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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Nat aware that Anna was following her to the kitchen, something that wasn't surprising to her. She almost guessed that Anna would use her own exit to exit herself. "I really tried to talk him out of convincing you to come here with us. I didn't think it was fair on you or Sam" she replied honestly. She loved Anna dearly like a sister, but she also loved Sam so she tried to be there for them both whilst doing her best to remain impartial. "But I'm glad you are here. I don't think they're babysitting...well, not fully. They're clearly doing it to a degree with that Anya girl." She said as she poured her coffee I to a clean mug once she found one.

"I'm getting the feeling that other girl is seeing Dean though. Sam told me to be nice, but I don't know her." She added, trying to weave some sort of lighter conversation within the more serious side. "But hey...if it gets too much we can head out for a break together. If you ever feel like you need it" she offered, walking over to Anna and giving her a comforting hug. "Though I do think you two are overdue a good talk. He's just as uptight as you're feeling right now. I hate seeing you two like this. I love you both so much" she told Anna.

She also wondered if it truly got too much for Anna, if there was an option for her to get Anna out and back to Denver. Even if it meant she drove half way there and tried sweet talking Duke or Esme into meeting half way to pick Anna up. Nat was willing to do whatever it took to help Anna. Whether it was a long way to get her back to Denver or have Cason take her. "You got this Anna, and I got your back this whole time okay?" She tried reassuring her once more.


As Anna made a point to not touch him as she followed Natalia into the kitchen, Sam sighed, looking at the ground before looking at Anya as she got his attention and Cason followed Lexi and Dean to the tables and chairs. He followed her to the book shelves and waited for her to finish typing out her message to him before she showed it. Reading it, he wondered how on earth he would explain what Anna was to him. He gave a somber nod, as he thought about the words to use so not to hurt Anya and himself.

"It's a complicated history we have...I've known her since we were kids. Been through a lot and when I last saw I kinda...left her at a friend's house and never looked back a year ago. I did it to protect her for what me and Dean were about to have to do...but it didn't leave me and her in a good spot" he tried to explain in a very brief way. "It's a very long story and if you really wanna know it, I'll explain it later. But I warn youz it's not easy to hear" he explained.


The moment Cason started asking her questions, Lexi knew Natalia had put Cason up to this. She was going to answer gladly if it meant Natalia would be happier about her being around, but Dean was clearly irritated by the interrogation situation. "It's fine Dean..." She said, placing a hand on his knee as she said it. "Yes I'm a hunter, came here thanks to Sam bringing me here because my car broke down at the time after a case. The boys have made me feel welcome here and after spending a year on the road constantly because I can't go back to my old home, I'm thankful for being welcome here. The fa t I've cooked for them both has helped too" she said simply, smiling at her last words.

She stopped talking when Dean insisted on putting an end to it, something she was okay with as she didn't want to get into why she couldn't go back to her old home. After the dream memory she had, she didn't want to bring up Owen to Cason of all people. Under the table, she kept her hand on Dean's thigh, wanting to just stay close to him, even if it was discreetly.

Lexi leaned slightly closer to Dean as he leaned in to her and whispered about which one was Anna. She glanced at him surprised that the blonde girl was the same brunette from the photos he showed her the day before. She followed his glance to Sam, seeing him walk over to the car book shelf with Anya and she could see how worked up he was. "All we can do is be there when the crap hits the fan I guess, it's certainly going to be tense" she whispered back to him.

Part of her was curious to why Cason and Natalia would bring the girl, but she also knew it wasn't her place to ask so she didn't. She remained silent and drinking her coffee, trying to not be a target for more interrogations from Cason or anyone else. Wanting to stay close to Dean without causing any possible drama with his sister, she just minded her own business, figuring it was the best course of action.

A few minutes later, she spotted Natalia return into the library, walking over to Cason, standing behind him, placing one hand on his right shoulder. "So Dean, what have you guys actually figured out or is what you said already the only things you know? If we're gonna help, we kinda need more information." Nat said, looking between her brother and the new woman, already deciding that she would only ever call her Red until she decided to use her real name. Right now she didn't care to, and it wasn't like in the bunker Lexi could do much to win her over.

Lexi got the vibes Nat was giving out towards her and she hoped there would be a time that she could try and convince Natalia she wasn't the bad guy or trying to replace Mika. Something she was assuming was why Natalia was being rather cold towards her. If that was the case, Lexi could understand it quite honestly. The whole family were clearly a tight knit group if the photos were anything to go by, but Dean was a grown man and capable of making his own decisions.


When Anya appeared finally, he gave the gesture to what mug was hers as she grabbed for it. It was clear to him how tired she still was due to the night cap that Dean had given her in the middle of the night. He looked amongst the group, trying to avoid eye contact with Anna even though he didn't want to make it awkward for everyone around the two of them. Luckily for him, he had a distraction that was Cason greeting Anya. He was about to explain that she was mute when Anya beat him to it, then got surprised at how Cason just knew fluent ASL and was speaking to her without any issues whatsoever.

He was actually impressed and thankful that there was someone here that could communicate with Anya without issues now. Sure there was Lexi, but even her ASL was basic at best, but Cason seemed really fluent in it which would come in handy in Sam's eyes. Sipping his coffee, glad to have caffeine getting into his system, he let the two of them chat, wondering what they were saying, only catching the names being signed.

When it came to Natalia giving Lexi a light third degree questioning, he knew Natalia wasn't going to drop this anytime soon. It was why he had to tell her to be nice, but he was pretty sure it was going in one ear and out the other straight away. Glancing up, he watched Dean step beside Lexi and place his hand on her lower back, hoping that would put the end to Nat's suspicions, but the way she looked suspicious at them both, something told Sam that Dean was not going to hest the end of this. It was rather ironic to him that the roles between Nat and Dean seemed to have swapped in mere seconds.

