Avatar of GambolMuse


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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
7 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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I'm sure it's all good :D Caboose is quite busy too so we're just going as we can, no rush! :3
"That's the spirit buddy! We might not be able to kill the things, but we sure as hell can hurt 'em. They're all mean monsters so don't hold back against them," Takeshi winked, a little excited at the prospect of Shu going to town with the staff. Sure the little guy hadn't had much in the way of formal training but it was just a staff, you swung it and hit things, not the most technical of weapons. Same with his sword even if Viral insisted there was much more to it than that. Before they got moving he wanted to try and check on T'charrl, see how he was holding up. Even from where they were it was pretty obvious the guy was nervous and Haku was too by the looks of it. "Don't jinx it T'charrl, I'm sure we're close!" Takeshi said with a smirk, "We'll get plenty of peace after we blow away these things, and then some. We'll definitely have to celebrate when we get back to Uuonoe."

Yumi hoped Viral might have some answers for them, why they hadn't managed to find anything yet. She was used to getting right into the fray after setting down so having it be so calm and quiet was a bit unusual, almost unsettling in a way. When all she got in return for her question were a bunch of "what-ifs" she let out a sigh, nodding once and glancing back at the trees at their back. "I thought they might be waiting but I don't smell any of them. The last time we fought, that big one and the one at the lake, they have a certain smell. I don't know what to call it but they definitely smell unique," she explained, furrowing her brow as she looked at the sea of grass before them, "Even on this planet I think I would recognize it. I don't think we're near them yet." Of course they could be and they were just masking their scent too. Animals did it on Earth, one of the few things she'd ever actually learned from Takeshi.

"There are none here, she's right, I can't smell anything," Eris added in, frowning as she scanned the grass with her sharp gaze. A few blades of grass here and there shifted, probably a small animal running from them, but otherwise the area was calm as could be. The most movement came from the occasional breeze that created ripples and otherwise it almost seemed like they were the only ones here at the moment. Well that was fine, if there was nothing happening then she could take this time to impress herself upon Viral some more. Smiling slyly she tried approaching him from behind, growling as Orion grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her back, sneering up at him as she was placed at his side. "Hands off beta, I'll do what I want!"

Orion rolled his eyes and brushed off Eris' immature complaining, hardly caring at this point, he was used to it. "We're here to eliminate an enemy, not try and find a mate. There's a time and place Eris, this isn't either of those." With his stature making him the largest here he could see a good ways over the area and his senses were just as powerful, with his hearing easily being his strongest sense. He could hear the skittering of a small animal just a few meters to their left, the beating wings of a bird a few dozen meters above, yet aside from those there was nothingness. "Viral? When we do find these beasts I suggest we work in pairs of two, we're accustomed to one another already. As our commanding officer I understand if you have another plan, I just wanted to put that idea out there."

"Oh have a pair will you Orion? It's not like we're going to be killed if we disobey here," Eris jabbed, growling as a taller blade of grass smacked her in the face, causing her to tear it and throw it aside, "Pairs of two works best anyways. I don't trust the other female to be coordinated enough to work in a team of four."

"Oh? Funny, I was just thinking the same thing," Yumi retorted haughtily, "Besides, I don't see how Viral will be able to focus when you're trying to get in his pants every five steps."

"Aw, do you feel threatened? Maybe if you weren't so inadequate you wouldn't need to be!"

Orion had to yet again grab Eris from attacking this time, and also Yumi who had lunged at her. Holding a woman at arm's length on either side of himself he let out a long sigh, looking at Viral with an exasperated expression on his face. "I definitely think two teams will work best."

"Yeah, it just sort of seems... Barren..." Haku commented as he watched T'charrl take flight, a little relieved his friend hadn't spotted anything. "Maybe, I just hope we find them before they find us. Especially in this grass..." It was kind of creepy not being able to see what was around you like this, he'd much prefer to fly over it if it could be helped yet none of the Beastmen could fly. Sighing to himself he pet the spirit as it licked his cheek, wondering if his little companion might be able to help them. "I was thinking earlier... About your powers. Do uh... Do planets all feel the same? Like does this world feel the same as Uuonoe?" he asked thoughtfully, smiling as the spirit nuzzled into his cheek, "Just... People have different powers, right? You can tell who is who. If worlds are the same... Maybe you need to, I don't know... Get that power before you can help?" He'd taken a bit of that from Vegeta honestly after sharing what they had done, or most of it, but he wanted to bounce it off of T'charrl himself.

