Avatar of Genkai


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5 mos ago
Current Kinda wanna RP BG3....
10 mos ago
Thirsting over Pedro Pascal.
5 yrs ago
Finally saw Endgame and don't know what to do anyone.
5 yrs ago
In a mood for some GoT RP. Anyone else?
6 yrs ago
It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

Most Recent Posts

Aww thank you! I'd like to keep it rolling as well so as a GM it's a delight to hear you're invested. You guys have been super patient with me so I really couldn't keep this going without you two!
Alright, if he's plate is super full and it'll be a while, then by all means go for it. XD
@Emuxe and @ineffable Thank you both so so much for your effort and interest, however it's been decided that we won't be accepting your CS submissions. Once again, we appreciate your understanding and I hope in the future we can write together. Good luck on your other endeavors!

@Natsu and @Kassarock We'd like to accept you both and allow you two to post in the CS tab. Thank you for your patience and welcome to the RP!

@FiroIV As there is still the concern of your character's personality traits being mismatched, we'd like to accept your submission, provided that you fix the personality section as explained above (the whole cold and sociable thing). If you're willing to adjust your CS, please do so and let us know when you have. Should you wish to not edit, then I do thank you for the submission but I hope there is another chance for us to write in the future.

Once again, thank you to everyone who has shown interest and stuck with us during the beginning stages of this RP. I know it's always tough to hang in as the details get ironed out but it'll be well worth it. :)
Gonna get something up tomorrow guys, thanks for being patient~!
Eeee~ a post ~ ~ ~

The color isn't too bad, a bit dark but I can manage. XD Now I get to read it. A very welcomed sight tonight!
We don't necessarily need to adhere to it all the time but I understand where you're coming from.
@Realm I'd consider Sherlock if it was the films as opposed to the BBC series. Game of Thrones may work. Other fandoms I could do would be Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Logan (2017), MCU shows/movies, Dragon Age, Heroes, Hunger Games, Law and Order SVU.

I also have been itching for a Victorian Era RP and we could probably give that some kind of supernatural twist too, maybe even involve train travel somehow (an alternative to road trip somehow?).
Gonna make our choices tomorrow night, sorry about the delay but expect news in less than 24 hours. :) Thanks for your patience guys!
@vietmyke may need to be post before you. However, if you've got the time and you think you can work with my post, feel free. :)
I may be up for something Dragon Age related with canons (I prefer all canons but I am cool with some OCs for this fandom). I play males and females. While you mention being comfortable playing M x F, would you be willing to play someone like Cullen or Alistair (or even Varric)? And in turn would you like me to play as a canon for your OC be them male or female? I enjoy hefty posts myself though posts would come maybe once a week, sometimes twice but I can aim for once a week. Mature themes are fine with me though combat scenes are my weak point so I do want to get better at them. And if there are possibly other fandoms you may consider, let me know. Dragon Age itself is a bit rusty and I have yet to have one get very far but I do enjoy it and think it has potential to be grand.
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