her like they were on egg shells. Did she think Nat was warranted for feeling betrayed by Dean? Sure, but she did have to be so violent about it? Probably not. It wasn't healthy in the slightest. She was going to tell Cason herself to go after Nat and make sure she didn't do anything else stupid, but it seemed Sam had beaten her to it with just a look, before Cason was out the door.

Then came the crashing sound outside that made her flinch. ’please don't be Baby…please’ she thought to herself but it seemed her wish wasn't granted as Sam told Dean not to look out the window and she knew that must mean only one thing. Following Dean's over to the window and looking outside, she sighed, dropping her head for a moment as Dean shouted about Nat's actions. That was going to be one hell of a fix for Dean and Bobby to do if it was remotely as bad close up as it looked from this short distance. “Dean…” she spoke cautiously, about to tell him to catch a breath before they went to Nat but it was too late. His eyes landed on Anna, she tried to reach out to grab him before he could get to Anna but he was too quick and had pinned Anna to the wall.

“Dean let her go” she told him, not wanting to be stern with him just yet. Her voice was full of tiredness from the arguments that occurred in the house. She stood beside Sam, knowing he wasn't going to take this well if Dean got any rougher with his girlfriend. Then the barrage of hateful words came spewing out of his mouth, the tightening of his arm against her throat and Anna was struggling against him. “Dean let her go!” She instructed more forcefully, stepping up with Sam and grabbed his shoulder. She tried to pull Dean back with Sam's help as she let Sam do the talking when the most hurtful words of all came out of Dean. ‘you're not family'. With Sam's help, she managed to get him off of Anna, letting her run off to safety.

Letting Sam go after Anna, she sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration as Duke came in and asked what the commotion was all about. “Anna told Nat about Dean leaving Cason for dead in the barn. Nat hasn't taken it well. Dean almost suffocated Anna as a reaction to Nat punching him and breaking the impala's window” she explained, giving him the short rundown of what he missed.


Nat knew she played with fire when she threw that hammer at the impala. Hells, a tiny part of her deep at the back of her mind actually regretted the action, but she didn't know how to release her anger in a healthy manner. She had spent so long either having to bottle everything up in the asylum, or take it out on whatever supernatural being they were hunting. She had no healthy coping mechanisms whatsoever, so she ended up breaking an impala window to get at Dean and show she really was fed up with him breaking promises. ’this is why Sam is my favorite brother…’ she thought to herself, barely noticing at first that Cason had run after her. She hadn't even heard him when he asked her to put the hammer down, she was so clouded by her hurt and anger, that the only time she realized he was even there at all, was when he sat beside her on the hood of her car.

She took another angry bite out of her burger as Cason began to talk before changing his tact and deciding to not discuss her actions. She gave a nod as she ate, staring at the impala. She was going to be in so much trouble for that. Swallowing a mouthful, she sighed as she saw Anna running out of the back door and to a darker part of the lot. Her actions caused Dean to take them out on Anna and that made Natalia feel like shit. She never wanted Anna to get the brunt of Dean's anger because of her own actions and she knew she'd have to apologize to the woman for that.

“He just…he really gets under my skin and not in a good way. He's always lying to me. He swore to me he'd get you out…him, Sam and Meeko…they all promised if I just stayed in the car, he'd get you out.” She told Cason, to try and give some context to why she was so angry about what Dean did. “He's always doing this. Says one thing and does the opposite but expects all of us to follow his orders like good little soldiers. I'm sick of it. I've tried to be accommodating and forgiving since he got back from Hell, I've tried SO hard, but he makes it so difficult” she continued between bites. “but he never changes. I get why you kept it from me, and yes I'm a little hurt by it but I get it. You're still yet another victim of his wrath.” She sighed, finishing her burger and scrunching up the wrapper into a ball. “I don't know how Mika stays with him..” she sighed once more before finally having the courage to scoot closer to Cason and rest her head on his shoulder, sliding her arm under his.