He still remembered all the months that Dean didn't trust Cason as far as he could throw him and hated it even more when Cason was close to Nat. Now it was Nat not liking someone new being near to Dean, only difference was that Lexi was a human and a hunter and not a demon. "She's cool Nat, seriously, be nice" he repeated to her before the conversation got moved forward to why Nat and Cason, and subsequently Anna, were called to give them a hand.


With the conversation changed to why she was brought here with Cason, Natalia listened to everyone chat and discuss the situation. The moment Dean nodded his head towards Anya when Cason asked who the victim was, she instantly felt sorry for Anya. "That's seriously gotta suck" she commented, understanding the sign for 'my voice' as it felt pretty obvious. "So with that information, we find the demon and kill it. Seems pretty standard for us...right?" Natalia then added, as much as she felt sorry for Anya for not having her voice, she knew they couldn't just let a demon run around making fake deals and hurting people like this.

She was aware of how close Dean was being with Lexi and that made so many more questions flood through her mind than what she should be thinking about. She was also aware how awkward Sam and Anna were being so close to each other and she knew she'd have to step in somehow. She was leaning towards taking Anya out so Anna and Sam could hash out whatever it was that was left lingering between them. If they didn't have a chat sooner than later then this job to help Anya would be compromised and she wasn't prepared to have that happen.

Before the discussion moved forward onto Anya's demon deal, she gave a nod to Dean's comment about Natalia coming round soon enough. She could t help but wonder why the sister was instantly against her when she barely said two words, but she was also willing to just ride it out, reminding herself that it was just because his sister was worried about him. Sipping her coffee, she let everyone talk and was impressed how well versed Cason was in ASL and how charming the guy seemed to be for a demon.

"Is it really that simple though? It's never that easy" Lexi pointed out, not wanting to contradicting Natalia, and judging by the as squinting of Nat's eyes, she didn't like being like contradicted. Darting her eyes away from Natalia, she looked over at the others to try and focus on the conversation and not the judgement radiating off of Natalia.

"Anyway, I guess no time like the present to start work" Natalia said, "but first I need some of that coffee after this last six hours on the road" she smirked, walking past everyone, but made sure to place her hand on Cason's back on her way. "Watch Red with Dean" she whispered to him as she went by and headed into the kitchen.

Lexi saw how Nat was with this Cason and she didn't know whether to be weirded out by seeing such a close relationship between a hunter and a demon or find it incredibly adorable. Seeing Nat whisper to Cason, she just knew it was about her so she decided to ignore it for now, and try and focus on the job at hand. Stepping up to the table, she sat down, deciding to remain as neutral as possible. Though it was now she was sat down that she saw how uncomfortable Sam was feeling.

Dean's banging on his door and calling out to her made Lexi wake with a start. “Huh what?” She muttered to herself, looking around the room and remembering where she was. Sighing as her mind came back to reality, she ran a hand through her hair, trying to come to terms with the fact that once again, bringing the photos out the day before triggered a memory induced dream. “At least it wasn't a nightmare this time…” she mumbled to herself, looking down where Dean was only to find he was gone and it was clearly him who banged on the door to wake her. Reaching over to where she left her phone the night before, she looked at the time and saw how late into the morning it was which made her swing her legs out of Dean's bed and get up. Dropping her phone on the bed beside her, she reached down to grab her clothing and underwear, getting dressed once more so she could at least leave the room with some dignity so she could make it to the bathroom.

Once dressed, phone in jeans pocket, she left his room and headed to the bathroom where she had a quick shower before heading to her room and getting dressed again. Heading down the corridor once suitably presentable, she found Dean heading up the stairs to let his sister into the bunker. ‘damn, have they arrived already? I really did sleep in’ she thought to herself. If she was to meet this sister of his and her demon boyfriend, she needed to be more coherent, so she swiftly headed to the kitchen and got herself a coffee before making herself seen, seeing that Cason was already inside the bunker and being careful not to touch anything that could hurt him. ’huh…he is not at all what I would have pictured’ she thought to herself even though she wasn't really certain what she would have pictured in the first place. Standing back, she waited for Dean to get everyone inside when she spotted a blonde hugging him and from where she was standing below, she didn't recognise it to be the same Anna who she saw in the photos.

She did see which of the girls were Natalia as she looked so much like her brothers, despite not having the same mother. There was no mistaking that Winchester defined jawline.


At the hammering of the door happening and Dean's call out, like he was some kind of drill sergeant to them all, Sam woke up with a groan of disapproval of being awake. He had slept so hard once he was happy that Anya was getting some sleep, that he didn't realize just how long they had been asleep for. Rolling partially away from Anya to reach his phone to check the time, he now understood why Dean was waking everyone up. It really was almost ten and Dean wasn't lying. Putting his phone back down, he looked over at Anya and brushed her hair out of his face, “time to get up” he cooed, before gently sliding away from her after having curled himself round her like an extra blanket in the night.

Sitting upright on the edge of his bed, he leaned down and grabbed his jeans, pulling them on then standing up and walking over to his drawer of clean shirts. Pulling out a basic t-shirt, he lifted it over his head and pulled it on before using his hands to brush his hair into some kind of decent state. Picking up his boots, he went back to the bed to sit on and pull them on before standing back up again.
“I'll see you out there, okay?” he told Anya before leaning forward and kissing the top of her head.

Out of his room, he went straight to the kitchen where he saw Lexi exiting it with her own coffee. She seemed a little mentally out of the bunker but he wasn't going to pry, as he went straight to the coffee machine and made himself and Anya a mug each. With a yawn and tucking a bit of his hair behind his ears, he made the drinks and headed out of the kitchen to where the others were and that was when he saw her. Anna. He froze on the spot, scared at what to do, did he run or did he act like everything was fine? This wasn't part of the deal, she wasn't meant to be here, why did they bring her? His mind raced through the day he left her with Duke and Esme, without so much as looking back. He wasn't sure he could do this, especially with what was brewing between him and Anya. Every part of him wanted to walk away and hide but he knew he couldn't.

