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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Okay, maybe saying Shu was all three wasn't exactly correct. Takeshi didn't know much about the whole baby making business but he knew it took two parents; a Saiyan and a human had made him, just as a Saiyan and a human had made Shu. Only difference between them was Shu spent his life living with monkeys, so he was more monkey-like. Otherwise things got really complicated and disturbing if you tried to describe how Shu somehow had different pieces of three peoples all together. Shuddering inwardly at the very idea of it Takeshi pushed that into the darkest recesses of his mind where he'd never think about it again, hopefully. "No, I don't mean I'm a bad person buddy, that's not it. I mean like I behave bad, you know?" the older boy said, sighing before looking ahead at Yumi, "At least she thinks I do, get it? Bad boys use bad language, good boys don't. You're a good boy, I'm a bad boy." Didn't get much more simplified than that, if Shu still didn't get it then he didn't know what the hell he could say. Laughing when his brother called him bad Takeshi freed one hand just enough to poke Shu in the side, sticking his tongue out for good measure. "I mean I know what we gotta do, I just don't know that stuff, you know? We'll find out what's going on when we get there, for now we just gotta find the place."

Though Yumi had stopped cracking jokes and being arguably crude she was still giggling, trying her best to suppress it and not agitate Viral further. Commenting on his lack of amusement at her antics she pursed her lips when he began arguing back, letting out a sigh before smiling slightly at her friend. "I'm not trying to distract you, I'm trying to help you and the boys keep relaxed. Being alert is fine, but there is such a thing as being too wound up." They were like a wire sometimes, too taught and ready to snap at the slightest move. While it wasn't such a bad idea to be aware of your surroundings when going into a fight too much caution could make you paranoid. Geoffrey had said something to that effect ages ago, about finding a balance between caution and relaxation, shame she couldn't recall the exact words now. How was he doing, she wondered to herself? Or the others they had met? Maybe once they were finished here a tour of their former battle sites wasn't a half bad idea, she missed some of those goofballs.

As Viral had requested she cut her antics and for a few minutes the group flew in relative silence. Aside from the wind rushing around her ears Yumi couldn't hear anything at all, even the ocean and forests below proving to be silent. What she initially took for being peaceful she now found a bit eerie, perhaps due to expecting a fight. Yet there was nothing. No animals calling out, no waves, the lack of any kind of vehicles was something unusual for them at this point too. For all her hypersensitive senses there wasn't a single thing she could pick out. For a few moments Yumi began to doubt the accuracy of their coordinates, worrying they might in fact be moving away from the facility. Should they double back? It would be a real hassle, but it'd be even more of a hassle to travel halfway across the world only to have to turn around.

"Hey Viral... Maybe we should try a different direction?" Yumi asked as she voiced her thoughts, "I don't mean to say you were wrong, just... It could be anywhere really." Glancing down at her friend for an answer she missed a sudden flash from an island ahead, only looking up when she noticed a sudden energy flying towards them. Gasping at the beam coming their way Yumi hoisted herself and her friend higher into the air to evade the attack, darting then to the right to avoid yet another. So much for not finding anyone! Drawing closer to the island she could see a handful of troops moving into the air, and what looked like cannons on the ground. So that's what was firing at them, just lovely. "Hang on, we need to get down there!" Lowering their altitude quickly she darted by a group of soldiers, looking back over her shoulder at Shu and Takeshi, "We got the cannons, get those guys!"