Ignoring the cat fight happening in the back of the group Vegeta tried to get some bearings on which direction they were heading. Using the sun as a guide wasn't any use, sunrise and sunset differed on worlds and so that wasn't a reliable source. Nor was using a compass, meaning the best they could hope for was to find some landmass or a marker of sorts to navigate by. Taking flight temporarily he rose up over the fields and peered in each direction, trying to find a break in the grass. Off to their left, roughly 45 degrees seemed to be a high rise plateau, and with luck the edge of this place. At the very least that would provide a bit of a vantage point for them to figure out where they might go next. "Everyone start heading to the left, there's a plateau we can use," he called back, gesturing in the direction as he set down. Thankfully the sun wasn't too bothersome in spite of being out in the open, the planet felt remarkably cool in fact.
"'Course it's okay, I said so didn't I?" Takeshi asked, smirking as he handed the staff over to Shu, "I know you didn't get much practice, but better now than never, right? And I mean you don't gotta use it, but it's there if you want it, you know?" He planned on using his sword just because Ki seemed to be pretty useless against most of those things, and beating it to death seemed like it took too long to do. Granted he hadn't gotten terribly much in the way of practice either but he'd do his best to make use of the weapon. Vegeta sounded like he was about ready to get going and the Beastmen definitely were, everyone was itching to get this underway and over with. Except maybe T'charrl and Haku, they weren't even trying to hide the fact they were nervous. Going over to the Kaesstrian he moved to reach out and pat him on the back, pausing and instead nudging his friend's arm to get his attention. "Hey, ready to kick some monster ass?"

Seemed like there was no issue with moving along, best to get this underway then. With no means of accurately pinpointing the rift they had to wander essentially and hope to find it then, and since flying might cause them to pass it by they would be going on foot. The creature had mentioned distortions around rifts so they had something to go on at least. Vegeta decided to take point as he headed out into the field they had landed in, wading through the knee high grass as he looked around for any signs. Being an alien world it was hard to know what was unusual and what wasn't here, the blue grass at their feet already confusing enough. Air shimmering, unusual vents of heat, or a couple of creatures roaming around, these should be telltale signs for a rift before them. Of course half of those could simply be a natural occurrence on the world as well. Damn it all, with no natives here to act as guides they couldn't exactly ask anyone either, it was going to be a bit of a trek.

Yumi didn't know what exactly they were looking for aside from some apparent hole where the monsters would be emerging from. She could try smelling them out if the entire world wasn't just a platter of odd odors, she couldn't differentiate anything here. They would just have to get lucky and manage to find it she supposed, and who knows how long that might take. "I wish they had something about this world before we came here, but Korian couldn't even share anything," she muttered to no one in particular, turning her head then to speak to Viral, "Why do you suppose the monsters would be sprouting up here? Everywhere else there have been people but there's nothing here, I don't get it. You would think there's something they might be after... But all I see is grass..."

"Man this stuff is itchy, it keeps tickling me too," Haku mumbled, keeping behind T'charrl as they walked. Behind him the spirit nipped at his heels playfully before jumping up, perching on his shoulder for a ride. Aside from his friend no one else in the group could see it and as such they kept it between them for now; no sense in having everyone think he was insane for playing with imaginary creatures. Still when it licked his cheek he couldn't help but laugh, giving it a petting happily. "This world is nice, don't you think? It's... Odd looking, but it's nice. I kind of wish we were just here on vacation instead of fighting."
An amused smirk crossed Nymira's features as Amuné accepted her coin. "Nor would I expect you to. It would be disappointing if all it took were some coins to buy your loyalty" the Dimuran mused, deciding to leave the girl be for now. Just as well as the rest of their company was joining them now, and she had to question the point of trying to speak to Ethan, the Muran quite disabled thanks to his night of drinking. Nor did Geoffrey's line of questioning make terribly much sense to her if the confused look on her face was any indication. "Er... Getup? Finery...?" she repeated with a furrowed brow. It sounded like good things, probably, though she hadn't a clue. Glancing at Amuné perhaps for some indication on what it meant it appeared as though the little girl was equally as puzzled. Or she wasn't paying any mind to the conversation.

All of this shouting was killing him, his head felt like it was in a vice. Ethan would never drink again after this, he'd learned his lesson. Thinking perhaps the yelling was over he winced inwardly when Zander shouted at Geoffrey, cringing again when the healer slammed down in the seat beside him. Lifting his head he looked to his side and managed a smile despite himself, forcing himself then to sit upright. "What are you talking about? I feel completely fine!" he lied, grinning as he stuck his thumb at his chest, "Couldn't be feeling better actually!" No sooner had he uttered that did one of the workers at the tavern bust through the door, shouting behind him as he carried out a tray of mugs. Immediately Ethan let out a whimper and hid his head under his arms, trying to drown out the noise.

