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Current Happy birthday to me!
12 mos ago
Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

Most Recent Posts


Dean's racing heartbeat became one factor to Mika stirring awake. Something in her subconscious was telling her to wake as Dean was worked up. Giving him a light squeeze as a form of a hug whilst she opened her eyes, she looked up at him. “Hey…it's okay. You're alright” she said soothingly, lifting a hand up to his face to make him look at her and not the ceiling. “Did you get any sleep?” She asked him, worried he was up all night. If he had been, she would have been even more annoyed at the Angels for putting so much on his shoulders. She was just glad that he wasn't going into this Alastair situation completely alone. She was going to be there for him the whole time and have his back. No matter what and screw the angels if they tried to stop her. “I got you” she reminded him, not realizing just how big of a bad feeling it was he had about the day. It was clear though that he wasn't feeling hopeful or positive about any of it.

She wished more than anything that she could take his place and just not have him do something that was so obviously haunting him. She wished she could take away all of his pain and memories of Hell and just leave the positive ones of his life in his head. It wasn't a case of wanting to fix him, but a case of wanting to ease his pain. “I'm gonna be right with you the whole time today okay? Whatever it is they want you to do. I'm not leaving you” she reminded him, propping herself up on an elbow into the mattress and leaving a gentle kiss on his lips for a moment before pulling back, stroking his cheek. “Never forget- I love you” she said, wanting to fill his mind with as many happy things as she could before they forced themselves to get up and go downstairs for breakfast. If she could stall them leaving for any amount of time she fully planned on it.

’Have his back but be alert’ echoed through her mind, it was an obvious thought but one she had to push back or she'd start worrying as much, if not more than Dean already was. He needed one of them to be the strong one right now and she wanted to be that person for him. He had been the strong one so many times for her, she had to repay that. Though something about the thought in her mind just didn't feel quite like her own, but now wasn't the time to dwell on that. She figured it was just the stress of the impending situation playing tricks on her mind.

“Guess we should get up and go downstairs…” she finally sighed. Pecking his lips once more, she forced herself to peel away from Dean's hold, pulling back the covers and getting up, walking over to her drawers where she pulled out some clean clothes and got dressed. She didn't know how soon it would be before Castiel just appeared and Dean's comment last night about Castiel appearing when Dean was in the shower, wasn't something she wanted to happen to her. Grabbing her hairbrush, she sorted her hair out as she had a light case of bed hair.


Cason's voice broke through the nightmares that Natalia was having, making her wake up abruptly, but frozen in her position. She gasped as she woke up, it taking a few seconds for her to see that she wasn't back in that god forsaken demon run building, but actually in Bobby's house, with Cason and perfectly safe. Raising one arm up to her face, she used her forearm to wipe the tears away from her face, looking up at Cason, taking in his face to ground herself and calm her breathing. “Cason?” She asked as if needing clarification that she was in fact safe until it truly sunk in. Natalia found herself hugging him, burying her face into him, relieved she wasn't back there and it was all just nightmare after nightmare. She hoped they would have been over and wouldn't plague her anymore, but it seemed that was merely a pipe dream not to come true any time soon. “I wish those memories would just leave me alone… I can't stand reliving that pain over and over…” she grumbled, hoping that she didn't thrash out or hurt him in her sleep as she was well aware she thrashed about in the nightmares her mind replayed over and over again.

She didn't want to pull away from Cason, feeling like he was a wall between her and what tormented her. For a demon, he really did give off a lot of calm to her, probably more than he would ever think. At least for a change, she had him by her side through it all and not on her own in a room, like she usually was before Cason came back into her life. She would eventually lift her head and look him in the eyes once more, pressing her forehead against his as her breathing finally steadied itself. “I hope I didn't attack you in my sleep” she told him, keeping her head where it was. She knew she'd have to get up at some point soon, but she really didn't want to. As strange as she found using Bobby's room was to her, it also felt like a little bit of a private sanctuary for her and Cason to be close without anyone giving them judging eyes. She also assumed they all still had two days of nothingness like Castiel said the other night, so what was the harm in relaxing in bed for a bit?


Sam pulling her in, waking her and Anna pointing out how loving he was being this morning made Sam smile back at her. “I can't help it. It's easy to be this way when I'm waking up beside you and I feel the most refreshed I have done in months” he replied to her truthfully as she kissed his neck. He looked back into her eyes when she pulled her head back to look at him, unable to rid himself of the smile on his face. He let her tender touch burn into his mind as she brushed her hand through his hair and down the side of his face. He let her take in his features as if it was the first time, just happy that she seemed a lot happier this morning than she did the night before. It was honestly a real big relief to him that she was smiling and feeling able to just be herself again for a while.