“I can't lose you Cason…and knowing I almost did? I can't control how that makes me feel inside. I just–” she started to admit, lifting up another hand to wipe the tears she didn't even notice were falling down her face. She couldn't lose the first person she allowed herself to love, she just couldn't handle that. He was her rock, the one person who kept her fighting for her life far longer than anyone else and if she lost him? She didn't know what she would do.


Sam really wished that sometimes Dean would just listen to him, as he witnessed his brother yet again do the opposite and see the state of the passenger side window in pieces. He tried to warn him, he wanted to break it to him carefully but no, Dean just made things worse for himself. Only, he was only to make it even worse the moment he took one look at Anna. He looked between his brother and Anna, quickly seeing where this was going to go. “Dean…” he began to try and speak, anything to get through to his brother and try and stop whatever it was he was about to do. He glanced at Mika as she glanced at him and without a single word being said, they both stepped into action as Dean's hand went straight into Anna's arm, before he pinned and choked her against the wall with his forearm. That was it, Sam saw red. Now he was pissed off as he stormed over and grabbed at Dean's upper arm to try and pull him off of his girlfriend. “Dean get off her!” He raised his voice, as he tried his hardest to still break Anna free of the grip that held her in place.

He listened as Dean practically spat venom at Anna, saying things that he knew Dean would regret soon enough but would linger round in Anna's head for a long time. “Dean!” He scolded, finally managing to get him off of Anna. He made enough space, whilst blocking Dean from Anna so she could escape, making a quick note of where she ran to. “what the hell is wrong with you?! She did not deserve that!! You're seriously toxic sometimes, you know that?! Everyone here knows you'd have kept that information from Nat as long as possible. We're all partially to blame here. So back off of Anna!!” He practically shouted at Dean, shoving him back so he could go running after Anna, passing Duke in the process.

“Anna!” He called out, looking around for her, weaving between beaten up old cars until he finally saw her, crying in the darkest part of the lot. Rushing over her pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her comfortingly. “Shhh…I got you…I got you” he cooed, showing that for once, he did not take Dean's side. He took hers.

Both Sam and Lexi noticed how Dean actually made an effort and picked up on the basic signs language to actually talk with Anya without words and it made both of them proud. when Dean wasn't being suspicious of Anya he was actually really sweet with her. Seeing the girl smile at Dean's efforts, it was clear to them both also that it meant a lot to Anya.

Lexi watched as Anya practically skipped over and grabbed herself a sandwich just before Dean got to his and skipped back into the war room. She really was adorable and so refreshing to almost watch. Lexi couldn't help but think of Anya as a walking positive orb that just spreads the joy onto anyone she comes into contact with. She could see why Sam got drawn to her from the first meeting in the store. Dean's words about grabbing their food and drinks and getting to work rung true to the moment, forcing both Sam and Lexi to refocus their minds on what was important right now.

As the two of them grabbed their food, Lexi got up from the table and poured herself another coffee, hanging near everything and everyone was. She smiled when Dean kissed her cheek before heading to the war room. A content smile remained on her lips whilst she watched Dean walk away with his food and mug. "yeah, let's" she agreed forcing herself to leave the kitchen and follow Dean out of the kitchen.

Whilst this was all happening around him, Sam found himself just watching the lot of them as he took his first bite of the sandwich, nodding his approval of it. Dean was being so sweet to the girls and Sam even could have sworn he heard Dean say he could get used to mornings like this. "I'll be right in, gotta grab a drink first" he said, gesturing for Lexi to go on ahead, to which she did. He got up and grabbed himself a coffee before being the last one out the kitchen and into the other room.

In the war room, Lexi sat down at the large table, placing her mug down. She happily ate, glad that she decided on them. "So where to start?" She asked the group, glancing up when Sam finally joined them all. "I guess decide who should look online for any clues, and who should teach Anya what and when?" Sam suggested, looking between them all. "Sounds like a decent enough rough plan to me. What do you think Dean?" Lexi replied, looking over at him as she went to grab her phone out of her pocket, realising she had pulled out Dean's phone instead. Placing it in front of him, she then delved into her other pocket and pulled out her phone.

"Forgot I brought that out for you when I picked up mine" she smirked between mouthfuls of food and coffee.

