Haku didn't know what to do with himself but T'charrl had a decent idea. He'd tried to sit down before only to be interrupted by the spirit and now he had a chance to retry. "Good idea, I guess I'll give it a shot," he agreed, setting himself down and crossing his legs. Since the spirit seemed preoccupied with his friend there was nothing to distract him this time around. Inhaling deeply Haku closed his eyes, folding his hands in his lap and trying to... Well, he wasn't sure still. All he'd ever witnessed was people sitting down like this and aside from that no one ever explained what you were actually supposed to do. At a loss he simply sat in silence, listening to the sound of wind rushing through the newly sprouted grass and flowers; the landscape was so barren one could almost hear every blade of grass, or maybe he was just crazy. Heck he was making friends with a spirit so that was a good possibility.
Between the two of them the spirit was confident they could heal the world, at least this part of it. Other spirits were doubtless busy repairing their own homes as well, it would be some time until the world was back to itself. Longer still until the people returned too it recognized, but that was out of its control; heal the world and bring back plants, with the return of plants animals would come, and people would follow. Sensing another energy the creature glanced back and saw T'charrl finally managing to rest some, though the energy he was releasing wasn't all that pure. Smiling the creature shimmered and released more of its own, using some of it to help mellow out T'charrl's in the process and, hopefully, soothe him.
"Eh, we have a lot of them, can't be that expensive," Sasha remarked with a shrug, grabbing Kiton's arm in her hand, "The solution in the tanks can be mostly mass produced, and the tanks are just glass with some monitors hooked up to them. I'm sure this injector isn't anything fancy either." She let the black market comment slide without a care as she knew Kiton wouldn't seriously consider bringing any there. Tracing his arm with a fingertip she slowly placed the injector as she found a vein, emptying its contents into Kiton's bloodstream before pocketing the empty tool to dispose of later. "There won't be a next time, you proved that you're not that kind of person. And if you're worried then there's plenty of people who can help you train, and Ricken and I are among them. I doubt Korian will put you on a mission right away if you decide to join us too so you have time to learn."
Ricken would be lying if he said he wanted to train Kiton, hardly seemed like a good time to him. Annoyingly too was the knowledge that the Frost Demon had more power than they had seen and yet he was so uncertain and meek. Where was the confidence? It was humiliating for him to see an ally like that. "Don't get complacent just because you passed by the way, there's still more you'll have to do," he pointed out, looking at Kiton sternly as he folded his arms, "If you join us you'll be at the bottom of the ranks, doesn't matter how strong you may or may not be. Don't expect special treatment for anything."
"But Ricken, I do believe I was given the rank of captain upon my joining!" Leto boasted, and of course he flexed as he spoke, "Korian must have seen my potential and my drive, he accepted me and gave me the same rank that I was bestowed in the Saiyan military! Though I feel now I command even more respect than before, to be sure! And I value my comrades more greatly!" Turning himself then to Kiton he turned around, flexing and making an unusual point to flex his posterior as well. "My dear Kiton, do not be dissuaded! You may yet be given a rank befitting your strength yet! Have heart and go forward with your head held high, wherever you decide to go!"
"Honestly Leto, just shut up..." Ricken grumbled, rolling his eyes in disbelief. The man had no off switch, he was always incorrigibly obnoxious like this.
"I don't think you will either, but you can't blame him for being concerned. It means he cares and he wants to make sure you're safe, that's all," Yumi explained patiently, feeling like it was falling on deaf ears despite the best of intentions. "You've never been addicted to anything as far as I remember, I can't imagine there's any reason to worry." She had to suppress a giggle after she teased Viral for being a pervert, wondering why he even was upset when he knew it was as far from the truth as could be. Deciding to take mercy on him and stop teasing she let him enjoy his tea, listening curious to what he knew about sharks. Was that right? Truth be told Yumi didn't know a single thing about sharks save for they had a lot of teeth, and they were pretty tasty. Old Master Roshi had treated them to a dinner with shark steaks once and they had been delicious, maybe they could have some again when they returned home.
"Oh I'm sure I could think of something if I had to threaten you. Not saying I will, but I could," Yumi mused, smiling as she folded her hands at her back and walked around the chair, "I wouldn't hurt you, that would be stupid. I'd just... I don't know, tease you, embarrass you. I doubt they would be too mad if I did that." Maybe just the threat of using a threat was enough to make Viral behave and not do anything he shouldn't be. Until he recovered from this latest hiccup she wasn't going to allow him to do anything that might hurt him, whether he liked it or not. Smiling knowingly she grabbed herself a chair nearby, placing it beside Viral's before dropping into it, laying her legs over one of the arms to recline in it. "Ah... Now we just relax, and it's a beautiful day for it too."
The vacation afforded to them had been a brief one. With the capture of the creature at the dam it became apparent there were more threats out in the universe. To be exact sightings of monsters would likely be rising soon and they would need to remove the problem at the source. Not by slaying the beasts that passed through, that only temporarily fixed the problem. Keeping alive the creature had been the right call as invaluable information was learned through it; the monsters they had been fighting, the ones which seemed to vanish into smoke, they were from their own realm, their own plane of existence. It was a revelation that both concerned mostly everyone and made Aito unusually excited, knowing his hypothesis had been correct. Most important of the revelations was the fact that these creatures passed through rifts, and these rifts, linking their existence to another, had to be sealed to cut off passage for the beasts.
There wasn't much in the way of specifics shared, the creature seemed to only know so much. There was one more valuable tidbit of information gleaned from its questioning however; Ki was ineffective against the creatures for the most part, this they knew. Yet in the other plane of reality Ki was all but void, there was no point in using it. This was a massive blow to the majority of those who might fight back the beasts as they used Ki in several forms to fight. There was one particular group that wouldn't suffer from this limitation however, one which could still drive back the forces, go to their home and stifle their efforts. Viral would lead the Beastmen, namely composed of himself, Yumi, Eris and Orion, the lion Beastman, into the rift. What lay on the other side no one really knew yet they would have to travel beyond, close the rift and get back in time. A dangerous task but one only they could complete.
The shuttle was on its way down to the surface of the planet by now, its contents packed with the two teams that would be tackling this latest development. Remaining on their side of the rift was Vegeta, Shu, Takeshi, T'charrl and Haku, a five man team made to prevent the beasts from spreading too far from the rift. While they handled things on their end the Beastmen would shut things down and, with luck, they would prevent any serious damage from the creatures.
"We should be landing in just a few minutes, everyone be ready to go from the moment we land," Vegeta said over the intercom, shutting it down and adjusting his display to get a better view of the world below. From up above it seemed unperturbed, nothing was amiss and it almost looked peaceful. Shame they were going down to fight those blasted things then. At the very least he supposed he was glad to be involved in some action again as opposed to being glued to a screen, monitoring vitals and running tests; Viral's condition had largely stabilized and while there was some concern with his latest change there was little need to watch him every waking second, he could finally get back to fighting alongside his friends.
Takeshi couldn't wait to land, in part because he was eager to fight and also Shu's hugging his arm so tight threatened to cut off circulation. His brother still wasn't a fan of flying inside the ship or cramped quarters it seemed and anything he tried to say or do did little to alleviate that. Good thing he was right handed because by now his left hand was mostly numb. "Those things won't know what hit them by the time we're through," he said confidently, grinning as he looked at Shu and flashed a thumbs up, "We'll show them some of the stuff we've been working on yeah?" In taking a page out of Kai and Choi's book he had tried to teach Shu how to perform some attacks with him, mostly by making it seem like it was play. It worked, probably, unless his little brother got cold feet or panicked. No telling how he'd fare once they were actually down on the ground.