"I uh... I think we will be skipping the Seamstress today actually. I don't know if I'm quite in the mood for it," Nymira said, gesturing to her well worn cloak, "I had this fashioned for me before leaving, it's important. Is it filthy? Of course, but I don't intend on getting rid of it even if I do buy something new. Wouldn't be right." Just as she wouldn't be rid of the brace on her left arm, a piece courtesy of their tanner back in her clan's grounds. It had saved her life a few times already and it had the slashes to show for it, she'd be a fool to be rid of such a piece. "It's as Amuné said anyway, she has clothes and she doesn't need anything more, we should be fine with what we have." For the time being anyways, being able to wash your clothing certainly made wearing it constantly less unpleasant.

"That being said we should be sure we have everything we need for our travels, which means we'll still go to the markets," Nymira continued as she looked over at Zander, "Simply because you're along doesn't mean we shouldn't stock up on medicine. And while we're at it we should perhaps get some proper tools. An axe for lumber, perhaps a box of tinder, I'd prefer not having to light every fire we make. We should also but some metal from the blacksmith, if they have any to spare. I can maintain my daggers and any tools we have if I have material to work with." There was likely more along the way they would need, which was fine, she would pay for whatever they needed. It did of course occur to Nymira that her pouch was certainly lighter than it had been, and even if she didn't appreciate the value of the money she recognized when she was getting low on funds. With luck they had enough to get them at least to the next town.

"Probably should see a blacksmith about something for me too, I don't have anything to fight with," Ethan chimed in as he raised his hand halfheartedly. The sound of a worker slamming down a tray on the counter made him groan and cover his ears, finally getting up from his seat at the bar. "I'm going to go get Cecil and we should get going then. It's probably quieter our there." Figuring he knew exactly where the Machina was he hurried across the room, as fast as he could shuffle anyways, pulling the door open and immediately regretting his decision as sunlight assaulted his eyes. Covering them briefly he had to shield his eyes then with his hand, emerging from the tavern and out onto the street. Sure enough Cecil was still sat atop the roof, as he likely had been all night. "Hey Cecil! Time to go!" he shouted, gritting his teeth as his own shouts irritated him. Worst morning ever.
"Yeah, just silly. You know we know how to fight and we have all this new stuff to try, so relax! We've got this buddy!" Takeshi said encouragingly, smiling as he figured Shu was actually cheering up now. There was one thing he wanted to remind his brother of though, and he did so with a ruffling of his hair. "And hey... It's okay to be a little nervous, you know? But you don't gotta be scared, there's a lot of us and we're all strong, including you. Like I said, just stick with me and you'll be fine buddy." He wouldn't let any of those things hurt Shu, he'd tear them to pieces if they so much as tried. It wasn't like they had a tough job anyways, just kill some of the creatures while the others took care of the rest. Glancing over his shoulder at the sword on his back Takeshi smirked, eager to use the weapon for a change against those things.

Haku hated seeing T'charrl so uneasy so he had to try something, even if he didn't exude confidence himself. For what little it was worth he'd keep to his friend's side as much out of self-preservation as he would be trying to lend a hand. "Heh... Y-Yeah, good thing I'm small," he chuckled nervously, rubbing at his neck before shaking his head, "And I don't care, I mean... You're soft, it's nice actually. I don't mind at all." He knew Takeshi had some weird thing about it and Haku couldn't understand it, how could anyone dislike how T'charrl felt? It was a lot like some of the animals back on Earth in a way, short bristly hair that was soft if you touched it right. Plus the spirit was along for the ride, it could maybe help out too if they needed it.

The shuttle had finally landed down and Vegeta shut down the systems, opening it up to let everyone out. Probably a good thing he'd done it when he had, as soon as he came into the hold of the shuttle he found Eris and Yumi glowering at one another, Viral at his feet and already leaving the ship. Rolling his eyes he stood between them and cleared his throat, motioning towards the door. "Let's go ladies, there will be time later to fight over Viral's affection," Vegeta said impatiently, wanting to get things underway as soon as possible. Eris gave him a curt stare before getting up and going out with Orion, but Yumi lingered and got to her feet, staring at him testily. Letting out a sigh he folded his arms and stared right back, arching an eyebrow at her slightly reddened cheeks. "It was a joke, I get it. We don't know her and you don't want her possibly hurting Viral, I'm the same way. Just don't expect me to cozy up to him to do that," he said before leaving as well, leaving a puzzled Yumi behind.

