SynopsisThe rulers of the Iron Islands, House Greyjoy been in this capacity since Aegon's Conquest, following the extinction of House Hoare. They are the most powerful house in the rough Iron Islands. Their strength coming more in naval presence than soldiers. The Iron Fleet is perhaps the largest fleet in Westoros, boosting over 100 ships. Their manpower stands estimated at 15,000 men.
Head of HouseEldred Greyjoy
DemesneHouse Greyjoy rules over the harsh Iron Islands off the west coast of Westoros. Notable bannermen include houses Botley, Harlaw, Goodbrother, Merlyn, Sunderly, Stonehouse, Tawney and Wynch.
Recent HistoryDuring the War of the Five Kings the Greyjoys were greatly affected and changed forever. Lord Balon Greyjoy attempted another return to the Old Way in the chaos of war, while the evil Euron Greyjoy returned from his exile. Balon was killed and Euron took the seastone chair at the kingsmoot, intending to control a dragon and lead the Greyjoys to glory. Balon's son Theon was castrated by the vile Ramsay Bolton, then fell honorably fighting the Others. Euron raids the Reach, but is repelled by the combined Reach fleet forces. Then making a pact with Queen Cersei Lannister, he along with the Iron Fleet faces Daenerys and her forces in battle. Lord Euron perishes in flames, sinking with his ship, Silence below the waves. Lady Asha Greyjoy, Balon's only living child is crowned the first ever Lady of the Iron Island following Euron's death, and she immediately bends the knee to Queen Daenerys.
Lady Asha was the first Greyjoy to push for major reforms, a process pushed by Queen Daenerys. The Ironborn no longer would ever raid Westoros, any that did would have their ships taken, titles stripped and be exiled from the land. At first resistance to this change was strong, there was talk of an uprising and a disposing of Lady Asha. But a 'visit' from Daenerys and her dragon soundly ended these rumors. The Ironborn for the most part fell in line to Asha's rule. She still allowed them raid beyond Westoros and to take salt wives, but pushed for better treatment of them alongside thralls. As to appease the dragon queen.
Lady Asha would marry Trister Botley, her childhood friend. Together they would have 2 children, chiefly her future successor, Theon, named after her late brother. Much of Asha's rule would focus on restoration of the great Iron Fleet as well as improving relations with the other kingdoms of Westoros. The North being a particular focus, the Iron Islands committing men and ships to assist in the rebuilding of the nation. She also had a strong friendship with Queen Daenerys, a relationship that would aid the Greyjoys greatly later under Daenerys' rule. Asha serving as the Queen's master of ships for some time, she would die in 322 after a heart attack.
Ascending to rule was her eldest son, Theon II. He would marry Ranel Volmark and have four children. Theon continued his mother's work, focusing on strengthening relations across the Seven Kingdoms. He'd also notably put down an attempted uprising led by Lords Erich Drumm and Fralegg Wynch. A bold attempt to overthrow the Greyjoys and bring back the Old Way in full force. The rebellion was quickly stomped but would have a profound effect on Lord Theon. He pushed for the building of large fishing vessels, they were surrounded by the ocean and its plentiful supply of sea-life to catch, eat and sell. It was time they truly took advantage of it. Meanwhile, his eldest son Harmund Greyjoy sailed the east. Making stops at ports across and near Essos. But it was not to raid, rather exploration. He'd land on Ib, finding himself on the Port of Ibben. There Harmund would study the strong whaling vessels of the Ibbenese. An inspiration for his own rule as lord of the Iron Islands.
Harmund would take the seastone chair following the deaths of both of his parents. As they had tragically drowning at sea during a great storm. Lord Harmund would be the greatest reformer the Iron Islands had seen yet. He'd institute the creation of great whaling ships, expand the mining of metals on the islands and make trade his top focus. Under his rule the Ironborn would reach a lumber trade agreement with the Baratheons, developing a respectable relationship between their houses. Another strong relationship with the Lannisters would be established, in which it was promised his eldest son would marry a Lannister girl. The Greyjoys became much wealthier under his ruling, due in large part to the trading. A notable common agreement was that the Ironborn would build ships for other houses in exchange for gold and resources. He'd marry Eyla Goodbrother and have three children.