Deciding to stay back, he wasn't going to acknowledge anything until he got personally greeted, but he was now worried how he was going to get through this with Anna and Anya in the bunker.


Cason's comment about betting on whether or not Dean was already drunk again made Natalia roll her eyes. “I'd like to hope not. If he is, I'm confiscating every bit of alcohol in this place. He'll never move forward if he keeps drowning in the bottom of a bottle” she replied to him. She knew she was tough on Dean and his drinking habits whilst grieving, but someone had to be. Sam, last she knew, had all but given up on trying to stop Dean being drunk so she felt it was her job to get him on the straight and narrow. Mika would have clipped upside the back of his head if she could see him constantly drunk. She followed Anna's eyes and saw what she glanced at and her heart sank. They hadn't even covered Mika's car up and she didn't know if it was a helpful thing to do or detrimental to Dean’s ability to move forward. She missed seeing the car out on the road though and even remembered when she childishly raced Mika on an empty road, only to be beaten by the woman. As she turned her head back towards the door, she could have sworn she saw Mika standing by her car, but she shook the thought from her mind, deciding she was just imagining things. ’it's all because you miss her’ she thought to herself.

When the sounds of the heavy door began to echo from the other side, she knew Dean was opening it up for them. The moment his face came to view, she took in his appearance seeing that he seemed pretty well put together and very much sober. She let the other two get in first, seeing how cautiously Cason walked inside and she didn't blame him. She hoped that Dean prepped the place enough for Cason's sake or she would be gone in a flash. Nat looked apologetic toward Dean as he suddenly realized that it was Anna who was with them. She didn't want to bring Anna as she didn't want to make her or Sam uncomfortable but Cason not only convinced Anna, but convinced her that it was worth bringing her along. Watching Dean and Anna share a hug, Nat knew that both of them needed it and was glad that both were being so willing to hug each other. As they hugged, she waited for her turn to hug her brother. Over the years she had grown much closer to Dean, going her own way making a big difference to her relationship with him. Now she cherished the times she visited, even if it was rare because of the bunker’s anti demon set up.

When Dean did get to talk to her, she smirked at his teasing, nodding at his guess at why she was looking better. “Nope, not the food police. Just finally looking after myself” She replied, lying completely because a lot of it was because of Cason and making her gain much better eating habits. She couldn't even remember the last time she ate a greasy pizza because of Cason. Yet she was also sort of looking after herself more, having started to actually fit in a morning run whenever she could and kept up the fitness so she was capable of doing the hunts. After half joking, she hugged Dean tightly, “you look good too, better than I thought you would. I've missed you” she told him honestly, it dawning on her just how much she missed his face and hugs. After a moment, she pulled back and properly walked inside, looking down at the bunker below and spotting Sam and someone she didn't know. “Hey Sam!” She greeted, deciding she was going to ask about the red haired woman after she saw her other brother. Carefully jogging down the stairs, she ran over to Sam, only giving him the tiniest of windows to put the mugs down and hug her back.

“Hey Nat” he smiled, hugging her tightly after he snapped out of his frozen state from spotting Anna. “How you doing kiddo?” He asked her, “I'm good” she replied, squeezing him as she hugged him. “And I'm sorry about Anna, it wasn't my idea” she whispered to him which made him hug her a bit tighter, “I figured it wouldn't be your idea” he whispered back before letting her go. Stepping back a bit, she then looked at Lexi, eyebrow raised in curiosity. “And you are….?” She asked, looking Lexi up and down. “Hi, I'm Lexi, fellow hunter, friend of your brothers” Lexi greeted, holding her free hand out to Natalia, who didn't reciprocate the gesture. “Huh..see they told you about me, but not the other way round” she replied, glancing between Sam and Dean. “Be nice Nat. Lexi is good” Sam told Natalia.

“Hmm…anyway, what's this demon issue you wanted us over here for anyway?” She replied, looking between Sam and Dean, deciding to change the subject.

Sam had remained asleep for a little while during the time Anya had woken up. The day they had had actually worn him out and made him for once, have a peaceful sleep knowing he didn't need to worry about his brother for once. Yet as he fidgeted in his sleep, he was subconsciously aware that Anya wasn't in the bed, making him stir awake. Looking around the room, he tried to find her in the dark room but he couldn't spot her anywhere. "Anya?" He quietly called out, leaning over to his bedside table and switching the small lamp on. She really wasn't in the room and that started to panic him. Grabbing for one of his guns that he kept inside his bedside table drawer, he got up, glad he was still in his boxers and rushed out the room.

He couldn't hear the alarms going off, so no monster had broken in, but could a human have broken in without triggering the alarms? It was possible. He felt panicked, worried that someone got in and taken Anya, but the tension in his shoulders instantly dropped when he found her talking with Dean in the library. Lowering the gun, safety back on he sighed with relief. Sam decided to stay back as he watched his brother chat and what he assumed, calm Anya down from whatever had woken her up. Seeing Dean getting her an alcoholic drink made him wrinkle his nose in slight judgemental disapproval.

Then Dean convinced Anya to go back to bed which is when he made himself known as Anya stood up. "Everything okay?" He asked, acting like he didn't just watch the whole scene play out in front of him. Walking over to meet Anya half way, he wrapped an arm over her shoulders. "I got worried" he admitted. He wasn't even aware of what the time was or how close it was to Natalia's arrival. All he cares about was making sure Anya was okay.


Lexi didn't move or stir when Dean carefully moved from under her and got out of his bed. She didn't even stir when he got dressed and left a kiss on her face. The sleep she had found herself in was deep. She had been sleeping peacefully with not even a dream coming to fruition when Dean was with her, but as he left, her mind transcended into materializing a dream, a memory even. Only this time was a pleasant one and not the night she walked in on Owen dead and torn to shreds in their living room by the fireplace.