"For a smart guy... He sure is stupid..." Yumi mumbled in amazement, shaking her head in disbelief then smiling amused. It looked like Aito had kept his word and not shared the information about what he had seen. Good, one other person knowing already was too much. Taking some relief from that she headed towards the exit as well, pausing as she ran into Shu and Takeshi along the way. Giving the former a happy smile she reached down, ruffling his hair gently before waving to him. "We both have our jobs to do, so be safe! I want to celebrate with some fruit after!" she said, glancing at Takeshi and pointing at him sternly, "Both of you, be safe. And don't put your eye out with that dang thing." Stepping out of the shuttle herself then she went over to where Viral, Eris and Orion were gathered, smiling at the former as she placed her hands behind her back. "Excited yet?"

"Yeah, we'll show them just how strong you are!" Takeshi agreed with a grin, going to pat Shu again before stopping as Yumi butt in. Looking at her as she gave Shu a little word of encouragement he recoiled when she was much more stern with him, nodding nervously and watching her leave. "Man... She's always so nice to you, not fair you know?" Shaking his head the older boy paused before living the shuttle, reaching under the seat and fetching something wrapped in a blanket. Giving Shu a knowing smile he unwrapped it to reveal the staff he'd bought Shu in a harness, offering it out to his brother to take. "Remember this thing? Figured you could try using it here, it's like smacking things with a stick," Takeshi offered as a lame explanation, scratching his cheek as he left the ship, "Well... It's a big stick, but you get the idea. No better way to practice than by doing right?"

Once everyone had exited the shuttle Vegeta sealed it back up, not wanting anything wandering inside while they were off on business. "So everyone knows the plan, right? Stick together until we find this rift, then we split up and do our jobs," he recounted, stepping over with the others on his group. Viral would be the leader of the Beastmen and he'd be in charge of the rest, with luck everything would go well. "Everyone has been given scouters to use as communications, we don't know if the signal will hold through the rift or not, so don't be too shocked if the lines go down. According to what we were told the rift won't close until whatever is keeping it open is killed, and there should be a few moments after that before it does seal itself up. Once you finish on the other side get back here as soon as you can, we'll kill whatever else makes it through and stay until its completely sealed."
"Come on buddy, you know we're plenty strong enough. I mean we know there's stuff like that now, you know? Before it was the little guys but this time we'll be ready." Well prepared or not they were going off to fight again, Shu had best get comfortable with that idea before they had their boots on the ground. No surprises that didn't do much to reassure his brother, maybe something more would do the trick? "Hey... Look at it this way: we're all here, me, Yumi, Viral, Vegeta, T'charrl, the others, there's loads of us right? We know what we're doing so you're going to be fine buddy," Takeshi said with a smile, reaching over with his free hand and giving Shu's hair a ruffle, "And we know all kinds of new stuff now too, we'll do great. Just stick with me and there won't be any problems."

Seriously, why had he agreed to go on this mission? Just to be with his friend? Haku had never fought one of these monsters before and yet here he was, tagging along to a place he had absolutely no business in. At the very least he supposed he might be good for bait, he could run like no other. Wringing his hands together uneasily the Saiyan gasped when something nudged his side, glancing down and smiling meekly at the spirit at his side. That's right, he had his new friend too, though he wasn't sure what it might do here. Better than going it alone. Hearing T'charrl not be terribly certain about things either hardly instilled confidence in him, it was awfully conflicting with the bit he was hearing on Takeshi's end. "W-Well... So long as we're careful, we should be okay..." Haku offered lamely with a smile, "And I'll fight with you, for whatever that's worth."

Eris just wanted to be into the fray already, sitting around was so dreadfully boring. When your lone purpose was to fight anything but often seemed dull by comparison and she hadn't had a decent battle in a few days. Or a few weeks, hard to know how much time passed when you were down in the cells. Now that she had spent some time outdoors and away from the facility she'd never go back, life was much more exciting away from that place. People sounded mixed about going down with half of them eager for battle and the other half dreading it, she could count herself among the former. Glancing across the shuttle at Viral she put on a smile, leaning forward and reaching across, casually tapping his knee. "I expect I'll have you to count on when we fight? I'm eager to see what the alpha is capable of," she said excitedly.

