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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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@Lexicon Oh man! that looks awesome.
@Lexicon good eye, I totally didn't notice that I ended up using h1, oops.

I like the thing, too, i'm sure i'll name Thu-mmmok's realm something eventually.
"The Sleeping City" Toth

Thu-mmmok considered himself a very friendly, and welcoming god, he was one of the few people who considered Yiggzavath good company, he could see the beauty in most things, and all in all he was a kind, respectful person. But even he had his limits, and coming back after many years of waiting, to find out that the hero, that you entrusted your dearest friend and patron to choose, the hero that had the entire weight of Thu-mmmok's plans on his shoulders, was a camel...Well that was most certainly breaking that limit.

That is what Thu-mmmok thought, as he let loose a flurry of swears that would make the most fowl mouthed of sailors blush. After a couple of hours of doing this, he eventually calmed down, well, as much as one could when all of their plans were destroyed in one swift motion. "Okay, okay, I can work with this." The desert god lied. "A camel, that's fine, I can go the angle of anyone who passes my test is chosen, it might make me look good." Thu-mmmok lied some more. "I can make up some stories, about how my champion is undefeated, and a monster in disguise." Thu-mmmok said in a panicked tone, before looking back at the camel. "I don't suppose you're secretly super intelligent, are you?" The camel proceeded to attempt and eat a brick, for several minutes, before eventually giving up.

For awhile, Thu-mmmok simply stared at the camel, before eventually exhaling, a long, painful sigh. "Come on camel, I need to go strangle my good friend Al Sabbath."


"The Endless Desert" K'num

Al Sabbath continued to wait in the sand, convinced his god would appear to him eventually, all of the other creatures, sentient or not, had left by this point, only an old Djinn in a chair remained. The wise old Djinn exhaled, as he looked at the sky. "Any minute now." He said knowingly, he knew his god would appear to him soon. What he wasn't expecting, was how his god arrived.

The ground shook, sand exploded from under the Djinn sending him onto his back, the sand danced in the air, like a snake, like a dancer, and like the fury of a thousand men, all at once, Before it settled. Standing in front of the old Djinn, who had waited for years, became the eldest Djinn alive, and attempted to keep the faith of the desert god alive, infront of him was his god, yes, his god and a camel eating oats from the god's hand.

Thu-mmmok looked at Al Sabbath, a face of resignation, and frustration, somehow at once, and spoke. "We need to talk."
While you all struggle with these horrible demons, Thu-mmmok will be chilling in the desert, undisturbed.

I intend to get a post up later today, sending Louis off on a quest.
Here for role call, i'm definitely still game to RP this, just sort of busy. Its very likely that i'll post on Sunday.
I don't know about you, but I am definitely going with the camel being feared among men. Like pulling windows close and barricading doors feared

That's how I intend to write him.

The reason the city of Toth is abandoned? Louis made them all run away.
Thu-mmmok leaned in his chair, as he listened to every word Kilgarrah said, it felt like an eternity until he was done speaking, but eventually he did. And Thu-mmmok gracefully rose out of his chair, ready to say goodbyes, sadly, his good friend Yiggzavath ran out before he was able to, oh well, he was always a workaholic. "As much as I would love to stay for feasting, I miss my deserts far too much to say, I do hope you'll all forgive me." The earth blight bowed, and then crumpled into sand, each grain dragging itself away from the room at a quick pace. He could not wait to return to his deserts, where he was loved, where he felt at home, he knew there was change, but that was fine, deserts were eternal, and he could rebuild. Perhaps his old friend, Al Sabbath had chosen a hero too.


Several djinn, some gnoll, and even the more beast-like creatures of the desert, were all waiting in the deserts of K'num, a large statue of a nomad on a camel in the center of the gathering, this was because Al Sabbath, the wisest, oldest, and least friendly djinn, predicted that Thu-mmmok, their lord and master, would return here. So they waited, and waited, for an entire day...Nothing.

"Good job, you senile git." A gnoll said, before taking a swig from his flask. "Your predictions were true, IF the desert god was real, i'm sure he would return 'ere, but clearly he's not." The gnolls, and younger djinns all agreed with murmurs, the earth blight had been gone for so long, very few believed he was real, a relic of the past at best, but most believed him to be a simple story. but Al Sabbath simply glared at them, and continued to wait. "He will be here, but perhaps he is taking his time, returning to be greeted by an old fool, and a pack of oafs, might not be the greatest welcome." the old djinn said in a voice rough as the sands, before continuing to wait.

After cursing Al Sabbath for wasting their time, most left, only a few Scorpions and Hyaenodons stayed with Al Sabbath, he didn't mind though, this was much better company than what he was used to, peaceful, quiet, and not skeptical.


Toth, the sleeping city, an abandoned ancient civilization, that rests within the deserts of Sirus. Here only one thing was alive, a creature that's name was spread as far as the trade cities in the ocean, a monster, with ruthless power, and hidden depths, a creature that only went by one name: Louis. Here the camel waited, it had no real idea why, but it felt drawn to this area, as if it belonged here, perhaps it was fate, perhaps it was a camel's urges, but Louis believed he needed to be here.

Suddenly, the camel felt as if it were being watched, it whirled around, or really, took its time in turning around, and saw something no man, or djinn, or gnoll, ever expected to see, Louis wasn't really surprised though.

"I'm going to kill that old fool." The large mass of twisting sands, that appeared behind the camel, said with a sigh. "I traveled the deserts, commanding them to send me towards the hero that had been chosen, by my most trusted servant, and I find that my hero, the hero that will bring back the glory of the deserts, spread influence across the world, and save my religion... Is a FUCKING CAMEL! Louis stared at the god, his master, and snorted.

Getting kinda hard not to have Nahargu'ul just snap and start talking like this guy.

Oh please no.
Here's another post about Thu-mmmok being really anxious, and me embracing the violent thanksgiving feel.
Thu-mmmok frowned, as Yiggzavath responded angrily, the Filthmonger had quite the temper, but it was admirable that he worked so hard, at least, in Thu-mmmok's eyes. Still, it was clear he wasn't in the mood for conversation, so Thu-mmmok withdrew the tendril of sand, just in time for Erisbili's outburst, followed by the god of death's tauntings, the two had never been on great terms, but there was no reason to bring up that dungeon again, and if that weren't enough, Kalla had arrived, the friendly air about her, and the way she glanced at him as if he were some sort of worry made the wonderful taste of ambrosia in his mouth turn sour. Thu-mmmok looked at his cup, then at the gods, and began to drink, slowly, but without pauses.

"Keep the drinks coming, if you wouldn't mind." The desert god requested to the angel nearest to him, the angel frowned, and then sighed, shuffling off to fulfill Thu-mmmok's request. He only had to get through this one meeting, then he'd be back in his deserts, creating, expanding, and with those who appreciated him. That is what he kept telling himself, as a sort of mantra. Why couldn't Kilgarrah hurry up? Surely Kalla was going to bring up Thu-mmmok's plans to expand his deserts, if Kilgarrah could simply get to the point, that might be avoided. Oh how he hoped it would be avoided.

It made no sense to keep fretting, Thu-mmmok decided, He was about to seek out conversation, before remembering his neutrality towards most gods, Yiggzavath clearly was not in the mood to talk, and Del Sombra was currently engaged in thought. No need to bother either of them, instead the desert god simply waited, staring at his empty cup, as if leering at it hard enough would cause it to produce ambrosia.
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