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but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
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Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee @Randomguy @GOATPlumber @Digmata

Jan considers the mystery woman's response evenly. She didn't exactly seem to be as heroic as his two new companions, but she wasn't pretending to be either. The honesty was appreciated, if nothing else. To pretend to be a hero and hide one's true nature would be far more suspect than outright saying that her reason for allying was one of convenience and potentially necessity as well. Once again, Jan thought to himself that this felt rather unsporting. I suppose my sense of honor can take a bit of a battering if it means guaranteeing the safety of the city and purity of the grail.. It still stung a bit, though. He had been eager to test his Lance against history's greatest. Corrupt and evil forces were a more deserving target, to be sure, but they were also less worthy.

Jan tunes back into the conversation as the mysterious woman asks them a question of her own. What did they desire for the grail? Her wish was a reasonable one. Returning to the world.. Jan suspected very few Servants out there would refuse the opportunity if presented. As for Saber, it was clever of her to refuse to answer. Keep her identity close to the chest.

..Something Jan no longer had the privilege to do. But lingering on his unfortunate hand wouldn't solve anything, so he discards that grievance to the best of his ability.

"Er.. my wish. Well, I am no living man. It seems unfair that my wish would come before that of my Master's. But if I were to claim the wish as my own.. Well, it's a bit selfish. Not befitting of a King of Poland such as myself. I'm rather embarrassed to say. But I have no hidden True Name to worry about, so I suppose-"

Before he could reveal his goal, an announcement of sorts was transmitted by thought to (presumably) all competitors. Jan gives a firm nod to Saber. "Indeed, it seems the Grail's corruption has made its move. On the first day no less.. I will of course ride in to battle to meet it, as any proper Knight ought to. But I mislike how bold these corruptive forces are being.. To take to the field so early in a skirmish speaks of confident or desperation. Both of which are dangerous for us."

Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros

Another New York City. Hoping he didn't turn into a fish monster in this universe.

Oliver had to admit, he was impressed. Sure, he knew Doc Connors was smart, but smart as a scientist didn't mean smart in every which way. So when the good doctor showed off his detective skills, Oliver was half tempted to applaud him (and was, maybe a little jealous. Seriously, that power of deduction would have been useful in a lot of cases..). The smoking gun being the well-worn costumes on two brand new Spider People was pretty brilliant, and it made perfect sense. Of course, then the conversation continued. And Oliver was less amused. He wasn't mad mad. Well, no he was. But he wasn't mad at the Arachnid or Doc Connors. So his following indignation was not particularly heated.

Oliver flings his hands up mid-swing in mock surrender. "Oohhhkay! Hold on! Let's not act like I was the only Spider in that room who was unimpressed with Anansi's attitude. And if maybe, maybe I pushed him the furthest.. Shouldn't an actual god be able to be the bigger person? After his defense, Oliver re-grabs the web rope in the same swing cycle, continuing on the somewhat aimless swinging path the three spiders were on. He nearly loses his grip and swings into a wall when Doc Connors refers to him by name. Letting out a squawk, Oliver has to take a minute to realign himself before he can properly respond.

"Wha- Seriously..? How on earth- ugh. I knew I should've splurged for a voice modulator. Not that my secret identity really matters in this universe, but- Hey! What do you mean I have a knack for that!? If your Oliver is anything like the Me Oliver, then I am plenty mild mannered and respectful."


After a minute, Oliver starts laughing as well. It was good to hear from the good doctor, even if it wasn't the same doctor he knew. He was similar enough that he still felt familiar.

"Okay, maybe not all the time. But to most people! The ones that earn it. See, Arachnid never sent me through any kind of portal against my will. And I haven't been giving him any attitude.. But speaking of this other me. I'm like- not.. Am I just a normal guy here?"

Because honestly, after the past few hours of activity, being just a normal guy sounded fantastic to Oliver right about now. He wasn't going to punk out and dump the responsibility of being a Spider now that he was one. But it sure would have been nice if he wasn't one to begin with.