"He's not the "alpha", we're not a pack," Yumi quipped in annoyance with Eris, "And he's not the only one who's fighting, it's all of us. Don't put that kind of pressure on him." She didn't want Viral thinking everything hinged on him, it was a group effort to fight these monsters and keep them from causing trouble. That and she just hated Eris, she was far too friendly with Viral for someone that had only just met her friend. She was convinced she was just trying to get into his pants, how gross. Being next to her friend she smiled somewhat smugly as she leaned over so her arm touched his, placing her hands in her lap as her eyes never left the other woman. "Besides, you'll find I'm a perfectly capable fighter, just as much as he is. I'm probably more experienced than you are too."

"Is that right? Good thing you're just a knock off, otherwise I might be worried," Eris retorted with a smirk, though her smile faded as Yumi seemed to cozy up to Viral more. Letting out a low growl she folded her arms and leaned back into the side of the shuttle, turning her head away angrily.

"Having two females vying for your attention, what a hard life," Orion teased across the way, ignoring Eris as she glared at him and laughing as Yumi became flustered. "I'm sure this will go well, we're all talented warriors and we work well together, Eris and I. I imagine you and Yumi are just as good, let's bring this mission to a quick close."

The sound of the intercom flipping back on silenced the side bar conversations and a second later Vegeta's voice came through the speakers. "We're hitting the atmosphere, everyone be sure you're strapped in, may be a bumpy entry. Expect to be on the ground in roughly two minutes." And probably not much longer before the fighting began. They had a plan in place and, thanks to the creature, some degree of an idea what to expect. Like the turbulence that came with entering an atmosphere however even the best plans were liable to be bumpy, and there was always that minor chance to fall apart entirely. Best to be prepared for anything.

Over the canopy of trees the shadow of the shuttle raced across, stirring wildlife below and causing it to scatter at the sound of the roaring engines. Smaller trees whipped every which direction as the thrusters were adjusted, speed fell and the shuttle came to a gradual hover over the forest. After some careful maneuvering Vegeta managed to set it down just on a small rise on the edge of the treeline, adjusting slightly for the incline before finally releasing the supports to let the vehicle land. All things told it was a fairly smooth entry and landing, here was to hoping the rest of the day went as well. Turning off the engines he opened both doors on the sides to allow everyone to leave the shuttle, undoing his harness and letting out a long sigh as he rose from his chair. The easy part was done, time to get their hands dirty.
Nymira figured she would offer to help Amuné, reheat her food so the meal was a bit more palatable. All it would take was a quick flash of flame, barely noticeable to the naked eye and warm enough to lightly sear the top of anything it touched. It was but a split second and she'd reheated the meal with little effort, her magic being too small for anyone at a distance to even see. Compared to what she had done before it was scarcely registered and yet somehow it caused Amuné to nearly go head over heals in fright. Blinking once the Dimuran looked down at the young girl on her back, glancing up then at Cecil who appeared to be coming over to help. The Machina had barely picked up the chair before he dropped it and turned tail, running outside for the second time in a matter of minutes. Letting out a sigh she shook her head, leaning down and getting the chair as Ethan helped Amuné.

"Easy there, you'll hurt yourself if you do that!" Ethan warned, hoisting Amuné to her feet and kneeling down to straighten out her clothing, dusting her off gently as well, "It was just a little bit of fire, nothing to be afraid of. You know Nymira won't hurt you." Seeing Cecil going for the door he nearly chased after their friend but stopped himself, figuring there wasn't much chance he'd run off after all of this. Besides there were other things to see to, namely the little girl in his arms. Helping Amuné back into her chair Ethan caught the glances of several other patrons still staring at them, smiling awkwardly as he waved before placing a hand on the back of his head.

"Don't mind us! Just a little accident, that's all! Uh... Go back to your stuff!" Most people turned back yet a few kept staring, a few particularly rough looking individuals. Smiling in their direction Ethan turned back around and pulled his chair up beside Amuné's, setting his chair beside hers and dragging his food across. By this point he couldn't care less if his own food were cold, he was just hungry at this point. With music now resuming as well it was his hope everyone would go back to their thing and they could eat in peace, it was late and they should be turning in before long. Before digging into his own meal Ethan reached over, using Amuné's utensils to cut up some of her food for her and handing her the fork with a smile. "You should eat up, you'll sleep easier on a full stomach!"

It must have been a combination of a large meal and liquor but Ethan didn't wake until the sun was hanging just over Warren. He may well have remained asleep past that point were it not for Nymira waking him up too; dreaming of a giant fish of all things he didn't hear her voice as she told him a dozen times to wake. Only when a hand slapped him in the face did he stir, blearily at first as he sat up in his bed.