"Owen what is this all about?" She asked him, putting her phone down beside all his spare photography equipment and turning around to find him in front of the white backdrop and props, down on one knee. Initially she got so confused because it felt so out of the blue after they just took a couple of selfies in a break. Then it dawned on her exactly what was happening. "Oh my..." She gasped, stepping up closer to him, "Owen?" She questioned, as he pulled out a box from his back pocket and opened it, revealing a simple but beautiful silver ring with her birthstone encrusted into the band. "Lexi, I have known you for six years now and every single day you remind me exactly why I fell in love with you that first night in that bar.

You looked so beautiful despite looking beyond tired. Dusty clothing from who knows what and some hair totally out of place and not in that braid you love doing so much. Yet you looked so real compared to anyone else in that room. It's why I had to come over and say hi to you. Six years on and I can't imagine my life without in it. I don't even care what your work entails because I know and have full faith you will come back home to me. I swear to you I will always be there to be your sense of home and sanctuary if you would have me be that for you. I love you more than I could love anyone or anything- even my photography" he smirked and chuckled before continuing, "Lexi, will you marry me? Because I want nothing more than to marry you" he proposed after a long speech that was perfectly him.

She smiled and cried, nodding her head, rushing over to him as he stood up and hugged him tightly. "I will" she replied, pulling away just enough for him to put the ring on her finger. "I love you Owen" she said through teary eyes and a smile. "I love you too" he replied, kissing her deeply and holding her close.

As she slept, a tear fell down her face, gripping the cushion that Dean had placed under her. "Owen...." She cried in her sleep.



Natalia was glad that they were finally a few minutes away as she was officially getting tired from driving so long. She was thankful for the stop over they did a few hours ago to get Anna and a much needed coffee off of Duke for the drive to the bunker. She used the break to visit the new horse and give Duke the whole rundown on how things had been. Now she was glad that she had two co pilots as she nicknamed Cason and Anna to keep her awake with stupid stories and bad singing.

As she reached the bunker's location, she pulled in and down the path to park up and noticed more than Sam and Dean's cars. "Weird..." She muttered to herself but ignored it for now. It was about an hour after dawn and she could finally stop driving. Turning the engine off, she pocketed her keys and opened the door. "Let's see how bad a shape Dean is in and what this case is all about" she remarked to the other two, stepping out and stretching her legs and arms.

Pulling her phone out, she shot Dean a quick text of "we're here" before entering the bunker and when she got to the inside door, thumped her fist on it in a rhythm only she ever used on the door.

Lexi looked at him with suspicious eyes when he said he wasn't teasing her, not believing it for a second. He knew what he was doing and it was clear he was loving every single second of it. It had been a long time since someone got her this flustered and stuck for words. She watched his eyes as he leaned even closer to her, causing her actually subtly gulp and bite her bottom lip once more briefly.

As he brushed his nose against hers, she had to close her eyes for a moment as she felt his breath on her lips, reopening her eyes when she felt his bare chest on her hands and against her. She kissed him back, matching the gentleness in it before she found herself smiling as he then kissed the top of her nose before just walking back as if he didn't do what he just did. The way he just acted so casually after drove her crazy and she found it incredibly difficult to not tell him to forget the car and just get back to her, but she managed to withhold her tongue.

"You are something else Dean Winchester" she remarked, amused. She saw how smug he was feeling with himself for getting her so hot under the collar, and she even instinctively touched her own cheek as he had commented on how flushed she had gotten. Lexi was falling deeper and deeper in love with this man and how he always seemed to keep her on her toes. He was so different to Owen, but she was loving the excitement and unpredictability of him. With Owen, she had security, calmness to contradict her chaotic lifestyle, it was something that she cherished at the time because coming home to him was utter bliss. It meant she didn't have to think about what she had witnessed or what she had done, it was needed. Owen never asked about what she dealt with, he just took it in his stride and accepted her for who she was.

When moments arises, they took weeks out to go out hiking or do normal couple related activities. He got to use his photography skills, she got to appreciate the scenery around her when monsters or demons weren't chasing her. She knew she would never have anyone like Owen again in her life and if she let herself be honest to herself, she didn't want anyone else like him. Her job was what got him killed, but with Dean she didn't have to worry about that. Dean knew the risks as well as she did, hells, he probably knew them even more than she did. Dean was exhilarating to be around and matched her so strangely perfectly that it made her want him so much more.

She waited for him to finish, shoving her hands in her jeans pockets as she got more and more impatient. She didn't think she would have spent so much time trying to get in Dean's pants, but here she was just wanting to constantly be in touching distance to him. Lexi also hoped that sometimes soon, they'd be able to get to work properly so they could be distracted from each other.


Sam watched Anya as she put her phone down on her lap before raising a hand up to his jaw and turning his face to look at her. He wondered what she was thinking, why she was so drawn to him. Whatever the reason to the latter was, he was glad she was drawn to him. Seeing her sign 'im glad' at his words made him smile at her before he signed 'thank you' back at her, feeling like it was the only thing he could say to her before she kissed him, which he lovingly returned. He cupped her face in his hand as he kissed her back, just letting the world faze out around them both. This was what normal was like and what he wished he had more of.

Eventually pulling away from her, opening his eyes, he gave her another smile, his thumb stroking her jawline he did so. "Thank you for making me come here Anya." He said to her as they rode around before it coming to a stop and it was over. "So where to next?" He asked her, then turned to the driver and thanked him, getting up and out and holding his hand out for Anya to help her down. After she got gotten out and back on solid ground, he kept his hand wrapped in hers, keeping her close and safe.