Takeshi was becoming fairly bored, flying about without a single thing to do. It must be equally boring for Shu who couldn't do anything other than watch the water race by, in fact he swore he could feel his brother's restlessness. Like Yumi he had begun to question their path right up until the first beam was fired, veering down closer to the water to avoid being knocked out of the sky. Cursing as another was fired at them he used his Ki to dash away, reappearing where they originally had been in the air. Well they found the bad guys anyways, though there was a serious lack of buildings on the island. "Ready buddy? Let's go kick some ass!" he exclaimed, taking Yumi's orders and flying up towards the soldiers. "Hang on one second buddy, this might scare ya a bit." Meeting the soldiers in mid-flight he threw Shu suddenly up over his head, taking the surprise to kick the nearest enemy away before catching Shu on his back, quickly placing his arms under his brother's legs. "Like before, I fly and you shoot!" Takeshi called, backing off a bit to distance themselves from the soldiers.
Yumi allowed herself another giggle when Viral became angry with her, thankful that this was working to distract not only herself but only him from what was coming up. "I would never try doing that, but I might accidentally cause it," she responded coyly, looking ahead as she smiled in amusement, "I can't be responsible for how you react, that's not fair." The laughs had helped settle her nerves and she could very clearly she see was riling up Viral, much as she'd like to continue joking now wasn't the time. At any rate they should be focusing on where they were going and finding the facility, it was their whole reason for being on this planet. Before she could get serious though she had to slip one final joke in there, giggling even when threatened by her friend. "I'll stop, I'll stop. Being a little silly now and again is good for you though! Being serious all the time is exhausting, don't you think?" It wouldn't hurt anyone to laugh or crack a smile now and again would it?

"I mean... Kind of? You're a Saiyan, but you were raised by monkeys, and you're... Kinda human? I mean you're a bit of all three, you know? So I guess it's okay that you lived in trees yeah?" Holy crap the little guy got excited over that, Takeshi had to readjust his grip as Shu began squirming about like some spastic kid. He wouldn't argue with his brother over the cities being noisy or smelly, there was a reason he had his home way out in the middle of nowhere instead of closer to East City. He still hated going into cities, though the one on Uuonoe didn't have as many problems as those on Earth did. Maybe it was just a human thing then, even Kortal hadn't been terribly bad with its cities. "Uh... You don't really need to say them, they're kinda bad words. I just say them because... I don't know, I'm bad?" Takeshi offered lamely with a small laugh, "You're... What, 16? So uh... I mean I think you're an adult when you're 18... Which means I'm not an adult either..." Maybe it was best they just ignore that whole conversation, if Shu started cussing because he thought it was okay then Yumi would not be pleased with him. As for the Beastmen and those involved in the project? "How should I know? I mean we can ask them when we get there, I'm sure they'll be happy to tell total strangers," Takeshi remarked sarcastically with a roll of the eyes, "We'll find out when we meet them I bet, we'll have to."
"Wow Viral, that's racist. Didn't think you had that in you," Yumi joked, barely able to suppress the laughter that followed, "I won't go into detail, don't worry. I don't like thinking about it anymore than you do." In fact she liked it even less considering she was a woman, being the one to actual do... That. Viral could complain all he wanted but it wasn't as though he as a man was ever going to have to go through that miserable experience. Giggling when Viral all but told her off she relented, deciding it was best she not anger him and actually force him to go on his own. Keeping him in her grasp she had barely gotten up before she overheard Takeshi speaking crudely towards Shu, irritating her and prompting her to shout at him for being an idiot. With that out of the way perhaps they could focus on travel now? Looking to Viral for direction she nodded when given some, a smile spreading across her face as she began flying. "Thank you for flying Air Yumi today, our arrival time should be in... A few minutes," she began, giggling before she looked down at her friend again, "Want some peanuts? Or I can sing, there's no television on this flight." It might be driving him insane but the joking around was helping her nerves a little, she'd keep it up for her own sake.