"'M up... 'M up..." Ethan groaned, lifting a hand to shield the sun's rays from his eyes. Man that was painful for some reason, not to mention his head felt like someone was drumming against it with a shovel. Was this what a hangover was like? Never again would he ever have a sip of liquor if this was the result.

"Well hurry up then, everyone else is ready to go," Nymira chastised impatiently as she stood by the door, hands at her hips as she waited, "We're going to the markets today to get some things, and I suppose to have some fun. Since there doesn't seem to be any of those men after us here I think we can afford a day off." They hadn't been followed on their way into Warren, she had made doubly sure of that. The town itself was abuzz with activity already which mean finding them among the crowds would be challenging enough, and it was densely populated to the point only a callous fool would attack. Those Magi had been loathsome but she doubted they were so cold as to risk innocent lives.

"Shopping huh...? Mmm... Okay, okay..." He really would just like to climb back under the covers and hide from the sun but he knew better than to try and argue with Nymira. Sliding his feet out onto the cold floor Ethan grabbed his coat off of a nearby hook, sliding it on over his shirt before shuffling over to the restroom. After splashing some cold water on his face he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, his hair even more a mess than usual and some rings beneath his eyes, though he swore he had slept. Smiling ruefully at his appearance he smacked his own cheeks, trying to slick his hair back to no avail and giving up ultimately. They weren't going anywhere important, his disheveled appearance wouldn't be so bad. Fetching his shoes he got those on finally and reached down at the side of his bed for a sword, only to remind himself he no longer had it.

The rest of the group was downstairs and waiting, being the only ones in the dining hall so early in the day. When Nymira made her way down she had to glance back to see if Ethan was following, narrowing her eyes at the Muran slumped partially against the wall, yawning into one of his hands. So much for always being a morning person. Reaching into her cloak the Dimuran drew out a small cloth bag secured with a bit of rope, stopping before Amuné and smiling as she offered it over to the young girl. "There's some money inside of there for you to buy things with. I don't know how much it is but it should cover whatever you wish to get. I'd give it to Ethan but..." Nymira paused, glancing back to see their 'leader' sat at the bar, head on the counter, "He's about as useful as he is sober right now, I wouldn't trust him with it."
Haku didn't know what to do with himself but T'charrl had a decent idea. He'd tried to sit down before only to be interrupted by the spirit and now he had a chance to retry. "Good idea, I guess I'll give it a shot," he agreed, setting himself down and crossing his legs. Since the spirit seemed preoccupied with his friend there was nothing to distract him this time around. Inhaling deeply Haku closed his eyes, folding his hands in his lap and trying to... Well, he wasn't sure still. All he'd ever witnessed was people sitting down like this and aside from that no one ever explained what you were actually supposed to do. At a loss he simply sat in silence, listening to the sound of wind rushing through the newly sprouted grass and flowers; the landscape was so barren one could almost hear every blade of grass, or maybe he was just crazy. Heck he was making friends with a spirit so that was a good possibility.

Between the two of them the spirit was confident they could heal the world, at least this part of it. Other spirits were doubtless busy repairing their own homes as well, it would be some time until the world was back to itself. Longer still until the people returned too it recognized, but that was out of its control; heal the world and bring back plants, with the return of plants animals would come, and people would follow. Sensing another energy the creature glanced back and saw T'charrl finally managing to rest some, though the energy he was releasing wasn't all that pure. Smiling the creature shimmered and released more of its own, using some of it to help mellow out T'charrl's in the process and, hopefully, soothe him.


"Eh, we have a lot of them, can't be that expensive," Sasha remarked with a shrug, grabbing Kiton's arm in her hand, "The solution in the tanks can be mostly mass produced, and the tanks are just glass with some monitors hooked up to them. I'm sure this injector isn't anything fancy either." She let the black market comment slide without a care as she knew Kiton wouldn't seriously consider bringing any there. Tracing his arm with a fingertip she slowly placed the injector as she found a vein, emptying its contents into Kiton's bloodstream before pocketing the empty tool to dispose of later. "There won't be a next time, you proved that you're not that kind of person. And if you're worried then there's plenty of people who can help you train, and Ricken and I are among them. I doubt Korian will put you on a mission right away if you decide to join us too so you have time to learn."

Ricken would be lying if he said he wanted to train Kiton, hardly seemed like a good time to him. Annoyingly too was the knowledge that the Frost Demon had more power than they had seen and yet he was so uncertain and meek. Where was the confidence? It was humiliating for him to see an ally like that. "Don't get complacent just because you passed by the way, there's still more you'll have to do," he pointed out, looking at Kiton sternly as he folded his arms, "If you join us you'll be at the bottom of the ranks, doesn't matter how strong you may or may not be. Don't expect special treatment for anything."