“I agree, it is nice waking up beside you” he replied before continuing to reply to her next comment that made him softly and lightly chuckle. “I've missed you being this close too, Anna. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you smiling this morning. I have missed seeing you smiling” he said, lifting a hand up and stroking her face with his thumb. She really was a sight for sore eyes and he didn't want this type of morning wake up to end. She was his end game, and no matter what he would do anything to keep her safe, smiling and happy. It also helped that as far as he was concerned or knew, they didn't have any hunts on the agenda for a while and they could just spend this time to be a normal partner to Anna. At least, he was determined to try and keep the moment normal and non life threatening. He knew at some point he would have to talk to Dean, but for now he was content letting Dean stew on what made him walk away last night for a little while longer. Just as he was content leaving Ruby waiting for a while longer. As long as he eventually drove them back so Mika could have her car back, he was no in rush to head back.

Lexi smirked, impressed that her tease and Star Wars quoting didn't make Dean tease her back. She was surprised at herself for quoting it, but it felt so appropriate in this moment. She really didn't want to get rid of the car for good as too many memories of Owen were held in it and she wasn't ready to let those go to scrap yard. Smiling as she saw Dean instantly go to the work station and take his jacket off, she went back towards the car and popped the hood for him before then stepping back and put of the way. When he told her that it should have only taken the garage a couple of hours to fix up and maybe a few parts, she realized that she truly was taken for a total ride by the garage even more so than she knew before.

"Well I'm hoping there won't be a next time, but I promise I'll leave the girl in your capable hands if there is. I would have done this time, or at least, Sam would have said to this time, but neither of us knew how you'd be and the car broke down pretty much outside the garage with no way of getting it here. Sam tried finding a tow truck available..." She explained to him. She also just figured as it broke down right near the garage, it was just easier to get those mechanic to take the car in. She just wouldn't tell Dean that last bit.

"As for your other invitation?" She smirked, leaning her head to one side slightly, "I'm definitely gonna be staring at that ass of yours." She chuckled. "Not everyday a girl gets a gorgeous man tending to things under her hood" she laughed, leaning against a car she was standing in front of. She did briefly glance around the place seeing all the vehicles parked, from cars to bikes, her eyes landing on another impala that was clearly a year older than Dean's and blue. The colouring making it stand out from the rest of the cars but she didn't comment on it, glancing her eyes back towards Dean instead. Though she couldn't help but wonder if the car belonged to someone he knew.

As she waited, she felt her phone ping with a text and heard Dean's go off at the same time which told her it had to be Sam texting using the group chat. Lifting her hand up that still had her phone in it, she looked at the screen, opened the text and read it, smiling and chuckling softly. "seems the kids are on some little date instead. Anya has roped him into going to the autumn carnival in town" she explained so Dean didnt have to read the text if he didn't want to.

"Said she wants to bring you back pie" she added, already knowing that would make Anya remain in Dean's good books. She was also happy for the two of them getting out and making the most of a normal moment. Sam deserved to just let loose and be happy for a moment. Her training with Anya could wait if it meant Sam let go of whatever stress was still lingering on his shoulders as far as she was concerned.


Sam fully trusted Anya in however she chose fit to let Dean and Lexi know they were going to be later back than he originally said, so he didn't feel the need to double check or ask her what she put.

When Anya spotted a parking spot and signalled where she saw it, he instantly headed for it and made sure he got there before anyone else did without breaking any laws. Parked up, he removed the keys, and pocketing them. He chuckled as he witnessed her quickly get out of the car and smell the cool air. Getting out of the car and locking up, he watched her run around to him and telling him to smell the cool air and all the scents that were in it. She really was so bubbly and innocent and it made his heart soar.

He had never experienced someone so happy about autumn before, her joy being completely infectious to him as he found it difficult to remove the smile from his face. It was actually impossible to not smile around her, even when she declared this was a date. "Come on then, let's head in" he replied to her, reaching out and taking her hand before walking with her to the festivities.

If it was any other day, Lexi probably would have gotten Dean to step up and try and get the price reduced back to the original quote she was given, but it wasn't any other day. They had a big heart to heart, big information was discussed and her head was, in all honesty, too cloudy to argue with the garage staff. “Yeah well, it's worked because I'm not coming back. They doubled the price on the spot” she explained to Dean as they went back to her car now she had her keys back.

