@Rune_Alchemist@BrokenPromise@Crimson Paladin
Reinhardt's eyes continued to scan the surrounding forest for threats as the group of knights made their way toward the keep where the the Great Wyvern had been slain. Raising his head, Elias inhaled deeply as if to pull the winds themselves into his lungs. There it was, the smell of Dragons; fresh enough to cause concern, yet faint enough for the breeze barely carry it. Whatever the source-- it was likely very far off, and unlikely to be a threat. The group had experienced a largely peaceful journey thus far-- but after his failings during the previous mission in the region, the Knight considered any lapse in his guard an open invitation for the same disasters to befall the retinue once more.
Even with the Queen present, he couldn't let himself relax this time--
Especially with the Queen present-- he couldn't dare lower his guard by even the slightest; not even for a moment...
A sudden movement broke Reinhardt from his silent vigil; his hand nearly going to his sword before realizing it was nothing more than an eccentric craftswomen... Perhaps some kind of blacksmith? Even if his guess was correct, she donned the strangest blacksmithing garb he'd ever seen... Though admittedly he'd seen very few blacksmiths apart from his Uncle beyond simply reading about them in books. Elias' eyes carefully scrutinized the Woman; observing her from toe to tip before doing the same for the strange construction behind her.
"The inheritance of Sigurd's gifts can manifest in different; sometimes even strange ways." he answered flatly; concerned over why such a question might be posed, "But yes. I myself am blessed by the blood of my forefather with both strength, and sturdiness."
Before he could inquire as to why such was currently relevant-- Luana posed another question; causing him to stiffen for the briefest of moments.
"I was briefly incapacitated." Reinhardt responded curtly, peering over his shoulder to stare at the Druid; his brow slightly raised.