Okay, maybe saying Shu was all three wasn't exactly correct. Takeshi didn't know much about the whole baby making business but he knew it took two parents; a Saiyan and a human had made him, just as a Saiyan and a human had made Shu. Only difference between them was Shu spent his life living with monkeys, so he was more monkey-like. Otherwise things got really complicated and disturbing if you tried to describe how Shu somehow had different pieces of three peoples all together. Shuddering inwardly at the very idea of it Takeshi pushed that into the darkest recesses of his mind where he'd never think about it again, hopefully. "No, I don't mean I'm a bad person buddy, that's not it. I mean like I behave bad, you know?" the older boy said, sighing before looking ahead at Yumi, "At least she thinks I do, get it? Bad boys use bad language, good boys don't. You're a good boy, I'm a bad boy." Didn't get much more simplified than that, if Shu still didn't get it then he didn't know what the hell he could say. Laughing when his brother called him bad Takeshi freed one hand just enough to poke Shu in the side, sticking his tongue out for good measure. "I mean I know what we gotta do, I just don't know that stuff, you know? We'll find out what's going on when we get there, for now we just gotta find the place."
Though Yumi had stopped cracking jokes and being arguably crude she was still giggling, trying her best to suppress it and not agitate Viral further. Commenting on his lack of amusement at her antics she pursed her lips when he began arguing back, letting out a sigh before smiling slightly at her friend. "I'm not trying to distract you, I'm trying to help you and the boys keep relaxed. Being alert is fine, but there is such a thing as being too wound up." They were like a wire sometimes, too taught and ready to snap at the slightest move. While it wasn't such a bad idea to be aware of your surroundings when going into a fight too much caution could make you paranoid. Geoffrey had said something to that effect ages ago, about finding a balance between caution and relaxation, shame she couldn't recall the exact words now. How was he doing, she wondered to herself? Or the others they had met? Maybe once they were finished here a tour of their former battle sites wasn't a half bad idea, she missed some of those goofballs.
As Viral had requested she cut her antics and for a few minutes the group flew in relative silence. Aside from the wind rushing around her ears Yumi couldn't hear anything at all, even the ocean and forests below proving to be silent. What she initially took for being peaceful she now found a bit eerie, perhaps due to expecting a fight. Yet there was nothing. No animals calling out, no waves, the lack of any kind of vehicles was something unusual for them at this point too. For all her hypersensitive senses there wasn't a single thing she could pick out. For a few moments Yumi began to doubt the accuracy of their coordinates, worrying they might in fact be moving away from the facility. Should they double back? It would be a real hassle, but it'd be even more of a hassle to travel halfway across the world only to have to turn around.
"Hey Viral... Maybe we should try a different direction?" Yumi asked as she voiced her thoughts, "I don't mean to say you were wrong, just... It could be anywhere really." Glancing down at her friend for an answer she missed a sudden flash from an island ahead, only looking up when she noticed a sudden energy flying towards them. Gasping at the beam coming their way Yumi hoisted herself and her friend higher into the air to evade the attack, darting then to the right to avoid yet another. So much for not finding anyone! Drawing closer to the island she could see a handful of troops moving into the air, and what looked like cannons on the ground. So that's what was firing at them, just lovely. "Hang on, we need to get down there!" Lowering their altitude quickly she darted by a group of soldiers, looking back over her shoulder at Shu and Takeshi, "We got the cannons, get those guys!"
Takeshi was becoming fairly bored, flying about without a single thing to do. It must be equally boring for Shu who couldn't do anything other than watch the water race by, in fact he swore he could feel his brother's restlessness. Like Yumi he had begun to question their path right up until the first beam was fired, veering down closer to the water to avoid being knocked out of the sky. Cursing as another was fired at them he used his Ki to dash away, reappearing where they originally had been in the air. Well they found the bad guys anyways, though there was a serious lack of buildings on the island. "Ready buddy? Let's go kick some ass!" he exclaimed, taking Yumi's orders and flying up towards the soldiers. "Hang on one second buddy, this might scare ya a bit." Meeting the soldiers in mid-flight he threw Shu suddenly up over his head, taking the surprise to kick the nearest enemy away before catching Shu on his back, quickly placing his arms under his brother's legs. "Like before, I fly and you shoot!" Takeshi called, backing off a bit to distance themselves from the soldiers.
Though Yumi had stopped cracking jokes and being arguably crude she was still giggling, trying her best to suppress it and not agitate Viral further. Commenting on his lack of amusement at her antics she pursed her lips when he began arguing back, letting out a sigh before smiling slightly at her friend. "I'm not trying to distract you, I'm trying to help you and the boys keep relaxed. Being alert is fine, but there is such a thing as being too wound up." They were like a wire sometimes, too taught and ready to snap at the slightest move. While it wasn't such a bad idea to be aware of your surroundings when going into a fight too much caution could make you paranoid. Geoffrey had said something to that effect ages ago, about finding a balance between caution and relaxation, shame she couldn't recall the exact words now. How was he doing, she wondered to herself? Or the others they had met? Maybe once they were finished here a tour of their former battle sites wasn't a half bad idea, she missed some of those goofballs.
As Viral had requested she cut her antics and for a few minutes the group flew in relative silence. Aside from the wind rushing around her ears Yumi couldn't hear anything at all, even the ocean and forests below proving to be silent. What she initially took for being peaceful she now found a bit eerie, perhaps due to expecting a fight. Yet there was nothing. No animals calling out, no waves, the lack of any kind of vehicles was something unusual for them at this point too. For all her hypersensitive senses there wasn't a single thing she could pick out. For a few moments Yumi began to doubt the accuracy of their coordinates, worrying they might in fact be moving away from the facility. Should they double back? It would be a real hassle, but it'd be even more of a hassle to travel halfway across the world only to have to turn around.
"Hey Viral... Maybe we should try a different direction?" Yumi asked as she voiced her thoughts, "I don't mean to say you were wrong, just... It could be anywhere really." Glancing down at her friend for an answer she missed a sudden flash from an island ahead, only looking up when she noticed a sudden energy flying towards them. Gasping at the beam coming their way Yumi hoisted herself and her friend higher into the air to evade the attack, darting then to the right to avoid yet another. So much for not finding anyone! Drawing closer to the island she could see a handful of troops moving into the air, and what looked like cannons on the ground. So that's what was firing at them, just lovely. "Hang on, we need to get down there!" Lowering their altitude quickly she darted by a group of soldiers, looking back over her shoulder at Shu and Takeshi, "We got the cannons, get those guys!"
Takeshi was becoming fairly bored, flying about without a single thing to do. It must be equally boring for Shu who couldn't do anything other than watch the water race by, in fact he swore he could feel his brother's restlessness. Like Yumi he had begun to question their path right up until the first beam was fired, veering down closer to the water to avoid being knocked out of the sky. Cursing as another was fired at them he used his Ki to dash away, reappearing where they originally had been in the air. Well they found the bad guys anyways, though there was a serious lack of buildings on the island. "Ready buddy? Let's go kick some ass!" he exclaimed, taking Yumi's orders and flying up towards the soldiers. "Hang on one second buddy, this might scare ya a bit." Meeting the soldiers in mid-flight he threw Shu suddenly up over his head, taking the surprise to kick the nearest enemy away before catching Shu on his back, quickly placing his arms under his brother's legs. "Like before, I fly and you shoot!" Takeshi called, backing off a bit to distance themselves from the soldiers.