The fact that Dean kept on smiling at her after making her stammer a little to try and hide her truth before shrugging it off and going back to work, drove Lexi absolutely crazy inside. She knew by not saying 'okay fine yeah I do' was also it's own admission. He was quite literally going to break her one day with how his brain worked and he weaseled under her skin in the way he did. She tried to not watch him as he leaned back to wipe his forehead of the sweat beginning to form, deciding that she wasn't going to be that kind of woman who ogled at her other half whilst he worked, even if they were even an item at this point.

As he quickly pulled off his shirt, throwing it onto the same motorcycle that had his jacket, her eyes glanced up and saw him now completely topless, sweaty and absolutely tempting. She bit her bottom lip as she tried to force herself to look away and restrain herself, whilst he acted like this was totally casual and normal, declaring he needed a break. 'Dean, you are treading on dangerous ground here....' she thought to herself, trying to keep her composure, but that was all for nought when he walked over to her and stood incredibly close.

Feeling his hips against hers, she looked him in the eyes, trying desperately not to moisten her lips and bite her bottom lip all over again when she felt his lips upon hers. She kissed him back, slightly chasing his lips as he pulled back, being a complete tease with her. Opening her eyes to look at him, she smirked, "oh you uhh...you...think?" She stammered, for the first time since they met, she actually felt lost for words and mentally broken by his actions.

Lexi wondered how she was going to get herself out of this situation, or if she even wanted to get out of this situation. "So how much more are you gonna tease me like this? Because you're making it incredibly difficult to keep my mind straight" she told him, lifting her hand up and waving it front of his chest slowly, trying so hard not to touch him.


It wasn't Sam's intention to make Anya frown at his words but he knew he couldn't keep his wish for her hidden. He didn't want to see another person he was drawn to lose such a positive aspect of themselves to the job. He couldn't imagine Anya being closed off and stoic like he himself sometimes was. He just wanted her to forever bubbly and optimistic. He missed the days where he smiled more, pulled pranks on Dean and everyone else in their now disbanded group. He missed finding pure joy in normal things, or not having to really make an effort to find said joy in things. He missed having the group together, he missed the glue that held them all together in Mika....he missed Mika.

As Anya typed on her phone, he glanced down and read what she wanted to say back to him. Reading the reply, he had to smile as she mentioned about wanting to give him that optimism back. How she saw the old him in him, he didn't know but he was glad that someone did. He pulled her closer after she kissed his shoulder, holding her to him for warmth, comfort and the feeling of being close to someone. It was in this moment that he knew she was his new start, the new chapter in his life he so desperately needed and deserved.

There was only so long he could dwell on the past and those who were in it. There was no going back and he had to accept that. Anya was that key to accepting it and he welcomed it with open arms. "I'm glad you're the way you are Anya. You have no idea how much I want to be happy again" he confided in her. "With everything that's happening or happened, I some kind of normalcy back in my life" he admitted.

Mika hated seeing Dean this worked up about whatever was waiting for them both. It was clear that he wasn't fully believing they'd both make it out unscathed, but that also made her more determined to be there for him if they came out worse for wear. No matter what was waiting for them, she would be there for him and try to be that anchor he needed right now. She wanted him to be certain that at least she had his back and if he needed her, she wasn't going anywhere. It was always him and her, even when it wasn't, it was. He never gave up on her deep down, especially when they were teenagers and he refused to believe John about her dying. His determination to not let her just fade away and admit she was alive, was what she needed to do for him now. No one, demon or angel was going to rip him from her now. Whatever was waiting for them was about to see just how much stronger they were together. Even if he didn't believe it- she believed it enough for the both of them.

The kiss felt so much more crucial to Mika right now, it was clear he needed it and was using it as a way to stall the inevitable, but she took all those feelings and worries from his kiss with her own kiss. Holding him close as they shared the moment, before reality kicked back in and he pulled away. Slowly opening her eyes as he pulled back from the kiss, she kept her forehead against his, sighing as he spoke, returning the quick peck. “You're right…” she replied, her eyes gazing down to follow his hands drop down and grab her hand to kiss her knuckles. She smiled slightly at his invitation of just being lazy once this was done and nodded, “deal” she replied once more, keeping her hand in his and heading downstairs with him. All the while she had Dean to herself, she wasn't going to let go of him, deciding that she would only back off when they reached whatever location these Angels had Alastair cooped up in. For now, he needed her more than he verbally expressed and that meant she wasn't going to back down from being a supporting partner.

Reaching downstairs, she could only see Bobby awake and pottering about, but saw no one else which told her that the others were possibly making the most of no hunt being on the horizon. It also meant, if they didn't see any of the others before they leave, leaving might be a little easier. The thought of telling Natalia and Duke what they were being tasked with created a huge knot in her stomach. Yet at the same time she knew they'd need to rely on Duke, Esme and Cason to all keep Natalia safe and away from wherever they were going. Reluctantly letting go of Dean's hand, she went searching for food to make them both, finding some simple ingredients out of what Bobby still had in. ’note to self, when we get back, I'm going grocery shopping for Bobby’ she thought to herself. “Hey Bobby?! I'm gonna go and do a shop later today, so write a list for me please whilst me and Dean are out this morning?” She called out to him, trying to keep the situation as casual as possible.

She knew Bobby would try and stop them from going, or at least stop her from going if he knew exactly what they were about to do, so she felt like she had no choice in wording it the way she did. Opening a cupboard and pulling out a pan, she decided to whip them up some quick bacon sandwiches, deciding it was quick and easy to be able to stomach when they were so worked up. It also mean that anything else not used was available to the rest of the group whenever they decided to get up and show themselves. As she began to cook herself and Dean the breakfast, she found herself slipping slightly into her own thoughts and worry that the Angels were going to put Dean in too much danger. She wasn't as trusting of Castiel as Dean seemed to be, despite the fact Castiel had never really done anything to make her weary of him. It was solely the fact he was an Angel and so stoic that put her on edge, at least, that's what she put it down to. Still, she trusted him enough to even allow him bring them to Alastair.


