Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Bartholomew: *To Malcer* I believe Undead counts among them, right?
*To Daniel* Why go for a Constitutional Monarchy when we can be the Dictators in a Dictatorship!

Ciel: *sighs*
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Perfect. Also...

Daniel: "You took my friend away from me. I am going to gut you."

In the Isekai World though...he doesn't have to be nice.

Bartholomew: "I'd like to see you try, Shrimp!"

Ciel: "Daniel, No. He's not worth it,"
@Guardian Angel Haruki, you know, Daniel is rich; maybe Bartholomew tried to be nicer to him to get to his wealth?

That is an interesting idea!

He does try to endear himself to all of her friends when they first meet him at the Amusement Park. I could see him doing that.

He probably did research on Daniel though before then to find out that Daniel is wealthy to begin with.
I would say for maximum dramatic impact from Barthalomew's interference, they met in high-school, and that way, they'd have been able to know each-other for 3-4 years before Ciel hit college and Asshole McSmarm entered the picture to cut her off from everyone else.

Sounds perfect to me! XD
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Malcer's got three years on her, so the most likely time for them to have met was either in college or in high school. Either way, the age gap means they likely only knew each-other a year or so at most before Malcer would have to move on due to graduation, and they'd have had to stay in contact online past that. Malcer was probably hosting -or participating in- some form of tabletop RPG in either case that he might have invited her to try out if they hit it off, as it's the way he'd have found it easiest to connect to people back then.

I'm thinking they probably met when Ciel was in late Middle School to Early High School considering the three year gap, and Bartholomew appeared during her college years.

Ciel was up for trying new things before Bartholomew, and realizing that it's easier for him to connect, so she would have been more than happy to try out Tabletop RPG if she had the invitation. After that, she would definitely stay connected with him online, until Bartholomew intervenes.
@Lewascan2 Oh! Just to check with you, how do you think Malcer and Ciel became friends?

I was thinking maybe it would be a combo of meeting at school and online for the both of them.
Ciel Stat Array

14 DEX + 1 from Variant Human = 15 DEX
13 CON
12 INT
10 WIS
15 CHA + 1 from Variant Human + 1 from Skill Expert = 17 CHA
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

This is why he has WIS 14 and Insight/Investigation proficiency. lol
I considered trying to squeeze some CHA skills in to play off his roleplaying history, but there were better choices.


Ciel's Wisdom is only a 10 with no proficiency in Insight. But she does have Investigation and Arcana proficiency, and she has something Bartholomew doesn't right now: Expertise in Persuasion thanks to Skill Expert from Variant Human.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

When I say Malcer isn't "socialized", it's a bit of an odd thing. See, he's a role-player, right? He uses voice-chat. He does actually talk to people and understand socialization, engages with people and understands social nuance. He just doesn't like doing it in person. He gets uncomfortable, does that thing where he doesn't look people in the face and talks to them with them in the corner of his vision. Before the isekai, he had a bad habit of not paying attention to the body language of other people (or, in fact, sometimes looking like he's not paying attention to them at all), which is why he comes across as "living in his own head" at times.

But he does pay attention to tone of voice, to the actual words coming out of someone's mouth, the context. He's an overthinker, a hyperfixater. The reason he doesn't pay attention to body language is often because he subconsciously considers it "unnecessary", because he's learned how to do with reading people without it via his preferred online interaction. So, when he does actually pay attention to body language, when he actually starts trying, he's very keen eyed. It's just that most of the time, he doesn't bother. It all comes back to that lack of empathy in him. He normally doesn't care what other people are feeling, what they're trying to convey...

But when he does-

Ah! I see what you mean now! XD
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Honestly, Daniel might have tried to buy metallic wire from Amazon to try and replicate the murder technique in Detective Conan/Case Closed's first episode in the rollercoaster but the freak accident interrupted him.

I don't know why, but I can't help but imagine that with the same energy as the "A Knife!" vine

Daniel: *takes out phone and starts going through amazon*
Any Previous Friend of Ciel's: What are you doing?
Daniel: Plotting Murder.
Any Previous Friend of Ciel's: *lowers or takes away Daniel's phone* No.

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