
Recent Statuses

25 days ago
Current Went to my first anime convention. Was Awesome.
2 mos ago
Might be better than me surviving on soda to be honest.
2 mos ago
Everyone who is at a bump in the road just know we're all here to support you and there's always good things just around the corner.
2 mos ago
You don't persay owe me money. But if you have money to spare I won't say no. ;)
1 like
2 mos ago
Please like if you hate heatwaves.


I'm here :)

Most Recent Posts

I wonder if there will be an overarching plot to this whole thing?
Richter was taken aback slightly as everything seemed to happen at once. The door to his room opening, a man Richter realized was the one staring at them from the party, as his fists clenched. You again huh? I guess you didn’t take the hint after all.. “A little help here?” His companion called, Richter jumped into the fray. He aimed to tackle Deaik by the waist and take him down hard. The wolf form hadn’t fazed Richter as he was learning to adapt to this alternate life and how it was different from his original one. @Midnight stars
Anyone can post here welcoming other users. :D@Bread. Starting like you did is always a safe bet, Bread. Also we have different types of roleplays, usually it’s just how much you want to write. I’ll let other people chime in as well.
Posted :)
Richter smiled as his body untensed itself…. “Thank you for saying that. Hopefully it won’t come to that though.” Richter replied as he smiled whimsically at the cat being. A moment passed between Richter and the other as Richter asked, “I guess I still have to refer to you as the cat for now? I’ll tell you my name though, it’s Richter.” He offered. @Midnight stars
@Gareth Hi. I roleplayed on a couple of sites including

That's cool, I haven't been there but is it a forum style over there?
@Who is Who Welcome to the Gang. *cough cough* Guild that is, we don't do anything nefarious in these pages of imagination.
@MissCoffee Oh that's awesome you were referred to us. Don't worry roleplaying is kind of like learning to ride the bike, once you know how you never forget. :) Welcome
Welcome to the guild. :)
Welcome does the general apocalyptic themes include zombies? :)
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