"Well people need trees to live, they make air for us to breathe. That's why there's trees, it's not really so people live in 'em. I mean monkeys live in them, and you live in them, but... I mean how many people did you see in the city living in trees?" He supposed there was nothing inherently wrong with trees or anything like that yet they just weren't what he imagined someone calling a "home". After using a cuss word as he often did he found himself chewed out by Yumi, both by swearing and for being an idiot and trying to argue back. Rolling his eyes as she backed off he let out a sigh, smiling slightly amused as Shu kept questioning him. "Just use butt, okay? What I said is an adult word, you don't need words like that, you know? Butt works just fine. And yeah we're going to kick their butts." Anyone involved in this thing deserved to get their butt kicked, from the scientists doing the work to the Saiyans making sure it got done, everyone was guilty and had this coming. Seeing Yumi moving away he started following after her and Viral, not wanting to fall behind and get lost on this planet. "You mean people who are turned into Beastmen? Uh... I mean we're here to save them aren't we?" Takeshi asked uncertainly, furrowing his brow as he thought about it, "I mean... They didn't ask for this, right? So we save 'em, normal Saiyans we fight."
Clearly her joking around and light-hearted banter wasn't calming Viral quite as she'd hoped. Everyone was stressed over this mission but they should really try to laugh or smile, it made things less stressful. Still she should try to joke around a little to help everyone relax even if it wasn't working out initially. "Uh... Actually gender makes a difference in a lot, now that you mention it," Yumi retorted, holding up a hand and counting off her fingers, "Body shape, plus I guess women and men are better at some things than the other, like oh I don't know... Having kids?" Suppressing laughter as she no doubt just disturbed Viral to no end she grabbed hold of him beneath his arms and lifted him up, getting well over the trees so they could pick a direction to head in. "I never said it was better, I said you could do it if you'd prefer. I can't know what it is you want," she answered back before looking over at the brothers. Seeing them in the air as well she smiled and glanced at her passenger curiously, "Well, which way do we go? Just point it out and I'll get moving."

"Well... But what about folks who don't use trees, you know? Just saying buddy, because you like trees doesn't mean everybody does. They're not like smoothies, everyone loves smoothies." Takeshi didn't mind trees as long as they weren't in the way of his house, which he figured was probably the reason anyone got rid of a tree, to make room. There were probably loads of trees back where East City was ages ago, now it was all buildings and roads, that was just how things worked really. Not every planet could be like T'charrl's and overflowing with trees. Grabbing Shu as Yumi and Viral took to the air he waited for his brother to get a secure hold, smiling amused when he used a curse word. "Heh, uh well kicking Saiyan ass means-"

"TAKESHI! Don't teach him that word!" Yumi screamed across the way, narrowing her eyes at the eldest brother, "I'll come over there if you keep talking like that!"

"And do what, your hands are full!" Takeshi shot back, feeling somewhat bold today. That bravery was quickly washed away when Yumi started coming over, quickly clamming himself up and shaking his head which to his relief staved off her fury. Exhaling as she turned away from them he smiled in exasperation before looking down at Shu, his eyebrow twitching in mild irritation. "Ah... Saiyan butt buddy, don't use that word. Just because I use a word doesn't always mean you should," he pointed out dutifully, though there was no small degree of annoyance towards Yumi in his voice, "It means we're going to go fight them and make them pay for the people they hurt and all that, you know? And it doesn't mean we'll actually kick their butt, it's uh... Something you say when you're going to fight someone."
Yumi was just trying to keep the mood light with a little joking around, but clearly Viral wasn't having any of it. Being all stern and overly serious was just exhausting, you had to know when to laugh or relax. She supposed though carelessness was bad here too given what they might be getting themselves into, but still cracking a smile wouldn't be awful. With the shuttle properly concealed they should be on their way with their search as the longer they stuck around the greater chance they might be spotted. But where did they go? Other than vague coordinates they had nothing do go on, and with islands so sparsely spread out it wasn't as though there were many markers to go off of. They would find it though, Viral would somehow pick it up even if it was hidden. "What does my height have to do with any of this? That's awfully rude you know," Yumi teased, adopting a faux-offended expression as she released Viral's arm. "Or is it because you're humiliated to be helped by a woman? I get it, you don't want my help because of that." Huffing she turned around briefly and folded her arms, suppressing a giggle before turning back and grabbing hold of her friend by his sides, slowly lifting them up into the air. "You're coming with me no matter what, unless you want to fly with Shu or Takeshi?"