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee @Randomguy @GOATPlumber @Digmata

Jan found himself rather impressed with his Master. Beyond the wealth of resources, he was clearly cautious and clever. Eager to ensure the beneficial alliance didn't turn into a knife in the back through contracts of a magical nature. Perhaps if Jan had those, Poland would have benefitted more. "It seems I am in agreement, then. Would that I had fine drinks to toast with, but I hope the lack of refreshments does not offend either of you." But.. no, likely not. He'd have never forced the Pope to sign such a thing. It was his duty to act in service to him, even if it netted few benefits. Maybe it simply was not in Jan's nature to be the clever businessperson. But at least he could be a keen General-

A moment later, something descended behind Jan, as Saber shouted, "Rider, behind you!"

Jan (to his embarrassment) yelps in surprise, hurriedly, especially for his size, putting distance between himself and the unknown entity behind him. While he was a bit lacking in wit, he was clearly not without skill due to how quickly he reacted. Of course, the newly revealed Servant was no enemy (yet), so it was all for naught. The new arrival spoke of putting in her lot with the rest of the gathered Servants. This alliance was growing rather massive indeed.. Would there even be Servants left to fight by the end of the night? He gives his answer to the unidentified Servant.

"I have to confess, it hardly feels sporting to the rest of the Grail War to have a collective such as this. But I suppose I ought not to prioritize my battle lust if there is a danger of corruptive forces at play. I've no objections on principle alone to you joining, I suppose. But I'm not so clueless as to join hands with a total stranger."

Saber was a fairly large unknown quantity as well, but she had put forward much more than this newcomer had. Yet it was fair to be cautious when standing down three Servants on one's own, so he could not entirely fault her for skulking. What mattered now was what she did to prove herself.. And it seemed Saber's master had a solid idea of what. A mass incident was an ill thing indeed.. But what had lead him to be suspicious about it? With so few details, Jan couldn't hazard a guess.

He looks to Saber and Shielder, to see what their thoughts on the matter were. And additionally, keeps his own Master updated on the goings-on, as if his familiars hadn't already done so.
Woah! You've done a ton of set-up. I'm gonna bunker down and give all this a read before I start throwing out character concepts, but I'm majorly impressed. (And seeing a big ol' list of NPCs in the characters tab gives me faith that you've got plenty of cool stuff in mind for the players to experience.)

Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros

Another New York City. Crying, screaming, throwing up.

Oliver was on auto-pilot as he followed after the alternate version of his mentor and friend. He didn't really remember the path he took to the adjacent rooftop, only that he'd gotten there without issue. Alternate universes.. He knew they were gonna freak him out. Like, really mess him up. But he wasn't expecting the emotional damage on top of that. The thing that brought him out of the mind fog was a close-up of how the other spiders spun their webs. It got the scientist part of his brain ticking (biology, sure, but still science). "Web-shooters, huh?" Oliver thinks aloud. He had no idea that his organic webs weren't the norm up until just now.

It was a small bit of luck in a pit of bad luck. Oliver figured he could probably devise a web formula, but making a device to launch it was beyond him. He wasn't any good in mechanical engineering. But that was enough about webs, his mentor was here in front of him. And Oliver had no idea what to say. It wasn't the same Connors, so none of what Oliver wanted to say would make any sense here. So he elected to swing in silence with them as they left the defeated Fisk behind. Even with his reasoning, Oliver couldn't help but feel a little cowardly in his avoidance.. He also couldn't help but feel a little bad.

The fact that the Connors-Spider was sharp as a knife and all business helped a little. Oliver could focus on that, instead. Avoid the emotional stuff, stick to the important details. But still, how on earth did he clock them as 'visitor's so quick? "..Seriously? Yeah, you're.. actually dead on. But how on earth did you come to that conclusion? I'm still wrapping my head around it, and I've got actual proof." Leave it to Doc Connors to figure out the impossible. No wonder according to Anansi he was almost always embroiled in trouble. Too smart to not notice the unusual, but not cautious enough to steer clear of it.

Guess that was where Oliver learned how to be unable to leave well enough alone.

"I think my more eloquent friend, the Arachnid, can give you the details better than me. But long story short, the Multiverse is real. And it's shaped like a web. And you might be in danger."
I'm game to give it a go. It would be a 'definitely' but I'm in a few RPs and just in case I can't juggle as well as I think, I don't want to make any promises.

Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee @Randomguy @GOATPlumber @Digmata

Gajah Mada replied, "Ah yes, on that matter...we also knew his identity, and yours too, actually, turning to Shielder, she added, "The young Emperor there did shout it out for everyone to see. By this point, I imagine that most participants are already aware, I doubt that my master was the only one who had surveillance set up."