When Queen Daenerys was captured by the wicked Aegon Velaryon the Greyjoys were one of the first houses to action. Leading the Iron Fleet, Harmund and his ironborn soldiers would hit the Stepstones hard. At the first battle of the Stepstones Rebellion Harmund and his men would personally rescue the Queen. For their noble service to the realm all of the Ironborn which personally saved her were promptly knighted. Harmund was named the new Master of Ships, which was made a formal regency under her rule, deeming him Warden of the Stepstones. While met with criticism and even outcry by some, it was a great honor to the Greyjoys and a recognition of how much more influential they'd become.
Lord Harmund would die in 376, after contracting a terrible disease. On his deathbed he would name his second son, Eldred as his heir. Instead of his first son, Dalton, who Harmund had a complicated relationship with and a poor opinion of. Lord Eldred would continue the progress his father had made, and though young followed his father's role as master of ships.
Realm RelationsHouse Targaryen - Beginning with a strong relationship between the dragon Queen and Lady Asha Greyjoy, the Greyjoys have always respected Queen Daenerys' wishes with the Iron Islands. Their relationship strengthened following the Stepstones Rebellion as Greyjoy forces, led by Lord Harmund personally rescued the Queen. Every single Ironborn that saved her was knighted and Harmund was bestowed control of the Stepstones and the role of master of ships. A role and title his son, Eldred has also received. The two houses share a strong bond.
House Baratheon - A strong trade relationship exists between the two houses, and has existed for some time now. Fostered by Lord Harmund and continued by Lord Eldred, the Greyjoys get much of the wood used to build ships from the Baratheons. The Greyjoy rule of the Stepstones has only made this trading easier. A relationship of respect exists between the two houses outside of the trade agreement, but is not much more than that.
House Lannister - Harmund Greyjoy made it a priority to develop a strong relationship with the wealthy Lannisters of the westerlands. There is a friendly dialogue between the two houses, and the current lord Eldred is soon to be marrying --- Lannister. This marriage will be an ultimate symbol of the strength of Greyjoy - Lannister relations.
House Hightower - Euron Greyjoy raided, pillaged and attacked the Reach's coast during his brief rule of the Iron Islands. Every following Greyjoy ruler has attempted to reconcile relations between the two houses but the Hightowers have not budged, not forgetting the past and Greyjoy's checkered history.
House Velaryon - The Stepstones Rebellion was a turning point for negative relations between the Greyjoys and Velaryons. Once the favored naval power by Queen Daenerys, the Velaryons' rule of the Stepstones was stripped and given to the Greyjoys. As was the master of ship's role which had been the Velaryon's for some time. Relations are tense, with Lord Eldred being cautious and watchful of Velaryons.
House Mormont - There is no official relationship between the Mormonts and Greyjoys, but history has not been positive concerning it. The Greyjoys of the past fought the Mormonts before. Though this is no more than observations concerning the past. There is opportunity for positive relations should an attempt be made.
House Stark - TBA
Storyline PremiseHated by many throughout Westoros for generations, the Greyjoys are in a place of reform. A motion first started by Lady Asha Greyjoy but amplified greatly by Lord Harmund Greyjoy. A push to fully leave behind raiding and the Old Way in favor of a greater focus on becoming a true great house of Westoros. Embracing in particular trade and integrating themselves in with the strongest houses of the land. A betrothal between Lord Eldred and (insert name here) Lannister is a positive sign for this progress. There is still some push back, particularity by Dalton Greyjoy, brother of Lord Eldred who has only recently returned to the Iron Islands. A conflict which will decide the ultimate fate of the house.
The Greyjoys will decide their path, aligning themselves with potentially the next ruling house in a position of power, becoming one of the greatest houses in Westoros. Or if Dalton wins out then another attempt at independence and a return to the Old Way.
Family tree (subject to change)