Dean wasn't the only one who chuckled when even Anya knocked twice for yes to answer her question about breakfast sandwiches, Lexi did as well. It really was like providing for kids again and the very notion of it was just utterly amusing to Lexi. She focused on Dean when he said he'd have what they were having and gave a nod. “okay! My epic breakfast sandwiches all round it is! That she is. She's sure witty I agree, she'll give Sam a run for his money that's for sure” She smiled broadly, pulling out of the fridge everything she needed. As she scoured it's contents, she spotted what she wanted and began pulling them out. Eggs, bacon, sausages and butter. Placing everything out on the counter top, she closed the fridge then used that moment to grab her mug and take a sip of coffee. “I agree with you, I know I've not known Sam that long in reality, but I've seen him more serious and stressed than anything else. I think I've personally only seen him break once” she told Dean honestly. She still remembers that one night and it weirded her out greatly because she had never seen that side of Sam before that particular night after a hunt. They got back to a motel after dealing with a vampire hive. It was a standard hunt but it was clear that something had flashed through his mind on the drive back to said motel.

After a few drinks in them both to unwind Sam had just broken down completely. At first, she didn't know what to do or if he was the kind of guy to even want comforting, but the moment she sat beside him, he just fell into her side and cried. It was that night she learned of Mika's death and how much he had been holding it together for Dean's sake. But out of all the familial deaths he'd experienced, there was something so different about Mika's. Lexi never found out about the guardian phoenix that resided within the woman but she didn't need to know. All she cared about was comforting Sam and being there for him when he needed it. She was certain that was the moment they bonded as friends.

Snapping out of the memory as she worked on the food, she let Dean go spy on Sam and Anya whilst she cooked the meats, made the eggs and even toasted in the rolls in the pan before melting a bit of butter to spread across the bread. It took her about 15 minutes in total to get everything cooked to what she deemed perfection then started assembling everything together, placing them all on one big plate. She was glad that she was sipping her coffee throughout the cooking or it would have gone cold before she could have drunk it. “okay, food’s up! If you want anything else on it you'll have to get it yourself” she instructed as she brought it all over to the table. “they're all the same, maple syrup coated and fried bacon, sausages and scrambled eggs” she smiled, feeling rather proud of herself that she remembered the old recipe.


Sam felt thankful that Anya was willing to teach him some more ASL. It always meant so much tobim to be able to converse with anyone he connected with and Anya was absolutely no different. He was expecting some random things, but when she started teaching him things related to hunting he smiled. If he, Dean and Lexi were going to teach her how to survive in a world of hunting then it made sense he would be taught hunting related words. ‘gun’ was easy enough to get the hang of, but when she started putting it within a sentence, he found it would take a few tries before he finally got it. His attempts making her laugh which just ended up making him laugh. Yet he was loving every minute of the teaching. It was refreshing to be one who was learning and not teaching for a moment even if it was early in the morning.

He wasn't even aware of his brother watching them the entire time. When he called out to Lexi he couldn't help but smirk because he knew he wasn't being asked about what to have for breakfast, but after the earlier mild teasing, he had to chime in as a little bit of payback. He was pretty sure that nothing could ruin this good mood of his. He waited for Anya to also answer Lexi as she got asked, then went straight back into focusing on learning the ASL. As things got more complex, he focused harder, determined to get things right and make Anya proud, even though he couldn't know why he wanted to make her proud. They were still learning about each other, yet that need was entering his mind and heart so quickly. It took him a little while longer to learn things correctly but when he finally got it, he heard Lexi call out that breakfast was ready. “sema we're being called in” he chuckled, standing up and then realizing that Dean had been watching them.

He thought Dean would have been hovering Lexi like a lapdog, so it did take him a little by surprise that his attention was focused on him. Walking passed Dean, he stepped into the kitchen and took the same seat he did the night before by coincidence. “It smells incredible Lexi” he remarked, leaning over to grab one sandwich for himself. “seriously Sam? You can't wait for everyone else to sit first?” Lexi teased him, causing him to roll his eyes at her. “No I can't actually. You can't make amazing smelling food and expect me to wait” he retorted back. “wow…I thought Dean was the foodie” she laughed, sitting down herself.