"But Ricken, I do believe I was given the rank of captain upon my joining!" Leto boasted, and of course he flexed as he spoke, "Korian must have seen my potential and my drive, he accepted me and gave me the same rank that I was bestowed in the Saiyan military! Though I feel now I command even more respect than before, to be sure! And I value my comrades more greatly!" Turning himself then to Kiton he turned around, flexing and making an unusual point to flex his posterior as well. "My dear Kiton, do not be dissuaded! You may yet be given a rank befitting your strength yet! Have heart and go forward with your head held high, wherever you decide to go!"

"Honestly Leto, just shut up..." Ricken grumbled, rolling his eyes in disbelief. The man had no off switch, he was always incorrigibly obnoxious like this.


"I don't think you will either, but you can't blame him for being concerned. It means he cares and he wants to make sure you're safe, that's all," Yumi explained patiently, feeling like it was falling on deaf ears despite the best of intentions. "You've never been addicted to anything as far as I remember, I can't imagine there's any reason to worry." She had to suppress a giggle after she teased Viral for being a pervert, wondering why he even was upset when he knew it was as far from the truth as could be. Deciding to take mercy on him and stop teasing she let him enjoy his tea, listening curious to what he knew about sharks. Was that right? Truth be told Yumi didn't know a single thing about sharks save for they had a lot of teeth, and they were pretty tasty. Old Master Roshi had treated them to a dinner with shark steaks once and they had been delicious, maybe they could have some again when they returned home.

"Oh I'm sure I could think of something if I had to threaten you. Not saying I will, but I could," Yumi mused, smiling as she folded her hands at her back and walked around the chair, "I wouldn't hurt you, that would be stupid. I'd just... I don't know, tease you, embarrass you. I doubt they would be too mad if I did that." Maybe just the threat of using a threat was enough to make Viral behave and not do anything he shouldn't be. Until he recovered from this latest hiccup she wasn't going to allow him to do anything that might hurt him, whether he liked it or not. Smiling knowingly she grabbed herself a chair nearby, placing it beside Viral's before dropping into it, laying her legs over one of the arms to recline in it. "Ah... Now we just relax, and it's a beautiful day for it too."

The vacation afforded to them had been a brief one. With the capture of the creature at the dam it became apparent there were more threats out in the universe. To be exact sightings of monsters would likely be rising soon and they would need to remove the problem at the source. Not by slaying the beasts that passed through, that only temporarily fixed the problem. Keeping alive the creature had been the right call as invaluable information was learned through it; the monsters they had been fighting, the ones which seemed to vanish into smoke, they were from their own realm, their own plane of existence. It was a revelation that both concerned mostly everyone and made Aito unusually excited, knowing his hypothesis had been correct. Most important of the revelations was the fact that these creatures passed through rifts, and these rifts, linking their existence to another, had to be sealed to cut off passage for the beasts.

There wasn't much in the way of specifics shared, the creature seemed to only know so much. There was one more valuable tidbit of information gleaned from its questioning however; Ki was ineffective against the creatures for the most part, this they knew. Yet in the other plane of reality Ki was all but void, there was no point in using it. This was a massive blow to the majority of those who might fight back the beasts as they used Ki in several forms to fight. There was one particular group that wouldn't suffer from this limitation however, one which could still drive back the forces, go to their home and stifle their efforts. Viral would lead the Beastmen, namely composed of himself, Yumi, Eris and Orion, the lion Beastman, into the rift. What lay on the other side no one really knew yet they would have to travel beyond, close the rift and get back in time. A dangerous task but one only they could complete.

The shuttle was on its way down to the surface of the planet by now, its contents packed with the two teams that would be tackling this latest development. Remaining on their side of the rift was Vegeta, Shu, Takeshi, T'charrl and Haku, a five man team made to prevent the beasts from spreading too far from the rift. While they handled things on their end the Beastmen would shut things down and, with luck, they would prevent any serious damage from the creatures.

"We should be landing in just a few minutes, everyone be ready to go from the moment we land," Vegeta said over the intercom, shutting it down and adjusting his display to get a better view of the world below. From up above it seemed unperturbed, nothing was amiss and it almost looked peaceful. Shame they were going down to fight those blasted things then. At the very least he supposed he was glad to be involved in some action again as opposed to being glued to a screen, monitoring vitals and running tests; Viral's condition had largely stabilized and while there was some concern with his latest change there was little need to watch him every waking second, he could finally get back to fighting alongside his friends.

