Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Jedi archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Born on the tropical world Ylesia in Outer Rim of the galaxy, Kyla's parents were both slaves, as such so was she, being born into it. Her father labored away in the spice mines, while her mother served as a household servant who cleaned the retreats which wealthy tourists frequented on the beautiful world. The family was owned by Nirla the Hutt of clan Besadii, a particularly brutal and cruel slaver. Her early life was particularly rough, in the years before the Jedi found her. As a young child she frequently spent time on the streets, scavenging, scrounging and fighting for any food she could find. Her parents gave her all the love they could give as slaves. Her mother frequently came home with whip marks on her back after she made mistakes in her duties, her father equally beaten as he was worked almost to the death in the spice mines. Neither of them wanted this life for their daughter.
At the age of seven they made a plan, sneaking out in the middle of the night they stowed away Kyla on one of the visiting vessels to the planet. Her mother had discovered it belonged to a wealthy merchant. Though her parents did not know where it was headed, anywhere but Ylesia was good. Unable to go with her, they bid a quiet farewell and ran back to the slave barracks. Kyla spent the night tucked in the engineering section of the ship, staying as quiet as possible. The next morning she felt the ship rise from the ground and leave the planet, venturing to parts she did not know. On her journey through the stars Kyla tried to remain calm, despite being more terrified than she had ever been. Tears seeped down her face as the ship rocketed through hyperspace, crying silently as it would be the last time she ever saw her family.
As she felt the ship dock, the hungry, weak little girl forced herself to her feet. She wandered out of the sweltering engineering deck, nearly getting lost in the docked vessel. Miraculously she found the exit, stumbling out of the ramp and onto the floor of the docks. Several people ran over to her, finding the famished Kyla clad in dirty rags collapsed on the floor. Too weak to walk. The girl had been transported to the glorious capitol of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant. A Coruscant policeman scooped her up in his arms and brought Kyla to the nearest hospital. It seemed luck had finally been on her side.
Kyla was cared for well by the hospital staff, she would make a full recovery. The merchant whose ship she had stowed away upon was questioned, but had no idea she was even on his ship. After her hospital stay, she was put through refugee processing on Coruscant. The Jedi always monitored this system in case of Force sensitive arrivals to the world, Kyla was picked out and approached by a Jedi Recruiter. Promised a better life than what she had, Kyla was brought to the Jedi Temple on the world. The bustling, loud and chaos of Coruscant was something new to the young girl. Ylesia was by no means a quiet world, but it was certainly not a planet wide city full of constant noise, lights and action. She found it difficult to sleep her first few weeks on this new world. The Jedi helped her, calming the nervous and abused girl.
A fighter back on her homeworld, where she often had to struggle on the streets, Kyla had to get used to the Jedi way which preached peace, knowledge and rejected aggression. As an initiate she showed innate talent with a lightsaber blade, a major reason why she was apprenticed to the accomplished Jedi Knight Ello Sobaaks. The Mirialan would be her first and only master, a wise but adventurous man, he'd be the main person who shaped Kyla from a scared ex slave girl to an accomplished Jedi. The Great Galactic War had begun the year of Kyla's arrival to Coruscant, and it seemed destiny would one day beckon her to fight in it. Her master was cautious with this, keeping her out of the conflict for the first decade of her tutelage under him. During this time she accompanied him on many missions, often tasked with stopping pirates, raiders and slavers. Combat oriented assignments that would foreshadow the marital type of Jedi she'd grow into.
As these years rolled along Kyla grew, in skill but also as an individual. The angry, rebellious slave girl was fading away. She found peace within the Force, using her intense thoughts and wretched memories as motivation to move on and become a greater person, a better Jedi. During sparring sessions she practiced endlessly, to the point where her entire body ached yet still she pushed on. Not settling until she had perfected every single move her stern master instructed her to display. Master Sobaaks often took her to beautiful worlds in which she could test herself in nature, allowing herself to find a serenity within it. He'd make her scale mountains, run through tree tops and swim across rivers. Looking back at it she saw it as a way for her master to show her the enthralling sides of the galaxy, before she was brought into war and forever changed.
At eighteen years of age the duo entered the war. There were no amount of words that Master Sobaaks could tell her which would prepare her for what she was about to go through. Still he tried his best, and they were deployed in the Minos Cluster Campaign. Perhaps the most chaotic and unpredictable sector of the war. Initially the Sith Empire had hold on the sector, and as such Kyla was often deployed in raids on Sith locations across the star system. Facing down the Sith was unlike anything she had ever done. Intensely fierce and brutal in their methods and demeanor, she did not allow herself to feel any fear as she faced their warriors for the first time. Her master had taught her well, and she was already a strong swordsman. Due to this talent she was placed in the heart of battle, where she found herself bonding with many of the Republic soldiers she fought alongside.
The Republic began to collect more wins than defeats as the years went by, Master Sobaaks ensured that Kyla did not lose herself in the conflict, and would take her on leave to more peaceful parts of the galaxy. She suffered her share of scars, injuries and defeats during the war. A nasty broken left arm from a bad fall left her out of commission for some time. But she did not allow such injuries to hold her back, only using them as motivation to train harder. Her master spoke confidently of her, how much growth she had shown ever since he took the then scared young slave girl under his wing. At the age of twenty two she was elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight following the completion of her Jedi trials. It was the proudest moment of her life.