Jan's face contorts into shock as he pales. It made sense, tragically. Jan had wanted to attract attention to strike first, so of course he would be watched. But had his powers of perception evaded him so thoroughly as to not notice any observers? The Spider Familiar was bad enough. But this was downright shameful. He could practically hear his lovely wife working herself up into a furious lecture. Ah, even when ripping him to shreds verbally, her voice was so beautiful.. Like the world's most irate symphony.

He finds himself lost in memories of his wife for a moment, which causes the conversation to begin to outpace him. He still heard what was said, he simply did not find himself swift enough to respond in time. Saber, whomever she was, clearly spoke with wisdom. Jan found it a bit enviable, wishing he had a bit of that himself. Lord knows it would have done him wonders whilst he was still alive. But as Envy was a sin, he discards those feelings swiftly as he could manage. She spoke of potentially misled servants, reasonable caution, and offered alliances with open palms. Jan found himself.. hesitant. He sensed no ill will from her, but as he had recently found out, his perceptive prowess was less than stellar!

Besides, alliances.. They never seemed to go his way. He suffered no betrayals, per say. Rather.. He recalls quite vividly doing a massive amount of work. Performing feats worthy of manifesting as a Servant and being labeled a savior of Christendom. Only for Poland to not benefit whatsoever from these efforts. Before any of that, though. He had to speak to Shielder about revealing his True Name, and this idea of penance. As Constantine turned to face Saber..


Jan smacks him upside the head. Not nearly hard enough to be damaging, but evidently scolding the younger Servant. Not for the reason one may think, however. "Enough of that, Emperor! Atonement you say? Indiscretion you say? Pah! Nonsense. When you revealed my True Name, we stood across each other on a field of battle. Certainly it is deeply unfortunate that such a valued piece of tactical information was revealed about myself.."

"But when you have information on a foe, which at the time I was, it is your choice whether to use it or leave it unused. I am quite cross, but you were well within your rights as a Servant. So do not lower your head."

This was Jan Sobieski. A man who could not bring himself to hate his enemies. Even when they were the invading Ottoman Empire, eager to crush Christianity, he found their power and dedication admirable, even as he opposed them with all his might. In his eyes, this had been sorted. To him, Shielder should be lamenting revealing his own True Name more than Jan's. It was proof that while lacking wisdom and maturity, this was the virtuous Emperor Constantine.

He turns his attention now to Saber, dipping his head in apology for derailing the conversation momentarily. "I confess, Saber, I was eager to test my mettle against yourself and the Emperor, here. Your idea, however, seems much wiser than mine! I will of course have to see what my Master thinks of your proposition. But until I can give you a definitive answer, I will stay my hand."

Mentally, he relays a message to Lord Kayneth through their connection. What say you, Lord El-Melloi? Shall we align ourselves with Saber and the Rogue Shielder? The idea is not without risks, but it seems as though it would grant us a powerful advantage. Regardless of his Master's answer, Jan keeps his eyes trained on the battlefield. The gaze of a veteran commander taking in the two other Servants. Yes, after an embarrassing first showing.. He would not be taken unawares again.

Jan solemnly swore as much. All without knowing that while his focus on the two already revealed was keen and sharp as a blade, directly behind him, another Servant had arrived.

Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros

An alternate dimension. Or, preferably, a nightmare.

Oliver physically reels back, fueled by sheer indignation at the Spider God's retorts. How on earth was he meant to trust these people with his secret identity, when he met them earlier today! It wasn't a matter of dislike or distrust, it was a matter of respect towards one's secret, keyword secret identity! And before he could give Anansi an ear full, the deity decided that the conversation was over, and it was time to dump his 'Totems' somewhere else. As another round of portals opened to swallow the spiders whole and spit them out god knows where (literally), Oliver had about enough time to respond to one thing. So he picked the most important.

"That's not my hero name! Sea Spiders aren't arachnids! They're pycnogonids! PYCNOGONIIIDS!"

And with that, Oliver is transported away.

Spider sense and agility helped Oliver make a landing that wasn't deeply embarrassing. He touches down on all fours in a crouch, and tries to shake off the staggering effects of traveling through dimensions (web-swinging had taken some getting used to. This was.. worse). He's able to take in the following pieces of information; The sky seemed pretty much the same as his home dimension, he had gotten transported with one of the other spiders (Arachnid, and apparently Otto, according to Anansi's big mouth), and they were on top of a building.