Even though she didn't know what had gone on at the motel, she was glad that Anya and Sam were still okay and Anya was now protected. It was one less thing they had to worry about which soothed Lexi's mind just a little bit. Looking up at Dean when he explained to her about keeping her phone out in case anything went wrong on the way back, she gave a nod, feeling more than happy to do that. She didn't trust this place in the slightest and if Dean felt like it was worth giving her car another once over, then she was going to trust his opinion. In her eyes, there was no way he'd still be driving such a classic car if he didn't spend just as much time looking after it as he did driving it. At his sickly sweet tooth grin at her, she couldn't stop the smile from showing on her lips back at him. “I promise I'll stay close, keep my phone out and get back to the garage so you can look it over yourself. And call if something feels off” she replied to him before climbing into her car and putting the keys in the ignition. Once fully sat down and readjusted her seat position, she pulled out a phone holder from her glove box, attached it to the air-conditioning vents and clipped her phone to it. She figured if the car did suddenly sound off, she could use her voice command function on the phone to call Dean without compromising her driving. Waiting for him to get into the impala, she couldn't help but look in the rearview mirror at the mechanics still watching them both until she stretched a hand out her window to give Dean the signal that she was good to go.

The drive back to the bunker went for the most part, alright and the car seemed to cooperate until the bunker came into view. “No no no…oh come on, give me a break” she complained as she began to hear groaning noises from the car and smoke began to seep out of the hood. “You have GOT to be kidding me!” She said out of frustration, just about getting it into the bunker's garage and pulling in, quickly turning the engine off and getting out, grabbing her phone as she did so. “Well it lasted until we got back I guess” she grumbled, feeling like she just wasted a hell of a lot of money. Turning to Dean once he was out of the impala she spoke up, “help me obi wan, you're my only hope” she smirked as she spoke in a teasing tone.


Anya's grabbing for his attention made Sam look at her and he saw the pout and puppy eyes that were on her face. It was then he realized there was absolutely no getting out of taking her to the carnival and trying to forget that he said they could go. He listened to what she typed out on her phone and tried to not give in to her puppy eyes, but it was completely useless. There was no way he could fight against her silent plea when she looked like that. She also did make a good point that Dean didn't seem too bothered about what he told him earlier, so why should he? If they were after Dean then he and Anya should be safe…right? Then she added the whole ‘pick up some pie for Dean' line and that was the clincher. He couldn't get out of this so he didn't even bother to try to. Smiling and shaking his head at the way he so easily caved to her, he looked back at her and nodded. “Okay okay, we can still go to the carnival. You win” he chuckled before handing her his phone as he figured she didn't have either Dean or Lexi's phone numbers in her own phone just yet. “text either Dean or Lexi, or better yet actually…I have a group chat with them both set up, can you text in there to tell them we'll be back later than planned because of the carnival? Just so Dean doesn't freak out that we're not back straight away.” he requested of her.

“Then it might be an idea to get their numbers in your own phone if you haven't already.” He added, starting the car up and heading towards the town's carnival when they were both ready to go. As he drove, he couldn't stop thinking about how Anya was most definitely going to have him wrapped around her finger if he continued to cave into her little requests by using her blue eyes as a weapon against him. In that regard he was very much like Dean, unable to resist a pretty face when the girl wanted something.

As they reached the carnival, he looked around for a free space to park up, seeing how busy it was and sighed. It was going to be a bit of a challenge to find somewhere to pull up. “Look out for a space we can park. Seems everyone is here today” he remarked, but he had to admit to himself, if it was this popular then it had to have something going for it. Everyone walking around seemed happy enough and content with what was on offer.

Mika knew she was sounding harsh and crass but right now she didn't care. Like Dean, she was tired and rather hungry, only now realizing that none of the food Sam and the others brought back for them actually got eaten. Yet as Dean openly spoke in agreement with her, she knew she didn't step out of line talking to Castiel the way she did. Sure, she was forever grateful to Castiel for bringing Dean back from Hell and to her again, but she still felt suspicious about him and his kind. It was honestly still mind baffling to her that Angels existed. She watched as Dean tried to reason with Castiel, whilst also teaching him that in no way can the Angel just show up in this room again unannounced. She was glad that Dean also thought it was out of order for Cas to show up the way he did, as she really did feel protective of her room. It was her only space she considered hers and Dean's, she didn't want Angels knowing about it or more to the point, snooping in it.

The moment Castiel said he wasn't going to take the both of them in the morning, she felt a little bit of annoyance bubble up inside as there was no way she was going to let Dean go it alone. If this Alastair was the demon who tortured Dean and made him almost a shell of what he once was, then she wasn't going to let Dean get near him without her being around. Luckily for her, Dean wasn't okay with that announcement from Castiel either and he fought her corner. So she didn't have to verbally fight for her right to be there as well. She sighed with relief when Cas finally gave in to Dean's argument to bring her with him, glad that he seemingly didn't want to go without her. She was willing to stay out of the way unless she really had to step in and no Angel was going to stop her. She just hoped that it wouldn't come to that. Mika didn't like that they had to keep Sam out of it, it somehow felt wrong but judging by the way Castiel was looking at Dean and clearly not happy about conceding to Dean's negotiation, she wasn't going to push it by asking why Sam had to stay away.

