Avatar of GubGar


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30 days ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


Check it!


Most Recent Posts

I'm glad y'all like him! I'm looking forward to seeing everybody else's characters in action too!

edit: as for the egg, I'm considering Crabrawler
Vinny's first post is up! Cassandra sticking around gave me a great excuse for how to delay going for the free Pokemon egg while I try to figure out what Pokemon I want said egg to be.

Vinny Verdana

Location: Beryl Town, Mid-Festival.
Interacting With: Cassandra Stern

Even within the crowd of people watching the commencement of the festival, Vinny Verdana stood out. Folks just couldn't help but have their eyes drawn to him. Vinny himself would attribute this to natural charisma, but the truth was that his hair was at least a foot tall. It was easy for someone to stand out when they had a big blond tower on top of their head basically shouting 'look over here!' Needless to say, whomever was behind Vinny in the crowd was not a fan of the Unovan reporter. There was a near-moment where the rest of the crowd may have turned against him as well, as when he saw THE Starry Prince show up, briefly or no.. Well, he was tempted to rush the stage. But even jet-lagged as he was, Vinny knew that he'd probably end up getting thrashed and then barred, instead of getting his interview.

So he watched, heartbroken, as the champ departed. But it wasn't all sour grapes. For one thing, seeing the champ in person gave him some insight on the Prince's character- slight as it may have been. And for another, it seemed that the region as a whole was really eager for tourism. A free Pokemon Egg, a Roto-Phone, and a delectable package of goodies from the Morpheus Foundation.. It was just what he needed, especially since he burnt a lot of Pokedollars already. First on advanced payments on his apartment's rent, then after that on a plane ticket here. Though maybe he wasn't as excited at the idea of getting a Pokemon Egg. Don't get him wrong, he was very appreciative that the region was so welcoming to foreigners. And the fact that they were willing to include him in their festival's traditions was great. But..

Look, Garamond was a fantastic aid. Primarily because he was loyal, but also because he was very very low maintenance. It was hard to screw up caring for a sentient trash bag. Provided Vinny wasn't cruel, he was basically in the clear. But an egg? A baby Pokemon? He.. was not so sure he was a responsible enough person to properly care for one. So he was on the fence about that. What he was not on the fence about was the idea of getting a free Roto-Phone.

So the moment the crowd dispersed, Vinny was ready to get his goodie bag. Though he slowed down halfway through his departure, sparing enough time to consider that, with the Prof himself traveling this year.. Maybe it'd be good to cozy up to him, pal around a little. See if there was a scoop there. Plus the CEO Of Morpheus was right there.. Who knew when he'd get a chance like that again? It came down to which felt like a more pressing issue. Get his hands on the Morpheus care package before supplies ran out, a guaranteed thing he knew he would receive.. Or risk it for an interview he might not get.

Ugh, screw it. He wasn't gonna win any awards by sitting and waiting for a story to come to him. An exclusive interview with Cassandra Stern was a chance he had to take. Even if he got shot down, at least he'd try. Working up the courage, he approaches the makeshift stage. Hurried, but ensuring he didn't look frantic (last time he tried to rush towards a celebrity, their bodyguard's Throh tossed him like a ragdoll). "Ms. Stern! Ms. Stern! Vinny Verdana with the Castelia Crown. Is there time in your busy schedule for an interview?" The crown was not a name anyone would recognize, as it was a two person freelance journalist 'company. One of the two was in fact listed as a Service Pokemon on the documents.

Vinny, while he did his research best as he was able, was unaware that the CEO had.. a negative view of journalists and paparazzi from prior experiences. So he was clueless to the fact that he might not be getting all that positive a reply.
Apologies for the double post, but a few announcements:

1.) I am TENTATIVELY putting the start date as Wednesday, 7/24. I'm still waiting to hear back from Enzayne on the matter but the start date should be roughly soon, but it could be sooner or later. But just an FYI.

2.) I decided to change my stance on the rules regarding moves. This is how it's going to work:

Instead of Tier _ = Rank _ Moves Only (ex: Tier 1 = Rank 1 Moves Only) rule which I had before, I'm going to have it be based on the Pokemon's levels. So, instead we get...

This way allows it not to be too rigid and allows some variety at certain thresholds. Some Pokemon will have better moves to learn then others at certain points (some earlier than others), but they can be compensated with TMs. And speaking of TMs, some point soon I am going to list the TMs we'll be using on the front page. Mostly, they'll be based off of Scarlet & Violet's TMs, but I will allow TMs from previous games to be available, I just need to know which ones people want.

3.) Bug, Fairy, Fighting, and Dark Gym leader profiles are currently not up-to-date/accurate in regards to the Pokemon moves, but I'm keeping it up for now since it gives people an idea of what to expect, at least. Steel Gym Leader's Pokemon teams should be up semi-soon.

And I believe that's it for now. Really looking forward to the start of the RP! :)

Right on! Looking forward to us starting, but if it ends up being behind the loose schedule don't sweat it. On another note, I went ahead and edited Garamond's sheet to resemble how the gym leaders had their pokemon (with move descriptions included, instead of just the move names).

<Snipped quote by GubGar>

He's beautiful! And I love Garamond. Add him to the front page whenever you're ready!


So, I'll have to check but we might have ONE more person joining us, possibly. But since we have most of the profiles in, when would you guys like to start?

Edit: Added "The Tragic Case of Charlotte Atlas-Stern" to the Lore section of the front page. Not too much new information, but sums up the event decently.

Edit(x2): Added the berry list to the "Discoverable Items" list on the front page. Some of them I added/changed their effects but it's nothing too spicy.

Thanks! Glad he's good to go. As for starting time, I'm really game whenever. I wouldn't be against waiting for the potential fourth, and I wouldn't be against starting before either.
Think he's ready to ship out!

If folks are game for two that sounds good to me, I agree with @c3p-0h's comment about being a bit flexible with it. But if that's too much effort I've got no issue with going with the first path, it seems like it would work just fine.

As far as Pokemon cries go, I have no preference one way or another.

On another note, I've got some solid progress on my character, hopefully I'll drop either today or tomorrow.
Honestly I think I might just play it straight “wanna be the very best like no one ever was” because I can’t think of any creative concepts lmao.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. There's a reason it works!
Tossing around a few ideas at the moment as I start work on my sheet. Considering being an independent journalist traveling to the region in search for a good story. Thinking maybe his goal is to make it through the League Tournament in order to try and get an exclusive interview with the Starry Prince.
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