If Shu wanted answers he'd have to talk to someone a bit smarter than he was, all he could do was try to dismiss problems or distract him. Doing just that Takeshi tried making trees the big topic for them and was relieved when Shu bought into it. "Yeah they take a while, but they'll grow back and that's what's important, you know? And who knows how the trees grow here, maybe they grow really fast!" Whatever helped Shu sleep better at night, though of all the things to fret over why did it have to be a handful of trees? Talk about some weird priorities. Seeing Viral and Yumi preparing to get a move on he figured they should as well, getting ready to piggyback his brother until the little guy brought up another idea. "Huh, you wanna do that again? Sure, I mean it worked really well and all so why not?" Made it a bit easier on the both of them and if nothing else it was practice for Shu. Copying what Yumi was doing he linked his arms beneath Shu's and held him against his chest before slowly flying up, smirking as he met their friends in the air. "Alright, let's go kick some Saiyan ass!"
It was all a simple misunderstanding... Or something. Besides what fun is an RP if everything is hunky dory? ;P
"N-No, I don't doubt that Viral! I'm just saying it's a big planet, and we really didn't have too much to go on to start with. I mean sure we had coordinates, kind of, but can we check those now?" She wasn't completely sure how all of that worked, she knew what coordinates were and that was about it. As far as signaling went she didn't think it was such a good idea considering it now; even if they moved the signal would have come from the ship, if they moved then the ship would still be in the same spot, didn't matter where they went. She would just have to trust Viral knew where to go and follow his lead then. Continuing to lay down branches on the shuttle they made certain to cover every square inch they could, with Yumi being particularly uncertain about this camouflage of theirs. Shy of digging a hole and burying their ship though it wasn't going to get much better than this.

Takeshi wished he could give Shu the answers he wanted, but he wasn't going to pretend to have them either. Their father had to have reasons for what he did and while they were never explicitly stated he was sure they were lousy ones; kidnapping your sons and their friend, subjecting two to experimentation and the other into conscripted service, nothing justified that kind of treatment. It was a miracle Shu was even as cheery as he had been recently given how much had been done to him, he had every right to be as bitter and angry as his older brother. "Well know the nice thing about trees? Give it enough time and they grow back, so they won't be gone forever. And like I said there's loads more, so it's not like we got rid of them all," Takeshi explained, pausing and pulling Shu aside as Yumi came over and laid branches over the door to conceal it. "I doubt they're eating leaves, huh? Probably something growing in here that whatever lives here eats, or maybe they eat fish from the water, who knows." Did people even live on this planet? They hadn't seen the entire world to be fair so there could well be a city somewhere, though the world felt oddly empty to have one.

There, that should do it! From here on the ground it looked out of place but a quick glance above reassured Yumi their cover wasn't nearly as bad as she feared. If anyone got close enough they would obviously notice something was amiss, especially if they checked the recently overturned soil where she'd uprooted the trees, but it was as good as they'd get. Dusting her hands off again she smiled at the three men of the group, going to Viral's side and grabbing hold of his arm with a wink. "That does that, which means its time for us to fly. How do you want to do this, ride on my back or I'll carry you?" she asked, tilting her head as she sized her friend up, "If I'm carrying you I'll probably hold you under your arms, if that's okay. Otherwise it could be a little awkward."
"Sorry about that, I'll be nice to the windows," Yumi said with a smile, floating down and beginning to tear limbs free from the trees. She wasn't sure how well this would work either, it would be pretty obvious after all it was just a pile of branches on the ground. Their only hope was no one would bother coming to investigate it thoroughly and discover the ship buried beneath them. With Viral piling up branches as well she began taking from his pile too, doing her best to make their obvious pile seem as natural as possible. "So do you have any idea how we're going to find this place? I never saw anything while we were flying," Yumi mentioned as she set down a branch and dusted her hands free of chips, "I'd say let's try that signal thing now, it's maybe our best chance. And they're only going to find us if they're looking for us right? Maybe we can do it quick enough they don't notice?" Otherwise she didn't know how they found find it save for flying all over the whole planet. That would work, but it would mean using loads of Ki just moving around trying to find the building. If it was under water too they might never find it, hopefully Viral had some other plan in mind.