With Castiel now gone, the feeling of his wings being felt by her, but she didn't know why as it never seemed like anyone else could feel it, she sighed and walked over to Dean. “Yeah, it really was too good to be true huh?” She replied, rubbing his arms gently. “So I guess we should rest up and then prepare for whatever it is the Angels are dragging you into” she told him softly. She really wished the world would just give him a break. Sliding her hands down his arms to his hands, she stepped toward the bed, pulling him gently with her before letting his hands go so she could get out of her hoodie and shorts and get into bed, whilst thinking how glad she was Castiel didn't appear when her and Dean were being intimate on the couch earlier or in a very similar state to then. As she pulled back her duvet to get in her side of the bed, the thought made her smirk and softly chuckled under her breath, “as much as it annoys me he was just in here, at least he didn't appear at an even more awkward time” she told him.

“Though, probably would serve him right if he did” she chuckled in a tired manner, swinging her legs up onto the bed and scooting down to lay down, she waited for him to get in so she could get comfortable beside him. When he was in and she could snuggle up to him, she wrapped a leg round his, arm draping over his chest as she always did and head on his shoulder. “try get some sleep handsome. I love you” she said, leaning her head up just enough to kiss his cheek before settling back again for the night and falling asleep until morning rose once more.


Like Esme, Natalia began to sleep peacefully for the night until the nightmares found their way back into her mind. Slithering into her happy dreams like snakes and coiling around them until all there was nightmares. She tried to get rid of them in her sleep, but it was so difficult. The memories of her latest lot of torture from the night before replaying in her mind as if she was watching them on a big screen in a drive thru movie theatre. Except she had a front row seat and was not just the spectator but the actor as well. Gripping onto Cason for comfort without knowing it, her mind still tried to fight through to find some kind of solace.

As her dream self managed to fight through, she thought it was the end of it, her sleeping body beginning to slowly relax once more until another memory from way before she joined her brothers charged her mind like some horror movie jumpscare. Knocking her dream self onto the ground of the dark space she was in, forcing her to replay every moment.

”I don't know anything! Please! Let me go!” She cried in the seat, cuffed tightly to it at the wrists, ankles and forehead. “see that's not going to happen because if your daddy dearest is John Winchester, then there's no way you don't know about your brothers Dean and Sam! It's just all about unlocking that little brain of yours to tell us where they are!” A demon retorted back to her in an almost sing-song tone of voice. “I don't have brothers! I'm an only child, please stop!” She begged before getting something shoved in her mouth and the next thing she felt was intense electric pain through her head from the electric shock therapy. Screaming through the pain, she eventually slumped in the chair when it stopped, feeling dopey and weak as she panted, trying to regain her breath. “Now tell us, where are your brothers and why doesn't John have you with them?” She heard the question be asked, but she couldn't answer. Her mind is still feeling the effects of the electricity surging through her temples. “That's enough, she's clearly not gonna tell you anything and if she takes anymore you'll just wipe her memory of the Winchester's anyway.” A voice said from the doorway, but her vision was too blurry to see who it was, but the voice…it sounded familiar somehow.

With a growl of annoyance, she got uncuffed from the chair and roughly hoisted into the wheelchair they brought her into the room in, her head just dropped downward, unable to have the strength to lift it. “give her an hour break then it's the next round. Maybe that will give her time to give us the answers we want!” She heard said, tears silently falling down her cheeks.

Those tears fell down her face in real time, landing on Cason's chest as she felt trapped by her own memories. Memories she wanted to forget but couldn't, and not the memories she lost but wanted back so much. Unable to fully stir until the morning.


Sam couldn't help but smile as Anna scooted closer to him, more so than she already was and traced her finger around his jaw. It was such a soft action that it was beginning to truly lull him into sleep. He could feel his own heart rate and breathing begin to slow down as they just laid there in the bed, fully alone. Her little quip about making more time for their own room when out and about made him lightly chuckle, “I'm sure we can find time” he replied with a soft and light chuckle, so as not to move her too much. He was going to wish her good night but he realized just from her breathing that she had already fallen asleep. Smiling, he tilted his head just enough to kiss her head before he closed his eyes himself and let sleep take control.


