Name:Thryr Bjornson. Son of Head Warrior Jerrod Bjornson
Aliases:The Stone. Fireheart.
Age: 28
Race/Ethnicty: Half Giant.
Place of Origin: Bradford
Gender: Male, Omnisexual
Class/Job: Berserker. Has done many types of jobs... Bartending, was a bodyguard at a brothel, mostly does smithing.
Strength: 19
Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Charisma: 7
Height: 8'2
Weight: 380
Build: .... He's quite large. Mostly muscle.
Day To Day Attire: Usually wears a leather and fur vest over a black tank top with leather gauntlets. His pants are also leather and he wears sturdy metal tipped boots. When outside he wears a large blood red fur cloak that hides his entire body and face.
Fearless * Abscentminded * Kind * Slow to action
Personality: He is often lost in his own surroundings. His thoughts are more on what he can find to interest himself and how to make the world somewhat safer. He generally dislikes being at rest like most beserkers but unlike them he isn't battle-starved. For Thryr a good drink, some good friends and a stomach of warm food is a good evening.
In battle, he is a guardian at heart. Taking hits for others in the form of bull rushing into the fray. He tends to hit the big enemies first, cleaving his wy to them with his massive warhammer. To him, if you cannot fight, you will not survive. So he does his best to end things quickly, an easy feat for a being of his unbelievable strength.
Outside of battle, Thryr is often found where there is mead and food to be had. Or the forge, ever working on improving his skill(a pretty damn good one) and taking out any residual anger out on the metal he's working with.
A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges
- Skill: Heavy proficiency- His massove size and strength make him able to wear heavy armor as if it were a jacket and wield incredibly large weapons. He also can carry almost twice his weight currently.
- Skill: Blacksmith's eye- His constant use of metalworking gives him an incredible insight on the flaws in armors and weapons, he may not be too smart, but his instinct in finding the chinks and ruts is very good.
- Skill: Mercenary Training- He learned this from his father who runs a large merc guild in Bradford. Survival skills and experience with dealing with a wode variety of opponents. Also able to swim in rapids, dive, and balance.
- Skill: Thick Skin- Giant ability. Harder to break bones and scratches don't do much to him. He is also highly tolerant to pain.
- Skill: Low Light Vision- Giants see well in the dark.
- Skill: Meditation- Like most of his kind, Half giants have as much magic and stronger body magic than pure humams. Because he is a berserker he tends to "spill" magic when angered. So his father's friend, a mage, taught him meditation. To help calm himself and strengthen his focus. It is hard for Thryr because he is more active than mozt, being a berserker.
A listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any drawbacks to casting
- Blood Rage:
"They say that their blood literally boils, becoming thicker and giving these already fierce warriors even greater strength... The legends say that when one of these warriors awakens this, the earth trembles and shakes...
Cast time: Instantaneous
Spell Class: Blood Magic
Effect: Adds incredible strength and defense. For around five minutes. Any longer and he risks going out of control or dying. Lowers perception as all one thinks of is killing his enemies. Requires heavy bleeding to activate. Also cures all diseases. - Sunder: Empowershos arms with even more strength to do a single massive attack.
Cast time: 3 secs
Spell Class: Blood Magic
Effect: Instantly breaks bones and rends armor. High chance of outright death due to extreme force. For people of his own size it allows an attack that goes through their guard to stun for ten secs. After the attack is a five second period where he cannot move. - Claws of the Beast: Puts magic power into his hands to do a powerful cleaving punch. Able to rend most armors.
Cast time: 5 secs.
Drawback: Must be in melee range. - Stomp: Sends a wave of kinetic force to momentarily stun. Does no actual damage unless he stomps on someone.
Cast Time: Instant
Condition: Must be able to focus. Gets stronger in Blood Rage.
Possessions Generally On Person: Clothing, coin purse, money, etc
- Everday clothes: What he usually wears
- Coin purse: Good luck finding it. Has plenty of gold needed for things... Also has his guild badge in it. So he doesn't forget it...
- Large backpack with sleeping roll: Holds lots of tidbits of things he works on. Holds his armor pieces.
- Amulet of Dreams: A gift from his mother. Helps keep his emotions in check.
- Merchant Guild badge: Part of his necessary things to use public smithies.
Weapons: Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items
- Black Iron Warrhammer: Massive hammer with a banded leather grip.
- Black Iron Claymore: For use when not smashing heads in. Four foot long blade. Half a foot wide. Can't be used by small humans.
Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items
- Carved Giantish Armor: A full black iron set that attaches via hardened leather bands to his usual wear. Except the Chestpiece. That requires him actually putting it on. When in full gear the carving makes him look like a bear.
- Black Iron Tower Shield: For use when not berserking. Usually on his back. Five feet long, can be used an effective throwing weapon, wedge, battering ram, or as a plain old shield.
Animals: Have a horse or bird?
Pack Contents: What do you carry in you pack when traveling
- Bandages and poultices He might not be too smart, but he knows that he needs to carry a few in case something really bad happens...
- Metal bits: Used to fix up armor amd weapons in the field. Also to tinker with stuff so he doesn't go off and accidentally break something...
- Letters: He sends one home to his father every once in a while. Lest the old man get off his lazy ass to hunt him down... Heh... No. Not a joke at all....
- Dry rations: He eats a lot... At least five pounds of food is a normal meal...
- Small dagger: used to cut hides and all that nasty stuff people get squeamish over...
Potions: Premade or prepurchased potions
- Potion of Healing: He's got a few in his pack to help with healing and stuff.
- Antidote: .... He has a lot. Because he tends to eat all the berries in the forest.
Parents: Jerrod Bjornson. Mother died die to birthing complications.
Siblings: Seren(Sister), Firstborn, Friendly. Draxor(Brother), Secondborn, Friendly. Hildan(Brother), Nuetral.
Childhood: Growing up was hard for Thryr. He wasn't well liked by the extended family because he wasnt as smart... And he often went on fits of rage, breaking things. He eventually settled down as he got older. At a young age he proved to be adept in battle. His strength only grew and he often broke things on accident. In response this his father started training him in blacksmithing. He drilled its finer points into Thryr, giving the young boy a proper way of getting his rage out.
Adulthood: After his Rite of Manhood, Thryr decided he wanted to travel for a bit. His father, who runs the city, allowed him since he had both a Merchant and Adventurer guild badges. He told him to write a letter once a week to let him know that his favorite son was safe.
Thryr set off, traveling and making a name fore himself, using his father's connections to build his own... And forgot about his father's single request. This lead to the door of the pub he was in being knocked down and Jerrod storming in demanding to see him. It was quite a shock to the patrons to see the massive half giant quite literally shaking in his boots. He's never forgotten to write since.
At age 20 Thryr found his first lover. His name was Drixel, and he was a mage Thryr saved from some muggers. Drixel then followed him around determined that Thryr wanted something from him. But found that the berserker did it because they had insulted him. They became friends. And after a night of drinking a few months later became lovers... Only for a few years later for Thryr to get a letter saying he was missing.
Special Moments: Battles stick out to him. Sunsets and dawn are something he holds close to him as he was told it was what his mother loved... and he never got to se her.
Current Events: The letter was posted in the guild and Thryr wanted to take it. Being forbidden by his father he snuck out, leaving a note and set off on a journey to find the source. He is drivenby his need to get out and live his life his own way. His other motivation would be to find the lost trail of Drixel.
Character Quote: Fate whispers to the warrior: You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back: "I am the storm"Anything Else: Thryr has a weakness for apple mead and loves to swim/dive.