Shu was going to have to get comfortable with the idea of fighting pretty quick here, they weren't going to be able to put it off forever. Of course to fight they were going to need to find the damn place first and so far they hadn't a clue where to look. With the ship setting down Takeshi got himself out of his harness before beginning to do Shu's as well, sighing when he continued to press the subject of their father. "I don't know buddy, you'd have to ask him yourself, I can't tell you why he did what he did," the older boy answered, throwing the straps aside for his brother to get out, "Anyone else I'd say he was trying to help you, but I mean... This is our old man, he's not exactly the nicest guy around, you know? If he wanted to help he picked a really crappy way of doing it." Waving Shu along to get out of the shuttle as well he shut the door behind them, raising an eyebrow as he saw Yumi and Viral covering their ship up in branches. "Well... Maybe there was nothing living in these ones then. Maybe they left because of that reason, because some predator wanted to eat them. So who knows, we might have just done them a favor," Takeshi mused, shrugging his shoulders before giving Shu a smile and ruffling his hair, "Don't worry too much, okay buddy? There's loads of trees here, I doubt we took away the only home they could have."
They couldn't keep fighting like this, the bandits and the men in suits were just too much for them. If they stayed around much longer and continued to fight on someone was going to be seriously hurt or worse. After sending Amuné down after Cecil, Ethan took a moment to gauge his options; the fighting was worst up above deck, yet if he left Amuné and Cecil without help this woman might go after them. If he could get those two, get back onto the deck, then maybe they had a fighting chance. At least to get out of here, he no longer cared for the job they were on. Taking advantage of the woman's dazed state he rushed for the stairs leading deeper into the ship's belly, desperate to grab his friends and go. Before he'd even reached the bottom of the steps the sound of wood shattering spooked him, and after a brief pause he raced into the hull to find it... Empty. Baffled Ethan entered the room and glanced up at the hole above him, astonished to find it led all the way up and out of the ship. And way up in the air above? Cecil and Amuné.

By this time there were scarcely any bandits left, then it was simply dispatching the children to finish up here. These criminals were already pitifully warn out from such poorly trained fighters and it made them easy picking, they would be done with this job in no time. Dispatching another man with an overcharged shock the four men advanced further onto the deck, heading for where Nymira and Zander were taking refuge from their attackers. Using the ice gauntlet they destroyed a handful of crates and slowly whittled away their limited cover, making a sort of sick game out of uncovering their location. "Come out and surrender, save everyone the trouble," the man with the gauntlet taunted, taking aim at another set of crates. Out of his view Nymira was tensing up behind the thin material, bracing for the sting of ice tearing through her flesh.

Expecting an attack on her person Nymira prepared for the worst, and yet it appeared it wasn't her who was under attack. The sound of the deck being split and wood scattering all over was the first sign something had changed. Lifting her chin she glanced up in the air curiously and gawked at Cecil high above in the air, Amuné tucked under one of his arms as he dropped back to the floor. In a vicious display his hand shot out and grabbed hold of the man with the gauntlet, yanking him headfirst into the hard floor before the limb retracted. Now fully alerted to the new threat the other three men turned on Cecil, yet that didn't prepare them for his onslaught. Another was taken by the neck and lifted high, thrown down then onto the deck with a bone shattering crunch that made even her seasoned stomach churn uncomfortably. Where was all of this coming from? How was he doing this?

"A Machina?! Damn it, put that thing down!" the lead man shouted, glaring at Cecil as he flicked the lightning rod to its full length. Seeing the hand come for him this time he swiftly ducked to the side to avoid being grabbed, a bandit becoming the next victim as he was grabbed by the head, Cecil's massive palm covering his face and pushing him back and into a wall, denting the structure and practically embedding him there. A combat class, here? None of them should even by out yet never mind in the hands of some bandits, just what in the world was happening here? Growling in frustration he glared at his final remaining ally and gestured towards Cecil, determined to have him beaten. "Tear him apart and bring me his core, I'm not going to allow this to go on any longer!"

Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong here. As Ethan was racing up the stairs he could hear men yelling and the sound of something slamming into the deck, something human. He had just come up through the door of the cabin when the bandit was thrown back into a wall, his eyes widening seeing the blood splatter as his body all but crumpled from the impact. This wasn't right, this wasn't right at all! They were supposed to be using non-lethal tactics, nothing came of their killing anyone. Heroes didn't take lives, they found ways to solve problems without doing that! "Cecil, stop! Don't hurt them!" Ethan shouted, scrambling out to try and put a stop to things.