Once morning rose, sunlight trying to break through the curtains of the motel room. Sam stirred calmly and felt a lot more refreshed than he had done in a long time. He couldn't remember the last time he woke up feeling this refreshed. He figured being away from the house was the answer as well as being close with Anna again. Glancing down at her, he smiled, brushing her hair away from her face gently as he took in her features. He didn't want to wake her or disturb her, so he stayed where he was and looked around the room before his eyes fell onto his phone on the bedside table. With his free hand, he carefully reached out and picked it up to check the time, 7:30am. He also saw there were several texts on it that had built up overnight and he presumed it would be Dean or Mika checking up on him, but it wasn't. It was Ruby. Opening up the messages, it was just a barrage of annoyed messages asking him why he ignored her phone calls and he had to pick up the damn phone. Sighing, he hit the delete button on the entire conversation, not wanting them to ruin his good mood. Placing the phone back on the table, he wrapped Anna up in his arms again, kissing the top of her head before wrapping his legs around her.

Nothing was going to ruin this morning if he could help it.

Dean's admittance for having a thing for stubborn women did make Lexi smirk. She felt like there were many a story behind that statement and if her phone hadn't been ringing she most definitely would have pried some information out of him for some stories. She was thankful that Dean was happy to go with her as she would need a lift to the garage either way as there would be no way she was going to walk it from the bunker. She was a fit woman, but she wasn't completely insane to do that walk. The bunker was so out the way and hidden from town, she would have been crazy to walk that journey. It would have been a very desperate time for her to do it.

"Thanks, and believe me I know. It's why I never usually deal with them myself" she replied, having in the past got Owen to take her car in on her behalf if it ever needed a fix, or just got Owen to fix it. This time it packed up on her after a hunt with Sam and right near the garage so she didn't have much of an option. Sam didn't have anything to pull her car along to the bunker so it was a case of leave it at the garage or in the middle of the road to get totaled.

"Right" she agreed, even though she knew all she had to really do was pull on some boots and jacket as she got dressed earlier. Dean however seemed to still be in clothing not appropriate for the outdoors. Standing up, she grabbed her phone and shoved it into her jeans pocket. "Whilst you do that, I can check in with how things are going with Anya and Sam?" She suggested.


At the garage, Lexi walked in with Dean, hoping that with him by her side, the mechanics wouldn't take her for a ride. Though she wasn't holding out hope that things would go in her favour. Stepping up the front desk, she greeted the staff member there and explained how she got the call that her car was ready for pick up and what her name was. With her details confirmed, another mechanic went off and retrieved her car. She got quoted a price that was almost double what they told her before which visibly irritated her but she didn't have much of a choice but to pay it.

"...fine" she grumbled, taking out her card and paying for the work. Putting her card away she turned to Dean, "I swear, if it packs up again I'm gonna be pissed" she grumbled to him, walking over to her car. She couldn't help but look it over briefly before standing by the driver's side. "I'll follow you back" she told Dean as her phone went off with a text. Pulling it out, she saw it was a group text from Sam, making her smile. "Well, seems they've been successful" she commented.


Sam was still waiting for Anya at the front of the shop, whilst also keeping his eyes open for anything or anyone suspicious looking. He still didn't see anything but that wasn't to say there wasn't a threat out there.

When Anya would be done, he looked over at her and smiled, checking that the artist got it right under the guise of just wanting to see it. It all looked good and he was satisfied that she was now protected well enough against demon possession. "Looking good!" He smiled at her and without even thinking about it, he paid for the work on her behalf. "Thanks man" he said to the artist before guiding Anya back out of the shop by holding the door open for her. He was now more glad than ever that he parked pretty much outside the shop so it didn't take either of them long in the slightest to get back to the safety of the car.

Pulling out his phone he text both Dean and Lexi, deciding that if one didn't get the text, then the other would. 'Anya is all done, so we'll head back to the bunker'. Clicking send, he put his phone away then opened the car door and got in with Anya. "So, I guess we should head back" he remarked.

Lexi had to get everything off her chest before he began speaking again. She had to let him know that although, yes, she was being incredibly stubborn, she was also willing to be smart about the situation if she were to stay. To her, this wasn't just a case of 'im falling bad for you and don't wanna lose you like some cliche lovesick teenager'. This was a case of 'I'm falling for you but I'm also a hunter who sees a job here and I want to help, as well as refusing to lose anyone else'. She knew getting close to someone like Dean was probably one of the riskiest and most stupid ideas she had, but she couldn't help how things were guiding her. Whether that be called fate, emotions, or whatever.

She listened to what he was saying, appreciating that he was being honest with her about what she was getting into by being around him and in turn, his brother. "I swear to you I'll be smart and keep myself safe with this." She replied, letting him keep ahold of her as they spoke with each other.