As Cason pulled her closer to him, Natalia gladly got closer. She couldn't ever imagine a time when she would push him away, and if she ever did she would have to be in the worst state of mind imaginable to not even want him near her. It was so easy for her to push people away, but as each day passes, Cason was the only one who would never be pushed away. So if she ever did? Something was seriously wrong with her. She was just as attached to him, as he was with her. It still baffles her mind how he could feel love and why it was her he even loved in the first place, but she cherished her luck and still wanted to find out more whenever she could go be able to understand him more. The random thought of ‘if only dad could see me now…bedding down with a demon’ flashed through her mind briefly, knowing that John probably would be even more against it than Dean was. Though it almost brought some rebellious smugness to her mind as she considered it was almost like a middle finger to John for abandoning her. A demon cared for her more than he did and that made her subconsciously think maybe it was a good thing he wasn't in her life anymore. Even though there were still times of pure distress that she fell into that little girl mindset of just wanting her dad.

She listened to his mumbles and judging by the tone of his voice, he didn't think a few days of peace was in the cards for them, but she didn't want to think about that. It was also clear to her that even though he was replying to her, his mind was partially somewhere else. No doubt trying to think of all the ways he could wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her safe and as far from the hunting life as he could. Little did she realize how close of an assumption that actually was. At his remark about not forgetting to eat, she couldn't help but softly chuckled and smiled a bit more, tilting her head to look up at him. “Its like you haven't even met me, I couldn't forget to eat, don't think it's possible.” She teased, “I also fully intend to have you forever. It's whether or not you can handle having me for that long” she smiled at him. Internally she couldn't believe she could even think those things, let alone say them. It felt like only yesterday she was an anti falling in love hunter who only thought about the job, now she was experiencing what Mika felt towards Dean, or Anna with Sam and even Esme with Duke. It was so strange to her how her mindset had changed so drastically but she welcomed it with open arms.

She eventually heard Mika's voice call out to Bobby after hearing footsteps coming downstairs and came to the assumption that Mika and Dean were up. It felt like they were up earlier than she thought they would be. “They're up early…” she thought out loud, whilst also thinking to herself not to get inquisitive and go to see why they were up so early. It wasn't any of her business what they did on their downtime and she had to keep reminding herself of that, and yet so much of her was telling her to get up and go see what's going on. Something in the pit of her stomach was giving her a weird vibe and she didn't like it.


When Ruby greeted Anna, Sam felt like he wanted the ground to open and swallow him whole as he just knew by Ruby's tone, this was going to get as awkward as she could possibly make it. What he wasn't expecting was for Anna to be the one to make it incredibly awkward by mentioning threesomes. He snapped his head a road to her so fast, he was convinced his neck would break as he stared at her in disbelief, his mouth opening and closing, trying to get words out but coming up with absolutely nothing. He was going to have to have words with her about that comment later when they were alone again. Looking at Ruby who was just smirking then laughing at Anna's remark and how she completely broke his mind. He eventually managed to gather himself so he could actually talk, “beats me! Like I said, not had a chance to read her damn texts yet.” He replied to her with a shrug.

“I think you can guess why I'm here, Sam. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I'm here because you've not been fuelling up and instead been witnessing your girl here doing the dosing up. Yes, word gets around in the demon circles. What kind of boyfriend lets the woman do all the work and not shoulder some of the responsibility huh? You need to also be drinking the blood if you're both to defeat Lilith. You both need to be stronger…a lot stronger.” She explained, looking mostly at Sam but shooting the odd glance at Anna in the process to truly drill her point across. “You can't kill Lilith solo, you HAVE to work as a team to do it, if she doesn't get stopped we're all bloody done for” she added, her tone a lot more serious than it was before. She had to make Sam drink more, she was done and tired of his detoxing and not drinking hers and other demon's blood. Too many demons were getting Scot free from him and Anna and that annoyed her greatly.

“It's not that simple Ruby, there's too many in our group to be able to do it on the downlow and after Dean-” Sam tried to reason, wanting to find another way for both him and Anna, but Ruby interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. “Dean Schean! For crying out loud Sam, the world does not revolve Alastair's little torture bunny!! He can't win against Lilith, that's how he got into Hell in the first place remember, trying to outsmart her. It's you two or it's the end of the damn world!” Ruby exclaimed. “If you don't want your little lover girl there to be Lilith's meatsuit bitch, then you both better start day drinking and I don't mean alcohol!” She practically ordered, throwing him a couple of drinks bottles full of demon blood. “And I ain't leaving until those are all empty” she stated, standing her ground, arms folding across her chest. “So drink up kids” she smirked.

Seeing Dean so proud of himself of putting such a mental image in her head, made Lexi just smirk and shake her head. Of course he would find pride and amusement in achieving such a thing. Out of him and Sam, Dean definitely came across as more of a joker than Sam did, but she didn't doubt for a second that Sam probably had his moments. When he mentioned about Sam having gone through a lot this last year, Lexi just assumed it was because of the hunting, leaving Anna behind and losing Mika. Not once did she think that Dean meant anything worse than that. So she didn't ask about what he meant.

It was easier to just force her mind back into the here and now and focus on what was going on with her car. The way Dean was working on it made Lexi think how Owen and he probably would have got on really well. They were so different in many ways but she just knew Owen would have appreciated Dean helping with the car and just willingly redoing what cost her over $400 in a so called professional garage. If anything, she could almost hear Owen's voice in her head complaining about how she didn't fight the cost and just straight up paid it. The thought was comforting and painful to think about, as even a year down the line, there wasn't a day that her heart didn't ache for the man.