A week later she launched herself back into the war, this time on her own. She continued to participate in raids and missions across the Minos Cluster, after roughly two years on her own she was brought before the Council and asked to take a padawan of her under her tutelage. A headstrong Nautolan teenaged padawan Yinn Viinged had found himself without a master, having watched his mentor be cut down in battle by a Sith lord. Though nervous, Kyla took the shaken padawan as her apprentice. She echoed her own former master's teaching methods, taking the boy away from the brutalities of war. She counseled the turbulent padawan, doing her best to push him towards growth both as a person and as a Jedi. Yinn had potential within him to become someone great. For three years she took him around the galaxy, occasionally embarking on combat oriented missions, but spacing them with less stress filled adventures.
Eventually she decided to return to war with Yinn, a decision which she would soon regret. The first two battles they fought in together went well. Yinn showed a talent with a lightsaber, and did not allow his emotions to dictate his actions. Kyla still remembers how the padawan had saved her life on the battlefield, cutting down a trio of heavily armed Sith troopers which had gotten a flank on her. Things were going swimmingly, until an ill fated mission on Yelsain. The duo had been tasked with taking down a Sith war droid factory on the forest world. Located deep in the dense, lush jungles of the oxygen rich world the factory littered the atmosphere with thick smoke. Forced to trek through the forests, backed by three squads of troopers, the Jedi made a beeline for the factory. Thunderstorms echoed above them, brightening the darkened jungles with each spectacular flash of lightning.
The defenses of the factory were lighter than expected, and after a brief firefight they all found themselves inside the building, planting explosives throughout it. As Kyla freed the workers, local people forced to toil away in brutal conditions she sensed an unnerving presence. The windows seemed to explode as dozens of Sith soldiers stormed the factory, having arrived under the cover of night awaiting the Republic strike force. Flanked by several Sith warriors, they outnumbered the Republic and Jedi three to one. Kyla sprang into action, as Yinn did the same. For a brief time it seemed they would persevere, then Yinn crumbled to the floor as a particularly menacing Sith drove his lightsaber through the young man's ribcage. Kyla screamed in shock, flinging herself at the Sith warrior. It was a rare moment in which she had allowed her emotions to overwhelm her.
As she swung wildly at the Sith, overwhelming him, she sliced his arm clean off below the elbow. Standing over him with her lightsaber ready to put him down, Kyla began to strike, but stopped herself at the very last second. This recovery to the Jedi way would be her greatest mistake as it allowed another Sith to toss her against the wall, knocking her out cold. She'd awaken a short time later strapped in the cargo hold of a Sith ship, awakening as their prisoner. The very same Sith she had disarmed cockily approached her, and informed her she was going to be processed, made into something greater. She was to be turned into a wretched Sith, they intended to break her and pull her to the dark side. Kyla was placed on a cell on a dark and cold desert world, far from the Republic. She could hear the screams of other unlucky prisoners echo through the hallways as she was brought to her cell. Other Jedi, Republic soldiers, prisoners of war the Sith had taken for their nefarious wants.
The four months she spent as a Sith prisoner of war was the worst time of her life, even more excruciating than her childhood years as a slave. Kyla was routinely beaten, whipped, burnt and tortured. Physical torture was but one part of it, she was forced to undergo harsh psychological torture as well. The ways of the Jedi were questioned, mocked and dragged through the dirt by the Sith. They did terrible things to her, made her watch as they tortured and mutilated captured Republic soldiers as well as Jedi. Reminded her of all the soldiers under her command she had let die. Kyla never let herself fall, any moment of peace she had she forced herself to meditate on the light side of the Force. Even as her body ached with pain and her emotions raged inside of her. Left in darkness, spit upon and savaged by the brutal Sith she was meant to break, instead it only drove her to persevere.
As she sat curled on the cold floor of her cell she heard blaster fire echo through the prison, her door slammed upon and she was greeted by the face of a Republic soldier. The soldier cut off her chains, then carried Kyla in his arms out of the cell. She was in a similar state to how she had arrived on Coruscant. Extremely weak and malnourished. Her back was dotted with whip marks, other bruises danced across her body and burns sat on her arms. The Sith had done a number on her. But she had survived without bending or breaking. She was brought back to Coruscant, where her recovery really began. Kyla would return to her former strength, if you asked her she'd state she had grown even stronger having had her commitment to the light truly tested. She had come dangerously close to embracing her anger, fear and want for revenge but stayed true to the Jedi way.
Kyla elected to stay out of the war as its final years went by. She did not allow herself to take another padawan, Yinn's death still a constant thing on her conscience. She found more guidance in the light side, focusing even more intensely on her skill with the lightsaber. Free to do as she pleased Kyla would drill herself to get better, wanting to be one of greatest swordsman in the order. She'd resume her rigorous training, the scars on her body a motivation of their own. Kyla was not on Coruscant when the temple was sacked, though she had friends who perished in the desperate attack by the Sith. As the war officially ended the Order was left in chaos and confusion. Kyla stepped forward, and was elevated to Jedi master. Finding herself on the council as the Jedi formally relocated to their ancient homeworld of Tython, Kyla realized she had more to do than ever before.
She was appointed Jedi Battlemaster for the Tython temple. An immense honor, but one that she had truly earned. Thinking back at her beginnings, she cracked a genuine smile at the scared little girl she was when she first stepped foot within the hallowed temple of the Jedi. All the hard work had paid off. As the Tython temple grew, Kyla too grew into her new highly important role. She personally tutored multiple Jedi in the ways of lightsaber combat, as well as assisting to teach younglings in the weapon which would be they would wield for the rest of their lives. More recently shes's taken San Anin as her padawan, promising to teach the girl right. The decision to take on a padawan was one she did not think lightly. Having searched her inner self, Kyla knows that she is finally ready to take another as her apprentice. She has grown since the last time, and it is on her to help the Order grow back to its former glory.