Takeshi couldn't wait to land, in part because he was eager to fight and also Shu's hugging his arm so tight threatened to cut off circulation. His brother still wasn't a fan of flying inside the ship or cramped quarters it seemed and anything he tried to say or do did little to alleviate that. Good thing he was right handed because by now his left hand was mostly numb. "Those things won't know what hit them by the time we're through," he said confidently, grinning as he looked at Shu and flashed a thumbs up, "We'll show them some of the stuff we've been working on yeah?" In taking a page out of Kai and Choi's book he had tried to teach Shu how to perform some attacks with him, mostly by making it seem like it was play. It worked, probably, unless his little brother got cold feet or panicked. No telling how he'd fare once they were actually down on the ground.

I mean, it's not like what Shy just did will have any repercussions... ;P
"Woah, hey Amuné, nice to see you too!" Ethan laughed as he was tackled, barely keeping upright as he gave her head a patting, "Yeah Cecil came back. He's downstairs and I'm sure he'd be happy to see you. And Nymira isn't mean, she's just uh... Blunt. Plus I'm sure she didn't really mean it." In fact he knew she hadn't seeing as she'd cleared things up seconds before he had come upstairs. It was obvious there was going to need to be some work done to make her comfortable around the others again but Ethan remained optimistic it would work out. Bringing Cecil back was the hardest part of today, monster dogs aside, everything else should be relatively smooth sailing from hereon out.

"We risk harming one another every time we fight, especially every time we cast a spell. Mine are fairly controlled but with Ethan I have to wonder sometimes," Nymira said, glancing towards the stairwell before looking back to Cecil, a smile playing on her pale lips, "And why are you expendable? Because you aren't made of flesh as we are? Excuse me for saying but that is an absolutely idiotic way of thinking. Someone took the time and effort to create you, and whatever reason that was for you exist, you live just as we do. Nothing that is alive, machines or flesh, is expendable. Life is precious in every form. So no... I cannot accept that answer from you. If there is risk traveling with you then so be it, I won't be dissuaded just because there's a small chance we may or may not possibly harm one another." Besides they had the foolish healer along for the ride now, so long as no one was blown up Zander could help them with any injuries.

Nymira let Zander say his piece as well though Ethan had yet to return, curious what he thought of Cecil. The way he was speaking to Cecil now reminded her an awful lot of men back home, elders who posed questions that had no clear answer. In some small way it irked her that Zander would phrase things the way he had, as though he were toying with Cecil's issue like it was some curiosity. While his phrasing left something to be desired his message was sound, she supposed; Cecil may come to enjoy their company before long and not wish to leave, even if there was worry he may hurt someone in the process. Herself, Zander and Ethan all seemed to accept that potential and wished him to stay regardless, all that remained was Amuné's input. As though on cue the young girl and Ethan returned from the rooms above, Geoffrey notably absent from the group. Their guide was behind them in a moment's time, the sound of his flute drowning out the minstrel's, a barmaid taking up her lute to join in the song and the minstrel soon after.

"Well you're still here, that's a good sign! Glad you decided to stay with us Cecil," Ethan said with a beaming grin, looking down at Amuné who was clung to his pant leg, "I think someone else here is glad to see you too, even if she won't say it. Maybe after we get her belly full of something hot she'll warm up to you." Ushering his little Ydran to the table he pulled out Amuné's chair for her, grabbing her under the arms and setting down in her seat before dropping himself down into his own. His food was definitely a bit cold by now but his grumbling stomach cared little, food was food. Grabbing his mug he tried to take a sip and frowned when nothing came out, shaking it before turning in his seat. "Oh bartend-"

"No, no more drink," Nymira snapped as she pulled the mug from Ethan's hand. Leaning back as he reached up for it she flicked him on the forehead, rolling her eyes as he pouted and placed the mug on the far end of the table by her own things. "You've had quite enough, no one wants to watch you for the night if you get drunk. Eat your food." Sometimes keeping an eye on him was like watching a child, even Amuné was easier to handle for the most part. Speaking of her, the Dimuran figured she should try and make amends for her comments earlier. Going to Amuné's side she smiled as she lowered herself slightly, grabbing the girl's plate and holding her hand over it, "If you'd like we can get your food warmed, it's a bit cold now," she whispered, winking as a single spark formed under her palm. She wasn't too opposed to using magic really, she just didn't want to help Zander.

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