
Recent Statuses

25 days ago
Current Went to my first anime convention. Was Awesome.
2 mos ago
Might be better than me surviving on soda to be honest.
2 mos ago
Everyone who is at a bump in the road just know we're all here to support you and there's always good things just around the corner.
2 mos ago
You don't persay owe me money. But if you have money to spare I won't say no. ;)
1 like
2 mos ago
Please like if you hate heatwaves.


I'm here :)

Most Recent Posts

Welcome :)
Blue is my favourite color. Welcome small frog, or frog? I don't know which you prefer.
Wow, Nice to meet you to TheRose. Certainly you are very welcome here. Where did you role-play before? Just wondering.
As long as you are ok. This comes last ofcourse.
Banned for what?
Yeah no problem.
@Twisted Mind@Midnight stars Just checking in as me and Bailey have a post ready. Like to know if you busy this weekend or? Just so we know when to check for a post.
Also this cat may attack me.
One of your _____ mages.

How long have you been writing acid mages?
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