Then the building exploded.

"I CAN'T STAND THAT GOD!" Oliver howls as he falls right through the now-collapsing rooftop. Attempting to right himself as he fights against the downwards momentum, his suit's aerodynamic nature now working against him. He'd like to think he was probably going to be able to catch himself in time. But fortunately didn't have to find out upon the arrival of another Spider. Best guess was this was this reality's hometown Spidey. One assist via web trampoline later, and Oliver was able to start swinging.

Only for the voice of the Spider who helped them out to really register, which made Oliver very nearly swing right into a piece of rubble, with him only just barely able to emergency evade. "No way.." He whispers under his breath, watching the hometown hero ascend the collapsing building. "Doctor Connors..?"

In almost every reality, Doctor Connors became a monster. Was Oliver being sent here meant to be a gift, or a punishment? He honestly couldn't tell. But he knew he had to follow him. Oliver turns to Arachnid, assuming the guy with extra robotic limbs probably had an easier time recovering than he did, and hurriedly spits out the following; "Hey, Arachnid, right? Argyros here, good to properly meet you. Guess we'd better help out our fellow Spider, right? Okaygreatlet'sgo!"

Before waiting for a response, Oliver hurriedly starts scaling the building. Starting by slingshotting himself into the air, followed by a series of acrobatic leaps from falling chunks of building as he climbs higher. Normally Oliver would one; be much more cooperative with Arachnid, and two; be less eager to run into a situation he knew nothing about. But the nervous energy he felt beneath his skin was throwing him off his rhythm. This was his mentor, different dimension or not.

Gabriel Agate

Location: Kalos Airport, Exterior.

Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers in exasperation at Siloh's response. Clearly he was the same as when they'd last seen each other! Just as devious as ever. "Ugh, don't even get me started on those streams, Siloh! I swear, they took years off my lifespan from sheer stress, I should-Wuagh!" His complaining was interrupted by the arrival of Andre. Who arrived like a whirlwind and left each member of the group with a hug, a kiss on either cheek (which caused Gabriel to squawk in surprise), and a rose. The abrupt motions left Gabriel's glasses crooked on his nose, which he awkwardly fixes while furrowing his brows at the rose that he had no idea what to do with.

"..Nice to see you again too, Andre. I see the jet lag is a non-issue for you." He remarks dryly, though not irritably. He was exasperated by his old friend's massive reserve of energy, but not upset by it. It wasn't like he hadn't expected it, seeing as how Andre had made the effort to drag them all out here with the idea of starting a Pokemon Journey as a group. Though, Gabriel was a bit surprised that some of them had agreed to-

"So why now, all of a sudden?"

Ah, yeah. That was more in line of what he had expected. Gabriel listens to Kaylan air out his business, wincing a bit in realization of how, well, bad it looked when you stood in his shoes. All of his old friends, none of whom went on a journey with him, grouping together to go on one with Andre. The hint of bitterness in his tone was well warranted, even if they hadn't meant it like that.

"I know. Er- sorry, that's not really a helpful statement on its own. Regarding you already challenging the league, I know. I was rooting for you and your Greninja." Gabriel could go into detail about how he had been doing his best to follow his old friend's journey every step he could, or how he'd attempted to (and failed, due to budgeting) get a seat in person to see him battle. But he didn't do those things to get 'points' for doing them, so he leaves it at that.

"Back then, I was career focused. Pokemon Training makes great money.. if you're a high level competitor. And I didn't- don't -think I had it in me to be one. I'm honestly still pretty convinced a journey is a bad idea for me. But I'm working for the League now, and I need to make the rounds and be sure every Leader has everything up to date. So.."

He shrugs. "The stars aligned, I guess? I'm in a position where I can at least give it a try." Maybe it was kind of weak to fence-sit like that. Go along just because it was convenient for him, with no real intention to take the journey to its conclusion. But Gabriel missed his old friends, eccentricities and all, and this was an opportunity to catch up with them, try something new, and not fall behind on work. Helper, his Klefki, jingles in agreement. Seemingly approving of his Trainer's words, however Helper approved of just about everything Gabriel did, so that meant very little.

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