Mika knew the rules of the house but she didn't care. She would have taken Bobby's lecture about getting intimate on the couch gladly right now. The way Dean trailed kisses and bites down her throat just sent her wild as she gripped onto his back, keeping her legs linked and tangled up in his and then...the car pulled up and ruined everything. she groaned in slight annoyance at being interrupted as she shifted just enough for Dean prop himself up on his elbow to try and look out the window. It quickly became clear there was no continuing where they left off as he spoke about putting it on hold until much later tonight. Smirking, she let him climb over her first before she scrambled up and off the couch, leaning down to hurriedly grab her shorts and hoodie off the floor.

Hearing the back kitchen door open and Dean greet Anna, she knew she had to be quicker as she slipped her arms in her hoodie sleeves and zipping it up at the front, whilst Dean covered her as best he could. The whole almost getting caught scenario was amusing her to no end, even if it panicked her ever so slightly. In her shorts and hoodie once again, she stepped up behind Dean, giving him a little tap on his back to signal she was good, even if her hair was yet again matted and she was rather flushed looking. Looking over his shoulder, she saw the way Anna walked in, it was clear the girl still wasn't willing to talk to him, and somehow she looked even more upset and angry than when they left for the diner. “what, did they run out of burgers or something?” She joked, hoping to lighten the mood whilst also not even imagining what the truth could be.

She then watched as Cason walked Natalia in behind Sam, with Cason giving the discreet warning in the form of advice that Dean shouldn't count on Anna talking to him any time soon. Sam just gave her and Dean a shake of the head to say ‘don’t push it…’ as he really was about to attempt to defuse the bomb that was clearly about to drop in the form of the girls. Mika rose an eyebrow in curiosity, if Sam was giving them that look then something pretty big happened and it was starting to dawn on her what that could be. “Dean…I think we should–” she began to warn, trying to grab for him to pull him away from Natalia but it was too late.


Natalia was really trying to decide if she even wanted to get back in the house. How could she look at Dean and not punch his lights out for lying to her and betraying the promise he gave her. The whole short drive back to the house caused her to think back on everything, and now it was all making sense why he was so adamant to do the suicide mission in bringing Cason back out of the asylum with him. It all made sense why he gave Mika a look that said ‘i mean it' before he did so. It was all falling into place in her head finally. He didn't do it for her, he went back in there to try and clear his guilty conscience. That was why he and Cason constantly were making jabs at each other in the car back, why they were purposely being vague to not upset her. She knew she should be hating Cason for also going along with the lie and hiding the truth from her, but as she thought about it, she could see Cason was possibly doing it for her sake. To try and keep some peace between her and her brother. Yes she was angry when he brushed off the seriousness of it all, but he wouldn't have been put in that position if Dean didn't make a damn selfish decision in the barn.

She felt Cason's arm firmly round her as they walked into the house, he was trying to stop her from exploding. Well it wasn't going to work this time. There was no just swallowing her anger down and letting it go. Not this time. She ignored Dean as he glanced at her when they got inside, putting the bag down on the kitchen table, briefly closing her eyes to try and center herself but it was pointless. “Screw it…” she muttered under breath, shrugging out of Cason's grip, turning on her heels and throwing the hardest punch she could muster right into Dean's face. “Natalia!!” Mika shouted at her in disappointment, but Nat didn't care for the scolding. “No! I'm not scolded this time! I'm not a child! He betrayed me…again! You all just followed his damn orders like some dogs on a leash! Dean, you are so close to being dead to me! You're my BROTHER and all you do is break promises and hurt me! I hate you!!” She practically yelled at him, turning to the bag, grabbing her burger and storming out into the lot.

Her fists were shaking as she stormed through the lot before clapping eyes on the impala. She knew she shouldn't but when she passed a tool box, her intrusive angry thoughts won out. She had to get this anger out of her system, so she grabbed the hammer as it was the first thing her hand found and she just threw it, a strained scream escaping her lips as she did, smashing the front passenger window, the hammer landing inside on the seat. not even caring who could hear her or see what she did. Storming over to her car, she climbed onto the hood of it and opened her burger, angrily eating it as she cried.


