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I'd be interested in making a CS for this if it's still starting?
Just finished my app! Just as a heads up I'm going to be in Prague from tomorrow until this Sunday so I'll have limited access to the internet. I'll keep checking my phone though and will reply when I can!
Just writing a draft CS now! Just to clarify, is "Student Synopsis" our bio?
Definitely interested!
Hey! Great video. I also make fan music videos on youtube! Just as a word of advice I'm not sure what software you're using but if you enable "Stretch to fill frame" and disable "Maintain output aspect ratio" the video will fill the whole frame rather than having the letterbox format. I also tend to get my source footage by pirating the full film from piratebay usually as an MKV file and then using Handbrake to convert that into an MP4 so I can use it with Sony Vegas. This keeps the framerate up and stops it from looking choppy while also maintaining full quality and makes it look a bit better when stretched out of the original output ratio. Again really cool video I hope my advice doesn't come off as criticism!!
Hey! This looks really interesting and I've been looking for something a bit more modern/slice of life! My only concern is that I don't actually watch much TV and I've never really watched police/detective shows other than The Sinner. Do you think this would be a problem if I were to apply? Totally fine if you think so I won't take offence!
In TITANS 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

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