As he leaned just that bit closer, she watched him the whole time, not taking her eyes off of his, nodding at his words about how she was now up to date with what the boys have been involved in. "Well, like you say, with your contact and sister here, there's really not much we can do. I can't train Anya until she gets back with Sam either. So we're at a bit of a stand still" she replied before he asked her if she could forgive him after giving her the lightest kiss he had ever given her.

Returning the kiss before she decided to speak, she gave him a soft smile. "There's not anything to really apologise for. I get why you kept it from me for this long. But I'm happy you've been honest now. So please don't apologise. Sam already told me you're more closed off than he is before we even met. And you wouldn't be the worst hunter I've met over the years who sinks to those kinds of habits" she smiled.

She had met plenty of hunters who had a giant wall wrapped round their hearts and emotions, who were solely work motivated and nothing else. Even hunters who would resort to sexist behaviours just to keep female hunters away and safe. It was all a bravado most of the time, but still something she witnessed. Dean was far from any of those kinds of hunters in her eyes, from what she knew of him thanks to getting to know him in the bunker, and from what Sam told her. "I just hope you can handle my stubbornness" she smirked softly.

It was then she got pulled out of looking Dean in the eye and being honest with him by her phone ringing behind her on the table. Sighing at being interrupted, she leaned back in her chair to reach out for her phone and answered it, not recognising the number initially. "hello? Lexi speaking" she answered, keeping her free hand on Dean's knee. "oh hi there, it's the Daven Garage. Just calling to say your car is ready for pickup" she heard on the line and she couldn't help but smile ever so slightly. "that's amazing, I'll be down in a bit to collect. Bye" She replied before hanging up and looking back at Dean.

"Seems my car is ready so fancy coming with me to pick it up?" She asked him, deciding it was probably the better option than moping in the bunker until Sam and Anya got back. She figured if they stayed in the bunker they would just swell on the information dump they both just had and could do with something a bit more positive.

Mika knew the look Dean was giving her. She could tell he was impressed she was being so willing to give Esme the time of day after everything that happened before tonight. She was impressed with herself deep down as she didn't think she could ever see Esme as someone who deserved her respect, but it seemed she could indeed change and be open to change. She also saw how reacted to the information about Sam and somehow just knew in her heart that until Sam reappeared in front of them all, he would be convinced Sam wouldn't ever come home. Mika on the other hand had faith that Sam and Anna would come back because Sam has her car. If they didn't? It would be easy to trace their location. As he then agreed to get to bed, she was thankful he wasn't going to fight her on the decision and go after Sam. “Good” she smiled at his promise to sleep.

She couldn't help but smirk when he turned her around to face the direction they needed to go in and gently pushed her towards the staircase, something she was used to but never tired of it. She was pretty sure it all started when they were teenagers and he did it as a joke, but it was something that always stuck with them. It was their thing, or at least, she hoped it was just their thing. She was about to say something but his words of thanks for being his voice of reason and promise to be more open stopped her from saying what she originally was going to. “I'm always going to be here for you Dean. I don't plan on going anywhere. When I wrote on that note that day dad pulled me from school, telling you I'd come back for you, I meant it. I still mean it. I'll always find my way back to you and be there when you need me” she told him. She still remembers that day like it was yesterday, how could she not? It was the same damn day her whole family was attacked, just earlier in that day. She slammed that note she quickly scribbled in her sketchbook against the passenger side window as he was on the sidewalk. She had every intention of getting back to him, running away from her parents that night and back to Dean. She never envisioned that would be the night she went crawling to Bobby's for help and John declared she was dead to Dean, to make him move on from her.

Walking up the stairs to her room, she followed him into the bedroom, only to be greeted by Castiel standing at the foot of their bed and Dean instantly going into protective mode. She stood behind him but looked over his shoulder at Castiel, irritated that he just waited for them in her room. Mika felt like it was a complete breach of privacy and felt ever so slightly weirdly violated that an Angel just entered without permission. Listening to their conversation, she instantly put the pieces together in her head. Alastair was the one who tortured Dean in Hell. Coming to that conclusion, she instantly knew there was absolutely no way she was letting the Angels force Dean to be near the demon.

“Like Hell he is going with you to Alastair. Castiel, I get whatever it's for, it must be important but we are human. We need to rest up, it's been a long day and evening. Dean is drained, we all are. So without sleep he is no good to you or anyone.” She said sternly, narrowing her eyes to show Castiel she was not budging on her stance. “so please, give us this one night and tomorrow he can do whatever it is you want, but if he goes, I'm going. That's not a request either” she added.