As Anna got out of the car, he quickly opened his own door and got out, jogging to try and catch up to her. He had to do what he could to try and keep the calm, but he didn't know how. He was dreading everyone getting back into the house as it was clear to him and Cason that it wasn't going to be light hearted like it was when they left. He walked in behind Anna and saw the way she still ignored Dean. That wasn't entirely shocking as it was very clear she was still fed up of Dean's crap. He was never going to rush her into forgiving Dean as he knew that would be an impossible request. He had to let her learn to forgive him in her own time, even if he hated the tension between them.

When Dean said she couldn't ignore him forever and would have to talk to him eventually, he gave Dean a shake of his head, especially when Mika chimed in with a poor joke. His shake of the head matched Cason's words as he and Nat stepped in behind. He watched Natalia's actions with scrutiny, feeling on edge as she turned away from Dean but that didn't last. It felt like he had been thrown into fast forward as before he or Cason could grab her to yank her back, her fist collided fast and hard into Dean's face. Mika instantly scolding her which just resulted in a barrage of anger thrown at her and Dean. “Nat come back!” He called out, seeing her storm out of the house with her burger. He knew that too well, she was about to angry eating outside. He glanced at Cason before speaking, “go after her, you're the only one she won't push away” he requested of the man before he flinched at the sound of a window smashing and Nat's screaming.

His blood ran cold as he rushed to the kitchen window and looked outside, “oh crap…” he simply said, slowly looking towards Dean. “you best not look outside” he warned as he watched Mika tending to Dean's cheek.

When Lexi grabbed what she needed and got properly dressed, she couldn't stop smiling to herself. She could match Dean's teasing, certainly match his stamina, and she could wrap him round her finger just enough to feel comfortable asking him to get the coffee going for her if she made breakfast for everyone. She couldn't help it, as much as she thought he was wrapped round her finger, she was most certainly wrapped round his just as tightly.

Walking back toward the kitchen after Dean, she saw Sam and Anya back in the war room and she now understood what Dean was talking about. They did look a utter mess from what she could see of them and it did make her smirk, she just didn't say anything at the moment. Instead she gave them a look of 'fun night I see!' and with a soft chuckle, she walked into the kitchen to see Dean by the coffee machine. She had to really force herself not to walk up behind him and wrap her arms round him, so she made herself head to the fridge and look to see what to pull out ingredients wise. "So what you wanting? Breakfast sandwiches or a full english?" she asked him, her fingers tapping on the fridge door.

"Breakfast sandwich if you're extending the offer!" Sam called through with a smirk that extended to his tone. "Wasn't asking you but alright! Anya you want the same?" Lexi then teased back at him without even looking back. The way Sam called out she knew she could get used being around the brothers like this every morning. Even if she didn't cook every morning, she certainly could happily go through this lighthearted morning. Looking back at Dean over the side of the fridge door, she waited for his answer as she willing to make whatever he wanted.


As Anya took her phone from his grip, he watched as she quickly typed a message and pressed play, making him chuckle and nod. "Thought it would be" he replied back to her. He looked down at her as he grabbed his hand and tugged him closer to her which made him smirk as he she pulled him down to her level just enough to kiss him. That intoxicating kiss he could never get enough of. He did eventually pull away as he tried to focus on why else he was even in the kitchen, but he was too distracted with looking Anya in the eye as she studied his own eyes. There was something so endearing about the way she felt the need to really take in every feature of his, just as he felt the same way to do the same to her.

He rolled his eyes at her when he heard Dean clear his throat. As Anya also rolled her eyes, he couldn't get over how alike they both were when it came to reacting to Dean's teasing. The moment she asked him if he would be nicer if she admitted he was interrupting something, he had to stifle a laugh from escaping him. Because he was so close to her, he knew she was just joking and that just made it funnier. Then Dean tried to defending himself and the end of his sentence made him raise an eyebrow and turn to face his brother. Oh how every fibre of his being wanted to ask him what he was about to truly say before he corrected himself, but he wouldn't..not yet anyway.