"You got it, I'll tear this heap of scrap into shreds," the man responded, grinning as he reached into his coat. Pulling free a two-pronged blade he flipped a switch on it, a spark igniting in between the halves before flames engulfed the blade itself, glowing white with intense heat. This would sever his metal body in a single strike, no fancy machinery was going to help him with this. Advancing on Cecil he prepared to take a first strike, raising his arm to swing the blade and send an arc of fire his way. At the height of his swing however the flame was suddenly snuffed out, a strong gust of wind reducing his intense fire to nothing more than smoldering embers. Baffled the man looked to his side and saw Ethan standing there, turning to raise his weapon on him as well. Before he could get his sword lit again he found himself on his back, having been tripped up by a wire that somehow ended up behind him, before a knee was driven into his back and the sword wrenched from his grasp. Trying to break free the man found a blade at his throat then, unable to move at all now.

"Cecil. Put Amuné down and step away from her," Ethan said firmly, sounding unusually cold as he kept his eyes on the man beneath him. The sound of electricity crackling made him turn his head to the final man advancing on him, glaring at the weapon in his hand. Releasing his grasp on his captive's arm he threw a hand to the side and knocked the final man into a wall nearby, knocking him out on the impact. Then, grabbing a hand full of his captive's hair he slammed the man's face into the deck, probably breaking his nose as he knocked him out as well. "We're not supposed to kill, you know we're not supposed to," he continued, finally getting to his feet. Despite his face glistening with sweat and feeling incredibly lightheaded from expending so much magic he stalked towards the Machina, reaching out when he got there and taking a handful of his shirt, pulling him close, "So why are you killing people, huh?!" Ethan screamed, tears welling up in his eyes as he shouted, "We're the good guys, we don't do that!"

Was that it then? The fight was over? The men had taken care of the bandits for them and Ethan just knocked the final two out, so that must mean they had won. Nymira couldn't relish that fact however as it appeared two of their own were about to get into it, furrowing her brow as Ethan began screaming. Where was his happy, absurd demeanor? This was unusual, was he like this before they met? Using the crate at her back for support the Dimuran pushed herself to her feet, wincing as her body threatened to collapse under its own weight, the exhaustion taking its toll. "Don't fight you two, we're comrades. And we've won, it doesn't matter what happened or how..." Nymira interjected, sighing as she watched Ethan continue to glare at Cecil, "He saved our lives, that should absolve him of anything he might have done. Just let it go."
"You're an Earth-shark, we're not on Earth. Besides, don't sharks attack sharks?" Yumi asked quizzically, not sure whether that was even true or not. Rather than argue with Viral any more or play trivia she opted to go ahead and secure them a landing spot, and to do so she had to clear some trees below. Not a problem, something as simple as that she could do in no time. After just a moment of picking out the perfect site for it she went ahead and knocked down one tree after another, maybe even getting a bit carried away as she made sure there was more than enough room for their ship. Once satisfied it was large enough she flagged her friends down to join her, stepping away as the shuttle set down on the soil. "See, nothing to it! Our ship should be just dandy as long as we keep it hidden here," Yumi declared with a smile, walking up to the cockpit and hovering before it, playfully knocking on the window before Viral, "Think we should try hiding it some more? Maybe... I don't know, put some branches over it? I mean its kind of exposed now that there's no trees here."

"Yeah fighting can be bad, but sometimes you gotta do it, you know? I mean if there's bad guys hurting people then sometimes its the only way to stop them. If you want to just do good then fight the bad guys, and keep people safe and all that." Seemed fairly straightforward to him when he put it that way. There were good and bad ways to do anything, not just fighting, and Shu always fought for good. The little guy didn't have anything to worry about, it wasn't like he had a track record of doing bad things as the older boy did. "I mean... I don't know buddy, I really don't. If he was trying to make it so you could control yourself then maybe that's why?" It was beyond them to explain why the King did what he did, and frankly Takeshi couldn't care less what the reasons were: conscripting and torturing your own children and their friends was a shitty thing to do, no reason would justify what had been done. Watching Yumi leave the ship he went silent for a moment before blinking curiously as the sound of trees crashing sounded off, glancing to Shu as he expressed his worry over it. "Uh... Well there are other trees down there, yeah? They'll find another home, that's all!" he chuckled nervously, silently wondering why of all things that was what had Shu bothered.

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