Name: Platinum 'Plat' Kray
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5 foot 7
Weight: 140 pounds
Clothing Style: Plat can often be seen wearing dark, practical clothing. Practical in the sense that it's not baggy, but that's all it really is in terms of practicality. She almost always wears her brother's old jacket, which has had the sleeves taken up to fit her better.
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Blue
Plat carries a pair of
gun gauntlets. The gauntlets have extendable claws which, in turn, double as gun barrels. The gun is akin to that of an assault rifle, firing in short controlled bursts in most cases, with spray only being used in dire situations.
Plat is able to manipulate metals and alloys at will. Her manipulation mostly takes the shape of long threads of metal wire. These strands of wire can be used for multiple situations, such as using them as a grappling hook, using them to whip or trap an enemy or even to protect herself by creating a small shield of the wire. However, she can also just use whatever metal object she chooses for other purposes, for example using a door as a shield, although the bigger an object is the more energy it takes.
Dust: Plat does not use dust.
- Athletic - Skilled in parkour
- Skilled boxer, which helps with the use of her gauntlets
- Loyal
- Compassionate
- Cocky
- Easily Angered
- Arrogant
- Plays the drums
- Rather good at Remnant: The Board Game
Plat was born and bred in Vale. Her father, a lumberjack, owned a wealthy paper making and tree cutting company that supplied much of the tree based items to all of the kingdoms. As a result, the family were rather wealthy, but being the traditional man he was, Plat' father had the family living most of the time in log cabins rather than high class estates.
Plat's father had always intended for his two children to go into the lumber trade in one way or another. Someone needed to take over the business after he was gone, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be his shareholders. Unfortunately for him they were both a bit more adventurous than he had anticipated. Plat' brother, Jesse, had become a hunter around the time that Plat turned 9, and this inspired her to follow in his foot steps.
It was also at this point that a character changing event happened in her life. Because of her vaguely cushy upbringing, she grew up with an almost innate sense of arrogance. This led to her becoming somewhat of a bully in her school, something which she never realised until she saw the effects of her actions. She changed almost immediately, growing into a more compassionate person albeit still keeping her arrogance.
He became vaguely well known in the Hunter world for his skills in sword play and his keen eye for danger. He was far too modest to do anything with this fame though and as a result he only became known in certain circles throughout Vale and beyond, but to Plat he was as big a celebrity as any. She idolized him, thinking he was the coolest thing since the invention of Hunters.
Throughout the years she grew up with the dream of becoming a hunter based on this idolization of her brother. Things changed a little around the time that she was 14 though. This was at the point in which her brother died, killed by Grimm in an accident no one could have expected. Not much was released to the public or Plat' family about the death, but a close friend of her brother revealed all there was to know to the family. He was blinded the day previous, and on the way back was attacked by Grimm. He was killed mercilessly, and the friend suspected foul play was at hand. All that was left was the jacket he always wore, which Plat took as her own in remembrance.
The death made Plat give up her dream for a short while. She would go days without speaking or eating, only grieving over her brother's death. Things began getting better as time went on, but it was about a year later that she went back to normal, and another half year after that before she began considering becoming a hunter once more. By the time she was 16, he was once again dedicated to becoming a hunter, with the intent of using the skills she learns as one to avenge her brother and find out the true cause of his death.
Character Theme: Bloody Mary. In the same way that Bloody Mary, or Mary Tudor suffored a great deal of loss throughout her life, Plat has done the same and the metaphorical blood on her hands is no longer red but now silver. Along with this, her father often discouraged her from being a hunter, both for his lumber business and for his fear of her death, in the same way as Mary Tudor, Plat feels somewhat wronged by this.
Other: Jaune is the best