He found himself glancing back at Anya as she pushed herself off the worktop, her skin squeaking against the metal making him try and control his reactions to it as she hopped off. Reaching an arm out to steady her as she landed on the ground, flush against him he made sure she was firmly on her feet before he let go of her so she could reassure Dean she was just joking around. He watched her as she put her phone back in his pocket, a smile appearing on his face again before letting her just pull him out the kitchen and into the war room. Like Anya, he knew more teasing and questioning would no doubt happen and he wasn't prepared to deal with it until he had at least had caffeine in his system, along with food.

A few minutes later, as he sat on a chair he watched as Lexi arrived looking more dressed than when he first saw her this morning. He wondered if his own teasing caused her to get dressed in different clothing or not. If it was his doing he would class it as a win. Sure he was mature and old enough to not be creating scores out of everything, but this time it felt different and warranted. He put his focus back onto Anya, deciding he would ask her to show him a couple of signs for him to learn, when he heard Lexi talking about making breakfast.

"I'll take a breakfast sandwich if you're extending the offer!" he cheekily called out, smirking to himself. If they were going to get teased about the bruises, then the least Lexi could do was make them breakfast. Lexi's response made him laugh as it was very clear what a good mood she was in.

Kay tried to sit up slowly, making sure not to move too quickly and risk making herself light headed. When John realised what she was implying, she gave a slow nod. "I don't really understand it to be honest, but I think I was in some kind of cave or something? There...were hieroglyphics all over the place, like crude ones. Then this guy appeared out of nowhere..." she began to explain as she forced herself to remember everything she could. "He told me it was my destiny to be there. I'm guessing to lead them, whoever them was" she added, "but then he threatened me with a prophecy of me killing Fia if I didn't accept who I was" she finished explaining.

That last bit of information hurt the most. She could still see the figure's face looking serious and foreboding as he stared at her. "I got so scared I ran and that's when I woke up" she then added, realising she forgot to mention that part. She tried to remember if she was told where it was she was stood, but her mind was foggy. Then she had an idea, "get me my sketchbook and pencils...I think I can draw out what I saw" she suggested.


Fia could feel Drake shaking against her, as she tried to keep a firmer hold on his hand in an attempt to comfort him but she felt like she was doing a pretty poor job. "She'll be okay" she told him once more, determined to get it through to his head. "I'm right here" she cooed.

Maze gave a nod and went straight to the bar to help him look for the salts. "If it's not in one of these cupboards, I might have another idea of where it could be" she replied to Lucifer, not personally finding anything. "But yeah, we did use some of it" she replied, "you used smelling salts in drinks!?" Chas asked surprised at what he just heard and hoped he heard wrong. That could not be healthy to be mixing smelling salts with alcohol in his opinion.

Josh just kept trying to wake Serena the old fashioned way, keeping ahold of her and stroking her hair. "Come on babygirl...wake up" he spoke softly near her ear, hoping she would wake up soon. He hated feeling so useless and helpless in these situations. He wasn't immortal or had some kind of power, he was just a normal mortal and there was nothing he could do to help her.

There wasn't a single part of Natalia that could possibly blame Anna for what happened in that barn. Anna was just as much of a victim to Dean's decision making as she was. Yes she was angry, she was extremely angry and wanted to punch Dean's lights out, but that didn't stop her from seeing Anna was hurting just as much over what went down in the barn, if not hurting even more so. Feeling Anna cling onto her made her see how much Dean hurt her and that just added to her anger. Anna didn't deserve this, none of them did but in Dean's need to be right or have some kind of control over an impossible situation, he ended up hurting everyone….again. She just really hoped that Anna could now see she could turn to Nat if she ever needed to. The two of them had to stick together.