She listened as Dean explained what the actual problem was and that it would be an easy fix, making her sigh with relief. As he continued speaking and tapping what he found to be the cause of the rattling noise she heard, she looked over to see, nodding in understanding. Like a lot of drivers, Lexi was someone who understood cars enough to be able to drive them and fix a tire if it needed it, but anything else more technical and she was out of her depth even though she swore to herself countless times, she would actually learn to know the ins and outs of her car better.

"Dean you are a life saver" she remarked when he finished, giving her the heads up about when the rest of leaked oil got burned away. Stepping back to give him room and not to block any of his light to work, she just hovered nearby as she couldn't think of anything else to do whilst she waited. She was just starting to zone out when he commented about changing the oil for her and getting the feeling ahe liked men with a little grease on them, making her almost choked on her own saliva as she looked at him to see he was smiling at her.

"What makes you think that about me huh?" She asked, trying to recompose herself. He was going to be the death of her if he kept up that grin and comments, but she was knew to keep that saying to herself as she didn't want to trigger him. "I'm totally one of those women" she retorted not sure if she was trying to convince him or herself more.


Sam gladly linked fingers back with Anya's as she gently tugged him towards the carriages, weaving in and out of the crowd to get there before they arrived. With the signal to get in, he let Anya in first, practically tiptoeing as she scooted along before he climbed in, realising just how these contraptions were not made for men of his height. 'if Dean could see me now... he'd never let me forget this' he thought to himself, glad that Dean wouldn't witness this.

He smiled as Anya pulled the blanket over both their laps, letting her curl up to his side, looping her arms through his. He never knew how much he had missed this interaction with a woman until Anya came along. With his own drink in his free hand, he glanced down seeing her type a message on her phone before handing it to him to read, rather than pressing play. Reading the message he couldn't help but smile lovingly at it. "It's not my favourite thing to do, you're right but it's also not the worst thing to be doing right now. I a really forgot how good it is to do something so....normal" he told her honestly.

"I'm glad you're around too and as much you think I'm helping you, you're also helping me Anya. I'm thankful I've met you" he told her honestly and sweetly. As the carriage ride started, he kept her close to him, looking out at the whole carnival and how happy it was making people. "Just promise me one thing Anya" he began to say, glancing down at her, "the further into this life you get? Don't ever lose your positivity. Try and hold onto it as tightly as possible. Our job likes to strip that from people." He quietly told her.

As she got ready, Mika hadn’t even thought about how they were going to convince the others to stay behind. Yet now Dean mentioned it, it was all she could think about. How were they going to convince the others not to follow them or that they couldn’t come along at all? She knew none of them were going to like it, hells, she didn’t even like it but it was better only she went with Dean, than Dean going alone. “I think promising her to try and get her our location will be the only way. I feel horrible leaving her behind, but I also don’t want her near the Angels or Alastair.” she replied with a sigh. As for Sam? She agreed it was better he wasn’t around and there. “I agree Sam sitting this out is also for the best. He needs to focus on the others and Anna right now, if he stays behind Nat will more likely stay behind willingly.” she added, thinking it through as they discussed the situation.

The more they both chatted about it, the heavier it felt on her heart and as much as she was determined to get Dean in and out safely and alive, she was also dreading losing Dean all over again. She noticed him walk over by his reflection in the mirror she was in front of brushing her hair, stopping when he made it to her and wrapped his arms round her from behind. Putting the brush down, she placed her hands on his arms, holding him in place as he whispered against her neck. “I promise you, with every fiber of my being I will be careful. I don’t plan on being torn away from you today, in any capacity.” she swore to him as he kissed her shoulder once more, the only person she let get anywhere near her scars. Turning to face him without leaving his arms, she held his face in both her hands, “Like you said, we’re both getting out of this in one piece. We’re gonna be smart and careful and come home to the others without a scratch” she told him.

Mika didn’t want to let him down or go. She swore to stay back unless it was absolutely necessary and that was exactly what she was going to do. She knew just as well as some of the others did what a fiery temperament she could have and how reckless she could be when it came to Dean, but she also knew this was one of those instances that she couldn’t be like that. She knew she had to play things smart and she didn’t want to be the reason he got hurt or distracted enough to be killed. The four months without him made her really see this life differently, now that she was back in the game after not leaving her room for those same four months.

Her words last night about wanting to try and fight for the opportunity to grow old with him and never leave him were one hundred percent true. There was no way she was going to put all that at risk. Dean was her end game, not death. “We can do this baby, you and me” she said softly before kissing him.


Cason’s confirmation that he was with her and she wasn’t trapped in the nightmare put her at ease. Nat found herself calming down as he stroked the back of her head as she spoke to him about what she felt this time round. Natalia also couldn’t figure out why he would want to love and be with someone like her, someone who felt so broken and was quite literally only half of the person she was, but she was so thankful that he was. He took these moments of hers in his stride and became her calming rock without a single complaint.

At his next reassurance that she didn’t have any violent attacks in her sleep for a change and he didn’t have to hold her down, unlike that one last time in the motel, she felt a huge sense of relief wash over her. Sure, he was a demon and could heal but she still didn’t want to cause him injury in the first place because she wasn’t in control of her sleeping body. The kiss to the tip of her nose brought the tiniest of smiles to her lips despite the stray tear that fell from her eye. “I’d rather not have to use you as a demonic punching bag, but I appreciate what you’re saying” she replied to him, giving him a small but genuine smile back at his teasing. He was unconventional in his approach toward her but it always somehow worked.

Partially pulling her head back so she could look at him properly, she leaned back in but this time to place a kiss on his lips before she snuggled back down and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m so glad we got at least a couple of days before anything crops up again.” She commented, just wanting to focus on anything that wasn’t hunting, Angels or demons related. If she could stay in bed all day with him, Nat would have been the happiest person in the house, but she knew eventually she and Cason would have to get up and see the others.


