Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Interacting with: @LokiLeo789 @Rune_Alchemist

Locatin: Elfen Island

Altsoba gave his captain a look, that perfectly captured what Altsoba thought of his plan to keep a low profile. "Yeah, a pissed off, pathetic drunk, with wings and tattoos, and a perverted ninja, i'm sure they'll never notice us." Altsoba said, with intense sarcasm, before sighing, and looking at the town. "Doesn't seem especially busy though, so maybe I can make do." Altsoba turned to face Izusa, before sighing, he really didn't want to go shopping with someone as...excitable, as her.

"So yer gonna steal that ship? sounds good to me, seeing as how were boned with our current 'ship' just make sure the owners don't catch you." Altsoba said, in response to his captains interest in the Argo, before turning back to Izusa, exhaling as he removed his cigar. "Well, Pervert Ninja, guess were on supplies duty, lets try to keep the collateral damage lower than usual, because i'm way too sober to deal with beating the snot out of townsfolk."

Altsoba hopped off the mostly destroyed ship, checked to make sure that Icarus, in carpet form, was still on his back, and began to stroll into town. "At least I can still smoke.." he muttered, before taking out a new cigar, lit it, and exhaled several rings of smoke into the sky, continuing to walk, while getting a bit lost in thought. Maybe, just maybe, this'll go alright, I haven't really given the Pervert much of a chance, here's hoping she doesn't end up getting me killed, I ain't exactly happy, but I like life a lot more than death.
Oh look, a former navy ship, I don't think anyone would mind if the Djinn-13 just..took that.

Interacting with: @LokiLeo789 @Rune_Alchemist

Locatin: Elfen Island

Altsoba frowned as his captain spoke about being forward, Altsoba had been down on Vearth for awhile, and the only difference, was the scumbags down here didn't have wings. But, Kilik was his captain, and if anyone would call Altsoba a scumbag to his face, it'd be him.

Before Altsoba could respond to his captain's comment about his Vehicle, Icarus, he heard the first mate's voice, and turned around, to see his underwear in her grasp. "Izusa you perverted witch!" Altsoba exclaimed, in a comical burst of anger, flailing his arms around, while screaming about respect, privacy, and not being a shameless pervert.

Altsoba would have continued screaming at her, but she almost fell into the ocean, and a glimmer of excitement wormed its way into Altsoba's mind, maybe this time he'd wait a bit before fishing her out, it'd serve her right, but alas, she caught herself. Altsoba turned around, grumbling, about to say something to his captain, before he heard..

"No Drinking." The words practically pierced his chest like an arrow, as he fell to his knees, and clutched his chest. "You cruel bastard, how am I supposed to deal with so many annoying civilians if i'm NOT piss drunk!?" Altsoba explained, as if this were a legitimate reason, before exhaling, and snapping his fingers. In response, Icarus let out a loud, annoying squawk, before turning into a rolled up rug, that Altsoba caught out of the air, and slipped onto his back.

"Fine, but were kind of strapped for cash, how are we gonna buy supplies, captain?" Altsoba asked, while puffing a few more smoke rings out of his mouth. "I for one, vote we steal." Altsoba exclaimed, before his captain could even give him his idea. "And were getting alcohol, even if I can't drink it there, or i'll start getting sober, and you won't like me when i'm sober." Altsoba exclaimed, before looking at the island.
And they claim to be vigilantes. Yeah, definitely fun!

- @LokiLeo789

I predict that their greatest accomplishment, will be stealing the underwear from a celestial dragon, and that's it.


Interacting with: @LokiLeo789 @Rune_Alchemist

Altsoba did what he did every day, lay on the ship, with a cigar in his mouth, and wonder why in the world he decided to join a pirate crew. Oh, right, it was because of the alcohol, it always is. Altsoba looked up at the sky, and found himself remembering how he joined this crew, his captain kept pestering him to join, once he saw that log pose on his arm, of course Altsoba declined, several times, but then the damn drunk lady came out, and Altsoba realized there was booze on board, and joined pretty quickly. He intended to abandon them once the booze ran dry, but he found himself growing attached to the two bastards, or as attached as Altsoba could get to people. Before he could continue remembering, his bird began to peck him.

"Screw off Icarus, I don't have any fish to feed you, I don't have anything to feed MYSELF, your food comes after mine, you know that." Altsoba slurred, swinging his hand halfheartedly around, to try and scare off the bird, it never worked, Icarus knew Altsoba longer than anyone else here, and knew that he was far too hungover to actually bother to hit him.

Altsoba was about to continue trying to get the bird off of him, but the captain muttered something under his breath. "Were you talking bad about me under your breath, captain?-" then he heard the sailors, and practically ran to the front of the ship, or stumbled, as he was rather hungover still.

"Land! finally! our supplies were running so low, I expected Icarus to eat my eyes, during the night." Altsoba mused, before Icarus landed on his shoulder, and squawked at him loudly. "Should I get the pervert? or are you gonna take one for the team for once?" Altsoba asked his captain, referring to the first mate of the crew, while exhaling several smoke rings.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

"More power, eh? if you insist." Nendo crosses his arms, as the tower he stands in begins to shake, as the Golems that the Shikigami knights trampled begin to repair themselves, while other Golems lay dead. "Golem pact: Rook." The tower morphs, into a large clay beast, made out of clay bricks, it towered at twelve feet, with gorilla-like attributes. "And here's a Nendo special offer! Clay make: Hammer!" a large hammer of clay appears in the Rook's hand, as It swings it at the oncoming Shikigami knights.
@Ira and the plot thickens, I can't wait to see how things play out, now that I have my hands in both the pirate, and marine cookie jars.
Its a skypiean..I like him. The magic carpet is gonna throw a nice twist too. Accepted

- @Ira

Nice, I totally thought of the magic carpet when rereading the crew name, the Djinn-13. Plus I always liked devil fruit weapons as a concept.
@BCTheEntity A rock.
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