As Anna wiped her face to try and hide how much she had been crying, Nat took a few deep breaths looking in the mirror to try and control the anger she could feel bubbling around inside. She didn't want to unleash her fury in a diner, especially as that anger was meant for one person and one person only. It didn't help that she was absolutely starving so it all just added fuel to the fire. Following Anna out of the bathroom, she waved in and out of the crowd, spotting Sam in the distance at a booth before she saw Cason. Sam really did feel like a beacon at times. Reaching the booth, she just sat down next to Cason, a lot quieter than when earlier, finding she was clenching her fist and opening it again on repeat for a sense of control.

She listened as Cason asked Anna if everything was okay, deciding that whatever excuse Anna would use, Nat would go along with it as best she could. she didn't even need to look at Cason to see he was looking at her suspiciously, not believing Anna in the slightest. “uh huh, perfect” she replied, glancing at him as if the lie would be any more believable. He already thought of her as a terrible liar so she didn't even know she tried to lie to him. She knew she would have to tell him she knows what happened at some point but she didn't want to bring it up here in the diner. It had to wait until they got home….where Dean was. She didn't think she could hold back if she clocked eyes with him and knew she would have to try and avoid him as much as possible. Yet that was always easier said than done in Bobby's and if she did confront him, she had to be prepared for people pulling her back or Mika scolding her like a child. But if she got a punch in it would be worth it.


Sam never thought he would have made Cason laugh that wasn't a sarcastic laugh. Yet there he was actually joking around with the man. He also could help but wonder if the reason Cason turned round to see where the girls were was because like him, he was a little bit worried as he knew that they didn't usually take that long, at least…Nat never did. Half the time Natalia was even quicker than he or Dean. When Cason started to joke about popping in to see what was taking them so long, he was ready to completely shut down that idea as it just felt a little creepy to him, even if Cason was just joking. Maddie's appearance with the first bag of food completely interrupted them however and luckily just ended that conversation naturally.

Hearing Cason call the waitress ma'am was a little bit of a head spinner as it was so incredibly old school compared to what he had been used to hearing Cason saying. It was a stark reminder just how old Cason was and it made his mind cringe slightly knowing how he and Nat seemed to love each other. That was going to take a lot of getting used to. Luckily for him, the sight of the girls arriving back once Maddie had left to get the rest of their food, Sam felt he could get his mind on anything but the age gap. He began to open his mouth to make some quip about the time they took, but one looks at their faces and he knew to shut his mouth instantly. Something was wrong, their whole personas were different to when they went into the bathroom and he got concerned about what was said between them. The only thing he wasn't theorising was that they had some kind of argument as it would have looked very different.

He wanted to ask about what changed their mood. Wondering if they had a spat with someone else in the bathroom or if what he dreaded the most happened, Anna told her about the barn. He hoped it wasn't the latter but something in the pit of his stomach told him it was. Especially when Anna blatantly lied about being fine and Natalia just grumbled about being perfect, her tone telling a different story.

About a minute or two later, Maddie came back with the rest of the food in a couple of bags, putting them down and Sam paid for it all. “Okay, let's head back. Seems like you both just need to eat and kick back for a bit” he remarked, trying to convince himself of their words. He watched Nat grab one of the bags of food and stand up, shimmying out of the booth and just seeming to be utterly zoned out. It was then he noticed how she was clutching the bag so tightly, she was trying not to explode emotionally. He gave Cason a look that ‘i deal with Anna, you Nat when we get back?’. He really didn't have a good feeling about what was going to happen when they got back, so he grabbed the other two bags, followed Anna out of the booth when she was ready to get up and headed out to Nat's car.

John may have said she didn't go anywhere and that she was safe, but she didn't feel like it was completely true. Whilst her body stayed here, in his arms, her mind certainly didn't stay. She didn't know how to tell him that she did go somewhere, at least partially and wherever it truly was she went, it was terrifying and whoever she spoke to scared her greatly. That the only reason she snapped out of whatever it was, a trance? A vision? A full blown mental trip? Was because she fell off a cliff side.

She listened as John spoke to Chas over the phone, Chas' voice just about breaking through to her as she tried to come to terms with what happened to her. Then Bane spoke up, explaining he felt a fraction of what she went through. "I'm sorry the link made you feel that headache..." She mumbled, refusing to get out of John's grip, only feeling safe in his arms. Then the words just csme out of her mouth, not realising his phone was still connected to his call with Chas.