Nat saw the worry in Cason's face as she got closer to him, or more the point, saw the worry fade from his face as she got to him. She figured it couldn't have been easy for him to stay back as she spoke with Dean, but she was so grateful that he did. When he gave her the daily reminder that she was just a human, she smirked and rolled her eyes at him. “Yeah yeah I know. I'm a fragile human” she retorted in jest as he wrapped an arm round her waist and led the way to the house. It was at this moment she knew he was going to be incredibly clingy and fussy until he was happy that she was safe and warm inside and fully got some proper sleep. Reaching the back kitchen door, she saw through the window Mika and Dean heading upstairs before Cason opened it and pulled her inside declaring that they were to make absolutely no pit stops until they reached Bobby's bedroom.

It was so endearing and amusing to see Cason being like this with her, but she understood it, at least she thought she understood it. She figured he was still being this level of fussy and protective as she did come so close to death the night before and it would be a while before he got less fussy with her. She didn't complain, but she knew she would have to just ride it out until he felt like she wasn't something that would break like a bag of potato chips. “Okay okay” she chuckled back at him, letting him just pull her into the bedroom and close the door behind them both. Inside, she pulled her jacket off and chucked it on the floor across the room before kicking her boots off. Looking up she saw Cason climbing onto the bed, spreading out and topless, making her bite her bottom lip briefly as she walked over to the bed and got onto it. Yanking the throw blanket over her as she did and settled down beside him, her head on his chest, arm over him.

“And laid on it is” she chuckled before yawning, the tiredness suddenly kicking in now she was laying down once again. “I'm really glad you stuck around tonight. Don't think I could have done that chat with Dean if you weren't nearby.” She told him, the need for sleep only getting stronger for her. So much of her wanted to stay awake with Cason, knowing he didn't sleep, but her body was winning out. “Night Cas–” she began to say only to fall asleep before she could even finish saying his name.


Opening his eyes to look at Anna as she pulled his head back just for a moment, he smiled at her. She really was the most perfect person to him and he knew staying away from the house was literally the best thing they could have done. “I love you so much too Anna. With all my heart” he replied to her, leaning back down and kissing her once more to show her exactly how much he loved her….

Later in the night, he was laid out in the bed, on his back and holding Anna close to him. Out of breath, tired and dopamine levels high, he was the most content he had been for a long time. He didn't even think about the fact they were far enough away from the house that no one could bother them. He just didn't want this night to end even though he was now close to falling asleep happily. Sam had completely let go of all his stress and anger towards his brother and the situation that had befallen them, only letting his happiness of having a completely normal night with Anna fill his mind. “I'm so glad we don't have anything to bother us. It's about time we had quality time to ourselves” he commented, stroking his shoulder with his thumb as he struggled to keep his eyes open as they stared up at the ceiling.

Dean just burying his head in her shoulder told her he did want her around, even if his head was telling him differently. So when he looked at her, and told her he didn't want her to help him, he didn't even want her around it tore her heart a part. She understood his reasonings, especially after she had opened up to him finally about Owen, but it still hurt a lot to hear him say he didn't want her around to watch him die. She gave a small nod to show she did understand, but that didn't mean she was going to accept the reason. She wasn't going to just up and leave and not turn back.

Lexi let her eyes shut as Dean pressed his forehead against hers and spoke once more about him not wanting to see her get hurt. That she also understood, but what truly made her pull her head back and look at him, was his last statement. He was openly admitting he was falling for her. Just as she was falling for him. They were so far gone from being able to walk away from each other when the night before Dean asked her to stay and live with them for a while.

"No...no you don't get to say that Dean. You can't say I have to leave and not be anywhere this or you, then end your reasonings with admitting you love me. That's not how this works" she told him, refusing to look away from him. "I know you're scared of losing someone else, I am too but I'm not someone who can be easily convinced to just walk away. Like it or not I have fallen for you as well and I can't turn my back on you. Or Sam or Anya for that matter. That's not who I am" she continued.

"You can say the nastiest things to me, break my heart all you want but I'm not leaving. You say you can't lose anyone else you love, well neither can I Dean. If fighting tooth and nail to try and not have you die is what it takes, then I want to fight with you. I want you to have the extra chance in me to best this. So don't you dare tell me to leave after telling me you love me. Nothing you say will change my mind. Nothing." She finished saying with conviction.

Every part of her wanted to cry, but she refused to in front of him. That could be done in private when she was alone. Dean was her second chance at happiness and she had to keep ahold of that. She pressed her lips against his firmly, letting it linger for a moment before pulling back again. One thing he was right about this was that it certainly put a dampener on the mood throughout the bunker. She couldn't even say anything else for a moment, just letting it all sink in for the both of them.