Sam smiled at the way Anna said there would be a million other ways he could make her smile before he tightly knit his lips together when she followed it up with an apology. He shook his head lightly at her words as he didn’t think it was warranted. Her sour mood was completely justified in his eyes as it was just a pure reaction to Dean’s actions. Dean hadn’t made it easy for her ever since she came back into their lives and that never sat well with him. If anything, he felt like he should be the one apologizing. His head shake was cut short though as she leaned up and pressed her lips against his, making him close his eyes and kiss her back. When she pulled away and tapped her fingers on his skin, he watched her innocent action. It made him remember the times they first met when they were really young kids and she convinced him to run off into the woods opposite the motel he, Dean and a visiting Mika were staying at. Back then, he was terrified of running off for a short while, but she gave him a sense of being a normal kid and it was still one of the best memories he had with her. Even if it was one where Dean and Mika went charging after the two of them to try and find him because they were worried sick about what happened to him. Thinking about it, Sam realized not much had really changed in their dynamic.

His thoughts broke up when Anna spoke once more and described things about him that he didn’t even know happened. She always somehow made him learn new things about himself, and he hoped she would never stop finding things to tell him about himself. “It is nice not having meddling demons in my mind” he chuckled softly. Like her, he wanted to take her away from everything, somewhere safe they could be a normal couple but he knew now he was back in the hunting world, there was no real out anymore. There was far too much at stake and he just knew deep down that if he tried to run off once again, something or someone would just drag him right back in.

So all he could do was take it one day at a time, one moment at a time even and hope they both made it out of all of this in one piece and together.

Then came a knock on the door that sounded urgent, but he knew it couldn’t be the motel manager as they still had quite a bit of time before they had to check out. Grumbling, wondering who it could be, he peeled himself away from Anna, sat up to grab his jeans and pull them on before he grabbed his gun and quietly crept to the door, peering out the spyhole to see Ruby standing there and looking anything but happy. Glancing toward Anna, he gave an apologetic look before opening the door to Ruby. “Now isn’t a good time Ruby” he told her, trying to get rid of her, but she just held up a finger as if to shush him.

“Well now I see why you ignored all my texts this morning” she smirked looking past him and over to Anna who was still in the bed. “Morning sunshine” she grinned before looking back at Sam. “well?” she asked with raised eyebrows, waiting for an answer from him. “I haven’t looked at my phone yet, we’ve not long been awake, give me a break” he replied, half lying as he had hoped he could have discussed Ruby’s texts with Anna before Ruby came bounding in and cornering him.

Lexi hadn't even noticed that Dean had followed her gaze to around the garage and onto Mika's old car. The car certainly felt like it belonged to one of their exes and from what she saw of their styles in the photos, it made sense to her that it would have belonged to Mika. She looked back at him when he mentioned that it at least wasn't the hoses causing her issues, which was one relief at least. Seeing Dean leaned over her hood and working, she knew she could get used to seeing that sight. There always was something about a handsome man working on a car that did it for her, it was just about not letting Dean in on that just yet.

She was about to reply to Dean about what had got him so grossed out over the garage and worried about what the hell they did to her car, when she had to read out the text from Anya. "That's what she's said in the group chat via Sam's phone." she told him as she watched his nose scrunch up at the information before the child like grin appeared on his face at the sheer mention of pie. He really was a simple man when it came to food and it made her chuckle at his reaction. "It's not difficult to get you Dean, a guy with simple pleasures in life, main one being pie" she teased with a smile. "But it's good to hear you like Anya, I get good vibes from the girl" she added.

Continuing her watch of him working, she listened to his theory about Anya having Sam wrapped round her little finger. A theory that although was entirely possible, seemed so out of character for the Sam she had grown to know. The mental image that followed of a bald Sam made her laugh and shake her head. "And now I have a mental image I don't think will ever leave my mind. Thanks for that." she giggled, shaking her head. "But maybe she'll be good for him ya know? She's so positive and bubbly, it's good for him to have that energy around him" she remarked, genuinely believing her words. She hoped Anya would be a good energy for Sam, just as she hoped she herself was a good energy for Dean to be around. He had such an infectious smile that she never wanted to see him lose.

"So uhh...you said you found the issue for the old girl smoking and making rattling noises?" she asked him, trying to get back on track in knowing what the garage did to her car as she tucked her phone in her jacket pocket and walked over to him, standing beside him whilst he worked.


Sam was prepared to casually walk toward the entrance and inside with Anya, but the moment she tugged him forward he couldn't stop the smirk and chuckle from erupting deep in his throat. She was so excited about what was going to be experienced at this place, that he couldn't even be mad she was dragging him around like a ragdoll. He thanked for the staff member for giving them a pamphlet, letting her look through it as she also looked around to see what she wanted to do first. He really did hate these places, he had been on too many hunts that resulted in them going to these kinds of places over the years, that they always left a bad taste in his mouth.

That didn't mean he wasn't prepared to at least try and enjoy himself for Anya as it was very clear she was loving every single moment and they had just arrived. "hmph!" left his mouth as he got yanked and dragged over to the drinks cart, the very action making him chuckle all over again. He just knew that this was going to be a constant whilst they were here and he made himself succumb to being dragged, pulled and tugged to whatever she wanted to do. At the coffee cart, he picked a drink of cider to her request and waited with her for their drinks.

Once they were given to them and he paid for them just before she tugged him to her next destination, sipping his drink as she did. He got a bit concerned at her wedging her drink in her arm as she typed a message to him, having preferred it if she asked him to hold her drink for her. Leaning down into the phone, he listened to the message and read it as he did so to make sure he didn't mishear anything and he had to smile at her message. Glancing at her face, seeing it so full of joy and happiness, he couldn't say no to her. "Okay, we can do a carriage ride whilst we have our drinks." he replied, whilst seeing her full of happiness as she took a big gulp of her hot drink. She was in her element and it was so incredibly endearing to witness.

Maybe this carnival wouldn't be so bad after all...
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