"I...I think I did go somewhere John...." Came the words.


Chas looked a Ross and up at Lucifer as John's suggestion came through the speaker on his phone. He could tell by everyone's reaction and facial expressions that Lucifer had already made up his mind to agree to John's request. "we'll get ready and head back as soon as possible." He replied, when he suddenly heard what Kay said in the background, *what does she mean...she went somewhere?" He asked, aware of Serena asking after Kay as well.

Josh knelt down beside her and pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head. "I think so...I think so" he replied, not knowing for certain if Kay truly was okay. He didn't want to give her false information or lie to her, so he could say what he thought was the best thing. Just as he was going to ask her if she was okay, she passed out herself.

"Serena!" He gasped, keeping a hold on her so she didn't hit her head on the floor as she went sideways. He looked up at everyone and saw how scared Drake was, "she's going to be okay Drake, I promise" he told him, pulling her closer to him again and then looked down at her, sweeping her hair out of her face, "come on Serena...wake up beautiful" he cooed to her.

Fia kept a hold of Drake, rubbing his back softly with one hand, "she'll be alright. She has us all here this time." She reminded him, "if I have to, I'll step in to help her okay?" She added, looking up at him as he was always just that little bit taller than her.

"John I gotta go, Serena has passed out. See you soon" he spoke one last time on the phone before hanging up.

The shower with Dean in her eyes just went by way too fast. It wasn't rushed in the slightest but it still felt rushed to her. She enjoyed the closeness with him, but she figured the closeness didn't have to stop, just because they were out of the shower. She had managed to dry off and get dressed again in her shorts and strap top, again, only realising that she didn't bring spare clothes with her to get changed into. She would have to go back to her room to get proper clothes soon.

She followed him out, hair still slightly wet hearing him going on ahead slightly. Out of the door, she closed it behind her and jogged to catch up to him, gladly walking close to him as he pulled her closer by her hip. An action that made her subconsciously wrap an arm round him waist back before a smirk appeared on her lips as he leaned into her ear and said what she did.

"Well I guess you'll have to show me after work as that's not an offer a girl can pass up on" she smiled, looking up at him and pecking his lips quickly as they walked. Something she had mastered to do with her ex. As they got further down the halls and back toward where her room was, she remembered she needed stuff from it still, as well as being certain he left his phone in her room as well. "you go on ahead, just gonna grab something, change clothes and I'll be right out. Get me a coffee?" She explained then ended it on a request.

"I'll make breakfast if you want" she offered, reluctantly letting go of Dean's waist then heading into her room once more. Once inside, she pulled out a pair of her jeans, and shirt, getting changed swiftly before grabbing a clip for her hair and clipping it up so it didn't drip into her clothing.

Seeing Dean's phone on her bedside table, she picked up and shoved it in her pocket then grabbed her own phone and walked out of her room, towards the kitchen.


He didn't need to know any kind of sign to understand Anya's nod when he gave the warning about the other two being up and about. Sam swe the way she smirked as he described the state of the other two and it made him smirk back as he finally got that first sip of coffee in his system.

Glancing back at her after focusing on his mug, Sam saw the wickedness in her smirk and he just knew she was concocting something in that smart brain of hers. Part of him wanted to ask her what she was thinking, but another part of him wanted it to be a surprise once the other two showed their faces. Then her expression turned softer and it made him want to just scoop her up and hold her all over again.

He looked over at her when she snapped her fingers at him to get his attention and as she began to slowly sign, he watched intently. He really wished Lexi had taught him more sign language than what he already knew as he found himself trying to mentally pick up the gaps in his knowledge by guessing. He understood enough to get a good enough assumption of what she said and he couldn't help but smile at what she was trying to tell him. "I feel happy" he replied.

"oh! Almost forgot, here" he said, pulling her phone out of his sweats pocket and handing it to her. "Saw it in the room and figured you would want it on you" he explained, not realising that her earlier smirk was related to wanting her phone back to rip Dean a new one...or several.
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