Lexi hoped that she was getting through to him, even when he told her she was right, she hoped he meant what he said. She was in deep now with him and his brother, choosing to stay for a while, help them help Anya and continue to let herself like Dean a great deal. Then he said about how the brand might dampen the good thing they had going on and it made her worried about what that story fully entailed. She felt scared for him and what he could have done. If it was so major, then why didn't Sam tell her about it? Was Sam also trying to ignore it and hope that she wouldn't at some point ask him about it? She didn't know the answer but she knew it had to be bad if Dean was now clamming up.

She kept ahold of his hand as he looked up at her, scanning her eyes as he basically said now was the time to scare her off. That made her more worried but also determined to not run off. She was a hunter, she could handle what he was about to tell her. But what he did eventually say was something she never saw coming. It felt like she was just hit with a truck as the words sunk into her mind. He LET a demon manipulate him? The brand was the mark of Cain? This was a big deal and one she wasn't in the least bit prepared for, but she couldn't run. She couldn't just leave him. Not now. It was clear how terrified he was about the situation and if she felt if she left him now, he would be even more lost.

As the words sunk in, Lexi remained silent for a moment or two as she tried to figure out the right words to say to him. She could understand why he wanted a normal few days and to feel human for a while if he had all of this on his shoulders. Letting go of his hand, she just scooted up close to him and hugged him tightly. "I'm not running anywhere" she said first, wanting him to hear that more than anything. "I'm glad you've told me, it's a lot to say out loud, but you have to know I won't go anywhere. I'm not one to run away at a hurdle. If I was, I'd be a pretty crap hunter" she said, her voice remaining calm even though deep down inside she was anything but calm.

"I'm going to stay and help you through this okay?" She said once more, pulling back just enough to look him in the eye. "I'm gonna help you" she repeated, one hand stroking his cheek as she tried not to get emotional in front of him. She had to help him, she couldn't lose anyone else in her life. She had fallen hard for Dean and she wasn't going to just let him slip through her fingers. Even if he never felt the same way towards her, she wasn't going to abandon him, people like them needed to stick together.

Sam felt his phone vibrate with a message back from Dean moments after he messaged Dean, which got him thinking that Dean and Lexi were actually behaving themselves for once. The message was what he was pretty much expecting, the usual stay safe, be prepared and stay equipped with anything he could all whilst keeping Anya safe. It was what he was already doing for the most part. He always had some weapons in the car, but he didn't have anything on him right now. He did however have the ability to still keep Anya safe in the shop.

Lexi let Dean take in the photo, and what she was saying to him. She hadn't looked at that photo in such a long time it felt like, but she had looked at others in the pouch once in a while, when it didn't feel like it was too painful to do so. She nodded at his condolences for losing Owen, feeling like over this last year it's all she had heard from people when they found out he was gone. She appreciated the words given to her, but it never got easier to hear. It was only remotely easier with Dean because she knew he was going through the same thing. “And I'm sorry you lost her” she replied before he spoke up again. She knew he was right, Lexi couldn't imagine ever getting rid of the photos she had of Owen. He was a large part of her life and she didn't want to ever erase that. He made her the person she was, always reminded her that there was more to life than being a hunter, even if he didn't know she was a hunter when he was alive. “I could never get rid of them. These photos aren't just memories for me of my life with Owen, but a piece of him and his talent.” She replied to him as she saw him looking down at the brand on his arm.

She saw how he was ogling the whiskey bottle, tapping his glass as he toyed with the temptation to have yet another drink. As tempting as getting drunk and falling into old habits was, Lexi knew she couldn't let them do that, so she grabbed the bottle and pulled it away from him. “It is tough, and I'm still learning how to properly, but I've always said as humans? We never really move on as such, we just learn how to live with the grief until it doesn't hurt so much. Only time gives us that lesson” she told him, looking him in the eyes. “But I know one thing for certain and that is that it gets easier when we're not alone and not staring at life down the neck of a bottle” she added. “From what Sam has told me, you've spent far too many days relying on whiskey to get through this grief, but you don't have to anymore Dean. You got me now, someone who really knows what you're going through and will go through.” She reached out for his hand and held it, rubbing the back of his palm with her thumb. “Neither of them would want us to mope about the past. We were happy not long ago” she commented, giving him a small smile as she also tried to cheer up from bringing them down memory lane.

She felt bad bringing up Mika, but hoped that by her bringing up Owen it made things the tiniest bit easier to cope with thinking about Mika. She was falling for Dean rapidly but she didn't want to replace Mika, she just wanted to be a new chapter in his life just as he was in hers. With a sigh, she decided to change the subject to the brand on his arm, “so…by the way you're looking at that brand I take it there's a pretty big story to that? Would it be too much to ask what that story is?” She asked him tactfully, refusing to let go of his hand just yet.
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